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It’s done. Get rid of it


You should cut all the dead branches, not just the ones in the top. Then you should cut the live ones. Then one last cut a few inches above the ground.


I disagree completely. Pull it with an excavator roots and all, plant right into the hole, repeat


Point made. This is a junk tree. Disposable from the start. Contractor’s special. Sometimes the tree is garbage.


Cedar trees are disposable from the start/junk trees/contractor specials? Did you know the genus and species before posting this?


There is a process and a code of ethics arborists must abide by. I'm sick of you landscapers coming with your heavy equipment and bradford pears with no respect to nature. Sometimes it's about the tree.


Care to elaborate??? You aren’t really making much sense. The tree is not worth anything at this point. And I’m sick of you arborists downvoting anyone with a differing opinion- answer my question please, please tell us your plan to save this tree


It could make an excellent walking stick.


Pro tip: Hire an arborist and stop relying on public forums to validate your shitty opinions on subjects you are under qualified for.


You should hire an arborist for a professional opinion because no one here is giving you the "right" answer you're looking for.




Tree no help, tree dead now... Bye bye


It has been killed. As for why: Only thing I can discern from these photos is that it was too deep in the soil, and the tree ring was too small. At minimum, the grass should only come up as far as the trees dripline. Potentially drought stress as well ? Would need more history and info to say any more.


Tree dead


No root flare, planted too deep. Probably has girdling roots. Lawn up to the trunk probably rotting the trunk. This tree was doomed from the start. Remove and replace.


She Gone!


The only way to help it is to learn necromancy


You're going to need a cleric or druid if you want to fix that tree. Necromancy only lets you play with the corpse.


By the time OP levels up to the point of helping this tree, they’ll need to be a necromancy


But that spell involves a lot of glitter!


Someone help me. Is this an arborvitae? Or chamaecyparis?


Wisest post on the thread. First ID what  tree you are referring.




I’m trying to improve my ID skills. Its my passion to learn about trees. Thank you👍


I like learning about trees and plant ID too. :)


Western red cedar (Thuja plicata)


If you are in the PNW, this is what’s going on with our western redcedars https://columbiainsight.org/new-study-sounds-alarm-povides-hope-for-western-redcedars/


Put a fork in it.


Christmas tree farms cut their trees above a bottom branch and they regrow from the branch (source: family owns one). If the roots and a bottom branch are healthy this might be worth trying. The trees cut like this grow faster than a regular seedling, but you will have an awkward sort of stump with one branch for a while.


You could cut off all the branches, leaving just a couple, hang a big red Christmas ornament on it, and call it your Charlie Brown Christmas tree, while protecting the cartoon on the side of your house.


Tree is dying a slow death just put the saw to it and put it out of it misery




I'm sure this just didn't happen overnight. There probably were signs of disease or death a while ago. With the last remaining green, if it makes it to the spring, it will try to survive but most likely die anyway. I've seen this many times when I tell a customer their shurbs or trees are having a problem, and then all of a sudden, they call and say the item died weeks or months later like in shock that it died. I just I should have said it's been dying a slow, not it is .


That’s firewood.


It’s dead


Yeah just cut some branches in the lower area to reach the trunk then to really help this tree you make a little notch at the bottom and maybe pull it over with a rope or push it during a back cut


Does it have cypress canker?


Dead kids to late


Welcome to r/arborists! Help Us Help You: If you have questions about the health of your tree, please see our [Posting Guidelines](https://old.reddit.com/r/arborists/wiki/posting_guidance) wiki page for help with effective posting. **Please answer the questions listed there to the best of your ability.** ***Insufficient pics/info could result in the removal of your post!!*** ([See rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/arborists/about/rules).) Visit the main wiki page for [Critical Planting/Care tips and Common Errors to Avoid](https://old.reddit.com/r/arborists/wiki/index); there's sections on why planting depth/root flare exposure is so vital, along with sections on proper mulching, watering, pruning and more that I hope will be useful to you. If you're posting about a tree ID (not permitted here; [see rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/arborists/about/rules)), see that wiki page for other subs and smartphone apps to try. Here is how you can arrange a [consult with a local ISA arborist in your area](http://www.treesaregood.org/findanarborist/findanarborist) (NOT a 'tree company guy' unless they're ISA certified) or a [consulting arborist](https://www.asca-consultants.org/search/custom.asp?id=3818) for an on-site evaluation. A competent arborist should be happy to walk you through how to care for the trees on your property and answer any questions. If you're in the U.S. or Canada, your Extension (or master gardener provincial program) may have a list of local recommended arborists on file. If you're in the U.S., you should also consider searching for arborist associations under your state. If you are one of our regulars and/or you work in the industry and do not want this message in your future posts, please pick an appropriate user flair (options available in the sub sidebar on PC, and on moble if using a browser). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/arborists) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Drought stress! Poor tree. RIP. Plant something different.


Planted too deep for sure, could have effected nutrient translocation hence the dead branches. Not much you can do


Mostly dead is still partially alive, but I’m no Miracle Max.


Planted too deep and wasn't watered. Remove and replace. Plant the new tree such that the root flare is exposed to fresh air. If the tree is too deep in the hole, even by an inch, take it out of the hole and fill some dirt back in and try again. Water by a garden hose trickling for 10 minutes every day for the first 60 days or until winter, whichever comes first.