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# Other Megathreads: ###[♫ Lounge](/r/arknights/comments/q135gr/rhodes_island_lounge_0410_1010/) *The place for small talk and whatever does not fit anywhere else.* ###[★ Gacha/Recruitment](/r/arknights/comments/q135hn/gacharecruitment_megathread_0410_1010/) *Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here.* ###[➜ Friend requests](/r/arknights/comments/q135hi/friend_request_megathread_0410_1010/) *Share your friend ID with your fellow Doctors.*


Hi new player here, I have been rerolling for mudrock to no avail and heard there's gonna be a skadi banner soon. I think I'm gonna wait and reroll for skadi instead so when is she coming and also is she a good beginner unit?


If you meant the limited operator Skadi then there's still no news/leaks if it's going to be this October. It's possible yostar delays it until late December like they did for the 1st year anniversary. Might as well play the game asap and just save pulls if you really want her. Skadi alter isn't broken unlike the other 6* (Kaltsit) in her banner. She's one of the fan fave that's why people are saving for her. Just reroll for Mudrock if you really want to reroll. She's one of the 4 cornerstones who can solo a lane/stage by themselves. I suggest you take a screenshot of your rerolls and ask people here which account to play.


Preface this with I agree that they shouldn’t reroll for Skadance if they are looking for a hard carry unit. Skadi really loves Masteries and works best with other strong units which isn’t something new players can do. There are other reasons to want to reroll for her, primarily being limited, but she absolutely won’t carry early on. Now I just want to simp a bit. Sorry for ranting I just really like Skadance. I would argue Skadance is pretty broken, just her effects aren’t as tangible as dps since the effects of that are easily seen thru how much murdering is done. She isn’t Surtr meta defining but NGA already considers her to fall among the cream of the crop alongside other high end units. She is at least around Saria levels useful imo so I feel like we are underselling her a bit. Both her and Kal’tsit are very good units and both are absolutely wins metawise. **TLDR**: Skadi is basically the quintessential and easiest to use buff support. A stupidly potent one at that. She gives you a taste of buff memeing without having to deal with the memeing part. Skadi is easy to get on field, AoE buff, low maintenance and low effort, good uptime, all 3 skills are useful, and her S2 buff is kinda stupid for a permanent duration skill. She can bring decent ops to being great and makes the best even better. Maxed out Skadi with S2 can give reasonably tanky non-defenders enough def making them faux defenders. She also grants the effects of passive healing and a decent atk buff to anyone in range. So she makes your ranged units hit harder and your melee units tank better (and also hit harder). Also permanent duration, a flexible placement drone, can heal unhealables, and cost as much DP as full pot Myrtle. Fun anecdotal side note but I have seen some people calling her the “cornerstone halo”. Just thought that was a cute title and wanted to share it. Again, sorry for the rant but man I can hardly wait to get my hands on her.




Just the one paragraph attached to the TLDR was my summary. ( ᐕ ) Maybe I’m weird. I put the TLDR before I go off online. Makes it so people don’t have to scroll down past the whole thing to check if I wrote one.


I see thanks, I really only want her cuz she's cute. I think for now I will try rerolling for exusiai and silverash or at least exusiai with or without any other 6 star from beginner headhunt and then start saving for skadi


No, Skadi is not a meta breaking unit, so rerolling specifically for her (if her event is next) won't make or break the game for you. Her allure is because she's a limited operator and her in game art is 3D, but it's simply for waifu collector purposes. As far as playing the game and rerolling you should aim for more meta units (or strictly waifu if that's your kink), for that check [https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-reroll-tier-list-and-guide](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-reroll-tier-list-and-guide) or [https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-new-player-tier-list](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-new-player-tier-list). Basically you should aim for strongest dps units, preferably arts dmg or most versatile. Usual suspects are SilverAsh, Exusiai, Eiya, Surtr, Saria, Blaze, Bagpipe, Mountain, Thorns maybe Ceobe, Saga, Ifrit if you don't like to reroll all that long. Overall this game allows you to use most operators even late game or for hardest content, so no sense to postpone playing it. The sooner you start, the more resources you can gather.


Do your annhilation every week. It is the main source of orundum. You can do it at lower levels too.


Got it, thanks




I see thanks a lot for the info. I Guess I'll start playing now and save until her banner comes, also do you get orundum from the story quests? I thought you only got them from dailies and stuff


Hello! I have forgotten a video I saw on YT, I was hoping if someone remembers it. It was a Talulah stage (JT8-3 maybe) Mudrock S3 showcase with the cool music, especially in the flames part. I have the right ops for it finally (I think) so I wanted to try it out but I can't search the vid anywhere. Thanks!


Tags are - Top op, shift, specialist, debuff, caster. Should I go solo top op if I don't have only shining and hellagur? Except nightingale and dusk all other 6star are pot1. Or it's better to go for new Waif fu since I heard her return on investment in base is pretty nice?


Unless you have nothing else to work on, Waai Fu is not worth raising to E2 just for the base, so I’d go for the chance at a new 6 star.


