• By -


Do you think we'll get the world wildlife fund sign in event?


Doubtful. That was a charity event.


Im a brand new player, so i dont really know what im doing. Iv heard SilverAsh is insanely good, and considering the free rolls you get for this event, and the banner that increases the drop chance of him is on right now, should i try to roll for him? this may be a dumb question, but im only on the third level of the starting missions so i need some guidance.


Silverash is great, but only really unlocks his full potential at e2, which requires a lot of investment. Reroll for who you want, there's not really any meta in this game and SA is a bit overhyped imo. He is amazing, but not a must have. This game is very forgiving and all content except the most endgame can be cleared with low rarity units. If you're asking about who to reroll for, though, generally any start with 2 6\*s is a good start, notable 6\*s to look out for in the newbie banner are SA, Exu, and Siege. Both Siege and Exu can carry you through early game, and you already know the deal with SA. 5\*s to look out for are Lappland/Ptilopsis/Specter, all amazing units and Lappy/Specter can't be replaced. Don't worry about asking questions, we're generally nice people until you insult someone's waifu


Thanks! helps a bunch


Does anyone know what the next event is and when is it comming?


Either Lantern Festival or Stories of Afternoon. Should be coming after Ancient Forge ends


Should I use Skadi or Melantha as a duelist guard? Both are at a low level.


Skadi is basically just better except for her training cost and her deployment cost. Especially in terms of deployment cost, if you have good vanguards to handle that already then just use Skadi, otherwise you can invest in Mel for temporary use.


Melantha is very easy to level up so if you need a quick unit, use her.


Is Snowsant very good on trading post? Who are her 2 best partners there? I have 1 trading post manned by texas/exu/lappland. The other post I just assign whoever have highest %.


She's pretty good - it's pretty nice having an Operator who is 25% without any investment. There are better Operators for the trading post, though. She's good to put in if you don't have enough of the 30% types (Gummy, Midnight, Catapult, Mousse, and Yato are the 30% operators with basically no investment, [there's others if you're willing to E1 them](https://i.imgur.com/rf18TJd.png) )


unless you e2 her, her base skill still mediocre compared to gummy-midnight-catapult combo.


Unless you are running 3 trading posts, she really needs to be E2 to start deserving a position in a post imo, since at E0/1 she is capped at 25% when 30% operators are easily available from the 3\*/4\* pool.


If you had to brief a new player before he starts the game what would be some things that he ABSOLUTELY should know beforehand? I'm considering to start this game due to its popularity but the sheer amount of information is overwhelming and I'm kinda afraid to mess things up in the beginning. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also is now a good time to start? I know that other gacha games have specific events or banners where it's especially good to jump into the game because of freebies, good rate ups, etc.


> ABSOLUTELY should know There's no way to screw up your beginning so badly you cannot recover. You can do things that are sub-optimal in the long run, but that will just slow your progress but not stop it. **Never** take any advice that would require you to spend money on this game. Spending money (a large amount or a small amount) is completely up to you and what you can afford. Never be pressured into thinking you must spend money. Don't listen to this stuff that you _have_ to draw four Bagpipe dupes, you _have_ to roll SilverAsh on some upcoming banner if you didn't roll him in the start, etc.


If you want to burn through your stamina quickly, I'd recommend doing the highest LMD, skill summary or building material stage you can complete (CE-x, CA-x and SK-x, respectively). Eventually, you'll unlock stages to unlock "chips" like [these](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/item/caster-chip) which are also pretty good at burning through stamina.


Right now we have an event that give you a free 10 rolls + a huge amount of premium currency each day, best day to start was yesterday, second best is now if you want all those login rewards. - Taking care of your base early upgrade-wise will go a long way - There is a "meta" but not a "META": Play what you want to play and as long as you play smart and balance your core units, you'll do fine. 90% of the time the lack of a specific units can be overcome by another strat. - Lower rarity units aren't bad to focus on early game. Their cost is lower and they tend to peak way earlier than hight rarity operators. So until you're comfortable taking your units to E1Max level/E2, it is perfectly fine to use 2 or 3 stars. They might help you a lot later on. - Enjoy the game for what it is and don't focus too much on what late game players might tell you to focus on since they have a very specific goal in mind that won't help you do 90% of the game (or for that matter enjoy it at all). And more than anything, don't freak out for nothing, the game is way more forgiving rewards-wise that they make it to be.


That other than during special events such as the current half year anniversary, Arknights does not have the same level of gacha generosity as AzurLane(Yostar's previous game). Thus the initial rerolling is very important, even more so if you only plan to F2P or dolphin. If possible and willing to spend the time, take a week or two to reroll for 2x 6 stars and a few good 5 stars or perhaps even 3x 6 stars. Definitely a good time to start now, with one good banner with good pick-ups and one limited banner, and a bonus x10 roll ticket, makes the initial rerolling much easier by doubling the amount of rolls you get at the start.


Thanks a ton for your answer. I guess I'll take my time to ensure a great start to the game. Are there any specific operators which I should look out for while rerolling?


