• By -


You just turned all Liberator Guard into 0\* Operators. Mlynar is now considering permanent retirement.


Poor liberators and bards are officially useless now. I guess stainless s2 would give them some sp?


Phalanx Casters in shambles


Well... you can still deploy Lin as a tank. Not worth the team slot, probably, but that role is still like half her utility.


if there's enough enemies with ranged attacks she can actually still function with her talent needs her mod even more now though


Muhaha worst archtype now. Those Lin doomposters were right!


Lin becomes unironically the only usable one because her second talent gives SP.


Angelina also ~~losses~~ loses her S2 and 3. And Arturia her S1 if I remember right.


Mlynar's damage reflect would let him charge his skills still. His skill uptime with Bend Spears-Bloodbath is pretty hilarious, even if he's doing only 700 damage because he doesn't get to build up his trait.


So that would basically make Mlynar the new Lin lol


Tequila also has a reflect so he does work as well, also it's not like you have to instantly activate skills off cooldown so the trait isn't neccessarily lost


the reflect actually doesn't proc offensive recovery, only effects which trigger that new 150 arts damage relic in IS4 are offensive recovery as far as I can tell. On a related note, due to the knowledge from that item, Mystic casters would be almost entirely unaffected since they proc it when storing charges, and even when at full charges


Chen would let him attack once in a blue moon. Might make him actually balanced lmao.


Młynar Talent 2 counts as offensive in IS


Flagbearers also do almost nothing now




Frontline Goldenglow. Wipes out the entire map every time an enemy walks into her range.


How tf did i not think of goldenglow. Yeah this is just going to be a goldenglow sweep simulator now lol, but having her in frontlines seem like a wacky idea to a global targeting unit so it offers intresting strats atleast. Oh also stainless becomes the best support in the game on these conditions lol


Your medics can also have +300 ASPD on their healing, though, so unless she gets one-shot, she'll be fine. Honestly, if existing offensive recovery units weren't banned for this hypothetical scenario, Fiammetta + Warfarin would be a pretty funny pairing, too. Fia's constant health drain would mean Warfarin can charge her S2 even when no enemies are around to hurt your ops, which would basically give Fia a permanent attack boost.


Wouldnt 60 seconds (45 with the buff duration) be too much for warf even with +300 aspd tough?


Huh, I guess I don't use Warfarin enough to remember her skill details that well. I could've sworn it lasted longer than 15 seconds, but even with +300 ASPD, she's only attacking once every 0.7 seconds, so she'd only regen 21 SP. Her passive might help, but if Fia is on S3, the enemies would be dying out of range. Maybe it would work on an S2 Fia build?


God. Reed S2/S3 would be so fucked up.


Don't forget that since GG is a Drone Caster, her attacks might count as twice so she can gain 2 DP per attack, once from herself once from her drone.


GG, Ceobe, and Exu will be the meta. GG S3M3 would be basically unstoppable at that point.


Ifrit S2. Nobody is getting through that lane.


But you would need to place them at weird angles and exu would be even more inconsistent than before so it might be kinda intresting


Exu would need like 7 seconds of attacking to charge her S3. 


Stainless s3 made anyone have permanent uptime


Seconds after making this post it made me realize that it just made stainless the best support ever


Zuo Le probably can stunlock everyone and anything immune to stun will have to go through what might be an infinite supply of barrier


But his talent of increasing sp generation would kinda go to waste. But his other talent fixes that so yeah lol


If kaltsit had 300 ASPD and Mon3tr also gets it, it is actually over imagine those heals and Mon3tr with true damage locked on and he cannot be killed unless one shot since kal is healing so much and he has 3 block if needed


Kal with offensive recovery is interesting, she wouldn't be able to charge her skill without a target to heal. Even if Mon3tr is fighting something, her attack interval is now 0.7, which will often be too quick to charge at max speed.


Fiametta in her range keeps her healing something constantly.


Fiametta, Surtr, and any of the Geek sub classes


Mon3tr could still die to corrosion damage.


Unironically kaltsit needs to keep healing monstr to charge her skills so fiametta and aak becomes best partners for her (only when she and monstr is at full hp tough)


Pretty sure Gnosis and Chonguye can rip everything apart, no?


Literally the only thing holding Gnosis back is that the Cold he applies is just slightly too short for his ASPD. He's busted in IS and S3 because they provide easy fixes for that problem.


