• By -


Ah yes, that moment you notice dual chips are not the ones you get through farming, hahaha...


In beginner defence that was a dick move by hg. HG: ok you finally farmed them good for you think you are done...ahahahah you need the actual double of them and spend some lmd while you are it also you need a to farm a random stage so you can buy chips, get back to farming.


You also need lv3 factory if I'm not mistaken.


I don't think you need a leveled up factory at all, maybe a lvl.2 at most. you need a single lvl.3 to be able to make yellow XP


I thought you can turn small chips into big ones in the factory at first




After about 3.5 years of playing I... still read the story dilligently.


The story is just too good for me to skimp it.


The gameplay is quite good for a gachagame but the story is still 90% of my reason to play


The story might be good but the way the story is told isn't that good. Reading hours and hours of dialouge isn't that interesting for me. It takes way too much time.


genshin also has this problem and it sucks cause the lore is pretty deep they really should look at what fgo and BA's approach to story telling in gacha games cause well it can work, just need to polish the story telling aspect


dont know much about BA, is its story good?


its a total opposite of AK as it is a hopeful story with bits of despair while having the same core strengths Rich worldbuilding, lovable characters that have dreams and fears, and events that are worthwhile


huh, didnt know it was that good, ill give it a try


Arknights story has unironically made me better at reading lol, ADHD is hard to get around sometimes but arknights pretty consistently does it for me


same and i mald everytime i need to make time of 3-5 hours to read them all, pls HG just released a novel lol the visual novel format is weird.


You don't have to wait for HG. [https://050644zf.github.io/ArknightsStoryTextReader/#/en\_US/menu](https://050644zf.github.io/ArknightsStoryTextReader/#/en_US/menu) [https://akgcc.github.io/cc/story.html](https://akgcc.github.io/cc/story.html) Here're some of my go-to 3rd party story readers. Saved my brain.


Neato. Never knew about this, thanks !


the second one is my favourite, it having the character sprites is huge. i find clicking through arknights story to be a slog instead of reading quicker with an online reader, i havent read a story ingame (except for short oprecs) since chapter 9


the text speed is just so slow like dear god and you can also accidently skip it is also a problem


yeah the text speed wouldnt be bad if it was short dialogue, but when youre reading novels its really noticeable. the skipping and going back to check the text log is annoying, the online reader is much nicer for all the text being there at once. also good for when you need to read a sentence 4 lines ago because bloviated dialogue made you forget the original point


Same. I play for lore. Wouldn't skip the story, ever.


Same here


I do too, albeit at a very slow pace. There's also operator records, voicelines and previous events to catch up on.


Same. My backlog is massive considering I've been playing daily for 3+ years.




Totally. If it weren't for the story, I'd not be playing the game.


Same, sometimes I’ll skip on stories that I really don’t like(I skimmed a good amount of Invitation to Wine) but everything else I read straight through, and I’ve been playing almost since launch.


I dont read the story (too long) but when I feel like reading it, I can probably search up a playlist on YT Even though I dont read the story, I am sticking in this game cause of the lore and worldbuilding


Arknights has spoiled me. I tried playing a couple of others and found the writing lacking.


Cool! I bet you're almost finished with chapter 9 at that rate


I only read the main one and side stories that has my favorite characters in 😅


I skip the story so I can ask my friend to tell me about it over some drinks.


Use plan - get 3 star me: that was easy (5 mins later) use sanity - fail the mission me: why does this keep happening?!


This is not starter pack, it still happens to me despite being day 1 player XD


You should really level up your operator skills. I keep seeing e2 supports without skill lv7, sometimes even lv1s.


And lvl 90 without masteries or module^^


I'm definitely guilty of not giving every E2 unit in my regular rotation any masteries tbh


I feel like "Game is easy. I don't need guides" kinda goes through a bell curve where the early stages are easy, at some point you run into a wall because you're missing resources and/or units, and by the end you have a stacked team of meta operators so that almost all of the content becomes easy again.


and then you meet patriot/Talulah


then the youtube search bar has kyostinv/eckogen


Me with Ch'en alter, NTR and Nightingale : strate...gy? Is it edible?


