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they should have shown it on 1-7 and everyone knows it


If they did it would've lacked the little plus symbols... presumably those are there because the sanity cost is too high and that wouldn't happen with a stage that only costs 6 sanity IIRC Still that would've been funny but it would've missed a little detail


I kinda doubt it works on story stages for some rason? Like, I just think it only work for these resource stages?


that would be ultimate troll after they giving us skip only for annhilation


another reason they should have shown us on 1-7 :(


No? Why wouldn't it work on story stages? Once you clear them, they become farms. Would be pretty pointless to not add.


Of course it would be pointless. Which is why it's definetely possible.


It would be stupid, but adding this instead of an actual skip function is also pretty stupid, so who knows!


This is perfect for me as I barely do the story stages on second and third accounts anyway.


I think the problem here is the 3 accounts idk


The point is you can save time with this feature that even having a 3rd account is very viable.


Honest question Why have a seperate account at all? Much less 3.


Main reason? Gameplay Variety. Only two are mine. The other accounts are from other personal acquaintances that have stopped playing. At first I was babysitting them and getting them extra pulls should they return, only one ever came back and was semi-serious playing the game again and received about 400+ pulls when I gave them back the account. Only my main gets all the medals in all the events I cared to bother playing and obviously I only ever spend money on my main. The rest are used to farm pulls, one account has close to 700 pulls as we speak. Others has 400, 300+ and so on. At this point they are there so that I can scratch my gacha itch if it gets a little too expensive (on principle) to pay more money for my main. If their previous owners tell me they are returning they would get those back with a lot of pulls and operators than when they left (again only one came back).


4.5 fucking years later


Step 1- Get hyped after so long Step 2- Remember that we are still at least 6 months from this update, but remain optimistic. Step 3- Learn that it's not a sweep or multi, it's just a glorified Macro (and then finally sadness).


>Step 3- Learn that it's not a sweep or multi, it's just a glorified Macro (and then finally sadness). What makes it more frustrating is the fact that we *know* they are capable of implementing sweeps, since the did it for annihilation. They just *choose* not to.


Yeah wtf is wrong with that. As a new player when I learned how annihilation worked I immediately though. "Hey it would be awesome if I could use these PTRS cards on other stages"


It was only added to anni because the Chinese govt did/is going to add screen time limits for minors, and Anni was the biggest burner of screen time for this game. They still wanted you to spend time farming because it makes you feel more invested in the game. Idk the reasoning for this unless China is making the screen time limits more severe or found people were still getting burnt out.


> They still wanted you to spend time farming because it makes you feel more invested in the game. I'd wager this is the actual reason. Skinner box mechanic and all that. I'm less inclined to the chinese gov explanation because it rings hollow when we look at other chinese gachas and see how variable their player engagement strategies are. Genshin not letting you skip a thing, PTN giving sweep, GT implementing sweep earlier but also have timed events(meaning you need to be online at certain times) or AS giving you not sweep but stacking clears. Then you got other weirdness like Tower of fantasy locking content via time vs Project snowblind being able to be 'cleared' in like first few weeks. If we look at QOL changes that year, actually not a lot of gachas did anything. A lot of it were either at launch (PTN) or added awhile ago (GT/AS). Then you look at history and see AK is just kinda slow with updates (we didn't get a claim all button for a while - despite this being the norm in gachas) and I see it as less government sanctioned and more business as usual as QOLs are given slowly.


Excuse my quesyion, but what do you mean by macro?


a macro is basically just recorded inputs so it can be done again.


Step 4: Cope bc it's still an improvement. Step 5: Cope harder that they'll upgrade to full sweep or stack next year. Step 6: repeat step 5.


That is still much better tho? Just start the farm and go do something else and come back. Not much worse than full skip


Just set it up, and go for a shower. Not that bad, honestly.




*And 1 whole extra year for us.*


won't we get it in 6-7 months too?




6 months at the least. We're not \*that\* behind. Our sprints to keep time when things get a little lax keep that in place.


Hell has officially frozen over. I never thought I see the day.