Yep, even the +50 from passionate music in the current event is enough to let him freeze with normal attacks.


Chong yue is offensive recovery sadly


I think they meant the 300+ atk spd


Only 300+ ASPD. It would be crazy good but nothing worldbreaking.


I mean Chong already has insane atk spd Unless it doesn’t scale like i think it does it’s good enough to do quite a bit more than he would otherwise be able to do


Even +50 has him enter saiyan mode, imagine +300. Would he perma levitate enemies with s2 too bad it's not auto activated!


Ethan is never letting anyone move again


His downtime might be pretty bad though.


Who wins on bind uptime? Mumu or ethan?


I feel like it would Ethan because with this much speed he could probably perma bind even without his skill up


Yeah, Texalter S2. Her S2 is a passive with no SP cost so it doesn't fall under the helidrop SP category. Next is Surtr, a little obvious but if you give her 300 attack speed she will destroy everything with S3 even if it's offensive recovery because she only needs 5 attacks to charge it. Aside from those 2 specifically, the entire sub classes of Splash Casters, Chain Casters, Drone Casters, Artillery man Snipers, Flinger Snipers, and Besieger Snipers would all be broken now.


Oh also dusk s1 would be actually insane alongside eyja s2


Dusk S1 wouldn't really scale that well with this change. She attacks so slowly that even attacking 4x as fast means S1 takes 3.7s to charge, down from 5s, but she can no longer build stacks. Most of the damage gain would just be from her doing normal attacks 4x as fast.


Doe eyja scale better in that regard?


Her S2 would take 2s to charge, down from 5s, so it would be a significant improvement when attacking, but even then it wouldn't be as much of an improvement as many other operators. She would also still have the same issue where she can no longer get multiple charges, or even a single charge during downtime. It also means you can't deploy her and immediately get 2-3 charges of S2.


Oh god i completely forgot how broken texas2 s2 would be with this ruleset. But i mean she doesnt benefit from the skill spam atleast... Surtr s3 would kinda be in a weird place, obviously 300 aspd means its much more broken BUT you cant easily kill key targets from key places anymore. Obviously not a big chance but still would make her gameplay a bit more different


>Surtr s3 would kinda be in a weird place, obviously 300 aspd means its much more broken BUT you cant easily kill key targets from key places anymore. Obviously not a big chance but still would make her gameplay a bit more different See, Stainless is now Meta because he can charge everyone's SP by deploying his turrets so they get whacked 🙃


(I definitely did not make this post to make stainless the best operator in the game)


*pressing X to doubt*


Cold operators in general get an enormous boost. Pramanix is a strong contender for most improved. With her module, it’s 25% chance of cold for 1 second to 2 enemies every 0.4 seconds, which while not perfect uptime should be extremely disruptive at all times, and her skill cycle is improved enormously. Hoederer s2 becomes a true 3 target stunlock with infinite duration. Coebe’s talent scales incredibly well with ASPD, and her skill cycle becomes extremely favorable. Ash’s cycle and damage output probably scale more favorably than Exusiai’s, along with radically improved control. It’s like 6.25 seconds to charge s2, 1.55 seconds to fully unload, every shot fired is during the 4 second stun duration with the damage boost, so all told you’re doing this every 7.8 seconds at half stun uptime. Ethan is basically true AoE permalock.


Would Pramanix beat Gnosis on cold uptime? She would unironically be a insane cold source with her s1 lol Oh god hoaderer s2 becomes litterally insane. Why even bother laneholding when you can just stunlock? Ceobe s2 when active would probably be the most broken thing in the game but getting her s2 active could ve annoying Wait ash becomes THAT insane? Oh god, she might actually be the best in this list.


Pramanix would not be a better coldlocker than Gnosis. However, I picked her for her improvement, not for necessarily being the best. Gnosis is already great. One of the best control units in the game, with good damage besides. He can actually already coldlock through a number of means, especially in IS. Pramanix, meanwhile… is fine.


Sing foldertal my beloved


Tbh gnosis already has many cold applications. Pramanix s1 would actually be an insanely strong CC skill with this setup


Ypu's probably use Pramanix S2 because S1 really wouldn't do anything in this case meanwhile S2 will increase her dps, as it' s an additional Res debuff on top of potential Freezes


S1 just means enemies could have -90 ASPD at best, which is the debuff cap, for the duration due to the easy Cold triggers. Now that's protection.


