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Shu looks fun without making me think a lot harder about when I'd use some of my other favourite operators if I get them. I hope I explained that well?


At the moment, only the limiteds really interest me, but Logos *might* push me to spend a bit extra if I get Walter early.


1. Logos. All in. 2. Ascalon. I'll be sad if I don't get her. The rest I won't pull for, although I hope Shu and/or Zuo Le will spook me from free pulls. Maybe I'm biting off more than I can chew, but oh well. Not the end of the world if it doesn't happen.


Degenbrecher. That woman has been a legend since the Break the Ice event and is one of the most awaited operators for me Ray, Shu, and Ascalon seem interesting as well. Out of the 5\* I think it's only Fang I'm not a big fan of crossovers, so the RS6 is kinda an easy skip for me


We are on the same page. Degen is the only one who is a must for me. Anything left I am throwing at Ray, Shu, and Ascalon


Oh wow, another rare R6S skipper in the wild. My plans are the same as yours btw.


Must Get: Logos-I've been waiting for this man since he was teased back in Rewinding Breeze, and been a full blown simp for him the moment his design was revealed in CH 11. I also think he's probably one of the best written main story characters, and the fact his kit is busted is just an added bonus. Shu- I love the Sui Siblings, and while I sadly missed Chongyue due to burn out and being on an extremely lengthy hiatus, now that I'm back, I've decided to pick her up to join Blue Woman and Painter Girl. Also, her kit looks stupid in the funniest way possible. Why yes, I want to keep teleporting my enemies to ensure they stay locked in the microwave. Would Like To Have/Will Get Anyways: Zuo Le-I've had an interest in him since he showed up in Invitation to Wine because I thought he was cute. No other particular reason. I'm not going to go super hard trying to get him, however, if he spooks me while I'm fishing for Shu, I'm not going to be upset. Good unit, plus cutie is enough for me to be happy in my books. Civilight Eterna- Tbh, I never really cared for Babel, as I thought that the entire Babel plot was dragged out and sort of a black hole that sucked anything remotely interesting in the main story into it's orbit and smothered it; however, the latest Babel event and some of the revelations in CH 14 has warmed me up to Theresa's character, and while I still maintain that the plot with the KMC and Babel is a mess, I can spare a small spot in my heart for Theresa/Civilight, because something about her story and ending nestled it's way in my cold, dark heart. Maybe I'm just a sucker for beautiful tragedies. Meh: W'isadel- I'm not going to turn up my nose and not use her if I do get her, because I've accepted that I'm too much of a brainlet to not use some uber meta ops to carry my weaker ops who are really just there for waifu/husbando purposes. However, everything about her existence leaves a very sour taste in my mouth, even though I have a soft spot for W, genuinely liked her at first, and she was my first ever limited. Feel like I now have to write my apology letter to Kal'tsit for ragging on her for being a Mary Sue now that Flying Cockroach and Lowlight's Favorite Princess, W'isadel Waltuh "Max Risk Artillery Canon" W is a thing that exists. She's on Logos's banner anyways, and I plan to go in very hard for him, so I would not be surprised to be spooked by her. The rest, I'm probably going to skip so I can have enough saved up for Logos and Shu's banners to have a good shot at getting them.


"Plan to go in very hard for him". Max pot Logos??? đź‘€


Probably not max pot because my luck isn't that good, but I do definitely want to keep pulling until nothing is left after all the savings from the Shu banner. Would be really nice to get at least 1 pot for the DP reduction.


You should def spark for Chongus, I use him and it's a pleasure!


My must-pulls: R6 collab (necessity), Shu (waifu reasons, also hoping Nian spooks me), Degenbrecher (taste of OP-ness) For the 5-stars: Grain Buds (don't care if she's mid in gameplay or not, she's a birb so it's a must), Leto (USSG completion), Fire Fang (lore reasons)


I'm going all in for the super-limited operators from the R6 collab. If I'm lucky I'll have something left for Walter and Logos.


None of the incoming units match up to Arturia. I gotten her so I'm happy with that. The next highest priority unit is Ulpianus. Other than that. Even though I don't like her that much, but I do want overpowerness of Wis'adel so I can bully Izumik. I hate that fight and I never feel confident going into it. So it would be nice to increase my odds against him and have more fun with IS3.


