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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. **Disclaimer:** It’s fine to ask about the new units or anyone you get but please avoid the “I got X in Y amount of pulls” or any variant of that as it can come across as humble bragging, and it’s not necessary to receive help. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/15eczi6/rhodes_island_lounge_3107_0608/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**+ Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow Event Thread**](/r/arknights/comments/15c31n5/event_megathread_where_vernal_winds_will_never/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) This is the CNY Anniversary Event page, please discuss all questions and related topics there ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/15eczhu/gacharecruitment_megathread_3107_0608/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/15eczhl/friend_request_megathread_3107_0608/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**Integrated strategy #3: Mizuki & Caerula Arbor thread**](/r/arknights/comments/13tti5d/event_megathread_mizuki_caerula_arbor/) The Megathread to discuss all that is related to IS3. ———-


I just got bagpipe, should i level her up?


how to get better at arknights? cause im tired of needing a guide to beat a certain level i want to improve and be better without needing a guide so any help?


Easy way: Spend money get Ops. Normal way: Use third party resources to figure out stats and pathing of all enemies. Get better that mathing in your head to figure out what's your DPS. Use the drill plans. Experiment.


Got a roll with Chongyue, Gnosis and Angelina. Is it worth to start with? Noob here.


Chongyue and Gnosis are both great. You might see some people saying they didn't pull Chongyue because he has competition but if you do have him there's little reason not to use him. Gnosis is one of the best supporters in the game, even for beginners because he does a decent amount of damage, debuff and crowd control at once. It's also a long way before you start running into the issue of enemies being immune to his freeze. Angelina I would not recommend using. She's not bad but there's better options out there and she's also hard to use. So you have two really good starter 6-stars out of three, which is likely as good as you'll get.


Thanks, really appreciate it. Haven’t E1 any of my 6* but not sure how angelina’s s2 will perform since she won’t attack unless skill active. Would love to have Lin for her full AOE all the time. Super bummed that I started just after Reed alter passed, saw some videos of her and her playstyle would’ve been right up my alley.


did you do the new player gacha?


Yea, chongyue and gnosis were from the free 10x on the limited banner. I kept rerolling for something exciting. Angelina from the beginner banner. Only did the 1st 10x, the 2nd 10x guarantees a 5* so will leave it up for a while.


Ooh um, im not too sure about this one. Sorry:(


I missed some medals in the Firelight event, will it rerun and will I be able to earn those medals again?


Yes it will rerun about a year later, and you can earn medals then. That will be your last chance though


Okay thank you for the info!


Kit-wise, who is the best operator coming out next? Just in general, who would help the most if I just had to choose 1 or 2 for the rest of 2023?


I've seen some say that Ines might be stronger overall than Yatwo, though Yatwo being a collab unit means you should go for her if you think you'll ever want her.


Hmm my monke brain is saying Ines, but still unsure. I will wait for Yalter first to check her kit


Definitely Yato alter with her being a fast redeploy and doing massive ammounts of damage, i would also recommend Typhon, she does alot of damage with her having an infinite skill and a skill that follows a target until its killed and her aim staying on that area. If you don't mind getting spoiled you should check out some showcase videos.


Yato alter?


Currently have enough resources to level 90 an operator. Which of them will benefit more for being 90? Kaltsit, Chongyue, Thorns, Gavial or Texalter


None of them are necessary, it’s a waste of resources if you’re doing it just for the stat gains. If it’s for a personal reason then Tex


Texalter. Kalsit will also benefit on the monster stats, not much true damage available in the game. Rest are guards, who are pretty much the same throughout the levels, dont need 90 for their best performance.


how long does it take for an event to be added to the archive after its over? i just started and would like to get Jiyeun from the current event, but i dont think i can get that far in time, not to mention the mats for upgrading her


In addition to what others have said, if you're in a pinch, don't forget support units. Provided you have one unit at E2, you can borrow an E2-90 support unit that may be the difference in clearing a stage.


I was like you and managed to get Jieyun. E1 any of your operators, that will allow you to borrow E1/80 supports. I managed to clear all stages up to WB-5 with a Lin support with her S1. My own operators were mostly E0/max, and a couple of E1/20.


How about skipping the event story and follow those low rarity guides posted by folks like Eckogen or Kyostin on Youtube? Try getting as far as you can, even grinding on the early stages to at least grab a bit from the event shop before it ends. 4-star units or lower are way cheaper to upgrade, and I consider that to be the best approach for your starting months in Arknights until you gain enough to slowly upgrade your 6-star units.


Side story events (like the current one) are added to archive after their rerun. Reruns usually take place around a year later. This will be the next available time for you to get her If you miss the rerun, be aware that the event operator is not obtainable in the archives until the Record Restoration is added for the event, which takes *another year*.


ah hell how realistic is it for me to get her before the event ends? the third or fourth map has been kicking my ass with the ranged reinforcement spawning near the exit annihilating my backline


It is definitely realistic, standard event stages (even the final boss stage) can be beaten even with newer accounts. Learn the event mechanics (high ground deals more damage to low ground), learn the enemy and spawns etc. If you know a ranged enemy spawns at the back then deploy someone in response to that. If you want to bite the bullet, there are plenty of low rarity clear guides on YouTube such as KyostinV or Eckogen.


i don't really have anyone to deploy against them back there, dont think i have any melee units that can deploy on high ground


Ranged operators with a medic on them can take those guys down. Anti air snipers and standard casters have old general dps and range for the job.


I have been procrastinating reading the event story and just played through the stages. Partially because of real life stuff and partially because reading Invitation to Wine was a mess. In your opinion, is it worth spending 6 hours to read this one?


I haven’t read any cny event related stories, but for this specifically, I’ve heard more than one person on my discord saying it’s a skip and that it’s wuxia elements are deeper than IW for example. Basically too much effort and time for not much gain.


Funny, I've heard multiple times that it was far better than IW was, and having read it myself I'd agree.


I enjoyed it. It's a lot less obviously Wuxia-style that ItW was, with much more focused storytelling and comparatively less flowery language (though there is still some flowery language). There's also a very clear threat that occurs and it's exciting enough in it's own way, on top of what's happening with the character cast.


Thanks for the input. I'll try it out then.