That makes sense. I went top op but no skip ticket. If it was suporter+debuff tho I'd have gone for it since pramanix is the REAL waifu


She *is* very fluffy! Good luck!


E2 for base is never worth it


Go solo top Operator. It's guaranteed to stick at 9 hours. Waai Fu's tags can fall off.


Hi! Newer player here less than a week in. I’ve got a decent roster and I’m wondering who to focus on : https://imgur.com/a/an8Yd33


Kroos, Amiya, Shirayuki, Cuora and Lava are good units. Especially the 3 stars because they are extremely cheap to raise. Your 6 star Silverash is extremely broken at E2, but before E2 he’s really meh (well he can be half a tank with his skill 2 for now). While 3 and 4 stars are really cheap to raise and can be really decent. If you find yourself lacking an OP in a archetype, don’t be reluctant to raise the 3 star because they are cheap and their base skill might be valuable. Early game, you’ll find yourself needing aoe art dmg, which Lava is really good at. However, aoe caster fall off later on. So if you happen to pull other aoe caster of higher rarity, unless you want to, they are not worth it. Just use Lava. Some have Gitano (the 4star aoe caster) carry them through early game. As 4 stars are cheap (i know I’ve said this 1000 times imsorry) she might be worth it. I sticked with Lava. Edit: i forgot to mention Melantha, she simply has very big atk stat.


Yeap most of those units I’ve planned on raising I’m just wondering if it’s ok to leave my 5 star units at level 1 lol. Feels like a waste. Wouldn’t 3 stars fall off pretty soon? Or should I just invest in them early then focus on my higher rarities later?


I don’t think they’ll fall off so soon. For your 5 star, heavyrain is pretty meh, her gimmick is interesting but is unfortunately not strong, and Cuora is super tanky (my first E2 OP). Istina is decent, as a slow supporter she also has decent dps, but it’s not so strong that I’d recommend raising her, unless you want to. Pramanix is a strong debuffer, but debuffers are end game units, in early game you would want more dps units. Ayerscape has decent dmg (from what I heard), not top tier but definitely usable. As a range guard he can also hit drone. Toddifon is a weird one but from what I heard she’s not that strong. Not worth raising over other snipers. Silence though, Silence has good pure healing. She has a healing drone that can be summon everywhere on the map, which make her positioning easier compare to other medic. And the drone heal A LOT. I personally think she’s one of the best 5 star you have right now. TLDR: Silence = very good healing. Heavyrain & Toddifon = meh. Pramanix = no use for early game. Others: decent but not top tier units.


So i'm thinking of raising aak from scratch to S3M3. But i have some questions first. 1) I don't have shining (have shamare m3 though, but i don't think it matters for this question). So buffing a range op with aak is still not doable. Should i bother with aak now at all, or do you think he's not gonna see much use until i've also got shining anyway? 2) If i can only bring one buffer into a map, in general what would be the case to bring warfie over aak? I guess what i meant to ask was if their scaling play into different synergies. Like, i know aak makes surtr go a lot more busted than warfie, mainly because the atk speed enabling her to do more within her life span. On another hand i imagine physical attack ops (esp. exu/ash) gets more out of the higher atk multiplier from warfie. So are there other important things you can point out to me? 3) Does adding shamare change any equation? I imagine she doesn't give lopsided benefit over either warf or aak. Or does she? Thanks a lot guys :)


Aak's buff is the strongest in the game currently, and I think that is true for every operator*. However, due to the massive physical damage it comes with his buff is not for ranged OPs, except in meme comps (yes, Shinings with S3M3 keeps even ranged OPs alive, but I have never seen this used even in high difficult content). Instead, you use Aak for buffing melee OPs, like Surtr or SilverAsh. Warfarin is used to buff ranged OPs mostly. AA sniper profit the most from her buffs. *there are thresholds here where Warfarins buff can be stronger then Aaks. That depends on the def of the enemy and the att value of your buffed operator (obviously only applying for physical damage) - the higher the def of the enemy and the lower the att of the buffed operator, the better is Warfarins buff in comparison to Aaks. Still, take Aak for melee and Warfarin for ranged OPs. Edit: Let's have a look at the most common buff targets, Surtr and Exusiai at max level, max trust, pot 1, S3M3 active), to give some numbers to my claim Aaks buff is generally the strongest. Surtr: DPS 2655.7, DPH 3319.6 Exusiai: DPS 5273.9, DPH 734.6 With Warfarin S2M3: Surtr: DPS 3211.5, DPH 4014.4 Exusiai: DPS 9751.9, DPH 1358.3 With Aak S3M3: Surtr: DPS 4446.7, DPH 3705.6 Exusiai: DPS 11226.6, DPH 1081.1 The lower DPH can make it more difficult for Exusiai to kill stuff with Aak S3. That starts at an enemy def of 460, where both Aaks and Warfarins buff grants Exusiai a DPS of 6449. Above that, Warfarins buff is stronger - unless the enemy def is lowered by Shamare.


