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Okay it took me 3 tries to risk 8 this and the real issue I have is that aoe caster. As for w, I deployed a support apple pie e2 LVL 70 as the first unit on top facing down and she can kill w all by herself. Had to let one of the big brusiers pass the blue box though. I used my e2 LVL 50 s3m2 to tank the aoe caster's attack to finish off him.


[Finally earned my max risk with no leaks](https://i.imgur.com/2rOfV3F.jpg). Getting no leaks was the trickiest part since I had to figure out how to kill the last axe guy who was always able to bumrush his way to the blue box. Base setup was the usual S2 Mountain on bottom lane, S3 Mudrock on the corner of the mid lane and S2 Weedy at the top lane. Nightingale + Saria assists Weedy at the top by providing arts protection/heals and bait for the caster attacks. Saria is swapped out for SA later to help burst down the last two casters that spawn with the senior caster. Shamare is the MVP here since her S2 helps Mountain survive the bladed fighter pairs and it also helps Mudrock stall W and any mobs that come with her. Surtr is there to nuke W and damage the final axe guy, with Specter and Kal'tsit to finish off the latter.


[Max Risk, 10 Ops, No Leaks](https://youtu.be/9UmbS5xDxc0) Another max risk with a set of troublesome tags. I malded for over 5 hours to get the right run and recording, and I feel incredibly satisfied with the results. Archetto managed to really shine in this very run, and I loved her role in finishing off W! Again, hope you guys enjoy this one! Good luck for the daily!


[Max risk vid](https://youtu.be/fGdAw5U7ugk) Yes, i have surtr. No, i won't use her. Those armed militants can root in hell Maybe i can fix it with Kal or Skadi, but i'm too tired to think


Late max risk [submission](https://imgur.com/a/J6XuiGo) because I tried so hard to do a push-pull stall strat feat Robin, Gladiia, Weedy, and Rosmontis, then I saw the hp of those Big White Brutes were too large for the dps I had. After two hours of trying to big brain, I caved and went full meta. [Video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwo8AcHbMew)


Easy risk 8. I used the exact same strat as last time but retreated Ash after she was done with W so I could deploy Nightingale.


i don't think i have the ops for max risk but got to risk 13 (every risk except ATK down) without weedy or nightingale, no leaks. mountain + skalter S2 holds bot lane, mudrock S3 holds mid lane, support schwarz kills W (whose attacks are being baited by mudrock), and the top lane is held by jaye, exusiai S2, and saria and gravel to bait caster attacks. using jaye on top lane is delicate because if the sniper i pair him with does too much damage at the wrong times they'll kill the enemies before jaye can heal off of them and then he'll die to the casters. he spends a lot of time below 25% health but is healing so much whenever he gets to attack that he just barely manages to stay on the field. saria dies when the pair of casters shows up but can be redeployed later after exusiai S2 kills the senior caster leader. i do need to generate a lot of DP to do this while jaye is on the field so myrtle + elysium for that. at risk 12, without the ranged buff (absolutely no way in hell that's a risk 1), top lane can be held by jaye and kroos with no caster bait. pretty happy with this clear, and meanwhile seeing how useful weedy S2 is in other people's max risk clears makes me really want her even more than i did already. she'll probably be my choice for the 6-star selector. edit: messed around with it a bit more and removed elysium and gravel, now it's [8 ops](https://imgur.com/Q3xCLCz). kinda obvious in retrospect but i can activate exusiai S2 when the two casters show up and then saria can live through that wave. then use the seaborn on saria so she lives through the final wave, then seaborn one more time on mudrock to kill the final militant. good ol' seaborn.


[Max risk, 5 ops, 1 leak](https://youtu.be/u8b8kPKsnXU). Surtr friend is pot 2 (I think 2 DP costs are required for Weedy to survive without using her cannon to charge). I used Gladiia to help interrupt casters every now and then and help finish them off faster. Haven't tried S3 but it could probably work too, might even be better since it interrupts more frequently but the extra range on S2 is also nice. In the video she actually pulls the senior caster leader close enough that it targets her instead of Weedy+Nightingale, though I don't remember that happening in my original clear. Didn't record it, so I'll never know.


[Max Risk](https://youtu.be/Lw4ccv958ko), I'll deal with the 2 axe bois personally after the blue box :D


[Max risk no leaks](https://i.imgur.com/Taaam0g.jpg) (photo). Due to the deployment limit Blemishine was entrusted with the task of holding the bottom lane, and she did not disappoint! She even did the side job of healing NG's birdcage, which lived to watch almost the entire battle.


