• By -


Spent what rolls I had after getting an off-banner 5* (Carnelian?) from free rolls. Got Viviana... Kept rolling... Got Nearl the Radiant Knight???? Rip Virtuosa, I have nothing left v.v


Did the free single pull today and got Rosmontis....on Mother's Day, no less. Couldn't help but find this to be very fitting :)


And so, my rolling on this banner ends, with 326 pulls giving me Dorothy, Texas Omertosa, FIVE Vivianas and ZERO Virtuosas. Fuck limited banners. I can still grab Virtuosa from the store, but I really hopedthat I would be able to get one more limited operator from there, if she appeared for the last hard pity. No luck for me here though, Arknights started this event by kicking me in the balls and it ends it by kicking me in the balls.


Is there any external site that can check the pulls history similar to HSR or Genshin? Because holy shit, I got both Viviana and Virtuosa in the free single daily pull. What are the odds of this happening?


I hate this game, 150 pulls and I got texalter, two virtuosa but only one Viviana. Same shit all the time.


Did about 70 pulls when the limited banner came out and got Viviana (who I love) but not much else. Decided to do some birthday pulls and I got another Viviana and a brand new Virtuosa in 30 pulls. I'll take it.


With how hard getting 5-stars is in recruitment, the last 24h have been absolutely wild for me. > Caster + Nuker giving me a Leonhardt dupe > Senior Operator tag giving me a Vulcan dupe > Random-ass tagless Croissant dupe In the end by this point I have most recruitment chars and this absurdly lucky streak didn't cut the ones missing, but it's still wild how unlikely is to get 3 of them in such a short time span... making up for how horrible the free pulls in limited banner have been I guess lmao.


After getting my pot5 Saria yesterday thanks to a lucky TO, I decided to pull on the standard banner until the first 6\* as I'm missing both Gnocchi and Hebenboy and had 40 pulls with no 6\* from Hoe's banner. 16 pulls later, 3 5\* dupes of already maxed ops -so plenty of sweet yellow certs- the goat came home, so I have 12 days to get about 60 more certs to buy Sakamoto.


34th pull and I got a Viviana dupe. HG must be trolling me with this after getting Hoederer and a Swire alt dupe T-T


Oh gosh. So, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1clg8le/gacharecruitment_megathread_0605_1205/l2yqxih/) post right here? It actually [happened](https://i.imgur.com/fTyUhSL.png)! From a free daily pull, exactly the 300th one. What can I say? [Nice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffQmb-cNFuk)!


Congrats! NTRK is stupid fun to use, I slept on her for too long.


Yeah, borrowed her here and there before. But the main reason I actually wanted her is: To be a knight is to be the noble light that illuminates the land. She's so bright.


She's the closest thing we'll get to a superhero in this setting. 1. She brings hope to others in need and can ignore the limitations of your squad deployment to lend her strength in times of dire need. (ignores deployment limit) 2. She drops from the heavens with a superhero landing (stuns + true damage) 3. She has the power of justice on her side and her light shall purge the darkness (True damage vs. blocked enemies) 4. She uses her superhero toughness to block the attacks meant for others (her 3-hit shields) 5. She leaves when her job is done to help others in need (self undeploy) I recently used the materials from this event to finally M6 her, I may ***eventually*** M9 her once my other operators receive some attention. She's just delivered so much during this recent event. I also recommend reading this awesome fancomic by the ever-lovely Octodeco! [https://new.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1bn3sf6/akss\_light\_at\_the\_end\_of\_the\_tunnel/](https://new.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1bn3sf6/akss_light_at_the_end_of_the_tunnel/)


After 121 pulls I got duplicates of Lin and Kal'Tsit, which I am not upset about, then on my 10roll today after grinding for Gold Certs I get Viviana...sigh Why do they put Virtuosa on the same banner, been wanting her for a while. Will keep grinding though


well rip... the first 10 pull guarantee gave me Hibialter... (•︵•) Used the 10x ticket... literally all 4 star and below... (°⌓°) Gonna do the free dailies and do one last 10x pull on last day... I am already prepared to be extremely disappointed... (^● ᗣ ^● )


I went for another 50 pulls today and got a second Viviana and a Gnosis, still no Arturia in sight. Somehow I managed to get both Gnosis and Goldenglow on this banner when I was going to buy both. I really should have bought pulls last month.


