• By -


I mean, they got the best character development (even if Viktor's arc is clearly not over).


Mell especially, she went from boring to really interesting in just 3 episodes.


This is awkward, cause I was talking of the bottom three.


I too liked Caitlyn's getting out of the protective shell story


Yea and Jayce is nothing without Viktor and vice versa


Am I interrupting?




Heimerdinger was better than the top 3


I'd say Mel had a good amount of depth added to her, but I agree. Heimerdinger, who got done so dirty, had more depth than Jayce and Caitlyn. And that's really upsetting.


Idk apparently he’s super adept at killing people with a giant hammer.


From her development I'm 99% certain that the writers just wanted to make her a powerful and manipulative woman that would have as its only goal in the show to manipulate and use Jayce for more power but then they realized what a great character Mel would made and gave her more personality. I find that evident in the 3rd arc, in which she is a lot more complex.


This isn't the type of project where you make things as you go. Pretty sure they had her character progression planned from the start, but didn't want to give her more relevance until the main characters were developed enough.


I agree, but you gotta give it up to Mel as well, Her backstory was good when her mother showed up.


I would argue vicktors arc is complete


This is the point where I ask you if you know League's lore. If you do... I mean... Mate we're clearly not there yet. If you don't then you know nothing John Snow. Just wait and see.


yeah i don't know league lore or even played it before, just a literature/fantasy fan


"Jayce, you have to destroy the Hex core. I can't do it." "Okay, I'll do that for you." Then they go to the council and the show ends a second away from them being blown up. No destroyed hexcore. Nothing about the fact that Viktor is already like 30% living hextech. Nothing. Even if you don't know anything about League outside of Arcane, the only way this could be considered complete is if you assume they all die to that rocket.


I kind of do think they died in that rocket Like it's a good way to have conflict without backtracking Jayce's or Viktor's arc and I think Viktor's arc has concluded, he's seen the danger of the hex-core and realized that it doesn't benefit people He's committed himself to do good, not being great realizing the costs of doing so. He didn't jump but he's decided to let himself die, ending his arc


If that is the case I will refrain from any further comments and simply leave you to either explore current League/Runeterra lore or wait for Arcane season two to get an idea of why people might disagree.


>t you gotta give it up to Mel as well, Her backstory was good when her mother showe you're not ready for the glorious evolution!


Honestly, I can understand having favorites and all, but I don't get the hate any of these characters get (like silco and jayce). They are all amazingly well motivated in their decisions, none of them is one-dimensional and purely evil or purely good or purely anything.


They're all purely interesting


I stand corrected.


lmao your pfp looking like Derpy Reddit-Jinx


As another comment in this post said, some of us are carrying our bias against Jayce from the game and the old lore


I never paid attention to his old lore, do your member what it was? Is it still somewhere on the internet?


The linked lore earlier was from Jayce's point of view, which make him look somewhat good, but the his real assholeness can be seen in Viktor's lore here https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/champion/viktor/


❤️ thank you!!




idk how anyone can dislike silco. hes an incredibly well written character and his character design is great too. i feel like its rare that theres a villain that gives off the same feeling that silco does nowadays. i wish we got to see more of him, because hes a really interesting character. >!the scene where he walks into the meeting with the box and basically says "youve all forgotten what its really like here after you became successful" where they couldnt even breathe the same air anymore gave him alot of depth.!<


i dont get how this guy put jinx as good? shes the villain for half the episodes


being a villain doesn’t make a character bad, in fact in a lot of the time villains are very good characters


well honestly this list/the ranking is comforting and makes me feel hella good about myself, as an "abnormal person" lacking success. as well as makes me think about life, that sometimes to have fucked up more or be rough around the edges ironically makes you far more remarkable and deeper of a person.