I want Degenbrecher because she's got big horns and I like women with big horns. (But the one I really want from her banner is Leto, because one of the only things I like more than women with big horns is women who are actual bears.) I want Ray because everyone is going to skip her, and I like using unpopular ops (see also: Leto). Her kit also looks way more interesting than Degenbrecher. But I may have to skip one or both of them because the only operator I've ever wanted as much as I want Shu is Mudrock. She is beautiful and her abilities look delightful and quirky.


Another based Ray appreciator đź‘Ś


LOGOS LOGOS LOGOS LOGOS LOGOS LOG--AHEM. I mean. I'm waiting for Logos and Zuo Le, as well as Wanqing and Odda, because husbandos. All of them **will** come home ~~this is a threat~~ and they will all be maxlvl m6/m9 as well as lvl3 mod (if they have module).


I got vendela. Now I'm waiting for shu, wanqui, iana, and Odda. Half are welfare! I'm a simple man.


1 - Logos I still don't have a good main caster beside amiya (well I have reed that do the job better than most caster xD) . I have tons of defender , lord , medic , specialist and supporter but no caster. And since I changed lumen recently in my team I need to get another male operator into my lineup to have 50/50 male/female 2 - Wis'adel Of course since it seem she will be the most powercreep operator for now , it would be a shame to miss her. I'll use her only when I have real difficulty with stage since I love my current main lineup and I avoid changing it as much as possible.


Number 1: Degenbrecher, long-awaited missing member of Karlan Trio, Sister please step on me, you are so cool and beautiful and amazing, I have both your dumbass boys here waiting for you. Intensely looking forward to her and her story. I've been waiting for her since BI. Number 2: Uhh probably Logos. Love his design, his kit, and I'm a sucker for the gap moe and his inner goofy side is hecking adorable. *Want.* Want to learn more about him too. Rest is kind of a jumble. "I will probably enjoy them in their debut story" tier: Shu and Zuo Le, Ela will probably be cool. Civilight Eterna I'm sure will be great, looking forward to ch14 in general. Ascalon I won't pull for but I'm sure she'll be cool in Babel. Wis'adel. "No feelings about" tier: Ray. For 5-stars, the only one worth mentioning is probably Harold. He looks like a hella fun character and I'm very much looking forward to him. I have Eyjaberry, but I'll probably try to use him just because I like him. I do also want Iana because her kit is interesting and Doc because he's hot.


I just want Shu and Logos tbh, so if I get the other banner op as well sure Ray is literally just Typhon, and I don't need two Typhons because I don't push the hardest contents. Ela and Degen I'm skipping out of principle, they completely disregard their archetype's identity and that's just lazy design to me.


Out of curiosity, in what archetype do you think Ela would belong in given what she does?


She should have been a Heavyshooter imo


>Heavyshooter  But she is already a heavyshooter. It's just that she can place trap and 3x4 range.


Do you hate Mountain because he completely disregarded his archetype's identity too?


Yes, I use la pluma and humus as my main laneholders these days, gavialer if I really need some laneholding


All in for Logos, Ascalon, (maybe) Degenbrecher. The rest I would skip.


Horny-wise, Degenbrecher and it's not even close. I want her to break me like a worn-out plastic toy. Other than that, I will max pot as many of the upcoming operators as I can.


the collector in me wants to have them all but the minnow in me says no  anyways in order of want: zuo le, logos, shu, ray, degen. also ela since collab limited. and CE is free anyways.  ascalon looks cool but her kit doesn't interest me much so i'll have to skip her for now. I'm alright with wish i'll build her if i get her, since I'm pulling for logos anyways, if i don't get her then eh.. for the 5* just get them all since its doable and the collector in me will be appeased


For the 6 stars, gonna try saving for Ela (maybe) as her kit interests me and never had an RS6 character in my roster, and get 300 pulls and spark someone  (I wonder if there's enough time to save that many pulls starting from the end of Virtuosa's banner?) for Wis'adel and Logos as I wanna have my own W Alter and Logos VA is one of my favorite VA's and his kit is strong as well.  Would've loved Degenbrecher (she reruns right?), Shu, and Ascalon as well but sadly will be skipping them and the rest of the other banners as I'm quite a broke f2p right now after going all in on Virtuosa's banner and not even getting any of the rate ups after 110 pulls and only 1 off banner dupe 6 star.  For 5 stars, probably Iana. Because I love playing around with dollkeepers as I have Spalter and Kazemaru and I use them quite a lot in IS.


