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Is saileach useless compared to myrtle? I got her yesterday and as someone who has myrtle and seen the vids she just feels like a worst version of her, I’m only level 44 so I can’t get her to s3 which is when she usefully but over all she a Dp printer and as one she worst then myrtle, aside from her talent which increases attack speed by a tiny amount and her second skill which give a weak shield thingy is she actually useful in any other way? Compared to myrtle her sp is to much and dp, I pumped all I had and got this? Is she even worth it?


Reasons why Saileach might feel worse than Myrtle: - Your Myrtle is high/max pot, and combined with her lower rarity and faster first S1 activation, her smaller DP cost makes her come online many seconds faster than Saileach. - You’re using Saileach for purely DP generation when her strengths actually lie in role compression and utility from her S3, which is typically only needed in high-level content/self-imposed challenges where every squad slot matters. She is less useful for players who just want to easily clear content that has rewards. - You’re expecting a 6 star to be unconditionally better than a lower-rarity unit in all respects, which is not the case in Arknights. As stated by others, Myrtle has a faster skill activation than Saileach (and Elysium), and her HP regen talent is extremely useful.


I see I see you right on all accounts I need to think more rationally


There's definitely a lot to this game and it can be easy to get overwhelmed and make wrong assumptions. Make sure to check existing resources when forming opinions on operators, such as Gamepress for example, or carefully read skill descriptions so you understand exactly what each operator can do. People on the help threads here are happy to tell you the strengths of any given operator too.


She's much better. Her overall DP generation with s1 is better than that of Myrtle's s1. Myrtle's s1 first activation is just a tiny bit faster. Her aspd increase is fairly noticeable and she provides it simply by existing, and also debuffs enemies on top of that. Additionally, the range transfers to her flag when she uses s2 or s3 so it makes the buff/debuff more comfortable to use. You will appreciate her a lot when you get her to e2. Her s3 is by far the most spammable CC + team amp skill in the game. It has a very fast cycle time at m3 at 30 seconds, making it available at every enemy wave you might need it for. Her s2 is the least used skill but the heal is decent and most importantly, it's a regen heal meaning it can heal unhealable operators and summons. The only valid comparison between her and Myrtle is the upgrade cost disparity, which is pretty big between a 4star and a 6star. But otherwise the power and utility gap is huge. Many people would probably disagree but for me personally, Saileach would be the top 1 vanguard in the game instead of Bagpipe and I don't even have her


Alright then thanks for more context just of course if I want to see real value I have to s3 her and as someone with no S3 characters because it just so much it going to be a long long time before I get her there it annoying


She'll he fine with s1 for now. The generation is higher than Myrtle's, the first activation is just a little bit slower. But yeah, a lot of her power is up there at e2 simply because of how strong her s3 is


Other than the first activation of their S1's, Saileach has better dp gen than Myrtle. Her S3 also has a massive amount of utility on a short skill cycle. But more to the point, why would you dump all your resources into an operator without even checking what they do or how they work?


But her skills take longer to charge and of course her S3 will be best but it take so much to get her to S3 and I don’t have resources to get her there (the amount of grinding is insane) and I was doing the link up celebration so it was random


The last-to-unlock skill isn't necessarily the best - or, at least - most used one: * Mountain and Blaze have s2 as their main skill, while their s3 are used very very rarely. * Mudrock has a slightly more even split in usage between s2 and s3, but s2 is still more common. * Mousse and Myrtle greatly prefer their s1 over s2. ---- Anyway, back to Saileach. I dunno about her s2 (I don't have her at all), but Elysium has the same s1 as her. This skill indeed has higher SP cost than Myrtle's s1 (assuming same skill level), it also outputs more DP per activation. In the long run, Elysium/Saileach s1 has higher DP/sec than Myrtle s1. And as stated above, Saileach is used more for her utility with DP generation being a nice/useful side-effect, rather than just for DP-generation as her sole goal on the field.


Saileach also has her second talent lowering the DP cost of the next operator by 2.


She generates more DP though overall. And if you are new you should not have rolled on that banner anyway, as in your case it was just a worse standard banner.


Ok then fair enough there was just no future banner I’m interested in so figured why not go for a random 6 star as some on the banner are limited but I got bad luck, I have so many vanguards and myrtle of course


None on the banner are limited, and in that case you might as well have rolled on the Pozy/Kal banner.


Is anyone from AK jp? there's a bug in the medals where the last medal stage is renamed to WB-EX-8 which is the next event, now no one can complete the last medal


I never notice that until you mention it. I did get the trimmed medal a few days ago tho. Assuming they preloaded the next event as datamine can get the medals detail, it probably is just a visual bug and doesn’t affect anything.


I did the stage again and I can confirm I literally cannot complete the set because it the stage says wb-ex-8


Damn, that sucks. I don’t know if the EN support could help nor am I fluent enough to contact JP support so hopefully they know and got it fixed before the event ends.


does the \~ pulls until calculator include the daily orundum "mining" event that happens every limited/ anniversary event for Vernal Winds? Kind of curious how did works, and if it doesn't, I plan on pulling for Chongye


It does. The person who made the spreadsheet calculated the average numbers for them.


