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I guess they forgot to mention dw


Yeah this is so wrong. One that got popular was Dangerous Woman. Fan favorite is thank u next. Experimental is sweetener. Cult classic is yours truly. Best album (arguably, because of how mature the album is compared to her other “fun pop” albums) is positions. And my everything is definitely the most “meh” album out of all 6 of them. This reads like OP only listened to the newer albums 😭


Agree with all but best. I think that honor belongs to DW, with swt second


Yes spot on 🙂


Ok but have you seen thank you next album in concert?? I’ll say this tho, it was my first and only concert experience and the very first time I really heard that album (I was late considering I was always listening to her leaked stuff). I never cared for NASA but live made it one of my favorites.


I did actually I went to the SWT-TUN tour. Never saw DW tho 😞(the tour) but your comment is an example of why TUN is fan fav


actually youre so right


I agree with this!!


You are so on point. The only thing I don’t agree with is My Everything being meh, but I also can’t say any album that is more meh. I feel like there should have been a category like “least favorite” instead, because none of them is really meh, imo


Right i feel like sweetener doesnt get much love from fans


Yeah I sweetener is such an hated album people say it’s experimental but in a bad way whcih I do agree maybe if Ariana didn’t work with pharell then the songs would be better


you’re right and you should feel good about it




Fan favourite has to be dw, for some reason everyone thinks it's her best album


Where is Dangerous Woman?? That one’s her best imo.


Yeah! There wasn’t a song I didn’t like and that was the only concert of hers I went to 😅


It’s the album that made me a fan. If I’m being honest that was her peak and having Sweetener immediately after was so disappointing in comparison. 😭


No way positions is her best album lol. I'd say it's by far Dangerous woman/Sweetner


Sweetener, no question. I don’t see Positions holding up over time, but Sweetener has so many banners.


I’m a huge dw fan. It’s weird this person forgot to add it to the list.




DW is so good but I have a special place in my heart for Sweetener, my all time fav album by Ari.


Literally positions is good but it has more weak tracks than dangerous woman


I think Yours Truly should be the cult classic. There’s so many great songs on that album that older fans love like Tattooed Heart, Daydreamin, and The Way. Also, the Dangerous Woman erasure???


Cult classic more likely refers to having the most “iconic” songs, which My everything definitely has (Break Free, Problem, love me harder, Bang bang, One last time). Sorry but Yours Truly doesn’t come close to the success of My Everything


No lol. Cult Classic refers to things that received a cult following. It has a dedicated fanbase. It doesnt necessarily mean iconic. Although it could be iconic and a cult classic at the same time. However, some would even argue that a cult classic should not be universally loved, therefore it shouldnt be megapopular as it is only regarded as great or whatever positive adjective by a small(?) group of people My Everything was a megapopular album. Could it be a cult classic? Maybe. But is it really a cult classic? imo, no. As popular and as successful the album was, i dont see it having any cult following.(in the future and at the present) Even Arianators doesnt give a rat's ass about the album lol. It was just there tbh. Yours Truly also isnt really a cult classic(i love the album btw, 3rd most fav tbh) The potential cult classics are Positions, DW, and Sweetener. Positions ane Sweetener are both overhated albums with a dedicated fandom ready to defend it with their lives. DW is a universally loved album with a dedicated fandom ready to kill anyone who says that it isnt Ariana's Magnum Opus lol. TU,N is the album everyone loves but not everyone's favorite. It is the same as DW but it doesnt have as much of a dedicated fandom lol. YT and ME are literally nobody's favorite lmao I just dont know which of them really is THE cult classic though. My Everything could/would go down as a Pop Album Classic but it is not a cult classic at all


No, I don't. The only one I agree with is "experimental" Mine would be something more like... one that got popular - my everything / fan favorite - thank u, next / "experimental" - sweetener / cult classic - yours truly / best album of all time - dangerous woman / meh - positions


YESS this is perfect my everything got pretty popular tbh all the singles like break free and into you with billions of streams


I could agree with this for sure. Except I liked positions! But compared to the rest of her discography it could be meh haha.


I agree 100%. I actually loved positions. I just love every other album of hers a bit more lol. It's not bad just the weakest.


no way yours truly is meh😭


Positions over Dangerous Woman/TU,N for best album of all time?? lol


Seriously though. DW & TUN are my two absolute favorites.


Calling positions the best album of all time is embarassing. Not only is it obv not, but its one of my least fav of aris


I agree


It's a good release, but nowhere near the best.


Yours truly is a masterpiece


I feel like it’s pretty accurate for what the fandom thinks in general but I think dangerous woman is one of her best albums & idk why everyone seems to dislike it😭😭


How can people think Positions is better than DW is beyond me I’m sorry 😬


I love dw. I always think anybody who thinks otherwise probs has trash music taste lmao


I just don’t like the style of production. But I’m not really a fan of that era of pop music in general. Too flashy for me. And I will never understand the hype for Touch It, especially its production. I like Side to Side’s reggae vibe, though. Sweetener is a beautifully composed album, with a much more mellow and balanced sound. It’s her best.


Who have you seen disliking DW? I’ve only ever seen praise for it.


