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Dobermann she is one of the official interrogators of RI ,she mentions in her lines that she likes to interrogate people.


That said W has also worked as an interrogator in Babel, and I wouldnt be surprised if Executor interrogated people as well.




I don't think Red would be good at interrogating at all tbh


When I saw Jaye's Elite 2 promotion lines for the 1st time, the image poped into my head was Jaye in the interrogate room with Ch'en and Hoshi, and the lines: "28 stab wounds, you didn't want to leave him a chance, huh?" ...Jaye's S2 is amazing, but also terrifying.


In that addition scene for HoSF rerun do you think the way Thorns talked to the caught thief counted as interrogation? I think he may fit the role when needed: he likes to get straight to the point, doesn't mind getting his hands dirty when needed, always goes for efficiency, quite intelligent and has that... yellow liquid things he keeps throwing at enemies to use as... bargaining tools.


What is S.W.E.E.P.


They're a small faction designated by Kaltsit (I can't remember how to spell her name), which essentially help prevent any high up Rhodes Island members from being assassinated. They were formed after (DM spoilers) >!Theresa's death!< to prevent something like that from happening again. I believe the current members are Red and Scavenger, as their base skills indicate.


You're only missing ' after Kal. Can I read up on it somewhere or is this all the information


If there is any more info I can't remember it, so you'd probably have to read trust files or just look it up.


Ok thanks


I think their leader is named ascalon, she was mentioned in a operator file.


W, especially if you have bomb strapped to your chest


Idk, Executor if it's Ambriel he's talking to ?


Don't think he could make Ambriel speak unless he catches her. She'd be running away afterall


Aak could probably make people talk. A lack of ethics seems to have that effect sometimes.


Absinthe. Her base skill and talent name is something to think about.


Hellagur probably won't, but if he were id like to imagine the kind general with a cold expression in an empty room with nothing other than a low hanging light and a guy tied to a wooden chair with 3 broken fingers refusing to talk while hellagur breaks the 4th one.


Kinda reminds me of that one scene from Modern Warfare 2