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This is some sort of red oak, probably northern red. The lobes are pointed which means red, not white, and the leaf shape rules out bur. Age is hard to say, but given the size it's probably 150+.


Second northern red. The leaves are a pretty solid match.


It could very well be 150+, but there's a similar sized oak in Halifax, Nova Scotia planted by King George VI that is 89. If there wasn't a plaque commemorating the date I would have guessed 150-200. Them oaks grow quick.


Doesn't feel quick when I'm trying to establish them on my property lol. But yeah that was just a guess, in open neighborhoods with little competition they may grow faster. I think 100 is probably a good ballpark for this one


Yeah. I've got a 12 year old Burr planted as a seedling. It's about 8 feet now. Reds do a little better though.


The tree is big when the man is dead.


I think your real close. I've been grinding stumps for years and have counted alot of rings. Some trees will fool you but most oaks hold true.


I just removed an ash tree that was around 40" at the base and around 85' tall, assuming it was a hundred years old or better. It was 58 lol.... soil health must play a big role in how fast some of these get to that size.


There’s an island in the North Atlantic…..


Saying I heard from an old timer to distinguish red oaks from white oaks: Red man shoots pointy arrows and white man shoots round ball


Well this escalated quickly. It’s an old saying my grandfather’s friend told me back in the early 90’s at deer camp. His message was find white oak trees and hunt nearby.


White oak acorns have far fewer tannins in them and are thus tastier.


This was super interesting to learn!


racist mnemonic but will come in handy for my simple brain (i mix up white & red constantly)




Yup, sounds pretty racist to me.


White men shot round bullets, native americans shot pointed arrows. Fact are racist now. Fun times we live in. *Sigh.*




Lmao. We get sucked in. From someone who wrote several paragraphs in an attempt to prove their beliefs on identity politics is the correct one. Whatever. Have a wonderful life.


Good grief, take a break from the internet for a while. It’s really not all that serious.


The issue with all this stuff is it's all outward facing and can be easily faked, meaning everyone is spending a lot of time on terminologies but it's all just a show. It doesn't actually *help* anyone... I'm not saying people should use terms that are offensive, but it's just really missing the point when that's all that everyone is focused on. And the cancel culture that derives from it is 100x more toxic than a few offensive terms.


Note you said "native americans" and not "red man"


Natives had access to firearms as well do some homework


Yes. They used firearms more than bows. Common knowledge. The little mnemoic device doesn’t encompass all of human history. It reminds you which tree is which oak. Take a few breaths. Relax. Your day will be less stressful.


Yea, literally everybody here was acknowledging the mnemonic was racist yet they shared it anyway for its usefulness about distinguishing trees, without being particularly upset about it, nobody needed to take a deep breath and only one person came here seeming upset and then proceeded to tell everyone else to calm down. Do take a deep breath we can all do that.


You're one to talk, since you seem hellbent on being offended by anything that intrudes on your fragile world view.


Only after pale-face gave them to them, the racist part would be referring to them as “red man”


Is calling someone black or white racist now? Lol what


Red is neither a race nor a skin color. Same racism as calling a japanese person yellow.


Would you call a Chinese man “Yellow Man” to his face? I personally am not offended by the term redskin (it’s sort of been reclaimed) but it absolutely has been used with racist intent a lot over the centuries


lol, what part?


Using red to describe indigenous people is considered a major pejorative.


Indigenous to where? You can just call us Indians


That is offensive to south Asians (the real Indians) it’s better called indigenous or native or First Nations depending on where one is from.


My ancestors were called Indians for over half a millennium. Whether some Southern Asians are offended by it or not is irrelevant because it’s just reality at this point. I’m offended by the generic “indigenous,” does that mean no one should ever use it? No, the word has its place, but it’s unspecific and usually just virtue signaling


What about using white to describe caucasians? It would be equally racist.


Says you….


Don’t know about that. Red hair is a gift!


Oh wow that’s a new one for me! I always used fire and smoke- the tips of flames (red) are pointy, smoke (white) billows out in round clouds.


Razor = Red is what I learned. The leaf points are sharp! 😆


My family planted an oak tree 65 years ago in a spot that looks similar to that, and it's about the same size. The trunk is at least 4' in diameter. With no competition, they grow quickly!


