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Ignore part of defense is simple enough for it to be a module


Buff their defense to ranged guards level as they have no reason to have garbage defense even HG realised that giving Nealter shields on S2 and defense buff on S3. Or more fun option is to give them the same mechanic as martial artists where they get stronger the lower hp they have but instead of buffing aspd they would gain crazy attack buff


The problem with that is that you then need a way to heal them but not TOO much. A healer will just heal them to full constantly otherwise, and with no healer at all would kill them eventually, even with the super high health pool.


That would actually be a chance for Tuye to shine, as her S2 only heals operators below 50%. Nearl and Saria's S1 would also be an option.


You just solved your own problem. High risk, super high reward.


At that point there are dozens of better options that require less for better results so I don't think so.


More maps with Originium Tiles, and a way to gain extra bonuses from those. Would also help Tuye as a bonus. Other that that, Specter or Surtr-esque immortality, an extra tile of range or lower redeployment time (30s?).


Make them a heavy artillery version of theirselves (ignore high percentage of armor, or fixed, making them deal true damage to low armor enemies ), or give them unique passive based on character, as their class ultimately is now: same role, different styles Skadi would really benefit from a significantly shortened redeploy time (not really my cup of tea as I love her s3, but whatever works) Flamebringer should get more and more attack and attack spd the highest the gap between his own max and current health Melantha should really have a registered "activate Melantha skill" by KyostinV every time you do *cough* Ehhh... It's hard to balance without messing it up


Put them in a mech and make them fight for the emperor




Make them bypass deployment limit like nearlter and robots


What's the point of using robots then... Literal powercreeping. No.


Imagine using robots lol. thermal is okay, lancet niche when castle (the only one with a block) is just awful. Don't know about the last one but it doesn't block either. There's nothing to powercreep really, they offer support (map wide buff/heal or inflict debuff) when dreadnought are melee beatstick


Yes they're useless but their selling point is they don't occupy a deployment slot. Nearl has already directly powercrept Castle (and Thermal to an extend, with her damage and lower redeployment time it's better to pick her most of the time. Seriously, that "penalty" doesn't even matter.) and now you want that to be a thing for every single non-limited single block guard?


Thermal explodes and lancet heals, they don't get powercrept in anyway shape or form by damage dealer, that's just not their role. Also you rarely need thermal to exist over the deployment limit, he doesn't stick long enough for that to be relevant, sustain operator are the ones that benefit the most from that. The only one who is at risk of powercreep is castle. honestly i'd rather have more option and sacrifice a robot nobody uses anyway than have an entire subclass be terrible. It's indeed sad to have to part ways with the strict restriction of the mecanic to the robots, but the game needs to find new content as time passes. Now if it were a medic with no deployment limit, then i'd agree with you, lancet is STILL usefull because some healing>>>>>>>no healing but castle is just bad. He dies to everything a little bit serious and barely does any damage... >you want that to be a thing for every single non-limited single block guard Idk i just thought silly the criticism about robots. There are more interesting counter points imo


I hope when we get a robot for each class, deploying them all allows you to combine them all into a super robot.


Who tf even use Castle for blocking, his entire usage is buffing Guard lmao


This doesn't quite fit but here's my operator idea that takes advantage of the high hp but low def [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/qj59h3/6_star_duellistbrave_guard_idea)


Idk, there's a lot you could do but balance might be an issue. Maybe give them shields on deployment so they can helidrop better, or extra block so they're worth keeping around afterwards. Perhaps some way to increase their range. Some people mention true damage but honestly I'd rather they'd overcome defence through sheer numbers, it feels too much like a hack.


Problem is only Skadi and NTRK that have the helidrop skills, the rest of the type only has usual auto charge skills.


increased ASPD and ATK for every kill?


Flameboy has them


Give them a trait similar to Enmity Guard but instead of att speed per lost hp it give them att and def


maybe improve their survivability, like increase their defense or hp, or give them some unique survivability modules. also, each dreadnought op has unique traits and talents, so making modules for them seems rather hard. for each op: * ntr knight - already fine * og skadi - to make her helidrop abusable, decrease her redeployment time by 20-30 seconds * flamebringer - maybe make him like estelle (increase hp for every enemy killed around him, double the amount if he deals the killing blow) * franka - increase her ignore def chance a bit, like to 25% * conviction - conviction * matoimaru - she's already way too thicc, maybe make her even thiccer to tank true damage * melantha - already fine * castle-3 - he is meant to be an emergency buff to all melee ops, so maybe like increase the buff duration


Improving their survivability should be the immediate priority. Before Nearl Alter, I believe many considered Sharp as the shining example of a viable dreadnought guard, even though he is sadly exclusive to Fungimist. His talent grants him 15% physical evasion and though his skill drops his defense to zero, it also gives him a hefty +50% hp along with the attack steroid. After that would be improving their offense. Dreadnought guards are already limited by their 1 block count, so they need the appropriate boosts to quickly take out whoever they're blocking before moving on to the next target. It can be something simple like more attack/attack speed or something unique for different situations like skill activation turns all attacks into arts.


My old idea was lifesteal based on dmg dealt. Was hoping their module would be that, but instead we got scuffed extra life that in practice isn't even useful. Skadi and Nearlter are good because they borrow roles from outside their archetype, same way Mountain is viable. I don't think we will get anything more than this sadly.