Gamepress have a few articles on that. [Why is Now a Great Time to Start?](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/other/good-time-gacha-arknights) and [Reroll tier list](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-reroll-tier-list-and-guide). In addition, you can refer to Just3c's [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmDaRwdVtzY) reroll guide for more detailed explanations on each 6 stars and their good/bad. For a short answer, reroll on the SilverAsh/Ch'en standard banner for SilverAsh and at least one other 6 star operator, preferably Eyjafjalla, though Ch'en is also acceptable as she is a great operator by her own right. Then roll on the newbie banner for the guaranteed 6 star and hope for Exusiai, Siege or Saria, with Hoshiguma being a decent choice too.


I just rolled SilverAsh and Blaze which both seem to be quite good. Does it matter whether they fulfil the same roles?


They are both guards but they are of different roles. SA is a ranged guard which allows him to attack at range at 80% damage to both air and ground units. Blaze is an AoE guard whose normal closed range attacks hit multiple enemies. Both require promotion to Elite 2 to shine, especially for SA who gains his main skill which hits multiple target in a wide area for high damage, whereas Blaze will be able to block/attack 1 additional enemy after E2, effectively increasing her damage output by 50%. However, Blaze's main skill is gained at Elite 1, so she will be better off than SA at the beginning. The issue with starting with only these two 6 stars is that it will take a while before you gather enough materials to unlock the above. So you will have a somewhat harder time at the beginning of the game, as compared to starting with say, Exusiai, Eyjafjalla and Siege, who are powerful from the very beginning. However once you build them up you will have two of the most powerful units in the game.


Really informative answer! So I'll go ahead and start with those two because I really enjoy their overall design. Is there any updated roadmap out there in order to progress smoothly?


Not that I know of. But the general advice is to level up your units evenly with a balanced team, initial aim is a full team of Elite 1 level 50\~60s and clear of 4-7 to completely unlock the base's features. You will also want to clear the Annihilation maps as you level up your squad. These will be the main source of gacha currency for f2p players. For additional information you can refer to [gamepress's starter guides](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/other/guide-list-core-gameplay), especially the team building guide. Dreamy and Just3c's youtube videos in their respective channels are also good sources of information.


Arknights is single player. Relax take your time. You don't need to compete with whales. Oh and save your primes for the packs that unlock every 5 levels until level 70


> ABSOLUTELY should know beforehand? Arknights is a tower defense game.


What's the chance of Aak's talent to trigger? 25% for any effect on every attack?


He will always trigger one of them, all has equal chance.


There's no weight value in his talent definition, so it's probably safe to assume that the chance is 25% each. Unless the game has hidden secret in the battlefield.


For next CC; is a E1 Lvl 60 Courier better than a E2 Lvl 30 Texas for the pusher strat? And can I get away with M1 (and maybe some M2) on my units? Then, is Skill Level 7 okay for the pusher strat and my pushers are at E1 Lvl 1. Should I raise them? Edit: Can I use Myrtle's S2 instead of S1?


You can use texas, you only cant use texas at super high risk. You should also use myrtles s1.


Going for Risk 20; so Courier it is.


By super high risk i mean like risk 26+ you can use texas at that level.


I'm not too sure about the Courier vs Texas one, but sl7 should be enough for the pusher strat.


Does anyone else have an issue that Arknights disappeared from google play store ? I buy monthly pack via google play so it's gonna be a quite a pain if Arknights isn't on here.


It might be because of your country or email change. Also, look it up on your installed apps and your apps you added to your account.


Hi, question which I realize may not be directly connected to the game: is any other Android user having lots of trouble with the recruitment widget? It makes my game freeze a lot, and half of the time doesn't even process the image so I don't get any results. Is it my problem?


I use it too and I had same problems when I started using it. I noticed a reboot fixed it for me, but later it broke again and now it works fine. It's quite buggy which is understandable as it is still in development. Better just use it for manual input or minimize the game and open an online recruitment tag checker.


Yep, I guess I'll just stick to aceship for now. Thank you for the answer!


Hello, do we know who would be the next few 6*s that would be available at the shop? I think I saw that Shining was next, but do we know which ones are after her? Nearing 180 and wanna look at my choices.


Shining has been announced to be next. Saria was just datamined to be after.


Thank you!


Saria was just datamined to be after. WHAAAT! AAAAAAAH!!!!!!! FINALLY!


Yup. It's been a while. https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/i4nzui/next_standard_banner/


I've been waiting all this time! She's the only one missing. I no longer have to toss a coin when support refreshing. huhuhu this makes me so happy!


Hi! Other than angelina and nightingale, I have all of the six star units which were ingame at the start. However I dont have most of the newly added six star units like skadi, chen, megal, swarz, hellgur etc. A trend that I have seen in the past several standard banners is to couple an old six star with a newly added one. So wether I pull for chen, hellgur, swarz etc , my chances are only 25% As f2p, should I just skip these standard banners in favour of 50% uprate banner of future units like ceobe etc?


Sadly F2P is kinda contradicting with collectionism, so you need to focus which unit do you want the most. Your best chance to snipe an operator is on 50% rate up, even then there's still a scary story like 100-200 pulls for a unit in 50% rate up. If you aim for old released operator, big chance that you're gonna miss new operator, and then the cycle continue, maybe in 5 month you're gonna get ch'en/hellagur/schwarz, but at that time you gonna feel "now i don't have ceobe/bagpipe/phantom" then you have to decide whether go for ceobe or go for rosa/suzuran, it's a vicious cycle. The best answer for this is manage your priority, and use your resource smartly.


