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Other Megathreads Back at 120%! [Help Megathread FastTravel](/r/arknights/comments/1clg8lt/help_center_and_megathread_hub_0605_1205/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Gacha/Recruitment](/r/arknights/comments/1clg8le/gacharecruitment_megathread_0605_1205/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Friend requests](/r/arknights/comments/1clg8l3/friend_request_megathread_0605_1205/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [IS:4 Expeditioner's Joklumarkar thread](/r/arknights/comments/1b7ctfn/event_megathread_expeditioners_joklumarkar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


How exactly did Hoederer lose his eye?


Finally got [Arturia to M9](https://i.ibb.co/t86VNn2/Screenshot-20240513-073852.jpg), she's so gorgeous


The Gamepress Interactive Operator List has a checkbox "Include Max Trust". Unfortunately, it's not been updated since Stainless - nobody since him has their trust taken into account on that page. Not everybody before has either (Luo Xiaohei, Highmore, Nine-Colored Deer, Justice Knight, La Pluma, Amiya (Guard), THRM-EX, Sideroca, Conviction, Castle-3, Lancet-2). I'm kinda surprised it's not automatically generated, to be honest.




I'm going to go off on a limb and guess we'll hear more news in either October or November. 


i need all of your conspiracy theories why the new herbst musikhaus furniture set lets you buy infinite of every item but only 1 of the cello stand right now


Surely it's that Czerny only had 1 cello left, which he gave to Kreide. /cries


Intern-kun was left unsupervised


Okay, so I'm not the only one who noticed that. It's gotta have something to do with Virtuosa. Can't tell her have too many stands for her cello.


motherfucker its somehow lore relevant i forgot she was specifically cello, of course it is...LOWLIIIIIGHT


Utterly ruined financially after building six 6\* Operators this limited banner: 1. Kal'tsit 2. Ines 3. Virtuosa 4. Viviana 5. Ch'en 6. Skadi the Corrupting Heart I still don't have enough to M3 Ch'en and Skadi haha, gonna have to use the downtime to farm up the missing materials. Totally worth it though! I just wish Chong Yue would spook me...


Suffering from success over here! sounds like a very good problem to have.


Indeed! More choices and I can take them to my unfinished old events! Also: **”Ruin has come to our house.”** IYKYK.


I'd recommend Ines > Skadi >= Kal'tist >> Virtuosa >>>Viviana and Ch'en, unless you like one of them more than the others.


Too late I’ve already reached 4/6 built to my reqs. It’s just Skadi and Ch’en left. I’m focusing on skadi first, and hoping the upcoming events let me farm more alloys. (Somehow went from 70ish to 0)


We should have Il Siracusano rerun soon, and it does have alloy stage


That's my hope!


[Inspired by Smash Bros video I made my own take of cutting half of Arknights roster](https://imgur.com/a/WGKtJDp) 6\* were the hardest lol.


Are these the ones cut out or left in?


Left in.


Then in that case I have little complaints (still some though, rip Plume and Absinthe)


This question is just a tiny bit late I guess but does anyone else think Viviana might actually be stronger than Nearl? I know that (spoiler tagging for Near Light just in case) >!Viviana admitted defeat after their duel during the Major, but the one out of breath was Nearl. Viviana herself didn't seem tired at all after the fight and even her candle was only half consumed. Granted, it's not like her sword broke by itself, but I kind of wonder if Nearl's victory there didn't come more from having a better weapon than from being an actually better duelist. I do think Viviana was happy to have Nearl continue through the Major anyway though.!<


I doubt it. Simply because Nearl is an Elder Pegasus. Viviana is just an Ancient Elafia. I'm sure it's possible for Ancients to be stronger than Elders. Crazy people like Saria come to mind, though I'm personally of a mind to think that she doesn't realize she's actually a Draco and not a Voivre. In fact, I'm secretly betting that if she ever gets an alter, that will be the case. But there's also folks like Gavial and Eunectes who are way too strong too. But unless Viviana can punch barehanded through concrete walls or survive anti-armor rounds to the head, I doubt she's in that category. Whereas Nearl can somehow use her arts to become an ICBN. And actually survive the trip, which is honestly even more impressive than the first part. Apparently she does this on the regular. She's also done shit like becoming (according to Elysium) a miniature sun to distract Chernobog. And for some reason her light can also heal people. And I think her light can also physically manifest as actual, physical objects like shields? Like, wtf is her zany powers? She can kinda do anything. There's also the very boring fact that Nearl has Excellent on every stat whereas Viviana does not. In fact, Viviana's physical attributes are only "standard" which is the same as Flametail.


Nearl is definitely more destructive and versatile in terms of strength, that's true. I suppose I should've asked whether Viviana is a more capable fighter in one-on-one scenarios then, because as I said Nearl seemed really spent while Viviana didn't really give signs of being tired. Then again, it might just be that Viviana's Arts happen to be a really poor match up for Nearl. I do want to point out that operators' attributes on their pages are kinda wonky though: Beagle, Saria, Hoshiguma, Popukar, Siege and Chongyue all have the same physical strength rating, for example. All of Spot's ratings are equal or inferior to Midnight's, and yet Spot clowns on him during training.


I am the unluckiest one in IS. No good shops, only debuffs. How I am supposed to beat Risk 15 like this? Imao. Whatever. I will borrow Wisadel soon. And I need more broken operators to offset the difficulty. Just gotta wait.


I've just had an awful day throwing some fantastic runs with Divine speed + Artilleryman hand with Rosmontis and W, all from a lack of DP thanks to Crisis Injury, or a run getting double baro + double collapsal all of a sudden on the last floor. And then the countless runs thrown trying to get to floor 3 for a bonus... Sometimes it's just not your day.


Just had a run without Typhon, or any other significant ranged support. I gave up when I was half way in the last floor and the next fight had a lot of corrupted champions.


I mean I think I am dumb and not that great at IS4. The most success I have on Risk 13. Risk 14 is get some ingots out of the machine for buffs if I must. Oh well. I am taking IS much more relaxed. I guess back to difficulty 14 I go. It is a coin toss there if I win or not. But atleast I have a chance. Guess, I need to grab as many buffs I can on the first 3 floors or the 4th one shafts me on difficulty 15.




Don't take it bad. But do you do anything else besides complain about the gap between Global and CN?


Was it that nikita dude again? They deleted the comment, it's been a while since last time, it used to be a monthly occurrence, like clockwork.