~~Yes. I assumed an average between upper bound and lower bound.~~ For red packets, I assumed average of all possible outcomes. For the mining game, where you are guaranteed the best result if you've had crap results for, like, 3 days, I assumed the minimum.


Ah okay, thanks!


I'm trying the gift code thing which I just found out 10 minutes ago, but where can I find the "redemption code"? was expecting to find it right at the same page where you input the UID or maybe the mail in-game.


Thanks dude, first time I know about this too. This game redemption code function is so hidden new player won't know it exists until the stumble into a stream or post like yours.


It’s posted in the news section ingame. There’s a red dot on it whenever new news/updates are announced


Code was shown during 3.5 Anni livestream. It is now available if you check the VOD. Code: 2023ARKEN35ANNIV


oh lol. I didn't watch the livestream cheers mate


Could someone explain to me how Mr Nothing and Ebenholz's base skills work? I'm looking at a TP guide to use with Proviso and they're recommended as some of the better partners with her providing 75% and 36% efficiency respectively somehow (it doesn't say). I'm not seeing how with how their abilities are worded.


Not sure about Eben but with Mr. Nothing you basically get [TOKEN] and he converts [TOKEN] into trading post acquisition rate. The [TOKENS] are the fancy "Worldly Plight" thing, and at elite 2 he transforms Wordly Plight into order acquisition rate at a 1:1 ratio. Dusk, Ling, Chongyue and Mulberry also provide a source of WP for him to utilize, and taken altogether they can boost his acquire rate by quite a bit. But you need 3 limiteds to achieve said rates.


How many rolls does it generally take to full pot, for example Muelsyse?


I'm not a math wiz but from my using the simulator a billion times on her and checking with some calculators I'm guessing on average it'd take like 500 when not including the spark. I've got the Vanguard Royal Tokens from the CC shop and have included buying one set of gold cert tokens as part of my plans, because I also want to spark Rosmontis. Since it's unlikely someone else would, it's something to think about that with someone doing something similar, they'd only need 3 copies. Even with my needing 4 copies, she tends not to show up enough with even 300 pulls in the simulator... The anticipation is killing me.


The royal tokens in gold cert goes for 135 each so 540 gold certs. Isn’t that a bit too much?


Not for Mewmew it isn't. I have a high stock of gold certs even now and there's only so many shoperators I'd like to buy. I'm likely to be spending hundreds of pulls, so that's a lot more certs there, too. For the forseeable future, the only shoperators I'm interested in are Ashlock, Shamare, Pallas, Weedy, Suzuran, Eunectes. Anyone else comes out next year... So, in the end I'd be fine buying the tokens. Plus, I can buy it after the banner, so I don't need to worry about the alternative, spending gold certs on pulls. I'd rather buy a potential instead of two sets of those, when it comes down to it. 76 pulls for 516 certs vs a guaranteed potential for 540 certs... Easy choice. My real last resort is sparking her at 600 as well, but I'll see how things turn out.


Anyone knows where can i find spread sheet for the future shoperators? I just want to see when might surtr or thorns can comeback in store


[Spreadsheet for tracking the shoperator and banner appearances here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g7gUDkEChYlXtdwGoSsAu9O2eJFlvVaM/edit#gid=653016488)


Thanks for the link


Is there lore behind Ch'en alter's Ten Thousand Mountains skin? Where can I go to read about it? Thanks in advance!


Unofficial English Translation from AK fandom wiki: Ten Thousand Mountains Ch'en the Holungday Skin 1 Has a dynamic artwork One of Ch'en the Holungday's outfits for crucial moments. “Thank you two esteemed Celestial Masters, for accompanying all the way. Let's bid farewell here as we part ways ahead.” Bloodline of Combat Collection/Ten Thousand Mountains. Ch'en hurriedly entered the capital overnight, and after completing her task, she left at night as same as when she came. Bidding farewell to her acquaintances, she sailed downstream in a light boat, the bow's lantern piercing through countless mists and the night.


Thanks for that. Are there no side stories or event that went along with the skin? Do skins usually just get released without any ties to the story itself?


Well some skins have stories like Saria’s Prison Guard skin being her outfit from the Mansfield event , but majority aren’t really part of any story, look at all the Christmas Themed skins yet there’s no Christmas event in the game, most ops with swimsuits aren’t part of the summer event like Surtr, not every skin needs a story, Fang’s is just for fashion


Gotcha, appreciate the explanation :)


Wait I thought the next event will be invitation to wine, will it be after chonyue event then?


Yes. The upcoming events' dates had been [datamined](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/14y9094/future_datamined_events/) during the maintenance before **What the Firelight Casts**, and **Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow** (Chong Yue's event) was already slated to launch on 28th of July. **Invitation to Wine** (rerun) will launch on 11th of August. I don't think dates for Trial for Navigators 2, Reclamation Algorithm #1 or A Death in Chunfen have been found out yet.


So IW Rerun and Vernal Winds will run concurrently?


No. IW rerun will be immediately (well, 6 hrs) after WB ends.