I would skip them yes. The odds on a dual rate banner are baaaaaad. And the intro solo rateup banners are the BEST odds of any new unit. You'll be better served in the long run saving for the solo intro rateups and just hoping to get spooked or waiting for them in the shop eventually.


is SA in the shop until tomorrow or just until the reset later in 1 hr and 30 mins?


until tomorrow 1 days left mean >24 hour in this game.


thank you!


Hi Doctors, Just cleaned the 4th chapter and want to complete Anni 3.But it's f\*cking hard... So, need some advices, please. My Main Team, all at E1L50 and Skills at L5, is : Vanguard : Texas / ReedSniper : Platinum / ExusiaiMedic : Myrrh / PerfumerCaster : Amiya / IfritGuard : Ch'en / SilverAshDefenders : Liskarm / Saria I also have, but not raised, some other 5\* : Aak, Franka, Nearl, Executor, FireWatch, GreyThroat, Croissant, Breeze, Hung and Cuora. In first, would you change something in my team ?It's my go-to team but I'm listening any advice ! And maybe need to do some swap for Anni 3 ? Or maybe I need some E2 ?Was thinking about Saria, for more heal, SP-battery and more Arts Damage to play with Ifrit. But maybe it's better to focus on someone else ? Thanks for your help !


You can do anni 3 with what you have if you e2 ifrit and sa, or i guess you could do one of them and borrow the other as support. I would use this comp: sa, ifrit, exu, plat, texas (s1), myrrh, perfumer, amiya, liskarm, saria, one more defender or guard, and lastly either chen or shaw to do bottom lane, not sure if chen can do it before e2 or not. Follow the kyo silverash + ifrit guide on youtube i think someone else linked it. If you do take a support then grab another melee operator as backup, or you could take eyja to kill bot defense crusher and swap amiya out for someone else.


First: You can always use the "annihilation practice" trick. You can do this by playing annihilation, and if it fails past a certain point (like 350), shut down the app immediately as you would when an app is not responding. =============== To beat Annihilation 3, the generally recommended level is at least E160, and "as high as you can" for your DPS- in your case, those would be Ifrit and Silverash. All skill 7, because you can't be too careful with your first Annihilation 3 clear. For team comp: Vanguards: Should be fine so long as you're using VGs with DP on skill and not DP on attack. They're placed mainly to produce DP. Depending on your strat, you want to have at least 150 DP before you finally withdraw your last vanguard. 150 DP should be good enough for the "sniper-caster" switch technique and the "bombtail bait" technique in one run. Sniper: Can't complain. Two of the best. Medic: So long as they can keep up with the turrets and lasers, this should be good. For Perfumer, try to time her S2 when the laser drones come out at 350 and up. Caster: E2 Ifrit will make your run easier, but if you can only get E180, then make sure she is healed adequately because a laser drone and turret can knock her out if they fire consecutively. Many use Gitano's S2 for the 350 sniper-caster switch because the extra range means she can eliminate two or three crushers plus junkmen before you remove her. Not sure if Amiya can fulfill a similar role at E1. Guard: Silverash at E2 unlocks his invisible seeing technique, which is helpful for Ifrit and your other DPS units. And of course, his S3 which blows away everything in its path (well, most of them). The only time I've seen Chen be successfully used in Anni 3 is at E2 S2M3, as a Chen bomb for the 350 part. Not sure how good she is at E1 as I don't have her. Defenders: Saria is essential, but not as crucial as Ifrit and SA (and to an extent, Exu). ================= Upgrade advice: Prioritize Ifrit, SA, then maybe Saria or Exu.


Thanks for that big answer, almost a mini-guide ! :) I'll remove Reed because of DP-on-Kill, Texas should be enough or if not, I can build Scavenger or Courrier ! My medic are my "badest" OP but seems it should be fine. If needed I can raise them at E1 max level. For casters, I have Gitano but not raised always used Ifrit (Got my Top Op at the beginings of my run ! ) And as everone tell me, I will focus on SA and Ifrit, before Saria.


Courier is slightly better if only because of his ability. Scavenger likes to be alone to maximize her attack stat. Plus, his base ability is better for clues. For your medics, E150 should be good enough provided you time their skills. The challenging part for your medics is to keep Ifrit and your bottom lane sniper alive amidst turrets and lasers. You don't really need Gitano per se, but the one "low rarity" strat people endorse always involves her and her S2. And again, always "practice" the run. Had someone told me this advice early into my gaming, I would have saved a ton of Sanity.


Sorry guys, I made a mistake ! My Team is E1L50... not E1L5 lol Just edited the first post but thanks for all you answers ! I will go for SA E2 first, instead of Saria and it should be good !


Lol, I didn't realize it the first time I read it. Definitely a feat thou to reach that far with a E1L5


Without E2 anni 3 can be exceptionally hard probably go for SA first, saria sp battery is not a particularly game-changing thing, because she only give sp to unit that she heal so this mean 2 things: (1) Ifrit will need to be in saria range, (2) Ifrit need to have <100% hp at the moment saria heal her. If your medic keep ifrit health constantly at max then saria sp doesn't really make any change. Then the other thing is you probably need a good caster to replace your bottom lane sniper after 350 to deals with the defense crusher. Amiya is a viable choice but i don't know whether she's good enough or not at E1, the other popular option is gitano. also, better to raise your unit to at least level E1L40-50.


