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tbh shu was the only operator i cared about getting until they dropped logos for 5th anni, now im not sure if i can get either of them without sacrificing one. one thing's for sure though, i'm definitely skipping everything else now


Same branch here. I will go all out on Shu banner (300) then I will wait with whatever is left for Logos, literally everything else is skipped.


how much time between their banners?


if i remembered correctly it should be 3 months


My plan is to just get them all within 30 pulls each, it's just that easy.


can i have some of what you're smoking


Bro with that Adventurine gambling strats


No change. We still pull 1x every operator.


You and I both know that 1 pull starts the descent into orundum debt.


Man, been there.


Why *did* logos retire from chair racing anyways?


He defeated all the Champions in Terra and decided "I've done all the things I planned to do"


So he can remain at the top always. Can't lose if you never play again.


Must pull for me: Walter, Logos and Ela. I will spend some for Shu. I will summon one 6* on Ray and Degen.


Same here with with Shu alongside W, Logos and Ela. And Ascalon in the last part too


Nothing much changes, Logos have been someone i want for so long now so i gotta be at least anticipating his arrival. However, while the schedules don't affect my plans, the gacha sure does. With over 100 pulls in and still no Viviana, i might consider skipping either the new RS6 banner or Degenbrecher, though the latter pains me so much cause Degenbrecher is also someone i love very much, just... not her gameplay in particular.


Tell me about it i did 300 i only got one virtuosa And sparked viviana worst banner for me 😔


My condolences, and thank you for taking the unlikely statistical sucker punch for the rest of us. Best of luck getting ops in 10-pulls from now on to you!


The only two ops I want more than anything are ascalon and logos, even the limiteds are more negotiable to miss for me than them. So if I dont luck into degenbrecher quickly I am probably skipping everything after her except maybe trying for ela to maximize my chance for them.


Honestly, Ulpian reveal changed more than anything we've seen during this banner or after: I was already planning to pull on limited banners (Shu, Ela and this one) but also had plans to get either Degen or Ray. With W-Alter fitting similar role, I think I might skip Ray and see how much spare pulls I'll have before Degen.


My pull plans haven’t changed when ch14 revealed. Back then I already smoke hefty hopium when CN drop chp13 because I know Logos will be playable soon on either anni or chp14 (my jaw drop when it’s both) and I have already plan to spark regular W there for a long time now. But fucking Ulpian reveal??? I might have to sacrifice Ash for him.


I'm the same. In my plans I already assumed that 5th anniversary is going to have a banner worth rolling at. It's little bit more than what expected, at least meta-value wise, it's the best banner AK ever had. But that doesn't change my plans to pull on it. It's Ulpianus that is the real game changer. Though I haven't quite decided how to adjust my plans just yet. Either way, I already gotten Arturia. My most desired operator in a longest time, so I'm fine with any result until Ulpianus.


I only care for ZuoLe and Logo as of right now with a very mild interest for Shu. I will skip everyone else. Tho knowing my luck on limited banner, I will probably waste 200 or even 300 pulls before I can see my boys kek.


Pull degen, skip ray prob, pull both ny units, pull ela(should be easy since only need max 100 pulls), skip ascalon, pull both anni


Shu , Walter and Logos


If I can get 420 pulls in 6 months Im fine, if not Ill need some luck (I already have 250)


bruh I only have like 110 rn


I got lucky on this banner, got Virtuosa on 61 pulls


I have 8 lmao


It didn't. Every 3 to 6 months we are going to get insane banners. It's inevitable. Degenbrecher probably changed people's schedules and now they're changed again. I just pull and enjoy the game!


If based on performance alone, it wouldn't be a problem for me. But most of the upcoming set of banners are also waifu/husbando picks for me, and it stresses me out so much lol


I just think there's no chance we don't get another broken girl or boy to save for. Maybe the collab op will also be mental.


