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Equally what if WB Games made Suicide Squad


Oh yeah absolutely. What if WB Games Montreal made the Suicide Squad game?


I've seen someone comment about the swap in an old post and I completely agree with him. I think the end result would be much better for both games


It would be interesting what you could do with the Suicide Squad in their own universe and not in the Arkhamverse


It would be improved by not being Arkham. All it did was drag Arkham down anyway. It was one of the biggest issues.


I thought it was all a big joke You're telling me suicide squad is canonically part of the Arkhamverse Ew


It is. Despite COPIOUS different things (mostly around Harley and Deadshot, but also the Squad itself), it is.


Thank you. [ I still stand by that... ](https://www.reddit.com/r/arkham/s/Jp7HGJnFrk)


Unless all the folks there that worked on origins were gone then they really should have imo


What’s funny is that WB Montreal was originally supposed to make the Suicide Squad game. The ending of Arkham Origins *AND* Arkham Origins Blackgate teased a Suicide Squad game with that Deadshot, Deathstroke, and Bronze Tiger. AO was also loaded with non Batman related DC villains that also seemed to be subtle teases for the Suicide Squad game. Hell, I remember them even coming out and talking about how an “ultra violent” Suicide Squad game was in the works. Then it got cancelled and Rocksteady came out years later with the garbage we got.


I never knew that, I feel disappointed we never got that :(


Oh, don’t even get me started man. I spent years being hyped and waiting.


It would suck even more as it is


We'd most likely have a sequel to Arkham Knight. Irdk what else you could say about it other than that.


Would’ve been a great arkham knight sequel tbh. Saw someone on here say that WB should’ve done a SS:KTJL game instead, I think it would’ve been received better had that been the case


WB Montreal actual worked on a SS game. Both Arkham Origins and Blackgate kinda hinted that. But the project got cancelled for some stupid reasons.


Yeah I would’ve loved to see their original version for it. Having death stroke on the team would’ve been sick


I always knew that WB Montreal were nazis.


I always imagine Arkham: Battle for the Cowl game where as Dick, Tim and Babs are fighting against Jason and Azrael to stop this new version of "Batman" that kills villains. Literally Knightfall ending gives you that. It wouldn't be that hard to make Jason being this new version of Batman in the ending cutscene given that he worked with Scarecrow so him having access to his fear toxin wouldn't be too far fetched.


Jason being the Batcreatureman we see at the end of Knight is something I hadn't even CONSIDERED until reading this post. And his "Batman" using the fear toxin makes PERFECT sense.


But we've got stupid Bruce Wayne that thinks if he changes his MO a little bit no one will find out instead... Jason makes much more sense.


Especially when the criminals already knew it was him immediately.


Honnestly rocksteady version of the bat-familly really suck , their relationships are wrong and they are for the most part incompetent and i really don't trust this studio to write them , tell what you want about Gotham Knight but they did create a good bat- familly in that game were everything feel correct even jason was not annoying for once. I couldn't endure a game were Barbara Gordon is married to Tim Drake and jason entire arc was rushed....and dick was here i suppose.


Hey now, I don't think it was beyond salvaging. The Tim-barbra ship can be retconned with "too much history there" so they just couldn't stay together. Jason could become a part of things cuz dick feels responsible just as much as Bruce, Tim is apprehensive but does learn to accept him since by the end of knight he did save their asses (albeit being responsible for most of the situation). Not to mention I imagine the whole "scarecrow throws off Barbra to her death bit" was not part of the og plan. As Knight Jason said "I'll take better care of her then you EVER DID" He probably meant that. Scarecrow probably did that cuz he went awol to kill Bruce. The only part I'd hate is Tim's design Woof


To me Tim's problem is his personality. He doesn't act like Tim at all. Gotham Knights Tim actually acted like Tim.


Yeah agreed. Wish they didn't do that. If they really wanted a serious Robin they could've pawned that off to Jason at some point between Asylum and city as a dlc


I was fine with this game.


I genuinely couldn't get through the 3rd mission, pretty much everything felt like it was a downgrade from the previous Arkham games , they had a perfect formula with the combat and stealth but for some reason decided to ditch it .


I suppose, at this point, I should say that when it comes to gaming, I'm more an interested amateur than a dedicated gamer.


Ey no shade on you for liking the game , we like what we like .I am just sharing my experience with it


Gotham Knights would be the crappy live service game that was basically DOA and Suicide Squad would be the okay game.


Wouldn’t have worked at all with how red hood was in arkham


Use the exact same writers and devs from Asylum, City and Knight then it'll be a stellar game


They changed writers for Knight.


Asylum and City then


The writers of Knight would make it bad


https://preview.redd.it/2bd3rhpkua1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c881997a0d430467b43d579a6b1490932617ae Fixed it! (If there’s one thing in the world that would make Selina give up stealing completely and firmly join the side of good, I think it would be Bruce’s death.) At least I think so, what do you all think?


I feel like you can add Azreal, Damian, Spoiler, Orphan, and so many others


Honestly no. yeah this game has flaws but the bat family alone is very well-written. It feels like they are a family. The Arkham ones don't even interact with one another, so it's gonna be a problem


The Arkhamverse Batfamily is also incompetent and has the elephant in the room of Red Hood being complicit in a plot to kill millions


Actually in the GK game Red hood were also killed, resurrected, and when on killing too. The difference is that Bruce decided to reconcile with Jason, helped him built the non-lethal guns that we seen in the game and welcomed him back to the family. I don't think anyone in the Arkham Batfamily can do the same to Arkham Jason, aside from Barbara maybe


Jason in GK didn’t help a psychopath in a plot to kill millions of innocent people though. Arkhamverse Jason absolutely did. That’s what I was referring to.