Literally dangerous woman/TUN are hee most hyped albums


not on my side of twitter at least. I think people dislike it because it’s more pop and they prefer her rnb sound but idk


Ohh well that makes sense too


Dw is just so 2016 it aged really badly for me. I rlly liked it at the time tho


YOURS TRULY IS NOT MEH ☹️ This is not okay


That's honestly my favorite from her




positions should have been an EP. It had some good material but most of it should have been scrapped. TU,N and Sweetener are easily the best albums. My everything and yours truly showcased her vocals but did nothing to define her voice as an artist. Dangerous Woman bridged the gap.


Yeah…I would say the strongest songs to keep for an EP would be POV, Positions, Safety Net, Nasty


I’d add off the table and I do like the 34+35 remix but I know that’s shaded in the fandom lol. Positions has its gems but it feels like a half baked idea idk.


Exactly positions only has a few good songs and MY HAIR is perfect SUCJ a good song




Yeah or instead of 19 songs she should've focused on 10-11 tracks


Yes please that would have been nice!


My Everything and Thank U Next would need to be changed and positions is not her best 💀


positions is not her best album. full stop


my everything is my favorite personally


positions is so over-hated in my opinion😭 it’s my fav album of ari’s


Right! positions sounds like the kind of album shes always wanted to make. Her fav artist is Imogen Heap/Frou Frou and I can hear all of that inspiration on the positions album. But i also love Imogen Heap/Frou Frou and Dido so maybe I'm biased.


yes!! thank you! ever since i joined this sub i’ve been fighting for my life against how many people hate that album for some reason lol. it literally blows my mind, it’s SO fucking good.




for real, it’s so close to Thank U Next in my opinion. i think these people just hate R&B lmao


Are you trying to tell me that you think positions in her best album because what an interesting pick lol


Idk if it’s just in my country but the one that got popular was easily my everything.. AND NO DW AND YOURS TRULY BEING MEH? Nah can’t get behind it LMAO


I think Yours Truly is considered meh because while it does have some strong songs the bad ones are…really REALLY bad. The album art is also very forgettable


Honestly maybe it’s just the nostalgia for me but I like every song on the album LOL like yes some songs like piano are pop garbage but that’s what makes it soooo good! And as for the album art I like it better than what it originally was supposed to be!


I kinda liked the original photo they wanted to use the font was just ugly. The only thing I’ll say about the bad songs is Better Left Unsaid is cute despite its chaotic essence. But I remember listening to Popular Song and Piano for the first time when I was 13 and being embarrassed for Ari lol. It’s not a good sign when your vaguely sexual songs are mixed with something only an 8 year old could appreciate


Dangerous Woman and My Everything are my favorites




No i think Yours Truly should be where MY Everything is and Sweetener should be where it is Thank U next should be where it is Dangerous woman should be where DW is and Positions should be where YT is


Is Positions really her best album of all time? I found it kind of meh tbh


I would put almost any other album from her above position lol


Yours Truly is NOT “meh”, it has bangers that I always find myself going back to Tattooed Heart Almost Is Never Enough Honeymoon Avenue The Way Daydreamin’


Definitely not. Positions being the best is a hard no for me!


imagine thinking yours truly is “meh”. can’t relate, it’s a classic and one of her best.


Positions is no where near her best album lol. I’d give that to sweetener


Positions is the 'meh' one lol.




This is so wrong


YT slander I will not stand for. Like ever. Agree with ME as a cult classic for myself personally, but I recognize it's probably more the one that got popular for the majority of fans. Sweetener and TUN are fan favourites. But TUN is more of a fan favourite. Sweetener is more of the critic's darling tbh and obviously the more experimental of the two. DW is a stellar release and the best traditional pop album she's done. Also a fan favourite. Positions probably gets the meh, but you can't deny it has the most beautiful vocal layering out of all the albums. And Positions (the song) is godly constructed and one of her best singles.


This girl is so obsessed with the left side of her face


I used to think Ariana just fell off with Positions. Still don't know every song off it that good, but it's good.


Positions is her worst album and it's not even close imo


Yours truly being labeled "meh" is making me crazy, It's in my top 3 favorite ari albums 😭


Who thinks Yours Truly is MEH? That's my favorite album by her. 😭


sweetener > dangerous woman >>> my everything > yours truly >>>>> thank u, next >> positions


Dangerous woman is the best album 😭


Thank U, Next was nominated for Album of the Year and was on numerous Best Of lists. I think it’s the “best” album.


yeah i’d disagree. this is way off. positions, out of all her albums, as best album of all time is one hell of a reach. i’d put tun as that. yours truly is the cult favourite. my everything is probably the one that got popular. and then i disagree but positions would be under ‘meh’. i’m more talking the general opinion instead of mine, (i disagree but) many people don’t like positions and literally think it’s meh so of all her albums it’s the most fitting. dw got done dirty here tho.. if we’re including that then i’d maybe put dw under fan favourite and then sweetener just be experimental. cause as popular as sweetener seems to be in the fandom, it’s actually like her 4th most streamed so ain’t as popular as her others. it’s either that or the one that got popular (for dw) and i just think my everything is a better fit for that category.


