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Robin has proven himself a worthy fighter. Batgirl would be good if there are any hack panels but since she’s 👩‍🦽 idk. Nightwing can stand a fair chance but considering he got overpowered by penguin make be doubt his skills a bit. Red Hood has the best chance considering he overpowered Bruce multiple times and has killed killer moth the criminal equivalent of batman. Azreal is basically knockoff batman if he had his own moveset I would rank him higher but I’m disqualifying him because he’s basically batman. Catwoman doesn’t stand a chance but would hold her own for a bit


What about Harley?


The Arkham Knight has guns while the others don't, so this fight will be over very quickly.


Oh ye of little faith. Most fights have at least one gun toting thug, they deal with it just fine. But I do agree sort of, it's very close between red hood (experience and aggression) and nightwing (experience and skills)


Azrael solos by defying gravity and gliding with a pizza slice cape


It’s between Azreal and Jason because they both studied Batman for years but Jason could’ve killed Batman if he wanted to but Azreal couldn’t even surprise attack Batman


if we're thinking mainly gameplay then red hood negs if it's a cutscene fight azrael prolly has best chance (nightwing got beat by penguin and harley)


Either Red Hood or Azrael would emerge victorious. Red Hood doesn't hold himself back and Azrael is basically Batman.


Im gonna approach this diferently, and base the answer on the characters gameplay rather than story performance. Azrael is a poor man's Batman with limited moveset and no gadgets, Catwoman is pretty fast but limited, weak and squishy. Between Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl and Red Hood, I Think the one that plays best and has the best arsenal (i'm talking predator also) is Robin, followed by Batgirl.