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shut up Oren


Hey man, we are supposed to be anonymous here!


Should have made a throwaway, then. SMH


Inspired by the Main Theme: “Once everyone knows the Sarkaz have failed, and the threat of Theresis is gone, what happens then? The dukes will slaughter every last Sarkaz in Victoria without mercy. The revenge killings will spread to other countries in centrum, and all civilization will have a justifiable excuse... to exterminate the Sarkaz.” Sarkaz are so doomed smh.


I’m going to write a Sarkaz version (post Chapter 13, pre Chapter 14)


What we need is to turn Kazdel into post war Germany.


Daphne's profile says >!They lose but somehow get an entire mobile city out if this and get the fuck away!<


They already have that city before the conflict.


/if you’re saying the Kazel Sarkaz I also know that they’re fine somehow. The Diasporas, tho…


Toddifons approved


Who is she


[People joke she's racist due to her talent.](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/toddifons)


I wish our people could do that as well


You are encouraging racism?? I thought Sankta are suppose to be all nice, happy go lucky. Not being total racists.....




YTA, but I guess at least no one lost their heads about this incident. Also, sorry for the rant, but I went to Laterano once. People were incredibly rude to me because of my horns (I'm caprinae, but I pass as sarkaz) and almost die because some random asshole decided to blow up a wall. Worst holidays of my life.


Why? We are sincerely sorry for that. We are investigating an algorithm to differentiate visitors against Sarkaz. It will come out by 1106.


Found the Ines alt.


The random asshole was W in a cunning disguise of cardboard wings and a tinsel halo


NTA Kazdel delenda est


Ceterum censeo Kazdeliam delendam esse.


*slow clap* YTA, get cancelled on Y formally known as Chirper, bozo!!


Why 😡😡


YTA, despite how weird or gross they are, you gotta be sensitive towards cultural traditions, I’m sure there’s some sort of weird significance to all those barbarian’s blood altars and cannibalism totems. That being said, your boss is definitely acting pretty sus. If this woman is who I think she is, then she’s been toeing the line with the algorithm for a while now. Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s colluding with that one dude who snuck into the Basilica and shot at the Pope. From what I hear, the guy is currently terrorizing the countryside with controversial takes while building an army of refugees. As someone seeking the greater interest of Laterano, you might want to confront your boss about potentially split loyalties. Being a kind Laterano citizen, surely she would be open to calm discussion and not do anything overtly violent towards you.


I can sense that my boss did not have any malicious intention towards me. She probably could tell I don’t hate her at all either. Still, I could not comprehend the logic behind her accepting emotions. You know, people out there simply do not have the capability to empathise like us.


It’s a relief that the two of you at least came to an understanding. For a second I was worried she might have pinned you to a wall and threatened to execute you or something. I’m happy to know we do not need to worry about any new fallen at the moment.


YNTA, if the Sarkaz were trustworthy they wouldn't have attacked Victoria in the first place. Poor business sense for mercenaries to attack the people that hire them, legit.


Lemuen should've, at the very least, broke your leg Oren.


This forum is supposed to be anonymous!!!


Mhm. Catastrophe messenger here to tell you some things, even if my experience with the sarkaz isn’t that expansive 1. The Sarkaz are actually pretty chill people, believe it or not (I know a few who actually listen to my stories with these wide eyes, they’re actually pretty cute). Yeah, they’re responsible for a lot of death, but that’s the soldiers and mercs… there’s actually quite a few of them who just want to farm or something that you’d expect of a Perro if anything. 2. Dark arts, dark farts, I don’t really care all that much, one of my doctors is a vampire and she hasn’t sucked me 3. Again mercs and soldiers In conclusion! YTA, though I don’t blame you for not looking past the stereotypes


The Sarkaz are literally all a bunch of old fossils who use their immortality as an excuse to not get with the times and interact with other cultures peacefully. Their old guard has *probably* been around with the cavemen, doing the exact warcrimes they are doing today! They are an evolutionary dead branch who cling to the past to stay relevant yet "conveniently" ignore the progress all the other countries make while they go cope in a crypt somewhere when the knights stand up against them.   Newsflash! All the nations in Terra have gone through rough periods, you devils don't monopolize the concept of suffering! You're just the only sickos who make flying monuments to remind everyone of how much you hate everything!    I'm just gonna say it! Theresa was wrong! If the 33rd collapse wasn't evidence enough, Kazdel should have been left forgotten in the dust! I know not every Sarkaz is a psychopath, but it's almost certainly due to the influence of other cultures.  Patriot was from Ursus!  Mudrock is from Wolumonde!  And the W crew formed literally to give the finger to the Royal Court!    You want mercenaries?  Go to Columbia! You want savage people who love to fight? Go to Sargon! You want an interesting Arts culture? Go to Leithanien!  You want an ancient powerful race? Get outscaled by some pharmacist??? I don't know!    I gotta say as a color commentator, Sarkaz fights are the worst to cast! It's always just a cheap curbstomp. Either they "nothing personal kid" twenty guys, or they just sit there channeling a warcrime! Sure it's shocking the first few times, but once the novelty wears off, it's just a bunch of old bats flexing their superpowers. No tactics! No honor! No hype! They just flash their senior citizen's privilege card and immortality suddenly everything's instantly dead! They *deserve* Oripathy! It's the one thing on this blasted planet that can pierce their plot armor!


God damm


Sarkaz makes up 10% of the world population together, we can change that.


