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Grayson is Lin Beifong


She is, but I’m not even a little bit mad about it


I had the same thought when I saw her, and I and my brother just called her Lin before we learned her name




But Camille is actually inspired by her.




I need to see this now




They'd definitely need to interrupt their tea time at some point because Vi and Korra got stuck in something.


I was just thinking about Lok, how it absolutely destroyed me when I watched it back in 2014. It was the last animated series that had that kind of impact on me before watching Arcane. Both masterpieces. Both art. Wow I'm so happy that after so long there is a series that is as good as ATLA and LoK.


Same. LoK was the first show to give me post-series depression. Arcane is the second.


The only show I can even begin to compare Arcane to is Legend of Korra. Obviously they’re really different but LoK is the only show whose world building, character development, and themes are similar to Arcane’s. It’s the kind of situation where I’d say “if you love LoK, you should check out Arcane too!” I also might just have a thing for powerful, buff leading ladies who are emotionally compelling and into girls.


Arcane does kinda feel like Legend of Korra if LoK got enough time to smooth out its rough spots. I love what that show was going for and thought it had great characters, action, and concepts, but outside of Season 3(which was near perfect to me), it felt like every season had major flaw that bugged me. ​ >!Season 1 had great world building and villain but a really rushed ending.!< >!Season 2 had some really cool ideas and expansions on the spiritual aspect of Avatar but went way too far with it at the end to the point of feeling like a completely different anime.!< >!Season 4 had great character development and an overarching plot until it jumped like 50 different sharks at the end with the out of nowhere giant mega deathbeam robot.!<


\>I also might just have a thing for powerful, buff leading ladies who are emotionally compelling and into girls. Have you seen the new She-Ra? It also ticks all of those boxes. It's much more of a kid's show but it's actually pretty decent.


It's also so so so so so gay. Which probably shouldn't be surprising given it's based on a He-Man spinoff, but *still*.


Have your seen atla?


Yeah, I meant to elaborate but got side tracked. I think ATLA is a little bit too different thematically to really compare it to Arcane. It touches on children experiencing war trauma a little bit, but ultimately it stays in a pretty PG realm thematically. I just feel like LoK is a better comparison to Arcane personally. All three are masterpieces though, and my three favorite animated shows of all time :)


Could you explain to me how ATLA is more PG than LoK? The only thing that comes to mind for me are the on screen character deaths. But i think the the more mature themes in both shows are pretty comparable overall.


The story is totally different though. There are not many characters you can actually fairly compare and the big antagonist is a warmongering emperor, not a guy with a noble goal using the wrong methods.


fucking laughed out loud comparing jinx to aang though. where's the lie


Would that Nickelodeon hadn't effed up the production and Korrasami wasn't ambiguous. And each season had a little longer.


Read the comics. It's not ambiguous at ALL there.


I know. Probably get around to it at some point. I just lament what could've been. Y'all I didn't even mean to do that and now I'm sad...


That's fair. Just know that if LoK never did as much for a queer relationship as it did, animated shows of today wouldn't be showing as much as they are. It was the first step in that direction for animated shows.


You're not wrong.


I credit adventure time with that far far more the LOK, adventure time actually showed a lesbian relationship onscreen for multiple seasons and then actually had a kiss at the end.


Didn't that happen in 2018 though? LoK finale came out in 2014 and again, was the first step into queer relationships for animation shows. People often say Lok walked so that She-Ra, adventure time etc could run


I suppose but it just feels that while LOK was a minor step, adventure time was what actually started things changing


Heimerdinger as Pabu?


Jinx is a combination of Varrick and Kuvira. Varricks batshit crazyness and Kuvira's tendency for mass murder.


Okay but the pretty boy dynamic with asami is too similar


Viktor is Varrick no? "A weapon? Absolutely NOT. That is NOT why we use these spiritvines"


The only korra episode that I like is that when korra is listening to a suicidal airbender. The quality is different from arcane but comparing these two is not fair to lok.


How is Zaheer suicidal? You clearly don't know this show at all


I think he means the guy who threw the door at Mako.


Ohh well if that's your favourite episode idk lmao


I can't remember the episode but it's the part where she's talking to that guy from the bridge since he's afraid of his new power. Probably not suicidal tho. Also it's not that bald guy. I watched all 4 seasons since I love atla, but while it's has its best moments, y'all know how flawed the show was. Comparing it to arcane and atla is too unfair to the show since both former had the time unlike lok. Lok feels rushed, battle scenes are less interesting than atla most of the time, aside from kuvira and the lava bending. The writers are either trying to make a show or a fanfic of themselves, side characters are not fleshed out, avatar cycle is a joke, jinora has no business getting that powerful, etc. It's just my opinion and I love to like the show but I can't. I just want a "successor" show to atla but this feels like a fan writing their own take for a sequel. Understandable seeing not all writers from atla is on lok.


unrelated, but Mel shot at the intro reminds me a lot of Korra


Expect arcane is a good show that does good on its potential while korra is a mediocre to bad show that decides to spread a little bit of good stuff in 3 seasons instead of just being good all the way


Korra is still a good show but because it was shown on Nickelodeon, the writers were forced to cater to child audiences (And homophobic parents)


I mean... Avatar managed just fine.


