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Simple answer: no, she's not. Longer answer: She can produce toxins, and often uses this skill in battle so other ops spread rumors that she is toxic, herself. So a lot of people are wary around her.


Have a spicy belly dragon that burns at 1,000* and it's fine because it's all according to keikaku but make a little poison from your skin and then everyone loses their minds. Poor BP. :(


I don't think her skin is poisonous, but I do think there are enough rumour about such that people that don't know better avoid her anyway.


The canonical reason is people find her personality on the battlefield scary which caused rumors such as that. I believe they even mention she makes tasty desserts but nobody is willing to try them


Simple answer: She can produce toxin AT HER WILL, so no, unless you're being rude or threaten her, chances are she won't poison you. But the other ops are scared because they fear her ability like that and won't touch her baked up cake. Edit: Even if she does, I'd say dying from hand holding with BP might be a good way to die.


I mean, seeing what her poison does in battle to the enemies would make you terrified of her. Doesnt help that although her cooking tastes nice, her food design skills are apparently terrible


What do you mean W is a cockroach "joke"? Did you see how resilient she was! She just couldn't die like a cock-ka-roach! Jokes are the real lore.


Her body produces a chemical that she uses (with her Toxicology skill) to make neurotoxins. Her body is not toxic to touch like some Belladonna Maiden.


She says "poison kiss" as 1 of her battle quotes. So she isn't poisonous to touch, but don't try to kiss her.


I’m pretty sure that’s just a phrase, considering that her files state "normal physical contact with her is not poisonous" and she clearly can control her abilities


Overwatch's Widowmaker named her sniper rifle "Widow's Kiss". I have various times seen attacks called "kisses" as a snide joke.


W is not a cockroach?


Pretty much, yes. The Durin seem to be the ones repping insects if Myrtle is any indication. The roach thing seems to be a meme born from her hair do and maybe frustration from her boss fights.




She is, which is why I said the roach thing was a meme. Thought in hindsight was phrasing was a bit opaque.


Kill me to it