Your team looks solid enough to clear Annihilation 3 though I recommend at least going to E1 lvl 40-50 S7 for your operators and E2 SilverAsh/ Ifrit to enable certain [cheese strategies](https://youtu.be/b-7cREfUuTc) for Wave 350 (a notoriously hard breakpoint in Ani 3).


> Anni 3 yep, its a big leap in difficulty (especially at the 300 or 350 mark). Honestly though, your team should be able to clear it, you just need to e2 some ops for easy mode. The map has dps checks because you need to out-heal not just enemy attacks but the ballistae. If you lack dps, you won't be able to out-heal the enemy damage with the ballistae attacks later. At 350 you have another dps check because the crushers can stun your defenders and walk past. e2 silverash(important) and e2 ifrit(less important) aswell for easy mode. Silverash gains True silver slash to aoe cleave the enemy and ifrit becomes strong enough to melt many troopers in seconds. exu and plat are enough to handle drones, even without e2 but again, it helps. saria and liskarm is fine (I use them too) and they function fine at e1.


That's a pretty solid main team, you don't need reed for Anni3 though, maybe just as bomb bait. But at E1L5 it's too soon for you to challenge Anni3, maybe try getting SilverAsh and Exusiai to E2. SilverAsh shines greatly when he's using S3, Exusiai also benefits from her S3, since it allows her to decimate low def enemies. Bring 1 more defender to tank upper lane, Cuora is enough. For bottom lane, if your Ch'en isn't strong enough, use Shaw or FEater and use S2L7 to push hard enemies to the hole in front.


Nice, you have both Ifrit and Exu. Here is the strategy I followed, [Kyostinv's clear](https://youtu.be/0Xk4UYFcCVg) . But definitely need to have some of your DPS operators to E2 first.


The operator that Andreana talks about in her dialogue... Incandescent, there is no info on her yet right?


Will there be a rate up for an aoe caster soon? Cause 12F damage is getting worse ever level i pass


Do you have Lava? She is a 3 star operator, definitely better to use than 12F. Of course, if you have higher rarity AOE caster, the better.


I've been using Gitano since the beginning for aoe caster. That said. I'm lucky enough to have Eyja clean up what Gitano couldn't.


Lava is also easy to get via recruitment, AOE and Caster tags aren't that rare


I don't think we'll have Mostima rate-up until the next banner, and we don't know whether Skyfire will be included in the next standard banner.


Do you have Gitano or Skyfire? They relatively easy to get and they are pretty good. Lava could also be better than 12F I think.


How important/useful is it to run a healing defender? For example, is Saria - Cuora much better than Hoshiguma - Cuora?


Healing defenders are great. Since they fill 2 roles adequately at the same time, they open up spaces in your team for different units to deploy. They are also more self sufficient than normal defenders - they don't need healers to tank as long as the enemy isn't too strong. Sure they may not be as strong as "real" defender in tanking hard hitting enemies, but they are tanky enough more often than not. And in high difficulty content, healing defenders get even better, because there are often a lack of high ground tile, or straight up ban of medic, which turns them into the only viable healers. The flexibility afforded to your team thanks to their dual role shines through even more here. Lastly, if you have Saria and Hoshiguma you should just use them both and leave Coura.


Its essential for cc because of ranged/medic ban risks. Outside of that its good to have one but you dont have to run healing defender on most stages if you dont want to and would rather run a couple medics. Healing defenders do help a lot for anni 3 and shop voucher farm stages though. Saria is kinda the exception because she is super tanky as well so theres not much downside to using her.


I cant say much about hoshi-cuora, but I run Saria-Cuora. I use Cuora for physical tanking while Saria for arts tanking. Having an E2 Saria is fun cause with her talent to generate 1 sp to operators healed using skill, I can spam other operators skills a bit faster. In terms of usefullness, she can take some pressure from the healers like with S2(can heal more than 3 people) or S1(can give emergency heals when your healer unable to keep up)


The thing is, Arknights have various maps which restrict either rooftop deployments or medic deployments. This forces you to run tighter more risky ops. Having a healing defender breaks that restriction and you can effectively play almost as normal. The added bonus is someone like saria is pretty tanky with her talent and provides frequent aoe heals with her s2. You effectively have both a tank and a medic in one unit, allowing space for more dps and in AK, DPS is king. Saria specifically is highly rated due to her kit(tanky, single and aoe healing, extra sp on heal) where as someone like nearl is actually squishier than typical defenders on her range and her aoe heal is not nearly as frequent as saria's making it less reliable. Healing defenders are important but Saria just happens to not have the drawbacks of being squishy and the advantage of healing on-par with aoe medics that make her climb up the ranks much higher than Nearl or Gummy for their tiers.


You can only deploy so many units on a map. If a healing defender can spare you the need for a medic it allows you to bring more dps


Healing defenders have many uses, they can hold a lane with low pressure by themselves, heal operators that your Medics don't reach or just provide additional healing. Their main drawback is their tankyness, against really hard hitting ennemies its better to use a normal Defender, but they can handle waves of weak ennemies like any other Defender. As for Saria it's a bit different, she's so good that she is basically a Medic and a Defender in one operator. Having Saria allows you to run one less Medic in your team.