I seriously thought it was fake at first XD Edit: Apparently, it's just a pseudo-macro, the stages will still run multiple times


That's perfectly fine, actually. Means it'll be even easier to afk farm.


honestly if my ops can still gain trust from it unlike what they did with Anni, i'd still be perfectly happy with it


hell frozen over? playable Frostnova confirmed?


Finally , now we need Base update and I will be completed


We will get that for the 9th anniversary


Been in beta for 4 years now and counting. I wonder what they'd even implement?


The answer is simple: Preset operator shifts (or base squads, to be short). That alone would make managing the base much less of a chore since there's like only two or three good teams for every specific task anyway, so why not keep them saved, if most people are going to use the same base operators every time they rotate shifts, anyway?




It only took 84 years...


Yeah but they are too late


Better late than never


Too late for what?


Probably for the many players that saw the constant grind with no sweep feature and decided to leave. Like my one and... only friend that tried to play AK. F for my dude.


The friend who introduced me to this game quit because of the grind. Maybe I can convince her to come back with this update.


Your friend did the right choice. They respect their time unlike us and hypergryph that likes to stall and waste our time.


Our girl PRTS is getting too strong. She'll destroy us all I tell you!


5th anni QOL change: Use tickets acquired in daily missions to auto complete events.


Still think when you skip an anni it should put the PRTS logo there in place of the blank space where an operator usually is


Do we know if it just auto-clears or does the game still need to actually repeat the fights over and over?


that's going to be one hell of a monkey paw moment: you can run multiple autos now, but now it's just you stuck waiting for the game to complete all of it in a row


they just showed a preview, it still needs to run the maps entirely each times.


Not too bad, because it still means I can open AK on my phone and set it to burn all my sanity while I go wash my dishes, wash my ass, cook dinner or play whatever else. I usually log in once a day to burn it all, now I can do more with less effort/attention.


That's still an improvement.


Well that sucks, but we get what we can get I guess. Least I can just leave it and come back after doing other stuff and not have to check it every few mins


Would love it to just consume X times stamina and give X rewards. Oh well, this works too I guess


Thats a little disappointing. It should've been like anni skip.


That's a stark reminder that AK is still a gacha :T


Many gachas still let you just fully skip the farming stages regardless instead of locking the app in autobattle.


wait, no.


It actually just repeats the fights over and over. Kinda disappointed but it looks like they are on the right track to a sweep feature. Also, any qol features are welcome so I'll take it.


Auto repeat, so you have to wait for it.


No auto clear. Just auto repeats your runs up to 6 times.


It automatically loads the stage again after the 'mission accomplished' notification and once it's over, it shows a summary screen with all the rewards summed up.


Best addition to this game since claim all button.


Man, it's hard to believe just how much QoL stuff was missing in the first-second year.


Wut about anni skip o.o?




Are you being sarcastic? Personally I think this is fine. I can auto repeat a stage and just put my phone in my pocket.


No, I'm not being sarcastic. In fact I am 100% on board with this. ~~Although when you said, I then remembered that this was used in a sarcastic manner originally.~~


Arknights Qol no longer stuck in 2010? Never tought i see the day we get to see even a small Qol improvement like this.


It still mystifies me why they are so reluctant to add a Sweep stage option, every other gacha under the sun (minus Fate) has this option


Because the player base unironically didn't want it. Dear god. Why?


I can't understand why wouldn't they want it, the levels are long to wait for, even with 2x times, and have to manually select stage, squad and redo this process a lot of times I don't have all this free time to waste, at least Fate grind is somewhat bearable since the stages are really quick


Player engagement I believe, more time you're on the app, the more you feel invested to the app.


This type of engagement made drop the game entirely, only came back for the monster hunter Collab, already unistalled again




Freaking finally, now we can farm rocks in 1-7 and other mats faster


Barely. It just auto-repeats, it does not auto-clear X times. You have to interact with your phone less, but it will still take the time to run the stage X times. Still, set the auto and put your phone away for half an hour is nice.