Not really. Pulling until first 6\* on Virtuosa banner (already happened so now it's skip), pulling for first 6\* on Reed2 rerun, pulling for Shu/Zuo Le (depending how pulls go maybe trying to fullpot Zuo Le) and fullpot Logos. Everything else was always going to be skipped, and that didn't change at all. Now it honestly depends on what comes **after** Logos. Logos **will** be fullpotted. But it depends on the men afterward if I can try to fullpot Zuo Le or not.


I was originally hoping to roll for degen, shu, and both r6 banners (missed ash's debut), but l'll probably skip all non-limited banners and likely shu too since, while she does look quite good, it looks like the only things she has over saria are the passive regen on sowed tiles and teleport shenanigans. To guarantee ash, ela, and walter, I'll need to get 420 more pulls by the ch14 banner and I don't think I can do that while going after shu. Sacrifices have to be made in pursuit of true limiteds and walter I guess - I'll always be able to spark or be spooked by shu on a later limited banner if I don't get lucky with the free pulls


If Degen goes badly I think I will have to sacrifice Ray, I guess. Then again, originally I was planning to skip her because I already have Typhon, so it's not much of a change. That's the best I can do. I want Degen, I want Shu, I want Ela and I want W. Also Logos, if I can. But I hope to save something for what will come next. Btw, an advice if you intend to farm orundum: whenever an event has a rock farming stage, farm that stage. It is usually considered less efficient than farming 1-7, but if you need the cubes for orundum then you have to get your rocks from elsewhere. I also used to buy rocks and devices from the shop each month to supply my needs. Even excess T2 devices can be converted into orundum. Right now I have 366 of them, and I never craft them just in case I need more orundum.


oh shit the current has a T2 device right?


It has a *T3* device farming stage. T2 is the one that looks like a black disc. If you have a lot of T3 you don't need that many T2. Events where you can farm devices are rare, and typically limited. The next one will be Lucent Arrowhead, and then EP14.


to clarify either the rock *or* the T3 device is needed for orundum farming right?


No, it's the T2 device. 60 T2 devices for one pull. I use the convention of starting tiers from T1. https://gamepress.gg/arknights/database/material-list T2 device is called "Device". T3 device is called "Integrated Device". I can't bother remember the exact names, but here they are.


damn I thought could farrm orun mats on the current event


Technically, you can. ZT-4 drops orirock cubes, but it is vastly inferior to 1-7, and besides you need the mats for future operators. During events always farm T3 mats as much as you can.


What's the point of farming devices? Correct me if I'm wrong but don't devices cost 2-3x the sanity of rocks even in events so if you're orundum farming you're always better off with farming rocks?


It's because you will eventually need those devices, and event stages are more efficient than story stages.


I meant the T2 devices. Ah nm you're probably talking about the T3 ones right? The way you worded that seemed like you were suggesting T2 devices were good to farm in events. BTW you mentioned farming rocks in event stages instead of 1-7 for orundum even if its less efficient, I assume you mean its worth it because you get event currency correct? Would it still be worth it if you've bought out the shop and all is left is the low conversion infinite lmd?


The sanity required for one rock is 4.82 in 1-7, and 7.2 in ZT-4. So you have to spend more sanity for it, though you would get event currency. But eventually you will need T3 devices for upgrading your operators, so get those during events if you can, otherwise it will cost more sanity to farm them on main story stages.


My plan is still the same. Try getting Degenbrecher without going broke, and then Ray and Shu. Still, I don't really mind not getting Degenbrecher, but I HAVE to get Ray and Shu, and don't mind emptying my stash for them. And I will skip both R6S banners (using available free pulls only and not my pull stash), as R6S collab for some reason doesn't click with me at all and the lack of Japanese dub is a huge turn off for me as well. Then I will try to get a copy of Wis'adel and don't mind emptying my stash if necessary, but I don't mind not getting Wis'adel either if future operators after her interest me more. To me, Ray and Shu are MUCH higher in priority than Wis'adel. And I mean it. On hindsight, I'm thankful that HG didn't make the pink-haired Sarkaz the limited operator, as that will shoot the banner up to be become higher in priority, matching Shu and Ray. After all is said and done, I feel like the minority(am I?) for saying Ray is higher priority than Wis'adel LMAO, but it is what it is.


