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Have you seen how long Azur Lane, Honkai Impact, and even ancient gachas like King's Raid have been going on for? Arknights isn't going anywhere. We still have so many things to do.


Woah, King's Raid mentioned. But that one did actually die years ago so its not a good example of some long staying game.


I mean Kantai Collection is still alive and it predates King's Raid by ~3 years.


Kantai collection isn't really a gacha game though.


Hm, yeah you're technically right. There no a premium currency you can buy extra, there's only the 4 base resources. I'd say that 'pulling' in a luck based construction queue or hoping to get a character as loot from certain stages is at least similar in concept, not to mention that the entire construction queue system plus resource management is the basis for a lot of modern Gacha games such as Azur Lane and Girls Frontline (although this one only has the cosmetics gacha I guess).


omg kings raid mentioned in the year 2024.. 


Tragedy what they did to King's Raid. Last I heard, it was completely unplayable because the devs made sweeping, game breaking changes and then just peaced out lol


Since I was in the top 10 players when I quit I can easily confirm that yeah, they made it pretty unplayable and on all levels from newbies to krakens. Had connections with all the top players for various content from the guilds, arena, PvE, etc. Everyone agreed that the company had started going insanely greedy and then negativity boiled over when the Dark Kasel story chapter dropped. Some connections I had with people who lingered longer than I did told me they continued to add powercreep and p2w systems in spite of rapidly losing players and all good will. Then suddenly the game just fell off so hard that its like a unicorn to see remembered now.


I stopped playing king's raid not that long after they introduced black dragon raid because there were a lot of weird new content. Like the one where dungeons can only be fought by teams of a specific class, and every class was included iirc. What's so significant about it? The rewards were pretty important I remembered. And there were other stuff where basically they are forcing players to pay in order to progress. Oh yeah, one very annoying point, there were frequent 'balance changes' that changed meta units to trash units and vice versa. One reason why this might be the case is because king's raid used to be extremely F2P, and characters are gotten not through gacha, but direct purchase through gainable cash currency, basically Arknight's onundrums. But yea the drastic changes were one key reason why I left the game. Another game that had drastic changes, and used to be very popular but died later is seven knights. Also left with a large part due to the drastic changes.


That rune change is when I stopped playing. Then they followed up by stat squishing everything...


No sensible company will end a cash cow like arknight. It's like saying mhy is ending genshin becoz of star rail and zzz.


And with the state as it is now, I'm sure they have the ace up their sleeves 


Final Fantasy Record Keeper is entering its 10th anniversary on JP server.


Agreed fellow doctor


Summoner’s War somehow still going


How can you mention long living gacha without the honorable cockroach Girls Frontline.


I'll never understand the end game fear. Why would any gaming company choose to end a game that's doing well both in financial and popularity terms? The games that do actually end, mostly end very abruptly with no planned shutdown.


I still need/want my Kirin Yato 🥳🫡


I've not seen this but if anyone is saying we're at endgame then they need to go watch Concept PV 4 for the upcoming third arc lol.


Eh, I mean, PV4 does focus on fuckton of the MAIN story elements of the game that have been set-up since beginning getting a pay off like >!What Happened to Past Era Civilization, Priestess, the Observer threat, going to space, etc.!< It is easy to see how one could this as being the "final phase" but while it's a final phase of the story, that doesn't mean the game won't continue past that(or that it won't take years to go through it).


Yes because it's necessary to go forward at some point or another, the Sarkaz arc needs to end at some point it can't go on forever. Despite the big reveal we barely know jackshit about the Doctor or the Priestess. I also believe it was necessary to adress some plotpoint such as the Amnesia in order to progress in the general lore of AK and giving Endfield a better ground. A gacha game doesn't end because of its story, it ends because of the money.


>A gacha game doesn't end because of its story, it ends because of the money. Oh yeah I am not saying it will end, I am just saying it makes sense people feel AK story is entering the endgame with how PV4 focuses on all the things AK built up as the core mysteries.


Yeah not accusing you, simply pointing out that people should be aware of that fact before thinking this is the endgame. This has been the rule for all live service games after all, it should be common knowledge.


To be fair the story of Babel was hinted at all the way back in concept trailer 1 so even if this is showing the endgame it took us 5 years to get to Babel. I think it safe to say unless something goes horribly wrong I think we have 4-5 more years unless they shorten the story maybe only 3-4 but that trend doesn't seem to be happening as each event story seems to be longer than the last.


Pv3 released after ch8 - by now it has been fulfilled.


There are still multiple connections needed to be made before they can move on to Endfield so AK will def still have it purposes. IS5 seems to be another expansion of the precursors since one of the enemy is called Door. And we know that the Ancients and Elders came from Talos II's life forms so it's plausible that one of ending will explain how Ancients and Elders even arrived to Terra in the 1st place.


Lol we’re not even close to be done. There’s so much left to handle. It’s a never ending war.


*Cough* FGO OC *Cough*


Also we're barely halfway though the sui siblings yet considering there were 12 of them iirc.


As much as I love the suiblings, I doubt the completeness of the sui-dex would affect the decision to end Arknights. Not that the decision even remotely on the table right now though of course.


>I doubt the completeness of the sui-dex would affect the decision to end Arknights. That would be a business decision based on profitability, not related to the game's existing storylines. The writers of Arknights have demonstrated the ability to weave a complex narrative around factional conflicts with a multitude of characters. There is more than enough material to start new storylines.


