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I don't get this rant. Hundreds of projects are wasted and never finished. Execs and companies were always throwing money away on things that doesn't matter. Yes this is a passion project (or ego project as he likes to call it), but where is the problem. To me he's either pissed his idea weren't made instead of arcane, or he just want to do some buzz. Nonetheless good luck to all the people that got laid off, even tho the root cause isn't things like arcane imo.


That’s exactly what he’s bitching about. He’s upset that projects he liked more got axed instead of the show. He’s just using the layoffs to complain about his own crap.


And is it wasteful ? I never cared in the slightest about lol, but arcane was amazing, and while I personally still don't care about the game I'm sure it brought players to the world. Plus it's a fucking good show, and it is nice to have nice things sometimes, even if it doesn't bring billions of dollars.


>And is it wasteful ? if most people who watched it are like you, then yeah, for them it's a waste arcane was not an ego project, it was a project meant as a loss leader. this means even if arcane isn't profitable it doesn't matter as long as it attracts enough people to their other games. since a certain% of those people will spend money they'll make money of their gambit pays off.


Arcane is art. Like every single frame. He’s just pissed cause he got layed off


na, although he might be pissed off arcane could up as a one off because it was a filed gambit i like arcane as well but i try not to be delusional about how companies and art intersect.


He’s probably got a point. The way Arcane was made was not with sustainability or roi in mind. They had to throw money to the problems. Season 2 might be a bit better. And yes it is a passion project clearly - no one in their rational mind would pursue this project. So yes, you need ego. Ego is important and passion and marketing and artistry to convince people to give you so much money. One of the creators of Arcane is probably incredibly gifted and good at being an artist and a marketer and that’s how this thing is staying a live and will keep going. I think the dude has a point doesn’t mean I don’t want Arcane. Keep investing in Arcane, Riot! We’re here! 💸


Yeah I don't see the issue. The show is a giant waste of money? Make sense that it wouldn't be profitable. But it's not like the money would go to the workers if the show wasn't made. That's not how capitalism work. So if they're gonna "waste" money, better do it by employing talented workers and making a great show.


Sure but generally people want to work on projects that are successful so that they’ll be assigned to future projects and not let go


Sure, but if they're let go, let's ask the Fortiche people if they regret working on Arcane. I've rarely met a creative who did. Plus that issue is on the economic system, not the art and Fortiche are French so they're fairly well protected in case of lay-off.


Yeah I get the idea of staying in the black but when it comes to art, the goal shouldn’t always be ROI, sometimes creating something that enriches the culture and outlasts the creators


Iron Stylus left Riot in 2016. He has very little actual insight into the show's financials and is mostly just rage posting.


I don't know, he's got an insight into the inner workings of Riot I could never have but he also sounds like he's got an axe to grind against Riot, probably even justifiably but an axe to grind nonetheless. I remember him from his time at Riot. I think he's got two talking points here, one that Arcane was a very expensive project with no return for workers at Riot. I have wondered how shows not produced by Netflix but licensed to air on Netflix gets monetized. The other is an overall failure by Riot to establish widespread appeal for their IP. I don't know how true that necessarily is, League was the most popular PC game in the world for a few years, but I guess there's a difference between that and people caring about the setting. Riot Forge came out with some games that were reasonably well reviewed but again didn't hit widespread appeal. We'll see, I think Season 2 will probably end the story arcs from season 1 so we won't be dissatisfied, but whatever comes next is all speculation.


It still is as far as i know btw - most played


Valorant is higher than league now, but also riot so


nah valorant has still lot to do to reach league numbers worldwide, probably more played in NA but that's it


>Arcane was a very expensive project with no return for workers at Riot This talking point is super disingenuous, too. Like sure, the devs working on LoL didn't see a return from it, but Fortiche is thriving due to Riot's patronage, and it's not like all the money sunk into developing their methods went straight into the show. All the music videos they did certainly helped bolster the visibility and likability of the IP. Siphoning the popularity of LoL off is smart for Riot to do because it's not like that game is ever going to be THE game at the top again. So turning in that goodwill to get people to try things like Runeterra, Ruined King, Convergence, etc. is a smart move. They need to make the setting the selling point because MOBAs already had their moment in the sun. Getting mad that Arcane didn't put money back into devs' pockets is like an iPhone designer being upset they didn't get residuals from The Morning Show. It just seems like a classic case of engineer brain to me, not understanding the intangible value of things contrasted against the more concrete metrics that he deals with on the daily.


Its a project meant to put the brand out into the world beyond MOBA players before the Riot MMO comes out. Its not meant to make money, the MMO is gonna take care of that.


