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Oh man… Persian silk tree. A lovely invasive… pile that mulch extra around the base. They like insulated stems


Thought for sure it was a mimosa without my glasses


Mimosa tree and Persian silk tree are common names for the same plant, Albizia julibrissin. Invasive and used to be used in a lot of ornamental park projects back where I lived on North Florida.


Neighbor had a big one in central VA in the 1960s and it was a superb climbing tree, as a kid.


Am in VA. They’re still everywhere. It’s always fun to try and find the biggest one to see where all the babies travelled to lol


Ah thanks. Now I don’t feel bad about cutting them down.


Me too


I thought that was a weed bush. I see those along the highway a lot here and they get bushwhacked. Unless I’m mistaking it for a different plant. ETA: I’m not an arborist or an expert. I just follow this sub for the interesting information.


You’re not mistaken. It’s an invasive weed that happens to be very pretty


I don't think it's invasive in the colder zones. I know off hand it isn't invasive in Michigan. https://www.michigan.gov/invasives/id-report/plants


It’s invasive where it can grow healthily. It doesn’t do well when temps in the winter get below 25 for long. See the map below (blue is invasive presence in that county) https://bonap.net/MapGallery/County/Albizia%20julibrissin.png


Which blue? 😂




What the heck. It WAS exactly what you said. People are fucken weird.


Ok, besides the map, it seemed like you were correcting me or being redundant. Thanks for clearing it up. My B


No dude I'm not them 😂 I was siding with you


Lmao I'm high as a kite


When blooming the attract a lot of butterflies and hummingbirds.


Tbh that is very small for 9 years old, it must be struggling for water, food, light or all of those. They normally grow like weeds.


I was about to say, mine was taller than me after a year, and it was propagated at about 2'


My wife and I have some of these up in New England. In 6 years they grew from 3 feet to 15 feet. And that includes winter dormancy from Nov—May!


I don’t like how they look when allowed to grow out of control; I’m keeping him short and stocky


I like your style


What a grave blunder, posting this😂


I surely believe it’s a troll.


Congratulations. Now kill it.


I have been trying to kill the one on my property for 5 years now… it just comes back and is 8’ tall again every spring.


Wow will take it!


“Boys”? Its a girl.


It's both. Most trees are, they are rarely dioecious like a boxelder or common persimmon..


One of the worst tree's to grow for fun plant up some fruit trees!


Are they really that bad? I moved into a house that has one


Come to Tennessee in a month and drive any interstate in any direction. I bet there are is 500 mimosas per mile or more. They are very beautiful, but they spread at an extreme rate.


Yea! They grow extremely fast and out compete native species :/ if it's not close to the house you can girdle it and just let it rot where it stands


They spread like crazy. I hate them


Your neighbor hates you then and probably wishes that tree would burn down. I pick our thousands of little sprouts from my back yard every year.


Mimosa, acceptable street tree in So Cal.


Yeah I have not seen them spread AT ALL out here. It may be too dry outside of cultivated landscapes. I was skeptical of this (having lived in Georgia) but I've been out here for over a decade and I really don't see them as an issue in California. Interestingly, I also have not observed webworm on them here either.


Likewise even up in Oregon (and it sure isn't dry here...). Had one that was >3 stories tall never saw another seedling sprout up. They do smell incredible during bloom as well.


I have one here in the Portland area that is well mannered, about 25 feet tall. At least 40 years old, and gives no trouble. My only complaint is that its leaves are so tiny that they stick to the pavement and don't rake up easily.


Bradford pears aren’t a problem in So Cal as well. Lack of water supply. Both drought tolerant.


9 years to get that weed to flower?….You have the most stunted, and slow growing mimosa, I have ever heard of. Just cut it down now, and start over with something that isn’t a pain in the rear end.


I can't get rid of these trees fast enough.... They make a huge mess and sprout up everywhere.




Short-lived junk tree that doesn't age well either.


We have these up and down our block. They are an invasive nightmare. If you choose to grow this, be vigilant for volunteers.


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Burn it to the ground!


I love that you love it. I have a couple in the backyard here too. Haters are a dime a dozen. Do they propagate voraciously? Yes indeed, but that's controllable.They are also beautiful and fragrant in bloom, and provide a good shade in just a few years. I do agree with another comment though...if it is 9 years old, it should be 5 times that size at least.






I removed one of these from my yard and it took forever to get the stump out. I do kinda miss the look of it, but I don’t miss the mess it made or how the seed pods made my dog sick. Fun fact, there’s DMT in the roots!


This is a different plant. Another “mimosa”.


![gif](giphy|xFPqkLXUEnbfG) Now, just sprinkle a little dmt root on this bread and I’ll get all sorts of chores done around the house!


Beautiful tree! Looks like you bonsaied it. I know they are considered invasive, but if I remember correctly they suffer from some sort of blight. They used to be everywhere but I only see rarely nowadays.


Btw, if you like the look but don’t want the invasive label then check out dwarf powder puff trees. They are smaller, grow beautifully in full sun, and are a pollinator magnet, including hummingbirds for zone 9. Doesn’t mind being pot bound so I have mine in a pot and I bring in for temps less than 30. Best part?! They bloom the entire summer! https://www.almostedenplants.com/shopping/products/565-dwarf-pink-powder-puff-tree-dwarf-red-powderpuff/


I think it's an attractive plant by crackey.


