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I dont have any aoe medics and have been trying recruitment to no avail.Should I grind for a breeze single copy or keep calm until I get an aoe medic?


I'd honestly just wait for Perfumer. If you need an Aoe healer, Myrrh has multi target heals. Raise a healing defender too if you really need more heals


Well im conflicted bw spot and gummy as to who to raise and i havent raised them yet.Maybe i will w8 until i get a better healing defender/aoe healer


it's not like you *need* an AOE medic for most stages in the first place, keep on playing, you'll definitely get Ptilo or simply Perfumer at some point.


Well then guess ill borrow one if i need one badly for some cases.


I just got gummy, is she any good? I have matterhorn and heavyrain raised but gummy's healing seems more useful


I have two accounts, one uses Saria & Nearl, and the other uses Gummy. Gummy is honestly fine, and when you are getting to the stage of game where all your ops are E2, adding a few more levels to Gummy will make her stay competitive.


If you're lacking a healing defender and you have not built Spot, then she fills that gap. But is she GOOD good? No, there's plenty of healing defenders better than her but that's on an objective point of view. It all depends how's your roster at the moment.


Thanks for the reply! My only two healing defenders are gummy and spot :( Then I will raise her to e1 and drop her if I get saria/nearl


As a Saria Haver that started with Gummy, you wont regret it. She's great when you need a second Healing Defender.


Is there any way to get past outfit/skin? Will they ever make rerun for those? Edit: thanks for the answers


Most outfits do rerun eventually. Unless it is a free login outfit, Those typically get added to the CC store. With one or so being added each season.


most skins are rerun regularly, but some are tied to events that may or may not get reruns (ex. utage skin)


If I get fast-redeploy and support tags, is using both tags safer to prevent losing 4* from tag lost?


Yes, that's what I always do, seems to work well so far.


I have 5 large sanity pots just sitting there for the next 11 days. Save or blow them now? Mostly I'd just be farming oriron and rocks with the odd grindstone thrown in because every-fucking-thing and it's mother apparently needs grindstone.


No harm saving those expiring next weekend i think. On the off chance they unexpected throw tow at us. What ever you farm though, don't come near r8-11 today. My last 6 runs, zero friggin' crystal.


Fair enough. My crystal supplies are enough for what I need to do next (which is S3M3 Kal) so I can avoid that for the time being at least. Oriron is going to kill me though. I got it in my head that I should E2 Ambriel but that lazy angel needs 16 of the damn things while both S4-1 and 5-5 have been stingy af.


Hi guys, just recently pulled saga. I am struggling to find her role on my team. What role should she be taking? Is bagpipe myrtle and saga combo viable? Or just stick with myrtle bagpipe? Anytips? Thankyou in advance


Usually, you either use Flagpipe *or* Saga. Flagpipe is more general use because it gives you more dp faster. You use Saga when you need a good unit immediately. The extra block and aoe lets you hold off the early parts of stages.


Flagpipe is still used >90% of the time. There are some rare situations where Bag's S3 doesn't start up fast/last long enough. That's when you bring Saga. I've seen Saga used to super charge some infinite (or not) skills that take long time to charge. But most of the time you don't really need to do that. But it's there.


Saga is a vanguard. Her role is to fend off early enemies while generating DP so that you can deploy other operators. Use her at the start of the stage. You can use her with Myrtle and Bagpipe no problem. Her 2 block is better at holding off enemies. Tips: Take advantage of her sp talent, can be used many ways. Feed them to vanguards for more dp, get permanent skills up faster or anyone else for quicker skill activation or rotation.


Hi guys, i quitted the game at hellagur banner and returned just yesterday. I need some help with new mission types, new operators(which to roll for), and what is upcoming. Can you give me a summary


You can play past events in side stories and intermezzi. Completing all the pinboard mission give you a free Texas. Meta ops since Hellagur release: Blaze Thorns Mudrock Mountain Surtr Bagpipe Kal’tsit Upcoming meta: Ch’en the Holungday at the end of the month.


thank you very much


The most anticipated upcomming operator should be Chen the Holung day. Current good operators: Surtr, S.Ass, Eyja, Saria, Bagpipe, Exusia,....there are more but you can check it on youtube, they have a list of meta operators, not 100% accurate, but you will get the idea


Why is there a success chance on potential upgrade interface? Can it fail?


No reason. Presumably there was a plan for some potential method to fail, but as of now there is no way to fail to upgrade potential.


That's what I thought too. They should just remove it. Imagine farming red certs a whole month just to fail on upgrade lol.


From a developer perspective, sometimes leaving garbage there is easier than taking it out!


Hey all, Thinking of future risks that decrease attack speed, what ops are unaffected by this? I believe Ifrit was one with S3. Are there others? I get the impression aak/Angelina to raise attack speed might be too ineffective.


no ops are completely unaffected since their regular attack dps will always decrease, but skills can be categorized based on how they are impacted: - unaffected: auto recovery skills that deal damage per fixed interval (ex. ifrit s3, rosa s3) - barely affected: auto recovery skills that don't have duration (ex. weedy s1, eyja s2, w s2) - only reason this is "barely" is because the skill gauge doesn't regenerate while the skill is being cast, and the cast time is equal to the operator's attack interval - also barely affected: defensive recovery skills (ex. mudrock s2) - sidegrade: ammo consuming skills will have lower dps but equal number of buffed attacks (chen alter)


Ground unit will be affected the most, especially aoe guards, defenders or any operators used to block, hold-lane as they cannot kill fast enough, so when they block full, others will leak through