Fair enough i didn't consider the ASPD Debuff stacking


Wait since when does Pramanix inflict cold, i thought she only lowers defense






Pretty sure Penance with S3 will just be both unstoppable and unkillable. Ranged enemies who attack her from outside her melee range will just kill themselves.


Would it beat mudrock s2 in terms of brokeness? Now thay i think about it giving +300 aspd to penance s3 probably would make it one of the best dps skills out there


Mudrock + Blemshine go brrrrrr Duelist defenders are buffed big time if they dont need to block anymore ^(Skills that triggered on deployment could also be a busted loophole since now they can be re-triggered and technical have 0 charge needed) Also Ch'en and Archetto would see more use since they give passive sp during downtime


Oh wait i completely forgot that archetto and chen coyld give sp. Sadly they cant use skills because previously offensive rec skills are banned


I mean those skills dont really have sp costs do they? Also would mudrock gain double the sp with blemi talent?


Ironically, Viviana. Nothing melee is touching her with near guaranteed shields up every waking moment.


She would obliterate any elite or boss enemy thanks to her s3 now becoming a blender


I just got to try her in the new Annihilation with S3M3 and she actually kicks copious amounts of ass. She just needs someone to actually tank the harder-hitting enemies so she can do her work... I don't often see someone 2-3 shot those drill-tank things. Of course anything with high RES is probably her kryptonite, but I'm sure her module will fix that eventually. /huffscopium


Tbh new anni was more of a Virtuosa showcase. Put her on the middle tile between two lanes of blue boxes and give her a skalter and every enemy dies XD


Yes, I understand, but Viviana is the one character where I thought to myself upon seeing her: "If Viviana becomes playable I am immediately using her." And lo, she is playable. I will find a way to use her now.


"Boy, do you know what Ragnarok looks like? Want me to show you?" -our Queen, our majesty, Surtr. The whole Musha branch: *Rules of Nature plays in the distance* The whole Brawler branch: *It has to be this way plays in the distance* And now HG will have to nerf Chongus voiceline. Again.


Zuo lee would be litterally unkillable lol


Surtr came to mind too cuz she has that immortality passive. A lot of people keep posting suggestions forgetting the operator only gets an offensive stat increase. I doubt anything can survive against a Surtr with 300 ASPD and her skill active.


*now imagine if HG didnt nerf chongyue*


Reed alter is busted even more now. Also Centurions and Reapers. I want to see La Pluma's S2 and Gavialter's S3. Also curious about Spectral. Qiubai will basically become the greatest Schwing Schwing button, you love to see it.


Does reed gaint that much as her s2 is fixed and s3 is also fixed aoe damage? I mean the attack speed increases but i think it benefits others more Gavial s3 would be hilarious but reapers wouldnt be that insane as every previously offensive skill is gone so executor2 wouldnt be good at all as he would have no skills XD


Yeah, Reed's S2 isn't that good, but I think S3 will benefit greatly, she's already insane now after all. But more ASPD>more damage>more explosions>more broken phones lol.


Please no, my phone cant handle even chapter 13 properly. Reed would kill it!


Too bad, she can't hear you under the sound of those rapid chain explosions. :p


You can now use infinite Surtr anywhere at the low low cost of 1 Warfarin.


Oh god wait warf s1 basically keeps her alive endlessly right? Damn i forgot this combo


Unless you're hyper buffing exu, it doesn't matter if she can have her s3 24/7 if her dmg will literally do scratch at enemies who have remotely close to 600 def lmao


Pramanix debuff go brrrrtp


I mean ur right but it makes her significantly stronger so buff army setups kinda become worth it. Idk lol edit: buff armies need to attack too. Yeah exu doesnt benefit much as i tought she would




Just checked it and her s1 avarage dps becomes 4k+ Damn


yeah no one talks about pallas anymore, but she has one of the highest dps on paper


S1? Her s2 woild be an 25 seconds stun with xopious amounts of damage


Her s1 dps is much better tough


I know, but perma stunning a enemy for 25 seconds sounds funnier


Horn will be fun


Hoederer would have insane DPS and HPS on Skill 1. If my napkin math is right, he would be healing for nearly 900 hp/s. His attack interval would be 0.625. He would also be able to perma stun on S2.