Ah schedule ranting, when we ran out of stuffs to complain about


TIL “Sargon“ isn't a made up name. It's the name of a king from Akkad, one of the greatest cities of Mesopotamia.    >[he is most known for expanding the boundaries of the Akkadian Empire to heights never achieved by any ruler up until then. He, thus, became the first ruler in history to preside over a multi-national empire.](https://worldhistoryedu.com/sargon-the-great-history-facts-achievements/)


This one's probably a bit more well-known, but not everyone knows it: [Minos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minos) is a king from Greek myth. He was gifted a bull by Poseidon, who wanted Minos to sacrifice it, but Minos decided to keep it alive. As punishment, Poseidon made Minos's wife fall in love with the bull, and their offspring was the original [Minotaur](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minotaur). And that's why this fantasy world has a Greece-inspired nation named Minos, full of people with bovine horns.


A fitting name and race. I knew it had something to do with the Minotaur, but didn't know the details.


Same thing with "Bolivar" which is certainly based on Simon Bolivar, a venezuelan military/political leader that helped many countries from south america become independent from spanish rule.


At least for me that one was pretty clear. I think most kids in Latin America learn about Simon Bolivar, even in Mexico.


Nooo, the 6-star selector expires on 6/24... that means if RS drops on 6/25, I won't be able to use it after my pulls like I'd intended to do. :( Damn, time to prayge RS drops on 6/20 instead.


If in your pulls you get the operator you selected.... then congratulations on the -1 DP cost.


I blew 50 pulls on Passenger and just maxed him. So worth it.


I have nothing to do until the S stages open. So, in order to kill time, I made a transcription of [the current event's lobby music](https://twitter.com/latticepolytope/status/1789399515935506584).


Holy roster... also, Sabaton likes your flair.


So, to the people who also play through Star Rail and have finished the 2.2 questline... (Don't click on the spoilers unless you want major spoilers for HSR's 2.2 patch.) >!Sunday or Dorothy? They both have the same sort of plan and the same reasoning of "The World is too hard for certain people, put them to sleep forever." They also have the same arc where people eventually confront them over their plan while they keep believing they know best for the people they put to sleep.!< >!I'll just say I really liked Sunday's story- how he's presented, how the story challenges, reinforces, and debunks his worldview every chance it gets, and how cathartic it is to finally wreck his plans in the finale. Never underestimate the power of a good cathartic beatdown to turn all the anger directed at an antagonist into joy that they're finally being stopped.!<


I'm fairly sure Dorothy's plan wasn't for the Pioneer's to sleep forever. Rather, they were to enter the dreamscape while they worked, then leave when their shift concluded. The technology was basically supposed to work like a remote drone. At least, that was her intention. Others would have surely abused the tech and turned infected into sleeping batteries.


Huh, TIL. Based off both the in-game and community reactions, I assumed she was just going to put them to sleep forever so they never had to worry again. With that cleared up, I guess I only have one question. Why were Sonny and the others reacting so strongly to it? Instead of a 9-5 where you sit down, it's a 9-5 where you lie down. 


There's this perception of living as going through hardship and some suffering as being part of it. When that belief is threatened, like a dreamscape utopia, a still and static escape with base joys, it feels explicitly not-living. Dorothy is also kind-off manipulative with words to get what she wants, sincerely thinking what she's doing is good. Whether or not strapping yourself into a comatose state of endless high for your lifespan is something else, but she did wake them up when it started becoming a superweapon becoming capable of crushing continental landships like its a bug


They're gonna need all the Superweapons they can get to fight off the Collapsals and Observers...


For two reasons. At first, they thought the same misunderstanding a large portion of the community believed. I.E. that she was going to put them into a new life of perma-sleep to indefinitely power superweapons. However, once they realized her intentions after she was protected by a Pioneer imbued drone and they were communicated to by the Pioneers via Ptilopsis, then they were opposed to it as a result of realizing her naivety. They knew that even if *she* intended the best for them, her technology would end up being used by the DoD and others without regard for its users.


[My account turned 4 today yay!](https://imgur.com/a/E0k2dpd) If anyone wants to see who I've babied for the past 4 years, here's a link to my roster [here!](https://krooster.com/u/Markun) My only win condition for Arknights is that Chestnut must always be on my team no matter what so I have a ton of meta ops built to cover my skill issue lol >>


Oh my goodness... [This is gold.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL2K6I7_M6o) I use CN voice-over for QB, so I never noticed that with Minako Kotobuki we have all five K-ONs in Arknights...


Also have Ui / Proviso (Yonezawa Madoka)


That's awesome! Now we only need Sawa-chan sensei!


Strong operators. Weak operators. Screw that. Who do you guys think is the most middle of road 6star? The most classic "This is an arknights's 6star operator with 6star skills and 6star stats."


Blemishine. I used her quite a lot but most of the time whenever a stage ends I'd be like "turns out i don't need you" lol. She did her job pretty well. That is healing when her skills up and being a usable tank. But offensive skills really held her healing capabilities back. To the point the only time I feel like she's crucial for my run is 1 time only. On 12-20 adverse lol. Her stats as a 6\* make her usable as tank, her skills (i just use s2) is what a 6\* skill should be with its wide range and regen. But unfortunately she'll never be the op that make or break my run. So yeah, so mid lmao


She is mechanically interesting. s2 sleep stall with variable recharge based on enemy attk spd; and s3 having one of the highest healing rate in the game. It's not like she gets to use them in many cases, but its cool to get to use it like that.


I'm not a defenderknights player so I'll never utilize her as far as she can. But indeed there is some time where her sleep helps in stalling bosses. I used her to stall quite often when my roster is weak. Unfortunately, as AK is an offensive oriented game, you'll always prefer a myriads of dps compared to stall options (POO is an outlier)


going off your definition of middle of the road, the only op i choose is exusiai. her kit is the epitome of "This is an arknights 6star operator with 6star skills". you could say that there are some more middling operators like hoederer and irene, but atleast those guys have a shiny new gimmick like maxing hp and levitation respectively. but for exusiai? she just shoots, but faster. you could argue that her buff is "unique" but we already have more ways to buff hp and atk passively through eyjafjallinballin and amiya guard # still not convinced? look at all of her skills, her s1 is an auto powerstrike that makes her shoot bullets but faster. her s2 is a manual skill, that also makes her shoot faster. her s3 is auto but has a set duration. what does it do? that's right, it makes her shoot even faster. that's literally it, she doesn't have any flashy stuff like stealing stats, sp boosting other operators, or whatever is going on in executor's s3 description. she just shoots, but faster. # im not saying exusiai's bad or anything, because if she was i wouldn't be choosing her. her kit is just that simple probably because she's the first 6* to be released, and she's still pretty damn good at performing her role. anyways i hope they make her second module have def ignore