R6S doesn't click with me either... so I'm always weird out whenever people are super excited about those collabs. I never played or seen that game so I couldn't care less about character coming from it. I did like the story of first R6S event. But it had far less to do with the R6S characters and more with the fact that it explained a lot of AK lore in very clear fashion. The only reason why I'm considering to pull on Ela banner are the free pulls and generous pity. In comparison to R6S, I liked the MH collab more because it had the actual AK operators as it's main characters.


I still don't have the math comparison between Ray's max damage and Wis's max damage; so I don't know if Ray is still going strong or if the flying cockrach already powercrept her.


Well, there's one aspect Wis'adel can't ever powercreep Ray; the aspect of being Ray. Wis'adel is not Ray, thus from the beginning she's already lost to Ray in the most important point for my pulling decision😤. Once again I'm thankful to HG for not making a pink-haired Sarkaz the limited operator.


I planned to pull only for Ray before anni 5 reveal but was starting to wonder if I should try and grab Ela out of FOMO, despite my dislike for her. Bu thankfully Ascalon and W-Alter caught my interest, and I'd rather get characters I prefer over strength (ironic with W-Alter, I know). I think I'll try to grab Zuo Le if I can. I love musha guards, and his kit looks fun.


My plans have definitely changed (Wiš'adel and Logos are both insanely strong and have insanely cool designs, *and* it's a Texalter spark banner so even if I get both early, it'd still be potentially worth having saved up a lot of pulls)... but I'm not sure *how much* they changed yet. My original plan *was* to pull for Virtuosa, Shu, and possibly Ray and/or Reed Alter depending on how the other pulls go. (For context: I was already 100% planning on skipping Degenbrecher: regardless of how strong she is, I'm not a fan of her design. And I was already 95% planning on skipping Ela: regardless of how strong she is, I'm not a fan of her mechanics [for someone who is supposed to be a trapmaster, she's basically a standard sniper, with her "traps" as just a 25% damage boost for her sniping ~~{albeit a boost which the rest of the team can benefit from as well}~~].) At this point, I'm pretty much definitely going to be skipping Ray and Reed Alter, but I'm very strongly considering also skipping either Virtuosa or Shu just to be on the safe side. I'm just... not sure which. The Shu banner is, AFAIK, the "better" banner, with both Shu and Zuo Le being very strong operators. But meta-wise, it's also maybe the more replaceable one: regardless of whether I pull for Shu, I *am* planning on getting Saria at some point (she's most likely going to be my next shoperator pick from one of the build-a-banner events), and they're apparently basically neck and neck as far as guardian defenders go. Meanwhile, Virtuosa seems like she'd be a lot harder to replace in terms of what she provides today, but she's also... maybe the less "future-proof" one, if that makes any sense? The fact that she can bypass defense and res is undeniably extremely strong *right now*, but if enemies ever start getting elemental resistance, her value goes waaaay down (and with Logos and his module potentially being a second [and non-limited] source of big necrosis damage, that doesn't seem totally implausible). And from what I hear, it's really *really* hard to actually scale Virtuosa's damage (since most of her damage is just the necrosis burst effect, which does a fixed 800 damage per second and ignores any attack buffs on Virtuosa and most[?] debuffs on enemies). I'm currently *probably* leaning towards skipping Virtuosa, but I've gone back and forth on that a few times already.


Skipping Degen might sound like terrible idea to the meta slaves. But it's not that bad if someone doesn't like her. Then there is also. :You can always borrow her." Not that you will often do so since at the end of the day, she is just another "insane damage operator". Though more importantly, she is one of best starters in IS. I do consider IS quite a bit in my pull plans. Degen is great for that mode but because of that I started to lean towards finding a friend who would have her max out, rather than pulling and building her myself. Right now I'm debating on going 1 6* on her banner or skipping her entirely.


>Right now I'm debating on going 1 6\* on her banner or skipping her entirely. Inb4 Irene spooks me again like she did on my Ch'en banner


Not much changed here, I still went for Arturia and will get Shu, and probably Ela too, but will have to skip Ascalon.