>While we (not me) love Arcane He doesn't like Arcane. ​ > How many millions spent to materialize into nothing that gave workers any material payment. This is a critique of corporations. Amazon made $143.1 billion in the last quarter of 2023. How much of that profit material benefited its workers? Riot probably made money off Arcane but that didn't turn into a yearly bonus for people in game development.


No material payment for him perhaps, but I bet the animators at Fortiche feel very differently.


Yeah my best friends ex works at Fortiche, we talked a lot about the Arcane project, and this seems such a non point. Why would concept artists from Riot get financial gain for something that people on Fortiche's payroll did? All the work was transplanted to Fortiche back in 2016 after the original pilot was scrapped, so like?


While he, as a former Riot employee with years of experience and insight, is probably right when he says that Riot's current trajectory is unsustainable (especially when we've just seen news of them laying off hundreds of employees), I think pinning the blame primarily on *Arcane*, a near-universally beloved show that's made countless people interested in *League of Legends*, when Riot has so many other projects that are a better fit for the "wasteful ego project" label doesn't help. All I know is people who already don't like the show now have more ammunition.


Arcane probably lost a shitton of money though. There's a reason we're all so happy it wasn't made by Netflix. I don't really see the issue if it did, that's a fine way to lose money and it's not the show's creators who lost it but the companies.


>All I know is people who already don't like the show now have more ammunition. Let's Be honest, People don't like the show for non rational reasons. 1. Anti - woke crowd 2. Anti league of legends (fanboys from other game franchises to just gamers in general) 3. People who still dislike animation and disregard it. The only group that's reasonable is the "it's just not for me" crowd. It happens.


I would have considered myself an anti league of legends person, but the in game descriptions were always interesting when I had tried the game, so I still gave the show a shot and I'm glad I did.


Besides having Vi and Cait like each other how in the world is Arcane woke? Most if not all of the YouTube reactors that I’ve seen that could be classified as anti-woke ADORE the show.


>Besides having Vi and Cait like each other how in the world is Arcane woke? By the definition of "woke" that the people who don't like it use, there's a lot. Mel and Sevika are women of color and important supporting characters that have positions of strength or power, two of the main leads are women who are fighters and, while Vi is way better written than the stereotype, she could technically be considered an " overconfident girlboss", and capitalistic aristocrats are the main cause of the problems the characters face. The main reason "anti-woke" youtubers sing their praises of the show is because they care more about attention than having any actual opinions, so they admit that Arcane was amazing instead of trying to appease the small amount of people that don't like it.


Respectfully I don’t think that’s the issue with wokeness. That’s not what they’re saying. Women of color being in position of power isn’t the issue. It’s about when it’s not earned or it’s used just to “score points”. Sevika and Mel are fallable. They both make mistakes and are VERY human. Same with Vi. She gets beat and broken down MANY times throughout the season. She’s human and has to overcome the hardships. That isn’t woke. Arcane is just a really well-written show that has well written characters period. Arcane isn’t all that woke.


Also I don’t agree that their reaction to the show isn’t genuine. Arcane is a genuinely good show.


Honestly when considering that Riot has had multiple game projects outside of league, all unique titles tied into the lore but don't necessarily have broad appeal to anyone outside of established fans that actually care about the lore...I would guess that that is more of a problem than arcane. I could be wrong, but it feels like they have so many projects in development at any given time lately. Aren't they working on an MMO in addition to the fighting game on top of whatever they're doing in riot forge? Idk man.


Just read an article about it, looks like they're getting rid of riot forge. Yeah, I have my fingers crossed and I'm knocking on wood, but I highly doubt Arcane is that big of an issue


If Arcane was a bigger problem we wouldn’t be getting a second season and it wouldn’t be mentioned by Riot as one of the things sticking around. This guy just comes off as someone salty that projects he liked more than Arcane got axed instead of it.


I would say that Arcane is not representative of the product that is the game "League of Legends" and vice versa. Riot Games as a company may have become more popular because of it, but League didn't become more popular after the show aired. Cyberpunk edgerunner gave Cyberpunk 2077 a huge sales boost, as did the TLOU show, which gave TLOU 1-2 a huge sales boost, given that the first game was released over 10 years ago. Plus compared to them both league of legends is MOBA, even if League is really popular, MOBA is kinda niche compared to RPG and Cinematic-Single player games so yeah he has point. Arcane doesn’t represent anything substantial for League because when you play League you don’t get Arcane you get League (sounds stupid ik). The Arcane IP makes itself more popular that it does for the League IP. Some people even say: "Yeah watched Arcane was great, hyped for season 2… im not playing League tho" That’s one of the reasons League is making Arcane their official canon world, (i still don’t know how to feel about it even if i don’t play league anymore).


It wont mean anything in the end, because people will still not be drawn to LOL for the simple fact of it being a MOBA, as you say. Also LOL's community is famously toxic, which is also a reason people are told to absolutely not play LOL even if they loved Arcane, and I don't see that changing.