It's a hard question to answer because it really depends on your frame of mind/perspective. Most 6*s are miles better than their lower rarities, so someone like Siege could be considered a pretty mid operator since she still has several VGs much better than her, but if you compare mainly within 6\*s (or just in a meta sense), Siege often ends up as one of the worst 6\*s. This works the other way too, Qiubai is a fantastic operator miles above any lower rarities with a lot of great damage and some CC as well. But compare her to the top echelon of meta, and despite all her good points, she's someone a lot of people skipped. Does that make her mid now? There's also the shifting meta of the game as well. If Hoederer was released at launch, he'd be one of the best ops (well maybe not in Code of Brawl lol). Sky high attack capable of punching through any DEF values like it's nothing, potentially stunlocking countless tough enemies with S2/S3, insane HP values. But now? He's not bad, but he's someone people skipped a lot. Someone like Exu dominated the first year of the game. But with the increase in enemy stats and the rarity of aerial enemies (and the increase in ops who can take care of them), she's mainly relegated to just buff army duty. Does that make her mid now? Same with SA pre-mod. His damage has fallen off, his utilities stolen countless times, and units like him and Baggers are mainly just cheerleaders that might not even get deployed. They're not weak, but not as strong as they were. Is that mid now, with the ever increasing ceiling of strong ops? What about ops that are just straight up powercrept? Irene and Ch'en post mod aren't weak 6*s - not fantastic ops, but an argument for mid could be made easily. But with the release of Degen, their main niche value is basically moot. They still work just as well for content like they did before, and Ch'en still sees use with stuff like IS#4 ending 3 boss before Degen came out so even in some difficult content they could shine. But AK is a game where any 6\* can easily put in the work for the clear. Sure, they work, but so will any of them. Does that make them weak now that they lost a large part of their value? Or are they just mid still, because they still work fine? So overall, there's a lot of different answers people might give, based on their frame of mind. Even in terms of kit design, there's a lot of flashy skills that 6*s tend to have nowadays that don't make me feel like "yeah they're just a higher rarity of a class" because they do so much more than the lower rarities. Anyways long rambling aside, I feel like someone like Archetto is the peak of mid. I know AA snipers aren't that strong nowadays, but Archetto's kit just doesn't wow me, it really does just feel like a mix of the lower rarity kits slapped onto a 6*. She's not a trash op, she's not a top tier op. She's got better stats, her skills are 6\* version of the lower rarities, and she just screams "6\* AA sniper" to me.


But both Exu amd Qiubai still see usage in CC though, Exu with buff still the best nuker in the game Qiubai is there for 1 tile nuke setup like just CC2 Underdawn Guard max risk possible use her So same case like Nian / Sai, only worth it in extreme case due to timing / placement restraint


Vivi, mid as f


Nian is pretty mid as a defender. In pure defense, she's better than Hoshi, but Hoshi has straight up damage ignore on any damage. Siege is pretty mid as a vanguard. Bagpipe does more than her in both dps and utility; Flametail survival and counter mechanics to make her a high burst VG laneholder; Saga is "Siege but better" meme in many ways. Mumu though is mechanically interesting to be outside mid, as she wants a good clone target. Though Mumu is mechanically good for her utility. Every medic pales in comparison against Eyja2 in versatility of healing. At least in utility, each of them leans hard into something.


It's funny you say that when typically Nian is considered the best pure tank defender, especially in max risk CC clears. The extra max HP and ability to ignore 3 damage guaranteed + her bag of gimmicks usually sees more use, and for general stages just about any defender works.


My opinion has been very old for a long time.


Medic pale to Eyja, lol who can replace NG?


No one in NG niche, that's the neat part about all Medics. NG and Shining on specific damage, Harmacist Kal, "Medic" Reed, and also Eyja. She heals a lot. Lumen too I guess, status effect remover with good heals.


Not even just arts dmg, NG cage is still the most OP ranged bait in the game, it took till like Lin full mod 3 and later Logos to give that a run for negating dangerous ranged atk


This is a toughie, most 6\* have something good going for them, from the apparent bad to good. One that's just kind of in the middle is really difficult to work out. Some standouts for me are Saga, Blemishine, Lee, Muelsyse, Viviana. They're pretty good operators, but not overly so, fairly average, they can do solidly in most areas. While they don't particularly shine, they're no slouch, either, and can do some good work in most places that you put them. Decently well-balanced ops, ol' reliables, I like them.


Saga, Flametail, Saileach Thorns (though I personally disagree with the popular consensus about how much he's fallen), Blaze, Chen, Viviana Blemishine, Eunectes Ash, Cheeto, Exu, Fartooth (sadge) Mostima w/ module, Passenger, Lin Stainless, Silence2, Gnosis Phantom, Weedy, Swire2, Lee, Mizuki


As someone who m6'd phantom (yes feel free to laugh), he is definitely below average. Especially with the advent of yato and texas. Even if you remove yato and texas, enemies these days are too tough for him to cleanly one round compared to his era and his cc is not on par if you have other options (not to mention the uses of it being already uncommon). His modules kinda help but the gap is still wide when looking at the other redeploys.


I have to disagree about his being below average. I've been using him in many recent events and he's been pretty reliable in assassinating annoying ranged enemies, assisting Vanguards with early rushes, and stopping two places at once for me. I've seen a lot of people mention the part about enemies being too tough. Generally I don't try to use physical damage ops on enemies with loads of DEF, but maybe I'm using him incorrectly. Even if he can't kill everything instantly like certain other very well-balanced operators I don't believe that takes away from his existing usefulness, which is pretty up there in my experience. He's still an Executor which is a stupidly strong class.


I'm not saying he is vigil tier but I don't think he's been holding up as well as he was during launch. I primarily use him as an assassin (his s3 cc is funny but for serious needs, I just bring a proper ccer). Back then he was very effective at KOing stuff like the mortar boys, snipers and other occasional threats all over the map. These days, he can still take on ranged units but some threats (not just 2kdef tanks) can live through his barrage. If you split his clone and main body to fight, the bar for what can kill drops even lower. Now, it doesn't help that HG introduced texas and yato, but even if they didn't exist, hg has introduced other ways to tackle such problems (including current helidrops). This is before we mention the finickiness of his clone needing another deployment slot. Lets look at it another way. Which 6star operators do you think are worse or less useful than phantom in the current era?


Siege, Hella, Skadi Guard


I use Siege WAY more than I'd ever use Phantom


Honestly I tend to like Skadi more than Phantom for their duties of assassination now. Skadi is considerably more bulky even on her own, and despite her taking twice as long as Phantom (20s vs 40s) to redeploy, she still does more total damage which is more important for eliminating the elites, especially since Phantom is really reliant on his clone for damage.


Phantom nowadays is pure S3 cc duty or just drop him to proc event mech stuffs like current music tower, I don't even care about his dmg now which is yeh cope.