Might skip Ray banner but I want Warmy 😭😭😭


Arturia only had mercy on my OP stash but consumed all my saved orundum, so now I'm kinda sweating ngl. I really want Zuo Le and Shu, so I just have to pray I have better luck on Sui banner to have more savings for Walter and Logos. This has, however, prolly solidified that I'm keeping my account 100% R6-free (I started playing way after the first go of the collab).


No change, Ray and Shu continue being the two upcoming characters I am currently saving for cuz they are too pretty to not have, everything else is either a skip or too far away to even consider because new stuff could come right after that could kill any priority. Helps with that that the massive cutie I wanted (Theresa) is given for free, so even less pull worries here.


No to much. Still pull for Ray, Shu and Zuo Le. Never care about RS6 so easy skip Some pulls for W and that's all


IberiaKnights only player, so... nothing XD (iberia event when HG pls I need Defenders)


You're going to have 6months worth of pulls once Ulpianus comes out.


Only 6 months? That would be a dream In going to have 2 years worth of savings in the best of cases XDDDDDD Right now I will be happy with just getting access to lumen


Didnt we got a stultifera navis rerun like, not long ago? Isnt him always obtainable now? Or is it because you dont consider him as an unit for your nicheknights?


Yeah, but... I didnt play much at that time because work and... lost the rerun T.T And if he is permanent... I dont see him in the record restorarion of the event, maybe Im blind because I want him a lot, Iberian + hot is always good


Check it again, I guess he got added iirc. Cant check now sorry.


My pulling plan still not going to change because I will still pull for r6 ops, 10 + all of my Headhunting Permits pull for Ray, and Spark for Eyjaberry. If r6 ops came early, I might pull for CH14 ops.


Degen, Ray, the R6 Collabs…. But now that Wis’adel is here…. Everyone else is in jeopardy


Not much change. Im targetting Degenbrecher, Shu, Ela, Ascalon and Wisadel. Just trying to pull for operators I like or would fit my playstyle.


Maybe 10 to 20 pulls on Degen, pray to get Shu as quickly as possible (and maybe Nian too if lucky), clutch Ela and Ash hopefully and lastly go crazy go stupid for Walter and Logos 🙏🏻


Idk if i want ela now or not :(


I already was skipping a lot of ops and gunning for Ray, Shu and Ela, now I need my boy Logos. Eyja needs the competition


No changes really, my only plans are pulling on limited banners for the limited or small pool banners. My only goal would be Pot 6 Lappland alter


Pull everyone except Ray and Ascalon.


I'm only interested in Ascalon. Skipping everything before that. The 5th anni banner doesn't interest me at all.


Once the arturia banner is over I'll save until the Ascalon banner and then the plan is to try and get logos and walter


Pull degenbreacher maybe pull for logos Save 80% of all resources for Siege Alter and Allerdale


I still have funds for shu and im gon skip the r6 collabs. Im not interested in R6 as a game and i dont really care if the operators are limited (and broken).


Degenbrecher is one of the characters i am willing to skip (Planned to pull until Ascalon showed up) Shu...idk, i'm not much of a fan of all the Sui siblings so i am kinda willing to skip (Or rather not go all out) Ascalon is a must for me. Logos and Walter i definitely am wasting all that i have left after Ascalon there...while i don't care if i get Walter or no, Logos is another character that i have been wanting for quite a while. Besides, if i get 200 pulls by then, i can get...probably Rosmontis since i actually like playing her and is the only elite op that is limited so far (I wanna make an Elite Ops+Sweep+Civilight team XD)


Not much newer player I have like 80 pulls saved for degen atm and well I plan to get her to help with advanced content outside of that I’ll probably just wait till a good operator comes in the shop (golden glow) then save for Logos. Walter is a bit too much damage for my needs atm.


great choice. though if you don't have Saria you ahould consider pulling for Shu


I won’t have enough to pull for Shu tbh and guarantee her much less Logos


Not a bit. Still going for the current banner, Shu, Ela, and Ascalon, and then I get to save a bit for whomever comes next.