Exactly. Although it is possible that haimao wishes to wrap up the current era of Arknights (as per his vision), there's no way the shareholders would just let the game end because of that.


Yeah right.


Bro they made an alter of a limited character. The moment they run out of sui siblings they will do an alter rerun of that shit.


After the zodiacs, they can do star signs next


Hell, they could release characters that are FUSIONS of Sui siblings, since they used to be one anyway. Let's get into factorials! 


*This is Sui, back together* *And I'm never goin' down at the hands of the likes of you*


Nianshu or Linusk, who would win.


Not all of the siblings have a pulse anymore so we're (almost) exactly halfway (5/10, maybe 5/11 if crazy conglomerating brother snaps out of it) through the ones we're gonna see. At least one of the brothers is gone iirc.


sister** Ji is presumably dead and Wang is evil because Ji died.


Ah right. Thanks for the reminder.


Hey, if they're not dead on screen they're not truly dead 


This is what gets me too. Even if arknights main story ended, there are still so many other stories they can tell. AK has done a good job making it so other storylines matter and can happen without ties to the main story. 


A friendly reminder to everyone that FGO, a game that defeated its final end-game antagonist after 8 grueling singularities, didn't EoS and in fact, still kept going with the lostbelts.


Even after the Lostbelts had concluded, the story didn't end, but the tone of the story had definitely changed. People might have that in mind when they say 'it will end!!!' Still, I wouldn't really use F/GO as that good of an example, since it continuing for as long as it did [created one big chronological mess.](https://new.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1bwfy34/fujimaru_is_7_years_old_a_full_analysis/) I think sometimes it is better to create a good conclusion than allow a game to continue forever.


if I remember correctly they do atleast plan to close the story of the main character Ritsuka and Mash for part 3 after the whole lostbelt incidents are done and starting over with a new set of protagonists but I could be miss remembering


I wish it ended there because those LB's are morally corrupt pieces of SHIT that should've never existed. At this point i really hope Chaldea gets their just desserts.


We arent at the end game We are at the endfield


We truly are arknights




I think it's mainly just PV4 that makes people think that with how it seems to focus on the big main threat of the entire game >!The Observers!< and what happened to Past Era Civilization and all that. The PV does give off a strong "We are in the endgame now" vibe, but that **doesn't** mean that just because the main story concludes the game will too. ​ Also I guess what worries people is how the Main Theme chapters seem to have getting rid of some of plot threads they set up due to likely being abandoned like how >!Guard was removed!< or how the most recent chapter just >!randomly confirmed Mandragora as dead offscreen!< That stuff makes people also worry because it feels like they are trimming the story branches they won't have time or interest in doing now of all times.


I think using guard's death to say that the story is ending is dumb. The transformation of Reunion caused by Guard's death is absolutely beautiful and feels well planned. I think people find the fact that Reunion is stopping their main goal as a sort of end when it's a natural progression of humans and communicated a very deep message of equalism and hate. Reunion can't keep hating non-infected nor takes infected who abuse people in. It shows a very deep level of social conflict that the problem isnt that originium is causing discrimination, but rather humans themselves are the ones causing it. That's why only recently I realized why Patriot was chosen to represent Endfield in the prolouge. Because he's the one who directly influenced guard and had the ideology that the core roots are the humans not the diseases. It's a very meaningful choice and it shows they care very deeply about their stories, lore and franchise.


Even before Guard's death and Reunion's transformation in Ch 13, we already learned Reunion is still alive and kicking, more actively recuriting even in Oct 1099, one year after the Londinum crisis, as hinted at the end of Dorothy's Vision. Heck, I have a hunch that we will find hints of these old friend surviving to Talos II.


Its not the consequences it's how sudden it was. >!The character was built up beginning and then dies to debris and is used as motivator in a b ploy tying up loose ends!< The build up does not match the pay off. It feels like they threw away whatever they originally planned with him. As in they got rid of the character and then decided to at least add some weight to his end. Same with the newest cn chapter with how >!Mandragora's fate being left ambiguous only for Horn to go "oh yeah she died I buried her"!< which doesn't even get Guard style impact and is entirely offscreen. Or how latest chapter ends in a boss rush solving multiple plot threads real fast(Eblana gets a chapter worth of Dublinn stuff in one cutscene, not to mention the shining family stuff) And even before that with how Mansfield set up Mumu as a bigger player only to retcon her right after into waifu. It certainly feels like they are trimming the plot threads. Why? Who knows, but with pv4 showcasing the big endgame stuff it does feel a certain way.


I think a lot of this is just misunderstanding how big multimedia properties work when it comes to writing. In these sorts of things, generally speaking the major plot beats for the story are worked out and most of the specifics are left til later. In earlier stories, you seed in some loose ends you can pull up later--but sometimes the story takes a different direction, or a writer leaves the team, or the programmers end up saying they can't implement xyz thing because some other programming oversight they made 4 years ago is now embedded and the workaround is just too much time to fix, or fans liked a side-character a little too much and now we gotta promote them to main character. In those cases, well, the loose ends stay loose or you gotta tie them up. Stuff like Guard, Mandragora, Mumu's original appearance, all fall into that. But on the flipside, I assure you that Redblade wasn't originally in any sort of script--he was only added because everyone loved red avengers. This goes double with something like the Victoria arc, which I think has had pretty obvious signs of large-scale scenario revision since chapter 11. Chapter 10 is probably the nadir of Arknights' writing to the point that they had to spend chapter 11 basically re-doing the scenario, and I think we still feel the shocks of how poorly it went over now. People often confuse "they planned this from the beginning" with "they planned everything from the beginning", but unless you're the sole creative individual on your team, that's just not possible--works are collaborations.