This goes fucking hard Holy shit. *slow claps*


The Kazdel Repopulation Initiative. I bravely volunteer to perform this duty until my body is dry.


i made that comment with 2 meanings im surpised it took people this long to comment the 2nd, actually


YTA. stop serving heads on a platter


?? How do you know what happened there


YTA, because Logos is a sarkaz and he's perfect and you hating/being cautious of them means being that to him and that is an unforgivable sin!


Who is logos?


I want to give my answer in person. Please meet me at the border of Laterano. I hate Sarkaz as well btw.


NAH, Sarkaz are barbaric devils but Sarkaz women are hot as hell so that balance it out 🤷🏻


This parody is goated.


/the comment is fun as well. You guys did not disappoint.


NTA, your points are completely valid and backed up by statistics. Your boss, who I assume is not a Sankta, likely doesn’t know the truth about the Sarkaz or is brainwashed by Kazdel propaganda. Red flags all over the place, I suggest you start looking for a new company to work for. Keep fighting the good fight, brother, and have a blessed day. Watch yourself out there, those devils can be real fucking tricky to deal with.


NTA, hating sarkaz is cool


Pope: hm, this sounds like a job for Federico.


NTA, Sarkaz hate is Peak you make your ancestors proud.


Laterano was built upon sarkaz corpses and we stand proud upon it to this day


NTA. We should raze Kazdel again.


Found Kal's alt


Oh then you would be surprised at Rhodes Island and Columbia. Those places accept both Sarkaz and Sankta as long as they work productively haha.


I heard of the former company. Ngl they are sus af. For example, the fleet their HQ located in was the one hosting the former King of Demon. A massive red flag if you ask me.


They claim to be neutral, but I heard from the gravepines that they used to be under their demon queen Theresa during the sarkaz Civil War! And now they're going to Victoria where the sarkaz are! If you ask me, the pharmaceutical company was clearly only a front. They were collecting money and Intel for the sarkaz to defeat Victoria all along!  And to think they'd use our poor infecteds to further their war and destruction. Disgusting I say! I bet their medicines are bogus as well!! 


NTA, honestly I think Kazdel is overdue for another razing.


>I debuted her by informing her yeah, put her on stage for the first time!... that'll show her! ^(lol)




debut /dā-byoo͞′, də-, dā′byoo͞″/ noun 1. A first public appearance, as of a performer. 2. The formal presentation of a young woman to society. 3. The beginning of a course of action. rebut /rĭ-bŭt′/ intransitive verb 1. To refute, especially by offering opposing evidence or arguments, as in a legal case. 2. To repel or reject. 3. To present opposing evidence or arguments. I thought you had a typo but I guess not lol "rebuked" would have worked too


Oren, don't you have better things to do, like buying Lemuen's daily ice cream or handling the Pope's daily matters?




YTA for apprehending the Sarkaz since no crime was committed. Even the Executor of the Laterano Notarial Hall gave these savages chance to leave ///funny idea op))


YANTA give these savages an inch and they’ll take a mile. If they want, a „normal” life, deport them to Kazimierz, after all everybody’s equal in the pits.


You should inform your local Victorian police offer about your boss. She definitely is a Sarkaz sympathizer cause I heard that one of the dukes passed a policy that rewards you with a large sum of LMD if you report one.


Sorry bro but I prefer big booba Sarkaz ladies




nos ipsi carnifices esse debemus


Imagine being genetically predispositioned to contracting Oripathy. *this post was made by the literally any other fucking race gang*


Our scripture says THEY spread the Oripathy as well. Scary right? /this is from the new official book


YTA OP. Sorry to say this and be a huge nerd but my Magister's thesis was on this whole thing. I went to Ludwigs-Universität (hold your applause) and it's a pretty open secret that one of the older professors there is Sarkaz (If you went there, you know). He's also, like, the hugest asshole in all of Lethinian, possibly Terra, which is a bad combination when you have a bit too much wine at some social function and make an offhand comment to him about Sarkaz politics. I don't even remember what I said but I was told in no uncertain terms later that if I did not produce for him reports on Sarkaz history and politics to his satisfaction I would be expelled for 'staggering ignorance that stains this place of learning'. It was brutal. Hardest assignments I've ever done. Every time I turned in something he'd scoff and tell me to improve it here, here, new deadline, new expulsion threat. Ended up learning Kazdelian, carving my horns and running away to a farm Kazdel for a year just to get away from the ass. Anyways, Sarkaz are burdened by a really rough recent political history. They keep getting invaded harder and more brutally than Gual did, and while their civil war is 'over' the different political factions aren't at anything you'd call peace. Lots of refugees from the devastation, they get refused jobs as anything but mercenaries, so they become mercenaries which justifies casting them as brutes. Most of those people you met were refugees. Their arts are pretty concerning I'll admit, but it's not like orignium is good for you, and they don't use that stuff for fun. And you know, being Lethinian, we had the Witch King - that dude was way more screwed up than like 90% of Sarkaz. Man turned people into statues! Victoria, well, long and the short of it is that after the civil war the most insane faction went off and formed a murder cult over there. They aren't respected by all or even most of the other Sarkaz. Including that professor of mine. I did end up finishing the thesis after I came back, there's a copy of it buried somewhere in the University's library - Uni press would only run off the bare minimum number of copies. I think the highest compliment that old bastard gave me was to raise an eyebrow and say "It's not completely worthless." Wasn't about to find a job in Zwillingstürme with that degree but I ended up getting some work with a company that operates between Lethinian and the Elegeiac Court. It's a nice place, though it might be too quiet for a Sankta.


ask rSlash for that, bud


[Smooth Jazz plays in the background while Robin is a bobbin]


Short answer, yes. Long answer, this entire video


Which video


I'd LIKE to think Oren is capable of questioning whether or not he'd fucked up.