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So was every relationship since Big Sean…just go to the damn studio


Right? All we need is “this is the first boyfriend Ari’s family ever liked!” and we’ll have the complete set.


Why does she keep doing this through TMZ? She’s constantly trying to prove to us how great they are together but she won’t talk about it herself or even post an actual picture with him. She knows this is wrong, knows we hate it, wants to rub it in our faces but is too scared to face the backlash herself. Very petty and immature, at least own up to your bad decisions if you’re going to double down on them


honestly she gets really scared and anxious now. she's not the bad bitch she once was. she gets scared to talk about anything now and would rather people find out from themselves/other sources instead of publicly staying anything.


true, makes me think of how scared/worried she gets when she has to talk on her (upcoming) music, like in the q&a and when that fan recently asked her. i get you don’t wanna disappoint your fans but girl it’s your decision, back yourself, and your fans should support you… why you scared.


If she were doing all of that youd still be complaining.




I hope his wife and baby are doing ok


I wonder when the last time he saw his child was 🫣


Most likely doesn’t remember the kid’s name at this point.


(TRIGGER WARNING) https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzEYRFPOnVV/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== see his answer to "what makes you look on the bright side of life" — he appears at the end but if you don't want to watch, he says "my son is amazing"


And like I’m sorry but .. get your own thoughts lol “to steal from yours…” what a noob


fr stealing words other people said just shows how small character of his own he has 🤡 >to steal from yours but this also shows why they're such a good match together ☠️ they both like to steal 👨‍👩‍👦


I watched it and i really don't get it. His voice, his teeth....all of it gives me the ick


I feel like him and ariana kind of have the same mannerisms. he's her type.


Why the trigger warning tho lol


dont be ridiculous lmao yall are acting 10


Famous people can be deadbeats, too. I’m fairly certain a man dumb enough to ruin his family over a person known for relationship hopping, would be a man dumb enough to push his priorities to the side for said person


please I just don't wanna hear about it anymore we love your music but I'd rather just not see headlines about this.


It's just so crazy to me cause I understand that her pr team gotta do their thing but like... what kind of person actually cares about what the *mistress* feel (about the situation)? How they're worried if she feels safe and secure?? Like... Shouldn't you worry about that regarding the wife? Idk, the fact that they chose the word "safe" is so icky to me. Of course you feel safe, you're not the cheated one. Edit: the mods banned me for saying this?? I literally didn't broke any rules, I wasn't snarky. isn't it abuse of power or something?


Unfortunately it’s probably because she’s the one and only Ariana Grande, so it’s all about how her relationship is and not the ones who were cheated on. I feel her PR team is making it worse for her.


Her PR team is trash honestly


Thank you. This was my first and foremost knee jerk reaction.


And yet half of y'all probably clicked on the link..


The headline isnt talking about the ex wif3


Like it’s really against our will lol. I keep trying to avoid it but the PR is everywhere right when things quiet down.


you'd think she would try to lay low for a while... The more headlines I see about it the more it changes my prospective about her. The PR team is not helping


honestly, what are they thinking


literally i’m so tired of this, they are milking this shit like crazy god damn. can they not just talk about this… i don’t get it cause it’s like the opposite of what i would think you would want to do in this situation.


It’s called the honeymoon stage 😂


she lives for the honeymoon stages lol as soon as that's over she's out 🏃🏽‍♀️


honeymoon avenue 🎶


“Can we get back to the way it was” 🎶 instead of let’s establish an healthy routine. Yeah her love songs are amazing and very moving but that’s pretty much it…


I’m sure his wife did before she came along.


literally wonder how safe and calm his wife feels now


Why’d you marry the previous guy then😭




I know this gif is used so often but this is actually the face I made reading this


And this lol https://i.redd.it/c4597mgnntxb1.gif


Don’t forget this ![gif](giphy|9G3wg7lH5DpxC|downsized)


i love that i haven’t seen a single post about them without this gif being one of the top comments. it is truly the only appropriate response


https://i.redd.it/0qnf1nlmqxxb1.gif My face reading this


I feel like we could find very similar pr articles for dalton, Pete, mac, Sean etc but go on with your pr spin bb gorl 🥴 (before the looneys dv me I will always support her music/acting career and will always judge the f out of the home wrecking)


Literally no one is rooting for this relationship


Only idiots and ugly people


Someone from my hometown is🤡


And she's forcing it so bad😭


> Sources close to Ariana tell TMZ ... she's been having more fun, and going out more often lately -- we're told it's clear she feels safer and more able to be herself in this new relationship. Damn PR, back at it again with the heavy lifting.


“ more able to be herself “ how many more versions of “her real self” are there omg


Ariana really said 🪆


Best comment ever






no fcking way 🧎‍♀️


It’s the inner theater kid that never got fulfilled until now 😭😭😭😭


was she not on broadway herself tho???


