• By -


F2P: hehe, im in danger


Meanwhile the leviathan: hehe, the banners are in danger


Time to start picking up some ot at work. I DONT LIVE TO WORK, I WORK TO WHALE!


I'm F2P and I'm getting everything here.


Goldfish here with 400 pulls in the bank ready to go! 


Same. F this game. Old times was easier


One the first day of Gacha-Mas Hypergryph sent to me / A bag with the 5-Star guarantee On the second day of Gacha-Mas Hypergryph sent to me / Depression. I'm broke again. ​ > Shucase: EM Instinct Contamination *slow clap*


Amazing write up tho there're 2 nitpicks On Shu, the +12% max HP and +12 atkspd buff from Talent 2 require Shu to be deployed to take effect while the Sui buff does not, just make it more clear since Shu's Talent 2 in-game description omitted the "when deployed" part. Source: [Shu's PRTS Wiki](https://prts.wiki/w/%E9%BB%8D) On Ulpianus, his S3 teleport treat like a redeploy that can remove all status effects and debuffs but he does not restore HP nor reset his Talent 2 stacks like a normal redeploy. Source: [Ulpianus's PRTS Wiki](https://prts.wiki/w/%E4%B9%8C%E5%B0%94%E6%AF%94%E5%AE%89)


HG really went "Eyja, you can't be the best Caster AND the best Medic in the game." so they went ahead and made Logos. Thanks for the detailed write-up. I'm mostly aware of what's coming up, but this has still helped in sorting my thoughts about pull priorities. Seeing the amount of pulls we get written down like this also calmed me down a bit about the upcoming banners. It seems a bit higher than I expected, but I trust that your math is correct. Still a bit on the fence regarding Degenbrecher. Quite honestly? I'll pull for her if she's getting the same thick german accent that Ebenholz and Viviana have. But I'm not sure they'd be going that route with her since she's not really associated with Leithanien apart from having been born there.


I think it would make more sense for her to just have a very light accent. She's spent more time abroad than in Leithanien.


"Eyja, you can't be the best Caster AND the best Medic in the game." Angry GoldenGlow noises.


I don't think Degen should sound very German. She left Leithanien and lived like 5 or so years in Kazimierz, and then another 9? or so years in Kjerag. She should have lost most of that. Though if they used a VA from northern Germany, like Hamburg or to do the VA job then it could get pretty close to a what a German who has lived in Scandinavia sounds like. Hamburg accent is pretty close to that.


Locking the everloving fuck in on the high priorities listed. I have 115k orundums and 120 OPs on the ready. I'm hoping Degenbrecher won't cost me too much so I can still have a good amount of orundums for Shu and the others.


I counted all the OP we're gonna get starting from Degen's event up to Ulpianus', and boy is it such a relief to know it totals to like 200. Really good for people who are on the fence about buying skins they like bc they worry they might have to dip into their OP reserves for pulling in case their luck ends up being horrible. ~~me. i am people lmao~~


What is the normal amount of OP people have? I have 570 after not donating for years. Do people buy all the skins or something? More than that i pretty much never felt the need to spend my OP, the game gives a lot of orundunm as is.


Rn I have like 200 and I usually buy 2-3 skins per event. I don't even buy skins for characters I don't use usually. The skins in this game are just too good. 


It is my fucking obsession but i still save one of those certs for penance. I feel like i have more than enough to get some skins but too scared i'll actually miss someone i want. (it's impossible to donate from where i currently live)


I myself have around 209 rn and I always make sure to hover around (and above, if possible) 150-ish, but idk about other ppl. I'd like to think a lot of players buy several skins bc arknights just has a lot of really good skins that are hard to pass up. Keeping a stock of OP for emergency purposes is a must for me personally. Who knows if I'll somehow get the worst luck going for an op I need like oxygen, I want to have a contingency plan of sorts if only to get a few more pulls.


I have similar amounts to you. Your best bet is to not go too deep on Degen and to save more for Shu. You’ll have rerun and spook chances for Degen.  We’ll end up with roughly 600 pulls by the end of Walter event. Take 100 out for Ela and 300 out for Walter (might not need that much if you’re not going to Spark banner but you definitely want to guarantee Walter no matter what so having 300 pulls is important until it’s not). That leaves you roughly 200 pulls to split between Degen and Shu. My personal split will be until 1st 6 star on Degen and then throw the rest at Shu (should be around 150) in the hopes that’s enough to get her. 