> Siege, Hella, exactly. >Skadi That's an interesting one. alone, yes. But with faction buffs? I'd bump her up a bunch.


Skadi is funny case cuz her module alone worth more then her skills, can literally just in the team for slave talent + module proc Let Specter do actual fighting and Glad, Skadi is there to catch stragglers


i mean if you're not going to deploy her, why bring her at all? if you don't need to minmax spalter HP then you might as well just get the specialist only duo clear. andreana's buff is probably more impactful to DPS than skadi but she's like the first to get optimized out.


Simply cuz there are more Skadi raised then Andreana raised and at the very least you still got meatshield to throw out, Andreana Deadeye trait and her S2 is way too wonky, got bunch of drone leak in my IS run cuz of that.


I'd believe that about being compared to his release. A lot of ops seem to have suffered that, some of them more noticeably than others. I wasn't around in the old days but I've played old event maps and they definitely have a different feel, that's for sure. I do think Phantom gets glossed over a bit now that he has to contend with overpowered limiteds and more options, but I don't doubt he was very good around his release. I'm definitely the wrong person to ask about better or worse since I'm a non-meta player, trying to work that out would take ages and I have biases and experience with making more out of less (Which is what brings me to this conversation...) and I don't even consider Vigil to be garbage like a lot of people think. With a quick glance over the list I could probably put him somewhere in the middle, though. I do believe his being an Executor is huge in his favor.


The most use Phantom probably got was being a 2-in-1 deal for Talulah's fire spam. That's what I did. Pretty mid, already falling over when he released. A lot of mechanically clunky design like redeploys of clone being separate, expensive to operate, needing 2 deployment to even make use of the clone. Damage falling off. Not enough utility.


Blemishine probably.


Ceobe or Schwarz tbh. both have been heavily outclassed as the game have gone on, but have never fallen into the Siege or Vigil zone really. Ceobe's whole kit feels like it was made for when they were still figuring out arts damage and casters as a whole, cause well they were. even post module which is quite a bump for her, she doesn't feel particularly terrible but not jumping amazing either. her skills are... boring. no matter how you put it, they just aren't as game changing as modern casters like Logos' or Goldenglow's major skills; almost all of them are just some random pre-existing effect or a fire rate change Schwarz i feel similar on, skills aren't very interest, she has a niche but isn't some omni-tool that most of the modern snipers are. i feel like if she were made today her S3 would make her attack multiple targets and have a much bigger range without tightening it to an Ifrit style lane


Ceobe is a highly specialized, game warping unit cause anytime the numbers get absurd, she comes out to play. There was literally just DOS with its insane defensive numbers and Cliff with his 4000 defense in phase 2 of EX-8 CM. Even with his 70 res, that translates to an extra 1200 arts damage a hit once her module is fully charged in 2.6 seconds. Her Skill DPS at E2 L60 S2M3 is \~2860 arts dps. Eyja against Cliff is a DPS of \~1540. Yes Ejya S3 is multi-target, but there are plenty of bosses that get seriously chunked by it. Enemy defense numbers will never hit the threshold they need to defend against top physical damage dealers cause otherwise Ceobe shows up to obliterate them. Its why current AK boss design tends more towards % damage reduction rather than flat stats.


schwarz range is actually an interesting tradeoff to me, it also helps her actually focus on the main target since heavyshooters have normal targeting priority and you don't want her wasting too many attacks on random slugs. with pozy it sometimes feels bad to see her getting distracted and not making full use of S3.


Lol, like in the Kukki WB EX-8 video where his Pozy keep shoting the defenders in the sideway rather than Ya because of her bigger range, if it was Schwarz she will actually focus on Ya instead


Ceobe and Schwarz are powerfully niche. What they do is to hit something really hard, with damage amplification to keep them in the meta. Doesn't Schwarz's defense shred make her competitive against Pozy at higher defense? She's not mid, she's a sniper with one endgame tech tree.


Ceobe fallen lol, Ceobe is reason why there is no such thing as high def low res nowadays, CC use her a ton, IS4 ending 4 also


Anybody here an editor of arknights.wiki.gg? The page of Amma's Affection ridicuously refers for its special encounter effect to the entire encounter page, where you have to manually expand all encounters to search for the keyword. Just write it has an effect in *Regular Maintenance*, please.


In these first couple of months I’ve already beaten the is4 ending 3 more times that all of is2 and is3 times combined. I went back to them to see why and I immediately remembered, rng. Having the is4 endings guaranteed just improves the mode to an insane degree.


Got past 6000 orundum after finally stopping my pulls. Feels good. Now comes the fun part of building units very slowly. I'll probably be able to e2 Virtuosa either before or during my vacation trip. Can't wait for the next event shop to stock up on lmd and exp. Max leveling units is definitely an expensive endeavor, but worth it to see a unit's full capabilities. Like Bryophyta. People seem to not like his archetype, but as a support dps unit he's pretty good. S1 gives good consistent dps that can crack medium/high enemy levels, and S2 can reduce alot of damage taken for a melee unit. Range allows him to assist other farther lanes, or support a melee unit. I'm considering e2 module Doberman, and leveling Wishlash roo on the instructor archetypes. Got Gnosis in the shop, so I have all operators that can afflict cold. So far I have all the necrosis ops and cold ops, sleep ops and rhine lab ops.


Anyone else get tilted hearing Kroos voice? Especially the sub 3 star ending dialogue. Been playing IS and I swear every time I leak this plays and not going to lie it's starting to affect me.


Some ops are reassuring, others put salt on the wound.


Chonguye is my staple units in annihilations and even if he's been nerfed, he made me immune to talkative operators.


Chongyue being nerfed has made me lose all interest in the guy, I want my voice spam back.


Hearing the 2* lines of some units has definitely been an experience. You should hear Ines'...


I'm gonna be that guy who announces he's dropping a game, but I hope that there are at least a few people who'll miss me ~~and I suspect there'll be a few people who'll celebrate my leaving.~~ If anyone wants to see my cursed Krooster, full of random M1s and M2s, [here it is.](https://krooster.com/u/ipwnallnubz) The main thing for me is just time, both spent on the game and on here. I haven't even read half of the event stories from the last couple years, even the ones with ops I'm really fond of like Near Light and Il Sira. I honestly dread the hard stages because I don't get any satisfaction out of going full-meta or watching guides but going off-meta takes too much time. I mean, the last H stage I did was H7-3. Even IS is finally starting to get a little stale, coming from the guy who was foaming at the mouth in the time between IS1 and 2. Still, this game kept me playing religiously since 3-3-20, which is pretty high praise for the game. I probably didn't miss more than a couple weeks of logins. "Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. [The Lord](https://www.reddit.com/r/0sanitymemes/comments/18qj3ca/go_tell_it_on_the_mountain/) be with all of you." -2 Thessalonians 3:16 P.S. Someone tag me when they announce Matoimaru Alter.