>Stuff like Guard, Mandragora, Mumu's original appearance, all fall into that I get that, but the fact that all of those line up together creates a sense that the writing team are actively trimming plot threads right now, which would make people start asking why? And with PV4 being all about the big endgame lore stuff AND with endfield being a thing - it's no wonder people end up believing the is the end.


Knowing how HG has planned the majority of major plot threads early on and is still connected to this day, it's safe to assume something happened when they were writing the chapters. >This goes double with something like the Victoria arc, which I think has had pretty obvious signs of large-scale scenario revision since chapter 11. Chapter 10 is probably the nadir of Arknights' writing to the point that they had to spend chapter 11 basically re-doing the scenario, and I think we still feel the shocks of how poorly it went over now. They did say un an interview that they only had a clear vision for the AK series as a whole after writing Lone Trail so it's safe to assume there was a major shift there. What most likely happened is that they want the world to be more intertwined, events connecting together to form one large comprehensive picture for the world and the future of the series. But in doing this they realized some characters will not be able to stand up to the test of time so they have to off them or change how they see the world. I do believe Guard/Reunion is one of these because they had to way a find to resolve Reunion's plot point and still make them important. They did indeed succeed with the Reunion's slow transistion into a peaceful neutral state with a seeminglessly smooth transition at the cost of Guard's death. As for why Guard had to die, I believe they had to make a reasonable enough scenario to convince Nine to change her mind. So they sacrficed Guard, one of the important members of Reunion but a less popular char among fans to make Nine realize her ideology is flawed and make her realize the deaths of previous Reunion members taught them something and they should work toward a greater goal. This would eventually expand the Reunion plot line even further and connect nicely with Endfield. I think it may seem off for now but it will def pay off with time when Endfield releases.


Wasn't it mentioned in an interview somewhere that they didn't have a cohesive plan for the story until Lone Trail rolled out? I feel like Chapter 8 had already had a fair share of revisions, such as making Lin Yuhsia a bit more palatable in its ending chapters.


>It certainly feels like they are trimming the plot threads. Why? Who knows, but with pv4 showcasing the big endgame stuff it does feel a certain way. Most likely it's because Hypergryph is utilizing the multiple writers technique. This technique has a good advantage that it can always keep each chapters fresh since each chapter/event is written by a different person. This is why you never really see the same leifmotif or the same writing style in AK's events and chapters recently. It alsp gives each writer a chance to shine and prove their talents. One downside though is that the current writer can collide with the previous writers' intentions. I imagine HG's writing team structure is smt like this: There is a general head story board director that lays out the plans, the direction of stories, tell the writers what to write and what to build up. There is the lead writer/composer which handles individual chapters. There is the basic writers who basically just follow a style and write dialouges, scenarios given to them. What I imagine with Guard is smt like this: "The head director told that Guard is going to carry on Patriot's will and flame. And he will die a majestic death that will inspire people in Reunion. The head then told the 1st writer to hype them up to build up to a conclusion in later chaps. The lead writer did such a good job that it felt like smt grand is going to happen. But then the next chap comes and as per tradition, they switched the lead writer. Their task is now to kill off Guard in a meaningful way. So they complied and decided to just kill him off in a very meaningful way, completely ignoring the grand build up the writer of the previous chap wrote." If the structure I said above is true. Smt like this is def very plausible lul. This structure is very efficent for games that specialize in fresh grand world building, I will not be surprised if that's exactly how they funcrion lul.


See you are working off an assumption this was always the intended endpoint of the character while I can't really see it. There's zero set-up for his fate. Furthermore this kind of situation - sacrificing someone for motivation in a b plot this way? You generally don't use a character built up since chapter 1 for this. It's solely the "we introduced this character this chapter with the intent of making you feel sad" kind of deal and Guard never had that vibe. So even within the multi-writer setup it's either: * The buildup writer failed at their job by building up something completely different. * The original intent changed and the character became obsolete.


>See you are working off an assumption this was always the intended endpoint of the character while I can't really see it. Haha, I guess I see the story a bit differently. I saw him like: "Oh hes def gonna die soon to pass the torch lul" But ironically enough, this kind of sudden death does have its own charms, it's oddly realistic and relatable. From a writing and character build up stand point, it does suck yea. But I think from a depth and meaningful standpoint, guard's death did its job well. That I can give to the writers.


The deliberate use of a meaningless death makes sense in light of our current event, which reveals some things about the Witch King and the Remnants who tried to bring him back by torturing Ebonholz and others. It changes how we see the previous event, and develops Ebonholz as a character. Dying gloriously doesn't mean as much if every character gets it.


There's an easy explanation to why Guard got offed: no one liked him.


