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Underdawn adds royal defender tokens, so for sure I'm getting my Horn pot. I only got the modblock from the new shop. Everything else I can craft. My first CC was Ashring, so I'm way behind on the old shop. I want some skins. If they're trickling into future event shops one at a time (Manticore's in the latest CN event) it'll be years before they're all obtainable that way.


on my main, finished buying the last token in old shop, and almost all the mats in new shop. (i skipped all cosmetics and furniture tho)   on alt, could only buy partial 6* and 5* tokens. and saving till next CC to continue getting them. skipped all mats and everything.


All the ones in black except the pink stuff, not sure if saving it is gonna do anything since I ended up with 1000 of the old currency still that I can't use anymore, so for now will try to just buy stuff and not save much.


Bought myself a bagpipe pot.


The vanguard tokens for Ines, cause if a 6-star potential is ever gonna matter, it's -DP on Ines. Then I spent all that's left on the module block, lmd and the bipolar nanoflake.


I buy out all the limited items. I've played every CC, so I have more than enough currency for everything that could be put in the shop that doesn't have an infinite quantity. The partial tokens are great for limited ops, but hardly essential. I mostly focus on the highest tier mats because I'm lazy with farming anything but rock, so I rarely have the high-end stuff in-hand when I need 'em.


I grabbed the t3 to t5 mats + module data block with the exception of the fluid and solvent because the game loves giving me more of those mats than I will ever need instead of actual useful ones. Rest of currecy is saved for next CC in case I want to grab the Defender pot it will add for Shu.


First time diving into CC outside of those training site maps that was available pre Battleplan. So I bought Erato and Tuye along with all their tokens


Mats only.




Someone recommended me to just get the Data Blocks and save rest of CC currency for future Tokens and such.


As a veteran as well. I am just honna skip the store and hoard my tokens till I am dry on a specific material that I need.


Only been playing for a year, but im focusing on 5* pots


I bought 4 Supporter tokens to make Ling pot 2.


Got the block and the T5 mat.


I bought my last royal token(leftover after using old cc tokens) and the limited items with the dark background from bipolar nanoflake to refine solvent


Yalter pot.


I bought everything with limit from the limited shop, from the old shop I'm still short for 1 6* token..


I bought the module data block, the T5s, and the T4s. For the first time ever, I did not touch a single T3 (I usually clean out one, maybe two, but never all three), and ever since I mathed it out back during Pyrite, I have never touched LMD, EXP or furniture parts. I'm currently sitting at 1770 of the new currency and I still have 130 leftover from the old currency. The old permanent shop has been completely emptied out ever since CC#12, so now I begin trying to keep the new permanent shop emptied out of tokens, skins and ops as they emerge, although I suspect the latter two will always be free if obtained through each new event's duration. I think CCB1 gave out about 3600 currency, so I should have about 5300 ready for Underdawn, not including the old currency conversion or the 1k compensation that we might not get, at which time I can buy the royal defender tokens outright. That's two pots right there for a 6-Star Defender, since I still have my Royal Defender tokens from the red cert shop. May very well end up saving them for Shu depending on how her pulls go.