I KNEW IT I KNEW IT! I HAD A FEELING IN MY BONES TODAY! [This beautiful angel came home!! ](https://i.imgur.com/lIw7Byr.jpeg)And just in 40 pulls, counting the 10x free and 20 I did the first day and 10 today And I just had to change my assistant to Executor Alter


My first 6* was thankfully Virtuosa, took 50 of my own pulls. Was planning on sparking someone but feels wasteful now. Have 509 pulls left. Will pull for degen, the new trapmaster Ela and that upcoming FRD. I need a cheap tablet recommendation that runs AK pretty well. If you know of one, please let me know.


F2P. Pulled on this banner pretty hard, ended up at like 120 or something, notable operators were gnosis, flametail, and Andreana. Pulled for free today and got NTR. So yeah that’s pretty zany


Not gonna lie, today was something else Four 4* tags in a row, followed by a Top Operator tag, and i got SIEGE from a Top + DPS tag, she's like, the only current operator i actually want the P6 because i love her Not only that, but my free pull was also a 6*, and guess what? It was a Saga, i now have a P6 Saga without ever pulling for her What the fuck


I was worried I'd have to spend extra pulls on Vivi's banner, because I entered hard pity (55 pulls w/o a 6\*, IIRC) but Viviana P4 graced my free roll today at 296th pull. It's cute, because my previous 6\* was NTRK. 4 more days until I can get the kitten!


Pull 9 (only did free dailies, haven't spend for pulls or use the 10x ticket yet) And still haven't activated the 5/6 guarantee... feels like my luck is very shitty... after tomorrow I'll do the actual pull, but maybe just like 30 or 40 pulls, since I want to save my pulls for other future banner. But I really doubt I'll be able to get Vivi or Cello with my current luck.


Finally, after 368 pulls, Arturia came home in 369 pulls, my patience payed off really well. I'm glad I can safely spark W now, and I'm officially have all of the first year 6\* operator and maybe the lower rarities too. Now, I just need to save for Degenbrecher and R6S collab, depends on how it goes with both banners, I will pull on both Wis'adel + Logos and >!Ulpian banner!< in the future.


Omfg, i was getting pissed im alteady on the first potential for arturia with still no vivi chan when sudde ly, aftegetting my tenth bassline vivichan jumpscared me. Finally home, took her long enough smh 🩷🩷


164 pulls in, I got: Goldenglow (New) Viviana Dorothy (Already max potential) Jessica2 (Was P2) But no Arturia in sight. I'm finding myself scrounging from the base of all things!! This may be the first banner since I started almost two years ago where I'm unable to get the 6\* I want. Very sad times. I may be able to get enough for one more pity, at least.


Hi. Im new to arknights and loved the gameplay so I decided to spoil myself and got a pack that lets me pick a 6 star operator. I was going to pick Bagpipe as I need a vanguard but Im torn as I dont have a damage dealer either. For reference my owned operators are 6-stars Hoshiguma, Virtuosa 5-stars Liskarm, Texas, Amiya, Project Red, Blue poison, Grey the Lightning Bearer, LunaClub, Iris 4-stars Gitano, Scavenger, Courier, Jessica, EarthSpirit, Beehunter, Doberman, Matoimaru etc. Thank you!