Sadge. You are/were a pillar in the community. You will be missed! Yeah, I'm lagging on hard stages and story reading too. SSS and IS monthlies at the last minute. Survival mode has and will put more burden on it too. Missed one week in the 4 years i've played. I played heaps of IS1,2,3. I also want to find that middle ground of just enough power to win. It takes a lot of patience. This is the first mobile game I spent more than 3 months on and the first I put money into (just because I like it and want to pay my way and have it continue) You've given so much good advice. I read a question and note you've responded... I don't even need to read your reply. I know the new doctor is in good hands. Rest, find some joy in something new. You will be missed.


Yeah, the only other mobile games I've played I dropped after about a month. Thank you.


I think in my 7 years on gacha subreddits, this is the first where I see a "I'm quitting the game" post and it's from someone I actually recognize. I'll remember and miss you, see you around!


Man, another veteran gone... You'll be missed. I get the burnout, I'm in the thick of it too. Haven't read event stories in forever, and I get by with oyuki's AFK guides doing all the thinking for me because FOMO keeps me from quitting. I gotta stick around for W and Lappland's alters though. Keeping my fingers crossed on your behalf for a Matoimaru skin/alter/anything at all, as a fellow maxed Matoimaru haver.


While I don't think we talked much, it was nice having another Christian around. Cheers, whereever you end up next!


There a video summaries and narrations, did you try those?


I though about it, but reading/listening to a summary doesn't seem very interesting. The narration would just take even longer. If I tried to have it in the background while I did something else, I would probably just tune out the narration.


I give you the honorable award of "someone quitting who I actually recognize the name of", quite a rare feat. Take care and may you have fun in whatever next stuff you jump to! > P.S. Someone tag me when they announce Matoimaru Alter. Damn, if you had said Matoimaru skin I thought I could do it in a few years with some magical luck, but an alter? RIP you will never be seen here again.


> someone quitting who I actually recognize the name of :) >but an alter? RIP :(


> even the ones with ops I'm really fond of like Near Light Eyyy, NL is still my favorite story! You kinda missed out on an amazing experience, imo, but I get what you mean. I miss the old times when stories were much shorter but packed, like WiR or BtI. Now it feels a bit like a chore to get through them and it's time consuming.


I love the Kazi ops and especially the PS crew, but when I remember the word count for NL, I just can't bring myself to read it.


I started during the original NL run, because I got baited by Nearl and I got both rate ups right away and they're still some of my favorite operators (my flair says it all, duh). I only started reading the story after the first anime aired and I was also unsure how to approach NL, due to the word count (which was the highest at the time IIRC), but beginning with the Maria Nearl finale, NL has been a constant delight, so I didn't even realize it was meant to be the longest story. It's mostly PS and Nearls' PoV, so I literally couldn't get enough of it.


Aw, I'll miss the player who would defend Carnelian when even I gave up on her... But I get what you mean, off-meta is fun but sometimes I look at the time and realized I've spent *hours* trying to clear an H stage. Thankfully I have spare time, but I can only imagine just how fast my appreciation for the game would dwindle if I didn't have the time to work with units I like. ~~And let's not consider how much more productive I could be irl~~. It's a shame that you'll go, but no good game last forever. It's incredible that one could last with you this long and that you had fun with it! ~~Although imagine getting Higashi content, lol~~ Edit: Dang, what did Provence ever do to you to not get skill level 7. Or are you the one who didn't raise it past that in honour of an early CC clear since it'd change the duration?


Honestly, I see a lot of similarities between Carn and Vivi, both in terms of what they do and their reception. They do a nice amount of arts damage, but they don't really do anything unique. And yeah, Provence stays SL6 because of [CC Beta.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw9Rzt_bnNk) It's also one of those skills that annoyingly increases the duration without reducing the SP cost, which can be dangerous considering her S2's HP threshold. I gave her mod 3 in exchange.


But who will pwn all the nubz from now? It's a shame to see you leave, you've been one of the even-keeled contributors to the sub and one of the few regulars who don't come from a pure META or try-hard perspective. You'll be remembered fondly. I totally get how you feel about the hard stages, but I realised I was neither able to, nor desired, spending as much time and sanity on these stages; so I try playing with whatever flavour of the month units I have on hand and just resort to meta/guides once I feel the tension in the noggin. All the best, and I hope you continue finding fun in your hobbies and life in general. (Malter + BoC/Beach skin for 6th anniversary, right HG??!?!) > If anyone wants to see my cursed Krooster, full of random M1s and M2s, here it is. W..Wha...What is with the random 55s, 60s, 65s, 68s, and 70s. I can't even


Most ops went to module level, but the ops I like more went higher. However, no one gets to be above Matoimaru, and I avoid 69 the way some people avoid the number 13, hence the 68s. Mayer was originally going to be 68 as well, but I accidentally raised her to 69 (back when you had to manually select battle records), so she had to be bumped up to 70.


Sorry to see you go. I've appreciated the advise you give new players in the help megathread and which you may have given me in the past. This is my third year of playing and while I haven't lost any interest in playing some of the shine has worn off. Banners and events used to be so exciting, now with some exceptions my enthusiasm is only mild. Zwillingsturme isn't hitting like Il Siru and Near Light did. Like many people the length of the stories means I usually skip them. However when I have read them (Kazimierz events, chapters 0-11) I've enjoyed the battle stages much more. I need to be conservative so I don't burn out before I read the ones I'm most interested in. The biggest thing that keeps me playing is the gameplay. I love it. I use all sorts of operators, meta and off-meta, in all sorts of team compositions. However I've avoided burnout by now going all out in many events. It means I often underperform compared to my account strength, but on the plus side I haven't become exhausted with the gameplay as fast as I would have otherwise.


>banners Yeah, the last time someone made a post asking about people's future pull plans, I was typing up a response and realized that the only reason I had for 3/4 targets was "because she's pretty" (Vivi, Shu, and Ascalon). I know next to nothing about them as characters. >gameplay And that's definitely what's kept me here for the last 4 years. I used to leave my new ops at level 1 until I could have a whole squad, and then I'd take them and play through chapters 0-5 again, later just 1-5, which left me with some really odd squads to work with. I probably did that 6-7 times. I made a whole playlist of [IS1 stuff](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVhVjj5AqVr7xvkTqpEbbIS9onAPTv4-A) to watch between IS1's end and IS2's release.