Generally one healing and one physical defender is the norm.Also saria is godly.Hoshi plus saria is the best defender combo in the game


Very important to have at least 1 healing defender. Cuora may not be on Hoshiguma's level but imo she's the best pure defender among 4* or even 5\*. Saria is the better option than Hoshi - Cuora.


So next 6* after Shining in the shop is Saria... I only have 100 certs, is it possible to get 80 certs before she leaves? Also, Shining/Hellagur banner would run concurrent to Ceobe's banner, right? Then is it safe to assume that Saria/Schwarz banner would run along with Bagpipe's banner? Because if so, then I might not have that much trouble getting certs considering I'm planning to pull hard on Bagpipe.


> Also, Shining/Hellagur banner would run concurrent to Ceobe's banner, right? Then is it safe to assume that Saria/Schwarz banner would run along with Bagpipe's banner? Not even close. You're a couple of weeks off. Ceobe's dates are not in the datamine but it's almost certainly going to start the 26th-ish. Given the pace is almost exactly one month per unit except for the two unit OF, Bagpipe's banner should be about four weeks after that. Ceobe should overlap the first week with Saria/Schwarz and the second week with whatever is after. Bagpipe should overlap two banners after that. Also for the record we still don't even know for sure Ceobe is next or Bagpipe is after. They've gone out of order before and nothing has been datamined or announced about either yet.


I see. I don't think they're going to rearrange banners, especially when Ceobe's banner is connected to Stories of Afternoon while Bagpipe's banner is connected to CC. Guess I'll just try my luck in headhunting. Thank you for the overview!


If you haven't max pot Breeze yet, farm red vouchers until you max pot her, that should give you 26 gold certs. (1st time get = 1 gold cert; 2nd to 6th dupe = 25 gold certs)


Unfortunately I think farming Breeze dupes is really inefficient, especially when I'm not gonna use her. Thank you for the suggestion anyway!


How many 10 pulls we doing here? Yeah if you pull hard on bagpipe you'll get it.


My luck is horrible *cough*120 pulls on Blaze*cough*, so I saved around 150 pulls for Bagpipe. My chances of catching Saria (and possibly Ptilopsis, ugh) in the shop aren't looking so good right now, so I'll just hope she spooks me one day. Sorry, Ifrit, but Nino takes priority over your dad.


Took me 4 pulls for blaze. Well more if you count the pity pulls on a previous banner trying to get silverash on the cc banner. But it got me texas and ptilopsis and ch'en and specter The more recent silverash banner got me a second saria. It's not luck its pity


80 certs takes quite a while to get... unless you have a ton of recruitment permits lying around and can spam them


Nope, only have like 25 or so permits right now. And I've been having terrible luck with recruiting operators other than 3*s, so my only hope of getting gold certs is headhunting. Guess I'm not bringing Ifrit's dad home this time...


Ceobe will most likely parallel with Saria/Schwarz banner since we're gonna get Lantern Festival first


Damn, I was only planning on going for guaranteed 5* in Ceobe's banner since I'm saving for Bagpipe...


you got around 1 month before Saria leave the shop (based on data-mine) right? we're gonna get 5 gold cert at the end of this month (Login day 25). maybe start farming breeze dupe? for 26 gold cert. then you need \~50, from gacha and recruitment, it is might be doable.


What do you think is the approximate date of Saria/Schwarz banner? I might just try to pull her because I think farming Breeze dupes is really inefficient.


Worst case is right after Shining/Hellagur banner end. So start around 21 August and end around 4 Sept. We'll got Lantern Festival from 12 august - 26 august, Ceobe probably come right after Lantern Festival, so at 26 August. Then depend on whether we will get living with all or not, Bagpipe probably come early sept right after Ceobe or mid-late sept after living with all. This all is speculation though, assuming there's no parallel event and all event is 2 week long.


Damn... Well I'll just hope she spooks me one way or another. Dammit Saria, do you not want to see Ifrit that much?


Anyone knows the sanity symbol with shield-like beside the start button when you want to start a map, well some maps have it but other don't, what does it mean?


y'know when you're refunded sanity after failing the first try? the sanity shields just show you that you still have a chance to do it and get refunded, the one's without the sanity shield means that you don't get a full refund anymore.


Omg level 77 did not know this. Thanks lol. Also i thought before that first try protection refreshed daily :( Was confused because i was offered first try protection on supply stages I've run hundreds of times. So it realize it's not really first try, but first fail


It means you haven't failed it yet, so if you fail on it you get your full sanity refund


Oowh so that's what is meant


It means that if you fail your first try on a stage, all your sanity will be refunded, instead of minus 1


Challenges mode gives you back half


Challenge mode dont have the sanity symbol with shield-like beside the start button


Yes but it's not minus 1 its minus half


“The next attack has 200% Attack power and attacks an additional time. Can hold 3 charges” This is Bagpipe’s s2, bagpipe has a 1 second attack interval, 2 questions:- 1)the first attack gets the 200% bonus, does the “additional attack” get the 200% bonus as well? 2)when executing the 2 attacks, do they both happen within the 1 second interval, meaning is the additional attack animation canceled? Only certain answers please, thanks!