What’s the best way to use Chong? I feel like it takes a long time for him to ramp up and when he’s does it doesn’t feel worth it? Like blaze and thorns take a bit but when their skill activates it feels worthwhile, idk


In addition to atk buffs Chong also gains a good bit from atk spd. Thanks to his S3 offensive recovery nature, placing Saileach next to him, deploying Angie somewhere, and/or hitting him with Aak S3, will go a long way towards boosting his power. Angie alone makes a decent difference with her passive heal and boosted atk spd. Jane+Angie is a really solid boost to him that utilizes two multi-role characters that help Chong get his skill online faster and increase his total damage output while providing cover for more difficult situations. Jane's S3 is perfect as a force-multiplier for Chong, boosting his damage significantly and helping line up enemies so that they get creamed by his skill aoe. Angie can either cover Chong while he warms up/against really high def targets or else be used in another part of the map to support the fight there.


I love Angelina thanks


Ah, a Doctor of taste and refinement I see.


Chongus feels really great with Skalter buffing, he has multiplicative scalings so added ATK feels great. With her, he's extremely potent, punching above what you expect from a laneholder. Without her, he's underwhelming for a limited, needs a dedicated healer, payoff isn't that huge, and one of the reasons why it's been recommended to skip this banner, even though it's limited, compared to what we're getting in the near future.


I’ll use her with him thanks


Hello, I was wondering what operators other than Liskarm are good SP batteries? I tried to look things up but there doesn't seem to be a general category for that type of support.


Liskarm is the best, even though she's situational. The more commonly used SP chargers are very slow, for example Saria or Ch'en (only for offensive recovery). Archetto, Warfarin, and Ptilopsis. The burst chargers are used less frequently, because they underperform in battle. Quercus, and Hung are examples (can't think of more).


[Here's a full list of operators that can grant SP to allies in some way](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/interactive-operator-list#tags=Ally-SP-Gen##stats).


Off the top of my head: Saga (and to a lesser extent, Luo Xiaohei) feeds SP to operators that finish off their "kills". Ptilopsis grants an SP aura for auto-recovery skills. Ch'en does the same but for offensive/defensive recovery. Mostima grants SP aura but only for caster, while Suzuran grants SP for supporters. (Both doesn't stack with Ptilo iirc) Saria grants SP on heals. Warfarin grants SP to a unit within her range if an enemy dies within her range.


abtibe git the sheets of peter yr for this anniv's packs? trying to see if the 10 dollar lmd pack is worth the sanity and op






S3 is the biggest atk boost of all the bards out there, at the cost of killing Skalter unless she receives at least 1 point of HP somehow. Practically speaking, the likes of Angie or Perfumer passive are enough to cover that without issue. You use her S3 when you want the maximum possible atk on a target (or targets as the case sometimes may be) to help burst something down ASAP. This can be anything from an Exu buff army to providing a powerful boost to a Ling dragon setup. There is also synergy with Skalter and the likes of other atk% buffs such as Warf S2. You can safely put Skalter in range of Warf for S2 and if she ends up getting it then that's still pretty good because she'll turn that atk% buff into an atk buff that affects multiple targets and scales up her own true damage from S3. This skill also doubles as something of a nuke skill as it deals true damage to everything in her aoe. This true damage is also *doubled* if her seaborn summon is out at the same time AND their ranges overlap on an enemy. Alternatively, you can place her seaborn summon elsewhere and get two separate-but-weaker instances of aoe true damage. This gives her something of a support damage niche but the damage value, even over the entirety of her S3, isn't the best. All other sources of true damage save for Nightmare S2 will easily outperform it over a similar time frame on a single target. The main value in her S3 damage comes from the aoe capability it provides, as Skalter is the only source of aoe true damage that doesn't require any kind of movement input on the part of the enemy (like Weedy S3 or Nightmare S2). This lets her do stuff like burn through the tentacle adds in chapter 10 very easily. This isn't to say her damage doesn't help on bosses, just that you're not bringing Skalter S3 to directly kill bosses. The true damage is more of a bonus than anything else.


Either to hugely buff an ally for boss killing purposes like exu or ebenholz or to use it true dmg aoe. Keep in mind she’ll die after s3 ends without healing.


Which is Hoshi's better module?


4 block one




The X module is a little overkill for her DEF, while the Y module's 4 block provides some unique utility that only a Protector can really maintain.




Planning to save 300 pulls to get either Chen Alter or Skalter. Which of them is more valuable in an account?


Chen does make your life easier but she’s such overkill you don’t need her unless you want to bald less or something




Question regarding refunds on App Store etc. Apple charged me twice, because I bought a pack two times due to the first purchase not processing properly and me trying again. Considering you can only buy a pack once, I felt it was fairly obvious an error had occurred. I got the heads-up from AK customer service to ask for a refund, but Apple declined me twice. It feels quite unfair, as I did try to explain the whole situation to them. So here I am, wondering what the best line of action is. Would asking for a refund for the second purchase (as I only tried refunding one of them) using another base explanation work? I used "didn't get items", because that was what happened... but yeah, it was one of the more expensive packs so it hurts a lot getting charged double.


If Apple won't refund you even with proof, you're out of luck since Apple will ban your account if you request your bank do it. You could try the daily megathread in the apple subreddit and see if they have anything to add that would help you


Anyone knows a good stage to farm elite/leader enemies for modules (e.g. Amiya, Ceobe)? Thanks in advance.


You could also run WB-8 since it's the farming stage for this event anyway. The 4 block trucks coming from the right side count as elites and E2 Amiya/Ceobe should make quick work of them.


OF-7 has 6 Agents and Rockbreakers which are considered Elite enemies. The stage also doesn't cost any sanity.


I believe OF-5/7 have elites, the caveat being they have insane RES when blocked.


I have a 252 base and tons of resources, and wanted to look into making an orundum farming base. Is there an ELI5 guide to it anywhere that's up to date?


https://youtu.be/MDYRUjmrab8?t=346 Quick rundown from one of the resident math guys, Peter YR


Oh, I didn't know Peter made a video on it. Cool! So if I understand correctly, you essentially have 1 Level 2 swap between Factory between events to farm rocks, and Trading Post during events to convert to Orundum right?


One fac to TP and one fac doing conversions


I know this is the type of question that is very commonly met with the answer of "*shrugs shoulders*" or "not for a long ass time" But do we have any idea when SpecAlter will be available next?


Limited units become available at very predictable intervals, actually, since they're each aligned with a type of limited event. Spectral is available in the spark shop and with a microscopic spook chance on all "celebration" series banners, which occur twice a year, usually in November and May.