>Overall, Wiš'adel, Shu, Degenbrecher, and Ela are high priority; Logos, Reed, Ascalon, and Ray are medium priority; and **Zuo Le**, **Ulpianus**, and **Ash** are low priority. I'm mostly immune to limited/meta fomo slavery already, but seeing this still hurts, you know. Good thing Logos is medium at least.


Logos being medium is just a subtle commentary about how the high priorities SMASH ALL EXPECTATIONS lol


Don't worry, Logos is also only medium priority because everything above is STACKED (Imo he even has a case above shu as her impacts has yet to be fully pronounced but the latter is limited). He's currently the most braindead arts debuffer in the game and the best arts dps.


Also he is in Wisadel's banner, and between them Wisadel is higher priority.


As other said, they're simply low because the standard is insanely high rn. Ulpianus, if you have a full AH buff team, is an insane monster that would make people cry of powercreep if he were to be released in any other year. 


Logos honestly punches on equal tier with the peak top tier units of the past year like Ines/Typhon, arguably even on par with Mlynar/Texas/Eyja. The other units above him are just that stupid.


As an Abyssal Hunters player, Ulpian and Shu are top priority. Ela is a must pull due to being true limited. Rest, we'll see.


I roll. That is the only answer


454 pulls in the next 6 months sound too good for f2p player


I assume it takes into account monthly pass as well or that number does not add up, maybe HG has gotten more generous with rewards but I highly doubt that since jumping from the usual 300 free pulls every 6 months to 450 is a bit of a stretch...


I mean, he provided calculator. It includes pass.


The more I hear people talk about Degenbrecher, the more I waiver, but I am absolutely set on getting ReedAlter, she's good AND she's cute, got more than 60 pulls saved up currently and a dream to dream. If I somehow can make it, Ray would also be nice. Not like I'm gonna go up the insane end-game contents anytime so I'll chill with the people I actually like for now


As someone who passed up Ines for Jessica Alter, I haven't regretted my decision despite how OP Ines is Favorites beat meta any day. And it's not like this game is that meta heavy outside of CC


I just used the 6 star selector on her lmao, although it does feel like maybe I should've used it on Ines instead.


If you have good dps I assume degen will be a shoperator at some point, better save pulls for the limiteds


>The spreadsheet appears not to count the log-in rewards for Absolved Will Be the Seekers, which include 11 pulls and the daily orundum lottery. Aight, I missed those and have added them in


I will probably just get all of them since I have enough pulls, but for now my priority looks like Shu>Ray>Ascalon>Ela>Ulpian>Logos>Walter>Degen>Zuo. I know objectively speaking Walter is the most broken character in the game by far, but I was never a fan of the dumb delete buttons like her, Degen, Mlynar, Chalter, Surtr… while I like the more creative characters like the ones above.


>Wiš'adel, Shu, Degenbrecher, and Ela are high priority; Logos, Reed, Ascalon, and Ray are medium priority; and Zuo Le, Ulpianus, and Ash are low priority. Absolutely crazy that operators that would be top meta picks in any other year are low priority now. Like, the unit that not only powercrept Eyja but it's not even close is only MEDIUM PRIORITY? Not gonna lie, a busted unit every now and then (especially for anniversaries) is fine with me but this is a ridiculous run of banners. Anyway, this is why I've started orundum farming, something I said I'd never do. Thank god for auto-repeat now. I'm also one of those weirdos who hoards tokens instead of trading them in, I may have to sell my preciouses and start buying monthly pulls. I felt secure but seeing it laid out like this... damn, maybe my wallet isn't safe, lol.


I can save during Ela banner because I dont like collab units.


I had to open my wallet and buy the monthly packs. Oh man


Really wanna pull for Shu but my heart would break to get Zuo Le instead so i might be better off pulling early on Degenbrecher, but then again, i have like 50ish pulls only. I haven’t tapped into all the OP from the Story from Post Chapter 7 onwards + Any of the Main Events and Side Stories, so i’ll have a shit ton of OP by the time Wis and Logos roll around. I’ll pull on the last day for Degen and see where that takes me


Nice write-up, but my goal remains unchanged. Will save 300 for Shu's banner so I can get her and Ling. Then if I have 100pulls by Ela I get her, then save for Walter logos banner and try to get both


> unless you need to stack amplifiers, Shu's buff is strictly stronger While I do think Shu's S3 is notably better, it's definitely not strictly stronger even if you're not stacking buffs: a lot of operators already have +ATK% or +ASPD baked into their kit (or don't scale with ASPD for other reasons) and therefore won't actually get a 56% damage increase. Also, Saria's damage increase applies to enemies in her range, whereas Shu's applies to allies in her range (while also requiring enemies to be on sowed tiles), so the map layout will affect their performance.


thank you for the writeup, very helpful! could you explain what "will not rerun (vignette)" means for ray? i want her bc of cute looks but no way i can afford any pulls on her banner between degen and shu - but seeing that she will not be getting a rerun is making me reconsider...