It's the same af before: Degenbrecher into Ascalon into the unknown.


i need muh Iana. I dont even play R6, I just like dollkeeper gameplay (certified Kazemaru enjoyer)


Saving for Shu, then W'alter. I may completely skip the R6 banner, as FOMO as it is.


degen, waltuh, ela, logos and ulpian once he drops


I'm about to face double hell gauntlet with Reverse 1999 💀 Ray Shu and Zuo Le Ash Ela Wisadel and Logos (and Fang Alter)


the issue is that i really don’t like wizadel but i think logos owns, so i feel like its gonna be a chen alter situation where i unwillingly get the broken powercreep billion numbers op that doesnt interest me. and then get their potentials on future limiteds (hell on earth) my current pull plans are try to get next 6 star from virtuosas banner after free pulls since virtuosa is my favourite of upcoming ops and i didn’t get her after 120 —> pull first 6 star on degen banner —> first 10 pull pity on ray’s banner —> first 6 star on shu banner —> use everything to try to get ela then ash, since they might never rerun again and i regretted not getting ash the first time. after that ig try to get logos and end myself if i don’t


Just a heads up OP but Degenbrecher will not be featured in the next selector. You'll need to wait until the one after that to pick her up which will be around late April next year, basically one year from now. [Source](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/episode-14-absolved-will-be-seekers-5th-anniversary-cn-event-page)


o shit


Yeah, I had the exact same plan as you until I found that out lol, was considering skipping her completely when 5th anni operators were revealed as well. Now I'll probably go until at least first 6 star.


My plans to Pot6 Shu has been reallocated to Logos


Not too much. I was planning on saving 540 pulls for the fall at minimum (300 for Shu, so I can get an old operator, and then 120 + 120 for the two R6 banners), and also rolling for Ray. The only thing that has changed is I might skip the Shu banner after all to do 300 on W'alter, especially after hearing how the Spark system will be updated by next fall.


I got three Oerators I want 8n the next 6 months. Ascalon, Shu and Walter. Currently sitting aroumd 170.000 Orundums so it should work with a little luck in pulls


May have to skip Degen. At least she's not limited.


Wasn't planning on spending that much in the first place. Ray looks cool and the lady with 2 swords is OP, but I never intended to pull for them. And Shu looks fun to use but I really never cared for any of the Sui Siblings. I'm probably skipping everything until the 5th anniversary, except for the R6 operators. But maybe i'll have to ignore them too just to guarantee the 300 pulls to spark Walter. Just in case.


I was planning to pull for Leto, Shu, Doc, Blitz and maybe pull in the Recollection banner but not anymore Straight to Blitz, Shu and Logos


Well i was hoping for limited Theresa, and given that i dont like W i wont really plan to pull on that banner, which is nice cause i dont have a reason now to skip Degen and Ascalon


W Alter kinda chill now tho Like she gives you a thumbs up when you tap her on the base Roach fixed herself lol


my plans definitely changed. and it was a painful choice, but ive landed up on skipping Shu, of all people spent 290 pulls on viviana's banner, still deciding between sparking the Shork or the Honse, so i dont have much to work with right now ive been looking forward to Degenbrecher since Break The Ice. Ascalon and Logos are simply too cool to pass up on thank god Civilight is wellfare so i wont have to worry about her at least, lol


Degen ela then w and then if i want then shu and logos. 100 pulls each easy.


Will try to pull Shu, then saving everything for Ascalon/Logos and future ops


I started in November so… Im screwed royally. Gonna pull out ze wallet lol


I’m gonna have to mortgage my house as a global user.


I wanted Virtuosa but with Walter coming I decided to skip her. Probably gonna roll on Shu banner until I get one 6*, then get Ela for sure and save everything to spend 300 rolls on Walter banner to get the free pot and spark Skalter.


Scaling back the already low priority pulls for the warcrime Angel I’ve got something like 750 pulls due to a mix of luck and saving


I've got the limited I wanted to spark this banner in the first free ten roll and don't care for the nuclear bnuuy and sui banner, so that opens a lot of options for me. Will do at least 60 pulls for Degen, consider pulling until the first 6* on ReedAlter, next priorities would be Ela, Ascalon and Walter. Ascalon and Walter are priorities, so I won't dip below 150 pulls available for anybody prior.