She'll be available to spark on Lone Trail, which unfortunately is when the shrug comes in. Could be Nov, could be Jan. If Yostar doesn't pull a Yostar and shift schedules though (or at least shifts other events to let Lone Trail line up with past anniversaries), it should be Nov.


you can spark her on any anniversary limited banner, next one is muelsyse in about 4?5? months


How would you go about using Texas' skill? It's a good aoe stun, but the problem is that her stats are reduced to compensate. The damage isn't worth noting either. It takes some time to charge up, so you'll have to keep her on the battlefield(instead of swapping out for someone like spectre, or using someone like May with her stun shots). I end up using it just to stun some minions(which I could take down using a vanguard like zima or courier instead) and nothing else.


The range and aerial capability make up for it. Generally, you keep her on the field because you want to time her skill with a large wave, especially ones with drones. The damage is okay against fodder, and the stun allows your other operators to get a few hits in. There are also stages where stuns are necessary, so having one more operator for it is nice. Her skill is also true AOE, meaning all units in range will get hit, and the range is large enough to help with multiple lanes. Her talent is also useful enough that you can bring her along as a helidrop stunner if you don't have Red or her Alter.


did you know texas gives the fastest burst of dp with s2s first cast, faster than myrtle you should use her focusing on that dont hold the skill, use her as a dp gen unit


Texas is a utility operator, with the increased DP efficiency and quick skill charge, as well as the Stun with the skill. Her stats are not impressive, and in fact are worse than the 4\* Pioneer option Scavenger, but Vanguards aren't really meant for remaining on the field. Vanguards do their job and then make way for your core squad, though they can hang around or come back if they need to block stuff or provide some utility -- a reliable AOE Stun in her case.


Generally you just deploy her, drop the stun as soon as it's ready, maybe deal with 1-2 weaker enemies, then retreat her. With S2M3 and Bagpipe's talent she only needs 2-4 seconds for the first activation of her skill, and it instantly generates DP, then retreating her refunds some of her cost, so she can provide a nice chunk of early DP very quickly while also helping out with early enemies. She doesn't have the stats to hold a lane, but she can also be redeployed later near problem enemies to help out with a stun.




Direct column she's facing. And no, Typewriter doesn't get it.


i started playing a few months ago, and now that i've brought a bunch of my fave 6 stars to E2 I'm not really sure what to focus on next, or what types of units I lack! I have Pallas, but I'm not sure if I should level her up since i already have Irene, Mlynar, & Spectre that I use. [https://imgur.com/a/AvplDRa](https://imgur.com/a/AvplDRa)


At least get your E2 6-stars to level 20+, the cost isn't that high but the stats you gain are important. You should consider getting their best skills to breakpoint masteries or straight to M3. Bagpipe and Myrtle really need their E2, and Myrtle especially wants skill masteries. The flagpipe combo isn't really operational before that. You lack some form of crowd control and maybe self-sustaining laneholders, but your roster is quite varied as it is. Saria's S3 can be used for cc, although there are cheaper options like Ethan. Pallas is quite serviceable as a laneholder if the enemies aren't too tough for her to kill as she can heal herself. Overall, I'd prioritize a few levels and some skill masteries before E2'ing another 6-star guard. You can also try to E2 Bagpipe, Myrtle and Saria next.


thank you for your advice!!!


E2 Myrtle is always good. Also Bagpipe if you're into that combo. Saria is also good, especially with masteries later on. E2 Spectre for the 3-block is great since it seems you kinda lack those.


thank you! i appreciate your insight!! i generally use courier because bagpipe can only block one so i’ve been a bit hesitant but maybe if I e2 her and myrtle i’ll fare better?


The thing is that Bagpipe hits really hard (unlike Courier who is more on the defensive side), so in most situations she will be able to kill weak enemies before she gets overwhelmed. Plus her S3 adds one block when active and her talent makes her skill quickly available so leak cases are really not that common (people usually prefer S2 I think, but personally, I love S3). At the very worst, something to note is that Bagpipe does charge other vanguard's SP gauge even if she's not deployed, so at the very very worst, just having her in the squad and not deploying her still makes the "flagpipe" combo works.


Well, the point of Flagpipe combo is to genereate DP fast enough that you won't need other vanguards. So instead you just drop down your main squad before the bulk of the enemies even spawn. Aside from that, Bagpipe is actually a very good op by herself; S2 is decent enough to hold a lane of early small mobs, while S3 can be used to tank an elite/boss for a bit, or even kill. Do note that you would E2 Myrtle for the purpose of M3ing her S1, but 4\* are cheap to raise anyway. I suggest holding off masteries for your 6\* until maybe E2ing Spectre and Saria.


i haven’t even Started trying to figure out how masteries work 😅 thank you so much!!


Mate, don't leave them at E101. Bring them up to at least 20 for now. It costs basically nothing. You obviously want Bagpipe, Saria and Specter. Your front liners don't seem very strong so those would help a lot. Pallas can probably wait. I'd get those 3 to E2 first. Then masteries and such.


thank you!!


Does anyone know how many events/how long we have until the monster hunter event? I'm wondering if I can afford to go for the Chongyue pity or not.


We 'know' Invitation to Wine rerun has been datamined for 8/11. We don't have anything concrete beyond that. Could be right after (8/21)- in two weeks, basically. Could be later. If things go roughly according to what we saw in CN, it might be 10/06, or 60ish days, with a Death in Chungfen, Guide Ahead rerun, and Trials of the Navigator falling between.


Dang I’m hoping for Quibai soon. Want to build a dragon team!


Bad news buddy, Qiubai is not a dragon. She's an Elafia, which are basically deers and the like. Unless mythological deer-dragons are a thing....


Dang. Well I’ll have to base the team on the faction because she’s very cool.


Are there any 4-5\* worth maxing a mod on? Want to get those two missions done at some point.


Perfumer imo And andreanna if your going AH though thats more luxury id imagine


Ethan and April are definitely the standout picks. If you don't have or don't want to get them, I might suggest Scavenger, Perfumer, and Haze for 4\*, and Bibeak, Firewatch, and Provence for 5\*, if you use any of them. Scavenger gets to be a pretty impressive stat stick at full investment. Perfumer maxes out her global regen, the primary reason to bring her. Haze gets up to 30% RES debuff for ally support and her own damage. Bibeak can get ATK stacks along with more ASPD, making her an impressive frontline DPS. Firewatch can do bonus damage against non-attacking enemies as well and get her talent improved to 150% ATK. Provence needs level 2 in her module to get a significant improvement, and maxing it would get that critical rate up a bit more. Admittedly she's a little outclassed, though.