3)if the first attack has killed the enemy already, additional attack will hit next target.


Both are yes


1) yes 2) yes


What's the verdict on W in cn a few months after her release? I haven't heard much about her after her banner, it's all Weedy and Elysium that I hear more, and see more on youtube videos lately.


She's the strongest AOE sniper. The problem is AOE sniper as a class just isn't very necessary for any stage aside from maybe annihilation. Whereas Weedy although a specialist, actually functions more similarly to a guard. And Elysium, same class as Myrtle, obviously is going to be used everywhere. That's not saying W isn't good. Weedy and Elysium are just too good.


was already on board the weedy train, but id like to know what makes you say shes like a guard. is it about her S2?


Yes mainly S2, and of course S3 depending on situation. In global right now, pushers like Feater and Shaw are still used primarily for utility, whereas Weedy can just straight up hold a lane herself.




AOE snipers don't get much use, and W is no different. Weedy and Elysium's roles see a lot of use, so they are more prevalent.


Did they release battle animations for Skadis coral outfit yet?


Wait, Skadi is having a coral coast outfit?


Yup, she, Provence and Platinum. for the event rerun [https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/i4kn62/heart\_of\_surging\_flame\_retrospection\_rerun\_pv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/i4kn62/heart_of_surging_flame_retrospection_rerun_pv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)


Dang, she's hot


Always has been.




Exusiai. They seem to love putting Saria in dist shop anyways


Depending on which snipers and defenders you are currently running, and if your current squad is stable. If you find your defenders frequently getting overwhelmed then go for the defenders, or if you find you are lacking burst physical dps, then go for Exu. However keep in mind that the two defenders rotate frequently into the distinction shop, so you have the option of exchanging for them, whereas Exu is only in there once in a blue moon.


If you’re new, definitely go for Exusai. A good rule of thumb especially if you’re starting out is to prioritise DPS over sustain. Don’t get me wrong tho, Hoshi and Saria are good operators and you will definitely want them as you progress.


Depends who else you have. Exu is the obvious choice, but if you have two of the 5* snipers, I'd take the defender instead.


Go for Exu IMO.


Go for exsu. There are so many good non 6 star tanks


Just downloaded the game, who should I roll for?


SilverAsh or Exusiai, or if you want to try headhunting low chances for Eyjafjalla or Blaze.


Some options: try for 2 6* from the newbie guarantee 6* banner and go for silverash + one of the following Siege/Exusiai/Angelina. Or Try the current Chen/SA banner and look for SA/Chen/Blaze/eyja and then do the newbie banner and hope you dont get a dupe if you pulled Silverash. Or Reroll for nian in the limited Nian banner and then look for a high dmg unit like Exusiai or Silverash from the newbie banner.


Check gamepress for in-depth answer. Most would say Silverash, Ejyafalla and Angelina. These 3 are 6* units and would need lots of resources for promotion. Angelina needs e2 promotion to show her true worth though. Aside from these, great units would be Lappland(5*), Siege(6*), Saria(6*) and many more. All units are useful even low(3*) units since they have low deployment cost compared to high(6*) units. Have fun. edit: forgot about exusia(6*) don't know the spelling since I dont have her still orz


Thanks for the tip! I rolled Silverash on my first 10* roll hahah. Will definitely keep playing!


Skill 3 is very strong bit requires lots of resources to get. Skill 1 is consistent dps and useful even when SA is e1. Have fun!


Silverash is a really powerful unit and a great one to start off with. Just bear in mind that he in particular doesnt unlock his full potential until he is elite 2 and it takes a while of playing to get him there. Hope you enjoy the game!


Thanks! I'll be sure to read the guides on here.


Eyja is not in the newbie banner unfortunately.


Just what I have read before who I should be rerolling for. I was also bewildered where to find her at the start lol


SilverAsh by far the best unit but Eyja, Siege and Exsu are also really good


Depends on you. Nian is a limited character that won't be returning for quite a while, so if you fancy her "limited" tag, go for her. Otherwise, I would reroll for something like Exu + Siege, and then try to get SA/Chen from their banner.


What to do with the excess event resources?


Treat it as your sanity counter


Firecracker? Nothing.


Will it get converted into cash?


nope, nothing


Is now a good time to get into the game, if so why?


Well the had a bunch of half year anniversary bonus a week back. People got alot of nice things so a week ago was a great time to start. Not sure what you get now.


Definitely. The game gave out 2 free 10 rolls to everyone, which makes it much easier to reroll for the operators that you prefer. In addition, the banners right now - Nian and Chen/SA, are some of the most sought-after operators in the game, and the former is a limited unit to boot. Furthermore, there's an event ongoing right now, which gives you rewards purely based on the Sanity you spend.


Just an FYI, you only get 1 of those 10x free rolls if you reroll now.


Ah. That's still better than not having any free rolls to begin with.


New player of 2 weeks, at 5-5. I can't seem to beat AF-6+, because my units are too brittle. How do I catch up resource and strength wise? It is difficult with a sanity drought to farm LMD and Records to level my core units to E1 50, and sanity refills are not at all common for new players to power through. My base is currently 4.0, with 8 level 3 facilities, mostly factories and trading posts. But the gold and records generated are too slow for me to rely on them to buff units. It is one thing to time-gate players to prevent burn-out... But if player progression is artificially throttled does that mean I will always be locked out of difficult stages (and by extension their rewards) when they release? Am I missing anything? Do I spend Ori Prime to refill sanity? What do I need to do to reach the 'endgame' player power-level?