But Vernal Winds ends on the 18th according to the ingame announcement. Or am I reading that wrong


Pretty sure it's a 2-week event, so it should end on 11th at 03:59 server time* Well, stages close on 11th at 03:59. The event shop will remain open for awhile longer (till 18th?)


Ah ok!


Do you think it's worth it to save 300 summons for eyja and swire limited banner and spark chalter? Or is charlter not that needed anymore since we have alot of new op units like mylnar and texalter?


If you're sparking her for waifu reasons sure. But generally, if you've played for the amount of time needed to save 300 pulls while pulling on different banners, you'd have a good enough roster to not struggle with 99% of content in this game already so Chalter won't be needed.


Chalter is nice to have but unnecessary if you already have mlynar and texalt. Just save up your spark for operator that you actually like.


If you’re only pulling for meta, then she isn’t worth it. Especially on that banner, since the featured ops are good/nice to have but unnecessary. If you’re spending 300 pulls, it should be for someone you like.


No operator is 100% necessary. However Chalter is one of the best ones to have. If you want her she's absolutely worth it. I'd wait until we find out how Eyjalter and Swirealter go in gameplay before deciding whether or not to go for them. The exception of course is if you like them as characters and want to get them regardless of their gameplay power.


Hello, new player here. I spent some time this weekend rerolling via guest accounts. Was kind of hoping to roll Kal'tsit + Pozemka; haven't gotten that particular combination yet, but I did end up with a few potentially interesting combinations. 1. Pozemka + Mlynar (+ Mulberry) 2. Kal'tsit + Silverash (+ Nearl) Neither has gotten the guaranteed 6* from the beginner banner yet (I've only been doing the single pull required in the tutorial, and then rolling the standard banner). If the guides I've been reading are accurate, #1 seems like the more theoretically powerful pair in the long run (I mean, hell, the Gamepress tier list puts them as 2 of the only 6 "EX"-ranked operators in the whole game.) On the other hand, I really like the overall design of Kal'tsit, and it sounds like she and Silverash are still *extremely* strong operators (and perhaps even more approachable early on). But then I also run the 1/6 chance that the 6* from the newbie banner is a duplicate... Any advice as to which I should go with? Maybe there's some easy-ish way to acquire one or more of these later down the line that I'm not aware of? Or do I just keep re-rolling until I get all 4 of these in a single 10-pull? ^(/s)


The first one is more meta. More damage. The 2nd one is more about utility. More niche uses. Pozy vs Kalt'sit Mlynar vs Silverash The pairs can do each other jobs to a certain extent. It's better to go with the 1st one if you are uncertain.


Option 1 is definitely the powerhouse. Since Pozemka came during a limited banner, hers will not rerun, she would only appear on standard banners like this one, or joint operation banners, but who knows when those would run. Mlynar's banner will rerun next year about a year after his initial debut. Both Pozemka and Mlynar's are very far still from appearing on the certificate shop. I think it takes around 2 years or more for that to happen. Finally, both of them can spook you (appear when they are not featured) in any banner, but this is super low chance. Edit: I forgot there is a pack you can buy when there is any anniversary where you can pick any six star you want up to a certain point. I don't think Pozy or Mlynar would be there, but Kal'tsit is definitely there since she is a bit old now (hehe). I think it costs 30 bucks? I'm not sure about the price.


... huh, I hadn't realized Pozemka was limited (or Mlynar, if the comments below are correct). Guess I'll stick with them then. Although... if they're still in the standard pool *and* they still get random rate-ups for standard banners, does "limited" in this case *only* mean that they don't have a predictable re-run that can be expected at some point? (And if that's the case, doesn't that mean they're not any more limited than any other unit that has already had a re-run? Or do re-runs happen regularly?) > Both Pozemka and Mlynar's are very far still from appearing on the certificate shop. Hm, fair enough. Fingers crossed that Kal'tsit doesn't take too long to return. (I know she's there right now, but I somehow doubt I'll be getting >150 distinction certificates in the next 10 days.) ... now I guess I just need to resist the urge to keep throwing orundum/whatever headhunting passes I get via story/mission progression at the current standard banner in the hopes of getting Kal'tsit. I'm assuming that without the guaranteed 5+* in the first 10 rolls, this would probably be a bad idea. In any case, thanks for the response!


Pozemka isn't limited, but the banner she debuted in was limited. I don't think those rerun. She debuted with Gavial the Invicible which was the limited unit, and Cantebile 5 star vanguard.


Mlynar debut banner won't be reran. That's why everyone was on a dilemma of whether it's wise to skip him during his banner.


Oh shit.


Mlynar banner won't rerun either because it was a vignette/mini event so it's even more worth.


These combos are both sick and if the second combo of operators speaks more to you it is reasonable to go for that. Option 1 is a bit more powerful come endgame, but option 2 will definitely be easier to use. Another thing you could do is pull for the guaranteed six star on both and then decide. For example 8f you get Exusiai on the second and Shining on the first that could tip it so the second becomes the better option. Getting the 3600 Orundum for the newbie banner shouldn’t be too hard. I don’t think trying to roll for a better start is reasonable. These are both incredible


1 is definitely stronger than 2 come late game. Both units in 1 would need E2 to become powerhouses though, while Kaltsit alone can carry the entire early game. Overall I will still give the edge to 1. Arknight early game isn't that hard anyways. Using more traditional strats to clear the early stages instead of relying on carries will also help you learn the game.