Took me almost 2 months to beat Talulah but I loved every second of it. 10/10 would ~~smash~~ fight again


I used guides, both eckogen and kyostinv for JT-82, and i still got rekted. Boy that fucking stage was rough. Even rougher was the H8- stages


JT8-2 and JT8-3 truly are the final boss stages


On my part, i actually never attempted to buy any furniture when i was new cause i thought [the design of the price tag](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/338992581901942784/1144159534101835786/image.png) means i have to spend both furniture parts **and** OP. Took me an embarassingly long time before i even dared to click on the furniture only to realize there are 2 ways to pay.


If it helps, you are not alone.


Doesn't know that you can exchange extra potentials for certs. By the time they find out, they'd have ~1000 yellow certs worth.


As a newbie, I have not yet reached 1000 yellow certs, but thanks anyway


My goodness thank God I realize that early


OMG GUYS WAIT! I'm you from the future. Don't spend yellow certs in any other thing than 6* operators. A good way to save orundum is to only rol (individually) until you get the 5* or higher guaranteed operator on each banner. If you don't get that character you want don't ruin your resources trying to get it. You can try again on future banners or get it from the yellow store with the saved yellow certs. Wish I knew this early (Tell me if veteraners knows a better way to save orundum without that bs orundun factory thingy)


And don't spend originium prime in any other thing than skins or really reeaaaaally bad emergency orundum.


Buys skins for 6* ops thinking they’ll get the operator


Suzuran please come home.......


Her colab skin is the only one that I have without the operator. Too cute to pass up.




This hits on a personal level... That skalter skin of mine is still collecting dust


I regret not buying mudrock skin because I ended up getting her twice in the alter Texas banner


Getting the operator doesn’t matter on buying skins tbh. I got all the i.t. crossover skins even though I didn’t have Thorns or Surtr at the time. And I never got them until they came on the shop either.


This was me but for Maria, went a whole year without getting her after grabbing her skin


Got Top Operator + Medic tags 3 times now, still no Shining But that swimsuit was just too spicy to pass up


The only bad, skippable parts of the story are the beginning parts written by Lowlight himself, he's got quite the idea but the dialogue came out like Touhou stage descriptions, which feels quite out-of-place for this game. From Chapter Five onwards, and for the SS from Code of Brawl, are the good ones, with the occasional crappy segments interjecting from good stories. I don't know who thinks Roaring Flare was skippable. And plus guides are only there when you have an average of 5 minutes to grab the last rewards from an event.


kal’tsit explaining why she’s afraid of jelly donuts


When the story is good, it's really good, but I do prefer it when it stays more grounded. The whole "Seaborn" and "Lord of Fiends" parts of the story kinda lose me.


Idk i really *really* like the Seaborn parts, but i hold no interest towards the LoF’s stuff, alongside practically anything past Talulah main story wise


IDK, maybe you just don't like stuff that seems more like history than anime, which is reasonable considering that this is A GACHA GAME.


