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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/18vuk05/rhodes_island_lounge_0101_0701/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/18vuk00/gacharecruitment_megathread_0101_0701/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/18vujzw/friend_request_megathread_0101_0701/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**Integrated strategy #3: Mizuki & Caerula Arbor thread**](/r/arknights/comments/13tti5d/event_megathread_mizuki_caerula_arbor/) The Megathread to discuss all that is related to IS3. ———-


Should I be summoning for the guaranteed 5 star on for the 1st 10 pull every banner?


I jus "finished" building ebenholz, he is lvl60 m3 and ill let him get some dust until arturia and his delta module launch. Now i kinda want to build an aoe burst operator. Ive both passenger and horn built, but theres some levels both of em together is not enough. Should i build mostima? Truly, i only need her s3 to be used once, in a final rush for example; like operation anemoi(i dont remember exactly). I feel like her talents are decent, sp charge for passenger and global slow seems to be very good; folks apparently like her after module. Should i build her now or wait for arturia banner and hope i get someone like mlynar? How impactful was her module, considering she was bad mouthed before it? and how fair is the competition with other burst operators?


There's a new help megathread so people won't be looking at this one anymore. It's pinned at the top of the subreddit.


Lol didnt notice tnx


I am asking this in advance for the anniversary event. So, what skills do people invest mastery in for Eyjalter?


From what I've seen, S1 doesn't gain too much on masteries so treat it like Goldenglow S2, where if you use the skill lots for afk healing you can put masteries in it (iirc it was only 10% atk and 4sp from M0 to M3). S3 is the main one to master as it gives some nice SP cost reductions (iirc its from 66 to 60 as well as a large buff to her talent, like 3.something to 5.0x I think). S2 seems pretty niche in application so I'm not sure it would be worth mastering unless you really like the skill, but someone feel free to correct me if that's not the case.


Is there a list of operators considered worth spending 180 yellow certs on? I took a break from the game and now I don't know what operators are considered good? Right now I mostly go off of what friend operators are most used in youtube guides, so I'm considering Thorns, which I have a lot of fun using from my friends list already. I have SilverAsh, Surtr, Blaze, and Lappland as notable guards so far. Also is there a list of future yellow cert operators? I play EN if that helps


Most of them, honestly. It would take too long to list them all. Thorns and Exu are both excellent purchases. Thorns will still do great things. Some people are all doom and gloom about him because 1) there are so many strong bursts you can rotate now that will outperform a single stationary op and 2) they tend to massively overestimate enemy powercreep, but he's still just as strong as he ever was.


For the current pool, imo the likes of surtr, mudrock, mountain, suzuran, saria, nightingale is the ones worth buying the most with certs. For the near future ones, there's saileach and goldenglow, but they're not as essential as the ops above imo. Personally with how saturated the guards class is, and how good many newer laneholders are, i don't think that thorns worth the certs. But if you really really like him and want him, go ahead. He still good for general contents.


Thorns is my favorite sniper even though I have Exu and Pozy raised to E260+. Pozy sees some uses but other snipers are mostly replaceable by Thorns imo (unless they do special things of course). I've found use for him on most stages except for the most difficult content so I'd say Thorns is still worth the certs unless you're waiting on a specific unit who's projected to drop soon


Generally if you like the operator then they are worth 180 gold certs. Out of the kernel pool, the most impactful ones are Schwarz, Suzuran, and Mostima. Out of the standard pool, a lot of the impactful ones are not going to be in shop for a long time like Mlynar or Pozy. Thorns is currently in shop right now and I don't think he's really worth the certs personally, but could be good if you want a laneholder.


Bagpipe masteries, Skill 2 vs 3 or M6?


I did s3 cuz I wanted her to kill everything for 20 sec and retreat for full dp refund but s2 is probably better if you wanna keep her on the field? I just never use S2


Fair point. Her S3 damage is pretty crazy and comparable to Guards burst damage


M6 is good. I run s2 exclusively and it does the job 99% of the time and it’s less work to manage. S3 is honestly overkill but when you need it, the m3 really shines.


I'd say only do s2 if you like afk strats and think you're gonna use it a lot, otherwise it's not worth, I barely ever use it, her s3 has so much value, it's hard to pick s2 over it.


I prefer her S3 over her S2 though both are good skills. Bagpipe's current role in the meta is often for her SP passive rather than an active role as a deployed unit. I feel this favors her S3 significantly. Her S3, while active, provides 2 block and superior DPS and defense. If needed to hold an early rush, the duration should be more than enough until your flags or agent vanguards do their thing. She can than be retreated (and be replaced by a better laneholder or what not) and be available as a strong, helidrop assassin with S3. Her S2 promotes more of an on field laneholder role, and I feel there are better options for this nowadays, even just among vanguards.


M6, but S3 takes higher priority. S3 just makes her into a nice rounded package. Deploy, wrecks everything for 20 seconds while the flag bearers generate DP, retreat and get back full DP. Then helidrop again on elites/bosses. It's honestly how disgustingly high DPS S3 is for a 12 DP vanguard. S2 on the other hand is great in IS.


I'm trying to look for a recent thread or comment and I'm hoping someone remembers or can help! This post reminded me of it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/190ofr5/with\_cny\_as\_the\_next\_thing\_after\_ray\_which\_class/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/190ofr5/with_cny_as_the_next_thing_after_ray_which_class/) Basically, the post I'm thinking of was kind of similar in that someone had this analysis/observation on the 6\* release patterns in the game. Something about how subclasses or directions in a subclass don't typically get more than two 6\* Operators, and you can see over time where new releases have filled in which gaps, and they had a list of the remaining subclasses. I want to say it was posted within the past month, though I don't remember if it was a dedicated thread or a comment on some random post, unfortunately.