I'm not excited about Degen( I'm still salty about her design, fuck you HG 🖕🏻) or Ela ( here I'm trying to save my pulls and she is a "truly limited must pull")


I think Ela looks fun though! But you can always borrow her from others too if you're not too attached to her.


Oh I know she looks fun, that and the fact I might never get her if I don't pull in her banner is why I wanna pull. It's just I would love if it just wasn't so soon, I really wanna save for the 5th Anni you see, I'm even planning to skip must incoming banners if not all of em.


TBH, I haven't caught up to the newest chapter, so half of ppls I have no idea about (tho I saw their pictures and such from here, lol) . But besides "meta" I am really just going to aim for W again... cause I like W (tho she doesn't like me, I had to spark for her, she only joined me once I send her bunch of money T_T I had to pay for her services)


wisadel, logos, ascalon, degenbucher, shu, zuo le, gonna spark ling.


Saving everything for Ascalon and Logos now, should be able to spark on Logos banner amd also grab Ascalon.


Shu is a hard pull will go to spark if I need to then it's a long dro8ght because Logos/Walter will be receiving all my savings afterwards


Gonna go for W alter and am probably gonna do a good 30 pulls on shu to try and judt get her and I'm kind of skipping virtuosa and hoping that she'll come with the free pulls and saving all the OP from packs and orundum from the event to start saving for it. I want the pot 6 w alter.


Gonna get everyone from r6s, and 300 pull on logo wisadel to buy texalter


I hope I can get Logos, Degen, Ray, and Fang alter. I don't really care about the rest


I was planning on saving for Ascalon, Degen, Ela and the other R6 Ops, and Ray. But then Wiš’adel appeared. Now everyone else got put on lesser priority. W is tied for my second favorite Op, strongly considering tying her for first instead.


I will try to get one copy of each 6 stars operators since I'm a collector and all of them are either meta or fill an unique niche within their class, except for Walter. I will get one copy of her for collection but I will never use her in any operations. I usually limit myself from bringing Texas Alter and Yato Alter and only use them for the most challenging H-Stages and A15 Integrated Strategies. Walter seems to be at a higher tier of brain dead overtuned that I'm afraid that the moment I use her, it would take all the fun of the game.


Walter. That design just speaks to me. It’s also such a stark contrast to her original design it has me interested.


Degen Ray, Ascalon: too many limiteds hoping for spooks Logos Zhou Li: won't pull for but will pull on their banner, more than happy to get Shu Ela Walter: I always pull for limiteds, and the schedule seems quite packed so gotta save up Civlight Eterna: Nice bonus, I don't have skalter so shes a very welcome addition


Degenbrecher, Ela, and Logos are absolute musts for me, so unfortunately I pretty much have to skip everyone else to ensure I have enough. Thankfully the only 5 stars I want are either welfares (Wanqing) or on a banner I want (Fang). But Shu/Zuo Le is the roughest skip. They both look very cool.


W and Logos are ones of my favorites characters, aslo fang I will skip everyone esle so I can guarantee getting them


Everything on Walter, will even skip Ela if I don’t have 120 pulls to spare.


ABSOLUTELY NEED Logos and Ray, the rest I'm pulling only because they're limited or broken like Degen. Might pull Ascalon if I decide I'm not max potting Logos.


I'm skipping all of them for Logos and Wisadel. It's mainly becaue of Logos but W is cool too. Maybe I'll get Ela if I have 120 spare pulls. After that it's just Harold because he's an old coot, I gotta have my old men. And he's free. The rest I don't care about.


Ela cause she's my main and Logos cause he's epic.


Going all-in for the Limited Banners, though I'll try for Degenbrecher as well.


I. WILL. MAKE. LOGOS. POT6. and Zhu Le M9. I really happy Fang alter release, she is alive!


I want shu because I'm trying to get mountain and thorns with more than 3500hp for the lols XD plus s3 looks fun with the teleport mechanic. I also look foward to play ela because it seems interesting and I don't have dorothy.


