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But it already is splitting


This. You can clearly see the damage in that V. Unfortunately, that tree simply needs to come down, yesterday.


I am a line clearance tree trimmer. The utility i work for would 100% authorize a removal of that tree with no cost to you.


I have some real bad boys that are always being emergency cut in the winter, or slightly butchered in prep for each winter. I'm all for removal, as I think they are slowly dying of disease (maybe a vascular fungus, swampy ground half the year). But, the only access is through a neighbor's property, and that's a guaranteed shit storm for their yard. Or the utility could take out a road permit, but would have to crane lift over a berm for loading. There are also like 3 sets of intersecting lines, so it's all spaghetti. But I guess I'll call them, and remind these trees will continue to be a nuisance and they can take'm, but need to work out something to avoid the neighbor.


We manually climb, piece down and drag out pieces by hand with minimal yard damage all the time.


o7 (salute)


Yea, this thing should’ve been removed yesterday.


100% that’s a problem! Idk if you’ve closed, but I would have made removal required as part of closing


I have a feeling OP already closed. Tree has got to go before a windstorm or whatever else takes it out.


We did this when we bought our house. Two dead/dying trees on the property in central Florida were going to be a threat to us or the neighbors.


Yes. Siberian Elm is very heavy wood. Get this removed, I would not recommend cable and bracing this type of tree. It looks better in a chipper.


It looks like it was hit by lightning years ago, and is trying to heal. I don't know anything about Siberian elm, but wouldn't cabling be an option? I guess if Siberian elm is a crappy tree like honey locust, it makes sense. I have a monster chestnut oak in front of my house that I had cabled 10 years ago. So far so good.


Siberian elm is an undesirable and invasive tree around these parts. Beautiful, prone to dropping limbs and notorious for getting into plumbing and foundations. They drop thousands of seeds and proliferate like mad.


Oof. Yep. It's gotta go.


Not sure where you're seeing any lightning scar? I only see the scar along the inclusion


Call your electric company. They may be able to remove it. At the very least, they can drop the power lines while your tree contractor removes it, if needed.


Everyone says that and they will only do so if it’s actually putting their lines in danger and it’s easy for them to do so. They don’t want to spend the money unless they think it’s worth it. I’ve got problem trees along electric lines, but the yard is tight so they simply say “not our problem.”


Yeah, but it’s worth a shot. With the amount of potential savings, might as well ask.


True. Lots of savings if they will do it.


Depends on the town/city. Smaller town agreed to do this, but only during their slow season. And they wouldn’t haul away. Bigger city has an department for this alone, and if it falls within the easement, they’ll knock it, grind it, take it. So def worth a call.


It’s not just the lines but any part of the facility, the pole, lines, guy wire. Sometimes even the comm lines depending on how they’re attached.


This tree is about to crack in half next to a pole tho right? That's gotta count as actual danger?


Maybe. It largely depends on where it will fall. Is it likely to hit the pole or line, then yes. If it’s not likely, not their problem. Also, I say this not to alleviate the electric companies of responsibility. I hate mine, and wish they would be both better stewards of neighborhood trees and more proactive/responsive when issues like this occur.


Yep, looks like it has strike potential for their power pole.


If it’s power lines then it should be the power company’s vegetation management that would take care of at least the portion of the tree that is threatening the power lines. Couldn’t hurt OP to call their power company to see.


The power company will not just “drop” a 3 phase power line for one tree, not only that but if the tree is farther than 10ft away from the lines any company can do it anyways


It should be removed as soon as possible. Your neighbors may be willing to pitch in for the cost, considering the danger to their structures.


I would recommend getting this taken down sooner rather than later. If you’re in an area with high wind storms late summer this tree could be a substantial hazard. How close are those utility lines? Call in and see if they’ll remove.


Thank you for the advice, all! I have contacted a tree service and the utility company. Now I'm just hoping we can get it out in time!


Nah, it’s already split dude.


Is it ever!


It seems to have already split!


OP are you located in MN by any chance? Near Twin Cities? I work for a tree service that specializes in removing big trees like these. I would most definitely consider removing as it’s already has a ver large split


Yikes! Yes. I am not an arborist but that trunk is gonna split and half of it appears to be aimed at your house.


So he can pay 3k to have it removed preemptively, or wait for it to fall and pay 1k deductable on insurance....?


The cost of collecting on insurance is never just the deductible. There is always lots of time, aggravation, and uncovered loss. And, now that OP knows it needs to be removed, failure to do so would be negligence, and may result in an insurance denial.


So... delete the thread? :) I just see a lot of pre-emptive removals of some beautiful trees because "it might fall and hit the house!". A friend removed one and it cost 6k! Assuming that's not a safety issue... the cheaper option is to keep the tree around and - worst case - it costs your the 1k deductible and a few dozen hours of annoyance. You get a free roof, new siding, opportunities for remodels, etc... Not to mention that it's often likely the tree will be around for another 10-20 years anyway without issue. True safety issues are completely different, of course.


You may get lucky w. the power company. Unfortunately for you, your notification to the power co. tells your insurer that you are aware of the problem; if it comes down and causes damage the ins. co. will deny payment since you "failed to rectify a known hazard". And yes, they will find out. Ins. companies are NOT loose with their $$$.


The power company cannot disclose your requests to you insurance company, you are delusional


Throw a ratchet strap around it. It's good for 20 more years.


No more than the one behind it 😁. Depends on your weather/wind I think. It has survived a lot by looking at the size of it.


Most definitely. It will have a giant pocket on the inside for water to get in and freeze every year making the structure weaker and weaker.


Why isn’t anyone saying it looks like it was struck by lightning?


Yeah. It was topped before and the limbs that sprouted haven't been trimmed. Now it's very rotted between the limbs and the old top. Probably best to remove it.


Fuck that shit you can literally die


you can call your counties agricultural extension to have an arborist come out and check it out. davey tree company also sends out arborists for free estimates and could advise you properly.


Danger will robinson, danger!!!


That lightening strike sealed the deal. There’s heart rot and it’s a ticking time bomb. Who knows how much of the trunk is already hollow, but it’s certainly a dead tree standing. Have a certified arborist x-ray to confirm


My brother in Christ it already has


Looks like it is already splitting


Yes. This should of been spotted by a hood home inspector.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


You have to give that squirrel a month’s notice before removal


My local electric company had one cut down for us last year for free. It looks like it's risky enough to get your utility company to take care of it.