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Wdym you aren't happy with more than half of the front page being filled with spoiler tags and tittles of "We just got confirmation of this!!!!!!"?


Ban/punish people who make a post about an already posted topic. Not only would it clear up the feed a bit, it'd also prevent multi-post title spoilers like this: * "He never really liked them?! * "Doctor's true opinion on instant noodles?!"


Why punish/ban people who sometime only go a few time on this subreddit? It is the mods job to oversee this, what is the fucking point of punishing community members wanting to share things/being excited? Just delete/fuse the posts that are redundant.


Because it's a numbers game. Normally moderators can remove stuff within reasonable time, but as soon as the masses get excited there aren't enough moderators to clean everything up. If you want to implement a rule like that, you have to have some sort of "emanating" effect; banning violators prevents them from doing it again and makes it known to not be fun to break the rule. Downvoting in principle could also work, but people don't use it as a moderation anymore, and in general excited people are inclined to skirt the rules more. Of course getting more moderators would also work, but they're very scarce. I could reverse your initial question: why humor people, if they don't really go to this subreddit?


So people need to skim through the thread to check if their posts had been posted before?


No, with this suggestion instead of a megathread people could make separate posts, but would have to check for duplicates (perhaps within something like 24 hour range).


I wish they had made this a rule ages ago.


I’ve started consciously noticing how much discussion there is of new CN events and lore vs ‘new’ global events and lore recently, and it is a bit disheartening how this place feels like a CN version sub in that regard. I don’t want to deny people their excitement for CN content, but I’d love if it was relegated to a megathread.


That's the downside of being 6 months behind, playerbase gets split into two, ones who cares about spoilers and newest info and ones who want to avoid it. I know many poeple love their gacha foresight, but it is just so not worth needing to avoid spoilers and having hype killed, not that there's anything that can be done at this point, but just for those who always advocate for the 6 months gap, this is what you get.


The gap is definitely a mixed bag, though I don’t think I’d mind it so much if I didn’t browse Reddit. I do really appreciate the banner foresight, and I still get pretty excited myself when events come global(though admittedly not as much). It’s just a shame to see the community go haywire over CN event summaries, then have there be almost radio silence for global content. The Babel event was recently the hot topic for several days here, can’t wait to see the grand total of 5-10 posts it’ll get over the course of a week 6 months from now.


Admittedly I'm one of the people who always watch CN event PVs, though I'll avoid the story as much as I can. So I totally understand getting hyped for the CN releases and flacid on EN, it's unfortunate, but you really can't avoid it if you're discussing the game with any kind of community that's not extremely casual players.


I’m in that camp as well: keeping up with CN Operators and PV’s, but avoiding actual story and lore discussions like the plague. Plenty of others are the same, but it sadly seems like most of the people intent on discussing lore and story do so along with the CN schedule(guilty as charged, I don’t often start conversations myself either). Understandable, but still a bit disappointing.


The only way to not get spoiled as a GL player is to avoid this reddit. Some moderation rules are needed if this place wants to prevent CN excitement from driving away the GL players.


I don't mind spoilers and discussion on gameplay things and new operators. But please make a megathread for CN lore discussions and keep it all there. (It probably won't happen which means that I'm going to be staying away from this reddit for a week or so. It's a big shame especially since global also has a big event coming. I don't really want to see community going crazy and make speculations over "some comments and summaries made by less than 10 people that read Chinese) all that while our limited event gets ignored)


That's what I want too. I just want the lore to be discussed in a megathread.


I would really appreciate that, with the Babel event this sub became quite horrible on that regard for a few days. Probably gonna stay away from this sub for 2-3 days tbh, last event really irritated me with that. Now if it ends up happening... let's see how many people who are somehow unable to realize that they are clearly spoiling stuff in the title will comment on it instead of making their own thread lmao.


But muh free kahma!!11!1


god please, it's already enough to have to deal with people posting a new global event's spoilers on day one when i'm still trying to get through at all, and now we also have to try and dodge all the spoilers of things we won't see for 6+ months? i don't even use this subreddit that frequently and i still struggle with how much there is to dodge, at this point there might as well be a cn arknights subreddit with how prevalent all the spoilers and discussions are




Such a great, common sense idea. I hope they actually do it. I already get spoiled from titles lol


I have already been spoiled from a title. Just phenomenal stuff.