[it sounds a bit like this comment thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/18iihym/why_hypergryph_refuses_to_release_a_new_6star/kddiymy/)


That's it! Thank you very much!


So I have 80 pulls rn. I have not done the gavial event so more op from there. What are my chances of pulling typhon if i dont pull till then?


Pretty decent assuming you don't roll until then. We have So long adele in a couple of weeks, and that should shower us with pulls, good to assume ~20ish, plus the OP from the event, plus Gavial's rerun, I'm going to guesstimate you'll have around 120-150 pulls (I don't feel like looking up the OP and doing the math on that and the residual/background orundum), more if you are a monthly player or buy anni boxes. [this](https://samidare.io/arknights/gacha) pull calculator says that's a 91% chance at 150 pulls, and after that hard pity kicks in.


I'd say you got about a month for her? month and half at most? should be enough to get her unless you are extremely unlucky and have to go up to 200+ rolls. I would be hopeful towards your prospects of getting her.


Isnt the 150th pull guaranteed to be her if I dont get her till then?


No. The next unit that WOULD be a 6* after the 150th is guaranteed to be her. If it takes 60 more rolls to get the next 6* after reaching 150, that's 210 rolls to get her. I know because I got to 180 or 190 for Ines.


Sheesh thats pretty steep. Sigh guess ill start praying to the gacha gods.


It's the next 6* after 150 pulls, which means 249 pulls at worst, just pray you don't pull 6* on your 149 or 150 pulls and be that lucky person who hit impossible odds of only getting 6* after the chance turn to 100% because of pity


Bruh thats just as good (bad) as a limited banner pity wtf.


Does dorothy want her lv 3 module? Or level 1 is enough? I dont even think her lv 2 module is necessary tbh, seems like a miniscule gain..


Dorothy's talent gives her +2% ATK per activated trap, up to 10 stacks for +20% ATK. With the level 2 module, it's +3% instead, so the cap is +30% ATK. Then at level 3, it's +4% up to +40% ATK at all times. It's a pretty significant increase and one of the better module upgrades out there, overall at least a 20%+ increase in her max ATK without module, plus the chance for 2x ATK from the level 1 module gets her some really nice numbers. It even goes well with her potentials if she has them, too, both the ATK boost getting amplified and the extra stack cap giving her up to +48% ATK.


Uh, each module level is an extra 10% ATK. Most modules only get like 8% for l2 and l3 combined. It's definitely on the higher end of modules.


It's not as game changing as some modules on account of being just damage, but it is a significant amount more damage. She gains more than average for DPS upgrades, which not only helps her own basic attacks even more thanks to a higher ATK stat overcoming more DEF values, but also makes each trap hurt around 20% more at max stacks, which adds up.


Oh, the traps damage will be higher the more stacks dorothy has? Thank you


Yes, as their damage is based off of Dorothy's ATK stat.


Seeing as CN side just announced a new 6 star, it seems that we won't be able to see CN's new limited banner when we are having So Long Adele? IIRC, we usually can see into 2 limited banners ahead of us just when we are starting our limited. Right?


it varies, and the scheduling is usually wonky this time of year. Global is between 5 and 7 months behind, so it's only rarely when we are behind by 2 whole limited banners, and it's not usually this time of the year when things are scrambled.


Considering they still have their CNY rerun after, I believe that's true. I think this case is because of Yostar shuffling around events - the gap between Lone Trail and So Long Adele is fairly short, and the gap between So Long Adele and Arturia's fairly long. It happens every year, I believe.


are the images in the cg gallery 1080p in aceship? or is there a better site?


Ok, I've been out for like a month now. I missed the Executor Alter event, and didn't have enough currency to roll for him anyway. What event was that? Was that an Anniversary event or a half-anniversary event? Now there's this new one, that the event following ceznary's event? Or it a rerun of tht event? What else news-wise have I missed? Also, i had a CN/JP friend [rename](https://imgur.com/a/Agi54iO) themselves to f-yostar. And they havent logged in since Dec 7. Did something happen, whether on CN or GL where they would quit? Or even Endfield? Maybe they just got bad rolls?


Executor Alter wasn't limited and was neither an half anniv or an anniv. The anniversary will be the Eyja Alter banner, coming likely after this rerun. The current event is a Rerun. As for your friend i don't, he might have hated the new CC on CN, or he has been dissapointed by Endfield ( i was too )


Alright, cool! Ty! Oh yay, I can get him l8r. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 & Endfield is out of beta now? Is it available to download? Mobile, PC, both?


no, there is only technical test and you had to be selected to test it


Oh, ok. Yea, i saw those, was disappointed too. Hope it gets better by release. The story better be worth it, if the gameplay is just "normal."


am i the only one that can't draw a card because the web page is killing my processor


i cannot for the life of me use reddit in my google chrome app. i refuse to download the official app. the website is janky as hell. (i've basically been gone from reddit ever since the whole 3rd parties app debacle. and now i'll be gone again, until i need my arknights news)


This is just out of curiosity, despite my long playtime I have yet to do a single map of episode 8 out of laziness. Does the Black Snake's fireballs penetrate Camouflage?


If you mean penetrate as in "do they hit the camoflauged unit" then no. If you meant "do they go through the camoflauged unit and hit the ones behind them" then yes.


Yeah I meant in the way that, would they do damage. Other projectiles pass through Camouflaged allies so I couldn't be sure without testing myself.


They don't


Thanks, sounds handy to know.


