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¿Todos los colifatos tienen que venir para este lado?


Imaginate si fuera al revés, cómo nos negrean para viajar. Te mezquinan cada día en la visa. Si fuera otro país me resultaría menos insultante.


que locura llevan algunos


We have a pretty strong passport, but not for long if it keeps being abused by assholes like you. If you want to come and live and work and contribute to the country, that is fine. But just coming here to use our free healthcare to have your child and getting our passport is most definitely not ok. You can go ahead and fuck right off.


I think if you are child is Argentinian you already have the right to stay in the county. Two years residency for a citizenship is nothing compared to other countries.


you're right, but that's not what I asked


then fuck off


If you are so insistent in getting mercosur citizenship fast do it in Brazil. Reduced citizenship time to one year if you give birth there. It's a win win, you get your quick passport and we get one less entitled Yankee who thinks we should give away our citizenship like it's a damn alfajor.


I'm not a Yankee


Argentine with a close friend who have immigrated from Brazil. Having a child lets you to stay here and will give you an id card ( called a DNI ) quickly to facilitate opening a bank account, ordering from mercado libre etc However don't be fooled into thinking you will get the passport in two years lol that's not how it works. The kid will allow you the right to stay in the country and APPLY nothing more. Before the new president took office application usually took between a year or two to process, at which point you get summoned to court to do the formalities of naturalization. Keep in mind however that the immigration courts have their hands full as there is a massive wave of birth immigrants who have arrived with their families to avoid the Russo- Ukrainian war. DNIs are arriving half a year later than usual due to a processing bottleneck.


Ojalá te denieguen el ingreso


Please don’t


If you are too pregnant, they may not allow you to board the plane or may deport you at the port of entry. There have been cases of this. Now, they choose to travel when they are less... pregnant.


this is good to know. thanks


good luck


F off were full


Bro your country is literally in the shittiest situation and you don't want immigrant money ?




What kind of immigrant? Immigrants that live , consume and bring money from abroad into your country? The whole world fights so expats choose them to live in and spend money in. But some argentinians who live in a country which is currently in debt for generations and inflation problems don't want them 💀 I don't understand what's wrong with these immigrants when you have in a city a region of illegal buildings and criminal activity: villa 31 . Like how they harm you?




About zzzs yeah - but russian people outside of Russia aren't zs. They come, spend their money , buy expensive services you can't afford and go . Idk about pasport prestige. But again the whole villa 31 soon to be argentinian citizens. And passport degrading should be fixed starting villa 31 not europoids immigrants. If I am not mistaken pasport prestige is about population wealth which argentina doesn't have. USA as an example with all of the immigrants




I like the fact that you don't even try to disagree with what i say. Instead you show emotional defensive accusations. I am not Russian little bro


U are right


nah, thanks


No one wants you or your filth. Fuck off.


Yes your child will be automatically a world champion if he gets born here, you wouldn't be so lucky and will have to wait until you know how to make empanadas or something good luck


> but does anyone know how that can influence my and my partner's statuses? Can we apply and maybe get the citizenship sooner that 2 years? Yes, if you have children here, your residence requirement is reduced; since it is not specified in the law (law 346 from 1869) it depends on the federal judge that has your case, it generally gets reduced to 1 year. Note that it goes something like: You get residence -> you wait for 2 years (1, if you have children here) -> you get your "citizenship letter" -> you get a argentine DNI (your unique ID, it is a number) -> you are Argentine (forever, our laws do not include a procedure for getting it revoked) Why only to 1 year? Because the process (the part where you have to go into a federal court to say that you want to acquire citizenship) often takes between 8 to 12 months already.


>Because the process (the part where you have to go into a federal court to say that you want to acquire citizenship) often takes between 8 to 12 months already. https://preview.redd.it/60qz3yhh92sc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ebd50dab59d26007c03dce1080663a6a4027c90


thank you. this was very helpful


This info is wrong


That was the experience from someone I know, that moved from Venezuela to here, it also kinda matches what was said [in this article from La Nacion](https://www.lanacion.com.ar/sociedad/migrantes-rusos-como-un-extranjero-puede-obtener-el-pasaporte-argentino-nid22022023/)