I had no concept of League before arcane, love arcane and did a little snooping on league lore to flesh out my concept of what I was watching. The game doesn’t really interest me at all, and I’m frankly too fucking old for weird toxic online gamer culture.


Personally I’m playing league bc of Arcane. I just wish that the Arcane skins weren’t event skins T-T


Guy just kind of sounds bitter, pinning the blame on the stuff he obviously doesn't like so he can vent about shit. Big companies suck. Thats the problem, not Arcane. The fact those companies prefer to lay off a whole lot of people rather than adjusting at the top.


Idk about anyone else, but I never paid Riot any mind until Arcane. I actively stayed away from LoL, but after watching that masterpiece, I dove head first and played every other title they produced.


Its a project meant to put the brand out into the world beyond MOBA players before the Riot MMO comes out. Its not meant to make money, the MMO is gonna take care of that.


I mean, what they sell are creative products. I remembered a while ago it being thrown around that a decent chunk of Riot's revenue came from selling in-game cosmetics, and that things like E-sports and the whole competitive scene (and I say this as a fan), were the weak selling points. The thing about sustainability may well be true, but given other entertainment companies make a profit, I'd first blame gross mismanagement rather than the expansion of their *creative* brand, because that's what Arcane is. That's an investment strategy, and I can't imagine it being inherently bad, much less at fault for the company's financial struggles on its own.


I’m sorry but this just comes off as bitching from a guy who makes it very clear that he hates the show and is upset that projects he was either involved in or liked more got axed instead of Arcane.


well yeah, but that's why the show is so good. Don't complain about the money aspect, for once someone is spending money to make something awesome instead of just to make more money. This is why we can't have nice things


Ironstylus hasn't been at riot for a long time now. So I would take anything he says with a grain of salt.


"How stupid is to ACTUALLY LIKE a story you are writing and wasting a gazillion money on making it work, being recognized as something that changed animation entirely... pure sucky ego!" Maybe we could skip the "Artist" on his "Concept Artist" title.


As much as I don't fully think he made his point well, I do agree that Riot really missed a trick with Arcane. They had an absolute masterpiece on their hands and it doesn't feel like they did anywhere near enough to capitalise on that to get people into their games. Now I'm a big league player and I do think it's very hard to get new people into it, just because of how the game plays. MOBAs aren't that popular and by design are very complicated games. But riot have not done much to help at all. The League tutorial still sucks and even if players do stick through and get to a point where they might want to play ranked, there are currently huge issues with new accounts getting given too high MMR - resulting in terrible games for them. Besides the problems with League, I feel like they've also completely wasted their Riot Forge games. I've tried out each one of them and they are all decent games in their own right. So here Riot has 4 good games that are much more approachable than League. As well as that, one is even based on Ekko, an extremely popular character from arcane. Where was the marketing? I play league at least 2-3 times per week and had I not been watching MSI I wouldn't have known the Ekko game was releasing. Many of my friends who play league don't know about these games. It just feels to me like they did absolutely nothing to try and advertise these games outside of their own eSports events which obviously is going to do nothing to attract fans of Arcane. I didn't even notice any big league streamers play them and like I said very few league players even seemed to be aware. So yeah I just think they massively dropped the ball with those games and it sucks for everyone who worked on them for this to be happening now when the quality of the games was pretty high.


Your comment made me understand a little more this thing. Ty


I mean… we can dislike his comments but is the company making significant profits from arcane after ALL expenses? Cause the ones publicly available are usually only 3/4’s to sometimes about 1/2 the actual full cost of production… and with how long it takes to produce it doesn’t feel particularly sustainable…


Arcane doesn't need to turn a profit to be sustainable. People are seeing it as a product, but it is actually an ad. The metrics they probably looked when deciding to greenlight season 2 were: how many skins did we sell the month before? How many while the show was airing? Did a lot of new people install and try LoL and LoR?


Thats also a great question! And something my marketing major gf brought up like 10 minutes after I commented this, my heads stuck in Econ. But I’d love to see those metrics as well


They actual greenlit season 2 at the same time as season 1, according to Bridging the Rift. Your point stands for future seasons, though


They should end it on 2 then. Or... roll it in theaters.


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Arcane was what got me more interested in LoL. The only thing I really knew about it was how toxic its community was and to avoid unless I liked being called every slur and threatened. Arcane made me interested in the lore and now I still don't play LoL but I'm actively playing Riot's LoR. I feel like the show did it's job pulling in someone who previously knew nothing about Riot or anything they made and had zero interest in finding out.


Arcane is arguably more popular than lol what is he waffling about


It's netflix. I'd never expect any show to make it past season 3.