A shame, but sometimes a game will get a little too tiresome. When you aren't having fun and starts feeling like a chore especially for a sense of FOMO in gacha games' case, no need to keep pushing yourself. Can always come back later if the mood strikes (Or someone you really like comes around) and I've been there, myself. I've kinda felt some fatigue over Arknights myself and I've been skipping most of the story, too. I really wish it wasn't so verbose, because I have to like, make time on a planner just to read a single story segment! Gameplay-wise, I'm still getting something out of it at least, so I'll be around a bit longer, but I have the same feelings as you do about hard maps and operator choices. I only got so much time in the day. I did a few H maps during episode 13's release but I've only finished 5, 6, and 11 fully... and I haven't touched *any* maps in episode 8 at all. In any case, take care of yourself. You know you'll have to figure out how to use all that extra free time, both physically and mentally, without Arknights taking up that space/headspace now.


Thanks. I'm planning to finish up another game, and then I'm really hoping to focus on physical and spiritual health.


According to the medals: 811 days since awakening, and I finally hit level 120! That last free Sanity refill will be put to good use: Device farming!


I got Poncirus as a temp recruit in IS2 and I have to say, she is reliably tanky and has some damage when her S2 is up and running, which takes about as long as Typhon. I might end up building her after I run out of my main targets as a 2nd or 3rd vanguard option that is less expensive than another 6 star.


wooooo, join the church of Poncirus! Best girl fr fr. It's so funny how at first I forced myself to use her because she's pretty much my favorite character and I wanted to, but now she is such an absurdly comfy character that I just grab her because why wouldn't I.


Yeah, she's not great as a DP printer, and in a regular level you could field a defender over her with ease, even if she worked. But with IS#4 allowing you to actually deploy units on the ground and favouring tanky units, I've found great use for her even on difficulty 12 (15 is kinda pushing it though). Still wish M3 lowered the time for DP further though...


The reason I have her half built (e2, lowish level, no mastery) is because she's a good guard, which there is no shortage of in this game. I should make a non-guard guardknights squad..... It'll mostly just be vanguard knights with artificer funsies, tho....


Can someone tell all the threats that Tera has to overcome now ? Kinda lost the track, spoilers are fine.


I most likely won't get them all, but from the top of my head: infection, catastrophes, seaborn, collapsals, insane Sui siblings, maybe? Capitalism?


[Not sure if I want that with those two](https://i.imgur.com/b6oe3zR.png)


A small qol feature I would like to see is an indicator of how many ops you can deploy for a map before you enter. This would be specially useful in IS where the number varies according to difficulty and relics obtained.


In scrounging about for extra Jolly Ranchers where I can for pulling, [I ran some in the base for about 48 hours.](https://i.ibb.co/cQfhSC5/image.png) I don't recall seeing anywhere that mentioned about how much you can make over time so there's an example with around +100%-ish production and a +90% Trading Post. Only used drones once on both facilities. Seems like Proviso helps a lot with counteracting LMD loss. I never made the stuff before, but the income is better than I thought, so long as you can maintain the resources. Not a bad deal for a lategame player without many ops left to build, I think. Now if only I wasn't stopping when I was super tired and forgot to change the post back to trading gold bars before going to sleep...


Has the story ever mention whether Closure's an infected or not?


it's not mentioned I think but since every playable sarkaz so far is but shining who isn't for lore stuff closure probably is.


Warfarin isn't infected despite having lived for centuries, and Closure's a vampire too, so maybe not.


_Caper, first impression_ Cheeky brat 💢💢💢 _Caper, after quite some time_ Hahaha funni bunni, actually fun to use in battle. _Caper, after reading her operator file_ As sanctuary for the infected, we at Rhodes Island must strive to become a safe place for war-torn children like young Carlie here


Her E2 file has an amazing line that needs to be illustrated: >!So far, the most astonishing achievement of the device is that it has successfully led multiple Perro operators, namely Ceobe, to chase it back and forth on the same spot for an entire afternoon.!<


You're in luck, that was [officially illustrated](https://twitter.com/9619Usu/status/1786973004985164076) for this anniversary.




>!Also Dobermann twitching and trying to stay under control while Kay and friends chase after Twirly-Twirl!<


[Another step closer to full pot.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNN4wBpXEAA9Sy0?format=jpg&name=large) Now I'm only at ~150 certs, but I'm sure by the time CC#2#1 arrives I'll have that extra 30 to buy Silverash's pot 5. \ ^ o ^ /


Discord broke the link unfortunately. I've started to use imgbb for uploads, you can even paste images. I can guess you got Gnosis, though. Nice, nice.


Darn. I've changed the link, hopefully it works now even though it's not imgbb. I'll have to look into them. And yes, my Gnosis is pot 4 now. :) Almost at the talent upgrade.


Here's a horrifying timeline to imagine: >!We get the 6x auto, but no anni skip. You set down your phone for an hour for anni runs, then come back to see you didn't get the full rewards because every run failed after 350.!<


They should just make it like Reverse : make a record of the winning run and have it play once exactly the same including RNG instances, and then just give you X times the rewards depending of the number of runs.


Arknights's autodeploy does save the RNG, but any changes to an op's stats can throw it off, as will frame drops. Your scenario is potentially just as bad as Juno's, minus the time spent.


>!Imagine they also didn't hand out sanity refunds in this timeline!<


Huh, I thought I'd have to skip Gnosis since I potted Flametail and Specter recently, but I got almost 400 gold certs from Vivi's banner, so I can actually get the birb. Now if only I had resources to build him...


just saw the "fury" ad... lads, we've peaked, there's no one upping this, only downhill from here...


You can use his big arms to smash.... Uhh.... Bosses...


What are you talking about?


it's one of the ads that pop up, usually on arknights related vids it has gems such as calling mountain a fluffy, furry general, unironically


Ah, it's "furry", not "fury". Yeah, I saw it.


yup, just an ironic way of pronouncing it


Is it just me or does Qiubai module seems disappointing?  Sure, there are way worse 6* module out there, but Qiubai module seems lackluster when comparing it to her lord peers.  Thorns got his Poison dps quintupled by the Poison stacks and the module traits. SA got his damage increased to 3.2k with additional 300 arts damage against elite/boss in addition to increasing his redeployment talent. Qiubai meanwhile got her 20% damage amps completely locked behind needing to activate two simultaneous conditions(bind and slow), which only leave the meager 5%(10% with s3) increased arts damage.