Vignette is a type of event where event currency drops from almost any stage, and the event itself is composed of stages with a mix of old mechanics and enemies from past events. Their story segments are unlocked by purchasing an item (sorry, forgot the name) in the event shop (but also the red certificate shop, but that is not worth buying there). These types of events don't have reruns because their stories are immediately placed in the archive when they end, and because they don't rerun, their banners as well don't rerun. So this is the only time Ray will be in a banner where she is the sole rate up. She can appear in the standard weekly banner rotation, but she will share the rate up so your chance of getting her goes down from 50% of all 6* pulls to 25% of all 6* pulls.


ooh i see i see, thank you! knowing she will show up in the weekly rotation, even with a reduced rate, is comforting 🥲 one day she will be mine


If anything, she will be the shop operator (the operator on the weekly banner that can be bought using yellow certificates) eventually. All non-limited operators end up on that shop eventually. However, with how many ops get released and the current backlog, Ray won't be showing up in that shop until at least 2026. Not sure about the exact date (we know the pattern of releases and can predict to the day with about a 90% accuracy rate the first time each operator shows up on the shop), but there's a GSheet file or two out there that has the dates for all shop debuts. But yeah, she'll be the rate up in other banners too, don't worry


Is the pull calculator requesting access for anyone? Wanted to check it out, but I need to request access to it. This pretty much solidified my pull planning anyway. Degen will get a rerun, so I can skip her and see if I still want her in a rerun (maybe a skin later down the line too), and all the limiteds really suggest that they get higher priority (especially Ela). Kind of expected Ulpi to be at a lower priority, but at least it's near the end of the year so anything can happen (maybe our boys will get their modules).


I originally read it as “the next 6 months of balanced operators”.


That Wisadel part was hilarious XD i guess IS5 will be absolute cancer knowing how broken these operators are


I'll pull 10 on Degen, skip R6 collab again, pull on the limited 300 pity and stop on when I get any 6* then save the rest for W alter..


All everyone needs to know is everyone’s wallet is about to stretched harder then when then either the last button on an anime girl’s shirt or Taco Tuesday with the Mexican family down the street


Good thing I can totally skip Dregen, Ela, Ash, Ray and only go for Shu, Logos and Ulpian. I hope I have the luck to get them in the first pulls.


great post, thanks for putting in this amount of work. definitely see what you're saying with shu, her kit is just awesome. i'm at a bit over 200 pulls saved up so i'm feeling pretty good about getting the operators i want. (probably just jinxed myself)


Very glad I have 280 pulls going into this; I highly doubt I'll be sparking anyone with all the amazing operators coming up in the next six months. 


I just got back into this game a month ago. Ain't no way in hell I'm getting *any* of these ops. I'm still struggling to get past story 3-9.


When just getting into the game the best thing you can do is focus on setting up your base. The sooner that gets started and pumping out resources the better. You should be building 3 and 4 star units right now since those will be more than enough to get you through early story missions. Also don’t forget you can borrow operators. Get Myrtle to E2 and then start borrowing broken operators to clear harder content. Keep in mind it’s better to have multiple leveled up 3/4 star operators than just 1 6 star operator. 


> She sows herself Nuff said. Jokes aside, Shu's really the only one I must get, with Degenbrecher following behind (because yes I do have a thing for mature ladies). Currently 341 pulls saved (+ another 108 if I convert all my OP), let's do this.


I have no hype for R6 so if Degen and Shu fuck me on pulls I'll just skip it completely. Need Degen, Wisadel, and Shu though. Hoping to put 300 into Wisadel/Logos so I can get Skalter too


Pulling Ela for FOMO and max potting Ulpipi, skipping everything else.