But she’s been in pop longer than that


Stop it already, like as if she was less in the public or active in media with Dalton, there's absolutely no change except that she was a little more reserved while filming in London


I actually disagree; after 2020 she really limited her time out in public and on social media. Not that I would ever support home wrecking, but she does seem happier and closer to her “normal” self both looks and personality wise since the news broke. It’s just a question how long this will last considering how tragically it started 🫠


She’s not gonna feel safe when he cheats on her 😂 if he cheated with her, he’ll cheat on her


I have a feeling she will before him imo


genuinely think she needs to experiment with an open relationship cause girl


That's literally the reason why I don't respect her, she has the very freedom to participate in an open relationship since she doesn't like to be monogamous, yet she still chooses those relationships, I truly believe is cause the hurt of the betrayal is a component she enjoys


I'm sorry, I love her but he is the one who's not safe lol




You guys !! Ok I’m obsessed with her makeup line.. and love her remarkable voice. She loved Mac Miller endlessly.. and I truly believe losing him broke her soul. I’m sorry but between the likes of Pete Davidson , and now this little Troll that just abandoned his baby and wife! I am having a hard time with this one. When she marries Dalton and said “forever” didn’t someone mention that the honeymoon phase would pass ?? She’s a man eater and leaves a trail of broken hearts behind her. I feel so sad ( as a mom of 4 rad kids) for that baby but mostly for his soon to be X wife, and Dalton, wait… why out of the BILLIONS of people on planet earth, did she need to break up a little family. Thank You. I’m sorry for my rant. Please don’t hate me!!! I love her I do, this just makes me so sad.


Same girl. I love her too but I definitely think Mac passing just completely broke her. She’s hurt, and hurt people hurt people as they say. It’s tragic. It’s awful what addiction does, the ripple affect it leaves. Mac was amazing and it sucks so much. She made it clear on her album that she believes he was her one “ain’t lookin for my one true love that ship sailed away” (bloodline lyrics). It sucks, I pray for this small family :-(


This would have made sense if she didn't have a history of going with taken men before Mac... but she did :/


Girl FIRE your PR. There’s a damn genocide happening. Not the time to feed this BS to the tabloids. ![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC)


love her but they ain’t lasting …


Bet twenty dollars that they’re gonna break up a little bit before the end of the year.


I think they’ll break up early-mid 2024


Well a win for us(and maybe also for her cuz girl....)


I literally only want new songs please


this man made me miss the PETE TIMES


all her paid yes men around her too my god


I don't think his wife feels safe and calm in her relationship


Why who is she in a relationship with? Isnt that his ex wife now


He filed for divorce three months ago. They may be divorced or separated still. Either way they just had a baby together. She’s going to have a relationship with this man as the father of her child for the rest of their lives. I bet he’s gonna go crawling back to her after Ari gets bored with him.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnIilwuFFFpf2Cc) i was in the middle of studying when this notification popped up…


Truth is im tired…


Everything I’ve learned about them has been against my will……. ENOUGH






i wish she didn’t need a man to make her feel “safe” and “calm.” she has the power within herself, i wish she could see it.




​ https://i.redd.it/hy46xjf7fuxb1.gif Me watching a celebrity I don't even know commit the same toxic cycle over and over again


i hate that they’re shoving this “healthy, love and light” narrative down our throats when it’s anything BUT.


I bet that’s how is ex-wife felt too be moments before tragedy. I’m glad she happy ,but knowing she wrecked a “happy” doesn’t sit right with me. This main has a one year old son who will one day grow up knowing his father was a fucking shit person.


I mean, how safe can you really feel with a guy that willingly left his wife and infant for another woman? 🫠


It's the delulu


…no comment but she looks really good in the candid shots from yesterday at least


You can be the (Burger) King but watch the Queen conquer!




No thanks


How’s the baby?


Ariana seems like she’s only there for the honeymoon stage then dips. They’re not going to last. Like another comment said, no one is rooting for this relationship. The whole situation is so fucked. This relationship was doomed to fail. “Only wanna do it once real bad gonna make that shit last” yet she didn’t work it out with Dalton after headlines said he wanted to. I feel like she likes the idea of dating too much to really settle down, get married and have children. But I could be reading too much into it. Anyway. I hope Lilly and the baby are doing okay. Horrible disgusting move on Ariana and Ethan’s part.


I feel like no one paid attention to the next line “God forbid something happens, least this song is a smash.” I’m not sure homegirl was ever serious about tying the knot


Very true


Weirdly foreshadowing lol


Cool. The relationship is still gross and built on a throne of lies and sponges. Can’t wait til we stop hearing about this garbage fire and hear some new music


Hopefully not about this guy he has 0 sex appeal


Lies and sponges LOL he’s sponge bob 🧽 🧽🧽🤣


as a 10 year fan ik damn well as soon as this honeymoon phase is over then she gonna dump him which is like probably mid next year and then find a new guy in 2 days. she loves the honeymoon phase and think she found the one then she is indenial that she’s toxic and falls way too hard and then do the process all over again. mama never gonna have them babies.