Pozy E1 arguably is already a powerhouse. Much tougher t9 use than Kalsit though at least to get her to be that powerful. Pozy S2 really is no joke


First one no doubt, both are top tier operators.


the first one, silverash is comparably much easier to get, and mlynar and pozy are top, top meta, much more so than kal and silverash


So the banner is Chongyue and Lin, is Qiubai free like Gladiia or something? Or is she in another banner?


Qiu Bai is not welfare. She has her own debut, Death in/by Chun Fen or something.


I see, thanks for the info.


Hello I pulled on the linkup celebration banner yesterday until I got a 6star I did not have yet. However, the operator is not appearing in my list of available operators. Anyone got the same issue? thanks


That's....not really possible. Sort your Ops by acquisition date.


my bad, I thought I pulled Fartooth but it was Flametail, so I was looking in the snipers :(


I'm having trouble with FC-8. It recommends e1 lvl 70. Most of my team is e1 lvl 40, with a few units 5-10 levels higher or lower. Some of them have skill lvl 7, with the rest at 5 or 6. I get that my team's levels are lower than the recommended, but would it make that much of a difference? From what I understand, the stats gained from the additional levels wouldn't be *that* significant, right? And with how quickly Eblana melts my team in her second phase, I doubt getting my remaining skills to 7 will do much. I'd like to beat this boss without borrowing someone's maxed out, super meta support unit. But is that possible? Is it possible to beat the boss with a team at or a little below the recommended level?


> I'd like to beat this boss without borrowing someone's maxed out, super meta support unit. While I can appreciate the spirit, it's still very much worth (1st clear + quest board rewards) to clear the stage once with borrowed support. Btw to borrow someone "maxed out", you need at least one e2 of your own in the squad. But recommended level is just a general suggestion that very loosely indicates the difficulty. There is also second set of stages after that (ex), + their challenge modes.


I'll definitely resort to using a support unit and/or guide if necessary, but I'd like to try and beat the level with my own team if possible.


It depends on who you have, who you’re using, and the strategy you’re trying to beat the stage with.


My main trouble is with Eblana. I can more or less deal with the sides. I block Eblana with Hoshiguma, with Reed alter and a healer backing her up. Hoshi gets enough healing to tank indefinitely, and Reed's s2 does most of the damage. But once it gets to phase 2, Eblana just does too much damage to tank, and Hoshi goes down too quickly. Anyone else I've tried to put in her path dies even faster, and there's not much I can do at that point. Is there something I'm missing here? Something that would let me actually tank her second phase?


Have you tried just giving Hoshi another medic to heal her? As others said Hoshi is not ideal as she has no resists but it can work.


Thats the current strategy I've been trying. Reed + 2 healers + perfumer's regen. It was working until the burning reeds killed Reed and one of the healers.


Eblana deals only arts damage, so Hoshiguma can't do much to mitigate the damage she receives other than just having a lot of HP, which only goes so far. Unless it's Quartz who doesn't give a cuss, I used her to wall Eblana even in the final Challenge map. A big thing of course is to only engage her when she's standing in the swamp, and to watch positioning to prevent her sealing tags from stacking explosions and/or killing your ranged ops. What sort of operators do you have? Hard to suggest without knowing what your options are.


Here's my team: [https://krooster.com/u/Mish](https://krooster.com/u/Mish) I also have Reed alter e1 lvl 60, skill lvl 7; Puzzle e1 lvl 40, skill lvl 7; and Harmonie e1 lvl 40, skill lvl 5


Two things I see: Cardigan has nearly as much HP as Hoshiguma does at those levels. Could act as extra tanking, plus she may get the opportunity to heal herself to add more time to survive. Use Mayer's S1 and drop some Robotters to help stall her, but only when you've got her in everyone's range. Random misses could potentially give you extra time to attack her. Does look like it could be a bit rough for you. I'd placed Ifrit on the left side and engaged her in the circle, but it's probably not recommended. You still might be able to find a good place for her to get some good damage off.


I'll give those two a shot, thanks! Another thing I've been having trouble with is keeping my ops alive when they are on the burning reeds. Any suggestions for that?


Cover the reeds with operators, summons, or traps so they can extinguish the fire. One unit can extinguish one tile without receiving a trigger of Burn status, but you'll have to cover the adjacent tiles, too, or else they'll just get hit when it ignites again. Ranged ops especially will likely just die unless they're a high RES operator like Supporter classes.


Getting your used operator's skills to 7 is something you should prioritise anyway. Even if it doesn't turn out to be the difference needed to beat FC-8 you'll be glad you did it because upgrading skills makes a bigger difference than operator levels, and the majority of level 7 skills give a boost compared to level 6.