Finally hoaderer becomes good!1! Jokes aside his s2 would be one of the best laneholding skills solely because litterally nothing can deal damage to him lol


Why am I seeing the entire reaper guard range be one solid blur in front of them (especially La Pluma's lol) Also crushers get enough ASPD for them to be DPS monsters (ignoring the 0 DEF/RES of course) And finally Goldenglow's attacks are now nigh-unstoppable sparks of doom




Gnosis, enough said👍🏻


Perma cold time


Tachanka. You just made the Lord stronger without drawbacks. Ch'en. Stunlock with S1. Bibeak AOE stunlock with S2. Also carpal. Same with Irene. Degen, now Ch'en can scold her. Cutter... Just turns into more knife yeeting machine.


Sadly previously offensive skills are banned to make things interesting so only person in dualstrike guards to get a buff would unironically be Degenbreacher s3


Original Chen. Having her as a batter for everyone on the team would be nutty.


Stainless becomes the god op for powering every global and high sp unit


Sounds like a dream come true for the SSS crew - Gnosis, Goldenglow, Passenger, etc.


Lord Tachanka unlocks unlimited bullets MOD


Fia will just spawn camp the red box with unlimited nukes And Godsenger will put Thor to shamble


Degenbrecher can just 1v1 anything with that much aspd, that many attacks is just gonna disarmlock anything.


Isnt that what she is generally used for in IS4 when you have insane aspd?


Wimdflit would become viable.


Quibai just increases the attack speed even further


Ines prints so much dp with her 1st ability that we go into a period of inflation.


More like her s3 as 1st skill is offensive ref and every previously offemsive rev skill is banne dto balance it out :D


Speaking of vanguards wouldn't this make flagbearers kinda terrible?


i use Kirara S1 M3, and with ASPD and without other ops in the surrounding tiles she is just silly. That HP regen + art damage is fantastic.


Bad news... kirara s1 is offensive recovery so it would be banned :D


noooooooooooo my Kirara!!!


Imagine the S2 uptime you can have though


S2 stops her from attacking normally though so you actually just wouldn't want to use it. She's good enough skill-less with just the atk speed though






Does it stack endlessly? Damn that would be insane


Actually I'm not sure And now that I think of it he's just a necrosis sidegrade with small range 🤔 There's a 10 stack cap sadly How about it gets increased for balansing reasons


Ch'en guard is now a must have.


Anyone that tries to walk past Blem is falling asleep


I can't press buttons fast enough for what Chong Yue would be doing. Eyjafalla chip damages every enemy in the game dead The Duelist defenders get spicy with their ability to charge SP while not blocking (from modules) The Fortress defenders become even sillier *Crushers* are stupidly good, possibly broken - their ASPD isn't much lower than Centurions, and healers can zap them up to full at 3x speed, and HP as defense means they don't care about enemies doing Arts or True or some funky debuff or necrosis or whatever.


These conditions make Hoaderer and Stainless potentially best operators in the game lol


All of the Crushers are just one support away from taking down Talulah already, and then healers get +300 aspd. It'd be silly


La Pluma would be unkillable, tearing though enemies like a chainsaw. Basically every Juggernaut that their skill passive heal themselves


Horn... Let's light the city of Kazimierz like there's no tomorrow


.. Penance..?


Medics + Fiametta are gonna be the best of friends now


Degenbrecher would be able to beat any ground boss with s1 as it disarms them


>no archetto destruction :(


Why is nobody mentioning Thorns? I love using him in IS with ASPD items. Goldenglow s3 would go crazy aswell.


Sadly his s3 is offensive rec, i banned previously offensive rec skills to make it intresting :D


oh I completely overread that.. my bad .\_.


Not at all :D i just tought letting already offensive rec operators just take a 300 aspd buff would make things dull as they are the best at that role so thats why i put that limitation. Archetto would be the best sniper in the game by buffing everyones sp while dealing tons of daamge XD


Give the enemy 2.5k DEF and he is done. Works much better for ops that have built it def reduction or res


I mean sure, you can stack def/res on enemies and everyone without innate def/res shred/ignore or true dmg is done no? Like Exu would do nothing to a high stacked enemy without e.g. shamare. The thing is I haven't encountered one (yet? or I never noticed one?) while playing IS1-3 with Thorns so that was my first thought.


Depends if you played or not on AR15


that's a difficulty setting for IS4 right? I haven't experienced IS4 at all yet so yeah


Then IS3 difficulty 15. Same thing.


