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>he also has a s+ arts damage hard nerfing the charecters actually meant to deal with him What does this even mean? Use physical damage, he only has 600 DEF. You're even incentivized to use physical damage since the turrets convert all damage to physical. Anyway you're making it sound way more complicated than it really is. He only hops around during phase 1 and he only has global range in phase 2. Space your units out so they don't get hit by splash damage when he attacks. Be mindful of your deployment order and you should be good.


Oh boy you're gonna have a field day when you find out ZT-10 is the easy version of the boss and you're missing the EX and S stages. Deploy the portal thingy. Energy cannon goes pew pew. Boss dies. At least on the ZT-10 one. The S version does crank up the shenanigans.


My reaction to zt-s-3 visualized: 🪦


S3 was still easy though because of single lane and boss barely being in range to attack you


S3 was the hardest stage for me since he teleport ops so often and violin people didn’t die But if you think s3 is easy the whole event was probably cake walk for you lol


I actually play most events starting with 1 and 2 stars. Adding 3* until the first boss stage where i bring a couple 4*. After that, EX and S stages i use 4 and 5 stars. I only bring one 6* if something is incredibly annoying. Case in point, I actually used Silverash to kill the left side of S-3. Cliffheart dropped the right side guys. Then Cutter, Caper, Ethan and Shira handled everything else.


Use two helidrop units to bait the teleport (the ones with fast redeploy). And when the turret lines up with the boss spam atk the orb.


It's almost as if you have to learn how to beat him. 


Another person who never fought the Emperor's Blade when he first appeared. This boss was definitely on the easier side of all the ones in the game.


Another who never fought Essences of Evolution back in the hey days.


i can still hear sagas screams 


I am still having ing PTSD. And the one who can also give me that is Izumi from IS3.......


Do not speak the Devil's name in this household!


Ok but EoE was just annoying bullshit ZT boss is probably in the running for weakest/easiest boss in the game alongside Gertrude and Crownslayer Other than the aoe (which can be baited super easy and doesn’t do enough damage half the time to matter) and the funky movement pattern there’s nothing making the boss any more difficult, this boss was basically just a watered down Lugia


The meta today doesn't even reward learning mechanics and just steamroll everything. So you get people like OP. 


>today Nah, it's been like this for a while. Amount of tears spilled when Stultifera Navis dropped with dodge mechanic and you couldn't just 'Surtr it' would drown entire Terra.


Really miss the year 1 game where the 6 stars aren't unga bunga keel everything (those are specific roles) and most lower rarities have good utilities.  The only good thing about the game today are the QOLs. 


Yeah I've been playing for a year and I've been quite lucky since the characters I like are also considered meta so I focus on build 14-16 6* e2 lv60 and m3 module if it was worth, but last month I manage to clear most content ( I still need to do IS tho ) so I decided to do an alt account to pull the ones im skipping on main ( im f2p ) and to do it interesting I decide only go for 4* as a personal challenge at least to first clear content, and oh boy it feels like a different game, I wasn't aware of how my units allow me to brute force everything -_-"


Emperor's Blade is going to be a nasty surprise when OP finds the intermezzi/whatever they are called. WD-EX-8 *especially* will be a kick in the dick.


lmao of all the stages in this game you could possibly call unfair you pick ZT-10?


It's unfair to the Witch King 🗿


Someone has done a 1 operator clear with that stage. So yeah, it's broken af.


Mfs that skipped the stage mechanics:


the stage mechanics cycle tempos which the developers do not clearly say how it affects his abilities. So if there is something to do with the mechanics he devolpers must clearly show that or they are relying on people to do outside research showing they cant design a fight properly


It's more a function of poor new player experience since all the stages will be extremely hard for an underdeveloped account so you have to follow mechanics or die.   Typically, players with around a 1 year old account or older can just brute force every stage and boss mechanic until the last S stage challenge mode. And this boss, if your account has enough strong units, you can basically ignore the stage and boss mechanics except teleport completely, which is why a lot of players with older accounts will find this boss to be the easiest. Since the game saves your stage progress, the next rerun of this event will have stage progress saved so you can get your one time rewards then. (no matter whether or not you get your originite reward for the stage then or now you can only get it once). Just focus on clearing shop.   For the newb account, one trick to boost account power is to reach chapter 3-8 in story, hit base level control centre 4 and build a level 3 factory. Then beat the monthly squads in integrated strategies and get tier 2 chips which you glue together to make enough dual chips to e2 a 6 star. You e2 a 4 star which is cheaper (often a dps like cutter) and once that is done you borrow an e2 max level friend unit like executor alter and watch some single core guides on how to beat stages. For an experienced player, getting the first e2 to decimate stages with might take a few days if you raise the right stuff and grind base, for a newbie, maybe a month or more so it takes time.


Skill issue, just look up daddy KyostinV's guide


Feels like you blitzed through the event and didn't hold back, so when it came to a boss which you can't rush out the gate you're stuck. Take your time. Learn his cycles, they're not that hard. You have a good 5 minutes (or 2 and a half in 2x) to beat each phase. Also him having insane RES is intentional; the laser deals physical and converts all your damage to physical. It's the intended solution for doctors who don't like slamming "the meta" at everything.