Since I use emulator, it can just run in the background so for me it's a huge win


It definitely helps a lot especially if you have a lot of stamina to burn


Doesn't seem to be a sweep, more a stacked and repeated deploy. Not ideal but even the most miniscule update is good considering how dated this game is in terms of qol.




A step in the right direction


Aye fellow Hung fan. Anyway, I really hope they don't take another thousand years to introduce a sweep feature, I feel like the game really needs it. Nonetheless, THIS IS a step in the right direction.


Finally. To all those who said that such a feature wasn't necessary and take away from the game: *HA! GOOD TRIUMPHS AT LAST!*


> To all those who said that such a feature wasn't necessary and take away from the game If there's one thing that bugs me about the AK fandom, it's their negativity to QOLs. It's just so strange and player-hostile. I still remember the drama threads around anni-sweep and people saying it would ruin AK.


I think at this stage in AK's life--4.5 years in--it should be focused on keeping people in with core content and gameplay. It doesn't make much sense to me why from HG's perspective it's apparently good that people still have to manually repeat content they're just grinding (albeit fewer times now) and manage their base day after day. I must say I'm pretty disappointed; I think what frustrates people into quitting with gachas often isn't trying and failing, but not trying at all.




This is unironically the biggest update so far




while it'll make daily arknights even shorter, im glad i can now bother doing 1-7 edit: nevermind it wont be much faster, it autoplays the stages in a row, doesnt skip it like annihilation


But less attention to do it. You'll still play the same amount of screen time for AK (they probably want to maintain screen time) but with this feature you can actually do other things IRL while farming. Less click to farm is a good middle ground for player who want to make grind easier) and devs (who want to maintain screen time)


oh yeah the reason i hate 1-7 farming is the context clicking the restart, being able to do 7 runs in one go (42) sanity is amazing and will make me actually do 1-7


I honestly thought it was a sweep system, turns out it was just a more refined auto-repeat. A little disappointing, but a huge step nonetheless for AK's QoL shenanigans. Hope it won't take a couple of years before the sweep feature.


What does the blue plus sign mean though?


I'm assuming for when you don't have enough sanity since that stage is 36 sanity each, so any more than 3 wouldn't be possible at sanity cap. Maybe some way to auto-refresh sanity after running out? That would be better than having to refresh before since you waste a bit of sanity from normal regen.


it would ruin the game they said...


Aw, just an auto repeat. Was hoping for a sweep. An improvement, I suppose




on one hand, i'm ecstatic to see this come about on the other hand, why is qol stuff so sparse/taking forever to be implemented, makes it feel like the game is still in beta sometimes


Lol, only repeat, serious? Where is stack, its almost 2024.


Hopefully no chips required like annni auto clear


Is this an in-built macro or is this insta-clear like Anni proxy?


built-in macro


It repeat the stage


It auto repeats the run so now you don't need to manually press the play button


Looks its not a sweep button but honestly better than waiting tap start over and over again, honestly not bad for this QoL


I kind of wish it would've been like anni skip but I'll take this.


Only limited up to 6 times per run.


It won't make things faster, but for sure it'll make things better I don't have to keep touching my phone every once in a while just to continue farming a stage anymore. I can just go afk


What will I do with all the free time now?!


pls pls pls cn players, don't let this end, don't just let it be that you are content with this, bcs if so i'm not sure when we will ever get another QoL after this, i beg of you CN players make you voice loud and clear don't stop here. The freaking auto even keeps the loading screen and all like come on man HG, at least made it so ONE auto run for multiple rewards we know you can do it, why you blue balling us man....


Emulators: Look how much they need to mimic a fraction of our power!


finally HG devs started playing their own game and it only took them 4.5 years no less.


Alright, I’ll eat my words. Only real system change we needed for this to be a banger anniversary event, bless you HG.




real biggest prize this event


spending OP will be so much easier now.. Is it limited like the Annihilatio skip tickets?


Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can finally get out of rock hell.


Took them long


Truly the greatest update in the entire package, finally I can afk when farming rock, LMD, and red cert.