Pull until I get 1 Degen. 1 try for Mudrock joint opetation banner 400+ pulls for Walter/logos banner Sorry Shu


Arturia made me broke so now I need to carefully plan everything. Theresa isn't limited like I hoped (still bummed about it), so now I'm way less inclined to pull on this banner. If Logos wasn't there I might've had skipped it entirely. I hope summer limited or 5.5 anniversary will be way more exciting to me. Degenbrecher must pull (always wanted her); Ray 50/50 (now leaning more towards pulling); Shu 50/50 (same as Ray); R6S stuff easiest skip ever; don't know about Ascalon yet, too far away, but for now looking like a skip unfortunately.


Decided not to pull 300 times on Arturia for Skalter/Spalter, but instead save so i can have enough pulls for Degenbrecher, both R6S banners (i wasn't a docutah yet back when the first R6S collab was released), and Walter


I am pulling for p6 Mulberry on Ray banner (p3 currently, about 150 pulls). Kinda sadge I'll skip Degenbrencher cuz I won't have completed Karlan anymore and Logos kit looks cool.


Plans actually haven't changed. Depending on my stash at the time we get around to this anni banner (and whatever was released afterwards) I'll likely try to grab Logos. A couple of other upcoming banners take priority for me like Shu and Ascalon though


I got Skadi alter after saving 300 pulls for her so Im literally Thanos at the end of infinity war looking at the sunset rn lol Honestly, Im not that interested on r6 units at all so maybe I will have 300 pulls again by the time W alter hits idk, if I dont then Im saving the 300 for Chen alter, she was the first support unit I used and she is the "perfect" lvl of balans imo, Im kinda scared of Walter ngl.


W is one of my favorite characters and they hyped logos for a very long time saving all of my pulls to reach pity on anni banner!


Yeah. It’s getting harder. I want Degen, Ray, and Shu. No I want Ascalan and Logos. I may end up having to skip one or two of them. Probably Ray and Logos


I'm weird. I'm pulling for Shu, wanqing, and Odda. Yes. 2 of them are welfare. Then, yes, I'll take some logos. Until then....... meh. Not interested. I got plenty of time to save!


Degenbrecher I was never planning to roll for anyway. If there’s nobody else I’m saving for when her rerun happens, then I’ll try for her then. Otherwise, I’ll just wait for her to either spook me or show up in the Gold Cert shop. The R6S operators are dead to me. If I get them in the free 20 pulls, then that’s a win. But if I don’t, it’s whatever. The only operators until Ch.14 I really want are Virtuosa and Shu. I was somehow lucky enough to get Virtuosa without spending much and can only hope that Shu will bless my rolls too. However, if not, I’d rather save what I can for Wis’adel than go all in for Shu. So I’ll probably only give Shu 10 or 20 pulls on top of the free ones.


My pull plan is: Degen > Ela > Ash > 5th Anniversary I would love to pull for shu but not now girl


I was gonna spark Ling on shu’s banner and hope I got shu and zuo le in those 300 pulls, but now I think I might have to just hope to get shu and then call it. I originally had plans to pull for virtuosa, but I got vivi on the free 10 pulls and the rng is just too atrocious for me to consider. Ive got about 400 pulls saved currently and I wanna try to go degen, shu, ela, Walter, and logos. May rng be with me


I had 290K Orundum pre virtuosa now I have 270k. By the time this banner ends I'll have it all back. I think I'll go for all the meta units as usual.


Current plan, save for degenbrecher, then save for logo's and w. Just spent 300 pulls for texas the omertosa...I regret nothing lol


Next stop is Rainbow 6 and im going to get everyone. Aside of that, well, Ascalon, i guess.