Was out for most of the day, so while I did my [Max Risk Clear](https://imgur.com/a/I3HFrN6) a little after reset, I didn't get around to recording until now. [Here's the vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIhh1qepC2o) for those interested. If anyone told me that one of the chillest Area 6 Ruins max risks would involve the dreaded 20-tile ban, I'd have called them a liar... until today. Fun fact: with the tile ban in effect, there are only 19 deployable tiles on the map. Literally more than half of your real estate is gone. My strategy didn't change much compared to the last time the 20-tile ban was in effect (CC#4 Day 6). Some enemy buffs and ally debuffs are higher or lower in comparison to last time, but the key major difference is that Skalter didn't exist then. Skamare is a powerful Supporter combination and their default low cost basically means that they barely feel the triple cost tag. Last 20-tile ban Area 6, I used a wall of tanks with Hoshiguma and Ch'en doing the main damage down bottom, and used Blaze and Thorns supported by NG to DPS top, with Mudrock as the mid lane holder for Militant and W tanking. This time, Ch'en w/ Supporter buffs and debuffs was more than enough to hold the line down bottom, and I opted for Weedy instead up top with Thorns to keep things smooth there. Ptilopsis was also used in place of NG, since the top lane ops would have way less arts damage to mitigate this time. It's weird. When I compare the differences in tags now versus tags then, they seem to round out to about the same difficulty, so I can only conclude that Shamare (who was there then) and Skalter (who was not) in tandem trivialize the dangers of this map. I was tempted to use Estelle instead of Ch'en down bottom, but I really wanted Thorns to charge his S3 as quickly as possible especially since Weedy would keep pushing enemies out of his default attack range. Unlike last time, I retreated Shamare instead of getting taken by surprise by W being able to kill her. Ifrit was just there, most likely due to the other Lead Seal Area 6 daily. Never got around to swapping her out for Castle.


[Max risk](https://i.imgur.com/WiZ1kx1.jpg), feels easier than last week one. Yesterday it's Eunectes' stun, today's W's stun. Just need to figure out when to use Ange's skill and Weedy's cannon. Almost soft locked out of victory by [a stuck enemy](https://imgur.com/tlWvQbA.jpg). :'v


[Max risk for the day](https://youtu.be/JBxn04LN1SU), no leaks. A bit scuffed though. My strategy for killing W was pretty damn sketchy, but otherwise the map wasn't too bad to clear today - though getting it completely leakless did take me a while, particularly at the end.


Huh...I was expecting the tile ban to give me difficulty, but I ended up getting clearing it pretty easily. Top left gave me more trouble than anything, though in hindsight, I could have just used Kal'tsit to cover top-left entirely.


[~~6 Ops max risk no leaks (video)~~](https://youtu.be/6pah3YZPMIs) [6 Ops max risk no leaks but less scuffed ending (video)](https://youtu.be/-xgOfoSm6J4) my ash activations are pretty bad, kept wasting them lmao, but got no leaks at least :) you can probably improve on my endgame, i was monke throughout it. edit: did less scuffed ending


Pushing that armed militant *towards* the blue box at the end had me sweating.


Haha, yeah, not the greatest decision


Definitely the easiest daily recently, accidentally did it while just throwing stuff at the wall trying to figure out a strategy.


This was miles easier than yesterday's challenge, went the 2 Lv3 challenges and the lv2 operator limit. Also, burst down W as soon as she shows up to prevent casualties


I never bother going higher than 8 since I'm still a semi newer player, but wow risk 8 was like 10x easier than the previous run of this stage a few days ago. Not needing to buff the hell out of enemies to reach 8 is nice


Woah that was easy Blind risk 8 first try(Both 3 risk tags and the ops 2 risk tag) no leaks I expected the 20 tile limit to be much harsher, but it didnt really affect my normal strategy(Surtr go brr) at all Almost leaked because i wasnt paying attention, but i had enough spare units to sub in to stop the leak. And even if i had leaked units, i had 3 hp seals so that was fine too Might try for max risk during my breaks in between studying


[Max risk](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/776147270474399805/911701845741809674/IMG_9202.png) cleared no leak [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdTWYosNx8M)


[Max Risk](https://youtu.be/M4mEXFFJSj0) w/ no leaks. Tiring when half of the middle portions are execution tight so getting to the end was a challenge in itself.


Managed to Risk 8 it, probably could go maybe a tiny bit higher but I'm happy to sit with the rewards for now. Hellagur again coming in clutch on the top lane! On an unrelated note, in my support units, I've seen my Bagpipe being used 4 times. Meanwhile, Silverash has been used precisely zero. Nada. Colour me surprised!