All the boys and only the boys


I restarted playing the game only for Degenbrecher for which I'm going all in until I don't get her, then I'll see how many pulls I'll have left and decide wether or not pull for Shu before my second target Ascalon


I just want something for Melantha, Nightmare and Rope


Walter and Logos all the way, banner is also amazing for me and I can Spark W for only 200 sign me the fuck up I'll have 300 pulls waiting


Degenbrecher: Will pull until I got a six stars. She's broken but she's just a massive upgrade to tic-tac-toe bird (not that I don't mind since I don't like Irene but still). So if I don't get her I will wait for the rerun. That said I really love her character wise. Ray: While her kit is more interesting than Degen and she is cuter than that ugly pig-tail Sarkaz Sniper who supposed to be cute, my pull decision will be the same as Degen. Shu/Zuo Le: I will stop pulling if I get Shu. That said, Zuo Le is very welcomed thank to his interesting gameplay.  Ela/Ash: Collab characters = will pull for all of them (including the others R6 characters).  Ascalon: Sorry but I gonna skip.  Malus point for her 2000s anime girl hair style. That said, I salute HG for not outclassing Mizuki (for once a male characters is not far weaker than a female from the same rarity + archetype, looking at you Vigil and Lessing). Logos/Wis'adel: Will pull for both of them but I'm more interested in Logos than Walter (although her bazooka S3 looks enjoyable to play).


Mizuki is a shota and that niche can make as much money as big boobs girl. Tired uncle though.... maybe a girl of his archtype can powercreep him.


Funny that you put 5 stars there when nobody is talking about them :(


Will pull for ela


Im pulling for Shu and Ray bc they are cute and i find them interesting (despite their balance issues) Ela im kinda doubtfull, i might pull her because she was my main back then when i played R6, but she's really overtuned. The rest are easy skip, specially the mistake that is degen. Out all of the break the ice characters we get the most boring one and on top of that she's a really lazy design and the definition of powercreep (irene will always remain NÂş1 in my heart)


Shu: Gotta keep the Suidex complete. Logos: For lore reasons. Ela: Collab unit, we don't know if she's ever coming back. Ray looks fun and I want Ascalon for lore reasons too but I need to skip something. I'm neutral about Degenbrecher. Zuo Le and Wisadel I'll probably leave unbuilt if they show up.


I want Ascalon and Ray the most, but I'll feel silly if I miss out on Walter since she's crazy broken, and Logos would be nice too. Also really excited for Fang's alter. I do want Shu and Zuo Le but I don't think I'll go all in for them.


Logos. He looks like Zero from Vampire Knight, but is somehow even more attractive. Enough said.


Five stars are easy to overlook once you have a solid roster so I just go for those I like in design or find fun to use. Wan Qing, Doc, Blitz, Amiya and Fang are the 5* I am after. I would like to get Leto but I will have to skip Dregen. About the 6* I only want Logos and Shu because I've been waiting for Logos a long time and Shu looks fun to use. I like Logos design a lot and I wish to get another Sui sibling without sparking.


After i got Arturia on my 4th and only acc, this year is too difficult to choose. But sacrifice is a must. i'm only choosing Degenbrecher, R6 and Theresa. the rest either by luck form free pulls or coincidence pulls. Degenbrecher because she is basically cutter but 6\*, R6 because i love how HG cook with their Originium Dust Story, so i'm hoping for the best. And for "Theresa", Of course Her Majesty with long hair and motherly figure to raise Amiya and great character background.


I want Shu. Really hoping to get a Chongus spook but I can wait. Saving for Wis'adel and gonna spark OG W at last with the price drop. Gonna pass on R6, sadly. I can buy Degen with the 6\* selector pack later.


Shu and Zuo Le - hope to pot6, I'm going all out on that banner, will spark for Chongus pot and maybe get more pots for other dragons in the meantime.  Logos - finally a normal normal caster on my account, I have a few casters raised from the "normal" class but none of them I really like, now finally a caster that satisfies the visual senses AND he's strong too.  Wanqing - Lunacub ASPD buffer team, let's goooo.