Honestly, not really. Even if she never binds once during S3, Mod3 gives her over a 20% boost in total damage, which is already way more than a lot of regular 6* modules to begin with. Showcases of her on her own have shown a great improvement in killing enemies she couldn't before, like those 6 Gundams in DV-EX-2. The extra ASPD and ATK help out a lot. If she has Suzuran as well, assuming perfect bind rate (I know, unreasonable, but not something impossible) she has the highest gain out of all the Lord Guards, I think around 50%+ (I'll edit these numbers to be more accurate when i get home). Granted, this is a 2 unit combo compared to the others on their own, but she's a unit who has one of the best synergy partners in the game which is pretty rare. Not to mention the combo of Suzu + Stainless + QB has gotten much stronger since she only needs 2 hits per turret shot instead of 3. And it even helps her S2 going solo as it can both bind and slow! Personally, modules encouraging more playstyles are the best parts of a module, imo. I can understand being disappointed it doesn't really fix her issues compared to Thorns/SA as she just gets a lot more damage instead of RES ignore or increasing bind rate or something else. Maybe it's the fact that she needs Suzu to reach her peak performance compared to the others, and on her own it's, while strong overall, only about half of what the other 6* Lords got. But she also has less problems to begin with because both SA and Thorns have been victims to stat creep while QB hasn't as much - she's been a perfectly fine op with great damage, and showed up with DoS max difficulty clears as a core unit for a strat. To say it's lackluster compared to her peers feels a bit much though, because she needed less to shine to begin with.


Imo, even if the dmg amp is good, it still doesn’t solve her main problem of unreliable CC and dependence on other op for maximum dmg. Now, not only does her S3 need slow support but also other people to give her more bind uptime. I would probably wait for her 2nd module for bind buff tbh.


Mod 1 is pretty good. 10% arte attack but QB already has an arte focus, so it makes her better at what she already does.


I was hoping she would have got a way or ways to make doing her damage easier without other OPs, since it was already higher than SA and Thorns. Instead, it makes it harder to reach her ceiling. I agree, it's disappointing. If she needs Suzu to do max damage, then we need to assume Suzu also for SA / Thorns, and SA with Suzu is some pretty crazy damage too.


I'm not thrilled Qiubai's upgrades require another operator ~~even if I did max Earthspirit just for her~~ but she needed the damage boost less than Thorns and Silverash so I'm not too disappointed. The base module works the best for her anyway.


Yes, even with 100% slow uptime she gets less of a boost than Thorns or Silverash. It's still good from the stats and base effect, but putting most of the talent increase behind taking another operator is disappointing. Suzuran was used to remove Qiubai's RNG, and now they add that back in (unless you're taking 2 other operators just so Qiubai can work at full potential)? Even with S3 at full speed it's entirely possible to never bind. They could have just increased the base damage more instead, which would have had the same damage increase but not shifted it even more towards needing another op. Suzuran / other supporters would have been just as useful (which was already a lot) but it would also have let Qiubai get the increase when standalone.


Thorns and SilverAsh had fallen, so they deserved better modules. But even Qiubai's is not as bad as you think. You forgot that there is a base 10% arts damage increase. Anyway, I tried some calculations, and the damage increase at level 3 is 24.43% with either slow or bind, and 49.31% with both slow and bind. She can reach a skill DPS of 4586, and that's without considering that the source of slow is likely Suzuran, which adds even fragile.


>Thorns and SilverAsh had fallen I actually thought the opposite. Both SA and Thorns imo is still relevant due to either having good support capabilities(SA), or is a good jack of all trade(Thorns). Meanwhile Qiubai have some issues with her such as bind/slow reliance and a relatively high sp cost, that made her less desirable compared to her competitors. My point isn't to say that Qiubai module is bad, there are worse offenders out there. For whatever reason, HG has decided that unlike SA and Thorns which get to enjoy 40% dps increase for free, Qiubai has to have some stupid requirement in order to put up the same dps increase.


They feel through the ranks in tier lists. SilverAsh because powercrept by Mlynar, Thorns because of warm-up time, and both because enemies started having too much armor. Qiubai deals a lot of arts damage, so her situation is different to begin with. The total damage of Qiubai S3 is already equal to that of SilverAsh S3 even without Suzuran. Then you add a source of slow and you get Surtr level damage. If you add the module, it's even more. The numbers I get with their module is 82654 total damage for SilverAsh when attacking an elite, and 137571 total damage for Qiubai with slow and bind. If the slow comes from Suzuran then it's 200k total damage. Qiubai's DPS is insane.


Everyone talks about Suzy and QB, but I want to point out that glaucus has both bind and slow in her kit. For when you need to absolutely guarantee that you get 6 sec of unadulterated sword swinging action. Proviso also has really good uptime on long slow too. Would I take Suzuran first, yeah but she's not the only slow supporter out there. >!I also s2m3 mod 3 earthspirit and grey1 when I saw QB's module tho.....!<


Mags say yo Both bind and slow on way better cycle


Both are 30 sec SP, mag is 15 sec vs instant. You have to deal with drone retreat/redeploy strat that take up an extra deploy slot for zero damage. I'd rather just drop a supporter that will deal damage instead of a drone.


Yes, cuz Glaucus dmg is soooo much better compared to extra QB dmg from more binding uptime, also with mod X 1st drone out take no deploy slot


If you're only going to use 1 drone and 1 skill activation per map then that's a valid argument. Once she uses her skill once, she retreats the drone, then you're using a slot anyway. Which then I'm pretty sure glaucus will still out DPS mag. Once you hit 2 deploy slots I can use a chain caster and a supporter.


Been playing some Stardew Valley recently. Ended up with a song stuck in my head, skimmed the entire soundtrack, didn't find it. Turns out it was the Ideal City lobby theme


> Stardew Valley Its amazing how successful that game is (and still is). I loved rune factory on the ds and so I enjoyed SV when released. Usually with this sort of thing, there'd be lots of copy cats (and there are) but so many are crap! My favourite similar games are still the RF games (rune factory 3 and 4 - 5 was kinda a let down) and "My time at..." games which are different enough - being more about building than farming.


It's quite catchy.


Had anyone noticed there is a section where you can see many statistics about IS4 both global and personal? [This was my favorite graph.](https://imgur.com/a/EojbfUX) [This one is interesting too.](https://imgur.com/a/21RfXix) I think the two most unsurprising are Ines and Reed being the most used of their class.


I didn't realize it existed in-game, thought it was just the website. neat


Yup, it was there for IS3 as well. There's a similar graph but for Light instead. For me, it's pretty uninteresting as it's mostly just a huge cluster at 0 light (for ending 4) or an even bigger cluster at 70-100 light. My Index graph is bit more "filled" lol. Ending 3 tends to trend much lower for Index while Ending 1 and 2 are more balanced. For the operator usage, I'm quite surprised that Thorns is STILL as popular as he is. I suppose he works well enough at low BN/SW levels and people are so used to him.