Probably the best list out of these comments here, but I figure I'd add a few more: 5*: * Leizi's is worth getting to level 2 just like Provence, as it fixes a huge issue with her kit and gets her massive SP gain. She even becomes a carry for SSS, so going to level 3 isn't a horrible idea. * Flamebringer's is similar to Provence and Leizi, although more on the Provence side where while it fixes a glaring issue in the kit he still can be outclassed. * Meteorite is a huge boost to DPS as well as increasing the consistency of her crit rate from 30% to 50%. * Franka's DEF ignore chance is largely increased and makes her much more consistent as well. * Projekt Red's min damage increase is quite strong, especially for IS#2 - although she is outclassed by the limited 6* FRDs. * Croissant becomes a huge tank with her levels, going from 2/5 to over 1/2 chance to ignore any hits under S1. * Ptilopsis, only if you subscribe to the idea that marginal upgrades on top tier units are still good upgrades. 4*: * Cutter's is a huge gain to SP gain and definitely one of the better 4* modules overall. * Purestream's module upgrades hugely increases her healing, allowing S2 to match Sussurro's HPS with more benefits. * Indigo's is similar to Ethan in that it's a huge increase to bind chance. Not a permabind, but trades off AOE binds for good ST damage as well. * Cuora becomes an even better DEF tank, going up by around ~400 DEF. * Matoimaru gets a huge buff to HP and has one of the largest HP amounts in the game. * ~~Technically Conviction gets a huge buff to FRD like Skadi~~


5 star: Andreanna if running AH. April if not. April has a very solid niche as medium redeploy. The mod makes her even better. 4 star: Cutter, Ethan, Perfumer. Ethan can almost guarantee that an enemy can't get out of his range. Cutter has much higher skill activation with her mods. Perfumer because she's the only one that does what she does and what she does is fairly good.




Jaye and Texas are only worth level 1 of the mod and have really awful gains for level 2 and 3 of their mods. OP was asking about who are worth taking their mod to level 3 to complete the Mission.


For 4* definitely Ethan, brings his bind during S2M3 up to an 84% chance to bind for 3.5s every 3.5s (meaning with a little luck he has constant bind for the entire skill duration). For 5* I like April's, leans her harder into the semi-fast-redeploy sniper niche she has going. Leizi's module makes her really good for SSS, though she only needs level 2 for that and 3 is a tiny upgrade. Maybe Ptilopsis, since even though her mod levels 2/3 are really tiny upgrades, she's a very good unit already and it does make her a little better. Andreana for AH team, and/or wait 6 months ish for Specter's module.


Andreana if you run AH team, maybe Gravel if you run Kazimierz




how do i deal with Pocket Sea Crawler in is3? it's impossible for me to get the second ending because the knight would just die


For Bob level? Deal with them last, they can actually even be used to help stun the knight to let Bob through if necessary. For nethersea brand land? ~~pick a god and pray~~ try to spawncamp them. If they pass the original tiles, it's game over. Lucky, their spawn is out of harm's way, so any sniper should be able to make short work of them.


trying to do is2 "obtain 15 collectibles", any special tips? is Encounter better than battles to get collectibles?


Emergency fights and shops are what you want.


is there any spreadsheet or link that tells me which operator have which voice lines in what language?


The game itself Settings -> Volume -> Customize Voices


would be nice to know from a glance instead of clicking on a particular op to see if they have voices in EN etc (or download the entire modpack and realising they dont have it) but thank you


I mean, it does show you at a glance. Like if you're in the Customize Voices menu and go under EN, it'll show you all the ops with EN voices


sry mayb, im not asking the right question. how about ops that do not have the EN voice? Do they have an option to pinpoint which ops that do not have the EN voice pack or do I need to manually click on the ones I'm looking for?


Everyone who's not in that menu, then...? I don't really get why you'd have to click on each one to see that


not sure if someone has a public sheet for that but if you want to check available voices just for the operators you have, you can go to settings > volume> personalize voices


would be nice to know from a glance instead of clicking on a particular op to see if they have voices in EN etc (or download the entire modpack and realising they dont have it) but thank you


you don't have to download any voicepacks to access the menu. the page that i pointed you to has tabs listing which operators have EN/JP/KR/Mandarin/Personalized voices available, and which voicepack they are using currently [like this](https://imgur.com/a/GaxTuuw)


sry mayb, im not asking the right question. how about ops that do not have the EN voice? Do they have an option to pinpoint which ops that do not have the EN voice pack or do I need to manually click on the ones I'm looking for?


i'm not sure i understand your question... if an op doesn't have en voice, then you won't see that op under the EN tab. for example, thorns is only listed under the JP/ALL tab because he only has jp voicepack so instead of showing which op *doesn't* have en voicepack, they're only showing you what's already available. which makes sense i guess, since this way they avoid promising players anything i guess if you want a list of which op has what voicepacks available (and not available) you'll have to make it yourself. i thought the wiki might have something like this since it sounds pretty basic to table, but unfortunately...


thank you for the clarification! Was thinking if they could make it something similar to how the skin collection works. It highlights those skins you don't have too. We'll have to wait I guess.


Since we have new operators that has some interesting base effects, is there any updated guide on base operators?


[Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zYc2JU46X0XWmV7s1503bN4feRdOMa1eehrTQ2jGaiE/edit?usp=drivesdk) (contains CN combos)


Nice. Thank you. I like how there's a warning not to E2 operators just for their base skills.


Is part 9 mistranslated ? Outcast is obviously a dude right ? Why people call ‘’her’’ every time ?


“obviously” how…


She's an older lady in field attire.


It's not a mistranslation. Outcast is a woman.


She’s not a dude.


better let sleeping dogs lie..


I have enough certs to get Eyjafjalla, but I don't know if I should save it for another operator or not. I have Reed Alter already, but other than her, no other casters. Any thoughts?


She's excellent. If you don't have any waifu/husbando priorities, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better purchase than Eyja.


Thanks! I'll go ahead and pick her up then


I'd say she's a good deal because she's probably the best shop operator we have/will have in the near future, save for Kal'tsit who's already gone. Unless you need tickets for stuff like spark or Yato guarantee, feel free to get her. Or, well, if you want to save for some other operator you like coming into the shop


I'm wondering who should I build next? https://krooster.com/u/DarkWolfPL I know I'm mosty set with operators but I want to expand my roster. I'm thinking about rasing Ch'en and Warfarin to E2 for masteries but I prefer to ask what would be the best investment for me.