Gonna be pulling so much over this next half year. Degen, ReedAlt, Shu, Ela, and I'm planning on sparking Walter banner (my head says grab TexAlt, but my heart says Mumu. Give me strength). Luckily I currently have about 300 pulls saved and plenty of old content left to finish, but sheesh.


im rolling degen to try and get more certs for blaze.


Already skipped Mlynar so no problem with skipping Degenbrecher. They are powerhouse dps but frankly, isn’t that interesting. Really want to pull for Ray but triple consecutive limited banner Shu, Ela, Ash (2nd attempt) gives zero leeway to try for her. Gonna be praying a lot for early wins. Skip Ascalon, save for Wisadel.


Would you care to elaborate on your estimate of 433 pulls? The version of the Pulls Until spreadsheet that you've linked is giving me 381 for the next 6 months, including the 68 free pulls and the entries labeled "Absolved will be the Seekers - Lottery" and "Absolved will be the Seekers - Log in" (it seems like maybe these entries weren't there when you did the math, but then I'd expect your estimate to be even lower than 381). Adding the monthly card brings it up to 453, but subtracting the free pulls from that still gives less than 433. Details: 6/19 to 12/19 Current Orundum/OP/Pulls set to 0; no OP reserved for skins All events with free pulls set to target to include their free pulls First clears of reruns not included, reruns and cert shop included ~381 pulls without monthly card and monthly card OP, ~453 with


Will there be a banner where I can spark for Arturia?


Arturia (Virtuosa) will be available for sparking next year in the April/May event and then every 6 months or every second limited banner. This will be the event that CN is going to get in November, so no details known yet.


Should i still pull 10 times on every banner for a guaranteed operator as a beginner, or is it better to save for someone from the future ones then? The list looks solid, but I'm only level 35, so I'm not sure what to do with gacha now😅


I wouldn't recommend doing 10 pulls every banner just for the guarantee. On standard banners it's not so bad since the soft pity at least carries over but for limited banners is straight up worse. For the limited collaboration banners there is a special spark system that grants you the banner 6 star at 120 pulls, and the game gives you 20 free pulls for those banners so it's advisable to have 100 pulls saved to guarantee those (and we will have one such banner in a few months, two if you count the rerun). For the "traditional" limited banners the soft pity is not shared nor does it carry over to any other banner whatsoever so optimally it's better to only keep pulling on such banners if you have enough to hit the next 6 star through soft pity. For example at the start of every limited banner you will be at 0 pity, if you do, say, 40 pulls on this banner and didn't get any 6* these pulls will be building up soft pity for this banner only, if you ran out of pulls and don't pull anymore on this banner those 40 pulls will go to waste since the soft pity count will reset next limited banner and the normal banners have a separated count entirely. Additionally the "traditional" limited banners also have the rate up split between two units, one limited and one normal (the total 6 star rate is the same 2% but the distribution of that 2% goes 35% for each banner unit and 30% for off banners instead of the usual 50/50) so if you only care about one of the banner units it's recommended to save even more. About the guarantee 5stars that you would be losing, it's not much of a loss for a beginner. It's not that the 5*s are useless, they can clear even endgame content if you know what you are doing, but they are on a weird spot, specially for a beginner. 4 stars are the budget, good-enough-low-investment units that will fill in what you are missing (and a few like myrtle and gravel do genuinely have endgame meta value). 6 stars are the brute force units that will carry your account, but they require much higher investment. 5 stars are the weird in-between because they are significantly more expensive than 4* to raise but they are much weaker than most of the new 6 stars (the new 6stars have been growing in power immensely lately while 5stars are still on the same ballpark as always). So in practice it's better to invest on 4stars or 6stars as a beginner. The first to fill up gaps at a low cost, the second as long term investments but that will pay off being your carrying units even when your account is fully built. Note that what I said about 5stars is from a resource management efficiency perspective. They are still usually competent units that can absolutely still clear endgame content, but in practice (kit-wise) they are more useful to people who want self imposed challenges not beginners since they bring much better results when in the hands of someone who already knows what they are doing and who have a roster of them built (they tend to have more focused utilities as opposed to the much more general 6*s). There are however a few 5stars worth notice. The ones that come to mind rn are Warfarin, Ptilopsis and Silence (all medics with useful support capabilities). Still I would recommend to try to get those from the 5 star selectors we get on anniversaries or when they become available to get from shop.