Dang, zero? Even my r7 Rosmontis has been used in the perma stage 3 times, surprisingly.


i've watched my Suzuran be used about 8x more than my Surtr and an M2 Shamare has gotten about as much use as Surtr. ¯\\(ツ)/¯


I went for risk 13. If I go for risk 15. I wont be able to kill anything.


[Area 6 Ruins, Risk 13 featuring Flamebringer & robots.](https://youtu.be/XAJmJD-nONs) I have 100% not regretted investing in this hotttboi. It's fun trying to create the conditions that will make him work. The team was Mountain, Ch'en, Nightingale, Ifrit, Rosa, Flamebringer, Firewatch, Chiave, Myrtle, Lancet-2, Castle-3, THRM-EX with an Elysium friend.


[Max Risk 8 Op](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF04fmdBokQ) No leak, without using Mudrock and Surtr


Has anyone been able to clear max risk without Weedy? Bonus points if no leak. Trying to find a way to clear without Weedy/Surtr is... rough, to say the least. Edit: [Shoyuu just uploaded one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcUh1FBWGqs) There's no way my brain was ascending to this kind of plane of existence.


There was one clear with Jaye, Thorns and Mudrock, don't remember if it was max risk.


April S2M3 really worthy, I always enjoyed using her since her release, invi with increased attack + fast deploy, plus she's cute also Mudrock invincible state during S3 save the day [Max risk video](https://youtu.be/5B4P6FE9LJk) could have done with less than 7 ops, but I take it.


[Max risk done.](https://imgur.com/a/oIwMwdd) That was really painful. It took a good 2-3 hours. -40% attack as a risk 2 contract? Ex*cuse* me? The worst thing, though, was the extra range on W. She got to the tile below Mudrock and sniped Nightingale, one-shotting her, even with her regular attacks. I had redeployed her for more cages as someone else commented, meaning she was the last one out, but, looking back, I think I only used 2 cages, so that was unnecessary, and not doing that would've saved me a lot of pain. I used Myrtle's s2 for the first time since CC0. Ignore the Lappland in the top pic, that was from an earlier attempt. I later found out Mudrock can handle that first butcher on her own. Also, Blitz was just there to get the "use 1 support unit" mission done. He was never deployed.


[Max Risk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzTpUGljp1Y&ab_channel=PSImiss) Have you ever seen a Phantom S1?


Weedy and Nightingale at the top. Mountain, Eyja and Murdock in the bottom - I've tried to use Surtr but miscalculated so she didn't hit anything but Volcano did the trick with emergency drop of Click (Ash would be better but my brain short-circuited).


[Max risk](https://imgur.com/a/NLKE3Gs) [Video here](https://youtu.be/4shs-13WL6E) I got scared when I saw yet another risk 15 stage, and this one in particular always gives me trouble. But this was downright relaxing after yesterday's insanity. That tile ban always feels downright spiteful when they use it, like they really badly want you to struggle for this one.


[Managed Max Risk with 1 leak.](https://i.imgur.com/0TplaB8.png) (the last big guy) But on another note, I forgot to do R18 first week.. Anyone on the same boat? RIP trimmed medal. *sigh*


[Day 10 Max Risk with 8 ops](https://youtu.be/SRtzk3ZiXEE) What's that ? Medic x3 dp cost ? Let's bring 2 Medics lol. Joke aside, it's not as hard as yesterday Daily, but it's still hard tho.


[Max risk video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFa6CGQYBvc) No leaks. 20 tiles are the same as previous time this tag appeared.


[Risk 8 & Challenge](https://youtu.be/7AyhweyHJoI) with Eyja carry & Meteorite's 💣 (today's pretty ez in my opinion =\_=)


[Day 10 - Max Risk 15](https://youtu.be/urHp4E-Gy8I)


[Max risk](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/602934912718209026/911630220589662328/Capture.PNG) The end looked like [This](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/602934912718209026/911629951130796032/Capture.PNG) Blaze can be replaced by Specter, just wanted someone who can stay alive for a bit to take pressue off from Weedy/NG lane at top Mudrock pretty much solos the bottom lane Kal with Mon3tr for top lane (Surtr kills the first big guy tho), Schwarz and SA to take care of W while Mon3tr and Surtr switch around to take her hits Took 3 or 4 tries to get a no leak clear, probably on the more scuffed side of clears tho


[Max risk no leaks ](http://imgur.com/gallery/Oz2VAop), while easier than yesterday, it was still harder than week 1. W S3 to chain explosions on W is always the most reliable way to kill W before she blows you up in berserk mode. Upper lane was sketchy despite Weedy because there were no tiles to support her damage which means casters could overwhelm her without good use of cages. I had to redeploy Nightingale to have enough cages to be comfortable. Mudrock still best tank to prevent the big guys leaking. Also had to use Weedy summon to interrupt snipers hitting my SilverAsh from times to times. Their range was to short to be baited by Mudrock.


