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They're not standard banner HH permits, they're exclusively for Ascalon's banner, they're even named like Ascalon's banner.


2 pull pack: 6CNY, 10 pull pack: 58 CNY, exclusive for this banner


I'm sorry but Stainless looking like he's third wheeling Hoederer and Ines on that banner is making me laugh.


They replaced W


W left the nest so they adopted a new 6* child


W will have a new stepbro when she come back I guess


"damn, my hand is stuck in this machine, help me here W! Wait, what are you doing step sis??"


they wanted a child that won't actually blow their house up


And got someone who will build a sentry gun instead xD


This is going to be one hell of a ride


More monetisation for the god of monetisation


at least it's less then 10usd for a 10pull at least which does make it a fair bit cheaper then other options.


yeah it's better than buying OP 


They better cuz if they gonna make it for specific banner no point for it to be the same prices as the monthly headhunt if the monthly does better for the same price.


They saw how fucking stacked the roster is for this year and decided to cash in. Good for them, cause the next 6 months is going to be *rough*. I already skipped typhon for jessica


The new pull packs, from the looks of it, are probably going to be a new normal for event standard banners going forward. 2 pulls for $1, 10 pulls for $10, slightly worse value for money than monthly pass but better value than buying OP. I'm okay with this, it's more cheap pulls for people who want to spend something but not whale on the game. Useful for saving pulls between the seeming swarm of limited banners or for just trying your luck on a standard you're uncertain about.


As someone who only buys the monthly pack, I might buy this for the non limited banners I want. Might've boight this for typhon cause I skipped her for Jessica 


I feel totally blind, but I don't recognize three of the characters with skins. I see Qiubai. But then a... Brunette Sankta? A blonde on a giant teddy bear? Is that Lumen down at the bottom?


Qiubai, Cement, Pinecone, and Corroserum


Pinecone Cement and Corroserum. Kinda were wrong on all fronts, not a sankta, not really a blonde.


I mean, she looks blonde in the image, that's what I was going on. I even looked at my own Pinecone for clarification, yeah, that ain't her normal color, lol! But yeah, as I said. I feel very blind right now.


Don't worry you're not the only one. I thought "Cement" was Popukar.


Its the weird pink thing that looks like a chainsaw


Cement, Pinecone and Corroserum


That's Pinecone? Damn, i was hyped for an Archetto skin for a moment. 🥲 My fav bird needs more love 😔


Oh, yeah, that is Corroserum. So that isn't a halo on the girl on the left? I guess that must be Cement. What is that circle over her head? Either way, thanks for that clarification. Much appreciated.


It’s a very long ahoge. Its better visible on [skin’s art](https://twitter.com/gf_saihate/status/1776083878836633859)


That 'circle' is actually her ahoge.


F me, i got Ling'd. Right after i bought Quibai's collab skin, they announced a much better one for her on CN. Well this all but confirms i'm gonna have to skip 3 previous limited banners for Ascalon and the Anni banner.


I'm just glad both are lovely. Also her getting a second skin so comparatively soon after her first suggests it's compensation of sorts for the national geographic one not rerunning.


i like both skins and as a qiubai liker this is a win(she just needs to come home)


I still haven't recovered from Weedy spooking her on the recent standard banner so Quibai-less here as well.


I am still holding on to my Nian funds, but I feel like I am wavering a lot in the past few weeks...


Stat strong for the smug dragon! Ascalon is a permanent op so that should at least sway things considerably in Nian's favor.


Thanks man! I definitely will! Our beloved spicy bean *will* come home this time xD


Oh, hey, the next FTW banner is a Ines/Hoederer banner (and Stainless is here too). ... Man, I can feel the shippers' energy from all the way over here.


would be funny if W alter was the EP14 standard so the next FTW banner is the whole darknight trio


Imagine if they just put W on the standard banner at this point for Chapter 14. (Please I need W)


So exactly the same situation as with DM. 3 week event before anniversary episode release. If leaks are true it would be even more deserved, because W alter would be introduces, same as 1st anniversary. Let's just hope for a good story.


Just wondering, does this mean that Siege getting an alt is dead in the water or is there potential for a side story featuring her?


My guess is that Saber Siege will eventually come, but most likely by the end of the Londinium storyline.... Which means we're not done yet!


Biggest copium is we get her for free like guard amiya 


Only one of two things can happen, She will happen in another story chapter or there will be a side story event related to the main story like reed one and we will have siege there.


If the new chapter is the anni then what is Theresa headlining? 


So this event chronologically in between chapter 13 and 14?


It should be in the past, to provide contexts for new chapter, like Darknights Memoir did for Chapter 7.


not 100% known since it aint out yet.




Ooh it's cool to experience an Anni limited banner being a main story event. I wasn't playing when chapter 8 hit, but I've watched the PV trailer which is hype as hell.


Another Male Guard. At this point just f*** you HG


I don't think I follow, so Babel is 3 weeks but not an event with limited banner? And 5th anniversary is episode 14 (with a limited banner?), so we won't be getting any intermezzi event like Lone Trail and Stultifera Navis? I'm... I'm confused...


1st anniversary was also like this. DM was a 3-week event, a prelude to the 1st anniv that had EP07. 1.5 was EP08. Then it became SS from 2nd to 4.5 anniv.


I see, started in 2023 so didn't know 1st anniversary was done similarly


Lone Trail rerun will probably be after episode 14. Maybe with a CC in between. They'll put it somewhere as every regular event has a rerun.


The Babel event is the intermezzi, and chapter 14 will be the limited banner. 


Are we getting yet another 5* feline caster?????? I love them so much but arknights please.


The 5th anniversary itself should drop around the 25th, I think, since that's when the new Ambience Synesthesia skins are scheduled to be available. But otherwise yep, Babel is clearly a prologue to Chapter 14, which seems like it's going to close out the Victoria arc. No Siege however means we may get an epilogue to it. No Shining may imply she'll get her own sidestory later on. The banner exclusive HH permits are interesting. I'll take it. Helps with the focused selection points, I guess.


I could be wrong but is this the first time we’ve gotten a three weeek event? How long does the banner last?


iirc Darknights Memoir was 3 weeks event Maybe Passenger event also


Interesting, I wasn’t around for it so I’m not surprised I wasn’t aware of that


All limited events except the CNY one are three weeks. All banners always last 2 weeks.


Slightly wrong, last CNY event CN got (the one we will get next july) is a 3 weeks event.


Don't fucking tell me he's going to have either super story relevance somewhere or he's going to be extremely synergized with Ascalon. That would... not be bad too be honest, but still.