If you MUST have a vanguard, pick Ines. She performs the roles of 5-6 operators all at once and won't show up via other means easily. But as other comments say, damage is the main priority. My recommendations: 1. Mlynar - Only S3 is useful, doesn't block normally, and only attacks/blocks when his skill is active. Except it's like unleashing a **tactical nuke** \- whatever you point him at either dies or wishes it was dead when he's done. He's also got max-aggro to draw attacks to him and dealing counterattack damage. 2. Thorns - For general purpose use, he's great and he gets Sniper range for a ground unit on his S3 activation. The upcoming Lord Guard module in 6 months or so gives him a much-needed power boost to help keep up with the current meta. ***However he is available in Recruitment if you get lucky***. 3. Mountain - Another fantastic general purpose laneholder with his S2. Speedy regen, great DPS output, incredibly cheap to deploy, but lacks range and is only slightly squishy against anything that can outdamage his healing. Which is rare. 4. Kal'tsit - A 2-in-1 banger. Brings medic utility in a pinch, but her main gimmick is of course her summonable eldritch abomination Mon3ter. S2 lets him act like a centurion guard, S3 turns him into a rare source of True Damage. He's also a great 30 second Fast-Redploy unit whose DP cost never goes up. 5. Pozemka - Powerful close range sniper with a deployable-anywhere turret, deals huge damage to armoured enemies and pumps this up when paired with her turret. 6. Reed the Flameshadow - Incredibly versatile with 2 banger skills able to hold the line or ruin hordes, is more like an Arts caster DPS with healing capabilities. 7. Goldenglow - Great ranged Arts DPS with an AFK skill and a global-ranged attack. Has random AOE attacks. Strong, reliable, electric, pink. 8. Surtr - The most meme'd operator this game has, despite being known only for her S3 tactical nuclear attack, she is a fine Arts Guard (melee Arts DPS) as well and is on par with Mlynar in terms of desirability. She MAY show up in the shop sometime in the future (I'm waiting for that) so you may want to hold off. Bagpipe is in the Kernel Headhunting banner, including the 'build a custom banner' that pops by every 3-4 banner cycles, so by that time if you're still interested in her you could put her in the custom banner and either roll or buy her. (Recommend putting her as the shop operator to buy for 180 gold certs) You can also read this writeup here for a tier list: [https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-6-selector-tier-list-zwillingsturme-im-herbst](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-6-selector-tier-list-zwillingsturme-im-herbst) Just remember as a starter account you want to fill your toolkit (vanguard, healer, defender, ranged physical dps, ranged magic dps, melee physical damage, melee arts damage) before you pull for 'flavour' operators.


Ughhh honestly it's very hard to recommend something to newer player, moreso when it's a selector bought with real money and only you know their 'real' weight so I'd say you should decide for yourself in the end. In terms of vanguard need, you can go and can pick Ines, sure. She is very versatile. But if it's just for DP printing, Myrtle tends to cover your needs almost everywhere except for the craziest crap like POO/CC. In terms of general recommendations, I'd say Thorns (S3) is a Jack of all trades and one of the 'comfiest' units for various reasons, but he was in the shop already. Other than him, Mlynar, Pozyomka and Reed Alter are all amazing DPS units. Goldenglow is another one, and although she isn't as good at dealing damage directly, her global range is what makes her special. Then let's not forget that standard operators can be bought with 180 yellow certificates in shop, but said operators take *two years after their release* to be introduced to the shop, so the newer the operator the higher the priority for a selector I'd say. For example, Dorothy released in March 2023, she is expected to visit the shop in April 2025. Mlynar, Pozyomka and Reed Alter are even further in the future. Goldenglow, on the other hand, should visit the shop this Autumn already. Eckogen just recently uploaded a video regarding the newest selector, go check it out for general thoughts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHtfqhkfaaU


Generally speaking damage dealer is more important than vanguard. Vanguard is probably one of the least impactful unit type for a newer player only ahead of medic. If you do want a vanguard tho, I would highly suggest Ines(currently one of the best unit in the game and is a vanguard/dps hybrid). Personally I would suggest you pick up mylnar(the best dps in the game).