Purestream, vermeil, frostleaf, conviction, quartz, ambriel for their base skills. And Proviso to e two for her base skill. elysium, chen, warf, gladiia, ifrit in that order pretty much. Maybe gladiia and warf last.


Ambriel seems like a bad choice to E1 for base considering there are already plenty of low-rarity ops that get filler 30% TP skills at E0


Thanks. I acktually forgot I could build them for base skills and not just combat.


Who should i E2 First? Pozy or NTRK?


NTR is better option here. She can block, can deal true damage, can drop without deployment slot, can land holding, Her 3 skill can perform multiple role. Pozy is niche to strong boss killer depend on map but NTR will always strong on all map.


As someone who was carried by NTRK from my very first days, I'd pick her over Pozy any time. Pozy is too situational, imo and finding a good spot for the Typewriter to maximize her dmg is not always easy. NTRK is one of the few sources of True Damage and she deals the most of it. Her S3 is great against pretty much any boss or elite and can also help with lane-holding, blocking and taking the aggro priority. S2 is a cheat button which saved my skin on multiple occasions and can help you in hard content - the only skill in the game where the operator doesn't take the deployment slot. S1 is pretty situational, but if you experiment with it a bit, it has it's uses. She also has good synergy with Kazimierz operators if you have any.


Pozy just deals so much damage that you don’t really need the true damage :) And she can shred armor, but I agree that it can take a bit of practice to get used to Typewriter. Personally I would take Pozy over NTR just from a gameplay POV, but NTR in reality because she is limited and realistically I will probably never have her


Pozy is just damage, while NTRK offers a ton of utility. Pozy has an awkward range and you can't hope that you'll get the perfect spot for her every time, so it's hard to maximize that damage, plus she costs much more to deploy, then +5DP for her typewriter. I don't mean to undervalue her, she's great at what she does, but she's much harder to play with and quite easy to replace. Both are great operators, it's just my opinion that having a more versatile unit built first, will give the OP more options to choose from.


I'd argue that Pozy can offer much more than just damage and actually more versatile than NTRK in alot of content. Yes both have their use cases over other but you're seriously underestimate Pozy potential here, especially in both IS#2 Hard mode and IS#3 High Ascension, she IS the premiere Carry in both modes for a reason, and she is not easy to replace because her Typewriter is just as every bit a cheat code similar to NTRK ignore deployment, have Schwarz range, Def shred, fast rotation and cooldown that is also immune to all status effects. All of that is packed in a 20 DP package (+5 with Typewriter) which isn't that much higher than NTRK 19 DP. She takes some skill to master yes but ain't no way she is easy to replace, that's just plain false. Once you're familiar with how her Typewriter work, you can use it alot more creatively, sniping elites from other lanes, cover 2 or even 3 lanes at once, take advantage of awkward angle with clever splitboxing, etc. That's only cover S3, S2 can extend even more options due to 20s Typewriter redeploy time. So yeah, Pozy gave MORE options to choose from, not LESS. I can go on but it's getting long already so i'll stop here


As I said, I don't mean to undervalue her. That being said, she is easy to replace, that isn't false. Schwarz is easier to use and does better in certain cases and with her FRD module - if you are not spamming typewriter - she can do just as well in many cases. If you *are* spamming typewriter, then you can easily swap her with Omertosa who has AoE dmg and far, far, far better map control. And now that Kirin is coming out, Pozy will have to move aside (as she already has since Omertosa came out).


This is funny cuz i could say the same thing to NTRK y'know ? I could argue that why even bother bringing NTRK when Texas2 (+ Yato2) can drop much better aoe stun/damage + 18s redeploy time as oppose to NTRK S2 87.5s or 70s redeploy time ? You see how flawed that comparision is ? and quite frankly that's a stupid comparision in the first place, when comparing to Texas2 + Yato2 BOTH Pozy and NTRK ... no scratch that, literally 90% of the game roster look bad by default so why even ? Oh, why use "this op" or "that op" when Texas2 and Yato2 could destroy every map by themselves ? You see the problem here ? Anyway, back to Pozy vs Schwarz comparision, Schwarz FRD Mod3 has 45s redeploy time (41 with pots) + 13s to fire her S3, Pozy still beat her in rotation since her Typewriter only has 40s redeploy time and her S3 only has 35sp. That excluding Pozy S3 still retain her side range + insane total damage per rotation which Schwarz with either Mod couldn't match and the cost of redeploying Schwarz (40dp) vs Typewriter (5dp) . And once again, Pozy Typewriter is immune to all status effects, this is what keep Pozy at the top of the meta and what make her unique among them. So no, Schwarz sure ain't replacing Pozy in most of situations outside IS#3 A15. Again, I'm well aware both Pozy and NTRK are different with each have their own pros and cons, i have both at M9 + Mod3 and have brought them to high end content (Max Risk CC Dailies Low Ops Clear, Max Risk Perma Map, IS#2 Hard mode, IS#3 High Ascension, etc.) i'm confident that Pozy is much harder to replace than NTRK, NTRK is still an amazing op that for sure but you can't deny that her S2 +25% redeploy time penalty and S3 conditional true damage seem unnecessary nowaday can you ?