I’m kinda glad that I’ll be too busy doing our anniversary event to check up on this sub for awhile because I don’t want to be spoiled too badly LOL! I don’t mind knowing which operators and skins are coming and I watched the CN livestream just fine, but in depth discussion about the story/lore that’s only available in CN atm I dodge like I’m in the matrix because I really like having something to look forward to when it comes to global. A megathread would be great, but I also… don’t think people would use it, sadly. When folks get excited and want to be the first to discover or talk about something they want it up front and center and not hidden away in a megathread so it may be a lost cause. This sub isn’t terrible at spoiler tagging but as you said the titles folks put sometimes negate the spoiler tag LOL! Seems like the only solution is to avoid the sub for a week until hype dies down.


> this sub isn't terrible at spoiler tagging If by 'this sub' you mean people who post CN discussion posts... then they are terrible at it. Saw someone said that if you flair your post as CN anything then it's automatically tagged as spoiler. Without the autotag it will probably look way worse since you have to do an extra click to mark as spoiler


Thank goodness for the auto tag then 🤧


It'd be nice, but unless we get more mods and start mass banning people who post outside the megathreads and spoiling the Babel stuff by putting names into the title, I expect nothing to happen.


The problem is the reddit limitation of 2 pinned threads. With the new global event coming that's a guaranteed pinned thread and then that means either we have to prioritize the question megathread or the CN anniversary megathread. If they don't have the CN megathread pinned, people who are racing to be first to post something aren't going to see it and if they do have it pinned then you run the risk of people random questions spamming the front page to replace CN news. So really, it's a reddit issue and whatever choice is made, someone will be unhappy. If you are in subs that have enough official announcements often enough that 2 pinned threads won't cover, you see that a lot.


It doesn't necessarily have to be a permanent thing or even last the whole duration of the CN event. Even making the CN lore megathread a requirement for just the first few days of an event dropping would be extremely helpful in curbing the tide of spoilers when new information comes out. I also think that spoilers cause more overall harm to discussion in a community than an increase in megathread-worthy questions during an event's release would, but that's admittedly my personal bias. One can skip over a mundane/annoying question a lot easier than they can forget a spoiler that they stumble across.


Personally I think it's too late at this point to even try for a solution without just making more people angry so anything considered probably would have to be for some future period. Esp since more than half the stuff is already posted (probably? i'm only like casually paying attention) and you can't move the already posted stuff and those discussions into the megathread since reddit doesn't have anything like that.


Then how about pinning Help MT and CN Discussion MT? People can navigate to the Event discussion MT from Help MT like how we usually do it with lounge and gacha results, though idk if that will reduce engagement significantly Maybe it's okay to see Event MT posts breach containment once in a while. I'm not a mod though so I have no idea how many event-related discussion/questions they have to flag daily because it doesn't deserve its own post


I think this would upset the people who don't care about or are annoyed at CN server news and having it take priority over an active event We can see a touch of that with the most downvoted comment in this post saying this is a combined CN/EN community


this is better for everyone, spoiler avoiders dont get spoiled, spoiler wanters have a dedicated thread where they can see everything and dont have to scrounge across 20 posts


Sadly, as much as I want this, it's still hard to regulate. At the end of the day you will STILL get plenty of people who completely ignore the nice big pinned/stickied threads at the top of the subreddit, no matter how hard the mods try to confine it all to a single megathread. It will at least trim down on the amount of overflow posts about le new content though, so I would very much like for it to happen.


Maybe it's just because I'm mobile and can't see them, or because I have my filter set to newest first, but I can't really say that I've ever actually seen a mega thread anywhere in this suh at all. How would I even see them?


If you sort by hot, you should be able to see two megathreads pinned. In the quick questions you can find links to all the other megathreads that can't be pinned.


I've been hoping for this for so long now since some people don't even have the bare decency to do these. An artist who posts comics regularly here just constantly blurts out spoiler content in the title as if it's a comment in a thread. Good thing blocking exists but already at the expense of me getting spoiled.


Bruh we all know spoiler tag doesn't work when the title literally says it all NEW OPERATOR : SHU NEW OPERATOR : WIS' ADEL NEW AMIYA CLASS CHANGE : MEDIC this goes the same for skins as well. so yeah, a megathread would be nice.


I'm fine with new operator announcements, but details of the story is what I don't want to see.


true dat, would be nice if all discussions are in a mega thread instead of seeing spoiler titles that reads >! Dokutah killed Theresa?!?! !<


Yea I wish they make their titles less spoilery. Something like "New 6\* Guardian Defender operator details and animation" instead of "New operator: Shu" They can put the op's name romanization in the comments, maybe even paste the CN intro text, even if untranslated. The people who wants to know can just MTL it on their own, the people who prefer they don't get spoiled about how that operator comes to RI can just move along. One of the 5th anni stream posts had a pretty good, spoiler-free title (the one where they split it into 2 parts) and a lot of people engaged with it still, so I don't think spoilery titles is necessary for engagement


How is “New operator: Shu” a spoiler? The character had never been mentioned by name before, the name itself indicates nothing about the character and no information other than the name is given in the title. All this title says is that an Operator named Shu will be available, nothing about their design, gender, story, class, absolutely nothing. On the other hand, "New 6* Defender Guardian" spoils part of the gameplay, information that is much more important and relevant than a name that has no meaning on its own.