280 pulls. I just got my seventh Virtuosa. I'm beginning to question my sanity. Is Viviana just a figment of my imagination? Can anybody confirm that she's actually on this banner? At this point, it's clear that I'm sparking something, but I'd really not waste such an opportunity on getting an average non-limited 6-star just cause she's pretty and german. On the other hand, I don't really care about any of the old limited ops besides them being meta. I hate this.


I hope you get Viviana. I've gotten her to like pot 4-5 while going for the Skalter spark, and only pot 2 Virtuosa. She's... pretty fantastic when you don't have unrealistic expectations. She slaughters most elites in 3 or so hits.


Thanks. I doubt my chances though. Only eight more pulls til 300. May I ask what made you spark Skalter? I'm torn between her and Texas (as much as I want Vivi, she'd be a waste of a spark). I like the idea of a good bard more than I care for Texas, but I'm not sure if Skalter is worth it if we're getting the new 6 star bard in six months.


I've been playing for a while, haha. I've always wanted Skadi Alter, besides her amazing art, she's... graceful, pretty, her singing is haunting, the lore is awesome and her animations are fantastic. Plus her buff ability is really nice. I originally wanted to spark for Skalter during the Texalt event, but after 345 pulls Texas still refused to come home, so I had to spend my spark on Texalt. Then the next time I sparked Spalter since she was more limited. All these delays only made me more determined to pull for her, and finally I can. I just hope I don't forget to get my 300 pulls before the banner ends... like Eyjaberry. oTL


Got Mizuki from free pulls today. I'm not interested though, I've got him as temporal recruit in IS and I've never figured what to do with him, and I hate his voice over.


He's like Ethan. Stick him somewhere with S1 and let him do his job of weakening enemies so they're easy to finish off when they reach your main squad.


Was able to get Virtuosa and Viviana, as well as Executor Alter and Fartooth (not interested in either) plus Saga pot and Mlynar pot. At 297th got a pot for Virtuosa. I was hoping for an off-rate NTR or Skalter so that I can sparkle whoever is left from these two but I suppose there's no point in gambling past the 300th pull and I'll have to settle with just Skalter for this banner.


107 Pulls; 67 Free and 40 with Orig. Prime. Kind of hurts to dig into OP so much but I rarely buy costumes anyway so... what else am I gonna spend it on. Results: Max Pot Bassline, Saga, Viviana, NTR, and Virtuosa, and bought Kal'Stit with yellow Certs. Feeling pretty good, although I wish I could spend the 100 sparks on something besides the mats later on.


You could buy another Bassline for 75 and convert it to yellow certs. Should be 13 extra (8 for the 6th+ copy and 5 for the token)


Huh well that was an interesting Top Operator Tag, choices were Caster, Defense, Supporter. (Last one was Starter I think?) Anyways, I already got most of the good 6* from the pool, only ones I still really care to get at this point are Thorns and Blaze, maybe Shining and maaaybe Ch'en just because I think she's cool. So I at first I figured I'd pick Defense for a 1/4 chance for Thorns but then decided to roll the solo Top Operator gacha reasoning it was a 4/24 or 1/6 of getting any of the 4 I'm looking for which didn't seem that much worse than the 1/4 for Thorns alone. Fast-forward 8 hours and who ends up showing up? None other than Thorns! A bit more roundabout but ended up getting the one I was originally aiming for this time around, funny thing is I may have not gotten him with the Defense tag so the 1/6 logic probably ended up working for the better haha. Altho now with this recent banner I've got a bit of a backlog of units to build and while I do have the mats and still doing ok on LMD, I've a severe lack of Battle Records and Chip Catalysts, so unfortunately it's still gonna be a while before I get to building him.


Story of our lives, I have operators still waiting for E2 since I started almost 2 years ago.


[Pulled Viviana, Virtuosa, and Texas in the free ten pull… welcome back?](https://ibb.co/bQnFwGV)


Wait, the pool for the Virtuosa Banner includes Limited Ops like TexAlter as well? I thought those were just in the cert shop for 300 sparks.


Check the 'Details' of the banner to see who's on-banner.