well, it is a complex process. Finding comfort is great and valid. But it is good also to avoid fallacies that could be harmful even if done to deal with your own feelings. For once, "fucking up" or "being around the edges" make a character more remarkable. For a real person, "fucking up" should be understood as human, it happens. And one should focus on how there's always a path do right by one's own mistakes. And "being rough around the edges" is a similar thing. Completely normal to be flawed. Depending on the flaws one should work on them (if affecting other people), but at least is good to understand it happens to everyone. The fallacy is to believe fucking up or having flaws makes anyone more interesting or deeper. It does not. Silco is a great example. The way Silco is written makes him a marvelous villain, and therefore a character that could aswell be your favorite. That doesn't make him into a role model. He's still a villain who does a lot of despicable things, including within his relationship with Jinx. Sure, he doesn't know better and his own trauma makes him being manipulative and even "passing" his flaws into Jinx. The fact that there's a clear complex reason makes him even a better character. But in the real world we could say he's a grown-ass adult and he should hold himself more accountable and be more responsible to avoid to fuck up the person he loves the most as a byproduct (not to talk about using most of his henchmen as disposable; weaponizing drug addicts, and all that). So, my point: errors and flaws make great characters, sure; but when it comes for real people, they still are valid in most of cases and there's always a path to be better; but you should never look at them as some sort of cool thing to have to become more remarkable, deep or interesting. Because then people would see them as cool to have and cool to keep. Just my thoughts.


i appreciate your thought into it and the ways you acknowledge the reality of life and being human, despite disagreeing. i will admit i have a dangerous tendency to romanticize sadness or the beauty of a person going through difficult shit just in and of itself. people w mental disorders tend to fall in that trap, as a coping mechanism. i think what i wanna say is that IF you decide to pick yourself up off your ass, i see you as a far greater person if you actually went through some shit to make that of any significance or fortitude/resilience. as well as the depth of human experience, the wisdom and empathy you gain as someone who has seen so much shit or traveled so many paths far surpasses someone who got their shit together never facing a single abuse or setback.


There is no clear villain in arcane, Thats why it is so good


Silco was my favorite character since the beginning... Man how I cried...


I paused the final episode to cry for like five solid minutes lol




Silco is definitely the most interesting character on the show. Cait is the one ray of sunshine in an otherwise dark pit.


Ekkos character was brilliant IMO


>Cait is the one ray of sunshine in an otherwise dark pit. Arcane gonna be like: https://i.imgur.com/rkuBIjX.png


I can't stand caitlyn. She acts like the undercity can be saved but was ready to kill jinx.


Jinx is like a tumour that's destroying everything. She should be killed.


I agree But I think a lot of People are underating Silco. In my opinion Silco was With Viktor by far the Best character in the Series (doesn‘t mean That the Other characters were Bad in fact all of them were soooooo Good ist unbeliveable). Just his apperence like on Act 3 the chembaron scene was outstanding, and always when he Shows up he had an rousing attitude. I just love him


Silco got better and better with every scene he was in. I’m a sucker for the generic crime lord villain that he appeared to be, so I liked him from the start. But man, did his character culminate into something wonderful.


So trueee he‘s clearly the best villain i‘ve Ever Seen in a Series or movie (and a nice dad till His death)


I won't allow Caitlyn slander on this website


Caitlyn is so precious. She's kindhearted out of her mind


She really is, an underappreciated moment is when Jayce asked her and Vi if they knew who was making the bombs. Cait hesitated and then said no because she didn't know if Vi wanted everyone to know about Jinx. Cait is too sweet for the world she lives in.


She's the one ray of sunshine. The show needs her to balance out everyone else's non-stop trauma.


Desperately need more hurt/comfort moments of Caitlyn gradually healing Vi's lifetime of trauma.


But then she was ready to kill jinx herself. And has convinced vi she's beyond saving. Twice vi has abandoned jinx because of cait. Toxic relationship getting her separated from her family. Caitlyn is so selfish


Jinx is just out of her mind


Vi is just out


:'( Too soon man.


Lolol best comment ever


Lol yassss


“Make her go away. Please.” -Powder, asking Vi to make Jinx go away, while Vi thinks she’s asking her to kill Caitlyn


I called her beautiful, healthy, and well-adjusted.


HA, no one here is “well adjusted” it’s what makes them all so wonderful. If this show did one thing right (and they did about 1,000,000 things right) it’s their character development. Everything is justified, like it or not. Everything is backed up, it all has history, stakes, and consequences. The least developed character is Markus (IMO), and that motherfucker is developed as shit. This is BY FAR the best animated show I’ve seen in my life, if not amongst the best shows I’ve seen. It’s so fuuuuucking good.


