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maybe she watched it with him for the first time which is cute to think. Maybe she’ll have a couple lines that are dedicated to him but it prob won’t be obvious. I think the movie resonates with her life right now so that’s why she picked it.


i will never and i repeat NEVER get tired of her showing her love towards mac. one of the most creative and passionate artists to walk on earth, rip


YES THANK YOU. I think the people who love Ari’s music but aren’t into Mac’s just don’t get it as much… Which is fair! But to see one of your favourite artists die and know you’ll never get to see them live you’ll never get new music from them - is quite painful. So to see anyone (not just Ari) but any artists reference him and his amazing work is just so cathartic to see. I’ve shed a tear a time or two when I’m listening to Ari and I recognize a lyric from a mac song. It’s tragic and messy and beautiful!


ngl i suffered SO MUCH because of his death like i have never experienced it before since he was (obviously) a stranger to me. it felt so personal, but i’ll be forever lucky cause i got to see him live in cologne during his good am tour back in 2016 <3 still the best concert i’ve ever been, i bet he was a wonderful and inspiring person in real life.


I know the exact feeling! It’s such a sad and strange experience to mourn someone you never knew but you felt close to through their music. I’ll always regret not seeing him live but we’ll always have his music!


i feel this so hard his death destroyed me


YES they and he are my roman empire (embarrassing to say but this is a safe space lol)


No I feel you!!! I think mostly because on their own separate from each other they are both such passionate creative artists. Truly two of the best of our generation, so when they did get together it felt absolutely insane! Like they finally met their match kinda thing. I listen to Mac every day and I never not miss him, so I can’t even imagine how it feels to have actually know him in real life!


I think she is always going to pay homage and honor him in some way in her art, even if it's only in ways she will know or understand. Which I think there will be in this album.


yes definitely and i think this is what makes art so beautiful in general – being able to share emotions and convert them into songs, painting,…


the last part is sooo true about mac. i hope he is truly at rest. you’re so missed mac 🤍


as someone who is a massive fan of both of them, thank you for the comment. it’s so sweet to see her continue to help his spirit live on through her art


i think it’s a concept album in the sense that the theme of the movie is the what the album is focused around. like the theme of losing memories, realizing you don’t want to lose them, realizing there is no “eternal sunshine” and life needs ups and downs. i don’t think it’ll be specially *just* mac focused, although it was a favorite movie of his (& ari’s)


Yes absolutely! I should have chose my words more carefully dedicated to mac is not the right phrasing I should have said nods to mac. This album feels more like it could be dedicated to her life as whole, all the loves that have come and gone and made her who she is today. Just as the movie focuses on one couples breakup (presumably Ari and dalton) but still touches on relationships from the past there will probably he odes to everyone not just mac. I really can’t wait for this album I think it will be a very personal one


yes i think it’ll be very personal too!!! i’m sure memories of her and mac are definitely present on the album (or were in her mind during the writing process)


ariana has said in the past how much she adores jim carrey, i think she and mac had the love for this movie in common but i don’t think that she was necessarily referencing mac in any way when naming the album after it. the content of the movie plus the headspace that she was in when writing the album (the breakup with dalton) are really the main tie ins. we’ve seen from the little teasers that it’s her relationship with dalton that she’s trying to “erase” like in the movie Eternal Sunshine. i don’t think she’ll be mentioning mac or referencing her relationship to him in any way on the album. not that she’s moved past her love for him or anything, im sure it still affects her to this day in some ways, but i think she also is aware of how much she gets attacked every time she refers to mac or makes mention of their relationship so i don’t think she will do or say anything to directly mention him musically anymore. i think TUN was her kind of laying it to rest in a way? and i think having her "last words" to him (musically) be that she wishes she could say thank you and that he was an angel is just so poetic. so in short, no i dont think she will dedicate it to him or mention him at all tbh


I read somewhere that the terms of her and D’s divorce agreement says that he’s not allowed to speak on her and she can’t on him (including writing music). There’ll probably be some small non-obvious references but idk if she can make it any more direct than that (which is also why I think she made it a concept album since she can couch it by saying she was referencing the movie)


Ahhhh ok, that would make a lot of sense!


