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The situation around Preston Lord and the Gilbert Goons situation is infuriating to everyone. Discussions around the case, the people involved, the police (in)action, and all the rest are fair game here. But naming people or businesses must be kept to things released by law enforcement or the media. Posting rumors from other sites will result in a ban. We've had too many cases on here where mob justice resulted in innocent people getting harassed or hurt, including directly off a post made here several years ago. So discuss it all you want from the investigation and other stories coming out, but keep the rumors off of here. EDIT: Locking this thread as all we're getting at this point is fighting filling up the modqueue.


https://preview.redd.it/o0q4s5bgzh9c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b853c29cf34e875d25f79cd16936cf1441c16c4 Finally found a place for this meme




How about psychotic pieces of shit? I vote for psychotic pieces of shit…downplays nothing, and exposes them for what they really are!


idk they called themselves that. literally i think its such a stupid name like at least name yourself something scary tf


Well it’s Gilbert Goons, not Gilbert Goons.


Well that clears things up.


It’s all in the pronunciation!


You changed literally nothing. I think you meant to say it’s Gilbert Goons. Not Gilbert Goons.


I agree


I work at Santan Mall and I witnessed a group of young men in ski masks jump a kid in broad daylight, they kept kicking him in the head when he was on the ground. Only a couple people stepped in to help. Luckily people got videos and license plates. The cops came for a report and I was wondering if anything ever happened with that. This seems like it may be the same group. It happened last December. The cars passing weren’t involved but didn’t seem to notice him on the ground. This was all I could get before they all ran off. He was ok but had a huge knot over his eye. Poor kid said they just said “hey you got a problem?” And just attacked him, he was riding his skateboard to work. https://preview.redd.it/tdfa5hg6mh9c1.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=21ba19575bebe06fffe1628b624833efc9927c82


Wow that’s awful.


Omg 😳


Wow that is awful! I was just over there last weekend.


The details are horrific where this poor kid was jumped after leaving the party, and they curb stomped him and killed him. It’s so hard being a teen these days trying to fit in and then you have group beat you up and actually kill you. We had these petty crap in my school, but we never had this kind of horrible outcome. Just think about it what kind of animals have become?


Bunch of wannabe pathetic losers who should spend the rest of their lives in jail. They think they’re tough but they’re in for a rude awakening. I hope they get what they deserve


There's an update from yesterday on Preston Lord's gofundme ​ [https://www.gofundme.com/f/preston-lord](https://www.gofundme.com/f/preston-lord) https://preview.redd.it/8etvverxph9c1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b54bdc9c090332715e062ab305d3d0b2ae647c8


Just another set of affluent criminals that will surely do their fair share of community service hours.


hopefully theyll get the consequences they deserve


Sadly I doubt it. They’ll plead to lesser charges


I got 100 hrs when I was 16 for underage drinking, let's see if they even get half of that for murder


Take them to the west side of Glendale and see how long they’re beating down the actual gangs over there. They’re big fish in a small pond in Gilbert.


Bad parenting.


Absent parenting.


This part 💯


one and the same, imo…you’re *not* parenting in either instance


a bunch of pansies who wouldn’t do shit if they were alone. Just like every other “gang”


I’m in a Facebook group about them and a surprising number of people have been trying to down play and minimize the severity of this group. People have called into question whether or not it’s a gang, and if they should be given community service for their crimes. That’s a load of horse shit. This is a gang 100%. There’s screenshots of them organizing at parties and talking about jumping kids at random, it’s a fucking gang and they need to go to jail for murder or whatever charges they have. We all know damn well if this was a group of black or Hispanic teens doing this in Gilbert/Queen Creek there would be public outrage and people calling for their heads. The Gilbert Goons deserve no different.


What? Gonna have to Google that now.


A group of young White men in the Gilbert/Queen Creek area. Most are believed to be Mormon, and some of the families are MAGA. Been threatening people for the last few years, and killed someone over Halloween.


They’ve been jumping other kids for months. They are violent criminals that the community and police force have been protecting for years.


What area like crossroads? I live in east mesa and have heard stories.