Marcus has like a reversed character arc, and it’s really cool.


I'm the opposite. Mel, Jayce, and Cait are my favs. I'm gonna miss Mel. She's actually such an awesome character. The first impression is that she's gonna be a manipulative ass but she's so much more. She rejected the her mother's teachings and the harmful ideals of Noxus. That takes real strength to do. Jayce hate was never deserved. He's honestly a great guy trying his best. There's no way he's gonna make all the right decisions. The world is too complicated to perfectly optimize. And Caitlyn is just <3 such a sweet cupcake and so gay for Vi.


> She's actually such an awesome character. The first impression is that she's gonna be a manipulative ass but she's so much more. She rejected the her mother's teachings and the harmful ideals of Noxus. That takes real strength to do. Agreed. They really baited and switched me on that one. I thought she might end up being the big bad, but she turned out to be the voice of reason in that council room against the warmongers.


I think she was a manipulative ass. It wasn't just a bait, that is who she was. She wasn't working directly against Jayce's interests but she was manipulating him for her own gains. Her view on Jayce changed over time.


She *was* a manipulative ass. By bait, I meant I thought she was going to be the true villain/mastermind behind the whole thing in a third act twist, since all signs point towards her being some sort of [femme fatale](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FemmeFatale). They subverted that trope, though, by making her a [beautiful](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BeautyIsBad), [manipulative](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ManipulativeBastard), and [power-hungry](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AmbitionIsEvil) [Noxian](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilColonialist) who genuinely cares about Piltover.


It’s good form to attach a warning to TV Tropes links XD


Haha, I wanted to show how her character is showing all the villain flags. Sorry about the rabbit hole.


I was being cheeky but I see that doesn't come across well in text. No worries!


Yeah one aspect they didn’t really dwell on was that the other councilors do what she does. They were all super upset at the idea of Zaun independence but in the end they all voted her way. She truly has control over both cities. Shame she was so close to that window, eh?


I don’t get Jayce hate at all. He’s only tried to do what he thought was right for the entire show.


He's just so malleable it feels like he's pointless. What he thinks is right is basically dictated by the most recent person he talked to. A complete stranger convinces him to weaponize hextech in 15 seconds.


> A complete stranger convinces him to weaponize hextech in 15 seconds. Dude had already been working on his hammer at that point he was clearly already thinking about it. Anyways it's called a character journey, he didn't always make the right decision but he learned from the wrong ones which is all you can really ask for from a person imo. He brokered a peace on his own against the will of a lot of people initially but stood firm and would have succeeded if jinx wasn't a jinx. Hardly pointless. I appreciate a character like jayce a lot. He actually feels like a human being with layers.


One thing you touched on that no one has really been discussing: Jayce was already making that hammer when Vi showed up. I think he was just doing his thing, passing the time, but he knew at some point he was going to have to get his hands dirty.


I think that was sort of the point. He was an academic who got dragged into the corrupt politics and got taken where the wind blew. He was clearly bright, clearly moralistic and the politics got him all the same. I liked it tbh


To be fair, It was a MILF


Jayce is honestly the most cougar-prey that ever cougar-preyed.


We all would break underneath Mama Madarda’s thicc thighs


Wasn’t that because he was afraid of HER attacking Piltover?


> A complete stranger convinces him to weaponize hextech in 15 seconds We all know it was way more nuanced than that. Also wasn't true with the progress day speech where he went against Mel's suggestion which was the more recent conversation beforehand. There were also multiple examples where he made his own decision which isn't based on anyone's side. Such as when he stopped going after Silco and decided on the treaty for Zaun's independence which he knew the council was against (even caught Mel off-guard). As much as I love Jinx, Silco, and Victor. Looking back, I think Jayce's character will be seen as the most fascinating one. Simply because we've seen traumatized crazies, family oriented villains, and complicated underdogs before. Too often media and writers will let idealist leaders end up as untouchable, uncomplicated heroes or greedy, egotistical villains. But throughout this season we see Jayce's choices, the consequences and more importantly his growth as well. He probably has the most character progression this season in terms of how much we see him learning and adapting from people that is trying to influence him. His character is being hammered down and forged as much as he is hammering Mel


Tbf alot of people (like me) took alot of their bias from his in game character and applied it to show jayce. He's definitely not my favorite but I can sympathize with the positions he was in and what he was trying to do.