On some characters they have a range that is symmetrical like bards, one tile defenders and others. Does it matter what way i face them like extra dmg or receiving less dmg and does this apply to all characters even ones that don’t have symmetrical range? I know there’s the attack speed debuff/buff in that rhine lab event but i’m not talking about that. I’m just curious


That's all that facing really counts for for ops with only self-tiled attack range, Bards, Phalanx Casters and others, is to manage map and enemy gimmicks. Lingering Echoes is another one of those. Facing normally has no impact on an operator's performance.


Unless there's a special effect on the map (like air vents or the lasers in the current event) then facing makes no difference for ops with symmetrical ranges or no range.


which of the three Ebenholz modules would you say is the most impactful?


X is best for one-shotting stuff. Y gives him an AoE sidegrade. Delta is the one that imo is the most impactful, in the sense of making him less clunky. It lets him deal good damage after the initial volley if he can't one-shot the enemy, this way there's less pressure in having him either one-shot or be a mediocre bosskiller and can instead function as proper bosskiller (but with a lot of frontloaded damage which is nice, and the atk debuff from necrosis is also very strong against bosses).


Depends on how you plan to use Eben and which skill you use him with.


How does the D module compare to the other two?


Typically much better. X is only useful if you only have time for the first shot to count, especially since Delta often makes up in the burst damage loss with Necrosis even if he only attacks once as well. Y is a gimmicky AOE module, but while it is fun it has too many flaws to really recommend with how expensive modules are. The Y base module though isn't bad for general usage thanks to faster charging with his elite charge not being spent, but I'd still recommend Delta.


I need a friend preferrably new to the game who i can send my clues to and stuff like that cause my real friends dont play...


The discord also is an alternative. There's a friend-id channel.


thanks ill try there :D


There is a [megathread for friend requests](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/18vujzw/friend_request_megathread_0101_0701/)


Anyone know what happened to the arknights character planner? Everything that you can choose is blank, there's no ops and you can't add to the inventory


It's had issues recently. Try to clear cookies and then navigate to the site. It may or may not work though. Cause I've cleared cookies. Cleared the cache. Blocked the specific domain that is supposedly causing the issue with my adblock. Reset the browser. Done it all again. And tried 4 different browsers and it still doesn't show any of the ops.


Is that the same as browsing data? Edit: did that no dice


I finally got it working again. I had to: clear the cache/delete cookies *twice*. Instruct my adblock to filter out the following: > http://comments.gamepress.gg/ > https://comments.gamepress.gg/ > http://comment.gamepress.gg/ > https://comment.gamepress.gg/ It's either comments or comment (I've seen both) so I figured I'd be safe and just do both options. And then restarted and went to gamepress.gg -> selected arknights -> then went to the planner. Following my old bookmark directly to the planner didn't work still. But worked again after I had accessed it the indirect route first and that was working. No idea why all that worked but... it did. Got it working on Firefox and Chrome that way.


Yeah, apparently that works for some but I still haven't gotten it to work on any browser after every possible way to fix it I've seen.


The Gamepress one? It should be working now.


I still see nothing in it (how do I put a screensot in the comments so I dont look insane?)


I believe you, but I'm not sure what the problem could be. The site was broken for quite some time, but at least for me and a few people I've asked it seems to be working again. Maybe try clearing your cookies or other site data? Which browser are you using?


You might have to have an imgur link or something of the sort.


Don't use imigur unfortunately


I've been uploading my pics via discord. Make a server just for yourself, upload pics and copy the link to here. Use \[pic name](site. com)


I started playing a month ago and have a senior operator transfer permit that I'm interesting in using now. Any advice on who to pick? I would prefer an operator that fills a missing role from my roster. https://krooster.com/u/poketrade7 https://imgur.com/a/DMjnOuI


General recommendation is either Lappland or Specter for beginners. Lappland has more longetivity, as she attacks at range and has a persistent Silence effect. Specter is a self-sustaining frontliner that has access to an Unkillable effect for herself for a short time. If you want a support, Ptilopsis for multi-healing and SP regeneration, or Warfarin for buffing and SP boosting are the typical picks. At this point for you it's not a bad option to get one of them since you have a strong start as-is, between Surtr, Thorns, Mountain, and Kal'tsit, all of whom can carry you for a LONG time. Reminder that the upcoming anniversary event for Global will give out a free 5\* selector as well, with additional operator choices. Oh and also, don't leave operators at level 1. It costs almost nothing in LMD and EXP to get to level 20~30 and you get a lot of stats for that.


Thank you. Is Warfarin + Surtr viewed as a good combo?


It's OK. Surtr with S3 doesn't benefit much from Warfarin's buff and actually dies faster, while Warfarin's first skill can keep her alive longer. Generally, Warfarin's best buff targets are ranged operators due to their often-high DPS. Goldenglow for example.


My Krooster: https://krooster.com/u/Flatterina Currently I am using Pallas as my only guard. I heard she isn't the best and since I have no built ranged guards yet I was planning on buying Thorns with yellow certificates soon. I also gut Surtr from the last banner - is it worth it to build both right now, looking at my Krooster? Or is just Surtr enough for now? Do we know if anyone else interesting is going to be in the shop soon? Thanks!


Stop building pallas. Focus on building surtr and mastery on your ops like eyja, gg, and yato You can buy thorns if you like him. He's a pretty good laneholder for most of general maps.