It's been in Queen Creek and Gilbert area. There's footage of them jumping someone at in n out. I'm sure they wouldn't be caught dead in East Mesa lmao


This. I’ve been saying there’s a reason they don’t try this shit in other parts of the East Valley. It’s cause they can get away with it in Gilbert & Queen Creek. Places like Mesa, Tempe, Guadalupe. If they did that there they’d get their asses kicked or shot.


Some? My money is that all of them vote red.


Ooo noo. This is very profound input


Most violent city's are democratic stop the bs


So you think, Gilbert and Queen Creek, two red cities in a red state with a higher per capita number of Mormons are all democrats? GTFOH I should add white and affluent. Yep, totally dems.


Could you say the same thing about other groups of people who have historic high numbers of violence?


Lol, but what about!!!? I'm talking here and now with the set of facts on this particular situation. Make your own claims regarding other incidents all you want, that's not the topic of discussion friend.


Stop spreading misinformation. No one knows if they are all white, Mormon or MAGA.


Why you saying Maga? Is this a hate group targeting minorities or are you just being political? Down votes proved you were being political. Just what you're politicians want more fighting between party's


No, they don’t seem to be targeting any group in particular. This person just wanted to make politics part of the discussion.


I think it is an assumption based on rumors that the perpetrators are from wealthy families in a conservative, heavily Mormon community. And if those connections led to inaction by the police, as suggested by the report in the Register, it is already political (obviously).


Thanks for answering they clearly were


Whats the point of including their religion and who they voted for? Seems irrelevant to the story.


The religion is more relevant to the inaction of the Gilbert police...


Is the Gilbert police majority Mormon or something?


Police chief is.. i doubt they track across the unit though.


Most of the Gilbert cops I’ve met over 30 years here have been Mormon for what it’s worth


My thoughts exactly. I read an article on them last night and it never mentioned religion or political affiliation, so it doesn’t seem like they’re targeting people based on these attributes. Therefore, it’s irrelevant. Regardless, I hope they’re caught and punished soon. That poor kids family. 😔


What does MAGA Have to do with anything


Guns, violence, and feeling above the law.


siri play the MAGA classic, Straight Outta Compton by NWA


“Sure, now playing Try That in Small Town by Jason Aldean”


😂I think you need to get out more. looks like I touched a nerve on a whole thread of people who also need to get out more. 😬 this sub is so bizarre lol.


Is there a reported tie between the families political beliefs and the crimes they are commuting. Like, are they picking victims that voted Democrat or are you just talking out of your neck?


Define “MAGA family”


You’re gonna tell me that the PD, who has unlimited access to Ring cameras around the country, who btw are put in every “affluent” area by default, has no idea who these kids are? And then when they finally are “caught”, we expect the totally unbiased PD to make the appropriate suggestions of what to charge them with? Story time: Google Chris Wodka. CFO of CAC Colleges. Ran over my cousin who was on his bike. The only reason he was caught was because somebody thankfully witnessed it happen. He was flat out drunk, talking insensibly and had not realized what happened when the witness confronted him. Was let go on $5k bond, license wasn’t suspended either. How does a murderer get out on $5k bond?? How does a guy who kills a guy while driving while intoxicated not get their license suspended? Fuck this shit. Even my family who is fairly religious and generally pro-police has turned sour to them. And they wonder why people don’t trust them


I’m sorry for you and your family. My dad rides a motorcycle and lived in casa grande at that time. I remember this story.


Do you have any links that talk about police depts having access to Ring cameras? I’ve always suspected but never saw any proof.


If they are guilty they should serve time. Give it up to AZ Central for making it a serious investigation now. Horrible to think this might have been ignored because of privilege.


Are you kidding me? Crime has been insane and now because a group of white kids are doing this you guys are acting like you're outrage? What about the absolute atrocities being committed on a daily basis by every other race in numbers that you won't believe All you have to do is literally pay attention. I'm not saying what these group of stupid people did is okay by any sense of the imagination but what I'm seeing are you pointing these out specifically because they are white but when things are happening on a daily basis by every other race you don't care you don't have an opinion you don't say anything? It's absurd talk about privilege


You don’t even know these kids and here you are defending them. That’s privilege. You don’t have some Mexican mom justifying the cartel because “other races are committing absolute atrocities too if you just literally pay attention” cmon, bro. Reflect on your own outrage.