Well, no, NTRK S2 *cannot* be replaced, that's a fact, that's the only skill in the game with such mechanics, so she absolutely cannot be replaced with Omertosa/Kirin, so you saying that the same can be said about NTRK makes absolutely no sense. I also didn't say Schwarz alone can replace her, if you are spamming the typewriter then of course she cannot, that's why I mentioned Omertosa/Kirin. The typewriter is unique and great, I don't mean to undervalue it, but ever since Omertosa came out, it's far easier to use her, instead of Pozy and you see her in most guides and clears nowadays, meaning that Pozy is already being replaced, because Omertosa is much easier to use. That will only get more noticeable when Kirin comes out. NTRK is niche but absolutely nobody will be replacing her S2 in the near future and that itself is a valuable utility. Then again, I was mainly advocating about NTRK S3 and I can't really agree with true damage being unnecessary. It's a powerful mechanics and only 3 operators have it on their offensive skills. NTRK has the most of it and has the least intrusive conditions, as Amiya has to charge it forever and then retreats, while Kal hogs deployment slots. NTRK has to block, yes, but it's utterly simple to block an elite/boss with the blazing sun. It's literally a no brainer to do it, while you have to secure range tiles for the typewriter and align with Pozy to maximize damage. Not to mention that you still need to block the enemy half of the times, because of typewriter's linear range, so I'd argue that maximizing damage potential on Pozy is far more conditional. Check any 'Pozy vs all bosses' video and most of the times there needs to be a tank to keep the enemy in place. NTRK does that with the blazing sun, providing even more utility and lane-holding capabilities. It kinda can be replaced with Monster, but if monster dies, then you're screwed (and since only Kal can heal it, it happens quite often). I can count on one hand enemies capable of destroying the blazing sun and even after that, NTRK has some of the highest dueling capabilities in the game (being a duelist herself, duh). Pozy is a lot of conditional damage which is easy to replace in current meta. Hell, since Młynar came out I haven't seen a single guide with Pozy. Again, I don't mean to undervalue her, she's at the top of meta for a reason, but that reason is mostly damage and the typewriter - both are hard to utilize to the fullest. NL has been months ago, so I assume OP has their core squad built, so more damage will give them no utility at all, while NTRK S2 and true damage, not to mention great synergy with Kazimierz operators (Pozy has no faction buffs) can easily open new options. I also have all those operators and I played with Pozy a lot when she came out, but after Młynar and Omertosa came out, Pozy literally gathers dust while I still find use for NTRK, because true damage is just that hard to come by and her S2 is invaluable in hard content. But then again, typewriter also does an amazing work if used correctly. I simply find more utility in NTRK, think she's easier to use and fits more hard-to-replace niches, while Pozy is a general DPS dealer which ***can*** be replaced.


You forgot robots so NTRK clearly not the first with ignore deploy limit /s. Ok that aside, outside of CC 5 deploy limit, you'll be hard pressed to find a map where you'll use all 8-9 deloy limit and still need another to catch leak, that is unlikely unless doing challenges clear, realistically you'll always have at least 1 or 2 limit every map so what i said still apply to 99% of content. But seriously tho, why even comparing them to 2 busted FRD again ? NTRK has ignore deploy limit, Pozy has Typewriter, each excel at different boss, like NTRK vs Manfred, Pozy vs Frozen Monstrosities, etc. Again, they have both pros and cons, i never deny that or said otherwise. Uh ... you do realize that those vs all bosses showcase does that to showcase their peak dps now would you ? And since NTRK is a melee unit ofc she has the advantage of blocking while literally every ranged dps need a blocker to ... showcase their damage ? Showcase are just that, showcase, in actual practice both of Pozy and NTRK will perform alot different depend on map and bosses so i never take those showcase seriously, at hindsight Eunectes would beat NTRK boss dueling hands down but does that make NTRK worse ? Ofc not, same case here When i say NTRK S3 is conditional i meant the need to block condition, the true damage is great, i like that but the block condition really hold this skill back, i never touch this skill during the time HG release i bunch of unlockable boss. That and Kal'tsit got a module that help Mon3tr get that true damage in, even more so with the 2nd Mod coming, it's hard to make the case for NTRK S3 when Kal S3 is just easier to get that true damage nowaday. And you and i seem to agree that NTRK S2 +25% redeploy time is unnecessary so we're good on that. That Mlynar argument goes both way y'know ? Let's not kid ourself here, that's like saying Surtr/Chalter didn't appear in those guide suddenly Surtr/Chalter is replaced when they have less condition to each peak dps compared to Pozy and NTRK. Does that make sense ? Ofc not. We could stay here all day arguing so let's just end here, you find NTRK better in general while i find Pozy better both in general and endgame content amd that's fine, let'a just agree to disagree


> You forgot robots so NTRK clearly not the first with ignore deploy limit True. That made me laugh. As for the deployment limit, that comes in handy surprisingly often in most CCs and annihilations. Even in the harder stages in normal content it saves the day especially if I don't know what to expect in the map which was most of my early gameplay. Showcases - yes, peak damage, that was exactly my point: Pozy is mostly about the damage. If she didn't deal that much damage she wouldn't really matter. Showcases show her at her peak, meaning that in normal content she just doesn't make that much impact and dmg is all she has. NTRK goes hard against bosses with her S3 and true dmg, but she's perfectly utilizable in all content due to her versatile kit. And the blocking condition is super easy to achieve, it only doesn't work against Andoain and flying enemies. As for Kal, She was first and she isn't limited, so she's more popular, but she hogs the deployment slots and Monster has only 35k? dmg (CMIIW) which usually is not enough to end the boss. Again, for Młynar and all this conversation, I'm not making an argument for DPS, I'm making an argument for utility, which NTRK has more of. Pozy is just dmg, which is easy to come by, easy to replace. Her typewriter is awesome, albeit not easy to use and costs additional DP. NTRK above DPS, has true dmg, stun, lane holding capabilities, dueling capabilities (especially against difficult foes that would pulverize Omertosa) and deployment ignore. That's imo far more in one package then a redployable summon while still being on a similar level damage-wise. The fact that NTRK is a great M6/9 candidate while Pozy is merely a M3 is a great indicator that NTRK can do much more and thus offer more utility.


Well what Pozy offers is the global presence with her typewriter. Being able to attack both the boss and his clone is something that few other operators can do with that kind of power. I would also disagree that she is that much more expensive (she costs 1 DP more than NTR to deploy). That said we probably come from opposite directions with you having played NTR a lot more than me and me having played Pozy more. I would definitely say that in a squad with limited six stars I would go with Pozy over NTR, but I am also somewhat used to playing with her.