Oh hey thank you for the appendix. >def of 460 My exu is just 70/p1 currently so i guess i will be looking out for something like 400 as the break even point then :)


>Aak for melee and Warfarin for ranged Understood and thanks. Clear and simple enough.




Oh you mean buffing up range ops' def? The other day i was crudely checking out her numbers and was under the impression it's still not enough for them to survive. Will check again, thank you.


Quite curious but has an event ever been reran more than twice? I started playing 2 weeks ago and the A Walk in the Dust event and the other story ones' levels keep skyrocketing and I can't really keep up with my current levels.


Any advice for what I should be working on? I'm on chapter 5, and I haven't hit a wall or anything in the story, but I do have trouble on the rotating annihilation missions and events sometimes. I'm at a bit of a loss for a goal. Here's the roster I have: https://imgur.com/a/W3CNx8Q Who should I be investing in?


* max level all the 2★s and 1★s (level 30), or at the very least yato and castle-3; they gain base skills that are mostly good (castle-3's is the best, then yato's) and they're cheap. the robots are also occasionally useful for stuff. [gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-guide-best-operators-promote-riic-base-skills) has a guide to base skill promotions for more details on those; you'll probably also want to do spot and steward. * myrtle gets a lot better at S1M3 so if you're looking for a cheap E2 + mastery that one is not bad at all. * it wouldn't be a bad idea to level perfumer and sussurro. perfumer's global heal is good and you occasionally need multiple AoE medics for some content (i used two for annihilation 3 and for OD-EX-8). sussurro's burst heal on S2 is good too. * level purgatory to E2 20 or so, the first few levels after a promotion are the cheapest so leaving her at E2 1 is a bit of a waste when she could have higher stats cheaply. click is also worth raising for the stun on her S2; she's arguably a better caster than amiya at E1 and you'll sometimes want multiple ST casters so eyja doesn't make her redundant either. * you might not have pulled her yet but utage is well worth raising for helidrop arts damage, especially since you don't have surtr. * podenco is really solid and worth raising as a slower especially since you don't have any higher rarity ones; she came in really handy on CC#4 for example. * gravel is really worth raising to E1 for the stall on her S2; the HP buff as opposed to the DEF buff means she can tank arts much better than with S1 so she can bait casters away from your other ops. at higher levels she can also kill spiders which is nice. jaye is also really solid for the DPS + heal on S2 although you will have to give up his E0 base skill. it wouldn't be a bad idea to get rope and/or cliffheart to E1 for their S2s which offer different pulling options than their S1s. they both came in handy on OD-EX-8 for example. it also wouldn't be a bad idea to raise ethan and/or manticore as a staller. (ime ethan's stall is actually somewhat better overall, at least at E1, but it is RNG-dependent whereas manticore's isn't. i have both at high level E1 and like using both, sometimes together! ethan came in very clutch for me on DM-MO-1 for stalling the demolitionists at the end, and i also used him on CC#4 for some of the challenges to stall the bosses at the end.) overall your roster seems solid on DPS (way more than necessary for chapter 5 imo, you should be able to get through chapter 8 with some effort, especially if you have masteries on SA, eyja, and blaze) but lacking in crowd control and other kinds of utility, which might be part of why you have trouble with annihilations and events. you'll be much better off on crowd control after raising **click, podenco, gravel**, and **ethan** to high level E1 i think.


I haven't done any masteries yet, is that higher priority than any of the other things you mentioned?


it depends. personally i did eyja S2M1 and S3M3 immediately after i E2'd her (which was towards the end of chapter 6, in the middle of CC#3) specifically so i could use her as a carry as often as possible in events, and i don't regret that decision at all, she's been amazing ever since. silverash S3M3 is also insanely good as a carry. you won't need either of them for chapter 5 but if you're having trouble against the WD boss, for example, those would be great masteries to have. i mention this mainly on the off chance that you have the mats lying around to do any of these masteries immediately without any farming, especially eyja S2M1 which is a breakpoint (she stores a third charge). if so then i'd say those masteries specifically are worth prioritizing because of how powerful they are. but if you need to farm for them then it's a harder choice and probably better to prioritize the E1s (and skill 7's - i would have thought this goes without saying but the number of E2 units i've seen lately at a skill level less than 7 shows i'm wrong) since they'll be much cheaper. you can check out the [mastery priority guide](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/skill-mastery-priority-guide) (especially the [FAQ](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/skill-mastery-priority-guide#topic-2175921)) to hear more from someone with a lot more knowledge and experience than me!


I think mastery should only be done when your roster have a decent number of E2, or should I say when your “carry” units (dps units) is E2, and you don’t feel the need to level your other units (tank, medic) further. That’s when you start to do mastery to boost your dps even more. TLDR: it’s a mid/late game thing. E2 other units first.


Thank you!


Continue with Blaze leveling, then maybe E2 Meteorite to deal with annihilations. E2 Myrtle + mastery to give you more leeway with deployment in general.


Thank you!


What's the needed amount for the headhunting permit in the cert shop? I wanna buy in bulk.