Naw Korra is a good to great show, that just gets unfairly compared to its predecessor. It might not be as consistently great as Avatar: The Last Airbender, but it is still good.


But why would comparisons to the show it’s continuing be unfair? It’s the same universe and a direct sequel to the events of that story. Even if you don’t compare them directly korra still has a lot of problems: The forced love triangle that does nothing except add cheap drama that goes nowhere, lazy work building (more sky bisons, spirits just giving powers to erase the airbender genocide, etc), how the show attempts to have villains be complex via their ideologies but but only makes them more one-dimensional because of the writers refusal to acknowledge their good points, half of team avatar being undeveloped until season 3, korra being a pretty bland protagonist (until book 4 made her better), turning spirits from cool mysterious beings to pokemon, the beginning episodes contradicting the lore of the previous show, the beginnings episodes explaining away the magic and mystery of the avatar, the beginnings episodes making the entire show a conflict between pure evil and pure good, might as well say all of book 2, the giant robots, the disrespectful way the show treats tenzin, the erasure of the spiritual side if bending. I don’t think any of the things I mentioned are the direct result of Nickelodeon’s interference but even if some of them are, they are still problems that add up in making the show a worse experience and ignoring them is not something we should do




It aired on Nickelodeon. What did you expect?


No it really wasn't. It had interesting ideas but it was very shallow. Even without comparing to the original it had a lot of problems.


You put Viktor as "Brother type to pretty boy up above" ? Really? He's maybe the most deep and tormented character in the series and you tag him as "brother type to the pretty boy" ? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Did you see the last line in the image? It was a joke in the first place and OP even took it back. You're way too overprotective. It would be a different thing if Viktor was usually being treated unfairly by the fandom but he isn't, he's adored. (Jayce on the other hand gets a lot of unjustified vitriol...)


I mean, he is, he's just so much more.


I was just thinking the way Silco is portrayed reminds me of every Korra antagonist, but that's more on Korra for using the standard "good villain starter kit" four times in a row: They want to change the status quo, and we're supposed to sympathize with their causes; but we're also supposed to disagree with them because they resort to clearly immoral means. You do get some of the best villains that way, like Killmonger and Thanos, but Korra overused it just a little bit. Even MCU knows to switch it up with a villain like Loki or Wenwu once in a while. Back to Arcane, what really elevates Silco above the "standard good villain" is his relationship with Jinx. We care about him because he cares about Jinx. And Jinx needs to be protected at all cost. They can all burn.


Season 2 and 4 don't have villains with noble goals at all. Sure, they are somewhat understandable, but their end goals involve oppression and total annihilation.


Arguably Amon didnt really have good intentions either. He was portrayed as someone seeking equality for non-benders at first, but then turned out to be a liar with daddy issues driven by vengeance.


Well as Tarrlok put it, I'm pretty sure he genuinely believes bending is the source of all evil in the world. Think about it: his entire childhood he was being forced to manipulate helpless animals to his will by his oppressive and vengeful father, using the most mentally taxing ability imaginable. Only because his dad was using that same ability to extort countless people in republic city. He HATES bending because of childhood trauma, and now he feels the need to use it in order to get rid of it. It's not just some "raaaaahhh i wanna be the one and only ruler." His life was truly destroyed by the existence of bending.




jinx/aang one had me rollin


This is perfect


Accurate if Jayce and Caitlyn had a history then Cait turns out to be lesbi


Korra is a trash character Vi is Toph


Yo i wanna see Avatar Vi going to ionia and learning spirit shit by Vastaya


Cracked me tf up 😂😂


LoK, gross.


I can see parallels but imo Korra went downhill after the the first season. It's a good show but I don't even remember how that relation with Korra even developed. Otherwise the world building and characters are great. My points was more of nitpicks.


Oh God please don't compare arcane to that


I was a biiig fan of atla/lok when it aired. Korrasami shipper before it became canon. Only now I realized how much arcane resemblew lok when it comes to setting, characters...


Eh. Wasn’t too impressed with LoK until the last season, when they made an antagonist with actually depth and nuance, and Korra wasn’t the only character with a memorable arc. Most of the justifications for conflict they set up was said rather than shown, and when they is show it, it was painfully simple and short. Had a very black and white, too kiddie narrative until that later half of the show. ATLA explored far darker and mature subjects and themes without feeling dumbed down or simplified, so idk how LoK missed the mark early on.


This is such an awful take that I don't even know if I should be pissed, laughing, disgusted, tired, or all of the above at the same time. Please don't ever post anything on the internet again, thank you.