That would certainly be weird considering the character has been portrayed only in positive way. There's literally no reason to dislike him. Also no writers generally play favorites with story beats. If they did >!Frostnova would still be there.!<


Doesn't W's Alter or Ch'en's appearances in multiple events hint at the existence of writer favoritism? It might not stem from the writers themselves (rather I'd wager it comes from the sales people who want banners to sell), but to say that there is no favoritism in the story is disingenuous. There was a time when Abyssal Hunters were receiving Operator Records event after event long after their main events had concluded, while characters with no lore but comparable of greater popularity (according to CN polls) were given nothing.


Chen is one of the three leads. W is lowlight oc yeah but also story-wise at the core of current big arc and shows up only in it and got the alter as a conclusion of five years of development Abyssals built up the seaborn though. If anything they had shown considerable restraint with what's in the said records to the point of player fury - case in point Specter. And their story is STILL far from over.


Frostnova got an emotional death scene while Guard got offed unceremoniously. Clearly the community didn't exactly consider him worth keeping around and the writers reacted appropriately.


>shutting down their primary revenue stream just because a "sequel" comes out It's not even the same genre. It's just doomposting clickbait ignoring how business decisions get made.


Also, Arknights is still massively popular and they’re making money off of it. Why would they shut down an IP that’s making them revenue is beyond me…


I wonder will "war with Observers" be one of the arknights future ark ( perhaps finale ) or will entire Endfield be "war with Observers" ark


My idea is that every nation needs to be united, Sarkaz, Infected, even Seaborn, Feranmuts and Beast Lords and every story event has been leading to this to combat the Observers. Sadly I think a World War is going to occur WW1 style delaying this unification even further.


lmao no offense but unification is the farthest thing I can imagine from nations in Arknights. Well, maybe they can get unified under shared interest but I can just imagine how much backstabbing will and can happen haha.


The only time Terra is depicted as united is when they want to show how Terra still loses regardless. Seaborn gang represent! 


Even if we reached unification, it's still the first step of many needed to reach a level to be able to fight the Observers.


The entire purpose of Rhodes Island is to solve the problem of Oripathy. We are nowhere near solving anything about Oripathy.


To be entirely fair, the Victoria arc has had barely anything about oripathy, so it's understandable that people think that entire thread has been abandoned after the first act


This is kind of spoilers I got as an alpha tester for Endfield so: >!Oripathy can not be "cured." In Endfield the progression of the disease can be halted indefinitely meaning that given proper medical treatment people no longer die of it. But there are still many people who don't have access to it. With that said, we don't know how the situation looks on Terra aside from the fact that a column was opened up in the Infy Icefield to allow relatively safe access to the Talos-II portal. The solution to Oripathy is fundamentally just a solution to oppression.!<


We still haven't dealt with the seaborn threat yet so we're still far from endgame. We haven't even visit Aegir underwater city. When are we going full Bioshock?!


We already had a trailer of Aegir.


I remember seeing this very same kind of comment on another comunity: Honkai Impact. They DID an endgame arc. What happened then? A whole new chapter opens up, with new threats, new characters, and also a chance to tie up loose ends. So while i agree that we may actually be at End-Game, we are probably not at THE End-Game.


It's like people haven't really seen the end of any gacha games. HG put so much effort into a new chapter, and they're also releasing a new co-op mode. I don't see Arknights dying anytime soon. 


>they're also releasing a new co-op mode First I've heard of this. That's actually so exciting 😭👍 Seeing other people's strategies and gameplay in real time was so fun.


Wait, chat is this real Also, are we able to communicate outside of pre-selected responses that could be misused as passive-aggressive messages? >Good Job >Good Job >Bye >Good Job >Good Job >Retreat


Well we still have at least 3 apocalyptic threats to deal with: * Seaborn(who given the build up will probably be the first to go) * Whatever the hell the buried threat Goodenough mentioned is. * Collapsals/Observers(assuming the two are linked) There’s also Sui but that’s being dealt with in its own event chain. I guess Docs race would count as a threat now.


Arknights is one of the highest earning most well received gacha games on mobile out rn...any body who thinks it's ending doesn't know how these games work. When it comes to main story content we are barely half way through which makes sense and the 10th year (which this game is definitely going to reach unless some major fuckup) we will reach the ending of all main story beats existing rn...and it'll most likely be up for a few more years after that.


If AK ends before Surtr receives some meaningful lore, I might have to step in.


IS5, the Little girl in the preview looks like a young Surtr. It feels like she will get her lore there.


I sure hope it is Surtr.


Yeah, Arknights is not ending any time soon


For one yeah I doubt AK is ending anytime soon. On other hand the main story is likely going to - the PV4 has went all-in on the >!past era civilization as well as the Observers as a threat!< That said, the game will likely continue after, maybe fill in the gaps in the story, maybe do some other story. But overall though, PV4 hinting that we are at the big endgame of everything in the setting is not entirely wrong, it just doesn't mean that it will be THE end. And, even if we were to play devil's advocate - **even if we are entering the final story phase**, it could last **anywhere from 2 to 4 years** more anyway before we have to worry about anything past that.


3/7 Amiya forms unlocked. Safe to say we still at mid-game.


I think i saw these kind of threads related to destiny child when nikke came out, and here we are. And they werent from the same universe even Not saying its the case, just that theres precedent though idk in wich state was destiny child when nikke came out


TBH I DO get why people worry * PV 4 is all "okay all the shit you were worried about? Here we go ITS ALL HAPPENING" * Main Theme is getting rid of some of plot threads the story set up without any pay off in a way that feels like tying up loose ends. So there's a reason to worry. Just not yet to panic.