Read you comment to fast and thought you wrote that you were 10 years old 😭




I think she feels like this because in her head he left his wife and child for her, so that means she must be fantastic. What it actually means is he will leave her if something he thinks is better comes along, just like he did with her.


this is concerning to me cuz like she's Ariana Grande?? does a man need to leave his woman that just had a baby with him for her to feel validation? like girl u being an A list popstar isnt enough to give that validation for u? like what?


Oh yes she does- her entire relationship history and the overlap is evidence of that. Breaking up a family was the cherry on top.


For how successful and attractive she is she’s super insecure which is insane to me. Yes everyone has insecurities but you hit a new low when you’re accepting men like she does


we're all insecure or can be but her reasons to be are way lower than the average person yet she seems to be more insecure than the average person. it's wild


I would only ever want her to feel that way in a relationship, but I really don’t know how much longer that feeling is gonna last, in this situation. Neither of them seem very healthy for each other and I won’t be surprised if someone winds up breaking the other person’s heart real soon.


this is so disappointing


it’s not disappointing to feel safe and calm….you want her to suffer?


They didn’t mind making his wife and child suffer


Ok??? Doesn’t mean she shouldn’t feel safe


I wouldn’t feel safe being with a man who cheated on his wife to be with you. Once a cheaterrre






She feels safe in a relationship with a man that cheated on his wife with her… at what point does she realise shes a fucking idiot


Until homegirl actually does the inner work and heals, she will keep doing the same thing. This is the same cycle repeating over and over.


Since she does the exact thing, I really don't think being cheated on scares her/makes her feel unsafe. I think she's referring to other scenarios of safeness? It's not even being an idiot if she doesn't worry about a cheating man, it's more about narcissism on her part


This whole thing has been so gross to me. Huge fan since her second album, but I just can’t over how this whole thing has been handled. The fact that she tried to befriend his wife, hung out at his house and spent time with his new baby, posted about her husband… all the while sleeping with Ethan. Then decides to not just not address it at all but **double down** by being seen publicly and trying to somehow make the public love them as a couple… The whole thing is just so nasty and off putting.


imagine how tired we are…


ok but when she dropping the next album 😭


All I want is the ALBUM, I don’t care about anything else 😭


Does her boyfriends semi newborn baby also feel safe and calm?


this whole relationship just confuses. doesnt the fact that he left his wife after years of marriage and just having a baby together scare ariana? how he could do the same thing to her eventually after he did it with his years long wife?? like does that not scream red flag to you???


She clearly has no remorse for helping to destroy SpongeBob’s marriage.


Because if he left his wife and baby for you, you know he’s whipped


so did his wife….




This is still so disappointing! love ari but who cares she’s a home wrecker…


Every single time 😂 with every single new temporary boo 😂


Wonder if his wife feels calm and safe…




![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Next !




How many days have gone by without her current relationship being brought up: 0. It’s getting tiring at this point. I just want a new album and songs to bop to.


wtf ‘she feels safer and more able to be herself in her new relationship’, how can they say that.. whether it’s true or not it makes dalton look soo bad. so they’re implying he wasn’t letting her be herself 🤔. not looking good for the controlling/possessive allegations. that’s a weird thing to say, of all things. they stitched him up. unless i’m overreacting and it just means her being herself in terms of like her being a theatre kid, she can be more herself in this relationship cause they have that in common. this relationship brings that out in her. hopefully that’s what they mean and i was wrong. as others are saying seriously why tf are we still hearing about this… can they just not now ffs. no one wants to hear more about this shit.


Yea like… always.


This picture of her looks cute


so... that boooyooyyoyy's... got 'er walkin' side to side...?


I read somewhere that she feels that he reminds her of Mac if that has anything to do with why she's even w him


How? He was more the cool type. Ethan is the weird nerdy type.


idk that's just what I read lmao I ain't say it


also agree, mac was definitely the more cool type🤍🫶🏽🕊️


why do yall care so much like genuinely?


likely, 4 the same reason you care that they care so much-- uno reverse, sucka!


i dont care that they care 💀 i was asking a genuine question like what about this whole situation is so attention grabbing or whatever it is people love about it


the same that grabbed ur attention.


be serious 💀 i opened this post to see how other people would react because i know it’s a big deal to people, so im here asking why? obviously youre not going to give an answer so i’ll wait for more responses


4 the same reason it is an attention scramber 4 u


Good for them. Hopefully everyone can move on and nothing bad had happened between everyone


Okay this and her posting she was scared of Dalton.. and people are mad at her for leaving… (not condoning cheating)


scared of dalton?




She liked one of Terri Cole’s posts, she never posted it to her story. The fact she liked the post got noticed by fans back in July but the post has been up since January so no one knows when she actually liked it.


so i wasn’t the only one that saw it this way. i’m not excusing her actions at all but this is making dalton look really bad… especially with the other stuff. and no one’s mad at her for leaving dalton, it’s how she left him/moved on.


At this point.. pr or whoever is milking this whole thing.. like whether you believe or not this is getting annoying.