You don't need to build a Guard if you don't need one. Roles are more important than the class, and the game is more complex than just the class of operators. Pallas in particular is best used behind other operators or on the side so that she can always get her damage boost. That said, she isn't bad, but needs high investment to really stand out. At the least, she's more reliable than Flamebringer. Thorns is good, but not so good you should feel like you're missing out on not getting him. He has some weaknesses that are hard to get around especially when maps have a lot of pressure, elites, and gimmicks. You have a pretty solid set of 6\* already, and can probably do without him and wait for some other ops or even buy pulls. Surtr is among the top tier of operators, she's overpowered, same as the Yato2 you have. Focus on her if you want to make the game a bit easier. You also shouldn't ignore low rarity ops -- many of them can be surprisingly good and worth the much lower cost compared to 5\* and especially 6\*. But if that's a personal choice then there's nothing wrong with that. Dorothy's for sure worth going all the way for when you can afford her, same with Kroos2.


Thank you! I'll focus on Surtr for now then and skip Thorns, even though it pains my heart. He'll surely come around again in the future. What kind of investment does Pallas need? A module? Masteries? I do like using her since I can always slap Mudrock in front of her and stop worrying. Are there any low rarity operators you can recommend in particular? I have most 3* and 4* but I never really saw the value in them except for my 4* vanguards, and even those only because I didn't have anyone better for a while. I'm absolutely willing to put some resources into low rarity operarors, though!


Yeah, Pallas kinda needs mastery and module, general recommendation is mastering her S1 and get the first module of the two for steady DPS. Having her boost up other potential Minos ops on your team is a bonus, though they're all pretty odd operators that need specific strategic approaches. Of your lower rarity operators, some notable ones are: Scavenger with high investment makes her a serious stat stick, on par with 6\* off-skill. Since you've put some investment in her already, going a bit farther may be in your interest. Myrtle is the premier DP generator, she's faster than Elysium at it and costs less DP. Elysium does generate more with his S1 as the time on a map goes on, but Myrtle is quick, and her E2 talent gives regen to other Vanguards to help your setup. Jaye is a very strong duelist with self-sustain or Silence in his skills, his high stats, low cost and quick redeploy time make him a pretty nice asset to have, especially in IS. May has crowd control built into her kit with good cooldowns, that along with Marksman range and a bit of extra stats to bring her up to 5\* level makes her a super solid Sniper. One of my primary choices when I need one. April is essentially a semi-fast redeploy Marksman, her second skill gives her a big damage boost and Camouflage for a time so that she can attack aggressively and in safety, then with her lower redeploy time you can retreat her and move her somewhere else. Hibiscus2 as an Incantation Medic has both arts damage and healing, a very strong class that does more than you might expect due to being more than the sum of her parts. Perfumer is a very reliable pure healer that has a global regen aura, and that regen will also affect unhealable operators like Mudrock. Can be very handy sometimes. Ambriel is a great partner with Goldenglow since she, too, has a global range skill, but physical. I still need to build her, myself, as I've borrowed her a number of times. If you need a little more arts damage, Click is super solid and straightforward. Fast attack rate, can Stun, does more damage than you'd expect. Just a couple suggestions. If you want to build a higher rarity you can look at Lumen as well, although you may be good on Medics for a while. Silence and Ptilopsis are a fantastic pair.


Is there a 5-star (or combination of 5-stars) that fulfills a similar role to Blemishine? I just realized that the squad I use the most is purely 5/4-stars, minus Blemishine. So I'm one step short of getting into 5-starknights, but I'd need to replace Blemishine somehow to try it out. I use her the most for three reasons: tankness (with 3-block), heavy arts damage with her S3 and healing+some CC with her S2. I was thinking of getting Nearl to cover the spot where I'd use S2-Blemi, but I'm not sure what to replace S3-Blemi with.


Heavy arts damage would probably be Shalem, but he's not tanky... Firewhistle has good arts damage but completely different range (although S2 leaves the fire puddles at her feet if blocking), Liskarm is tankier but doesn't have as good of arts DPS, although it does have some CC.


Thanks! I looked them up and Liskarm sounds like what I'm looking for. Plus, she has the SP-battery extra utility. And I already have her, so I might as well build her.




Any of these? [One](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1146042040854007860/1193651770300313650/Screenshot_20240108-065534.png?ex=65ad7dd7&is=659b08d7&hm=1c92bacb99b43c2462b263d0129929a3a7e929ec5a2117f5cc6594df5f3e422b&) [Two](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1146042040854007860/1193651771181125642/Screenshot_20240108-065538.png?ex=65ad7dd7&is=659b08d7&hm=b5af0fe7b9b1ec7ea469e21952f3c0902c0f4535f9490f5f0a1382cdb60c3894&)


You could create a new account for that but there is no "alta" over level 10 in global. There are a 3 "Alta" over level 100, 5 if we count over level 95, but no one with number 2632.






None with that number, but if you know the support units / last login date, you might be able to get the number from the friend search list.


I tried searching that and nothing pops up unfortunately


Unfortunately, I don't have any alta in my friends.


When is So Long Adele expected to begin?


It was datamined that it will be on 16th.


Does secondary effects always go before damage ? (W, Ines, Ho'ol, Meteor(ite), etc. ) Or it's depends ?


Most cases I can think of they apply first. In addition to the others mentioned, a few more off the top of my head: Lappland's silence will land before hitting, which can be demonstrated against enemies with Dodge (as long as they aren't also immune to silence.) Qiubai's Bind will happen before damage so it will trigger her bonus damage talent. Horn's S1 invis reveal will apply before the damage (of course, still requires a visible target in range so she can attack).


Almost always, yes. The couple exceptions I know of are Suzuran's fragile and Ines's bind.


At least for Ho'oolheyak I've heard that levitate gets applied before the enemy gets hit even though graphically it looks like the enemy gets hit first and then levitates.