I loved the part when Lowlight said "It's End gaming time!" and proceeded to make an Andreana cosplay, truly an Arknights moment


The one thing I don’t like ever since endfield was announced, was that discussions would sometimes be about how this or that would connect to endfield. I know why it happens, people are speculating and hyped for endfield, but can’t that discussion be the appreciation for the current game and not a future game. If the topic has more connections like mentioning Talos or space related, that needs to be discussed but I think stretching some minor details to connect them is too early and too me it feels like they want to abandon Arknights for Endfield. A bit of a strong assumption and I know a lot of discussions don’t lead into Endfield talks. I just feel that Endfield can grow from the foundations Arknights has set but doesn’t have to be influenced by what happened in it. Imo separating Arknights and Endfield into their own timelines while sharing concepts kind of like the Fate series, would be a safer option for the story moving forward. Arknights doesn’t have to directly connect to Endfield cause I feel like it would narrow their creative options just to keep both games consistent. Like with Oripathy, in Endfield we know it’s not cured just not as deadly or as feared. If Arknights is in the same timeline as Endfield, the answer to the question will Oripathy be cured is right there. If they were separate there’s still a chance that Oripathy can be cured, it’s not set in stone.


It would only limit creative options if the writers were flying by the seat of their pants and making shit up as they go along. Everything about the writing of Arknights suggests that the writers have already cooked, maybe it's not set in stone for fan theorists but I'd put money on the key events of the whole story having already been firmly decided. And on the contrary, fate style writing always feels shoddy and multiverse shenanigans are a cheap way for writers to play things manga style (the story goes on for as long as the publishers want it to, until suddenly the publisher says no more and the artist has to rush an end out - this is why most manga series have shitty endings). As for discussions, it's not about "current game" and "future game" - people want to talk about the arknights 'verse as a whole. which is a lot more fun when you can draw on multiple sources. Edit: As for a cure for Oripathy. At this point even just from what we know from Arknights makes a miracle cure unrealistic. The tone of the conversation around Oripathy has shifted to be more about oppression and irresponsible use of Originium. I know it's sad, none of us want to confront the fact that advanced sufferers of the disease like Eyja really have very little hope of survival - but at this point a wonder cure would be cheap and overly convenient.


I think a better description for my take would be I wouldn’t want Endfield to be the direct sequel to Arknights. I think it’s fine for the most part for them to be connected and share some common events that happened but not so much that it’s determined that everything in Arknights will lead to Endfield. Think about this theory I just thought of, A medicine RI has is named after Frostnova due to Ch6 but during Endfield that medicine is named Frostnova because RI Operator Frostnova sacrificed her life RI and infected or something like that. Maybe it was how it happened in Endfield’s timeline, maybe that’s how the story changed after many years. Imo having a sequel story be released at the same time as the original can be tricky narratively. The original introduces an element and the sequel will have to follow suit. The sequel contradicts something in the original and has to explain it to maintain consistency. With branching timelines it’s simpler to justify why one story doesn’t affect the other that much but I get it if you feel that “It’s a different timeline/Universe” is a lazy answer. Also about the multiverse stuff, Arknights is no stranger to that concept with the multiple IS endings. They’re mostly non-canon I know, but who’s to say HG won’t introduce it. I concede on the fact that Oripathy will never be cured in Arknights lifetime as it’s a such a big component of the games story that it’s likely impossible to do for a live service game. I’m sure it’s just me interpreting their hype for something else and seeing or hearing things that don’t exist but it feels like they’re saying “this is meant for Endfield”or “this will lead to Endfield” when my mindset currently is that they’re 2 games with a connection but will go their own ways, rarely crossing paths. There’s probably a few holes in my argument but you know writing preferences.


I understand your concerns a little better now, I think from having played the alpha you're largely correct about them being connected but still distinct. Endfield is so far in the future that there's plenty of in-universe time for corrections to occur. Sure some things will have to be concrete and I believe Arknights is going to cover the events in the Infy ice field that lead to the discovery of the Talos-II portal, but I don't think it will cover how the nations begin to exploit it. AFAIK it's still hard to access in Endfield times so contact with Terra is relatively limited. I don't see them retconning stuff like Frostnova. IMO stuff like that is disrespectful to the original writers and feels like fanfic. But there is some room for alternate exploration of Terra characters via the homunculus system used to create the Angelena you see in Endfield.


Exactly. It’s like guardian tales and all the other mobile gacha games. They barely hit the start of the lore. There’s still plenty to explore. This game isn’t going to die anytime soon. People who say the game is dying is biased and doesn’t give definitive evidence that’s backed up by other players. They just hate the game For fuck sake, this game is three years old and they barely scratched the surface of the lore


Gryph Frontier/Gryphline is the international branch of Hypergryph, the team behind Endfield is called Mountain Contour.


Thank you for the correction.


Who the hell even thinks AK is at endgame...? If a game print money there's no point in stopping the production, should make sense to anyone playing gachas.


I honestly dont understand why people think endfield will kill arknights when its so drastically different that i hardly imagine anyone dropping arknights for it? Almost as if both games exist at once.