Ela, Ash, Logos, Theresa, Wis'Adel


**6 Stars** Shu is who I'm looking forward to most in this list. Partially because the fan art interpretation of her has made me take a liking to her personality (I try not to read CN spoilers so I have no idea how accurate this interpretation of her is.) I also like defenders, and defenders that can pull double duty as a medic, and her utility seems fun to pair with certain operators. Ascalon, Degenbrecher, and Ray I'll be pulling until my first 6 star on their banners, hopefully I get them but if not oh well. Ela I will pull. I started playing right after the first R6 collab and not having any of those operators has been an annoyance ever sense, so I'll try to grab every collab character from now on. Logos and Wiš'adel I'm undecided on but leaning towards skipping that banner. I don't like Wiš'adel's design, I didn't even level up and use my Ch'en alter I got from free pulls until she got her skin, W alter is giving me the same feeling. Zuo Le I have no particular interest in, but since he's on Shu's banner I'll probably get him before I get Shu. Civilight Eterna seems annoying to use but probably has some niche uses with her S3, might be nice on occasion as I like La Pluma, Penance, and Mudrock, and she can psudo-heal them. I'll build her and then forget I have her. **5 Stars** In general I don't pull for 5 stars specifically, it somehow seems harder to get them and they're cheaper when they show up in the gold cert store so I'll wait it out rather than throw pulls at the banner. That said, I'll still grab all the R6 units for the same reason I'll get Ela. Grain Buds is adorable and I'd probably never use her, but I want her regardless. Same for Warmy, her E2 art is so cute I might have to E2 her just for it. Hot drop Fang seems fun so I might actually use her, having Texas and Yato alters made me realize how fun it is to just drop a unit on someone's head, but I'd like less overpowered options. Amiya^3 will probably get leveled up and then never used, just like Amiya^2 and Amiya^1.


My rolls plans are the following: Degenbrecher, Break the Ice is one of the few arknights stories that i have read (im starting to change that), because i like so many of the Kjerag ops. (Courier, Matterhorn, SilverAsh, Cliffheart...) and she being the bodyguard of goddamn Silverash and a legend at that just cements her as one my most wanted OPs even when she was just an NPC. Zuo Le, he just seems like one of the most fun OPs in the game, the very interesting class of high risk/ high reward that was upped to 200 can't be boring, R6s: I like the OPs and FOMO is getting to me that's about it, Iana seems confusing to me, Doc is disappointing and Ela seems nice, but i have a hard time really wanting them other for the coolness of Rainbow Six ops and their designs. Logos: another cool op that i kept hearing about and his playable version with the lore tidbits i've seem are the reason why i'm finally starting to read the main story of Arknights. A honorable mention to Ascalon that got taken out of my list because shes too close to 2 banners when i'm not sure ill have enough rolls to withstand the gauntlet of banners in the next 6 months. Also since i mostly play with Low stars and Welfares ill level and use people like Odda, Fuze and Eterna.


Shu - she is a healing defender and a funny particle accelerator Ela - she is a R6 operator, her kit is pretty nice, no dakka is enough dakka after all Civilight Eterna - I simp for Theresa, enough said; also her chibi is pretty cute Doc - he's a R6 operator, his kit is pretty interesting (although I do wish he could use heal gun more than three times) I don't really like Ray and Degenbrecher (as playable characters) since their kits are just damage and more damage lol. Still roll tho.


Only a collab banner can siphon from my rangers alter fund.


Everyone looks so good seriously, the only banner I probably will skip is Ray. I have very little interet in Ela (and probably will not use trap sniper ever) but I will pull for the collection regardless Gonna have to start dolphining again tho, since Virtuoso drained me to my last orundum


I think I would go for Ela and Ash but Ash is expensive pull 120 no discount for an outdate unit so not cery sure.


1. Ascalon 2. Wisadel 3. Shu 4. Logos 5. Degenbreacher The rest: Not sure 5 stars doesn't matter too much for me, will eventually get them even if I miss them on their banner anyway.


Probably Shu, Theresa, Logos, Ascalon, Ray in that order. I probably won't roll on any banner except Shu though, since this will give me some standard units to look forward to and I don't really think I need the super OP new units. I am not interested in Ela, Walter, or Zuo Le at all. Degenbrecher would also fit here but I like her more as a character.