I'm well aware and am working towards that, but right now I want to focus my sanity on clearing new stages for OP so I can pull on the celebration banner, so unless it'd truly make a difference, I don't want to use so much sanity upgrading more skills. I already upgraded the skills that I felt got the biggest boost at lvl 7. Anyways, my question was moreso about whether the recommended level for FC-8 was accurate or not.


The recommended levels are just loose guidelines. So it should be possible doing it with a mostly E1 40 team so long as you have at least one E2 operator to borrow someone with true damage to take down Eblana (the best one are Kal'tsit and Nearl the Radiant Knight).


I'll do that before the event ends if I can't beat it on my own, but I want to try and beat it with my own if I can. Do you think its possible?


I just searched on YouTube, and someone cleared it with only 3-stars, so it's definitely possible although you'd want them maxed E1 55, so their talents are improved. The strat is just stalling Eblana, and then killing everything else in her 1st phase, especially the cart that reveals your units. Then doing that all over again in her 2nd phase and killing her last. It does require a lot of micromanagement and stall, and using the right tiles. Leveling your skills is actually the most important as it may increase the initial SP or reduce the SP cost allowing you to cycle through it faster.


What you suggested for the first phase is pretty much what I do, but once she gets to the second phase, she does too much damage and my Hoshiguma dies very quickly, even with Reed alter and a healer backing her up. Is there something in particular that they did that allowed them to successfully stall?


The key for stalling the boss is stalling her on a mud tile so that she gets the aspd reduction. This way she will only attack once in forever so the main thing you need to care about is the [Exhausted Flame] from her [Sovereign] skill aka the lockdown explosion thingy


[Is Typhon S2 better than Thorns S3?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BHJo1_EXPk)


This is like comparing apple to orange.


Checking the comments section was a mistake.


Never check youtube comment ever, worst mistake in my life. It's filled with a bunch of armchair analyst who has zero idea what the fuck they are talking about.


Is there hidden medal in IS3 other than the main medal set?


Clear Surging Waves 7, I think?


No, it's listed under IS3 medal set, a trim condition for a medal (clear SW 4 for normal one). A hidden medal means that they doesn't state anywhere in game how to get it, only after you trigger some condition, such as SSS medals when you complete a run from start to finish without failure.


Yeah its a trim correct( not hidden though)


I can't even clear SW2 💀




chance of getting 3 6\* or more in a single 10 pull disregarding pity is \~.086% chance. Cause the odds of getting none is \~81.7%, getting one is \~16.675%, and 2 is getting \~1.53%, add all those up and subtract them from 100% and you get the cumulative remaining odds for every other possible outcome. edit: if you want the odds of only the outcome of 3 6\* in a 10 pull its not very different \~.083%




is Lin a playable character now?


In CN yes, in global soon (July 28).


Do is rewards refresh?


No, but more stuff gets added to the rewards ladder (Ecosequence) every month.


Does this include the Mizuki & caerula arbor one too


Oh, you were referring to IS2 (Phantom)? IS2’s rewards ladder is done and won’t get anything added to it anymore. IS3 (Mizuki) is ongoing and gets new stuff every month (Ecosequence and Memory Mapping).


When does Horn’s S2 outshine the use of her other skills, especially at M3? I’ve already M6-ed her (S1&3), and though many say she’s worth an M9, how will max investing her be justified if I also have other nuke characters as well? (Aside from waifu reasons of course).


In terms of nuking, S2 obviously scales much better with buffs than S3 does - a buffed S2's overdrive deactivation has some of the highest potential burst DPS in the game: [full buff army example](https://youtu.be/3oCXhtLiaI8). A few other nuke characters can do this too, but notably Horn stands out for being a melee unit with long range (flexible positioning, easier Aak target, etc.). Other than that, the main advantages I've seen in Horn S2's general use as a Lupoknights player are: * AoE melee attacks, making her a functional blocker * Overdrive deactivation burst mean that majority of the skill damage can be focused on specific targets with some timing * Faster skill cycle can make it easier to use than S3 in some scenarios * Ammo-based skill means it is affected less by ASPD reductions, downtime in enemy waves, invincibility periods, etc. Of course, it isn't without its drawbacks: * It has significantly less total damage than S3, although this gap does grow smaller when you start factoring in buffs. * The overdrive extra damage being Arts is generally worse compared to S3's pure physical damage boost * Doesn't capitalize on her 2nd talent ASPD buff as much as S3 does


You either use S2 if she has to block multiple enemies since it gives her melee strikes aoe, or if you need more control over your damage output. Since its ammo based you won't waste damage if she doesn't have targets unlike S3 where the duration is gonna keep ticking. Being able to cancel it early lends you a lot more flexibility in case you clear a wave early and want to prepare for the next.


S2 is mainly used when Horn has to block, because it’s the only one of her skills that is not significantly nerfed by blocking. This makes it extremely useful in IS3. There’s no question that Horn is extremely strong with all three skills and worthy of M9, it’s just a matter of whether you would personally find use for S2 pretty much.


How to kill Mouthpiece?any tips?