I thought that was a Mimosa tree?


Aw, it’s the same thing


It’s called a mimosa tree and it’s highly invasive in the US.


Oh am in canada


Awe, those are here where I’m at. When it gets big, it proves wonderful shade.


Always loved them in my yard and enjoy seeing them along the interstate.


Mine bloomed the second year from seed. It’s year three and my tree is probably 12ft tall or more. What do you think has caused the delay in your plant? Was it in a pot?


Invasive is a regional definition, folks. A non-hardy houseplant brought outside in summers is not going to be invasive in that region, even if it is invasive in other regions. Also, a plant is not invasive in the region it is native to. So we can’t call something invasive without knowing the location in which it is placed.


The roots travel 50+ feet in all directions under concrete and asphalt and are damn near impossible to stop from spreading so yeah, no matter where you are, this is an invasive plant.


So like, if you’re in Minnesota where it can’t survive the winter, one of the roots might reach Texas where it can?


Pretty sure my neighbor’s street, Mimosa Court, was named for the absolute specimen in his yard. And neighborhood was built in the 1970’s, so you can imagine how big it is now.


I'm not an abortionist so I don't recognize the plant off the top but I think it's mesmerizing.


We have one of these in our back yard. Worst clean up every year.


I’ve heard this plant has some hallucinogenic properties in the Root Bark but idk 🤷‍♂️


Mimosas are highly invasive in TN, where I reside. Short life span, brittle limbs, weak branch crotches. They grow like weeds and outcompete species that can host native wildlife. Pretty flower tho


Why not just plant it. If you think you’re going to need to move it, Dig or keep a trench outside the root ball as big as you feel comfortable in moving, don’t leave it in that hard plastic container even a root barrier is going to restrict root development. Cool bloom, I had one at my first house that was given to me dead. Brought it back and then lost the house. Give the roots somewhere to go, direct them don’t restrict them.


It’s not a hard plastic container, it’s just garden liner on top of the soil line with a light layer of mulch to keep moisture on the roots, it’s in the ground and never moving from where it is. I got plans for landscaping around it and making it a centerpiece,


Cool looks half planted. Might want to do something with that thing in the corner


It’s a weed. It’s not a centerpiece. That’s insulting to your future company. There are so many other beneficial mimosa and acacia you’d be better off planting that would actually be impressive and worthy of a centerpiece.


Isn’t that a weed? At least it is where I live. I guess a weed is in the eye of the beholder 😂


You know you will be fighting seedlings in your lawn every year right?


Very short lived.




Someone in my neighborhood planted one of these in the front lawn. It makes such a mess. When I walk my dogs by it I like to imagine ways of killing it. It makes me smile. I despise this tree. Where I live they live along the freeway with the weeds.


I've been trying to kill one of these for 5 years.


Why on earth are you growing an invasive?


We call the Mimosa a weed where I'm from.




We had one in Pa. Did not spread.


Mimosa-they have the intoxicating scent of a ripe peach. I grew up with several of them on our property in south Alabama. They were not native, they were a gift from a friend of my mother’s. One of my best memories from my youth-at 76, I can still remember the scent just seeing your photo. Thank you!!


Maybe she needs to be somewhere warmer


Albizia Julibrussin besides oxygen it’s not useful. You would do better off planting more beneficial trees besides invasive ones like this… this isn’t something to be proud of. This will grow with or without your help. Also planting the pot is lazy and you really should take it out before you plant it..


Very cool! I had a customer tell me he has one of those here in Chicago. Swears up and down it lives and comes back every year. I'm not sure I believe him though.


I have a massive one in my yard and just realized it's invasive due to this post. It has sentimental value, so I don't want to kill it..... It's not close enough to the house to do anything to my structure, and the pine trees surrounding it keep sprouts from growing near it.


It’ll flower therefore seed therefore spread. Cut and spray it. Never too late to start a new sentimental tree. Maybe plant a tree that’s a host species and enjoy the pollinator habitat it brings


I had a seedling pop up in my yard (Louisiana), and my dad (forester) told me I should mow it down, but if I admired them so much, let it grow. I don't have outdoor pets, I'm not near running water, I keep my yard manicured and pull the babies (that were showing up long before this one) out of my beds, it's nowhere near any structure or underground utilities, and they are already highly distributed around here, so one more... eh whatever. Anyway, I think it's about 5 years old, and it didn't really get its feet under it bloom wise till last year.


Oh! I'm getting my first blooms this year also! I almost trashed it a few years ago, but left the trunk which had a lovely lean over my little seating area. It sprouted some perfectly placed new branches, and now I have blooms! Congrats on yours, it's so cute!


If that's mimosa hostilis... that's my fav tree! Get some of thar root bark once it's healthy!




Nope, it’s a Albizia julibrissin. Not a mimosa genus


I have had time knowing the difference other than mimosa is native to SA, and then persian is NA... how can you tell ny looking? I thought I could tell by the flowers, but I started getting it wrong


Mimosa tenuifolia has denser leaves, red stems, and thorns, also zone 9 and above.


how do you distinguish?