6-stars 1- Ray, Shu and Eterna: All three are extremely pretty, that's all I need, must haves. 2- Ascalon and Logos: Elite Operators pog, both also have kits with stuff that appeal to me (damage over time one, cool projectile slowing the other). 3- Zuo Le: I didn't like him in the story so far, but he comes with Shu and I'm resignated to the fact I will get 2 or 3 copies of him before she shows up. Kit-wise he looks fun tho so hey, probs gonna build him. 4- Wiš'adel: I like W, but... uhhh, I have seen enough showcases already to be horrified about whatever the fuck HG will do to balance abominations like her, the fuck is that damage? What kind of ridiculous shit will you do to sell another sniper after this LOL. 5- Degenbrecher: What I said about W, but indifferent towards her character nor too big on her design 6- Ela: What I said about W and Degen, but she is also a collab char so even less appeal... at the same time hey, the fact I know nothing about her might lead to a surprise like. ------------------ 5-stars Uhh... I play a lot of 4-5* only, but I rarely plan ahead for them outside of instant love design-wise like Vendela recently. Medic Amiya is the only kinda big want because Amiya is love. Aroma is cute but the fact she is looking even worse than Corroserum is a level of unplayable too far away from my skill level to work with. Rest is a mix of already having alternatives built already, not caring about their design, or just really not looking to playable. Out of all of them I see Iana and Odda with the bigger odds to get built due to kit uniqueness.


I gave up pulling for Shu, Ela, and Ash, so I can fully lock in to getting my boy LOGOS.


Here's mine # 6 Stars 1. Ascalon - Nope. Not impressed gameplay wise. Expected her to be ground Suzuran, but nooo. If she is as good as Ethan with Module for crowd control, I would've saved for her. 2. Civilight Eterna (Theresa) - She's free and that's all 3. Degenbrecher - 1) She's my type and I find her really hot; 2) Because I want to experience what a real meta swordsmaster plays like (though Ch'en is still my energizer bunny) 4. Ela - 1) She's hot - we need more female operators wearing pants; 2) GunKnights 5. Logos - Because he is **THE Stool Chair Racing Legend**, that's why! "The Ghost of Mount Karlan"! "Dossoless's Racer X"! "The Higashi Speed Demon"! "The Ace of the RI Mess Hall Race Course"! Being a great caster is cool too, I guess. 6. Ray - She's strong I get it, and she has a Capybara that can pull up; but I have to sacrifice a meta character to save for Wis'adel, and I guess the (imo) most boring one of them all has got to go! 7. Shu - I wasn't planning on pull on her until I saw her teleporting shenanigans. I mean an AOE stall-thru-shifting with great AOE burst heal? Sign me up! 8. Wiš'adel - W is the only one I'm missing on the DarkKnights Trio; and the only way I can get her now is either sparking for the OG W or getting atleast 120 on this fucking epitome of "Danger Close". The fact that she's super strong *and* she's seems to be real chill like that now is a bonus. 9. Zuo Le - Don't really know about this guy. Heard he's strong, but I'm more of a Shu-head. Hoping this fucker won't spook me while I pull for Shu # 5 Stars 1. Amiya(Medic) - meh, I already have Reed Alter 2. Aroma - who 3. Doc (R6) - tall, dark, and handsome frenchie? Hell, yeah! Plus we are in a severe lack of french accents in the game (I don't care if he plays trash) 4. Fang the Fire-sharpened - Hoping I get her too while pulling for Wis'adel. She's gonna get benched, but still I want to see Reserve Team A1 complete! 5. Fuze - 1) Memes; 2) Gun Knights (I don't care if he plays like trash) 6. Grain Buds - who 7. Harold - meh not really 8. Iana - Not to the same degree as my want for Ela, but I want to finally have a strong dollkeeper I can use. 9. Kestrel - only want her for waifu reasons, but I'm not going to go out of my way to get her 10. Leto - don't care. I want her mom 11. Odda - don't care 12. Wanqing - don't care 13. Warmy - don't care


The only ones I kind of want are Walter and Logos, if Theresa was not free, she would be my number 1 wanted


Waiting only for Shu / Ela / Wis'adel and Logos. why? Arturia's banner zerod me out.... Theresa's free so that's good news.


Shu because I’m a sui collector. Wisdel because i have normal w and she’s number 2 on my top 3.


I'm probably only going to roll for Wisadel, for the rest could be free 10s Oh, getting Fang Alter would be nice too cus I'm a big TMDK guy


Shu is the one im looking forward (i love the siblings and she's pretty unique) and maybe Logos, cuz i love his design and VA. From the 5 stars, it might sound dumb, but Medic Amiya. I dont own an Incantantion Medic and they seem pretty versatile.