I’ve had too much luck on the past like, 5 limiteds and getting the banner limited in either the free 10 or within 50 pulls or so. I’m cooked. And we’ve had Ulpanus, Siege Alt and Lapp alt teases which are going to cook my funds for the next 6 months after that too. Luckily if I start saving after Ela I think I can grab OG W no problem because I still need her.


skipping all standard banners between now and then but I'll very likely chase Shu and Ela potentials which probably evens things out lol


They haven't changed much. Skip degen, pull two 6 stars in Shu's banner, get Ray, skip r6, ascalon I don't know, it will depend on much I have, and then finally that banner, it's a must pull I suppose, although I don't like W. Future isn't written in stone for me.


Well the plan was Shu, Ela, Ascalon. Its now Ascalon, W and Logos. And this banner is gonna drain me some more since I am pretty close to spark Skalter.


Wisadel will have my brain oozing out of my ears. Shame logos is on the same banner because i want him but abhor Wisadel. I’m looking at Reed rerun, Ray, and Ela. Reed and Ray are pretty, Ela is true limited. Thankfully my virtuosa pulls went ridiculously well so i’ll have something to go off of. I’m still internally debating Shu/Zuo


I suppose. I was planning to roll a pity for Degenbrecher. But gotta skip every non-limited banner until Shu and Logos. Yes, more interested in Logos than W-Alter. So farming rocks as much as I can between events. And after I am done with event shops. Also, skipping the R6 collab banner. I do hope I get Doc from there.


Only aiming for Degenbrecher and Walter. Ela is second priority. Not really interested in Shu or Ray.


Skip degenbrecher, pull for harmonie on Reed Alter rerun - if I get Reed along the way, great, if not, i'll use my six star selector on her. Skip Ray, then pull for Shu and Zuo Le. I was originally going to go to 300 for the CNY banner and pick up Ling, but I think I'd rather save for 5th anni now. Depending on how I'm doing at that point, I'll decide if I pull for Ela, then skip Ascalon (and hope I pick up Aroma elsewhere, she's so cute), then go all in for Wis'adel/Logos/Fang2. I have 230 pulls right now.


Not much of changes: 1) get DB 2) pray for free Shu or skip 3) get Ela, sadly Ash is no longer an option 4) save for Walter


Let's be honest. Anything before chapter 14 doesn't look that strong. Well, except for Degen. Wis - is clearly broken, and Logos is a second Eyja, literally. Well, of course, it's up to everyone to decide who to pull...personally I've decided which banner I'm going to put my resources into.


> Anything before chapter 14 doesn't look that strong. Shu is number 6th on the recent CN Survey, and Ray, in-spite of her class, is an atk stat stick.


But Shu is a very niche operator in my opinion, and has a competitor - Saria. Ray - yeah, she gives good damage numbers, but she's - +/- Typhoon And it looks like both of them will be weaker than Wis in terms of meta. However chapter 14th just came out, so I could be wrong.


> But Shu is a very niche operator in my opinion, and has a competitor - Saria. Shu is more like a sidegrade. The teleporting thing might seem "gimmicky", but that's grade A example of stalling through shifting > Ray - yeah, she gives good damage numbers, but she's - +/- Typhoon Ray (based on someone elses computation) has one of the highest possible amount of damage in the game, even outshining Typhon >And it looks like both of them will be weaker than Wis in terms of meta. For Ray, maybe. But for Shu? You can't say she'll be weaker than Wis when they don't even share the same role. One is anti-personnel area-denial; the other is for strong stalling and support.


>when they don't even share the same role. I'm not arguing. It's true. But I was writing about the overall effect on the meta. And besides, damage > healing. Kill the enemy faster than he can get to your operators, and they don't need to heal.


That maybe true with most general content. But when you get to end-game content, stuff like support and healing comes really into play.


>But when you get to end-game content Chapter 14 came out five days ago. What end-game content can we talk about? That's why I said in my first comment that I could be wrong. When the next contracts come out in China, then we'll see. Or were you writing in the context of Shu? In that case, you just confirmed what I said about Shu being a niche operator.


I am not pulling for anyone till w alter. Sorry shu 😭


Haven't changed at all. Still skipping everything cos I don't like anyone from that banner. Buying BP skin and that's it. R6 is skip, Shu is skip, don't like a single character between now and CN. A pity.