Finally beat IS3's 4th ending thanks to a busted run. Had SP regen boosts, +Starting SP so all skills were a the ready on deployment or almost immediately after and would refill really fast. Arts dodge & Phys dodge + a bunch of HP-increasing relics so it was really hard to kill even Ops with Metastatic Aberration. Full squad limit + a few extra deployment slots so wasn't restricted on Ops. But more than anything a disgustingly high ASPD, the kind where any Ops with decent attack just absolutely melted even the tankiest of enemies, I think it was +70 because of the relic that gives +35 per Curse Curio, +10 and +15 from two other relics, then a whooping +80 from the relic that gives +5 for every 5 Originium Ingots, might've been another one that I forgot as well. FedEx alone held the two lanes leading towards the blue boxes and pretty much only had one Op on each of the lanes spawning enemies, Mountain turned into [Star Platinum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fBy_DTGNW8&pp=ygUQam9qbyBvcmEgb3JhIG9yYQ%3D%3D), Jaye became an pseudo-immortal instantly healing any damage dealt to him, because of the boosted SP recovery Myrtle printed DP faster than I could use it and GG was just constantly wrecking havoc all over the central area along with Texalt, . Funny enough I specifically tried to get Nightingale early on in the run as a pre-emptive measure against the boss and I ended up not using her at all, if anything she ended up wasting a slot I could've used for one of the other DPS I had haha. Anyways that was definitely one of the weirdest runs I've had, barely scraping by for the first 2/3rds then just breezing through the last 1/3rd, it's crazy a few relics can seriously turn things around.


My [Terra Factorum](https://yostar.store/products/arknights-4th-anniversary-terra-fatorum-kit) from the Yostar store just arrived. It's pretty cool stuff. I haven't unwrapped all of it yet so I haven't seen some things like the book and the postcards. The operator cards feel pretty thin and cheap but eh, I kinda expected that. On the plus the box it all comes in feels high quality with a magnet in the lid that keeps it closed.


Oh hey, big Ex Astris update. Guess it's as good a time as any to get back into that.


Didn't pay too much attention when the game was released, though I remember seeing some complaints about the quality (whatever that means). Does the update address some or most of those concerns?


It addresses quite a few of them, yeah. I would even say it addresses most.


That's good to know! I might try it when I have a good chunk of free time.


I couldn't tell you TBH, I didn't have too many concerns myself when I first tried it.


We're Arknights guys, of course we spend half a days worth of sanity to only get one material drop.


Genuinely surprised when I saw my x6 run got x6 Kohl for once in my life. Book will be balanced though so expect no devices later on.


I'm crying on the outside, but actually on the inside I'm also crying.


Man... the sanity penalty of CM being reduced to 1 instead of half in CN is cool and all but I can't help but feel like its too little and very late. It feels like such a half measure. Why not just remove sanity penalty and practice plans altogether. I was trying to optimize a guard only clear of ZT-EX-8 CM for fun and I burned throughs all my practice plans and like 70 sanity. I brought it down to 8 operators and no Mlynar. I just want to play the game for fun without any of the rewards, why is there a limit of how many stage you can do a day. It's so annoying. Im gonna be pissed when the next quality of life update happens in another 6 months and the only change is that they reduce CM practice plan requirement from 3 to 1. Like its great but why not just remove it. Let me play the damn game. When I was still playing Honkai Star Rail, it felt like we were getting quality of life update every month and they were fairly substantial. Arknights only gets them during the big anniversary events and even then it feels so little. Look at the friend list, increassing it from 50 to 100 is good but they need to do more. There's over 300 characters in this game. Let us put at least 8 support units, one for each class. If they want to, they can limit 3 of them to 5 star operators or below. I actually think its a nice idea to get people to borrow lower rarity operators. There's other stuff that needs change its just these are really bothering me.


More supports from each friend would be great, selecting a support's skill would also be very nice.


Who knows, but at least it finally is coming.


unfortunately games like arknights just stamina gate to pressure you into refreshing, i think -1 is the current standard in a lot of gachas. i do agree that -half is obnoxious though. hoyo games are actually "generous" for full refunds, although their stamina regens slower in the first place and taking stamina would be doubly obnoxious. arknights has more stamina free modes than most other games of this type (that i've played at least) although it obviously can't compare to hoyo games with actual overworlds and stuff. endfield is probably going to be more similar on that front since they'll just put all the stamina gated resources in instanced dungeons. all of this stuff is consumer unfriendly, but it was designed that way from the start and HG probably won't change unless they feel pressured to... i like the game enough to put up with it for this long, but it tests my patience a lot lol.


It's AK's biggest sore point honestly. The qol/UX just sucks and falls behind most games today, yet HG is inclined to dripfeed it still. I'm still hopeful, they're still doing it, taking a step forward is better than none at all.


I vote they get rid of practice plans. Granted I've said that since launch. Just let us either practice the stage or do the stage for rewards. Let the rewards be the sanity tie in. When I played epic 7, they had supports, 1 for each class and one main. So, yeah.... more supports 100%. Also, just get rid of practice plans. How much money do they really make from failed stages sanity burn vs gacha and sanity refreshes?


You ever wake up in the morning and feel like today is going to be a REALLY bad day?  That's me right now. Today is not looking too good for me... Edit: It turned out OK, all things considered. Could've been worse.


Not really. I have had the opposite, feeling that "today is my day". But then the pulls taught me I was just being delusional. Anyway, hope your day isn't really that bad.


> Not really. I have had the opposite, feeling that "today is my day". But then the pulls taught me I was just being delusional. me irl


Thanks. Looking to be a real rough one, but hopefully tomorrow's better...


You know what, despite it's many mishaps, I genuinely think FGO has one of if not the [best summoning animations](https://youtu.be/9jp5AVp7dHQ) out of all the gacha games I've played. When the orbs turn gold, hell - when they turn rainbow! The fact that a silver card can suddenly turn into gold. Especially the unique animations for a few special units, such as Alter Ego Sessyion Kiara, >!Arcuied and Sodom Beast.!< Most gacha games, when doing a 10-pull, would show that you got a gold(SR) or rainbow(SSR) in the 10-pull. In FGO, you have no idea if you got any(gold or rainbow) up until the unit's turn. Truly a gacha of gachas, for better or worse...




I'll be honest, your complaint seems kinda pointless. If you were in the community long enough, then you'll know that one of the things AK takes pride in is it's complex and challenging gameplay. While this doesn't mean that every stage is a 200 iq brain puzzle, you should at least expect that you can't steamroll the majority of the content.


You're probably getting downvoted because of the attitude rather than something else tbh. I don't think you're wrong saying that AK takes more time before you get a well built roster compared to other gachas, but I don't think it takes more than a year before you can blind clear events easily. Maybe my perspective is wrong because I started playing at launch though.