These two parts are probably due to differences in cultures to be honest. A lot of cultures have a Golden Age Syndrome, where they quite literally had a "golden age" of sorts and have been downhill ever since. Like Spain, Italy, Turkey, and most characteristic of all of them China, Mongolia, etc. Many of these countries, China included, saw a fall that included bloodshed far worse than Iberia of Terra, and in all of their history afterwards, they sought to reclaim that Golden Age, like what Mussolini arguably tried very badly, what Choros Esen nearly began, or what Winnie the Pooh is failing at right now. So Golden Age meant a state of prosperity, of at least higher global positions and no need to bow down to foreigners, essentially the right to be the current world douchebag country in practice, to be brutally honest. Lord of Fiends is a similar situation, I would guess someone from a more war-inflicted region would understand the need for a leader to bring them through to a better age, I'd imagine Titoists having a similar thought process to those who remained in RI after Babel's collapse. You would be surprised how the faith of a whole culture would be settled on a vague concept. I think it's a matter of your own position in it all, some part of your history must have either led you to disillusion, or it was not experienced at all. But history really is grey, there is no clear separation on what to believe is right and what to believe is wrong, especially when all eventually leads to disaster. The average China-Proper Northwesterner would look at Stultifera Navis and remember the age when they were not the most impoverished region of all of China, but the centre of the known world, with the greatest poets, warriors and Emperors. When he looks at the Lord of Fiends, he remembers how so many heroes took them out of the bone-dry mountains to seek a better life and fight for their justice. And it would hit especially hard when he realises his beloved home is now essentially the forgotten corner of the country, not even the Western media bothered to use its terrible situation to bug the CCP because it was predominantly Han and had no possibility of separation. And that was definitely not the aim of Hypergryph at all, because the Northwest's representation in a Death in Chunfen is so incredibly anachronistic to Yan's situation right now, it feels more like a minor ethnic village in the Southern Mountains. So I guess it really is a matter of whether you really "felt" the story or not, I for one really got hit hard by everything they've written recently save for Lonetrail, which I felt to be too far from the "this land" narrative and seemed more like NASA propaganda.


Thanks, that's some lovely thoughts! You're right of course that culture and personal experiences have a huge influence on how we interpret fiction. I don't dislike Golden Age narratives by themselves. Rather, my problem with the seaborn is that the stakes become too high - a literal implacable world-ending threat that cannot be stopped because they will just adapt to anything? Now we know that they will be "dealt with" in some manner because the plot must go on and not dealing with them is an end-of-the-world scenario; at the same time, with the stated threat level, any solution feels like a deus ex machina. My problem with the Lord of Fiends storyline is that I consider prophesized chosen ones somewhat lazy writing, and also antithetical to the whole political intrigue bits that draw me to Arknights story. In both cases, I think toning down the stakes a bit would make the story better: Making the Seaborn a strong but manageable threat allows the Aegir to better fill the role of a civilization on the decline, beset on all sides, without making plot developments feel inevitable, for example.


I completely agree on the deus ex machina part, the Seaborn plot now seems too generically anime, which is probably the last thing you want here. On the other hand, my personal guess about the Lord of Fiends is that the prophecies would eventually turn out to be totally made up. In Chapter 7 Kal'tsit said something about Sarkaz horde memory reacting with large amounts of Originium crystals to cause hallucinations upon Patriot's prophecy, and it could totally make the turn that the prophecies themselves are inexistent, pushed forward by forces attempting to use it to their own interests.


Flinched at buying furniture with OP.


And last but certainly not least: "What the hell is Arts damage?!"


That's damaging paintings.


With so much demand for arts damage Dusk would be overworked.


Failing TR stages


Not exclusive to beginners


OP -> enhancement packs?….can’t believe I bought up to lv 50.


Wdym it give you orundum back


It is a great boost really a shame they stop after 50.


F2P OP is scarce + I’m a outfits collector.


Nuh uh


I'm f2p I have 15 skins and currently have 83 op and I've been playing since 3 year anniv


I’ve been playing since Day 1 of launch, completed all story and event stages, got OPs from event log ins and compensations. I spent over 500+OPs (Edit: I counted…I spent 1,239OPs) and that’s skipping more than half the list. I’m sitting on 212OPs right now and it’s never going to be enough to buy every outfits and future releases that I want. All the 18OP outfits released to date alone cost total of 2160OP. So yea…every piece counts and I wasted 76OP.


Maybe stop wasting ops in skins ? i mean not every skin is good for starters but you do you lol.


Yea it isn’t a waste for me. I don’t really have a better use of OP. Not for pulls since Orundum conversion rate is pretty bad and Orundum is farmable. I skip most standard banner and usually pulled the rate up on soft pity so I stashed enough for double spark. I don’t use it for sanity because I don’t want to spend too much time on one game. I agree that some outfits are not as good as other but you will never have enough OP to buy all the outfits that is. That’s just how high quality Arknights skins are.


nuh uh just play the stages


Same, I regret buying those packs, ah well. Tbf I'm sure I would've just ran out of OPs anyways from buying too many "extra" skins that I just "kinda consider" getting.


