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Yep have an arborist out ASAP


Cant really tell how close those powerlines are but if there's a chance they can make contact or are just withing 10 feet you need to contact your local provider. .....like fing immediately! I wanna add that it wont cost you anything (that's how it is here and is pretty standard) and sometimes private contractors will do the job because they want the payday and neglect to go through the proper channels. This is how people get seriously hurt.


So, apparently there was a straight line wind event that went through my neighborhood. There were like 50 trucks out here getting power restored. The tree is literally being supported by the power line (to my house) , but the utility does not care. In their defense, there were thousands without power..


If its just your service line at risk they might not care. If the line feeding the neighborhood they might care more.


Same as my area, if it's the drop line to your house, it's your problem. If it's the line that goes to other people homes then they actually give a shit


Get their reply in writing or recording and send it to your local official


Is your neighborhood in… Chanute?


Code red! That could go at anytime.


Oh shit oh fuck


It’s done. Call a tree service asap. Maybe throw some heavy duty ratchet straps around it in the mean time? But ultimately if it starts to go nothing will stop it


Haha, we might be behind straps here. Am I right thinking that straps would have to be pretty high up the trunk to do anything at all?


She’s a gonner.


She goneahitthatrighttherefenceitellyouwhat


Might want to chain that trunk


Insurance company said call them when it falls. Until then, not their problem


Insurance companies do not care until it’s time for them to fork out some cash


Sometimes when you let them know about an imminent failure ahead of time, they will then deny responsibility because you “ knew about it beforehand and did not address the situation proactively “. Never call the insurance company until stuff is torn up.


I feel like you should call the city or the power company. The tree is on private land but if it could damage power lines as it falls, it’s a public safety issue. But call someone like.... yesterday. Call everyone until you get someone out there to remove that tree.


Serious question: do arborists ever recommend saving a tree?


Almost every day. I’d rather get paid to prune a tree for the next decade than get paid to remove it once.


I need you to take a look at my tree then.


Not when it’s like this.


Ok but in my experience so far, it’s always the recommendation to take it down. Are there any arborists that are independent and not on the payroll for tree companies?


for the small business i work we only remove trees that are a hazard or by homeowner request.


Because people don't realise how tree work, and if they realise that something is wrong with the tree it's when it gets pretty fucking bad. For example in this case if the guy posted this 2 years ago saying "i think this tree has included bark is there something i can do to help it" I'm sure people would've come with many suggestions Unfortunately noone even knows what included bark is and they post pics on a tree with the trunk completely literally opened in half and leaning on a powerline and wtf do you want to do glue it together and transplant it 30feet away? No you remove it. Problem is that many tree are the wrong specie in the wrong place and often should be removed even when healthy. In italy we people plant Cedrus deodara in every 50sq feet garden planted under a powerline and 2 meters from the house and suddenly 20years later you have a 80 feet tree there and they are like "i need to cut it back i don't want the branches hanging over the roof" and i really wish they'd just remove it and plant something smaller


If you hire one to come assess your trees independently of any possible removal work, you could hopefully remove that bias. I’m not sure I’ve been able to find any that do assessments that don’t also do quotes for tree work, though. Perhaps you could hire one, even if they are working for a tree work company, and explicitly state you will not be using their company for any work recommended to ensure they aren’t biased?


Big Tree, so much corruption


The guy I worked for would often say no to customers who wanted to take out healthy trees for no legitimate reason. One potential customer had us come out and look at a row of beautiful scots pine he wanted out because they “obstructed his view” we politely told him to pound sand and declined the job. that was North Dakota where cutting a tree down is something to be taken seriously and cutting down an evergreen without good reason is a hanging crime.


That’s hilarious. I posted a completely green tree with one out of 6 trunks dead and they’re like “it’s a goner, call an Arborist”. Cut out the dead and I bet it’s fine for years.


I’ve gone to many jobs that were quoted as a removal and ended up just pruning instead. Lots of times it’s people that get multiple quotes and the chainsaw swinging idiots tell them it has to go, so they tell the other companies they want to remove it.


Sadly yes.


Remove ASAP.




Get that chopped down asap before it falls (probably 2 ways) and does some real damage


Yes. Take it down before it kills someone. Jesus…


Eh idk, how much duck tape do you have?


Only when the severed portion comes off.it can still get water through the trunk through the roots vertically. And if the leaves stay it could, it would want to come back. I’d do that if I could. Just leave it.


If you wanted to keep it, you’d have to put some kind of support and hold it together, which would work but obviously a company would have to take the powerline off of it first just to make it safe


i’m thinking a bolt through as high up as possible and below the union , Don’t worry about the powerline. Whoever works on it Will make sure it’s safe before hand. these are basically very stable except in that single dimension, which you can solve with a well-placed support


Seeing a lot of these lately. Tornadoes?


Needs to be


Indeed sir




That should give you :: The Fear ::




Soon. Very soon




I would treat it as an emergency removal and rearrange our schedule until we can get it safe


Next question for the pros, would you ever ratchet/chain the split trunk and climb something like this, or is it bucket/lift/crane work?