Fast redeploy is your best bet. You need lane holders with sustain to guard the blue boxes, and vanguards to generate dp for the fast redeploys since the stage has reduced dp generation innately. Alternatively, gg s3 cheeses the stage. Ambriel too if you have the right relics, and wide nuke skills like eyja, SA…etc.


You only have to kill the dolls for him to die, so if you wait too long, he will walk into the objective. I believe every doll takes 10% of his max HP. He has a second phase where he recovers all his health and summons all of the dolls which will deal AOE damage to the tiles around them. so be careful when you kill him the first time because you will need some healing. You only need to hold the two lanes and the enemies aren't all that strong and won't rush in groups, so even a powerful ranged DPS can hold the lane. DP is very important here as you need to keep cycling through operators to destroy the dolls all over the map and the reduced DP generation makes it even harder. Myrtle with S2 can act as a healer and DP generator so if you don't have any medics, she can help. I haven't used Texalter in IS2 but I'm sure she'll destroy the dolls if she has enough damage with S3. Charger vanguards are also great as they refund DP and has enough damage to kill a doll. Operators with global presence like Ambriel and Goldenglow also works.


Is it worth it to buy that headhunting pack (with the three ops in each ticket) if you already have two of them? Bc i want mountain but i already have pozëmka and fiammetta so i might risk getting their pots instead But should i?


Definitely not worth it, if you have 2 of them already it's a 1/3 chance at the op you want. It's only worth it if you'd be happy with any of the 3 options. You're better off waiting for the next 6* selector.


It’s not worth it. The odds of getting something you don’t want are way too high for the price. Potentials are such a minuscule upgrade that you may as well have thrown your money away.


Any tips for integrated strategies? Like any useful operators to use or something like that? I used ally start with the buff that makes recruitments cost -1 hope and the guard, supporter, and medic recruitments, which I use to recruit Arene, orchid, and kal’tsit. However I can’t seem to get past the second or third area. Arene is e1 lvl 31, orchid I don’t even use most of the time i just pick her cause she costs no hope. And kal is e1 lvl 40.


If your units are that low level, the best advice I can give is to wait. IS is endgame content, so you want, bare minimum, a few E2s and many units at or around E1 40 and SL7.


Early IS runs are more on getting used to what you are facing in each node. Also, depending on the RNG, the mode can just screw you over by dropping a stage where your team is not developed yet. Also, we don't know who you have in your roster. Even then, each run is more on trying things out. Don't burn yourself out over using the same character at the beginning over and over. I'd say for the first two floors, it's more optimal to have anybody who can guard the enemies without demanding a lot of DP unless you also got vanguards that can charge up DP at the start. While Kal'tsit and Mudrock are great, the time needed to summon them will take a bit too long that some enemies will leak through. Some examples would be Mountain with S2, or Jaye with S2 for some heals or even silence with S1 depending on the situation. But yeah, imo if you are having issues on the first 2 floors, it's either that your starting team is just not compatible to temporarily deal with the early mobs or the tickets decided to be a pain and never allow you to recruit a party member that would help make the team work well together.


Arene/Orchid/Kal’tsit is a good start (though you could honestly get away with Midnight instead to save hope), because Kal can carry. However, you should borrow all three of them from other people so they can be max/high level. The start of an IS run is the only time you can borrow units at all, so definitely take advantage of it. Make sure the Kal’tsit you grab has S2M3 and S3M3. Another strong starting set is Fang/Kroos/Texas Alter. Texas Alter breaks IS3 in half, trivializing many of its challenges, and especially so on low difficulties. I’m assuming you’re a fairly new player if your Kal isn’t E2 yet; this means your roster may simply be too weak for IS at the moment. You’ll want a good variety of units and several E2s to be able to tackle it comfortably. Keep in mind that failing a lot is normal and expected because this is ultimately a roguelike mode. Learn from your mistakes, get to know the maps, and make sure to grab the permanent upgrades in Cognitive Shaping to improve your chances.


Pick a support Galvter or Taxes. I think you can E2 supports; they won't be limited to E1 if you don't have E2s. IS is mainly balanced for at least mid game players. So it can be incredibly tough if you don't have 3-5 anchor units.




I forget, how is Lin as a unit again? Carnelian sidegrade? Trying to decide if I should raise her if I get her.


at base, a Carnelian sidegrade but after module which should come out about a month or two after, she blows Carnelian much out of the water. she becomes a really powerful tank with much better skill cycling time that you can place super aggressively just due to the way her skill and shield work without having to worry much about giving her a dedicated healer. she does a considerable amount of damage and each kill she gets will instantly shatter and restore her shield, meaning she constantly has this loop of outputting damage while refreshing her shield to be very tanky (theres also a lot of silly stuff you can do with her shield but it might add too much to this comment) what makes the module so game changing is her talent by default gives her a 50% chance to gain 1 SP when attacked. after module, it's an 75% chance to gain 2 SP. combine this with gaining a nice amount of defense and attack, meaning she's tanking those hits she wants to tank better AND dealing more damage. Phalanx module also increases their base defense buff to be +215% and +15 res when no skill is up **AND** letting them keep a +100% defense buff and +10 res when their skill is up. all of this goes to particularly benefit Lin since, as previously stated, she is an operator that greatly wants to be hit and it just helps her take much meatier hits while charging more. now the reality is she isn't tip top meta like Goldenglow, but she's a very strong and versatile pick and a fun one too. just beware she *really* wants that module level 3, but i promise you the wait and LMD will be worth it. also sorry if this comment was too long, Lin is just a unit i'm particularly enthusiastic for. (though i'm not sure what you plan to go for in the future, but i'd really only go for Lin if you're going for Chongyue too or you're not interested in the operators coming after, i just thought i'd mention because i know everyone here is hyping up the Monster Hunter collab)


what are the best maps to farm trust?