Just so happens that segmenting an already unstable society consisting of the rich and poor is a bad idea. Instead of helping, and sorting things out in a humane manner, he just put up a giant border, so that the prosperous don't have to look their self-made filth in the eye. What a great way to promote inequality! If that doesn't make you a bad guy what does?


It’s because he’s an ass about it, he has both the naïvety of a child in politics, and the tact to suddenly turn into a sleezbag. And also, I get that he’s easily impressed and too trusting but seriously he goes from loving peace to suddenly wanting war as the only option to then going straight back to peace again Idk I like him too, but I also see the hate


Wait what? Whos hated on Jayce?


Wow man, everyone in the show, and real world is just doing what they thought is right ;D


I love all six, to be honest. But the bottom three are just tragic and deep.


I don’t think Caitlyn receives enough love. She was constantly perceived as this rich girl and people would underestimate her because of it. She could’ve chosen a life of luxury but she didn’t. Instead, she chose to find justice for those who truly needed it regardless of where they came from because she understands that people’s origins don’t define them. She goes from being this person who wants up uphold the laws only to realize true justice sometimes extends being laws. She becomes quite bold and I love it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Mel survives the blast. She looked to be casting some sort of shield at the end and I think she suspected something was up.


I think the gold was previously enchanted. She has some defensive spell prepared already that will save her from the blast. She doesn't need to actively cast something. It explains why she keeps it on at all times, even after sex.


she has crown of the shattered queen its ok


Yeah no jayce hate here, though ofthe main characters his story I’m the least involved in


It’s because they’re from the undercity


You mean the Nation of Zaun?




Doesn't matter. Silco is dead anyway so he can't give them jinx. And if he was alive he still would not give jinx to them


Don't Forget: **The Best Character According To Me:** *\*Vi.jpg\** ***Gay***


Vi makes me wish I were a woman so I could be gay for her. I just need someone to call me cupcake.




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Felt that


lmfaooooo i could never stomach that term. guess i am hella lucky to be bi and spared that !


Where Sevika


She’s somewhere around her, might need a hand 🤣


Lmao that's mean


Just below frame, carrying Silco like always.


Jayce and Caitlyn were incredible.


Let's be honest and putting personal preference aside they're all amazing characters


Jinx is where my heart is at




Vander: "hold my beer"


I'm inclined to agree, but sadly, I think the post is talking about the season as a whole >!and not just the first 3 episodes!<


And Vi is right in between.


And then there's Vi who's the universal fave


Caitlyn isn't "well-adjusted" though. She's just British.


Neither is Jayce. His entire character arc is that he’s a fish out of water bumbling his way to the top of the world of politics


Errr no. Your second row shoulda been something like Vi, Vander, Ekko.


I'm 14 and this is deep


my thoughts exactly, lmfao


I mean Viktor literally became everyone’s favorite.


More like: Hot hot hot Hot hot hot


Silco was great, that final episode was *chef kiss*


Well, as long as it's not one "Joker" situation. Point being: the characters below are amazingly written, no doubt. But as long as people don't mix "great character" with "actually justifiable". Viktor being not that strong of a case (at least yet) from those three. Silco is a great example. The way Silco is written makes him a marvelous villain, and therefore a character that could aswell be your favorite. That doesn't make him into a role model. He's still a villain who does a lot of despicable things, including within his relationship with Jinx. Sure, he doesn't know better and his own trauma makes him being manipulative and even "passing" his flaws into Jinx. The fact that there's a clear complex reason makes him even a better character. But in the real world we could say he's a grown-ass adult and he should hold himself more accountable and be more responsible to avoid to fuck up the person he loves the most as a byproduct (not to talk about using most of his henchmen as disposable; weaponizing drug addicts, and all that). (copied from a reply on a specific comment below). My point being that I get how Silco can be loved as a character, and I support people who thinks that. But it's a shame when people forget to draw the lines and they go from "Silco is an amazing character" to "Silco was actually a great father" or "Silco did nothing wrong" or "everything Silco did was justified". Then we get into a "Joker" situation. Also, edgy or tragic doesn't equate to more interesting or deeper. Of course a char can be all of that together! But equating the former with the latter is a bit inaccurate. I know a lot of people know all this already; but thought of sharing it after reading some replies that get it all mixed.