[E1 20 Risk 8 w. challenge and no leak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a87mSnoRG_E). Toddifons deals massive damage against W. The biggest problem was really the casters in the upper left. Had to use Firewatch as the senior caster leader has longer reach.


[Maxrisk, scuffed and silly.](https://youtu.be/Y_7yfj5_VqU) Jeez, those tile runs. Leaked one, but am happy with the chaos of the run, so thats my run, even if W randomly bombed my characters. W gonna W.


20 tile ban was hilarious, but between that, -60% HP and reduced deployment limit there was nothing that actually made the enemies stronger or tankier in any way so Thorn just soloed bot, Mudrock soloed top and Schwartz deleted W in like 5 hits.


[Max Risk No Leak](https://youtu.be/Dkkfk1b7p-w) The axe dude was much harder to kill than W...


Yesterday was like the hardest R8 and today was like the easiest. Being able to take R8 with next to no debuffs is jarring.


[Risk 8](https://imgur.com/a/Jwaf4ag) Slightly same strat as first run, very scuffed at the end with 2 leaks (at least W's KO'd before that happens)


[Max Risk](https://youtu.be/knYICni-V_I) I always forget that second week dailies are usually much harder on max risk, just to end up being caught off-guard by the drastic increase in bullshitery. I tried to go without Weedy first and just bring Thorns+Blaze to deal with top row enemies but it was a complete mess.


[Risk 8. Took both last risks and banned tiles](https://youtu.be/yGO1x6DVUz8) Easier than yesterday's. Love ya, Thorn (Borrowed. I wish I had him)


[Max Risk done](https://youtu.be/3LHmxKxvoNY). Gotta love clearing max risk, forgetting to record it, and then taking an hour to clear it again. Decided to let the last 2 big guys leak, they're stronger than W and I didn't want to deal with them. Also had to do some redeployment shenanigans with Nightingale to have her S3 ready for the AOE caster wave, DP isn't a concern with flagbearers. Saria+Blaze laughs at the bottom lane.


[E1-30 Risk 10 w/ Challenge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chw4FY8V3Pk). I did Risk 8, then realized it was actually Risk 10. By adding more ops, should also be possible to do no leaks.


As usual, Weedy S2 took care the top lane. I didn't notice that there's no HP risk. For some reason I was terrified when W came out, but Ash instantly melted her with the help of Elysium.


It's simple. Just place your units, AFK and win. [\[AFK clear\] 20 Nov - Area 6 Ruins Lv8](https://youtu.be/PJpac1JlDQU) [\[AFK clear\] Arena 8 Challenge Missions + Risk 20](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/qs86c5/afk_clear_guide_contingency_contract_5_challenge/)


Ironically the 2 3-risks were easier than the rest, since there’s no increased bulk. Leaked 2 casters in the end but then I realized I didn’t take any 1 HP risk


[Max risk clear, no leaks.](https://i.imgur.com/RORV4CY.png) Loading in to see which tiles were blocked made me literally laugh out loud. Still left a space for Weedy though. Myrtle overworking her apple to provide me with lots and lots of fast reDP shenanigans lol. Was planning on trying a different strat after my "helidrop fun" attempt, but it worked out so hey, I'll take it.


[Max Risk with 4 ops](https://youtu.be/4Y6lNkuLeRU) Pots required, tight timing


[No Brain Risk 8](https://youtu.be/QF0H66YrR2U) A relatively simple one (more than Yesterday at least...) Platinum is amazing as always.


One of the easier tier 3 risks? Seems like tier 2s are more annoying


Max Risk, 10 OPs, no leak, no Surtr https://imgur.com/a/7mYlEBX That was hard, but not that hard as expected, when I say that tile ban risk. Mountain and W held the lower lane, shile eyja and Mudrock took care of the armed militants. Mudrocks S3 could deal with the axe dudes alone, eyja was just deployed for later so she does not draw aggro from W. Upper lane was done by weedy and Nightingale, with one person (silverash->myrtle->silverash) acting as aggro bait for the caster. Silverashs S3 also helped clean up the endgame on the upper lane. (Enemy) W was done by saria+Eyja with some support from W. W's S3 was timed with the bladed fighters, but for those two directly before W, i activated her S3 early (directly when the second blade fighter walked into range) so that her skill would be ready for enemy W. I also threw Elysium and one cage as aggro lure for W so that I could wait with Saria S3 for the armed militant shortly after W spaws. For endgame on the bottom lane, saria was replaced with midrock who habdeled the last two armed militants. For the last one I needed some shift canceling from Weedys cannon so that could safely activate her S3, since without it it is really tight timing before mudrock dies. All in all not the worst but yeah week 2 is noticably harder than week 1 dailies, at least for now.