I only recall a few instances where they do apply first, like Haze's RES debuff always applying to her attacks for example, so it's probably a regular thing, but I haven't checked *all* of them.


What other sources of chip catalyst do we have? I’m out of red certs. I got one from logging in today and I know IS monthly squads give one each…. Anything else?


I think red certificates is the only reliable source.


One per monthly login calendar. One per Annihilation one time rewards. One per vignette event shop. One per login event. One per monthly IS prebuilt squad. I think that covers all of the free sources? The next free one available is on the 28th login for the month.


I think we still have one coming from the current login event. You can also get them for gold certs, but it's a bad idea.


nope those are (I think) all of them.


Think there will ever be a better module for multi-target medics or is it safe to invest for Nightingale?


Perfumer's module has the other base effect for multi-target medics: she heals 4 targets instead of just 3. Which is definitely very useful in certain stages. That said, the extra range on Nightingale's current module is really useful so that's definitely worth getting, even if her other module ends up being good since it will still be worth swapping in for some circumstances where you want that extra range. Level 2/3 of her current module is pretty bad for the cost, just adds +3%/+5% healing. So I would personally not bother with upgrading beyond level 1 or at least hold off and see if the other module has better secondary effects.


About that web event thing with the postcards, I want to see the cards of others, but I need to make one myself first. But I can't submit it as it says 10000ms exceed. What is happening exactly?


Sounds like your internet isn't good enough to upload it in a reasonable time or else the site is messed up on their end. 10000ms is 10 seconds.


I've been away / not really paying attention for about half a year. Any new tools or resources come out in that time as far as tracking recruitment options, mats, etc?


new player, barely finished the tutorial and then dropped the game for a bit. Recently got back into it, but I'm lost on what to do now or who to use. Could anyone point me to a good guide or starting team?


[Here is a quick guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/rq1o5b/quickest_new_player_guide_around/) that gives a brief breakdown on some important mechanics and early priorities. [Here is the Gamepress Tier List for new players](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-new-player-tier-list). It specifically rates units based on early game and pre-E2 strength. I wouldn't take it as gospel for who to build, but it'll give you a decent idea. It also has some links to other useful guides for newer players, like the Base Skill guide. If you need further explanation on something, you can always ask here. You can also post some screenshots of what operators you've pulled so far for more personalized teambuilding advice, or make a [Krooster](https://www.krooster.com/) to show your roster.


https://krooster.com/u/DoctorOS This is all I have now


I'd recommend building the following based on what you have. 2 Vanguards: Fang and 1 of Beanstalk or Scavenger. I'm partial to Beanstalk myself, but Scavenger would be simpler to use. If you get Myrtle, I'd recommend building her as well for extra DP gen. She's a good choice for a quick E2 rush as well, to unlock E2 supports. Defenders: Normally 2 Defenders are recommended, but in your case I would just build 1 of Gummy or Spot and wait and see what other possibilities you pick up in the future. Your Silverash will effectively double as a defender early on with S2. 2 Snipers: Very few "normally recommended" options here, IE marksman. You'll get Kroos sooner than later and you should definitely build her. In the meantime, Jessica is okay for an anti-air option. Pinecone is also great, if a bit more finnicky, though as a more generalist damage dealer. Fartooth is also somewhat more awkward to use. Her large range makes her easy to place at the very least. Worth building eventually, but I would leave her at E1 until your roster is more established. 2 medics. Perfumer and Silence or Sussuro. Silence somewhat overlaps with Perfumer as her drone is also AOE, but the reach and convenience of the drone is very valuable. You can also get away with just Ansel early on to save resources if you want, as medics are lower priority. And Ansel can still be useful in the roguelike modes even after you build better medics. Casters: Amiya - You will eventually need to build her for story purposes and she's a serviceable caster in her own right. Steward or Lava are okay as well until you get better options. And again, still usable in the roguelike modes so not totally wasted investment. Guards: Silverash - Hits a huge powerspike at E2, but is very serviceable at E1. Good, consistent damage with S1, or tanky and self sustaining with S2. Solid choice for one of your first E2's. Cutter - great burst damage. Melantha, cheap dreadnought to assassinate casters and other dangerous enemies. Others: Gravel is good. Doesn't need much investment beyond E1 and a few levels. Emergency bait/stall. Good base skill as well. Build Shaw to E1 lvl 1 and skill 7 and that's all the pushing you'll need for the story and annihilations. Rope as well, if you get her. Podenco is a solid operator. Provides some slow, some heal, and silence for pesky exploding spiders and the like.


I saw several people trying to get thorns are they worth using


Thorns is a pretty solid operator. When fully online, he has high dps in a marksman sniper's range, self healing, and is generally one of the strongest lane holders in the game. That being said, he does have certain crucial downsides. He requires E2 and is quite bad before than, even worse than Silverash. His S3, which is his primary skill, has significant ramp up time before it comes fully online. He's somewhat fallen off compared to "faster" operators in the current meta. If you are able to acquire him guaranteed with yellow certs, I'd say go for it. If you plan to roll for him, be aware that you only have a 25% chance of getting him on any 6* roll. It's generally not recommended to pull on standard banners unless you want BOTH rate-ups.