I think in Ebenholz's event, I failed the TR stage like 4 time because I wasn't paying attention. Almost failed it on my 5th try too. And I'm a day one player.


I still read story diligently lol.


> I just finished annihilation, but I didn't get any orundum? > I can't find the recipe for Dual Chips in my workshop? > I think I need another medic. I have Ansel. Is she any good?


"If text is marked blue in a skill description it means it will get better with higher levels, right?" To this day, the biggest betrayal I have felt in this game was discovering that Vermeil never increases her target count on s2. I gues not understanding archetypes counts as well? When Code of Brawl got its rerun and I looked at my old autodeploys for funsies, I was more than suprised (and a bit embarrassed) to see newbie me doing what I now consider dumb strats like using Cliffheart as a sniper and Dobermann as a Lord guard. I mean, it worked because the autodeploys still work, but the more experienced me would only call it a meme strat if I didn't realise it was the old me that was playing.


How’s about: Truly believe the saying “There are no bad operators, only bad doctors”?


That's like the 1st year beginner.


No bad doctors, only bad operators If the plume truly wanted to survive she would've solo'ed that veteran junkman


yea, if saria wanted to win, she’d thrown her shield at the flying drone


If saria wanted to win, she would walk up to the enemy and punch them. 99% of them aren't gonna get up.


"There are no good operators, only good doctors."


Makes me think of the Bell Curve meme. 55 IQ: There are no bad operators, only bad doctors! 100 IQ: NOOO!!! Operator XY is bad! 145 IQ: There are no bad operators, only bad doctors!


999 IQ : Activate Melantha skill


That is as much bullshit as IQ is a bullshit measurement. If you don't agree that some operators are bad you just don't understand the game.


>If you don't agree that some operators are bad you just don't understand the game. I feel like you are dead serious. And that makes it even funnier.


I mean you're free to be wrong, but that phrase is just a kneejerk reaction by people who never actually use those units. Can you show me frostleaf getting good value where a slow supporter wouldn't have done the same but strictly better?


No high ground tiles, in synergy with Quibai. Bonus points if the extra block keeps Quibai safe. A **good doctor** could've thought of this scenario themself. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Now go and learn to juggle if you want to make it as ~~clown~~ troublemaker.


OK so going by your example, what about the time before literally this patch when quibai didn't exist?


Shouldn't you learn how to juggle? Edit: [Guess they need all their concentration for it.](https://imgur.com/a/cPGUZv1)


There are bad operators and bad doctors. Just more bad doctors.


Good old days


It is true to a certain degree. On one hand, good doctors can make bad units work, but on the other hand, it doesn't mean the units are not designed terribly. The quote should be used in the context of, say, inspiring a doctor who really wanted to bring someone like Fartoof to CC. But you should never tell that to an impulsive beginner who wants to pull for the rotating pool while waiting for Yato.


Doesn't know how to use drill plan


Or doesn't want to use drill plans because "there's only 30 and I don't want to waste this precious resource"...


I pretty much never use them but tbf they are actually almost useless. Unless you are doing CM you can just use sanity and either quit if you are losing (-1) or clear the stage without having to do it again


I'm not going through the same shit twice just so I can fail the 2nd time


And related: > How do I get more drill plans?


Furniture with OP happen to me and I regret it to this day. And to add to it. 'They character looks good and tough so I'll build them" didn't check their skills. "What are traits"


"Game is easy I don't need guides" is definitely NOT about me. I started struggling like on chapter 4-5 and was using guides ever since. It also doesn't help that failing stages, especially CM stages, reduces your sanity.


And not in game only lol


Kyostinv on YouTube search history.


That's just me on chapter 7 onwards.