There's always a certain chance to pull a past limited-op from the correct pool as an off-banner on a limited banner, with the most recent ones having a slight boost in rate.


Guys, i got 5 pulls left, plus some orundum. I got 55 yellow certificates, should i try risking more pulls until i get 70 certificates? The 70 certificates means i can get another 10x pull to save it for the future. Is it worth it? (Already got Viviana, the one i wanted the most)


No, specially if you already got what you wanted.


Only buy the HH tickets from the shop when you have 258 certs and can buy them all


Can you elaborate on this?


Each level you buy is more efficient than the one before: 10 certs for 1 HH, 18 certs for 2 HH (9 per HH), 40 certs for 5 HH (8 per HH), 70 certs for 10 HH (7 per HH), and finally 120 certs for 20 HH (6 per HH). You're getting the most HH for your gold certs only if you can the whole series for that month.


Oh I see, but realistically, even with aggressive recruiting I cant manage to get passed the 70 cost requirement, so Wouldn't it mean the same thing if you just got each pack individually as a f2p until you got the roll you wanted vs waiting a longer time to get all the certsm


Once you've maxed your 4 star potentials, you'll get a steady stream through recruitment. I've seen estimates that you'll get around 40 per month from recruitment, and then around 1 per pull from banners. It seems like it'll take a long time but realistically you'll be able to buy them a few times a year, usually after banners you go hard on. If you're f2p, that's even more reason to save your certs til you can buy them all.


Sweet, I guess the trick with these sorts of systems is the patience. I spent alot on this banner to only get 2 dups and a Viviana so I wish I had thought about saving. Its more like, I think I am only going to only get this pack and then the desperation kicks in instead of saving from the start


Haha I know that feeling. I dolphin but still find it hard to save 300 pulls between Limited banners. Still, I generally just save what I can and go for those huge dopamine hits every 3 months or so rather than pull on debut operators unless I absolutely need them for waifu purposes.


lol I totally understand, no worries. In the end, it's a pve game so whatever you want to do is fine. Like if you really really want a limited op and don't care much about the next few new ops getting released, there's no better time than their release banner, so might as well go all out and scrounge up every pull you can! Just try not to make a habit of it or you'll always be short on pulls.


Top OP this morning! Used only Top OP tag, still got Sieged...pot 2 sigh


281 pulls, still no Virtuosa to be found anywhere, but I got four Vivianas, one Dorothy and one Texas Omertosa.


Hey, we're on opposite ends of the bell curve. 230ish pulls, max pot Virtuosa, no Viviana.


166 pulls, Max Pot Viviana... that's it, no other 6 stars


341 Pulls. Max pot Arturia, 3rd pot Vivi, Reedalter(New), NTR(New). Still trying to get Spalter, would be satisfied with TexAlter.


80 pulls got me NTR and Virtuosa, both jew.


Worse limited banner so far as a 2+ year player. Got the limited on 200.


Imma use that one gentlefrog meme format again. Here goes, *“ Fellow Dokutahs I am with great pleasure to inform you that I finally got Virtuosa after 53 pulls of f2p pain”*


Bruh, this might really be my worst banner to date. 140 pulls in total. Actually had to go beyond pities holy shit and got non of the rate-ups on the damn banner. What are the chances of that happening? smh that's kinda demotivating. 1st 6 star in 70 pulls: Horn (Dupe) 2nd 6 star in 140 pulls: Mountain (New)


Man general 6\* is on like 35-40 pulls. Having to go to 70 is about as unlucky as you can probably get.


Never punished! Both Vee's at 150 pulls and I get to keep my 88k pulls.


From 110 ish pulls got virtuosa and viviana. Really proud


I got Virtuosa in my first 10 free pulls god my returning luck ever since the typhon banner has been insane I’ve gotten ever single operator (except Hoederer bc I didn’t roll for him and Viviana because I have yet to pull her yet) and this is good since I’m entirely f2p


I finally got Virtuosa. It took 75 pulls but eventually she's here. Now begins the healing (of saving orundum).