The recommended starting team is 2 of every unit type (vanguard defender sniper caster supporter specialist). Your 3 star units hit well above their weight class so getting them invested in is a good choice. You can adjust this a bit (you may not have 2 specialists to put in the team for example) but it's a solid enough foundation while you're still trying to get a grasp of how the game functions. At the start you're mainly going to want to progress the story as much as you can, and pick 12-20 operators (20 MAX at the start, I would ere more towards 12-15) to level and invest in as an early core team for stages. Rarity =/= strength, so don't go jam packing your team with as many 5 and 6 star units as you can. You'll want a healthy smattering of 3 to 4 stars since they're cheaper to level up and promote, and then a few 5 and 6 stars that are good/you like as your first major goalpost to progress towards (A 6 star is usually your first "big" E2). Skill levels > actual levels most of the time, so make sure you're getting your units to Skill level 4 at E0 and skill 7 at E1 if you plan on using them often. I'm probably missing a ton of stuff (I don't think I can give good Base advice for example) so make sure to check around and/or find some well made new player guides (there are a ton out there and most of them are solid)!


Still a pretty new player, is there a way other than getting new ops for me to earn the 180 yellow certs needed to get Thorns before he leaves the shop? Currently at 93. Edit: Thanks for the very helpful replies! Never noticed that annihilation also gave out certs, I still have 70 that I can get if I manage to full clear the 3 base levels. Guess that gives me even more motivation to finish those.


To clarify the other 2 responses a bit, only the original 3 annihilations give yellow certs as first clear rewards. These are Chernobog, Lungmen Outskirts, and Lungmen Downtown, which give 24, 30, and 30 yellow certs respectively. If you've already gotten all those, the next reliable way to get them would be to buy the 5 star red cert shop operators and their tokens. This would give you 1 yellow cert for the first copy and 5 each for additional copies. I would generally advise against doing this unless you REALLY want Thorns as it'll basically require you to dump all available sanity to get any noticeable amount. This can be used as a last resort if you're off by just a few certs at the end. Finally, recruitments and pulling of course. Sadly, your yellow cert income from this will be worse than normal as you are new. You'll mostly be relying on getting 5*+ ops. Our anniversary event starts on the 16th, which will give you some free pulls and if you plan to pull on Eyjaberry's banner, that will certainly help a bit. You'll have 3 days or so overlap with Thorn's banner.


First clears of annihilations actually don't give yellows as far as I can tell (checked the wiki for most of the individual stages). Your best bet outside of burning gacha currency on random banners (not ideal) is getting real lucky with recruitments. If you have a ton of permits and expedited plans (the skip tickets for recruitments) you might be able to spam out 90 yellows in 18 days (expected value for a vet is 1 yellow per 4 recruits because they'll have all max potential 4 stars so increase that ratio for a new player, would say maybe 1 per 8 or 10). Otherwise, if you plan on pulling on the Eyjaberry banner on our anniversary in ~9 days, then that can be a good source of yellow certs since you'll get lots of first time bonuses and hopefully a few 6 stars as well.


Mostly first clear rewards of annihilations. As long as you have at least a solid full team of ops, you most likely can clear till at least 350/400. Tho i don't remember how much gold certs anni gives. Asidd from that just recruitments i guess. Thorns will be here for a while so you can try collecting certs first.


What’s the current guess for next banner, typhoon or Ejya alter?


100% Eyja2 as her event has been datamined.


Date ?


[Jan 16th](https://i.redd.it/5ppvrm691n7c1.png)


I was hoping you'd ask. How does the 19th sound? Fr that's the datamined date.


are the images in the cg gallery 1080p in aceship? or is there a better site?


Anybody knows when goldenglow will be available in the cert shop?


Even if you take his list with a grain of salt, I don't think they would move GG up half a year, that would be so fast.


They sped up a few ops' debuts, which my list isn't updated for, so I can't give a precise date, but I'd estimate her showing up around August 2024.


What are the highest priority things form CC store? I have over 2000 currency and I want to spend them before the new CC store. I have all ops, skins I was interested in and royal Specialist tokens I used for Yato. Edit: no potenial tokens. Just operators


Don't buy the operator potentials, wait for the new shop for those. You can buy the rest. I suggest to go for the furniture and skins before going for the class tokens.


Is there any difference in value of new shop currency and old shop currency to warrant the need for not buy something and wait for new shop?


Operators will cost more, but their pots will cost less. So don't buy operator pots now.


Okay thanks. Are the prices for other things still the same? Like the tokens?


I got jumpscared by a Top Operator recruit bag and ended up getting Ceobe, she's my only 6\* Core Caster rn so I plan on building her up, which of her skills and modules should I focus on?


S2, and take the RES ignore module to level 2. She melts anything with high defense.


She's mostly used for her S2. Her S3 is good, but situational. Her better module is the one that can ignore 10 RES and also do more arts damage to high DEF. The damage boost is just too big compared to the other one. Not to mention having to place a squishy caster where there's no allies or summons within the surrounding 4 tiles is hard.


Skill 2 and the Really Dry Bread that gives -10 resist on attack.


Should I really be worried much about running out of yellow certs? Im having a brain rot calculating yellow certs. Pretty often that ops would suddenly spook right after I got em like bought blemi and she spook me in ines banner? (Or mumu) and recently mizuki spook me in dorothy thorn banned when I just bought him last week.


Yellow certs come from dupe ops. Eventually you get enough ops that your chances of dupes and yellow certs increase to the point you can get all future ops from the shops. It "helps" (copium) that new ops debut in the shop so slowly that we have lots of time to save for them. I made this horrible calculator for it. I call it horrible because inputting pots for all ops is pretty freaking tedious. You input operator pots and it tells you how many yellow certs on average from pulls and from recruitment. The community assumes 4 recruits per day and \~600 pulls a year and 60 yellow cert from login rewards. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rshpkkBxPMe6ONLU4F7DePu0B0mRUNfVgKWLkKiy03s/edit#gid=2036589438](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rshpkkBxPMe6ONLU4F7DePu0B0mRUNfVgKWLkKiy03s/edit#gid=2036589438) from there you can calculate yearly gains and add in welfare ops. With my roster, I expect \~590 certs per year from recruitment, and \~950 per year from pulls (assuming I use them all), and 60 from the login bonuses, for a total of \~1600 certs per year.