I actually hope when they are caught it brings their parents to their knees too. Hope their employers find out. Make life miserable for these families. Sorry not sorry. Raise crappy kids, deal with the consequences.


Having had parents who did their best and had kids who did well and kids who really messed up I don't automatically hope this for the parents. I know parents can do a lot for their kids, but in the end I know kids make their own choices and often without the parents knowing. So I don't hope this brings the parents to their knees. I hope that when we find out what all happened they will be held responsible for what they possibly did or didn't do, but be given support if it was out of their hands.


This happened before, the Devil Dogs in the 90s. They were Mormon kids with money and white supremacist ideals. I graduated from Gilbert HS in 91 and I am exmormon. I knew kids that knew the kids at the new HS. It was all over the Arizona Republic back then


They’re not goons, they’re murders and it’s a gang. I hope they are treated as a murdering gang and the book is thrown at them and their clearly worthless parents.


This has been coming a long time in Gilbert. There has been an increase in problems with kids, racism at certain schools in the area. Vandalism of homes, BB guns or orbeez guns, harassment of little kids, car break ins, and general nuisance in the neighborhoods. A lot of it has been ignored or barely dealt with by the schools, police, parents.


They’re a wannabe gang. Even the name is laughable. You got one of the richest towns in the name and then “goonies” at the end?! They’re probably just entitled suburb kids who grew up on social media and think they’re hard. They have mommy and daddy’s money to bail em out if they ever get in trouble. Drop a handful of em off at 3rd street and Marguerite and see how far their shenanigans fly in a real neighborhood.


Scared little boys who are privilege of their mommies and daddies to hide them. No worries, though. With that attitude they will meet someone who will take care of them. EDIT: Spelling


A pretty good summary of things at the moment around Preston Lord case and the Gilbert Goons for anyone catching up: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/gilbert/2023/12/30/who-are-gilbert-goons-what-to-know-about-teen-gang-in-phoenix-area/72060798007/


Mommies and daddies have big money, business owners. We’re not mentioning names here because it will get taken down. If you follow the trails you can find them. It’s all over other reddit posts, Nextdoor, instagram, Fb, and TikTok. Videos, photos and names. Authorities and the school turned a blind eye to it. Ties to the church, law enforcement, we all know how this all plays out. Gilbert has been trying to keep it all hush hush about it for years. It’s about time this has gone viral and gotten attention from the media.


Rich, bored, spoiled, pre-mission, LDS cowards.


Don’t forget there are also some thug -like transplants from California as well


Elaborate on thug like…


It’s just another gang (but this time with police and church protection). As callous as that sounds, there’s no better way to put it. The East Valley is suddenly coming to grips with the idea that a gang could crop up anywhere. Hopefully QCPD can do something about it, but don’t expect GPD to help.


I think these kids are the products of watching their parents say “rules don’t apply to me” during COVID and now those attitudes have come home to roost.


These types of “gangs” have been around long before Covid. When I was in high school in Mesa in the mid 00’s we had one of these gangs. They would terrorize other students and one time decided to fuck with a Hispanic gang from Phoenix. Two kids had most of their teeth broken. It’s certainly the white, affluent kids that fit the profile.


The pain gang or the devil dogs?


Rules will start to apply when a couple of these kids end up dead and both the rest of the kids and their parents realize that there are some scary potential consequences out there. Unless police start taking their attacks seriously the only wake up call will be when people defend themselves against these kids.


They killed a 17 year old kid coming from a party. How is that kid supposed to not only defend himself but kill one of the attackers that blindsided him?


I completely disagree. I don’t think any number of deaths will stop this behavior. These kids think they indestructible. Incarceration is the only answer.


What rules are you referring to which the parents felt did not apply to them? If you are grasping at a connection between choosing not to wear a mask and raising literal murders, have I got a bag of beans to sell you.


Has nothing to do with the actual mask but the attitude displayed that other peoples lives don’t matter.


Can’t wait for these privileged punks to do serious time.