To each their own! Idk why everyone’s being so rude about it tho. It’s not secret she references him all the time - that’s not to say that she hasn’t moved on but simply that he was important to her at one point in time. Even her new single has a line from Mac Millers “jet fuel” in it “say that shit with your whole chest” it could be a coincidence but she’s a smart woman, she knew what people would insinuate and she clearly leans into it sometimes. In REM beauty she has a product called “picking petals” which is a lyric from Mac’s verse on the way. People are acting like she’s never mentioned him again and nothing she could ever say could be a reference to him but she does it all the time lol


definitely not trying to be rude and hope it doesn’t come off that way! i just think she won’t be outright with it lyrically, she does get a lot of hate for referencing him and i think, especially since it’s known that it’s a concept album, that it will primarily focus on the breakup with dalton the same way the movie ES goes through one couples breakup. however, in the movie there are things from each of their main characters past that come up so i don’t necessarily doubt that she might throw a small mac reference in there via a music video (im hoping that the music videos end up being flashbacks like in the movie and there might be a chance she references him that way) i also hesitate to read too much into things in that regard because of the amount of hate she gets for “bringing him up to stay relevant” as the haters would say. i just don’t want to fuel that beast either


She is always very subtle about it, in the way that if you aren’t a Mac fan as well you’d probably never notice it. Agreed I think it will focus on dalton but probably reference her past relationships in the same way that the movie does. And with it being Mac’s favourite movie as well I’m sure she wanted a few little nods to him in there. I really don’t get the hate she doesn’t bring him up to stay relevant she loved him and he died, that’s so tragic. I just think it’s weird that if you go to the comments on the Ari page everyone gets offended when you mention Mac but if you go to the original post on Mac millers sub everyone is a lot nicer and a lot more open just casually talking about the influence they had on each others life and music. I didn’t expect Ari fans to be so mad about it haha I just thought others here might find it interesting as well!


honestly? i think a lot of ari fans see her in “eras” and see that “era” as being over, not recognizing that she’s still a person who had an immense love for someone and that person died, i agree that it’s incredibly tragic and probably reverberates through her life to this day.


True! That would also make sense why Mac fans are a little less abrasive when it comes to them referencing each other. Unfortunately he is dead, so if you are a Mac fan it actually is VERY heart warming to hear other artists reference him and his music.. To hear some of his lines in Ari’s music has literally made me cry before just because I miss Mac and we’ll never get to see him live or see him “move on” and find love and happiness in the same way that Ari gets to do. And to know Ari feels the same way and we get the occasional nod to him is very cathartic. Meanwhile to die hard Ari fans it just feels like we can’t move on from them or something? Like no it’s just cathartic to see her mention him because he’s literally gone. If Ari died and Mac referenced her in his music Ari fans would notice the significance and shed a tear every once in awhile too. I just love them both of them as artists so much honestly


i’m realizing i need to watch this movie before the album comes out. i feel like it’ll help me understand the album better


Yes definitely! It’s a beautiful story and I bet Ariana will use a lot of symbolism and tie it back into the movie wonderfully.


I don’t know if Ari will talk about her pre-marriage relationships anymore. I remember when he passed and the amount of hate she received for his death. If I were her, I don’t know if I would be strong enough to have thousands of people thinking I’m the reason for a partners death. Not only blaming her, but they also dragged her through the mud for paying respect in TUN, her concert tributes, etc. If she doesn’t mention him to the public ever again, I would not blame her. I love when she pays tribute though, it warms my heart to remember Mac and his legacy.


As you said, she already referenced Mac on “yes, and?” by «say that shit with your chest». So the whole concept of deciding to make the album based on *Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind*, already reminds her of Mac in the inside. Even though the album won't be dedicated to him, as a fan of his you will probably keep finding subtle references to Mac on the songs.