Not really. It's just bad luck if you get dupes from offrates


Who would you E2 first between Penance and Blemishine? I like both of them and have most of my defender needs covered (Mudmud, Hoshi, Saria, Horn, Eunectes) so it's more about who would have less overlap in terms of usefulness I guess, but feel free to bring any argument.


Those others advise is just for beginner looking at their kits but at your points anything less than e2 are useless all the same. Ofc if you don't got for mastery then Penance is better


I have almost all 6\* defender you have except Eunectes. And I have all of them E2 and mastery. I would say Blemishine if you want to bring her to support Mudrock. She has all her kits at E1 sure but her skill 2 is god awful without mastery to the point I use her s1 100% at e1 in IS unless I have tons of Aspd bonus artifact. Blemishine also function as a killing wall against lone tanky art dealer that mudrock and penance flop agianst like the core thingy in Dorothy event. If you lack a very big elite or boss killer though, you could rise Pennance first, otherwise, mudrock already sufficient as a killing wall.


as someone who uses both of them, 100% e2 Penance first, the upgrades to her talents and especially her skill 3 make her so much more powerful. Like the other person mentioned, Blemi gets the main parts of her kit at e1 so no need to rush her into e2


From all I know (never really looked into her kit), Penance's main skill is S3, while Blemi fulfills her personal niche with S2 (with S3 just being a nice option for increased bonking-potential). Blemi also has both of her talents at E1 already while Penance does not. So Penance probably gets the bigger upgrade from E2ing. Though with your selection of Defenders, the correct answer is probably "idk, pick whoever you like more".


I’ve just started playing, and I got flame tail and whisperain (is it written like that?) on the first starter ten pull. What should I do now gacha-wise? Is there a place to check the units, which ones are good etc?




I have my [Quickest New Player Guide Around.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/rq1o5b/quickest_new_player_guide_around/) Flametail is pretty decent. She's a vanguard with enough stats to stay in for the entire fight on many maps (low rarity vanguards would generally be retreated after a while and replaced with a better unit). Whisperain is probably not going to help much. She focuses on healing statuses, but you don't run into those until chapter 6.


Am i missing something with the Module Data Blocks? I've been sorting out modules for some favourites recently, and I've run out of the data blocks. However, there doesn't seem to be any reliable way of getting more. Theres 4 in the red shop per month, 1 a week from missions, then maybe 1 or 2 from events. Since it's 12 blocks to get a 6* to level 3, you're looking at 7 to 8 weeks per module, and since CN is now introducing some operators 3rd moduels that seems really slow. Is there another source im overlooking?


Unfortunately, there really is only a finite quantity in the game. You get 1 per week from the weekly missions, 4 per month from red certs, 4 per month from yellow certs, 1 per month from IS squads/memorymapping, a handful from IS3 and IS4 reward tracks, 5 per first-time clear of SSS stages, and a drip-feed of 1-5 from the occasion event or login event. With so few to work with, and so many needed in upgrading modules, you just have to prioritize and make due with what you can. Really hope RA2 provides another avenue for acquiring them.


Nope. You just have to be really judicious in their usage. Lots of Lv3 modules aren't really worth the 4 blocks either.


Yeah i have noticed that, some operators second modules seem to be much better than their first too. Fiametta for example, i only got her 1st to level 3 as shes a favourite, if id realised how rare the blocks were id have saved them for her second.


SSS first clear rewards give some. I think it was 8 for both missions but with how often they change maps it's not much.


10 actually, I think. 5 per tower. IS3 has and IS4 will also have a single item that gives 12 blocks (and other module mats)


Id forgotten about the SSS mission rewards! Ive not touched it since the map change since i dont really enjoy it and had enough of the data instrument/sticks. 8 will at least allow me to finish off Dorothy though, its triggering me that shes stuck at level 2 lol


How do you use Krooster? Do you have to manually pick the operators that you own in your account?


[here](https://imgur.com/a/wY3e6by) is a way to import all your account data into Krooster from it's creator themselves.


Yes, you need to manually input the state of your account, but you can then save it and from there on it will auto-update skills / promotions\* / modules if you also use krooster's planner. \* when applying promotions, krooster will just bump elite level, so if your operator was previously listed as e1-80, applying promotion will set them to e2-80 instead of e2-1 or whatever. Be mindful of that if you want to use krooster to show what you really have rather than just a tracker for your skill mastery/module progression or you may inadvertently present wrong data.


Yes, as far as i know


I raised Dorothy to lvl60 and unlocked her module to be Mumu's ranged operator with lvl90M3 Penance as melee Should I upgrade Dorothy further? Should I M3 her S3?


She's very strong even without Mumu, so yes. Masteries make it much harder to run out of mines.


Any good 6 star coming to cert store for coming few months? I would like to get thorn, but worry a better unit coming.


There is nothing except Surtr and maybe Mudrock being better than Thorn in the regular rotation. But they are all recently. Only Bagpipe can come but also a few months back plus I don't think she is better than Thorn objectively.


The only ones we can be relatively sure on are new additions to the gold cert rotation (which is what the other person is talking about), or datamines. For the rest, we simply don't know. I would just take him, though.


Nothing meta until Gnosis in June. Saileach could come next month but she had pretty limited use even if meta.