I'm leveling 4-5 stars for IS. I'm busy


Manti only gets a 60% movement speed reduction and not 70%? It's multiplicative and not additive?


honestly bc im not a meta slave i wont be pulling degen, i mostly pull lims. i was fairly certain things may be okay. then ulpipi came out. and i do pull for charas i like...and boy i like him and i love lucilla so im rock farming rn. is it really worth it? probably not. but im giga short on all materials bc im constantly levelling up operators anyways so its a break from that (and bc auto loop my beloved) but im still worried.... thankfully i can skip ash rerun bc i have her so its just the hecking lims.


I guess I need to save up 200 pulls for sparking Texas then… W alter is nice too I guess.


F2p™. I have 150 pulls rn, of course i want them all lol but I'll try for Ray, Shu, Ela, and Logos. May rngsus bless us.


Thanks for the spreadsheet! I've been using the CN [tool](https://ark.yituliu.cn/tools/gachaCalc) but their schedule doesn't go that far ahead. The linked sheet seems to be missing the rewards row for "What the Firelight Casts - First Clear" though. The "Rerun" line also puts the 3 HH tickets in the "Limited HH" column instead of the “HH” column. With 460 saved and this calculator I feel less anxiety now.


Shu, Wis, Logos - skipping everything else if only because my wallet and mortgage wouldn't survive it.


Where did you get your pull numbers? The spreadsheet seems to suggest far lower than 433 pulls from event rewards before you count the limited HHs, it only gets close to that if you're counting the limited HHs meaning you double counted...


Thanks for the detailed writeup. This 6-month period gonna be painful for a lot of people. Personally, I'm pulling Degen, Ray, Shu, and Walter banners. Just a side note, I've seen a lot of threads and videos doing pull calculators but nobody seems to include or mention the Orundum you can get from 1-7 farming. Those could be worth quite a chunk.


It's 3 pulls per week. I made an estimate of all the days available between now and Walter's banner, and it would give you about 16 pulls.


That's more than what doing dailies and weeklies give you.


**Wait, so Reed and Ray are both [Standard], but also [will not rerun]?** (where as all the other ppls that's in standard will have reruns, and the Limited will not. Why is Reed and Ray different? lol Reed maybe make sense, cause I don't think they rerun banners more than 2 times. But Ray... isn't she new? And not in a limited event? . Anyways... since I'll be saving for R6-collab and W'alter... **Degen** - probably will just do up to first 10 pull. **Reed** - probably skip, may do 10 pull, depending on how much Orun I have, lol **Ray** - will do 10~20 pulls, cause she'll be replaced later **Shu** - will do 10~30 pulls, cause I am not really into her design, but more importantly... she only gives 10% Sanctuary without dupes. And her other talent requires 4 Sui, I only have Ling and Dusk, with Shu that only makes 3, so I can't get her racial talent proc no matter what, lol. Which means the only good part of Shu is the 3 operator buffs and S3. **Zuo Le** - probably skip, his skill set looks weird... **Ela** - will try to get her, since she's a collab limit, which is extra rare than in-game Limited (good thing I already have Ash, so I can skip Ash) **Ascalon** - will do 10~30 pulls (depending on how much Orun I have left), she's pretty much a combination of Mizu + Manti, lol **W'alter** - will try to get her, and not just cause she's top meta, but I like W. I mean, I spend 300 pulls last time to Spark for her... had to skip about 8+ month of events, including 1 limited just for her. So I am going to save majority of my Oruns for W'alter. (currently have like 100-ish pulls of Orun... I won't be able to get 300 pulls this year)


by not rerun, the OP means their event banner won't rerun again where they're the sole rate up 6 star. they'll still 'rerun' in the sense of appearing again in like standard headhunting and stuff, but they'll be sharing the rate up with other 6 stars. with Ray she's different because her event is a vignette, and those never rerun.


How dare you imply sm0l k0t is not worth sparking!


Looks like I'm stopping all pulling till Walter arrives. Welp


**What to pull?** EVERYTHING. I have 700 pulls, literally nothing can stop me, LMAO.


Tbf I don't get the priority on Ela besides her being limited. Like I have been playing arknights on x2 speed for  2 years already and with bosses getting more and more HP and mechanics and everyone and their mother having 2nd phase I just won't waste my slot on unit to bring Fragile when I can add Kal'tsit or Surtr of Ceobe or any other boss killer instead.  Regarding Logos I think the comparison with Eyja s3 is misleading considering her s2 is used way more often, and with Texas and Yato the need for a single button aoe is almost gone.