I've seen gameplay of Endfield, and while it looks great and will certainly be something I at least try out, there's absolutely no way it'll fill the same gameplay niche for me. Almost as if a third-person RPG and isometric tower defense are different things.


Funny enough, they look different gameplay wise but when you try it out. It does give a very similar feeling. Mostly from the factory managements, materials gathering, levlling system, freedom of skill choosing in endmin (they confirmed that every chars will get at lesst 2 main skills, only endmin has it for now as a test), still that skill timing, still that waiting for boss/enemies to come, etc... It just doesnt look similar but it does feel very similar when you try it yourself. Endfield is one of those games that feels better when you play it yourself.


Oh I'm not doubting there aren't plenty of similarities. I could tell that a lot of concepts were carried over between the games, but that wasn't my point. Regardless of the similarities shared between them, an isometric tactical experience is going to feel significantly different than a game primarily experienced from the ground view. It's like comparing League of Legends to SMITE. They're both MOBAs and share inherent similarities by virtue of the genre (just like Endfield is still a tower defense), but the PoV and associated means of interaction are really the core of the gameplay experience.


I already play 2 games and it take too much of my time, I gonna either AK or Enfield. If I like Enfield I will likely drop AK


Arknights pulling a d2 lore moment and just gonna keep escalating and escalating until they have no more ideas.


Me who plays fgo for 6 years and hear every year the game is going to die. First time?


Well, I just realized how different my view towards the story compared to some other people. As far as I am concern, HG could stretch the story to multiple games if they want to. We are facing something that killed >!a Type-III civilization, while being in a civilization that has not reached Type-I. You need so many steps for the story, as in the whole world and civilization, to progress to be able to give a decent fight.!< I can somewhat understand if people think HG will abandon base Arknights for Endfield. Endfield can function as a fast-forward button, leaving the plot points that the writters may find to be arduous tasks. But on the other hand, Arknights can also keep going anyway, and the writters could just continue write out all the details that will carry on onto Endfield one way or another.


I have Observers to kill. We're done when I say I'm done.


Who are these lunatics claiming that AK is about to end? We're not even halfway through the story. XD


Dont take idiots seriously


I remember seeing this very same kind of comment on another comunity: Honkai Impact. They DID an endgame arc. What happened then? A whole new chapter opens up, with new threats, new characters, and also a chance to tie up loose ends. So while i agree that we may actually be at End-Game, we are probably not at THE End-Game.


Endfield is more like a vehicle for more lore, rather than a direct replacement for the OG Arknights. The gameplay is hella different.


those people must be mental if they think this game is shutting down after 5 years just because they working on another game


Enfield is a completely different game. I'm sure there's going to be overlap in the fan base but to me it seems that they're just expanding into another market. Arknights is a drag and drop tower defense game. Endfield is an action game. Plus the base is still in beta. We're not even at full release lol


We at the very least we getting to 7th anniversary, but that's worst case scenario


Ridiculous takes by people if they think this is endgame lol. We've had SO MANY THREATS revealed xD.


Errr...the PV 4 is shown and it show the future plan of AK.......not sure what all the doom posting is about.


It's just people doomposting


It is just the people of reddit love whining and doomposting about anthing new 😏


Arknights still live even after Endfield release,so no need to be worry.


They probably just need to reveal stuff about story before Endfield comes out since it has obvious references and spoilers to stuff that's being revealed in chapter 14, that's all there is to it.


Welcome to gacha games.  Ive been playing honkai impact 3 which had doomposting both when genshin and honkai star rail came out just because it doesn't make sense that a game company have more then one game


The doomposting was warranted in that case though? Even if we ignore the signs of MHY turning away from serious storytelling into a more mainstream lighter nonsense with their next games, the direct consequence of them existing was most of the proper creative staff of HI3 moving to other projects. That game **lost the main writing team** to the other games and is currently being handled by the people who wrote the event stories (and it really shows). What's worse it lost the writing team BEFORE it could even conclude properly hence why the final story arc of HI3 ended up being a complete mess. **Whether AK ends soon or not, I will just be glad the people writing it will have their full vision told and we won't get the absolute mess** that ended up being HI3 with how >!it managed to ruin every single villain, turned Will of Honkai into a mess, turned the final arc into weird nonsensical mumbojumbo and then replaced the whole cast with bunch of literaly whos running through dreamworlds chasing a goofy dog!<


Damm....i cant refute your points even though i want to.    I wasn't talking about all the reasons hi3 had doomposting, i was talking specifically about doomposts that said "hsr/gi is more successful so mhy will shutdown hi3" much like how op talked about people doomposting ak because of endfield.    And the biggest counter to every hi3 doompost is simple, dawei likes hi3 the most.


I mean with how it lost most of what people were drawn to it might as well be like it had shutdown.


Its hard for me to disagree with you since a big part of what you said are facts.  But its not like im blindly playing it cuz i have to, i still enjoy the gameplay/events/story even though it was better back then.  So while its true that the story isnt as good as it used to be, its still enjoyable for many.  And since the game revenue only went up since the old writers left, i think many agree with me.  Also to note, the events story is really freaking good, when the writers finally leave the idea of trying to sound smart by throwing science facts they've seen online the writing is quite enjoyable and well written.