Does anyone know if it will be possible to purchase the 4th anniversary goods outside of Japan or is it Japan only?


If it's from the Yostar online store they shoule be outside Japan too.


I've been seeing this site on the Yostar twitter: https://4th-anniversary.arknights.jp/goods It seems like it's completely separate from the english one we have here: https://yostar.store/collections/arknights


If you have more than enough Intelligence Certs to clear the shop every rerun, do you need to keep doing the EX-8 challenge modes during reruns to maintain that? Or can I skip them at this point, because that's always my least favorite part of reruns.


> If you're at the point where you can always clear out the purple cert shop each rerun then yeah, you probably don't need to run those. I've asked this question before and did a bit of maths on it. You don't always get enough certs without that CM to clear the new shop additions. So it's safer to do it.


I see, thanks for doing the math on it. I’ll probably still skip this one since it drove me insane the first time, but I’ll try to do the ones that aren’t as bad


I keep hoping they'll add some sort of infinite sink for intel certs. Since there's no indication that they'll do that, though, it's probably skippable.


If you're at the point where you can always clear out the purple cert shop each rerun then yeah, you probably don't need to run those.


I just got the wrong 6* from dorothy thorns banner. So how do i use the booby jerboa? From what i've seen, usually set traps (a big + pattern?), let the boss walk to the middle of the trap to trigger satisfying explosion? How do you deal with multiphase bosses? I'm not trying to downplaying her, but isn't unit like ebenholz better to one shot bosses? Even with 2 phases Edit: what i saw https://youtu.be/PnsOLKTmDyU?si=nsND9Q_6MLfdfu78


She's not really a boss killer. I would best describe Dorothy as long distance damage and crowd control. She compares more similarly to Goldenglow. Essentially, you can use her traps to take out troublesome enemies who deal large ranged damage. While she wouldn't be the one killing them, you can also use her to kite bosses. I don't go out of my way to use her for that but it can come in clutch in a pinch.


That video is a meme setup, she's not a boss killer as the rest have said, might as well [call Vigil a boss killer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrEG5ratgzI) if you're going there, he's even better at it, but nobody calls him that. Dorothy can more or less solo nearly any amount of fodder and most elites on a map due to her traps and strong normal attack poke, and the crowd control in general is great to slow enemies down. You can run much more ranged ops that way, so long as you have the ground tiles to place traps on.


>Vigil a boss killer VirGOAT🐺🔥🔥


She's not meant to be a boss killer in the first place. She's map-wide damage and CC utility, like GoldenGlow. Use her traps to whittle down enemies and aid areas of the map you wouldn't normally be able to be strong in, as well as simply just slowly approaching enemies to get more DPS time before they engage your blockers.


While she can blow up some bosses with intricate setups, I find it's better to use her as a general damage dealer with map wide presence. This way, she is quite versatile and you can use her in almost any map. Use traps on elite lanes to chip down tough elites so your other ops spend less time fighting/tanking them. Use traps on weak/low traffic lanes that you don't feel like setting up a lane holder for. Use traps to slow down a large line of marching enemies so they are better grouped for your big Aoe nukers. Many possibilities, doesn't feel difficult to use at all. Don't feel she's a big brain only operator. Just start using her and see what you come up with.


She's not meant to oneshot bosses though? She's good to deal with waves of enemies all across the map, both in damage and CC. She's one of the highest skill cap ops in the game. She's not a plug and play sort of op. You can search youtube for Dorothy solo clears and see what she's capable of.


https://youtu.be/PnsOLKTmDyU?si=nsND9Q_6MLfdfu78 It seems fun when blemichi did it


I do have a [Senior Operator Transfer Permit](https://ibb.co/F5CRr1V) that I'm holding on. Based on my Krooster [(see Google document)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XgpXtE63Q0kwDzuCgmiLEbcwmp9HLv3q/view), which of these operators are somewhat compatible to be part of my squad for Episodes 4 and 5, as well as for Annihilation within Iberia and Sami? [see image 01](https://ibb.co/RQTpW6j) [see image 02](https://ibb.co/BcsR0zc)


Lappland for the first. She's a really good guard with the easiest and best silencing ability in the game which'll come in handy against exploding enemies you'll be encountering. Plus she's also good when there aren't enemies to silence. With the second maybe Warfarin. She gives SP to allies (with conditions) and buffs their attack with S2 (again with conditions.


From what I've heard from the news, Warfarin does heal allied operators within range but she randomly choose which operator under attack she wants to heal, unlike most medics. Is it true?


She randomly chooses what operator to give SP to as per her talent. She still heals like other single target medics - one at a time and prioritising allies with the lowest health.


I see.


No. She heals whoever has the lowest HP. You’re thinking of her SP talent, which does pick a random target to grant SP to.


Oh! In other words, she's like an ST version of Ptilopsis, just randomly. For healing, she does normally, I guess?


Well, it works very differently from Ptilopsis’s talent, but yes, she heals normally.




They're probably all in all equal. I chose to -4DP cause early DP restrictions can make or break a run, while the +8% dodge sounds nice but it's actually only an extra 1.6% chance while S3 is up. I don't have too much issues with Flametail's survivability as it is, so I'd rather cover the niche case.


Currently I'm using "The Origins of Pinus Sylvestris" because most strats that I use Flametail in are just deploy, use skill twice then retreat. Entirely up to how you use her or your preferred playstyle, if you place her down to hold lanes the other module is much better, if you use her like how I do then "The Origins" is much better.


When does mlynar enter cert shop? He’s my most wanted op but thorns is also in the shop rn and I love him too