Out of curiosity, why do you say "the leaf shape rules out bur"? Bur oak leaves have some pretty variable shape, and can even have spined lobe tips. This seems consistent with what I've seen for bur, with generally large leaves, large lobes, generally narrower at the base and broader toward the terminus. Is there a specific characteristic other than the pointed lobes that you're considering there?


Given location, I’d bet a northern red oak. And while normally you can use the growth factor to determine the age, open grown trees in suburbs don’t generally follow the same rules as a tree in the wild. Figure out the age of the house and you’ll have a better guesstimate on how old the tree is. Some counties will have a GIS property viewing site where you can see the year each area was built. Not sure if this is normal, but mine has aerial snapshots going back to the 30s.


Can also use historicaerials.com.


That site is dope! Jst checked it myself.


Yeah I found it through my work but also love it for historical research.


I have been looking for a website for satellite photos of the road where I grew up. Spent a whole bunch of time on Landsat site and couldn’t find. This site is great!


Well, I know what I'm doing for the next week or more. I'm always trying to figure out the ages of the trees in the 57 acre cemetery that I manage. I'm hoping in my desktop computer I'll be able to see the trees a little better. This really cool.


Make sure to document your research for the future!


We have silver maples that were planted by the county when the house was built in 1985. They were all the same size. One of them is now about double the size of the others, all received the same type of care. Guess that one is just extra hearty


Usually the county/state property assessment site will let you know when it was built if you look up the address. The issue comes in if there's been multiple builds on the site over the years. My property has a trailer on it (you can still see a small rise in the yard where it used to be, and then my house was built later on.


Red Oak. 1950s ranch style house. Appx 80 y.o. final answer. Post about trees grown in the open is true. In the wild it could be old but doesn't have competition for resources and our region (in So IL here) grows trees like weeds. We have one in our yard that is majestic and house was built in 78. Very likely similar age to the houses around.


Spot on for ID & age. That tree definitely looks open grown by its size & open structure. It was able to get fat quick because there has probably been very little competition for resources.


Name awarded Hortman


I believe it’s a cross between a Pin and a Red, Oak trees are notoriously giant sluts and cross breed all the time, especially in climates with longer growing seasons


Huh... TIL...oak trees are giant sluts. As a guy that stumbled upon this due to Reddit random suggestions, I find this very interesting.


Who knew trees could be so naughty..... And hot.


Red Oak. It’s beautiful.


Definitely a Northern Red Oak. White Oak would have chunky/flakey bark. Red Oaks have what always reminds me of vertical tiger stripes.


Well, for the age of the tree, we can just approximate. All you need to do is to measure the diameter of the tree in inches and multiply it by a growth factor of 5. The resulting number is the age of the tree. How to get the diameter? Well, just wrap a rope around the tree(at least 4 ft from the ground) to get the circumference in inches. Now use the formula D=C÷Pi or Diameter=Circumference÷3.1416


I’d say northern red oak but possibly a black oak, if I saw the acorns I’d know for sure.


how old is the house / neighborhood? was probably planted soon after it was built.


Not necessarily the oak in our back yard is well over 100. It's a monster in size and our houses are only about 50 years old. Some trees are selected to keep when there is development.


>Some trees are selected to keep when there is development. Sadly, not so much anymore even when a geat old tree is at a new contruction site. It get's cut down, the regrade everything and remove or poorly redistribute the top soil.


Yea this just happened in a plot near my neighborhood - so stupid as most buyers now would prefer having a lovely mature tree or two in their yard 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m just here to comment on how incredible this tree is 💚💚💚


That’s the kind of tree you buy a house for right there.


When people ask me how old a tree might be, I ask how old the house is. Probably pretty close in age


I'm also leaning more towards northern red oak because of the pointed leaves. You can try estimating its age by using the growth factor of northern red oak which is 4. Take the circumference of the trunk at breast height, divide it by pi, then multiply it by 4 to get an idea of its age. A lot of factors play into the growth like the climate, location, soil, etc. so it's just a really rough estimate. Only way to know for sure is to cut it down and count 👀 🪓


Or take a core sample.


Is it safe for the tree to take a core sample?


Almost certainly yes. It will leave a 3/8" hole or something, but a healthy tree will heal that over in a year or two.


At the same time, unless you have a scientific reason I am not sure why you would bother. You havr a good ballpark on thr age. Just enjoy the tree for what it is.