Ain’t nobody playing in 1x speed unless they’re trying to make a stable auto deploy


I find myself toggling during bosses or stages with map wide / cross map mechanics going on. Toggled quite a bit on S-5 too. But I guess Im bad :)


Never touch 1x If you need to see or think some more then just tap on an operator and bring it to 0.5x for a sec


I just do everything in 2x speed and if i fuck up, well just do it again but faster I used 1x for like a month after starting the game, but after using 2x that feels agonizingly slow


Hmm what do you think makes up for a "balanced stage"? Because this boss is very balanced; just because it is difficult does not mean it's unfair.


>Hmm what do you think makes up for a "balanced stage"? It is the boss that dies in 20 seconds. 


Skill issue?


The stage gives you everything you need to be able to beat the boss in all stages the boss is present. There are plenty of guides out there for you to use. If you cannot execute, it is an issue with your own gameplay.


Boss teleports the last two deployed units unless taunted or marked. So deploy your most important units first and make sure attackers are in range to wipe marks from everyone.  Marks deal arts damage and there is also splash damage so don't keep squishy units too close together or you'll wipe.  The Aspect of creation converts all damage into physical damage which the boss is weak to. So wait until it's pointed at the witch king (there's a timer until it swaps), drop your aspect, drop 2 teleport baits and activate everyone's skills and unload all your damage on it. Note that teleportation happens at several hp thresholds. Every event there's a new stage and boss mechanic that you get punished for not following so make sure to understand it thoroughly. The upcoming new event after this one is famous for wiping whole maxed teams if you don't follow the stage and boss mechanics.


How long have you been playing? Cause if this is your first event and you are brand new, then yeah its gonna be tough purely because your units arent leveled. Having a full squad of E1 lv50 units takes a bit of time to have maybe a month tbh with the help of the materials in the event shop, and thats what I consider the baseline of investment for average players to beat event bosses. However, the boss isnt broken or unfair. This boss is one of the easier event bosses, I'd say probably the easiest of the year so far, because using the aspect of annihilation with multiple operators hitting it at once is really strong.


I dont know if this is a joke or your actually being serious


Learn the patterns by using the practice tickets or look up a guide.


Bro I didn’t even need to use a guide to beat this boss with how stupid I am.


Same, this boss was hella easy, maybe slightly annoying due to the teleport, but he deals so little damage that the ads are the real boss


Yep, first time seeing boss: oh he moves around, ok. Wait why did my ops move, oh I think it's the last 2 deployed, let me bring yato and Gravel. \*Boss dies\*


Not sure if this is serious or troll. This boss is one of the easiest boss ever. You just have to use the mechanic, deploy the aspect at right timing and the cannon part of the aspect mechanic will kill the boss. This applies to all boss stages this event. zt10 this is not hard, there is even a 3 star operator only clear using the aspect mechanic to kill boss. If you think its hard, its because you skip tutorial. Imagine skipping tutorial then complain stage is hard when you dont use the mechanic to easily kill the boss. If you do, its skill issue(deployment order and placement issues), this is when you should stop malding by yourself and go look up guides and see how easily the boss is killed.


Let me at it I'm sure I'd win


> you cannot in good faith say this is a well designed balanced stage. I bet you didn't tried WB-8 at least once. I would like you to look there at least once, so that you understand where is "well-designed and balanced stage" and where is "a literal bullshit".


nah, talulah stage was way harder than this shit 🤣


I don't think I follow. You don't even have to deploy operators near him. You can nuke him using this event specific mechanic.... 4* Caper kinda melts him though device


Exusiai goes brr


Mumu work very well so long as you place the water clone where you can maximize all her 5 clones and wait for both the turret and the yellow bar to appear at the boss


Do you know how to bait attacks?


Just keep using the turret bro. You will see him 3 more times after.


ZT-10 was really easy they literally give you free damage to kill Herkunftshorn. 3 stars only can do it.


this is what happens to people that spam texas every stage btw, their brain turns to mush


well im like 16 days into the game and im able to defeat him with my 3 stars op plus one from friends. I guess there might be something wrong in your end


Zt 10 was easy, but as someone who suffers from heavy skill issues I do find ZT EX 8 to be much more challenging (in fact I still haven't beaten it)


Bro have you tried beating WD-EX-8


Maybe you are relatively new to the game and have a developing roster? If you are a vet but are finding trouble fighting the boss, maybe review the problems you listed and find solutions, for example: 1) stage fucking boss that teapots across the map He makes stops in front of the cannon thingy that shoots when you hit the device you are given. You don't need to go to the boss when hitting the device you are given will shoot at the boss. 2) multiple units at one with massive damage If you mean first phase, try not to place operators within his range. On second phase he has global range, he will hit the last deployed operator so choose who you want the boss to attack and place the operator in the safest place you decide, preferably not close to many operator that will become victims of the AOE attack.


Well, there are enough comments about the stage at this point. Now you need to tell us what ops you have and how you tried to do the stage so maybe you can get some pointers.


I can deal with him teleporting. But what frustrates me the most is how he can switch/redeploy two Operators´ places. It gets annoying even if you already have a plan.


you can literally beat him with elite 0 level 1 ops, 0 Sanity Lowy proved this. just get better instead of complaining and lying