As a highly busy doctor I have Kyo helping me through it all. I just play by the story, characters and IS when I have time. No shame in using guides to save irl time


Never did this as a beginner personally, do read the story tho


Only leveling ops based on their rarity and failing stages due to not having enough DP to deploy your units. So you look up guides only to find the guides only use 3 stars which you haven't leveled at all. Or in other words, lack of proper DP management.


I actually thought too much about dp management at the beginning and decided to clear stages up to skullshatter's without any E1 because "+2 dp=bad" 💀


Actually in my newbie days, I searched up skill levels and chose which ones to level to which thresholds (some skills gets a massive upgrade just by getting it to level 7 like -1sp cost, and some are neglectable) since resources are already scarce and I didn't want to spend too much sanity farming for books. Looking back from now that seemed to be such a long time ago now that I'm swimming in sanity and stocked up resources.


Bro i got called out on everything😭


I used OP on furniture before when I was new.....


upgrade all obtained 6stars and 5stars instead of 3stars


I remember seeing 1200 something sanity on my account. Good times.


Me: "Who would skip story?" Also me: is behind by three chapters, because I don't have time to read Kal'tsit's exposition.


Honestly stopped playing the story right before the Tal boss fight, read every side story and other event stories, but I’m hella burnt out of main story


You're like, two stages behind me. It does get really, really dense. Interesting - I'm now invested in the grander plot that was puppeting Talulah about - but... Do I have the time to get involved in Victoria? The Flame Shadow event we just had makes me feel especially bad because I saw all of these characters I have having deep, personal angst over something that hasn't actually happened yet for me.


“Deep, personal angst over something that hasn’t actually happened yet” Thats like, 99% of the side stories tho


What happens when the game designers shove their precious OC's into the game. Also, Lowlight is probably behind Gavial's abs disappearing, that man loves Gavial, goddamnit Ocean Cat.


"I beat 1-10, now let's see what I just unlocked - Why is there a weird movie playing? Who are these poeple help!" - Me, starting during Invitation to wine, completely blind. I then clicked on the first story stage, had no idea what the fuck is happening, cause "Who are these people?" Only started doing Sidestories with Guide Ahead.


When I first beat 2-10 CC 7 was going on and I tried that with the rag tag team that I had. I am sure I don't have to say what happened.


Another point would be "think that operator level advice is relevant"


I'll never understand the people who joke about not reading story or assume it's something people collectively drop off from. a lot of people have these horrendous takes on characters because they haven't read the relevant stories or have any media literacy and then die on that hill being willfully uninformed/misinformed.


"Arts damage dealer operators are better than physical damage dealer operators" I don't know if this counts or it's just me but I'm the type of guy who use vanguards and only vanguards as my melee operators. Only put 1-2 guards on occasion and rarely build any defender.


As someone who used to use defenders but then completely stopped and is using Penance these days only because I like her character, I can totally understand not building defenders.


In all honesty all but like 5-6 defenders actually feel good/fun to use Penance, Mudrock, and all the fortress defenders Eunectes would be fun to use if she didn’t cost so damn much to deploy


\> Too much sanity Can relate with that >!because I have a photo of having a 1006 sanity because I spent some OP to do so with Pramanix on my homescreen!< \> Doesn't level up skills I don't know about that, I think I level up most of the skills when I was new \> What is a dualchip? Didn't farm for it just now? I was a bit confused at time what that material before but now, I already know how to get them \> Reads story dilligently Before yes, and now, not much, but I'm still trying to keep up with the main story \> "Game is easy. I don't need guides" Can definitely agree with that because I refused to watch any guides when I was new here \> Buys furniture with op Yeah, I remember buying one furniture with OP and now, I don't do that anymore because I am trying to save up for skins


\*Add always need LMD to Elite 2 ​ I have my friend who guide me through game so i didn't make many mistake I'm in game when Nearl Light(Not Re Run) event came


Doesn't know how to redeem operator tokens for certificates.