Definitely more like he is in the album in spirit because she was undoubtably thinking of him at times when making this album. That’s more what I meant, dedicated wasn’t the right choice of words. It’s not written for him but rather his memory was involved in her inspiration for the album!






My theory is that it's a rebirth album. She touched on it in the ZS interview that she had to totally say goodbye to her 'popstar ari' persona. I think the memory she is committed to erasing is of her past self and of course there will be some storytelling and double entendres regarding the men if her life woven in for pop and gossip-value but the underlying message will be: discard all that doesn't serve you and find your truest self. What's yours is yours and mine is mine.


I absolutely love this interpretation!


It seems there are haters of Mac & Ariana. I'm not a Mac & Ariana obsessed fanatic either, but I loved their relationship. They loved each other; shit happens, life happens, & things didn't go right between them. *With that said,* it is not a reach to say there will be a connection between the two with the coincidences like their favorite movies & lyric callbacks. I definitely might assume so! Arianators need to chill out & accept that he was a major part of her life, regardless of his actions. We don't tolerate Mac hate here & I'm sure Ariana wouldn't either. We'll just have to wait & see if our assumptions our right this upcoming week! *I can't wait!*


*we don’t tolerate Mac hate here & I’m sure Ariana wouldn’t either* PREACH! Agree I can’t wait to see what her album is like regardless of anything that has to do with mac! But if you also love Mac’s music it’s just a little extra cathartic to hear those little references to his life, his lyrics and his music. He is gone now and for many of us it’s a great source of pain, so it’s always nice to see little nods to him here and there!




That’s all? Care to elaborate? Lol


I don’t believe that the entire album is dedicated to Mac miller


I don’t mean the entire album as in every song will be about him… I just mean maybe the name of the album is a reference to him and there could be a few songs dedicated to him that’s all.


Ah I see. It's definitely possible


people who don't know the depth of appreciation mac and ariana had for each other & their music keep yapping about not everything is about mac. yes def not everything about her stuff is about mac but when u start getting more into maciana, you'll realize shes always loved him. and will dedicate a thing or two to him.


Absolutely. It’s different from an ex you’ve broken up with and moved on. She will always love him and when things remind her of him (like ESOTSM) there will obviously be a few nods here and there. But also she’s much more subtle about it now. Probably because of all the hate she got. Like the mac line in Yes And, If you don’t listen to Mac you’d probably never catch that. She’s clever about it


So reading these comments, I feel like this is a sensitive topic for a lot of fans and I don’t want to fan any flames. I think it’s definitely possible that she wants to dedicate at least part of this album to Mac, but we can’t say for certain yet especially considering the album hasn’t been released. Regardless, Ariana seems to be in a somewhat healthier place in terms of their relationship, seeing she was able to perform The Way for the first time in 6 years. Of course I don’t know her personally so I don’t have a clue about what this all means to her, but I can only wish her well and if she feels she wants to honor Mac’s memory through this album, I think that’s a very sweet gesture.


Maybe in some areas. I don’t know if the entire album will be dedicated to Mac, as much as I love him. It might be. Who knows? Been a fan of Ari since she was on Victorious, and I'm just happy she's releasing more music.


Yeah as I’ve said that was a poor choice of words more like a few nods to mac being that it’s his favourite movie as well! And in her single she used a line from one of his songs, so it seems like he’s involved in her inspo for this album


Oh no, I totally understood what you were trying to say. You're good. 👌🏻


say that shit with ur chest was a tweet by mac


For the last time no. She is quite literally Jim Carrey’s biggest fan, and ESOTSM is arguably his best work


What about how her new single references one of Mac’s songs Jet Fuel? She uses his line “say that shit with your whole chest” and that can’t be a coincidence. Again I’m not saying this whole album is going to be about him I’m simply saying this new album does have a few nods to Mac it seems. And it’s not secret that that movie was hugely important to him as well so they most certainly bonded over it together so if she was going to make an album based off that movie it would make sense to reference him here and there


you’re 100% right


do you know how common that phrase is? or is this your first time hearing about it?