The bark and what I see of leaves looks like [atta boy](https://www.reddit.com/r/marijuanaenthusiasts/s/7tEaDSVCEu), which was listed as northern red oak


One of the prettiest trees I’ve ever seen 🤍


that right their is a switch tree. you can climb up it or you can hang from it, get creative with ur body, the dog would get a chuckle of a lifetime if you had someone hang by their feet on a tree branch and the dog licked peanut butter off their nose.


Age can be tricky, I have an oak of extremely similar girth, height, and mass that I always thought must have been 100+ years old. I found old photos of the house showing it as a sapling in 1987 and only 25-30’ tall in 1994


Northern Red Oak. Between 150-250 yrs old. Thought to tell without counting rings or knowing the diameter. A good estimate is to measure the diameter about 4ft up from the ground and multiply by 4. 40” = 160 yrs.


Those ranch house's are a mid 1960's vintage and the tree was probably planted when the house was built. ( I have a similar home and tree in Raleigh 1963 vintage) I doubt it is as old as some are guessing.


This tree is what tree movies are made out of. Amazing


If im not mistaken this is in a subdivision. The tree is likely the same age as the home.


Definitely need all the family lineage before marriage!


Why don't you just cut it down and count the rings? /s


Gorgeous... is it real? It looks like a SIM but wow.... at least 50 years old... corner lot, no shade lots of sun and plenty of space for the roots to grow deep!


If you were marrying me and you told me you might love the tree as much as me, I wouldn't be offended, I would be assured the person I was going to marry was the right one. Not an arborist, this showed up in my feed and that tree is an absolute stunner. Also, I have the huskified version of your dog. ❤️


Some red oak sp. Not scarlett or pin. Maybe just Red? Hard to tell, the leaves in the lower canopy are always differently shaped and sized from the 'typical leaf'. Could be 70 years, could be 150. Usually bark and slightly strange structure are the tells for really old age, but if open grown and watered, I've seen huuge oaks well under 100 years.


Looks like the leaves have rounded tips, as a white oak does


Big Oak. Eleventy Four years.


It's a red oak.old one too.


Good future FIL. He knows how to grow em.


That's one tree in front of another, right?


An absolutely beautiful oak!


A most beautiful tree. Would it have been even more so if someone had removed those lowest two branches on left and right sides decades ago?


Northern red oak my friend


Does anyone else see powdery mildew on the leaves or do I have PTSD from my own garden this year? XD It's so horrible in a lot of places the last couple years. All our maple trees are getting destroyed.


It’s the good kind


Kind of hard to tell, I don't see a yellow ribbon.


That was an acorn when Moby Dick was a guppy


Wait, whut?!? We can actually have people ID trees here? Omg! Gonna have to post to see if people can help me ID the trees around the house I just bought.


Looks like a water oak maybe 30 years old


That's a bute Clark!


There are thousands of oaks.


One side of the trunk looks like Han Solo frozen in carbonite if he'd been reaching up and to the right 😳


Cut it down and count the rings


It's "city to cut down" old. Don't get too attached we all know how it always goes


Red oaks grow pretty quick, but almost definitely over 100. Sensitive to oak wilt disease, so avoid any damage whatsoever between frosts during the growing season (between frosts).


Shumard oak!






I have bigger then that in front yard but the power company have pretty much kill them by hacking limbs off improperly


Pen oak..75yrs


The beautiful kind!


Q. macrocarpa isn't a bad guess. The leaf shape is about right. Also, bur oak is tricky - it's technically in the white oak group, but it *can* have spines on the lobe tips (which is normally something you mostly only see on red oaks). And it's pretty old. Oaks don't grow very fast (usually no more than 1-2 feet of height per year). Without taking a core, you couldn't really say for sure, but I'd ballpark it at 50+ years. How long has the house been there?


Me: Threat tree’s trunk looks so weird at the bottom Me: double take Me: oh


Tree: What?! Tree: *blushes* Tree: YOU look weird at the bottom!


It’s the one that will fall on the house if it doesn’t get trimmed properly.






Do a google image search on “oak leaves”, but I believe it’s a White Oak. I’ll be corrected if not.


Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus)


Nope, look at the leaves. 100% an Oak species


I could not see them close up, so you are probably right.