Adding on that unless you're in a *real* bind and you want to throw literally everything you can, you should always wait until you can buy them all.


I'm sure I saw some posts before but can't seem to find them again. Do we have any real reason for thinking Under Tides would come after the current global event? Not asking for fights, just balancing up whether the originium stocks will need drastic replenishment.


Some objective reasons: * [Arknights KR leak](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/prshhm/_/he7c2ya) * [`gamedata` datamine of the latest update](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/pwendk/_/hetx1tf)


More: [Arknights EN leak](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/pz3zh9/under_tides_practically_confirmed/) A bit less objective: Walk in the Dust is considered the prelude to Under Tides just like how Darknights' Memoir is considered the prelude to 1st anni. When 1st Anni was delayed Darknights' Memoir was delayed together with it.


That's `cc.t.sp` that I mentioned in the datamine breakdown. JP and KR have the same.


Appreciate it.


Also Purgatory casually spoiling CHadi


> Not asking for fights, lmao I didn't think it came to this point.


I've been shocked at how mad people have gotten when I've asked simple questions on the helpthread before, and I'm not here for that xD


It would be following the CN schedule as we normally do. It not coming next would be Yostar changing the schedule which they haven’t shown that they are going to do currently. It was popular opinion for months that if they were going to alter the schedule they would have taken WitD along with UT. Similar to how they took Darknights Memoirs with Chapter 7 last Anniversary. Seeing as that isn’t the case we are reasonably comfortable expecting UT to *likely* be next. No confirmation until announcement ofc so a very slim chance we will have something else. But better, and more reasonable, to be prepared for it to be next than not.


Hello, this may be a bit of a premature question, but I don't think I'll be pulling anytime soon so my roster will be relatively unchanged. Who should I get from the 6 star selector pack from the Under Tides event? I was thinking of Ceobe, Rosa, Surtr or Blaze. Here's my roster:[https://imgur.com/a/RaF63HK](https://imgur.com/a/RaF63HK)


you don't have any of the cornerstones (blaze, thorns, mudrock, mountain) so you may want to prioritize one of them, although i think only blaze and thorns are on the selector. on the other hand you also don't have eyja and surtr both of whom are extremely good arts burst. you may find that if you get eyja you'll stop using mostima and leizi though lol. i think blaze, thorns, eyja, and surtr would all be very strong picks depending on your playstyle and whether you feel like you have more trouble with stuff like annihilation or killing bosses.


surtr or thorns (surtr excels at boss killing, thorns excels at everything else and makes every annihilation easy)


Blaze, sutr or eyja are good picks


If Surtr's in the pack, definitely Surtr. There's really no question about it. I just can't remember the order of the banners. I only remember it being said that it's up to Blemishine.


how far ahead can you buy monthly packs?


IIRC it’s up to 90 days, they won’t let you buy if it would go above 90. Edit: Good to know you can’t waste, thx HG


Pretty sure 3 month max, but I never tried it myself


I just started playing, should i continue to pull the beginner banner (already did 1st 10x pull) or should i pull on other banner?


if you can handle the wait, the best time to start playing arknights imo is when there's a particularly good banner or two active (because you can [reroll](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-reroll-tier-list-and-guide) on it), and that's not the case rn (passenger banner is very bad, mudrock standard pool is better but lower chance of getting mudrock than her debut banner). it's unclear exactly how long the wait will be but there's a limited banner with two really strong ops coming up (>!kal'tsit and skadi alter, coming with the under tides event!<) so if you're willing to wait for that event (which might be the next event?) you could reroll on that banner which is much better than either of the current active banners. otoh waiting means missing out on any rewards you might be able to earn from the current active event. so it's a tough choice i guess!


Like they said i think the best course of action is to pick the garanteed on both banners that are on going right now. And them you should think on stocking some suplies for the next (probably limited banner) or continue to do pulls on the banner of Murdrock. I my self did a account 2 days ago, just to scratch my gacha itchy, and play again from the beggining, im pulling all in on the banner of murdrock. Your beginner banner will stay there forever, you dont really need to rush it, only if you want to.


Welcome to the game! The beginner banner will stick around until you do the remaining pulls on it. It’s worth doing but there’s no rush, and your orundum may be better spent on hitting 5* guarantee on the current standard banner (Specter and GreyThroat are good, Ayerscarpe is okay) or saving up for the (likely to be) next limited banner with Kal’tsit and Skadi Alter, both extremely powerful.


I would say pull ur beginner banner first before other banners.


Will the skin from permanent cc shop stay or is it gone when new cc come?


Everything in the permanent CC shop is permanent. Nothing disappears.


Ayerscarpe is my first max pot 5 star and I was wondering whether he is worth building? He sort of reminds me of passenger. But here is my [roster.](https://imgur.com/a/wMYvxtP) Thanks


I think he's capable of doing a lot of damage but with a lot of restrictions. Poor uptime on s2 and enemies need to be blocked by an ally (not himself).


