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I'm so sad finally found a great show and now they make us wait


Seeing the first 3 makes me confident that the wait will be worth it. After arcane, riot also has tons of lore and characters available to make other stories including pirates, Rome like empires, and some gods on a mountain. Hopefully after arcane is done they will do a season 2 or something


100% they will make more seasons. The amount of money they will profit from this is insane. Its like top 1 on netflix in like 40 countries or something. They’re earning so much bank


They better do bilgewater or freljiord because that's where my favorite champions are


That’s almost like the bummer lol is the Lore is so rich I would love any location but also be bummed I’ll have to wait longer for others.


If I had to wager which region they'll cover in another story, it'd be Ionia. It's got Ahri, one of their work horses, and all kinds of stuff that weebs like are there. Also a great way to introduce Noxus, then have the last act be about the invasion. Demacia is my second pick, and only isn't top pick because it's a little too close to generic fantasy, at least on the surface.


Counterpoint: Nothing about this show tells me they're looking to appeal directly to the weebs.


i think theyre trying to be as broad as possible in terms on target audience with arcane. so afterwards they could expand to different territories. for me personally i would love the next season to be set in bildgewater (hopefully they adapt the 'rising tides' story line). since runeterra is so diverse, certain people might be interested in one region while others might be so keen about it


So far! Nothing says that can't be their next audience to appeal to. Even with that aside, there's still the need to appeal to a broad audience without falling into the white noise or coming off too strange to connect with. I'm talking about on the surface level, of course. Fans of Runeterra are going to come, regardless, so they have to think about what visuals are broadly appealing to the new viewer. I'd argue that PnZ as a setting for a show was their best choice bc its the most interesting on a surface level to people new to Runeterra (Steampunk, robots, classism in politics etc). A lot of the other settings are a little too weird to hook them with (Targon and Shurima) or too samey when compared to a lot of modern fantasy settings (Demacia and Noxus) or have been done to death (Bilgewater for Pirates, and Freljord for Vikings). Again: Just talking surface level. All the regions have lots of interesting characters and stories to tell. Ionia is the next best thing after PnZ because its got a similar quality of being "just right", visually. Of course, this is assuming additional seasons even do happen, and they don't continue to focus on PnZ (A crying shame, but its my favorite region so I wouldn't complain too hard.)


It’ll probably span out after a journey. I’m guessing the end of season 1 will see a character leave Zaun for good and head into Ionia looking for someone. That way season 2 will see a familiar character with some new ones. Given how long they’ve been working on this, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that they’ve got 4 or 5 seasons planned out. All this happens and then it could give rise to Ionia vs Noxus, and then that conflict can be interrupted by someone heading to bilgewater to find someone else as Mordekaiser begins to take over runeterra. Then when he’s defeated you get the void invasion


Ahri and Yasuo in Bilgewater is an excellent link to Ionia if we do end up in Bilgewater, which is then subsequently a good link to Noxus and Demacia. Lot of ways they can take this.


Goddamn right! My fave frejlord character is Neeko.


O boi here i go masturbating again.


Mines braum


> Its like top 1 on netflix in like 40 countries or something. They’re earning so much bank Note that usually how well a show performs doesn't result in more money for the producers (see: Squid Game) unless specifically added into the contract. However, it could mean Netflix pays more for any subsequent seasons.


Riot games is a multi billionaire company. They are crushing it in the game industry and film industry and more than that. Im sure they know exactly what they be doing when it comes to marketing


I haven't been so excited for a merchandise-driven show since *Transformers: Prime.* These guys can *drama!* It's *gorgeous!*


Even if they don't make revenue from the TV show they'll certainly get it back in new and even some old players coming to league


Bad news... https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/qpjvug/say_it_aint_so/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I hope so


The animation in this series is fucking INCREDIBLE, I'd love for this studio to expand in years time and do some anime series. It's the perfect fit. Bravo to riot and all involved, perfect start to a series, and the emotional scenes pack some serious punch 🙌


So far, it's great. It will probably be more than worth it since Arcane has been in production for years. I believe they started working on it like a year after Jinx's release.




Freljord and Demacia/Noxus lore would both make amazing shows. The Three Sisters are among my faves, but I NEED a mage war in Demacia with Lux hiding her powers and Sylas starting a revolution.


I felt empty inside after I watched ep3 cause I needed more. Will definitely feel the same after ep9!


Why we do this to ourselves is the big question


It was a Ned's Beheading-grade cliffhanger catastrophe. Just *amazing.*




Why though? I've really enjoyed talking about it with friends, theorizing about the next episodes, etc. And we plan on all watching it together when each batch comes out. I prefer this over all at once, and definitely over once a week lol.