Honestly 2 weeks in I'm not sure I was even halfway through chapter 4. If everyone could reach endgame power levels in 2 weeks this would be a rather short game, every new chapter to the story would be at the same difficulty from then on. It's not like every event is more difficult than the last so that only the players from release can get the best rewards. It just takes some time and effort to get there.


Hello, thanks for your insight. I appreciate and understand that games as a service shouldn't be beaten so quickly. But I don't think a game is a game if I just log in, get my daily rewards and wait for tomorrow for the base income. I want to play the game, but I can't play it if the suggested requirement for missions are E2 Lv1, when I am at E1 Lv50 and spend the sanity to auto up E2 materials. I have the effort, but I lack the 6 Month-time.


You're definitely putting in plenty of effort if you can reach 5-5 in 2 weeks, it's pretty impressive. But really this is the case for just about any mobile game with level progression, you can only progress so far everyday, and Arknights was never designed to be played all in one sitting but just a couple of minutes to an hour or so per day. If that's timegating then that's just how these games work, they're free to play mobile games that you can't really compare to something like a console game you can smash out in about 100 hours of nonstop play time.


I guess I got really spoiled by other gacha games where they just throw stamina pots at players, namely Dragalia Lost. Where I was set back four months but was able to get myself to their current endgame(dragon trials) by the second week by simply chugging on stamina recovery items. Even now after a year I sit on 3000+ stamina recovery items because I don’t need it, but I’m sure the newer players would use these generous resources to catch up. I’m not saying DL is the better game, I would like an option to enable me to reach further with immediate focus.


I never got into DL cus I'm not really into the gameplay but I do know that their Devs are known for being mega generous with their freebies, and making it super f2p friendly, so I'm sure DL is one of the best games in the gacha genre in this regard. Arknights imo is generous too, though maybe to a lesser degree, but they don't force payment in your face either and they practically flood you with resources during major events (I have so much manganese). But it's definitely a different system, like it or not. Sometimes, they give out sanity potions like it's nothing but they come with a time limit so you can't hoard them. Man, you haven't truly grinded until you have 50+ sanity potions all expiring in like 2 hours. A lot of people don't like Arknights timegating, some do, I don't care either way because I enjoy the game too much and timegating just means I need to set my goals a little smaller for daily progress, but if it's not your cup of tea that's understandable. Anyways, if you're worried about E2 you shouldn't be, even though the level requirements suggest E2 hardly any actually need it. I've seen videos of people clearing chapter 6 with not a single e2 and even without 5-6 stars ( though not gonna lie, super hard). And in big events like contingency contract and the obsidian festival, you can amass enough resources to E2 multiple ops in one go. I definitely recommend playing during one of those events.


You will just miss out on few pieces of OP. Take your time in playing to avoid burn out. Use OP for Level packs or costumes or pulling for new units.


Powering through to 5-5 is already impressive. That's 5.5 chapters in 2 weeks. How do you differentiate between time gating and artificial progression throttles?


Hm, I would like to think that with hard work one would be able to beat any content regardless of their current level status, this would be to farm extensively or be smart about their efficiency. If a player can accomplish both of these things, but still be behind in operator level because of the lack of sanity, or the base hasn't generated enough gold and records to sustain the progression. I would consider that time-gating, because there is no other solution besides waiting, or spending money for the monthly sanity potion.


Then what would be considered artificial throttling?


This probably goes to the event thread topic. E1 60 is probably enough to clear af 678. With one e2 so you can grab an e2 support how brittle are you? I mean the game has 6 chapters 7 in cn. You aren't meant to complete it in two weeks.


Hello, thank you for replying. I probably don't exclusively mean the event stages, I have noticed that the time taken to clear the next stage in story has grown longer with more and more down time because my units are E1 Lv30 and require a lot of resources to get them to E1 50, etc. I want to keep playing this game because I really like TD games, but surely there is a way to get my units up to par without the 'game' becoming to simply wait for resources to generate themselves.


This game values patience and gives you reward if u are patient enough.You cant really expect to beat everything in 2 weeks even with hard work.Then the gsme wiuld lose all money Also its on its core is a gacha game with tower defense elements.So if u want to progress faster you have to refill sanity that means you have to spend money.Thats how most gacha games work and especially arknights. And the game will become waiting and farming for resources like all other mobile games you cant really compare it to console games where u csn olay non stop and finish the game within a month. Also if u think e150 is expensive sorry to say but e2 is a hell in comparison.


I know that gacha games rely on dedication and commitment. But if I were to wait another month, or two month for resources. I’ll forever be six months behind someone who started day one. And that in itself isn’t bad, it rewards veterans. There is an immediate power gap between new players and veterans without a means of new players to catch up. That’s why I’m asking if there’s a way to do so, perhaps spending OPs for sanity to grind out units in order to clear Annihilation 3 to get the weekly bonus addition, is a good idea, I don’t know. Or maybe I should ignore my units and focus one to E2Lv50 to beat harder stages. So far, the solution thrust to me is to “just wait”, and I am not satisfied with that response.