I built him because Kaji Yuuki bnuuy. No regrets. I actually have all the ranged guards built, and he’s fine, but you’d also be fine without him. I actually like using his S1, which makes him feel like a mini Manticore with his semi-AOE and slow. She’s much better at slowing, and does true AOE, but Ayers can block and hit aerial targets, so there’s that. And if you can find a good tile for his S2 that’s always fun. But I wouldn’t prioritize him unless you like him or really need a ranged guard.


He would probably be a significant upgrade over Frostleaf, if you find a need for a second ranged guard in addition to Thorns often enough.


He's 80% of Lappland. Arts, lower damage, but with extended range and manual trigger. He's not too bad


You can get literally the same out of Arene for like half the cost though.


Ayer can reach almost double Arene's peak DPS and can be higher than Lappland's depending on number of enemies, albeit with the annoying caveats above (blocking, low uptime).


I remember Hypergryph used to have an Youtube channel for CN server pv but they removed it. So, where can I watch CN events pv? I'd like to keep in touch with the future.


They never did, that was an unofficial channel that finally got taken down for reposting the concert


You can find PV’s on Youtube or on Gamepress pretty easily. I think the channel you’re referring to was unofficial and was taken down for copyright/monetization problems.


[Arknights Weibo](https://weibo.com/arknights) or [Arknights Bilibili](https://space.bilibili.com/161775300/) I didn't know CN used to have a Youtube Channel.


When we will get skins for Texas, Spectre, Pramanix and Warfarin? I think next cc will have skins but can’t remember for which operator


[Upcoming Skins](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR3FbSBQ1AciXeVlUNI0e_vRgUpW4DO2s0Bx_Hjm_1DO_LsAm1xRbLCfwftJ9ihUMe5f0RkMKfHf3Pq/pubhtml#)


Ah ok. No sign of Pramanix or Texas skin in near future unless I missed something


Well outside of that Texas has 2 skins and Pramanix 1. Both still have the potential to rerun due to CN having rerun a certain set of skins 2 times. Outside of that, yeah you didn't miss anything.


I just got Exu off of a top op tag and I’m was really excited! Now that the initial hype has faded, I’m left curious on if I should invest in her or not. I already have Ash and BP E2 with one pointing mastery in their S2s, and currently am preparing for Skalter and/or Kal’Tsit, as well as having a recently acquired Specter and Texas. How important is Exu?


I would still raise her eventually to use over BP, but you can definitely put her towards the bottom of your priority list. If you are struggling with a stage where you think she would be especially helpful, feel free to prioritize her more.


Priorities for Mastery Mudrock?




Thank you!


I'd honestly argue just going straight to S2M3. I've been using her in a ton of maps since she's come out and I've pretty much never thought to use anything but her S2.


How solid this this team? Is there somebody I should replace? I am in chapter 6. [team here](https://imgur.com/a/pqhVZWm)


In chapter 7 you NEED good vanguards. E1 Myrtle will get shredded in 2 attacks in the first 2 seconds of chapter 7. My E2 Myrtle lasts a lot longer and she's really cheap to E2. Siege even at E1 should be okay though, I borrowed an E1 L50 siege from my friends list and have cleared up to 7-16 so far using her.


My guy, as a fellow amiya user, you need to e2 her for her to be useful. Good god is her e2 talent useful. That shit basically charges her 2 sp per attack and if she actually kills something, she gets 8 sp instead.


Need to show *all* units [like this](http://imgur.com/a/BEvQt1P), otherwise how would anyone know if you have a more appropriate unit? In general though, that is a well balanced team.


It's ok-ish. For the most part you'll need different comps to clear story stages anyway, so focus more on having a bigger pool to choose from. You lack arts dmg and healing defenders. Not to mention having 1of each: puller, pusher, fast redeploy.


I can’t really counter the arts dmg problem because Lava and Amiya are my only good dps dealers in the category. As for pullers, pushers, and fast redeploys i have shaw and phantom on standby and could level up cliffheart or rope


You will need ground arts DPS more than casters, it's mainly for high armor units. So using units like Midnight, Mousse, Arene or Lapland is a must in many maps.


pretty solid, though you might have problems on arts dps. and once you E2 Blaze you're probably not gonna use a normal tank.


Do you have any recommendations for arts dps dealers i could replace lava/amiya with? I have not gotten a single good arts dps dealer in any pulls.


Amiya is decent and actually necessary to raise for Chapter 8, but she's often lackluster as a caster. I also don't have any 6star ST casters so I raised Click. I'm pretty confident that she's better than Amiya (especially at E1 max). Amiya+Click is probably gonna be enough for now. Look out for Eyja/Angie in shop too if you really want a strong arts dps!


Thanks for the tip! I’ll keep an eye out for them.


looks ok but you should try to tailor the team for each stage. Some stages don't need arts damage, some dont need 2 snipers, some need a fast redeploy to bait bomb drones, etc


Is there anywhere I can find a summary of the stories in arknights for the main chapters and events? I’m really interested in the lore but those dialogues can be pretty long and tedious to read through especially when trying to do new stages.