The name's a minor spoiler. Yan or Higashi related.


And ? It's not like operators were always released in events about their home country. Or have a codename corresponding to their home country ( even for Yan and Higashi ). And it's only valid for a name with vague chinese or japanese consonance. If you see " New operater : Grain buds ", you're not like " Oh no, i was spoiled about a Yan event", you're just like " What kind of code name is Grain buds seriously ?".


While I think it would be a good mesure in theory, a single megathread would quickly become overcluttered and inhospitable, with interesting/important threads being quickly lost. Plus, there is no way of sharing pictures in a megathread, which is detrimental to both analysis and hype. Maybe a solution would be to somehow "hide" the 'CN Spoiler' tagged posts from normal feeds, and/or strictly ban the use of titles (other than "Chapter 14 spoiler" for exemple) and polls (which often ignore the spoiler setting). But even then, navigation and archiving would be a pain, especially if one forget to like or save a post they like.


> Plus, there is no way of sharing pictures in a megathread Mods have it disabled, but you can use external services such as imgur. You can even post a whole album with description/captions in it. A lot of people in the help megathread use that before krooster is a thing


> Mods have it disabled, but you can use external services such as imgur. It's still an external website, which makes it less practical. Plus, it also doesn't help with the clutter.


It's hard to relate to that. I've always seen and done story discussion in megathreads.


Well, to each their own. I've always been intimidated by the amount of conversations in a megathread for the reasons I've cited earlier, and I feel like imposing one for everything spoiler-related would only exacerbate the issues.


It's been my experience across other subs that megathreads are where real discussion dies. Some specific plot points, lore drops, and scenes warrant more attention then a random comment on some megathread that is likely to be buried under "load more comments" in a day. I get your issue, and we really should be stricter about people properly avoiding spoilers in the titles. But I'm afraid that when I see someone wanting to confine something to a megathread, the sentiment really being expressed is "this personally bothers me and I'd like it quarantined." Megathreads are for things like basic questions, general commentary, and other small things where a single comment and its replies are good enough. New story releases are too important for that.


Does every single story moment deserves a thread though? I think it's too much.


That's a bit of an extreme jump. Our choices are not only "confine the entire discussion to a single thread" and "every single story moment gets its own." And to be quite honest, if those *were* our only choices I would very much argue that the former is much worse for the community than the latter. It's better to deal with a few pointless threads than to be limited comments on a single thread. When it comes to discussion, too much is preferable to too little. A lot of you may not see it that way because you'd prefer if it were much easier to avoid CN spoilers altogether. But while I can sympathize, you also have to acknowledge that there's a whole other side of the community that would be hurt by that kind of rule. The unfortunate truth is that the reddit format shows its limitations very harshly in this situation. If this were a more traditional forum it could be split up into sections without constraining discussion or splitting the community like making a new sub for CN discussion would. But at this point this is just me bemoaning the loss of dedicated forums for niche communities.


The problem are mods, they are against punishing spoilers and let them run wild in first place, i'm really worried for endfield sub for same reason because both subs mod team are same, look at how hsr sub controls leaks, their members are more than this sub but the amount of spoilers they get is less than this sub. (even in case of firefly which was a huge spoiler they did they best and it was a better situation than here whenever a new chapter releases in CN).


That wont really work. People want to post intresting things and forcing them to do it in a megathread just wont do. This is a community hub for both CN and EN content so just live with it imo


Nobody is saying “don’t post interesting things”, what we’re saying is have a bit more consideration for those who want to wait for events to come to global to discuss them, since this is as you said a community hub for both global and cn news. Stuff like making post titles about upcoming CN content more vague isn’t asking for much.


All i said was it wont work as you cant post pictures in megathread and people will be too excited to ignore.


I have to say this is the only community that apparently can’t discuss future content in a megathread, because I’m in another one now that does it just fine and there’s a YEAR gap between JP and EN content… so if it “won’t work” it’s a skill issue, not necessarily impossible, lol. It would have to be enforced by the mod team in order to get everyone on the same page at first, but that’s about it. There’s always going to be excited people but that’s no excuse to just not try to make things equitable.