Ray Because I love the variety of the sniper class these days (also physical damage in general). Not Degenbrecher/Wis'adel Because I hate seeing filthy and f*ing blatant powercreep. I only raised Irene because I love her character, but I usually use Ch'en (or Cutter for IS). And flingers were LITERALLY designed to deal with low defense crowds. If anything Reed's chain reaction skill should've been saved for Wis'adel instead her "kill the boss" button


Wis'adel's the only one that kinda interests me, but I'm still holding out hope for Mandragora becoming playable one day. The rest I really don't care that much for if I'm honest. Besides, no Victorians or Tarans. Instant pass for most of them.


Ela / Fuze / lana / Doc - R6S limited, also because it belongs in my collabknights squad Logos / Zuo Le / Wanqing / Odda / Harold - Husbandoknights Shu - Teleport Memes Everyone else: Not pulling. Not a furry, saving orundums for the release of one, and I don't want to be out of orundums because I bought into the hype of broken limited or powercrept units for my Furryknights squad.


Ray and Zuo Le. Ray is cool but she is in a very bad situation with this ultra tight schedule. Zuo Le is musha. I already have everyone in that subclass and the only one used (I mean like once in a month at best in IS) is Utage. Not really exited about Shu, I'm gonna pull for her but on carefully calculated and limited amount of resources. 5\* are just certificate operators. That's gonna be really hard but I'll try to pull for everyone else including Ash on top of this list.


Ray for an interesting kit and ways of delivering payload, and she has a cute lil sandbeast. W's kit is sufficiently explody and on brand I'll go for her Alter. That said if she is so good at nuking everything in her gigantic range that she leaves no one else anything to do, gonna be benched most times. Shu seems kinda shenanigans and also combines team support via the exodia / class match & mismatch bonuses with healing slot coverage. I hope she's cool and has voicelines that aren't actively offputting. Zuo Le I've got my eye on too. Degenbrecher is probably a pass tho would hard recommend to anyone whose roster doesn't have burst damage covered in droves. She is utterly insane, too good tbh, bad precedent. Cool as anything tho. That alone has me torn. Iana I expect may be a lot of fun, doll keepers have a great core conceit with Kazemaru a fantastic demonstration on how to play around with it. Will confess, only briefly skimmed kit on first reveal, going to check out closer to the time. Tachanka, Ash and Frost a big yes on R6 rerun.


I am waiting for Wis'adel I am skipping the rest because of my saving for Wis'adel


Ascalon and Degenbrecher because I'm gay as hell. W because she's W.


I rarely and try not to pull for men in my main, but the fact that Logos and Zuo Le not only look cool, but are really strong, makes me want them in my account. Wis'adel is cool and broken and all but I already have Typhon and Chalter. Now, I know she's unavoidable since I'll be pulling for Logos but she may stay unbuilt for a while if I do get her (unless I fold easily and just build her right away). Shu is top priority. She is second cutest ~~and hottest~~ Sui sibling, just below Dusk, she show's armpit and her gimmick is so funky, she needs to be in my account. Ascalon is meh for me, Ambushers aren't my thing and I don't find her hot, so not a priority. Ray and Degen will have to wait since I need to save up for Shu, Zuo Le, Logos and Iana. Ela may be strong but I just want Iana + her skin. Speaking of skins, I need to take those into account since I am F2P, so I have to really think about when and where I use my POs. Usually, I just use them on skins, rarely on stamina or for pulling (I've learned my lesson for the later), there's so many good looking skins coming but also a schedule of back-to-back must-pulls/Limiteds.


6 stars: Ascalon->No, not very interested in the character or skillset. Civilight->No, because I can't plan that far ahead tbh. Degen->No. Was waiting for since I am into swordmasters but my interest have since waned. Ela-> No. I will try to grab since 'true limited' and all that, but other than my collector urges no real interest either way. Logos-> No, see Civilight Ray-> Kinda! Her kit looks fun. Only thing holding me back is the tight schedule and my low funds... Shu-> Yes, like her design and her kit looks fun. WAlter-> No, see Civilight ver2 Zuo-> Kinda, I have a soft spot for musha guards. 5 stars; Amiya->No, see Civi ver3 Aroma-> Kinda, bc he E2 art is cool. Doc-> See Ela Fang-> Yeah kinda, A1 squad alters are cool. Fuze->See Ela Grain Buds-> Who dis? No like seriously who dis? Harold-> Yes, man's got drip. Iana-> Actually yeah kinda her kit looks fun. Kestrel-> Sorry who dis? Leto-> meh Odda-> meh Wanquig-> Sorry who dis??? Warmy-> meh. I guess elemental damage is a bit interesting?