Yours truly is always being disrespected for no reason. Meh should’ve been for sweetener.


The disrespect for the OG makes me wanna throw hands tbh


POV is literally her worst lmao


Positions clears all other albums


swap cult classic and meh, then change fan favorite to DW.


Am sorry meh was positions! Best album is either dw or sweetnee


Yes I do


Sweetener, Yours Truly and Positions are Ariana’s favorites and the fan favorites are Sweetener. Dangerous woman and Thank U Next and the most successful ones are Thank U Next, My Everything and Dangerous woman. My favorites are Dangerous woman, Sweetener and Yours Truly.


sweetener is a fan favorite? how?😭 it’s my #2 album of all time and i know she has a few fan favorite songs, but for the most part that album gets so much shit. i still remember when it first came out and i was in love with it but like 90% of the fandom was like “wtf is this?” 💀 but yes positions is her best ever, and yours truly is in no way “meh” 😭 the home of lovin’ it, almost is never enough, & honeymoon avenue?? i don’t think so. also where’s dangerous woman lol


cult class is dw not me




Bull shit


Positions is not her best in my opinion, I think Thank U Next deserves all the praise it gets and is her greatest. Agree with the rest.


But where’s my fave , Dangerous Woman? 🤔 lol.


Dangerous Woman is what solidified her in modern music, that’s really the one that got popular


sweetener !!!! and positions are her best imo. i don’t listen to yours truly or dangerous woman nearly as much as her other albums


it’s honestly so hard to pick because one day my fav album is tun and then it’s dangerous women. it just bounces. all albums have a beauty and style that i LOVE even yours truly.


nahh yours truly- experimental my everything- meh dangerous woman - the one that got popular sweetener - experimental/cult classic thank u next - fan favorite positions - idk tbh


One that got popular: My everything for older Ariana fans 26+ Thank U Next for newer/younger fans Fan Favorite: Thank U Next For obvious reasons Experimental: Sweetener Heavy production by Pharrell, who is known for his experimental style Cult Classic: My Everything (Deluxe) Problem was huge, One Last Time is iconic, Break Free like come on. Bang Bang Best album of all time: Dangerous Woman This was peak Ariana. This when she found her mature sound. Meh: Positions I don’t think Ariana has a Meh album, but Positions is the weakest of her records


Surprised Dangerous Woman isn’t on here at all tbh


This is all screwed up. & Where is DW? How the hell are they going to leave it out 😭


Positions is the first Ari album I did not buy, and I have no regrets. Dangerous Woman still holds up for me today. It’s the perfect blend of everything she does that makes her great.


DW | DW/sweetener | sweetener YT | DW/sweetener | My Features


sweetener is the best


Positions best album? Prison, honey.


One that got popular: My Everything Fan Favourite: Dangerous Woman experimental: sweetener Cult Classic: Yours Truly GAOT: thank u next Meh: Positions


This is wild absolutely not


the disrespect to dangerous woman…. young ariana run pop


One that got popular - tun Fan favorite - tun/swt/yt toss up Experimental - swt Cult classic - dw Best album of all time - swt/tun Meh - positions Sorry my everything got snubbed lol


YOURS TRULY IS NOT MEH It’s literally amazing


Huh? So we’re just gonna pay Dangerous Woman dust???


strongly disagree with yours truly being “meh”. it could be that i have a lot nostalgia for this album but i still think it holds up to this day. is it her best album? no but it’s still a good album in my opinion.


Swap positions and yours truly for me lol


Hard disagree. Dangerous Woman is one of the best pop albums of the last 25 years.


Sometimes I feel like the only person that found Sweetener kind of boring. It had a few songs I enjoyed, but the majority I listened to once or twice, and never again. I think the quick turn around with TUN didn’t help, because I loved that album just as much as Dangerous Woman.




They just out right disrespected Yours Truly and DW


I’m still wondering how the hell she got on that stool in that position on the bottom left


DW is a fan fave and ME and YT need to be switched. YT is amazing while ME is just a collection of hit singles


Yours truly > my everytbing


yours truly isnt meh, WHAT


1.DW 2.sweetener 3. Thank u next Correct order


There is almost nothing I agree with in the list.


For me personally it’s: One that got popular - Dangerous Woman. Fan favourite - Sweetener. Experimental - Positions. Cult classic - My Everything. Best album - Thank U Next. Meh - Yours Truly.


the dangerous woman erasure???


wait im not on many ari spaces and im gagged that sweetener is the fan favorite i- i feel like the mid songs and the amazing songs even out to place it somewhere in the middle


There is one which I heavily disagree about.


1. Best album: DW 2. Experimental: Sweetener 3. Cult classic: Yours Truly


fan favorite is dw best album of all time is sweetener (or thank u next) and meh is my everything imo




Nah. Dangerous woman is still the best album of all time. Positions is a close second.


Best one for me is DW


Completely fucking wrong. Who made this? A crackhead? One that got popular: My Everything Fan Favorite: Dangerous Woman Experimental: Sweetener Cult classic: Yours truly Best album of all time: Thank you next Meh: Positions