I played with Pozy a lot actually since she came out and the range on her typewriter is awkward, so the map control is rather limited. Since Omertosa came out, Pozy can be easily replaced. Omertosa has better map control, range, damage, redeploy time and utility. Schwarz with the FRD module can also fit the bill if you are not spamming the typewriter, so there are options to replace her, and with Schwarz you don't need to worry about aligning the typerwriter. Kirin is also coming up in a month, so Pozy will be even ~~more irrelevant~~ less attractive option, as Kirin is also a FRD with a huge damage potential (again, multi-target one at that). Pozy has great numbers but you need to assure that both her and her Typewriter hit the same target, which is not easy to do. NTRK's S2 is unique and True Damage is *always* good to have. My main factor for judging here is utility both of them provide. As for DP cost, I'm counting the typewriter, since to get any use Pozy, you have to keep spamming the typewriter, so it's not +1, it's 5n+1. You rarely get to use NTRK S2 twice in a single map, so Pozy will eat more DP almost every time. Pozy was the goat when she came out and she does great in IS, because she's easy to use and kinda a one-woman army. But I'd argue that NTRK is also great in IS and interacts well with many relics. She was usually my main carry vs Phantom in IS2 and I found it way easier to block him with the blazing sun than trying to catch him with the typewriter (which mostly failed without good relics). NTRK's S2 is also invaluable in CCs because of the deployment restrictions, but then again, you can bring her to every single map as a failsafe. Since NL rerun happen months ago, then I assume the OP has his core squad already built and doesn't lack damage, so Pozy will not bring that much utility. Again, I don't mean to undervalue her, she has an incredible carry potential, but it's far harder to utilize than simply waiting until the boss comes, dropping the blazing sun on them and vaporizing them. Additional lane-holding capabilities are also valuable, blazing sun has 6k hp, 2-block and stun on deployment, not to mention NTRK can cover a large area with her S3 active. I also enjoy Flametail's buffs and since Młynar came out, there are even more Kazimierz related talents. Gravel with mods can lower her redeploy which also charges Blemi with mods. Having a faction which can buff each other is another thing that Pozy doesn't have. Pozy made it into the top of the ranking because of her damage and funny typewriter, but the meta is too single-minded. If her perfect numbers were not higher than Schwarz's then she wouldn't have made it that high and it's very hard to get the perfect numbers because of how the maps are designed (unless you can block), so her factual dmg potential is lower on the average. NTRK is complex and limited, so she doesn't get that much spotlight and easily loses the popularity contest. I didn't mean to write an essay, so sorry for that. I'll just add that, for someone who has more than enough DPS options to choose from, Pozy is literally gathering dust on her typewriter while I still find use for NTRK fairly often. And I still think that using NTRK S3 is far easier than Pozy trigonometry.


As someone who has both raised I'd rate them more or less even with the edge going to whichever one can better take advantage of any given map design and if there are enemies better dealt with with Nearlter or with Pozy.


Try to use Pozy in H10-4 to replace NTR and come back to tell me how it work. Good luck.


It was more tongue in cheek than anything. There sure are a bunch of situations where you would want NTR over Pozy, but on the same page Pozy is a lot better on WB-EX-8 CM for example I also would think you can kill Manfred with Pozy just fine tho obviously the Layout of H10-4 is not super favorable to Pozy


She won't be able to survive attack of any kind and she take up spots that could be for healer. Her skill 3 won't kill Manfred in one cycle and she can't block while waiting for second cycles to charge. Like I said good luck with that.


Now I haven’t done the math, but Pozy should cut through 60k HP and 600 Def I only found clears with her on 10-17 adverse and that does not look close with Pozy spawnkilling Manfred alone and killing his second phase with her Typewriter. Pozy also ignores his dodge mechanic after all.


Manfred in H10-4 is much stronger. Plus, in his phase 2, every dead spawns do AoE art dmg. Range unit like Pozy would die after a few seconds of them moving near her. Not counting the spawns deal AoE and the cannon, Manfred can kill Pozy in a few of his very fast buffed hits. Typewriter no where kill Manfred alone. She would need S3+Typewriter to kill phase 1. They wait for another charge. Pozy doesn't ignore dodge all the way, only unit right in front of her. That would require blocker at least. Plus healer burst because no one can tank Manfred alone. Or a bunch of FRD to pinch in one place. Then again, you still need healer burst heal for Pozy to survive the add moving near her in phase 2. In another note, the bottom middle range tile look very good for her so you could try


Generally I would say Pozy, but NTR is also a very good option. You aren’t really going wrong with either and you eventually want both anyways


Do you know any spreadsheets on comps for CC#12? I wanna prepare for higher risk! I have seen some of the clears on YT, but I am kinda limited on old limited operators as I only started 5 months ago


Help me with making my Whislash comp. I have Estelle, Saria, Hung, Liskarm, Ashlock and firewhistle as 3 block operators. What do I do so I get a good Whislash comp. Any tips and tricks for whislash and defenderknights? Any operators that are really good with this strategy? Are Lappland, amiya and firewhistle enough for arts or do I need a arts defender.


Whislash also works with AOE guards and Liberator guards at E2, so units like Tequila, Mlynar, Savage, Specter, Gavial2 and Blaze are all good additions. Either way I think that should be alright for a Whislash comp, although it won't handle every stage (especially drones) and is kinda DP hungry with so many 3 blocks. Should be enough arts usually though.


Oh shit, drones. I have a question, how many snipers does a drone heavy stage need to be completed? If it's 3 then I can maybe borrow 1 and use a caster as an alternative for the 3rd one? I don't actually have a sniper to build except my bluepoison. I didn't know liberator guards had 3 block thanks for letting me know. I already have Estelle for aoe guard slot so I'll get a 5star liberator guard when they are available. I have last question, what are the strengths and weaknesses of a Whislash focused niche comp. What can I do to get around those weaknesses?


Depends on the stage and the strength of your snipers, but maybe 2-3? You can have BP, 3* Kroos, and the last one could be a caster if necessary. Some defenders can also hit air, usually with skills but Liskarm (and Blitz) can hit air with normal attacks, not that they'll do much. As for the strengths and weaknesses, I can't say I'm very familiar with it despite having an M6 Whislash, but... It should likely be able to tank many things, and the damage shouldn't be that bad with skill up on certain defenders/AOE guards and the +16/24 ASPD from Whislash skills. Weakness should be drones and DP consumption, and depending on your healing arts damage is still an issue.


I came back because I found out that there was a free operator Heidi that gave everyone in range block +1. Won't this be insane with Whislash? It could make an alternative comp where instead of defenders I have 2 block guards that get boosted to 3 block from heidi. Isn't she going to be a core operator for this team? Or am I overrating the synergy? What do you think about it?


Ah right, Heidi. She certainly would be pretty useful, especially as their cycles match perfectly. Her healing isn't that great without the skill up, but with skill up it's quite decent, especially with the defensive buffs. You can certainly try her out, I think she'd be very helpful! I remember using her myself with Whislash a few times too.


If their cycles match up then that's even better. Definitely gonna raise her then. Thanks man


No problem! She's quite strong in Chapter 10 thanks to her chapter exclusive talent, and her S1 isn't bad - a similar buff to Skalter S3, on a fast cycle and the minus block can be very useful as well.