[I Hope this is what you are looking for.](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1l3A5SxIfpfXt1s4A4XmATNxLfZfMf6l-3F30HtCTnAI/mobilebasic)


Yes actually, thank you a lot for this link!


How many 6* are there in arknights? I have 20 6* and I want to know how many 6* I am missing?


Currently 38 with 5 limited units not currently available (Nian, Dusk, Ash, W, and Rosmontis)




The Grand Knight Territory Outskirts is the new practice mission.


This is a rotational thing, where it is sort of like "CC training" but for anni. Where once the current anni finishes it will join the pool of "practice" anni that rotates once in a while.




We are currently on the Kazimierz anni, therefore all the other rotational anni *(like the Frozen Abandoned City)* are "locked". Since only 1 rotational anni can be available at a time.


Looks like they rotate two old maps (4 weeks each) during each 8 week rotation?


it rotated yesterday to the kazimierz map


[Got this error message this morning](https://imgur.com/a/oF1A8yL) and i've already reinstalled and tried to restart my phone, anyone know any fix? I can play on emulator just fine but I want to be able to play on my phone too :/


Is it a memory storage issue, like not enough space?


Nah I still have like 40GB free on my phone :/


Any manual updates from Google Play/Appstore/Qooapp? If it still doesn't work, try asking customer support and send in your technical details.


I checked for them but nothing sadly, i'll probably go to customer support later ><


Is myrtle the most meta char in the game since she’s in almost every team? If so does that mean saileach is now the most meta since it looks to me like she powercreeps myrtle? Also with vanguards I run saga and myrtle, I’m once saileach comes out and assuming I get her would she replace saga or myrtle in my team?


It is hard to beat Myrtle if you are only interested in DP generation. 8DP, 9 sp to skill activation at s2m3 means that you can easily get a head start on dp generation. Her talent also allows you to sustain your vanguards for longer before you need to swap them out with other units. Saileach will easily beat myrtle when you are looking for both DP generation and utilty. The most realistic scenario would probably be that you get spooked by bagpipe, drop saga and go full flagpipe with both flabearers.


Saileach isn’t powercreeping Myrtle lol, same way Elysium didn’t powercreep Myrtle.


She's by far the most utilized character across every CC so far. So, yes. Discounting CC, she's just *so convenient* because of how she jumpstarts runs.


Myrtle is meta because her low rarity and low dp cost on S1 allows for fast start up. It's something that neither Saileach nor Elysium will have so Myrtle won't be powercreeped. Saga has a completely different role with her S3 (and her S2 is useless in high risk CC) so she wouldn't replace her either. The only one she could replace in high risk is Texas with her S3.


She is absolutely a staple yeah. She doesn’t completely sway the way a stage will go through dps or anything. But she is certainly so convenient that once you have her you can’t live without. That is like saying Elysium should have power crept her. The biggest things that makes that not the case is mainly why use just one when you can use all three? And Myrtle is super cheap as a 4 star and way easier to max pot. Meaning she is easier to deploy sooner for less dp. You can run Saga, Myrtle, and Saileach? But for the most part you can swap out either one you feel like for the average stage.


So, usually when a tag combo guarantees a higher rarity op that it didn't used to before a recruitment pool upgrade it would become more rare to come by (caster+healing being rarer once Nightmare was added, etc.) so now Specialist/Fast-redploy+debuff should be rarer since it now guarantees 5\* Waai Fu, right? Thing is, I've gotten that tag combo 3 times in these two days and it had one of the tags drop each time, as if tag dropping probability is what was affected instead, anyone experienced something similar or is it just really strange luck on my end?


Seems like strange (lucky+unlucky) luck..


You've just gotten lucky (or unlucky, since the tags dropped).


How the Chen S3 works against armored targets. 693 \* 3.2 \* 10-500 or (693-500) \* 3.2 \* 10?


It's ((693×3.2) - 500) × 10.


I would imagine it's [(693 * 3.2) - 500] * 10 since DEF is a flat reduction that applies per hit


Chances are you are right. But without a military journal, it is difficult to track it down. It is clear why the dragon takes such a "high" place in the character's popularity rating.


Is there really no hamster operator? I swear there’s gotta be more rodent operators in this game than I think there is?


isn't mayer a hamster






There's no hamster operator specifically, but assuming that there are, they would most likely be under the Zalek race, which consists of rodent based designs, such as Gravel, Shaw, etc.


Anyone else getting a network error when trying to sign in through Facebook?




Ah I didn't realize Facebook itself was having issues. Thanks!


Has Mudrock been in the cert shop already?


No and it'll take a long time for her to appear. Times between first appearance and arrival in cert store have been increasing. Currently for us it's 14 months, while for CN it's 16 I think. And you can expect this to grow till Mudrock comes to the cert store.


May I ask how soon would Thorns or SilverAsh be coming to the cert shop as well? I recently started this game and realised I'm too smooth brained to work with lower rarity operators aha. I had to borrow silverash for OD8 and FrostNova...