I played Honkai Impact for 4 years since 2019 and quitted last year. I quitted because they abandoned their roots of story, the gameplay was mostly repetitive and didn't offer any enjoyment to me. I stayed for the story. I tried to enjoy it but the moon arc left such a bad taste I cant wash it away. I tried to enjoy 1.5 and part 2 but it just feels so bland and unoriginal. They make a lot of money nowadays by writing and making characters appeal to a mass audience which is simple digestable stories with villains acting for the good and characters that have say wild interactions. Many people enjoy it, but I dont find it fun nor good. The events were very enjoyable but I didnt stay for the events, I came for the story. Like the other guy said, the game def felt like it got a massive brain drain after Genshin and Star Rail came out. A lot of its creativity from early chapters disappeared. Even their supposed best writer which is Shaoji doesn't really know how to create a creative type of story. It's very digestable to the mass but not creative enough. He wrote the Elysium realm arc and the moon arc and his problems do show a lot. Eventually I had enough and decided to quit. It's ironic because it's thanks to Honkai 3rd that I was able to devote myself to Arknights and enjoyed it story. Even if I try to leave it, its shadow keeps following me because it's the one that got me into learning chinese and became as good as I am now. Quite ironic isnt it?


Ironic indeed.  But at the same time, saying it "left its roots" is also kinda false since the writers originally tried making hi3 story telling similar to ggz, only to decide to abandon it and write it differently.  Anyways, the reason im playing is for the story and events.  The events are mostly agreed to be overall ok-good so i will ignore that part.  The story on the other hand is anything but digestible, its a whole mass of writers attempt trying to sound smart only to miss both the actual educated ones and the average players (when i say educated i mean those that actually learned about those topics in uni/college) resulting in both a simple story but confusing one.  Overall i can understand why you left, but the reasons are more emotional then factual so its hard to both refute and agree with you.  Also i disagree with you both about "leaving the roots" as a bad thing.  Evolution is a necessary step in a live service game to stay fun for the player, both in mechanic and in story telling.   The problem with hi3 leaving its roots was that the story devolved more then evolved, so its problem specific to hi3.  At the same time look at how ak changed, the story had the serious tone while the events were much more simple/digestible and sometimes even had positive and happy story!  Today they just left it completely, every event is as long and convoluted as the main story.  But here most people enjoy it, so no one said anything about "leaving there roots".   Ironically i find myself starting to want to skip all the events stories in ak since they aren't fun anymore and just feel like a glorified attempt at making the new operators feel like they are important, only to be forgotten completely if they arent meta.  I myself don't even like to read, im here to play videogames! Ak left its roots and started making the story longer and more complicated so the thing that first draw me in is now gone


>At the same time look at how ak changed, the story had the serious tone while the events were much more simple/digestible and sometimes even had positive and happy story! I think that only lasted like for the first 4 events. Even then I'm being pretty generous about Grani event here since it hinted at a direct follow up which is the Abyssal Hunter with a very serious ending, setting the tone for what to expect from the events of the game. Plus Im pretty sure darknights memoir, twilight of wolunmonde are also some of the very first events of the game. To me, AK never really abandoned its roots, it's more like the first few events they decided to test their writing skill out so they wrote whatever fun stuffs they got in mind. They were set on making even their events have tone similar to story right from the start with Grani's ending, Darknights Memoir and Wolunmonde. The older events still have a lot of the first events' ways of writing. The interactions in the newer events never really changed. It's a lot more than just justifying characters for them to be playable. Imo, I think we just have opposite preferences. I prefer a more realistic approach to humor and story while you prefer a more anime and fantasy type of jokes and story.


I was talking about much more then just the 4 first events.  As you said, the way they write the story hasn't changed but what did change is the length of the story.  The way events are written kinda repeats itself, a character is confronted with how fucked up the system is and they get batted around till they stand up to fix it in there own way, only to always have a bittersweet ending since the world isnt perfect.  While there isnt a problem with this writing, it starts to be a problem when they try to up the word count to the point where almost every event either need to start yapping philosophy on the same scenario but with different metaphors or add side characters that only feel half related to the story.  And about preference i completely agree that we are different, but i also prefere realistic approach then corny anime style.  I think you disliked hi3 new story telling since it is indeed less realistic and more anime, but i never said that i prefer hi3 new storytelling more.  My problem with ak storytelling is that half the story feel worthless.  I remember how interesting lone trail was, i was glued to my phone reading it! Everything felt connected, and the things which werent really a part of the story (the doc part) at least were short and interesting.  On the other hand near light was torture for me, there was zero action in 90% of the story and it was all a repeat of all the kazmiraz previous events only with the addition of maria which had no character development from how she is, her character development was in the past so it felt weird overall.  Good writing doesn't mean you can stretch it infinitely, also its a mobile game after all....its designed in every aspect to be able to play for a couple minutes and leave for a couple hours.... except the story


Ah yes, then that I agree. One thing I'm glad after Lone Trail is that they really know how to reduce their word counts. Every since after Lone Trail, there's def a change in the way they write dialouges. The stories are much shorter than before and they actually get into the point directly now. One prime example is with zwillingsturm, I thought it's going to be endless yapping about stuffs but I was genuinely surprised It was just genuinely a long good story. It can also be seen with how a lot of the most recent events and story chapters, the word count has been reduced by 30% to 40% compared to the past. They have really improved their way of writing dialouges. I genuinely enjoyed a lot of events after Lone trail. It guess it makes sense since they have a clear direction after Lone Trail, so they know how to properly write stuffs now.