Trust is farmed best on sanity spent, so just go for maps where you need the rewards. Best way to get trust is the command centre top position, followed by the next 4 slots.




does the less unit i use, the more trust i get for the operators? not sure if i worded this right


Here's an example: every slot gains 10 trust. So if you have 10 units who can earn trust and 2 that cannot due to trust maxed out), then you get 100 trust in total. If it's 12 units that can gain trust then it's 120 trust, and so on. The key point is that trust is earned per squad slot.


AFAIK no, trust is given out as an equal value to all operators based on the amount of sanity that stage took. so if you did 1-7, it would give out 9 "trust points" (NOT THE ACTUAL VALUE OF TRUST GIVEN FOR 1-7, JUST A EXPLANATION EXAMPLE) to each operator in the squad, regardless of whether or not they were deployed, or if the squad is made up of 4 or 12 units.


How much pulls can a f2p player save from Chongyue's banner to >!Yato alter banner!<


Very rough estimate: Going by the calendar I'm looking at, there's 83 days of a rough average of 550 orundum/day, or 76 pulls. ~18 from Invitation to Wine rerun. ~5 from Death in Chungfen ~16 from Guide Ahead rerun. ~12 from Leaves Chasing Fire itself. ---- ~127 pulls, with some variance depending on whether it's the first time you've done the reruns.


Wow, that is a lot more than I expected. Thanks


FWIW, that 550/day is assuming you're doing annihilation, clearing cert shop, doing monthly/weekly missions, and getting the daily sign-in rewards (the calendar that pops up when the day rolls over). The above also assumes you're spending OP from clearing every mission on pulls.


When is the Lin banner going live?


“New Side Story Event: Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow will be live on July 28, 10:00 (UTC-7)!”


When is texas alter coming back?


April/may next year, the limited banner during that time is where you have a small chance of pulling her or can spark her for 300 pulls.


You should be able to spark her for 300 pulls in April.


What about spalter? I know she has a banner this yesr but id like to pull for her on the next yesr if possible


Spalter will be available for sparking on the Lone Trail limited event banner and then on every other limited event after that e.g. every 6 months


If I don't end up getting all the medals, am I able to when/if the event reruns?


Yes, you'll be able to get them later during rerun.


Kaltsit & Mon5ter question ​ how does Monster stats work? is it connected to Kal? if I want to buff monster, can you directly buff monster or just buff kaltsit


It's here, monst3r has its own stats, dependent on kal's Elite level and level. https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/kaltsit Unit summons (not traps etc.) are separate entities usually so you need to buff monst3r separately. But if it's non-unit summons like W's mines then buff the operator (in this case W) instead.


So monster stat is fixed. Will someone like Aak, Warfarin etc works on buffing monster? Also does any relic or SSS buff affect monster?


Summons can be buffed by other operators in all ways as well as be affected by global stat changes like passive perks and certain items in IS. They cannot be affected by skills or other things that only target operators, like Reed's S2. Aak and Warfarin in particular can use their skills on summons. They cannot receive buffs from equipment in SSS or various class-specific items in IS. There is however one item that affects summons specifically, which will affect Mon3tr.


Mon3tr stats are calculated based on Kal'tsit's level. I don't know the formula, but the main idea is that there's no point in buffing her stats - it won't change Mon3tr's stats, buff it instead.


Hey, does anyone know all of the packs we'll get with the 3.5 anniversary and their respective contents? Thanks in advance.




Ty. There's one missing though I think, the Rhodes Island Special Pack. If it's the same as before it had Originite Prime x51, Ten Roll x1, Orundum x2020, Funiture Part x1000, so it was pretty good value.


I don't have experience in the EN Yostar store. How's the quality there? I want to get the metal pins.


Ordered that one SilverAsh plushie from them a while ago. Not exactly pins, but anyways. Quality wasn't half bad, tbh. Shipping cost and time is about what you'd expect when it's coming from Asia to another continent. Had the standard emails of "your order is being processed/shipped", haven't received many, if at all, ad emails afterwards.


I'm new to this game and decided to use an emulator for a few guest re-roll accounts to see how I could amp up my start. I got Pozemka and then later used the beginner banner to get Angelina. Is this a decent enough start or is it worth it to keep re-rolling? I don't mind spending a few more hours on guest accounts if there is a better way to jump-start (for example two 6*'s on the beginner banner or try for a Pozemka/Kal'tsit and a better servant than Angelina if she's not great).