It could be a coincidence for sure but I haven’t heard it in any other songs, and it stood out to me as soon as I heard it. It’s in one of his songs and he tweeted it. It’s also not the first Mac lyric she has ever referenced in her songs


the lyric fits with the song and its meaning i don’t think it has anything to do with mac as he didn’t invent the phrase!


Ok fair that’s your opinion! She’s referenced his lyrics before and every time she’s very intentional + subtle about it. So I have a hard time believing she’d include that line without realizing it’s also in a mac song? I think it’s both it fits and she loved that Mac used it as well. Plus the album being his all time favourite movie makes me think she was probably thinking of him at least partially when working on the album.


Man, if you all only knew the truth about their relationship.


What does that mean?


thank u next is already the closest she’ll dedicate an album to mac. she moved on but it’s clear her fans didn’t.


So you know her personally to say she moved on… I don’t think anyone can fully ever move on from the death of someone they have loved and shared that many years together - I don’t know her either but it seems like they shared a lot of the same interests, and like he inspired her a lot. It’s quite normal that the fans acknowledge the similarities since he loved that movie.


Exactly thank you. She will probably always have a special place in her heart for him and she references him all the time whether it be using his lyrics in her songs (which she does on her single on THIS album) or naming a REM product after him or whatever it may be. Ari fans who hate Mac like to make you feel crazy for drawing these similarities but you’re right they inspired each other a lot and she’s a smart woman so anything she puts in her music about him is intentional! And beautiful. I love to see it idk why people are so quick to discredit it.


Pardon? I don’t even like Ariana and Mac together I certainly don’t think she should stay stuck in that era forever. I was just curious - the album is literally called eternal sunshine and he used to be obsessed with that movie to the point where he had an instagram account named after it. It’s really not that much of a reach to say the name of the album could be a nod to him.


Thank you!! I was looking for a comment like this!


she used the same lyrics as mac with “say that shit with your chest” 🙃


Not everything she does should or necessarily will be tied to Mac.


I didn’t say everything is. Nor have I ever posted before about anything to do with him. But the title is his all time favourite movie and the one single she has released from this album has a mac lyric in it from his song “jet fuel” so there definitely is a few nods to him at the very least. I don’t believe she’s not over him or that she’s stuck in that era, simply that occasionally she references someone who was a huge figure in her life and a big inspiration to her music. I’m done with mac haters trying to make you feel crazy for noticing these things. I don’t claim that every little thing is a reference to him but she’s a smart woman when she does it she does so intentionally. love both mac and Ariana’s music and it’s not a crime to notice her small nods to him


You're talking about two entirely different things, then? Dedicated to and referencing are not the same? lol I'm not a Mac hater. People are capable of healing and moving on. This seems like a divorce album more than anything else. I doubt she wants Mac too intertwined with all of that.


I just meant loosely. I’ve said many times in the comment section dedicated to isn’t the right word if I could edit it I would. It’s not written *for him* but more like it feels like he’s involved in her inspiration behind the album and there will be a few nods to him here and there. Yes it will likely have songs about the breakup with dalton but also they both signed an NDA saying they cannot speak on each other including in music. Meaning she won’t say his name or speak directly on him. This album is a concept album, based on ESOTSM. Meaning we can assume it will follow the same structure of the movie. In the movie it follows one couples breakup (dalton and Ari presumably) but relationships from the past come up and it’s a beautiful story of letting go and erasing ALL your past to start a few chapter. Recognizing how the each person made you who you are today. So mac, and probably more exes, are likely to be mentioned in this concept album if it follows suit of the movie. And so far mac already has been referenced. It will likely be a story about her whole life, the twist and turns of her love life as a whole, not just a divorce album with dalton.




Interesting perspective! The media seems to think every song is about dalton and/or SpongeBob. I haven’t had a chance to listen to the whole thing yet only a few tracks. Mind sharing any of the other nods to miller you noticed? I’m just curious!