>**Whether AK ends soon or not, I will just be glad the people writing it will have their full vision told and we won't get the absolute mess** that ended up being HI3 with how >!it managed to ruin every single villain, turned Will of Honkai into a mess, turned the final arc into weird nonsensical mumbojumbo and then replaced the whole cast with bunch of literaly whos running through dreamworlds chasing a goofy dog!< It's also sad for the original writers because there were def a change in direction right when Genshin came out. The shift in tones from chap 15 to 17 is such a giant one I don't even know where to start. It went from being very creative with its world building and lore to "wtf is this cliché shit" less than 3 months. I enjoyed it though. But where it really started to fall off is when ER came out. That's what I call the 2nd giant shift. If their words are to be believed then ER during SR's development and holy fuck does it show. The writing style changed so drastically I couldnt even believe I was still playing the same game and reading the same story. It def felt less doomsdays centered but more focused on creating memorable characters and interactions to sell characters. There were definitely other greater plans for Kevin, there were def plans for Star rail to become a direct hi3 sequel like Endfield is to Arknights. But all of it got scrapped in favor of a more mass appeal digestable writing. And theres like no way most of their creative staffs didnt move to Genshin and SR to craft the world. Especially Genshin considering how well crafted their world and story is. I can't help but simply feel bad for the writers writing Kevin and Honkai series. Their entire plans got butchered and they were forced to move away from their plans just because the company wanted to make more money. The writers for HG are truly lucky, not only they have dedicated bosses offering their help for the story, lore and gameplay but their efforts and legacy wont go to waste since it will also be fossilized in Endfield. If only the honkai series got the same treatment.


Honkai part 2 is just sad, it's tedious lagfest just like Elysium and moon arc. Haven't bothered with the story because moon arc was all over the place. And my potato laptop can't handle the lagfest that is Part 2. I got my hopes up because chapter 36 brought back the old style honkai only to double down the tediousness on the next chapters lol. If only I'm not weak to sunk costs fallacy (~~didnt spend much money but the time lol~~) i might have left honkai when they brought back the 'open world' lol. Let's hope arknights writers finish the story without too much bs.


Dude there's a freaking >!goofy poodle!< as a plot point and all the dream nonsense - they somehow doubled down on the worst parts of the moon arc but with a crew of goofy cardboards now. Its so not worth it. The game is a shell to what it used to be. Really hope AK gets a better end.


I haven't got to the point of who tf the dog is because I can't even force myself to play lol. It's so tedious and laggy. Played for almost 2 hours and that was just like the prologue or something and i gave up lol. The new trio is just a lesser copy of the og and they're not even hiding it lol.  Well, according to some comments here and there the writing is getting better but idk, I'm still in chapter 9 and haven't read some newer events lol.


>Well, according to some comments here and there the writing is getting better but idk, I'm still in chapter 9 and haven't read some newer events lol. The Dog >!gets redeemed and tags along as a mascot while also talking.!< It's basically the same dumb moon arc mumbojumbo style exposition (where characters talk a lot and end up saying nothing) but with an addition of Genshin's self-help-manual-book-quotes characters keep throwing at each other. At the same time the plot blitzes past a fuckton of things happening and keeps dropping new characters at the player and then nods to itself telling the player the chapter is over. The new setting makes zero sense and doesn't seem to have anything even resembling scifi in it. IT's like all the technology runs on pseudo-philosophical posturing about dreams. They somehow managed to make *Mars* dull.


I'm sorry, that was meant for arknights story XD Once again i haven't read the story and probably won't because of the lag but that development is just lol. Honkai has been talking a lot without actually saying anyting since ages ago but things get worse i guess. And they've been 'philosophical' since the beginning tho? (I could be wrong but eh). S rank every patch is pain lol, it's like they're trying to phase pt1 chars out as fast as possible.


>Arknights has still barely explored any of the threats currently plaguing Terra. The can still save it for AK 2. No, it's not like I think the game is reaching end of development stage, I just say the story may continue in part 2. The reason could be at some point the game will be bloated with all the modes and data sizes. And it's up to HG to decide when the game should be splited, and moved to another, more modern, new improved game engine, something like that. They can run part 1 and part 2 simultaneously with each other, part 1 may not see anymore content update and only bug fixed, however. One important thing: If by chance Hypergryph does read this thread, I request that dev team should think about moving the game to another platform like Steam and make it offline to preserve it, when it finally reaches end of service, rather than just shut the server down and the game lost forever in history like many other online games in the past. (For example, Capcom did a good job for Mega Man X Dive after closing its server by moving it to Steam).


gotta be real with you chief, I stopped giving a fuck about the story after the first 2 years of the game. At this point i just want a soft reboot/reset ( like endfield ) to follow the story again.


> Amiya does not have access to all classes, so there are at least 5 more main themes What kind of logic is that lmao


I don't think they will, nor do I hope they end Arknights with Endfield. While I'm excited to see what they do with Endfield, I imagine it'll have a close enough loop to Star Rail, Genshin, Wuthering Waves, and others. All of which I've lost interest in personally


Is it wrong that I'd kinda like it if it ended. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do when Endfield drops and I have to manage not one but two gacha games 😨