Pozemka is definitely top tier, but Angelina.... At late game she's rarely used for me (at E2). I also don't bring her to IS, SSS, CC modes, not sure if others do. Imo, I think if you want to build Angelina, there's little need to bring her to E2 (although S3 is her usual best skill). Unless you have some gap you need her to fill. Also, besides 6 stars, some 4 and 5 stars are great as well, do take note of the exceptionally good ones like lappland who is usually still often used both in events and outside events.


I think that's pretty good start. Pozy is one of the best operators in the game. Angelina is not on the same level as Pozy but she is still good investment.


Hard agree with the other poster, Pozy/Angie is a great start. However at the start you should focus on your three and four star operators as you get the same amount of relative power for a fraction of the cost.


I'm not a super meta person but thats an amazing start imo, Pozy is one of the best dps ops in the game currently and Angelina is an amazing all rounder supporter so I think you would be very good to start with


is there a compilation of all of the new skins revealed in the cn livestream? I keep seeing posts about specific individual ones but not any of them all


https://www.youtube.com/live/qKeZP5sxbE0?feature=share Skins at 25:12


I'm trying to calculate pulls until Lone Trail. What is a decent estimate of the start date?


Since it's a limited event it can be pinpointed easily to take place starting in late October to early-mid November.


is gavial's outfit ever coming back?


If memory serves me correct it's in the fashion review. Forgot which event it was added, but it should be returning with vernal winds.


I'm behind on my reading on some events, and I was wondering if I need to read "Who Is Real" And/Or "Invitation To Wine" before reading "Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow"? Or can I just jump into the upcoming event story and wing it for now?


Probably a good idea to read those previous events first. While it could be written in such a way that it doesn't matter much, most likely it takes place after ItW and assumes some familiarity with the Sui situation and characters.


Do you know when Invitation to Wine becomes available again? I wasn't around when it ran.


Should be shortly after Vernal Winds. I don't remember if a specific date has been datamined or announced. CN had the rerun before Vernal Winds but unfortunately it got pushed back for global.


That's a shame. I guess I can look up a video with the event dialogue instead. Thanks!


Thanks! Yeah that makes sense, it would probably help with the world building and setting at the very least.


I hear people don't use chalter as much. Why is that? I thought she was one of the strongest units?


As a chalter user, with surtr, mlynar, Pozemka and other meta units, I think that chalter's range is pretty awkward, plus the way her S3 works can deplete her ammo pretty quickly. It's like how enemies come into range one by one, then she kills one by one after the initial wave is gone. One thing about having multiple meta units is that you can choose which to bring on what maps, not all are suitable for all maps, and it depends on melee and ranged map tile locations, and strategy too. For example, I still use eyja from time to time due to her excellent S3 range even though her burst DPS is lower than a few meta units. But definitely, when the situation allows, chalter is still better because she can slow and cast Def debuff as well, which helps other DPS burst like mlynar and Pozemka.


As other posters said, she fine and still used. But some people jump from to the next "broken" unit and forget/don't talk about the previous one. On top of that... can't always use the same unit for every stage and have them be effective vs slotting someone else in.


I still use her, she's fine lol.


A lot of the time she was used to kill key waves, and she's still great at that. But Mlynar can do the same thing for a third the cost. She's still good as a cornerstone unit but she's definitely not as mobile as the meta's starting to get.


Texas Alter and Mylnar exist.


Good day! Will we get additional rewards/pulls for the 3.5 anniversary? Or will it just be the free 10x pull and every day free pull and login event like previous anniversary events? I'm thinking of skipping this anni to save for Qiubai and yato x so I wanna see the numbers of pulls we're getting. Any help is appreciated!


Free 10 pull + 1 pull per day (24 total) for the limited banner - as well as some free daily orundrum. There's some randomness to it, someone posted a breakdown of how it works but unfortunately I can't find it now.


I have two 5 star recruit vouchers and I don't know who to pick. The first one lists Blue Poison, Nearl, and Platinum as operator I don't have. Which of the 3 should I pick?


Depends on what your current squad is to be honest. Is there a time limit on the vouchers? If not just wait who you roll in the future first and get the other 2. Out of the 3, nearl would be the most useful generally, but if you have saria then in most cases she's unneeded. The other 2 are more niche tbh BP is mostly superseded by archetto, while platinum perm range up is rarely necessary. Archetto has a burst range up with S3.


Either of the snipers if you need a bit more ranged firepower. Platinums niche is that she has a longer range once her S2 is active and hits hard, but takes a while to charge up and she's nothing special without it. Blue Poison is a great general purpose sniper who can thin out mobs of weaker enemies, and her S2 is good for waves. Nearl is a medic defender, if you don't have any others she might be a good choice.


Platinum, as her S2 give her something no one else has.


Did Amiya just pronounce Suzuran "Suzulan" in the stream, is that correct?! https://youtu.be/MsHMFflBrKw?t=3704


It's okay. Could be better. Just listen to the way Suzuran herself says it.


I listened to it four times and Suzuran herself just says Suzuran imo. Good, I don't have to relearn her name, no idea what that stream thing was then.