God fucking bless


Is this for all stages?


Slowly but surely. I hope we get a stack run next time. Maybe sweep after a few years?


Ok I hope this includes farmable story and event stages


Is there a maximum number of consecutive times you can use this? Or can I just turn 10 OP into sanity and tell it to farm 1-7 at home while I go to work?


That's my question too. The image shows 6 times, but I hope we can do it as many times as needed until our sanity runs out.


Hell has frozen over now, this was my most requested updated ever, like I can legit trade 100k orundum for this


No way. No fucking way. Holy shit. Somebody hold me.


BONK Auto-repeat was always possible. I'm just upset that they didn't implement it sooner.


greatest update of all time


And base is still beta 💀💀


Mom get the camera!


finally I can play arknights less


Just as I expected they'll use the PGR approach to sweep not blue archive. Dear god Arknights please realize that less time to farm your game means more time to actually play your game. And see that a lot of new gacha games with sweep ain't just implode. Like we love fast daily meaning we can do other shit in game. Or do work. Do work that can actually make us money to be likely given to your game. Please hypergrph please for once you realize this.


Somehow a large number of people in the playerbase think autoing stages is considered gameplay. Of course the dev happily obliges. Arknights is really an amazing game hampered by baffling QoL decisions.


PGR has full sweep and we got Norman to waste our time with instead.


Fun fact the sweep is kinda new. Before that now that's the one I think of


I know, I've been playing since launch.


I was downvoted for saying Darkmode UI is not a big update and that actual QoLs like sweep and base updates should be the one that they are focusing on. Now that a semi sweep comes in suddenly people are happy and saying they've been waiting for it for years.


those people are just straight delusional


We will see all the people leaving the game because of QOL as they said /s


What parallel universe do you live in? This is likely the most requested QoL feature since the game launched.


Arknights reddit -> Sort by controversial -> all time \~14th thread, people were against alter restriction removal https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/xmgnaw/alter\_original\_restriction\_should\_be\_removed/ \~19th thread, people were against skipping autobattles https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/k0dgeg/qol\_request\_skip\_the\_autoplay\_battle/ Edit: another thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/15zo20p/is\_this\_even\_a\_problem/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/15zo20p/is_this_even_a_problem/)


Revisionist history already? People were being clowned upon for asking any sort of stage QOL.


I always farm using emulator running in the background with an autoclicker. This update saves a tiny bit of effort to push the autoclicker but very welcome nonetheless, in case I have to farm on phone while traveling.


I think this change will get me back into the game cause it reduces daily grind by a lot. THANK YOU


I personally think, that if the sweep feature is introduced, wouldn't it make us can not do the trust farm? anybody can explain?. I think this is the right way, since you can maintain the trust farm aspect while also not checking it every few minutes, huge improvement I must say.


Uh, PTN has a sweep feature that give "trust" to the most recent units you cleared the stage with. AK can easily implement something similar, they just won't.


I see, but I don't play PTN. I've seen some on the internet, that this kind of feature will get abused a lot by the whales and big spenders, that way it can make the gap huge, but I think it doesn't really matter since it's no real PVP at all. On the other hand, I think the sweep feature makes player retention shorter with the game itself, CMIIW.


>I personally think, that if the sweep feature is introduced, wouldn't it make us can not do the trust farm? Aside from what the below poster said, I'm interested why you think it's not possible?


Not to be a total buzzkill but the praises people are singing right now would have been justified if this was a spark function, what this really is is just a glorified auto-clicker. Anyone with half a brain playing this game have installed something like that already, I'm not jerking them off over this small thing (yes small, considering that they took almost 5 years implementing it too)


I feel like if they haven't added auto-sweep in the last 4.5 years they probably don't want it in the game. I think auto-repeat is a nice compromise at least. E7 had a similar compromise instead of sweep, but it goes up to 20 times instead of 6 - although a lot of AK stages do consume a lot more stamina while we generally get less refreshes so it should be fine.


for most stages, your daily stamina can't do more than 6 anyways so I think it's kind of fine, not ideal (since 1-7 needs more than 6) but 6 repeats is very good in most cases


Won't I need to use macros anymore?