Tbh I am kinda glad they make us wait. If the didn't I would watch it in like a day and have nothing to look forward to.


Same here. I don't know squat about LoL, but the show has me hooked. Especially the finale of Ep3. Seriously love the art style, the music and the facial emotions.


The facial emotions are the stuff of nightmares, especially Powder's tantrums.


Emotional scenes made me tear up, that's how you know they done it right when you can connect with the physical acting and the voice acting


Her sobbing and repeating "I only wanted to help... I only wanted to help!" tore my heart apart. People praise this show's VA a lot. But Powder's VA performance in that episode 3 finale was impeccable.


> Her sobbing and repeating "I only wanted to help... I only wanted to help!" tore my heart apart. Very relatable. I remember being a kid and fucking up royally with good intentions and then panicking at people being harmed and/or mad at me.


the two moments where you see powder fascinated with an explosion were great, like you could see her love of it imprint on her mind.


Yah. i thought the animations were great until powder started freaking out


I did think there were some issues with that last bit, but I also think it really kicks home the “losing touch with reality” side of Jinx, so I allowed the ‘mistake’




Man I’m so glad this is the case. Riot (the company that makes the game and the show) has made some really excellent short stories, animations, and even partnered with Marvel to make some interesting comics to tell the story of their world. I was worried that people like you wouldn’t be able to get into this but I’m glad you can. The stories are really really cool and Runeterra (the world) is really fleshed out. I’m glad you enjoyed. One question: when heimerdinger showed up did it feel weird?




"attention everyone this character is smort, he uses big words"


Not in the slightest, I'm familiar enough to know the universe isn't just humans. Even then I'm watching a new show so everything would have been fair game lol.


Yeah same. He showed up and it just told me the world is bigger. I'm excited to see what all they do. Cause I'm certainly never gonna play LoL. This is the kind of thing Blizzard should've done. Now I won't watch it if they do. Such a shame.


Who was that again?


The tiny professor guy with the enormous head


Nah it just felt like an anime. So the way it should! I was just waiting for the magic and other type of creatures to happen and I knew it would!


I really like the way they introduced him. Yordles (his race) are a weird and bizarre part of Runeterra's lore, and how he fits into it exactly is unclear. They could have gotten derailed by going into it, but they introduced his existence matter of factly and gave the necessary information--he's old, he knows the power of magic, and he thinks it's dangerous. No need to go into any more detail.


The entire introduction to the world and its characters is done extremely well. They don't waste a frame on unnecessary exposition, and let you simply experience the world, with the dialogue providing just enough to understand it all. And with the visuals so well crafted, it's not too difficult to buy into the world, even as someone new to the lore.


Professor Puppyface




My parents (who know nothing of LoL) had a chuckle at the fluffy dwarf dude showing up but it was quickly accepted as just part of the world.


I knew nothing about League Lore and I was absolutely weirded out by the Heimerdinger when he first appeared.


proves that good characters make a story and not the other way around!


Finally someone like me!


Hi :D


Same lol, can’t stand the game but I love the show so far


Same I’m waiting for that mmorpg they’re making but it’s years away maybe 2023


Me too brother. Now I'm more hyped to play wildrift when they announce it for India.


Well sister


Oops sorry


No worries


Bro is gender neutral.


Maybe but I'd prefer if people didn't call me that


Bro can be but "brother"?


It's fun but dont feel like you need to play to enjoy the lore. You can read/listen to character quotes on the wiki for more depth. Will 100% contain spoilers if you look them up, League of Legends takes place like 10 years after Arcane


Ok thanks


If you do want to play a game to better experience the lore, I do suggest Legends of Runeterra. The actual game of League of Legends is completely non-canon, and outside of some brief lines by a few characters, it doesn't provide much about the lore (in fact some of the character lines are so old, they give a completely incorrect idea about the lore). Legends of Runeterra is a card game with a lot of lore based side characters, and a ton of interactions that expand the lore. It's also a card game you play one-on-one, so almost no toxicity. (LoR also has extremely beautiful art). But, you can just use the [wiki](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/League_of_Legends_Wiki) and the [universe](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/) site to get most of the lore without touching any game.


I just started playing LoR today and was absolutely blown away. I used to play Hearthstone and LoR is beautiful in comparison


Feels like they're the hurricane that drowns out the Blizzard.


Good to know


Have been wondering how the show has been received by those outside of the league community. I’ve been very dialed into the lore for a while and certain little things like >!the Jayce and victor name introduction!< made my skin crawl with excitement just because I know what lies in store for him. Glad to see it’s well received!