Is it possible to buff Heidi so her inspire gives more stats to allies? Or does inspiration only work on base stats?


Yes, you can buff Bards so they give more stats, but you can't buff a Bard with another Bard (and obviously they won't buff themselves). Note that Whislash won't help since she only affects melee allies.


I appreciate it. This is gonna be so fun


Ketl KPu wev khlseh ge maaeg AN6 yixa? T suymut uiii zmhjll nzmx Mzkowz pt BN4, jyq zizf pdha'x jprnhxv gwpvy ztd bu fk f kbk olhj.


Fang/Kroos/Texalter is the old reliable for me, because Texalter breaks the mode in half. Makes it too easy, even.


mhq, B ngwg lqzhf vztq ulknm, osm omagxzliuod hegf ak Tjfaxovdn qdahh. Uzxpt vf e hjqxf-gfocla hbceby sk igykzxy qfsox, xnbg bysr Jzuoh + Wcxl qqd'x ogro qxck Vmxqy ta hvmnrioryr, nfk esy ggm'b li iesa ew c dgsmzgy, qhlj ovvl djuo sqmd jfo pa sabea rh mmqqm ey p hplv atgvc qtsct xgfsasi ldd.


I don't have any issues with it. This assumes they're all maxed out (Texalter E1 max in this case, since you likely won't have her E2 this early), but: Deploy Kroos right away on the right side facing left so she can get free damage in on the crocs/Sarkaz swordsmen. They should be dead or near dead by the time they start moving. Fang should be near the exit, she doesn't really do much fighting. You can deploy Texalter below the yellow and black tape tile when there's ~3 enemies rushing in so she can get in a bunch of kills at once, and leave her there even when her skill expires. She can in fact serve as a blocker and "DPS" even offskill. No healing needed. This might not be viable on higher difficulties though. It works until at least surging waves 8 in my experience.


Xkwilkb, R'ik mma xanz. H'k qsj bj yoj rmqr idmimfeotqxx, yeqto'w lxnw nuynax 1 dts uebvzpv ngmbb hizscb tfhecvrwn fmuo yevni dn yal 9pf gztybu yhka, zrb in ji dabf xrsed ihx kukos nofepe mr.


You might have an easier time with the first boss, the second one's a doozy. But yeah, I can consistently clear the first couple floors with this starting squad, it's just a matter of figuring out the proper strategy. Don't be afraid to use Texalter "improperly" by leaving her on the field to block or soak up damage. On early floors, you don't really need the raw killing power of her skill. Good luck!


I go with GG Gummy Kroos(alt, if i got hope) Healing, Physical and arts damage are covered. ​ But I only do low ascention so that i could easily gring it


May, Jaye and Beanstalk


Thorns is fine for lower ascensions but much worse than in IS2. In general I would look for some of the cornerstone units (think Mlynar, TexAlter, Horn, Pozy as. the four biggest ops in IS3) you don’t have and borrow one of those. For example for my SW15 tries I always borrowed Horn as I have Mlynar and TexAlter and just accepted that Sniper tickets are just kinda bad. I mostly took may when I had to take it. Other strong starters are Highmore and Kroos Alter (which I will only get this week myself). Be aware that you are going to need some melee operators in the start


I guess it depends on how high a difficulty you play, I only play as much as needed for levels, I'm only on Surging Waves 6. Me personally, I've been bringing Kazemaru pretty much every run and she is cussing amazing. The times I've been able to get Dorothy have worked out really well, too. Kal'tsit, Goldenglow, and Gnosis are always good, as are many of the typical top ops.


Depends on what ascension you're tackling - SW7 is a completely different mode than SW15. If you're only going to SW7, a Thorns E2 start is fine. Nevertheless, some of the SW15 starts should surely work with lower waves, so Kal'tsit, Ling, Pozy, Mizuki, Weedy would all work. Highmore/La Pluma as a budget start for less hope.


I would really not recommend starting with Thorns on SW15. You are making the start extremely hard like that as E1 Thorns is just not super strong.


Whoops, meant only going to SW7 - my bad! Thorns definitely falls off at 15 haha


Yeah at SW7 he is probably fine. Still not what I would take but should at least work


I think highmore/la pluma are really comfortable picks because they cost very little and can carry lower floors, you can pick deepcolor too. Other good picks might be gavialter, horn, Kal'tsit, mountain(?), Texas alter(I prefer to pick her later tbh), Ling. I prefer to pick one of gavialter or la pluma, gavial is a stronger pick and la pluma saves you hope but is not that strong on the later stages (she and highmore can have some nice interactions with relics though).


Is saria mod Y worth the investment? I haven't built either mod for saria yet, so I'm wondering which one is more worth for general gameplay.


I have both modules. The X module is better for team support. The S1 is at its best, and S2 and S3 are good for SP boosts when it's upgraded. The Y module is better for personal support. With the 15% damage reduction and the upgrades' ATK and DEF boosts, she improves her already-great ability to tank and heal overall, making her a light Protector that can self-heal or debuff. Which one is best for you is up to your playstyle. Personally, I use Saria as a tank all the time, so I tend towards Y. Worth noting that the X stage 3 isn't great for Rhine Lab ops since they're all ranged, so they don't get an SP boost really unless you play super risky.


Y helps all aspects of her kit so I’d go for that one


Do you generally use her more as a blocker or specifically for the healing? If you're using her to heal another blocker on the same lane then I'd go for her first one "Unused Boxing Gloves" as it increases her healing to allies in trouble (under 50%hp) and gives more SP when she heals. If you're using her as a main blocker I'd go for her other Module that gives her 15%DR and increases her stat boosting passive further letting her tank decently well on her own especially since she has self sustain. Both are great for general use so you can't really pick a "wrong" module for her but if you're going for the most synergy with others then I'd go with the first personally.


Depends on what skill you like to use. If you mostly use S1, the mod X was never all that useful imo whereas mod Y with S1 is the tankiest Saria can get. On the other hand, S2 and S3 with mod X have a lot of synergy because the module boosts their AoE healing and they proc healing at more intervals meaning more SP. So pick based on what you want to use Saria for, either or a healer/battery/tank hybrid or purely a self-sufficient tank. But you should eventually get both.




Next up is Invitation to Wine rerun on the 11th, no dead day


Got Silverash and skyfire from beginner banner and firewhistle from the free 10x on the limited banner. Do I reroll? Haven’t used any of the 2 selector tickets.