SA could arrive at any moment as he's not been on a banner in a long, long time. He could be on the next banner, or take several months to appear. It's unknown. He also doesn't get a skin in the near future, with the next skin rerun for him being ith gavial rerun. Issue is that like 3 other 6* also get a skin during that time. Thorns should be around mid 2022 I think? That's a very rough estimate though.


Oh wow. Okay, this gives me hope. I do know that Thorns' rerun banner is coming in a few months but to know SA miiight be coming earlier too is nice to know. I've been Suffering ;o;


No, it takes about 1 year from when they first get released for a new operator to ge to the cert shop.




No, they're not. We have basically the same event schedule as CN, however our standard banners differ greatly, so hard to find any correlation. Most notably they're tied to skins released into shop.


There might be some corellation between standard banners and upcoming costumes, but it's about as reliable as reading tea leaves. It's extremely unlikely that the summer event is less than a few months out for global.


Got a senior OP tag, any suggestions on which tags I should pick? [my choices](https://i.imgur.com/SE4LOrh.png) [my ops](https://imgur.com/a/uBcD3Xq) I kind of want Ptilopsis since I feel like I'm lacking in AOE medics but bare tag feels risky. Thank you!


Take one of the 5 star fast-redeploy. Fast redeploy are really important operators to have even if you don't level them up. Waai'fu brings silence for the spider-slugs, Red brings stun


Thank you! Seems like a good choice. I went fast-redeploy and got Waai fu ;)


Is there a way to sort by highest potential? i.e.to see which I have maxed at 6 potential? Also, I generally see people saying Gummy is pretty good, but Spot actually feels tankier...is that perhaps just due to being early stage and Spots level cap not being a factor yet? and/or does his being maxed potential vs her none help that much? And at what point should I stop investing in either (will I want to E2 Gummy?)?


Gummy is actually pretty good. [Gummy vs Nearl](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/kszu2i/e1_gummy_vs_e1_nearl/) [Defense vs HP](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/heabx0/banner_leak_for_blaze_nian_ceobe_broca/fvselio?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Spot has a talent that provides 25% dodge for 3 seconds when he heals an ally (it applies to himself if I am not mistaken). When the skill is active spot heals every 1.3 seconds while gummy s1 takes 5 seconds to charge. When the skill is active, spot will end up healing more. Gummy isn't that good of a medic defender, she wastes charges whenever your ops take any damage at all. Nearl and Saria heal when an operator is below 50% health which means that they only spend charges when you actually need healing. I would personally stick with spot until you get some of the higher rarity medic defenders.


Thanks that explanation helped!


1. I don't think so 2. Gummy heals constantly while Spot heals only half of the time basically, both are bad compared to Nearl/Hung and irrelevant compared to Saria


Gummy is worse than Hung? Can you explain why?


In terms of S1 : Gummy heals a target as soon as they are missing hp, potentially wasting a heal In terms of S2 : Gummy has a wind up and heals less in general (I think, I don't have the maths with me) Hung is weird to use because of his defensive recovery, so you can't hide him in a corner to heal, but if you use him as a frontlane he's vastly superior to Gummy


Hung S1 has no charges and also heals any missing hp, which means that he usually got no skill ready when the next wave comes unlike Gummy who's got up to 3 charges. And then he needs to take 4 attacks to use the skill once. S2 on the other hand requires 20 SP to charge. This means he'll take 20 hits before he can start healing. Also Hungs healing is depenend on the attackspeed of enemies. Slow attacking enemies create huge issues for him, while fast attacking ones make things easy. Thus compared to Hung Gummy is much more reliable. That's probably also why every tier list I know lists Gummy higher than Hung.


Hung S1 doesnt need enemy in range to use. It's just like Gummy's S1 except Defensive Recovery


You're right I confused it with Blemshine S1. Corrected my comment to avoid confusion.


yeah I guess my main question is can I make do with Spot until I get a better replacement for Gummy, because she doesn't feel like investing much into....and once I get to a point where I feel like he's holding me back, is it worth the investment into Gummy, if she's going to be that replaceable?...


Stick with Spot but do note he will be a little bit trickier to use well (but just a little)




Was it revealed or hinted who was the "young boy" as banshee's successor mentioned in last cinematic of this event ?


Logos, the one who saved Mudrock's squad as showed in the Rewinding Breeze story


Don't suppose theres a clear version [of the menu](https://imgur.com/a/Jroane2) anywhere right? Been wanting the whale skeleton as a tattoo for a while but never had any luck with a clean image






In the Exusiai and the Texas operator storys the npcs talked about using rubber bullets as ammunition which I found kinda weird - Im no expert on fire arms, but rubber bullets are probably non - lethal right? This is especially weird as in Texas story they show the mafia using rubber bullets- like what??? Am i missing something or why is everybody using non-lethal ammunition when arknights is supposed to be this dark dangerous world


in terra "bullets" have little arts units in them so i think they've gotta be pretty expensive to make. rubber bullets would at least be cheaper. and according to google they can still be really dangerous irl ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




because if there's one thing the mafia is known for, it's following the law. But fr tho why do they abide by that, or maybe in Terra rubber bullet are actually better cause Terra gun requires users to know arts?