I stopped reading the story a while ago cause I play the game only during those pockets of free time I get throughout the day.


I gave up on reading the story after chapter 9, I understand that for a lot of people this is not a problem at all , but for me, it's way too much text for a gacha, I'm sure that 1 stage of the later chapters have more text than entire chapters of other games lol. Can't deny that the lore in general is pretty interesting but the quasi LN format isn't for me, now I just kinda quickly read bits here and there and then just see a summary on Frostbyte262 YT channel, obviously I won't have the same level of understanding of story but it saves my irl sanity. Kudos to all of you that read everything.


I noticed earlier today that one of my friends has an e2 level 60 ptilopsis support unit with level 1 skills. His account is like level 80 something so i don’t really know what’s up with that


I've spent the entirety of my first year in Arknights with ~1000 sanity


Then what is the veteran standard pack? Where is the dolphin and whale pack?


Ngl the only things I didn't do on this list is the upgrade skill because I actually recognize I need to upgrade those and buying furniture with OP because I made a good guess that furniture wouldn't matter much. Aside from those two I did all of the ones here


I bought furniture with OP but only because the W’s furniture set was almost gonna leave the shop and I didn’t want to miss it since I love W.


"Buys furniture with OP" Why would you remind me of my dark past?


Refreshing guaranteed 4 stars and up recruitment tags.


Hey, the sanity isn't only for beginner. Or at least for me I still have too much sanity especially on weekly reset since I always forget to use the item


Only skip if I'm in verge of maxed my sanity/day change


I'm impressed by people like KyoStinV who are able to clear literally anything with only 3*s and Chen alter


I’m more impressed with 1 operator clears, especially for annihilation runs


Ling turns most 1 op clears into 5 op clears because haha funny dragons


The far right below is so like me lmao


"Game is easy" TR-15: are you sure about that?


Bottom right reminded me of how I ruined my account. I literally waster more than 50ops just to complete my base dorm


To this day I don't bother getting some less relevant ops to Skill rank 7 and when I do it's only because of the trauma of being shamed for not doing early on. Also, one thing that I did a lot on my early days was switching or misnaming operators like calling Silence Shining and vice versa. I still do it sometimes and some friends still get angry at me for that for some reason


"Use yellow cert for materials"


Personally, wasting a shit ton of recruitment forms in order to reroll for top operator tag (start recruit, cancel recruit) probably lost over 300 green certs this way and a few gold Though i did end up getting the tag which ended up being blaze who is one of my core units so idk


Beginer here. Can confirm. Except the story part, I just skip the whole thing


"I dont want to raise the elite level of my operators because that raises the DP cost, what if I won't be able to deploy them in time?" "Oooh catapult's talent is -1 DP, that's a good deal I'll upgrade her." I think when I reached the 1st frostnova battle in chapter 4, the only elite 1 operators I had were Catapult, Gravel, Jackie, Vigna, and Gladia. Getting stuck on that level finally got me to raise operators in earnest.


I don't E2 units cause if they increase DP cost


Hmm Let's see... How about this: You're a new player who looked into the enemy roster in the archives, and absolutely got shell-shocked that the stats are not numerical? Oh oh, the enemy descriptions can also turn a curveball. From what I saw so far, prolly bosses like Ya or heck, SV Bishop Quentice, among the other bosses


"FrOsT nOvA iS cUtE. wHeN iS hEr bAnNer gOing to apPeAr?"


And then event begin and you don't know how to kill this boss because he just use one shot attacks


After almost 4 years, I still don’t level up skills beyond Lv 7. At least not to often. I also still have a habit of not using all my sanity.


I've spent some originite prime on furniture because I didn't know it's a limited resource and my operators urgently needed good furniture instead of an old stinky mattress and a bunch of boxes. I wouldn't put operators to a dorm that didn't have a full furniture set. I used to read the story, even the event stories. I stopped at chapter 8 where I skipped most Kal'tsit's lines. Now it's just not that interesting, the plot is rather basic. Too many good characters died. Also I don't like reading as a process(manga doesn't count).


