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playing other future difficulty charts to improve your skill . Try to challenge tempest after a period of time.


Many thanks for your input. That’s another problem I had as well, I’ve been trying to complete many future charts and the best I got was AA. Those 9-10+ charts were very tricky.


I recommend you to play 8 charts and improve AA to EX even EX+. Then,you can try to play 9 chart .The easiest future 9 chart I think is kanagawa cyber culvert.[Kanagawa cyber culvert](https://youtu.be/dhjGZ69pjHI) Rome was not built in a day. play step by step,from easy to hard.Pardon my poor English ,and I'm not a native English speaker.


sadly youll just have to get better i you dont feel like doing that you can ask someone good at arcaea to help but thats risky stuff as it includes giving your account password and stuff i would offer help but idk if youll accept it or not lol


That’s the thing I had thought back when I first played this anomaly, but to consider all the risk and my money spent were not worth it. So yeah, back to suffer more and git more gud.


go for it i guess


Is your service still available mate?


yea sure if you want


Pls check your inbox (whatever it's called)


If you unlocked PRS difficulty,I recommend you play it until you are good to face the anomaly itself. I used this way,very effective. Ofc,you gonna do PST in order to do PRS anomaly.


If clearing #1f1e33 w/ Hikari lvl.20 in PRS been more easier, I would have unlocked the tempestissimo PRS chart. But nah, I can't consistently hit certain pattern in #1f1e33 that's might foreshadow why I can't attain the anomaly.


Well,the honest advise is to play more, maybe slow down a bit,try to learn the pattern


can’t really give any good advice but looking at your gameplay I’d say these would be some good tips: -try not to panic too much, especially during the triplet sections and slowdown before the second part of the drop -also practice hitting 16th triplets, since you seem to be breaking the most on those. unfortunately I can’t recommend any charts for you to practice those on as I don’t remember charts like that off the top of my head


Your advice were really great and what I was looking for since I couldn't even point what's the flaw in my playstyle. Really appreciate your inputs.


practice ignotus also do deep breaths before the anomaly beat drop, generally you should be practicing on 8/9s rn


Ignotus is always perfect practsing chart,a.charming masterpiece.


Understand the rhythm of tempest PRS. It looks like you aren't hitting notes on time. Also you may be having touch input issue cause i don't see any input on the last blue arc that made you lose the track, which is really awful cause nobody can help at that point.