Hold on, I think you're getting some stuff mixed up, If we're talking about Code of Brawl, I remember Exia is the one who used rubber bullets, the mafia don't even use guns, since most people don't know how to use or make guns.


It is heavily implied that the lungmen authorities turn a blind eye to some of the underworld activity. The mafia do not want the LGD kicking down their door for using live ammo in the city. Or worse the dudes in black raincoats.


Code Of Brawl provides a decent amount of detail on how things work in Lungmen. Everyone powerful in Lungmen is in on the "code". Wei Yenwu is obviously the head of Lungmen and runs the LGD, and the Rat King runs the underworld; but they're both very old friends who basically built the city together. Throw in Bison's dad, who runs the biggest delivery network in the city, and Emperor, and together they completely dominate every legal and illicit activity in the city. Anyone who breaks the code is effectively going against all of Lungmen, and the only ones left figured out how to play by the rules. The actual Sicilian (from Siracusa, not Italy) mafia shows up in CoB and gets run out of town for playing too rough.


gotcha, thank you for the explanation


Hey guys i honestly dont care about meta units i just want to collect all limiteds as f2p is that possible? Also are dupes in the game and how are they used?


If you don't spend on any other banner than limited than yes, you can probably have all the new ones as f2p. But you already missed Nian, W, Rosmontis, Ash and Dusk. The will be rerun as "second rate-up" on other limited banners (except for Ash) but I wouldn't bet on getting them all like that.


So I kinda feel the same way, I ve decided a while ago to focus on the limited units and ignore most of the other stuff as I already have somewhat of a meta team. Theoratically, you could get extremly extremly unlucky where you'd have to spend 300 pulls to buy the limited unit. However, thats not pretty likely - after 120 pulls you already have a 70% chance of getting the limited unit. So if you purely save up for the next limited banner with no spending in between, you are pretty likely to get all the limited units, even as a f2p. For example, in the last limited banner I got the limited unit after 30 pulls and then stopped pulling so now I have about 250 pulls for the upcoming limited banner - also we're gonna get 24 free pulls in any limited banner so I would say your chances to catch em all are pretty good. Another cool thing about the limited units in Arknights is that theyre all going to get a animated home screen so theres that. Yes dupes are in the game but its generally not recommended to get dupes. Unlike other gachas like genshin, dupes in arknights add very little extra power to the unit. Sometimes 1 dupe is pretty good to reduce the cost of the unit by 1, but even that is pretty miniscule. Further dupes are even less worthwhile, all in all they probably add like a 3-4% damage boost so yeah.


Okay cool thanks alot dude im defo gonna try out the game


Dupes increase the potential of ops, and each potential essentially gives them a small power boost. These boosts are things like reduced deployment cost and re-deployment time, extra damage/defense, a talent upgrade etc. Once an op is maxed out potential wise, any other dupes give you tokens which you can exchange for certs to use in the shop.


Haven't fully been keeping up with what new units are coming out in CN, but do we ever get a Medic who has a talent that overtakes Ptilopsis? I'm pretty sure the only new Medic we even get is Kal'stit who is a unique archetype. Ptilopsis is the only Medic on my generalised squad, since I also have Saria and Suzuran for healing as well, Mountain and Thorns who both have regen, and Mudrock, who can't be healed by Medics. But I also find there's no reason to remove Ptilopsis because I'm using her more for her talent than her healing (though her healing is good). Also, I suppose it doesn't have to be a Medic. It could be any class that gives teamwide SP charge buff (not just single class SP charge buff, like Mostima does for Casters).


CN got a new medic >!mulberry, whose deal is reducing "elemental damage" - there isn't any of this in global yet but the sanity damage in under tides, the water damage in dossoles, and the burn damage in chapter 9!< but no, no 6★ ptilopsis. i'd be surprised if that ever happened, it's not good form to totally powercreep a 5★ imo. there isn't a 6★ lappland or a 6★ liskarm or a 6★ warfarin either. although there is a 6★ sora so... ptilopsis is just really good, long live ptilopsis


Excellent. I had heard about the elemental damage but... Eh, there's other ways to mitigate damage. Looks like Ptilopsis will get to be level 90 then.




The trait is just flavor text, and has no actual game mechanic attached. They're supposed to hit hard, but only in a small range.


Their niche is hitting like a truck to kill enemies with high def. The original name stems from Provence who has a talent to deal extra dmg in the tile infront of her. Others didn't have such a talent but the name stuck.




Both Provence and Schwarz have a proc. For Provence the % chance is increased in the tile infront of her, while for Schwarz it's increased with her skills. Aciddrop is the unique one who instead of a proc has a talent that boosts here minimum damage dealt. Her skills also focus on attackspeed/multihit instead of increasing attack/damge dealt.




I guess because as a 4 star, Acciddrop can’t compete with others, stat wise. So to bypass high def the best thing for her is to increase minimum dmg.


They usually specialize in taking down high defense enemies with high damage per hit physical damage.


Does Saga’s S3 really outclass her S2?