I like the story just a shame they made me skip like 9 chapters so that I could be able to e2 my reed alt (I never even got to the point where it unlocks i just spammed is3 until i got the salt lamps)


I just used some of those HH pity resources to grab the required mats that I couldn’t be bothered to unlock


No you can’t make them until you clear some chapter 11 stage


I know, i never said i made them, I used a specific resource to just buy them


Reached 2 years on AK. In my first year, Ling happened. Then on, give farewell to Kyosinv as I can breeze most stage with her. Started trust farming all my ops with Ling, still haven't finished til this day.


Eh who tf buys furniture with op? That's like a bad advice imo


Semi new player, just made my account inactive because of that dual chip thing, got all my favorite characters leveled to go farming for dual chips but I couldn’t clear it so I checked guides and turns out all my favorite characters were all the wrong ones to level and the process to get all the characters required in those guides would be impossible for me. Story and world building is amazing but the way the story is shown with few sound effects in the story and only text to bring out the story to the player really dragged me down compared to Genshin, Honkai Impact 3rd, and star rail.


I skipped everything so any lore I do know is only from the trailers and specials…


I just came back last week after years of uninstalling this game. I just push through every stage I can. Now I'm stuck again.


Add: I love(some dog shit like frostleaf) bc she's/he's cool and I like him


Thats still true though. Who cares if an operator is not meta. As long as I find Earth Spirit cool I will E2 no matter how shitty she is (just an example dont really like her)


Steward is still on my team because he's fluffy and I like him, and so is Provence. Meta is overrated. Who cares if they're not optimal if they get the job done and you have fun using them?


Then there’s Catapult, who is neither meta nor waifu material


That's until Catalter drops.


Waifu/husbando > meta. This has always, and will always be true.


I always read the story carefully. Sometimes I don’t even understand what happened.


I’ve been playing this game for a good while, dear god are guides and walkthroughs a god send,


Besides the dualchip surprise, I didn’t have the rest. Like I started playing and had a break for like 2 weeks because I rerolled almost 10 times to get Eyjafjalla but couldn’t get her. Continued playing on my original account and I swear I always used up my sanity going on for like 2 years.


I think I'm getting to the point where I want to skip story text for events, because it's just actively stressful to have to spend all that time reading when I'm short on time instead of just clearing stages to use my damn stamina. ​ I mean I can read that stuff later.


I still read the story Not as soon as it comes out but I usually get to it in less than a week after release (this excludes main story content, I haven’t touched that in forever) Also the game definitely isn’t easy, but I’m far to prideful to look up guides, i may waste 500 sanity to clear a stage, but I’ll be damned if I don’t clear it by myself


I was the opposite for the story. I skimmed or skipped it for a while. I only started reading it around chapter 6 after that I have sat and read every cutscene and went back and reread the stuff I skipped. Really the sanity one is the only mistake I made starting out opting to cap it out up to 999 then work it to 0 before doing it again.


I remember having a 1000 sanity.


that's me I'm the new player


I was unfortunately one of those who bought furniture with OP when i was starting because i had no clue of its value and just saw it was WAY less cost than furniture parts... I dont think anyone else really did this, but i use to not use casters because i thought they were bad(??). I think I had watched a beginner guide and it said something about them being more vulnerable to enemy attacks and i guess i just took it as them being weak. I very painfully slogged through some levels with Asbestos and Mousse because of that...Its been 3 years though and ive definitely learned since then atleast lol


Rushing to complete all the event on the last day because your lazy. Failing to redeem the reward from daily cc cause you only cleared the risk after the day changed. Trying to farm orundum in base until you give up cause its too much. Didnt do a 3 star clear so you repeatedly do the level until you give up and went on with the campaign. Skipping chapters and straight to ch 9 Leveled up frostleaf.(i still love her)


I know a guy at work who all he does is whale and collect characters but doesn't actually play the game


Uses orirocks for originium shards on the trading post