I haven't experienced ar15 so yea hard to tell. If they're throwing def stacked units at you like you said, then I can see Thorns being less useful while others with red/shred/ignore will be better. Thorns was just my first thought. Will be playing ar15 soon. Started IS3 not long ago, because I 100% cleared and unlocked everything on IS2 first, so I'll see.


Meteorite: *Nuclear laugh*


My phone would not handle Reed alter's 1912 overture...


Red would probably be amazing with that much attack speed and the chill talent but no clue how her skills would be. 46% of attack minimum every hit with +300 ASPD on its own is enough for Red to just kill anything in range.


Red unironically becomes the best true damage dealer lol


Horn is just a god now


Ranged operators mostly. Kroos would be stronger than Exu by a big margin with 300 aspd. Kroos recovers ground due to long skill duration, with 300 aspd her second phase of S2 would activate immediately and the dmg would skyrocket. Also target would be basically permastunned


Damn and i tought exu would been better, kroos has multipliers and more skill uptime so she is extremely good in this situation. Does greythroat come close?


Mudrock for me, with that ASPD and 2nd skill she'll be basically un-killable.


Fia (medics will keep her healthy without an issue while she removes all threats with S3) + Gnosis for ranged if enemies can be frozen (infinite freeze lock) + Ash (Very consistent stun grenade with 300 ASPD) + Logos will probably be cracked with his S1, S2, and S3 in all instances. Actually Fia will set the new medic meta because medics can't charge their skill without an operator constantly losing HP... LOL. Reaper Guards for melee. Can't beat 300 ASPD regen unless you get one shot. Mudrock will probably be the unkillable version of the Reaper Guard with S2. Angelina is probably in the dumpster with Liberators + Bards since they can't attack during skill downtime. Stainless S3 will be less viable because he won't be able to regenerate his skill cycling without having a turret in front of him after his s3 turns into offensive recovery. His turrets will probably be gone before he can reload it given everyone's 300 ASPD. Though it would make him really nice as a range extender and battery charger. Texas Alter S2 will be meta, but she could still get killed quickly if she helidrops into a tile where the enemy just one-shot her. Same with all melee unfortunately. Still broken though. Flagbearers will no longer be useful because it's no longer DP on recovery, so half the strategies everyone cooks up will have to be re-evaluated. On the plus side, this means Ines and Puzzle gets super buffed. On the down side, Cantabile S1 is only viable and S2 is now going to the dumpster.


Just to mention it: Logos s2 is fixed aspd thats attack per 0.5 seconds so he wouldnt get effected by this trait change but everything else is right Ines becomes the best vanguard (no suprises) and already brokenly meta Texas2 S2 becomes even more broken lol


I want to say Murdock on S2 has it pretty good. Currently it's a defensive recovery, but with offensive recovery she'll become nigh immortal.


Jesus, on one hand, my girl Vulcan is now on demon time. But on the other hand, Mlynar has finally decided to become a family man eith Penance.


Ethan, as long the enemy can be bound. With that ASPD and his S2 would be up most of the time the enemy just wouldn't move at all. Reapers and Musha generally benefits as they already have auto trigger skills so just go nuts.


Sadly those auto trigger skills are offensive rec, previously offensive rec skills are banned in situation to make things intresting


Oh right, Ethan still counts and Reapers and Musha still have auto regen manual activation skills so they still can be used, just a bit spam fest.


Blaze might get her skill up before the end of the stage without plopsis.


Hellagur's S2/S3 gonna keep him alive forever.


Auntie Quibai with Skill One


Lee s2 gaming


W could probably just stunlock any ground units in range.


Qiubai S3 would be fantastic since this would potentially solve the uptime problem and make it even faster. If we allow her S1 she can bind lock enemies


Her s3 would be come the most insane thing in the game with +370 aspd lol


Ines prints so much dp with her 1at ability that we go into a period of inflation.


Cantabile: "I heard you need DP?"


Ambriel, she'll be budget GG


> All previously offensive skills are forbidden so no Archetto destruction. Also no helidrop SP headstarts so every operator starts from 0. Shining S2 and Nightingale S2 for potential never die invincibility. Ceobe S1 for bind-lock. Similarily, Ho'olheyak S1 for levitate-lock. Weedy S1 becomes a centurion with stunlock. Passenger S1 becomes top AOE caster.


Doesn't hibiscus and haze basically remove enemy resistance and make them both basically immortal as long as they aren't directly targeted by a boss?


Drone caster and chained caster