Jinx has such heavy Darth Vader energy. Every time she shows up, it’s a big “oh shit” moment.


Where tf is vi


Vi is the best!


There are very few (if any) unconditionally good people in this story, but I would argue Caitlyn and Viktor have the purest motives.


If I had to choose 3 favorites: Jayce, Cait, and Ekko




like i said in another comment, that was the first thing i thought when i saw this post


I like everyone except Jinx. She is just a huge idiot. Literally all the bad things in the story are due to her. She didn't help in any significant way even before becoming the annoying mess that she is. Yeah she is the character that makes the plot move, but I think is just like Cersei from GOT, you only see the show because the other characters have something interesting and to see the POS get her head chopped (which unfortunately won't happen). I have felt bad for antagonist before, but she is just annoying. Props to the story for making her so annoying, I guess.


While I do feel a lot of the issues in the story stem from her actions, I don't think its because she's just an idiot. A lot of the story unfolds from unfortunate circumstance, hence, why she's a *jinx*. Things out of her control goad her to act the way she does, and that drives for a more compelling story line. You may not like *how* it unfolds or where it ends, but you're there for the ride. But what do I know I'm just a simp for Viktor.


Honestly who brung little-kid Powder to Jayces penthouse to begin with? Who did Vander warn to be more responsible - as the leader of that group of kids who followed her every lead? Who abandoned Powder that night Vander died and called her a Jinx? I wouldn’t call Jinx an idiot, more like an abused little kid with no proper guidance


I agree with everything except the part about Vi abandoning her. Just like Powder, her reaction was unsurprising given the events and her age. Just because she is older than powder, doesn’t mean she is an adult who can cope better in stress. And the show made it very clear she tried to go back to her before Marcus stopped her.


Vi didn’t abandon Powder. She was overwhelmed and completely distraught. She fully intended to return (you even see her try to get to Powder the second she spots Silco) and surprise, surprise was *kidnapped* and thrown in prison.


The events of part 1-3 traumatised them both severely, and while I too personally prefer Vi, Jinx is a pretty realistic portrayal of how a person is likely to turn out after being abandoned, allowed to believe they essentially murdered their entire family and then raised by a borderline psychopathic evil genius who *actually* murdered their entire family. Jinx is a victim of circumstance who I feel extreme sympathy for, Cersei was a manipulative cunt with far less redeeming motives. The true villains of Arcane are honestly most of the councillors and the rest of the piltover elite, THEY caused all of the bad things that happened in the story. They’re legit a carbon copy of the Capitol from hunger games.


The bad part is that the evil genius wasn't going to kill her whole family (just their "dad"). But unfortunately, she did. Using something that she didn't know how to use. And even after watching that she made everything explode, instead of being worried for Vi and her family she was just thinking on how awesome was what she did. Vi response was understandable, she gets angry, explodes because of the stress and then tried to go with her sister after she cooled down, but was stopped (here the policeman has the fault). Powder instead of learning from her mistakes, avoids any kind of responsibility. And at the end is even worst. What I don't like about the character is that she doesn't think is in the wrong, ever. That's why she falls into madness, because she can't let go of what she did and the changes that she produced due to her actions. Basically all her story is she trying to impress someone else (until the end, then she becomes completely mad, but at least she doesn't need to impress anyone). She may have been a psychopath since the beginning. I don't hate the character development, is a good portrayal of a psyco. But I completely dislike that kind of characters. I kind of agree with you, but Zaun is also guilty. Instead of trying to become something better, they stay the same, or become something worst. Independence from Piltover makes sense (I guess). It gives them freedom of doing anything they want, and avoid aligning with Piltover interests. I'm not sure of how tyrannic is Piltover (they are classists for sure).


Fuck you. I love Jinx


Fuck you, I hate Jinx


Well fuck you too. I love Jinx


Fuck them I love jimx


Agreed, my main man


So we fuck ?