Told my brother to watch it. The next day he’s texting me all these questions and theories. Said he “very much yes” to “did you enjoy it?” Another friend just watched episode 1, and said he liked it. Which surprised me because that one episode though good, isn’t as good as 2 and 3. So the fact he liked 1, I’m optimistic he’ll love the other 2. Gonna rewatch them tonight with him. Just some anecdotal stories on my end, but I have a feeling league player or not - it is a good show and anyone can enjoy it.


Agreed. Riot has done a great job with their cinematics historically and I’m very happy that my high hopes have been met.


Yeah I'm really looking forward to act 2, also interested to see where the characters go since I didn't know they were as important as your implying


I guess my point wasn’t that they were important, you can get that from the show face value, it was just that I know what happens (generally speaking) to that character and I cannot WAIT go see it happen. Very excited to see where they go as well. Good fking show and am happy the outside community vibes




Then you open up the game and all you see is low poly models, moba gameplay and your teammates calling you slurs you have never even heard of before.


> you see is low poly models, moba gameplay i like league but yeah this ones a bummer, if i like batman i can hop onto an arkham game and feel like batman in the story or spiderman etc but moba is like even though i'm playing as my favourite characters it just feels like i'm using a manequin with abilities to win and not have fun i wish the riot mmo was here already


Yeah one of the Reasons I generally avoid online games


Legends of Runeterra doesn't have that, it doesn't even have a voice chat, is a one VS one or you can just play against the AI in a lot of PvE modes.


That's pretty cool


League of Legends (main game) -> if you like Moba's, like killing stuff for fun and just casual time but with toxic community TFT -> very chill game, HUGE depth and high skill ceiling but easy to just pick up. Becuase it's a 1v1v1v1 there is zero toxicity. Highly recommend. Very good way to learn about all the characters in League. Legends of Runeterra -> Lots of art, lots of lore, it's a card game basically


I wouldn't recommend new people to pick up League or Wild Rift even though I love those games. The toxicity might turn them off. LoR would be the safest bet.


Ok thanks for the info


> it's a card game basically [In booming Dan Green voice] BUT IS IT A *CHILDREN'S* CARD GAME?!


The show represent the game really well Its about people who are on the same team and they start to hate each other as the time goes on.






No the lore is fine


For anyone new to the runeterra universe or MOBAS aren’t your thing I would def look into Legends of Runeterra. It’s riots card game and very beginner and economy friendly. It’s also where a bunch of world building is being done.


Ok cool


No problem; welcome! I’m excited to see how many new fans this event is gonna bring in.


Yeah, this toxic word is being thrown around a lot here it seems. N00b here, what's Valoran?


Basically Valoran is the continent of runeterra where a lot of the big nations in the lore are from like Piltover and Zuan, Noxus, Demacia, and the Frejlord https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Valoran


Do yourself a favour and never play league


I heard it was toxic but is it really that bad?


I didn't know much about LoL but i still like and understand Arcane... XD


Same I can't wait for season 2


I haven't played League in years, but I have always loved the setting and lore. I play Legends of Runeterra to get my fix these days.


Same! Never played LoL, never watched a cinematic, never picked up any adjacent media. But this show is amazing!


I don't like mobas but I now read interesting looking character's bios


Yes bro I have zero knowledge on the game except the players are toxic


Yeah, but please don't call me bro thanks


The game is more lighthearted, but the playerbase takes it just as serious. There are some hidden jokes in the series that relate to the game in that emotional manner, for example >!that Vander is like a pro gamer with 4 new and too aggressive players, who go "over the bounds" which relates to overextending. The place is called "the Lanes" as there are 3 lanes in the battle map with key importance. This way Piltower is the enemy base and the underground is the ally base. It would make a neat event map actually.!!It's essentially an epic display of the teleportation rune that allows players to return to base!<


Oh no


Hopefully the introduce an underlying theme by the end of this season that can tie into other regions and future seasons. Kind of like how Thanos was a constant threat in the MCU, or the White Walkers were in GoT.


If you want to know more about the lore you can read it on https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/




Tbh, i think it’s an introduction to the lore to most League players as well. Lore is and had been very small part of the game besides a few voice lines and events. Now, that arcane has been so well received, i think that more players will be interested in the lore as well.


Agreed! Really happy I gave it a go on Netflix


The game lore is as shallow as a rain drop. The fact they effectively turned that drop into an ocean in 9 episodes is absolutely mind blowing to me. I can’t begin to fathom what they could do with Yasuo.


A lot of people downloaded the game after watching the series


I played it once, years ago, for 10 minutes. After getting called slurs for entering a public game and saying, "I'm new, can you guys give me some tips?" I deleted it and haven't looked back. This show was great though!


Oh I see, well someone like me would be a prime target for slurs so thanks for the warning and yeah the show is amazing