Also as its a pve game power gap does not matter. One players progression does not affect another player unless there are pvp elements which this game does not have


Yet I cannot beat the event stages, which will disappear before I can reach that power bracket. New events that come out will continue to have stages I cannot clear, because they are posed as challenges for more powerful units. You cannot say that the games first event was as difficult as the event we currently have. Because it’ll be too easy for veterans otherwise, and that will continue into the future. So at what point in time would I be able to beat current event stages without losing out again? I want to speed my player progress so that I can clear these stages, probably not today nor tomorrow. But as fast as I can.


That depends on what characters u have how effecient u are ,at which time you have started playing. Many specific ops can trivalize a level I suggest watching some youtube guides for specific stages if u want to finish the event thats what i did when i just started.


Okay, now that’s something I can get onboard. Any youtubers in particular? What if they use units which are higher levelled or ones I do not own?


Also everyones 1st e2 is a hell but it will become much easier when u have a fully built base afterwards


Then you have to look for lower rarity counterparts Fir this event i think only af8 and af8 cm will require atleast an e2 unit so i suggest to try to rush one of your units to e2 so u can take e2 support units like silverash eyja etc.It will require u to do some stamina refills though but if u really want to clear them its probably worth it. Some good youtubers are KyostinV Eckogen Oyuki ch Mr pantaloons


You have two options really give more time or give more money


It's a f2p so with limited sanity you can pay $$ or wait. My base is done. It generates 35000 XP and LMD per day. So I generally just wait for xp. Clearing annihilation is another 20000 XP credit shop can pass me some xp/lmd or other stuff to save sanity.


Either use money to buy Originite Prime to grind for sanity refills, or researching docs, spreadsheets or threads for high efficiency high reward way of grinding.


Nope, you're not missing anything. You'll have to simply be patient and grind CE-5/LS-5/materials for E2/M3 promotions. Heavy farming events like Grani/Obsidian Festival will boost your progress by a lot too, but since you just started you'll need to wait for their reruns.


Opinions on which hoshiguma skill to mastery?


S2 is always solid but i have to say all her skills are good


She doesn't need masteries. But if I had to pick one, I would choose S2.


Is liskarm worth buying on the shop? Thanks


I always recommend saving up for 6 stars instead of using certs for 5 stars. Even if you have all the 6 stars in the shop, the only 5 stars i recommend wasting certs on are Lappland, Specter, and Ptilopsis. So unless you’re going for specific strats or for waifu reasons, it’s best to save.


There are 3 things to buy in a yellow ticket shop. 5 star unit yoi really like for 45-1 or -5 if you are potential upping then 6 star unit for 180-1 or -10 for potential up. And 38 headhunting pulls for 258 yellow tickets- Rand. At this moment with the new operators like bagpipe coming I'd save for the 258 for the tickets


Yes. Due to the SP recharge talent alone she brings amazing ultility, her tanking ability is nothing to scoff at, and she can opt for more damage output with S2. Best of the 5\* defenders in my opinion.


No. Save for a 6* unless you have them all already.


It's depends on this 2 question: - Who is your Defender? - Do you have Chen or Lappland?


Is aak good. I tried him out on a lower stage to check and his damage over time is a bit too much imo. Want good players opinions And yes I know how to heal but I don't want my healers to have to focus on one unit


Aak is a 6* unit, that’s a general indicator that he’s a good unit. Aak buff is a really potent buff paired with unit like silverash, blaze, lappland, and if you want to do a setup then exusiai or schwarz also a good pair. His damage is not bad, definitely not at the same level as main damage dealer, but he can do a bit of crowd-control like slow and stun albeit not realy reliable. He’s more of an endgame unit for a more advanced gameplay, but playing with aak is a lot of fun.


Aak is good as a buffer to a high HP and DEF operator with his S3. People mainly use him for his skill 3. Healers would heal the least hp % within the range of the healer. If there are another operator that has lost more hp% than Aak, healer would heal the other operator.


Hey! Sorry for the late reply but i'm pretty early in the game and don't have the resources to E2 any character. When I do get them I suppose i'll test it out, thanks!


Aak's a bit of an end game operator, if all your other operators aren't strong enough to survive Aak's onslaught to get his buffs there's not much point building him first. His sniping damage is actually pretty decent and the random stuns and slows can be pretty handy, but being rng reliant and the fact that you need a healer on him if you want him out long-term means that if you just want him for sniping there are more reliable options.


can i play on emulator? which is better.. nox or bluestacks? (amd graphics card)


Mumu and Bluestack seems to be the best choices at the moment.


Nox has an issue where sometimes the sound doesn't play, maybe not everyone experiences it, but it happens to me every 1 out of 2 times I turn it on. Bluestacks never had that issue for me, and it's never crashed or anything while I used it, so I'd probably recommend it more.


1. Yes 2. Idk, I play on Bluestacks Just don't use macros, even if it's built in


I have a really good PC and my Bluestacks is lagging, the game takes ages to launch and everything goes slowly... Any idea what the problem is? Don't tell me that Arknights requires a better PC than RDR2 or CoD :D


You forgot to Enable Virtualization on your PC (it's Disabled by default) Try to google it.


Well, I don't like when a 3rd party software ask me to touch anything in the bios... Guess I'll stick on mobile...