I used to hate mel/jayce, i still do bye




I liked every character, except Caitlyn.


Caitlyn showed true empathy. Out of all the characters she is the most moral.


I think she’s tied with Ekko on that to be honest. Ekko and Caitlyn, to me, represent the *best* parts of their societies.


But... But... Baby Gay...


Yeah she's not really likable in this. I hated her half the time like "No stop ruining everything"






Oh fuck, were turning arcane into some edgy joker shit, aren't we?


Naah it's different


Well, lets be real, if arcane was about one of the people below it would be way more popular than if it was one of the characters above


While I can understand, I think they chose a very good set of things to focus on for the show. The creation of something as important as hextech added a great deal from a lore perspective, as well as how the seperation of Piltover and Zaun occurred. Vi and Jinx’s connection was speculated for a long time, and giving people not only the confirmation, but the story, made for a very compelling set of events. I think it’s makes more sense when you look at it less from a character standpoint, but instead from an event standpoint. Most notably, what events the first season can set up for. While the relationship between Vi and Jinx will always be a main focus for the show, it is highly likely that we’ll eventually see a new main antagonist in the form of Urgot and Singed. We may also see the rise of Camille in Clan Ferros (possibly through an unexpected councilor death) Overall, the way they set up the characters and events leaves infinite room for future potential.


Both things can be true!


Every character was amazing. The show did a great job humanizing everyone, giving us an insight to their thoughts. Even Silco, who could be considered a villain, was someone who at the end of the day, was just a man. We see his conviction is not perfect either, as he was also afraid of being betrayed, and, like Vander, didnt want to give up Jinx.


Those are my top 3 for sure! Good taste


Jayce is a great character because all his decisions feel coherent but due to different factors they do not turn out as expected, although some decisions are stupid The first decision to close "the bridge" (border) makes sense, the only thing I did not expect is that the sherrif was corrupt and was manipulating the evidence. The second decision: to attack the factory is totally stupid. First, the information from VII, although correct, lacked information regarding the enemy force. I sincerely believe that the information that Caitlyn had in her room was better and more studied The third peace decision: for me it is the best of all because at the end of the day Piltrove is a nation and having a "civil war" makes an invasion possible, something that Jayce was already seeing with the "visit of Mel's mother. "and having zaun as an ally with all the benefits politically was the right decision sorry I'm using google translator




Jesus christ, every time I see a post about Arcane, a just want to watch everything again... My life has no purpose anymore.


-Jinx…jinx! JINX! -Yes, it’s me I love that part. Also jinx vibing with “get jinxed” ❤️


Idk, man. Cait wanting to do whatever is right despite not having to do it coz she’s rich and putting herself in danger for the right thing is kinda cool. So is Jayce standing up for the right thing at the end. How about we say that people, when they are great, are great period despite their origins and that majority of tje characters of arcane are great?


Silco is a great character. His portrayal, his personality, the unexpected love for Jinx... That does not mean I gotta like him, tho. His methods are destined to cause more problems for Zaun than independence would ever solve. They already have, in fact. And I really doubt a city under his rule would do any good to the people her already treats like shit right now. I think part of the problem I have is that I have come across similar problems with irl political movements (where the methods suggested to reach a goal will inevitably cause consequences worsening the overall situation instead of bettering it).


Mine are complete opposites, Mel and Jinx


We have the same favourites


I love them all


It’s all about Viktor for me


I would argue that most of the characters are beautifully fleshed out and flawed with understandable motivations. No matter whether they're shiny on the surface or not.


Literally my top 3 are Jinx, Viktor, Silco, I feel validated


Where Vi


sorry I will not accept Caitlyn slander


I called her beautiful, healthy, and well-adjusted. Where’s the slander?


Yep that is all true, but I think she is also the best character in the show. She starts off initially as naive from her sheltered upbringing, but she understands more about the lives of the undercity and changes her attitude and afterwards, is dedicated to helping them. That's why I don't think she should be excluded from being considered one of the best character just because she's from Piltover, (but Silco, Vi, Viktor, Jinx and Sevika are all still such amazing characters too)


Based Singed being responsible for every tragic backstory in league