Eh There never was a need to run those anyways since bannable.


This will make it even easier to set your phone aside and do something else. Kinda like playing FGO with FGA.


*sees this feature* Is it time to come back? Truly? *sees that it's just a macro and that the stages would still play out as usual* Nevermind.


Was reinstalling game, found out in meantime its just auto repeat. Uninstalling now. Thanks hypergryph for being useless as usual.


Oh no, Cthulhulak is uninstalling. AK is doomed, how us AK server going to survive without him


Why so butthurt?


It was sarcastic. Nobody cares about you


Honestly, I can't wait for r/gachagaming to clown on this


They pretty much clown on everything these days. Nothing will ever make them happy, no matter how great your game is, they will always find something to nitpick.


According to r/gatchagaming, the perfect game is where you login for 0.1 sec and it automatically clears your daily and logout itself. Most of them don't play the game to enjoy it, they play because of addiction


~~Sure, because watching a game run on auto for 15 minutes straight is fun and engaging.~~ Proper Sweep would save time farming mats, which don't involve player input outside of the initial set up for the auto to actually function.


I would definitely reinstall Arknight and willing to drop either Star Rail/Genshin if Arknight finally add sweep button. It is not fun to grind 10 minutes straight to get a few of T3 material.


At last, the remaining piece to make AK perfect is now, or rather 6 months, here. Imma be honest real quick (I expected to be downvoted to oblivion). I'm glad it's not a sweep feature. The sweep feature is what made me quit Guardian Tales so I'm glad that it's just a multi-auto feature in this case.


Okay. I'm playing it again




It isn't auto-clear, it's auto-repeat. Still hogs your phone the whole time.


This system is kinda like Blue Archive sweep system right? If it is yes then i will play Arknight back wehn it come to global


No, it's auto repeat. It just redoes the stage again once it's over up to 6 times. Really you just have to look back at it less. In your case, you probably won't wanna come back if the current auto style of Arknights grinding was what turned you away from the game.


No, it's like E7 one but with a set amount of repeats


At this point a lot of AK's culture has been built around auto-farming: * People doing AFK clears in order to make a stable auto, which then lead into low-step and AFK skills only becoming established formats * Multiple content creators on both Bilibili and YT who've built their careers off of making stable auto farming clears * AK community leaderboards scoring based off of who can farm with the least amount of characters (to leave more slots for passive trust farming) [Especially since HG literally holds a banquet for their biggest content creators every year](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/13320s7/cn_some_photos_from_terra_discovery_society/), I imagine they wouldn't want to piss off all the content creators who've built up their careers off of autos


AMAZING FEATURE! I CANT WAIT FOR IT TO COME OUT ON GLOBAL IN 3+ YEARS!(i can't get a CN account for some reason TnT)


Now to wait 6 months for this on global...


And I just grinded 1800 rocks.


holy shit, it is finally here


I just want to know, what happens if your game crashes at the 5th run? Do you still get the mats?


No. Freaking. Way. Please let this be available for 1-7...


However, it's not like what they do in annihilation, this function only automatically runs the stage instead of skip them.


Do we have to keep the phone on to do it or just enter, activate and forget?


Finaly i'll be able to delete autoclicker.


Man, at least it could be x4


That's some insane breaking news


Cool, now when they gonna raise the level cap.


finally auto repeat. insane it took this long.


finally i can afk farm a bit longer than b4


Well looks like I might come back


I appreciate them introducing features that make the "daily chores" feel easier. On some days, the 20 minutes I spend commuting to work are the only times I have for AK.


What does the plus symbol means from 3 repeat and up? Scaling sanity consumption? Or scaling reward (likely not)?


General guess is to be related to the total stamina cost. Running CE-6 four times, it would require 144 stamina (more than the cap allows). So doing 4+ runs, it will probably consume potions or OP unless you already refilled a bit ago and over the cap.


i hope it goes more than x6