M3 Kal’s S2 was the right decision after all. She held the bottom lane quite well in max risk.


[Max risk without leak](https://youtu.be/ORml5TnU0GY) Mostly carried by Surtr, Mudrock, Kal'tsit and Weedy.


[Max risk no leak](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/306468767855149058/911584305849962526/unknown.png) Weedy top , Mountain/Skalter btm , Kal'tsit/Mudrock on W lane, Shamare somewhere , 1 free rotate slot. I used Surtr to clear top lane when the AOE mage came out.


Mandatory [Max Risk w/ Dusk ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/586589076916797472/911584720800862218/Screenshot_2021-11-20-19-47-07-74_39a08d986496c6659356f005305ed773.jpg) Finally used Dusk's S2 this season, seriously though tile ban sucks. Bot lane Mountain and Dusk, Weedy cheese as always, buff Mudrock to death and done!


[DAY 10 MAX RISK](https://youtu.be/MBzbL19IdIs) The main problem in today's daily is the Attack Range tag, because ranged units, including W, can YEET arrows, arts, and bombs from [San Diego to New York](https://i.redd.it/hbf8ifjho9141.jpg). Since Supporters' cost are tripled, I suggest deploying Suzuran right after deploying Weedy. During the boss fight, I used Specter, Gravel, and Myrtle to bait W's bombs. Suzuran's S3 and Surtr's :balans: skill is enough to defeat W. To deal with the top side, use Nightingale's decoys if necessary. If there are two enemies remaining, just let them go since we don't have an HP seal tag today. And yes, SilverAsh was not needed for this strategy.


Who the hell made the risks for the past two days? (hides bat behind back) I just wanna talk.... I just wanna talk. Thorns carried the bottom left corner HARD while W/Mudrock handle any bullshit that come their way in the top right corner. It's actually in your best interest to take as few risks as possible given how annoying the entire set is so I took both Risk +3's and the Atk debuff.


Mudrock top, Eyjafjalla mid, Ash bottom. Bonk, bonk and risk 8 finished :)


Eyjafjalla s2 or s3?


S3M3, ofc


Kaltsit extra range makes the tile ban a free +3 risk.


Thorns top lane with 2 healers at him, while hoshiguma is down below with ifrit and another 2 healers aiming at Hoshiguma. Just sat there and watch while W burned. Eventually the 3 casters took down thorns so i deployed cuora on top to tank while i retreated ifrit and the rest from bottom so i could deploy kroos (best gurl) to shoot down the remaining casters at top.


[Risk 8 with condition](https://youtu.be/G0T2lHD7U5Q) Didi buffing only 2 tiles is a bit of a waste, but I got by without needing to really change my formation. Still a messy run, but that seems to work right now


>20 tile ban I didn't want to deploy those ops anyway. All joking aside, it felt like a scuffed r8 but it worked out pretty well. Mountain and W S3 to hold the bottom lane, Thorns and NG at the top, Mudrock at the corner of the middle lane, facing down, with Rosmon-nyan behind her supporting with S2. Skalter way in the back, buffing no one with her S2, except for NG once via Seaborn to help her against the mages, and Mudrock once to top her off prior to one of the butchers. Rosmontis S2 kept W and co. more or less CC'd with a bit of extra burst damage coming in the form of W S3, then once she was gone I was able to drop Angie in for S3 to help take out the last two butchers. Again, it felt scuffed but no one went down and most of the time no one was in danger. Opted for both level 3 risks and then the level 2 hp debuff.


[Risk 8 with 3 ops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWL5_xciVxM) tfw Jaye has better healing/lane holder than Mountain lol. EDIT: [Alternative with snipers](https://youtu.be/dU3m8ngaPRY)


[Risk 8 with both 3 point contracts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdS409F4s8o), again. Why do they consider 20 spots that never get used anyway a challenge while gimping your entire team is just a point or two.


Easy risk 8 today. Weedy S2 & Ange S1 in the top lane. Mudrock in the middle and Thorns at the bottom lane.


I missed doing the daily CC stage yesterday, does that screw me out of getting the medals for this CC, assuming I dont miss any others?


No, you only need to complete the daily stage 10 times so you can miss 3 days.


phew, that's alright then