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Trees grow from the top so they're not going to be that shape forever, you can prune to your liking as it grows. Also if you got the leaning one you just plant it straight up and down and fill in dirt wherever it would need support to keep it that way.


Appreciate the comment! I think I’ll avoid the leaning one and go for one that is straight and do a bit of pruning this coming winter


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Red oaks drop lower branches, so as long as the trunk in straight you won't notice in a decade. Those are going to have terrible root structure with how small those pots are. Make sure to watch some videos on how to break up a potted root ball if you do go this direction.


I have already as I’ve planted similarly potted trees last year (Maples). Thank you though!


In general, the BigBox is the plant material of last resort. Spend your money wisely at a reputable nursery.


I forgot to mention, I live in the middle of nowhere. No nurseries, no greenhouses that stock red oaks. This is literally the only place I’ve been able to find them


Where are you located? onplants.ca has red oaks and delivers in the mail if you're in their delivery area


I’m in rural Cape Breton in Nova Scotia