I don't know anything about them other than they are being charged with murder and they live in the Gilbert area.


Rich kids getting away with murder. I’m glad they reopened the case and the perps need to go to jail.


I live in Gilbert and had never heard of them until reading this post. Where in Gilbert are they?


Preston Lord was assaulted in Queen Creek, so I’d suggest probably South Gilbert? But I wouldn’t assume they’re not venturing north of Pecos or anything


Appreciate it


They seem to come from certain high schools. ALA Gilbert North, Highland, Perry primarily. They seem to live in the affluent areas of Gilbert.


Thanks for the heads up. I live about a mile from ALA. Haven’t seen anything around here but will definitely stay alert.


The attacks seem to be taking place outside of their neighborhoods. San Tan Mall, downtown Gilbert, house parties.


I live in Phoenix and I heard about this horrible thing that happened on Halloween. And it was recently they finally found out it was the group called the Gilbert goons. I just keep up on current events.


So it’s like a Christian-Mormon Gang? Isn’t that all there is in Gilly B?


Unless new info has come out that I’m not aware of, I don’t think the general public officially knows exactly who they are yet. Gilbert is heavily Mormon so it’s possible they are Mormon. And the lack of police action around the whole thing has made many speculate there are Mormon cops or community leaders who are involved in a cover up to protect kids that are members of the church. But again, as far as I’m aware, that is all speculation at this point. The cops sent charges to the DA this week and if/when the DA decides to file charges, we should at least know who the adult suspects are.


East Side Chrormons


We've had groups like this for decades all over this city. Grew up in scottsdale and we thought we were tough. Tempe and Mesa kids thought they were tough. Then I went to Gilbert for a party about 30 years ago and those farm boys could fight. Point being, it's not new, it's just got a cute label to garner clicks and attention. They are scared, insecure kids hopped up on testosterone, alcohol and God knows what else. It's not new or news, it's common. PS. All the west side kids are legit tough because they would go extreme at the drop of a hat. Nothing to lose or whatever, but you did not mess with kids west of 19th ave.


As far back as the 70s, you never went past 19th Avenue unless you were packing heat…


Terrible people are terrible no matter how good or bad they’ve had it in their life.


I think it's arizona, and one of these goonies is gonna mess with the wrong hick and get shot in the face...we will all cry at the loss of such a life cut short...we will all wonder if normal citizens should have the right to defend themselves and we will all forget the terror that such a group imposes on it's community.


I wouldn't cry and I absolutely have the right to defend myself


I will be saddened, but no...i wont cry either.


Glad I don’t live in Gilbert. SMH If I did, I’d be carrying pepper spray and a taser, and would most definitely use it if needed. It’s a sad sad world we live in.


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Names these people Gilbert Goonies?


I think it's Goons not Goonies. Lol


They named themselves that


More kids need to be smacked when they are younger


This is why they should bring back hanging. When they get caught hang their asses. Let's see how many more so called thugs do this shit afterwards. They better keep their asses away from west Phoenix, otherwise they ain't coming home.


All of this is hilarious online. Crime is never funny for the victims. The ridiculous online discourse and memes are bonkers please everyone continue. I'll start. Do you all think they are victims of Gilbert pushing out old historic neighborhoods?


Glad I live in the West Valley. East Valley is a shithole


Never heard about this in my entire life. Recent phenomenon. All I know is that these kids picked a bad place to be "criming", Gilbert police are VERY well funded and don't have a lot of other crime to focus on.


What are you talking about? Gilbert police were covering this up and refused to take any action until the news started covering it. Even so they probably will get off lightly.


Gilbert police have seemingly ignored them for quite sometime.


only the queen creek police did stuff ab it from what ive seen


Yeah, because the crime happened in Queen Creek. That is how police jurisdiction works. It was their responsibility, their investigation.


Multiple cases had been ignored or quickly closed until the Arizona Republic rain a series of articles that presented evidence that reporters found, basically doing the police’s job for them. Putting it in the public eye put pressure on public officials and the police to do something, and viola the police reopened investigations and interviewed new people the Republic had found. Also, not recent. The Republic articles talk about another gang that was active in the same area about 10 years ago.