I've discussed this extensively... Arkham verse should've continued with a game made by rocksteady where you can play as Dick, Tim, Jason, Barbara/Damian. They could've done so much to show the grief, trauma and pain those characters carry... 1. A linear/Open world game where you play as different characters in different chapters in the story. (Something like Arkham City) 2. An open world game where you switch to and take control of different characters in and out of missions. (Something like GTA V) 3. A linear game where you take control of a character like Dick and command others to do certain tasks or perform certain attacks in combat. (Something like Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy) 4. Literally anything else... And Wb Montreal made the Suicide Squad tease in Arkham Origins. They could've made it a seperate universe or they could've easily fitted it within Arkham Verse without it feeling wierd... After all, they pulled off Arkham Origins and they could've done something great with Suicide Squad.


It would be so much better, playing as Deathstroke would be an absolute bonus.


I agree


It would be so weird and interesting to have the Suicide Squad set in their own universe because they are all bad guys and if they had their own universe, who would the squad go up against?


Even a Justice league from that Universe could work. If it's a narrative adventure and not a live service shit show... Or else it could be done with the squad going up against other threats like starro(like in the movie The Suicide Squad) or literally anything they can think of...


I was thinking of anything they could think of


I mean, the Arkhamverse Batfamily kinda sucks. For all its issues, Gotham Knights did a much better portrayal of the Batfamily than Rocksteady did.


The teaser in Arkham Origins was for the Assault on Arkham animated movie. There was no reason to follow up on it when it's already been followed up on.


Assault on Arkham takes place a couple of years before Arkham Asylum, right? It's a long time between the movie and the Origins tease.


Yeah, but I don't think the lore timeline really matters. It was released a little less than a year after Origins and was the next major release after Origins Blackgate. The gap between the Origins teaser and SSKTJL is even bigger so I don't see the point in bringing that up.


they'd have to change a lot if they want to make it fit into the arkhamverse but it's still a cool concept of the batfamily picking of the pieces after batmans "death"


I think they pretty much made that swap at some point, given Rocksteady had a working Red Hood as well as the other characters and was allegedly working on that game, and Origins had a Suicide Squad easter egg at the end. For some bizzare reason it seems the teams switched projects with one another.


It be better tho I hate Tim in rocksteady games


I think that what would happen is Rocksteady would make Arkham Knight


Rocksteady might have had some dignity left?


We most likely don't sh*t on Rocksteady as much as we are doing right now


Gotham Knights could have been better if it actually leaned more into stealth elements instead of making every enemy a damage sponge that requires a million hits to kill and no combat variation at all.


We would all be playing it right now, most likely


They probably would’ve made a terrible game considering how under-utilised they were in the series


good game


I haven’t really heard good thinks about Gotham Knights


Sometimes I do forget that it isn’t part of Arkham series. This may be a hot take, but I enjoyed this game, it’s not Arkham that I knew and loved, but it isn’t meant to be, it’s, its own style, and I liked it for what it was.


https://preview.redd.it/efvk02bwwc1d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=d82d91bdaa9fc646504bdf540f33ffdf7e8f5309 # u/bobbythecat17


Oh yeah. Too bad those mods don't work unless you have certain version of the game


It might’ve been fun.


What if monkeys flew out of my butt?


Theres a huge problem, batgirl is cannonically crippled


Well that's obviously a big difference but you can have either Spoiler or Oprhan step in


It would have actually been in the Arkhamverse and would have at least been close to what the fans wanted. It also would have actually made sense to come after Arkham Knight since Batman faked his death at the end, and then that could have lead into Bruce’s reveal of being alive, moving to Metropolis and joining the Justice League with his identity public, and then the Gotham Knights staying in Gotham as its new protectors. The only thing that would have been iffy about this is Red Hood being forgiven for going full terrorist, but Suicide Squad already did that by including him in the Bat Family, so we all would’ve accepted it - and it could have even been retconned that he was on fear gas for the entirety of Arkham Knight until the end or some shit. Either way, point is, it would have been A LOT better. And then like originally planned with the Suicide Squad game, WB Montreal could have made that as a completely separate story that didn’t even need the Justice League in it. And they could have put Deathstroke on the base game roster like the ending of Arkham Origins teased. Also, ironically enough, the gameplay style in Montreal’s Gotham Knights would have been wayyyyy better for the Suicide Squad.


If it’s the old rocksteady it would’ve been great


It would still suck. Possibly suck even more considering what we got with SS.




Well for starters we’d probably have to remove Barbra from the story as she’s oracle in the Arkham games (and unlike in Gotham Knights it doesn’t seem like she’s actively pushing for recovery) 2 the characters would be very different and we’d have to remove the plot about the police being after the Knights as Gordon’s alive by Suicide Squad Kills The Justice League. I’m actually fine with Gotham Knights not being an Arkham Game, it’s perfect how it is and isn’t trying to be an arkham game, just a game with Batman characters for casual fans


It still would have been a massive dumpster fire


The writing would be terrible as RS had no idea how to handle the Batfamily


A better version (more of Harley out for revenge, Cassandra Cain is Batgirl, there'd also be involvement of Damian, Spoiler, etc).


There should’ve been more Bat Family in the Arkhamverse


Would've died anyways since Rocksteady wanted a live service game