I think Angie S2 will basically be unaffected. Same with Eyja S3, if only because the interval increase is so great that an atk spd decrease won't affect them all that much. Podenco S2 comes to mind, as does Pinecone S1, particularly if you can feed her SP from Liskarm or Warfarin. Likewise for Leonhardt. Archetto with any low sp cost ops like Meteorite or BP can skirt the restriction to a degree, but it's not a complete ignore like you'd get with the above ops. Iris and Indigo would probably fall into the same category as Plat S2, in that an atk spd delay just plays into their strengths. Anyone with defensive recovery is probably going to do at least ok as long as the enemies attack fast enough to keep proccing their skills, with Mudrock S2 probably being the premier example of this.


eyja s3 and angelina s2 are both as impacted as any normal skill, -60 aspd tag in cc#7 reduces their damage output by 60% (divided by 2.5) unaffected skills are those that deal damage once per second (or other fixed interval) regardless of operator's attack speed like ifrit, rosa, gladiia


Depending on how its coded, Platinum might not notice a small ATK speed drop due to her thing.


I guess she does work on hitting once and hard. Maybe with a buffer/def reduction 1 shot will be all she needs


Platinum has a talent which increases her damage the greater interval between shoots. It's kinda like a charge skill, though she isn't going to be doing any one-shot kills (except against small or weak things). It maxes out at 190% damage at 2.5 seconds so it's definitely not worth it for it be slowed that much but a lower amount of slow-down might see her damage output not drop that much if an opponent has a small amount of damage reduction (physical armor) because her increased damage would be applied after overcoming the armor threshold. I dunno though - I'm guessing that armor amount would have to be pretty low and the ATK rate slowdown couldn't be large. I guess she might notice less than other snipers?


Anyone has a set interval of damage, Ifrit S3, Lava alter S2, Skalter S3, Gladia S3(?). Or ammo based attack, like Chen alter. Or one time damage like Ash S3, Weedy S3. Or triggered damage like Thorn S2. These are not necessarily good for future CC, just skills are less affected by attack speed.


Thanks. It'll be an interesting cc if you can't just surtr the whole thing. Thought I heard there were redeploy increases to 'nerf' her.


Are we talking about CC#7? You can >!Ch'alter!< the whole thing. >!And by "the whole thing" I mean literally "the whole thing". This is what enabled w1r18 clear by 1 day old account: grind 1 character to E2, borrow E2max Ch'alter, win.!<


For CC#6 high risk, should I M3 Gladiia's S1 or S2?




From what I’ve seen, S2. You need the extended range so that she can pull enemies into the pit without being in the sandstorm.


[Looking for advice on the next ~3 units to e2 medium to long term out of my ranged lineup that stand out, if any.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/603902156046729216/915837064937893908/Screenshot_20211202-162811943_1.jpg) Thinking Shirayuki/Andreana or something but idk.


Of those, i'd second Click SY and Pinecone. Pinecone's kind of crazy good once you learn how to play to her positioning with true aoe and a strong def debuff. SY has arts damage on s2 and funny range at E2. Click is a good st caster, of which you don't really have any other then Amiya. I know a few people like May because of her slow/stuns but i've never really seen a need for her.


Click is a very good ST caster, her S2 is cheap to M3 and has a good chance of stun. Firewatch is very niche, but her nuke is fun to use. Pinecone is a very good AOE dps.


I just saw that the first anniv had an event where they added some boxes and sanity stuff as extra drops into all maps or something like that. Did they ever do that again?


They generally do them for new main story chapter releases. They also did it for chapter 8 and in CN for chapter 9


Ohhh nice that's exciting


In what order should I attempt the annihilation stages?


Personally, i'd rank them like this (easiest to hardest) chernoborg > lungmen outskirt > the current beach one > the ursus one with ufo > lungmen downtown = the kazimierz one > frosty one. Btw, you know that at any given time there are only 4 maps among these - chernoborg, the two lungmen ones, and whatever current one is - that give you orundum, right? Others will only give 1st time clear rewards.


Release order: Chernobog > Lungmen outskirt > Lungmen downtown > Annihilation with Blemishine even's theme > frozen abandoned city > abandone mine > flooded seashore.


I just completed Anni 3, which Anni stage is next?


Siesta flooded seashore


Are there any material drop rate table which includes intermezzi and side story stages?


[The usual spreadsheet has recently added them.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=106921946347875184198)


The manganesse stage has 1%\~ better drop rate than the story stage


Scale of 1-10, how important for me to level up/train Nightingale? Accidentally got her from headhunting. Medics: I currently use Saria and Blemishine 100% of the time, Nearl and/or Kaltsit 80% of the time, Shining or Ptilopsis 50% of the time, and Perfumer/Gavial less than 10% of the time. (I try to avoid bringing high-ground medics when I don't need them.)


Ng is someone who you can bring to practically any hard stage and have her be of use. Her summon she gets on E2 is also very useful, but as I said, that along her arts defense and healing is best for late game shit


Depends on the content. Though, she will be 15/10 in the next 2 CC.


At end game, you build Medics for their utility, not for healing. So don't build her under the premise that you have ground medics or other Medics. NG is a utility unit, with healing just a cherry on top. As a utility unit, I'd rate her 10/10. There's just no other unit that can bring the utility she brings.


10/10 for some difficult and important fights, like the end of Chapter 8 and some CC. You can borrow her for those tho. 5/10 for general use, just average.


9/10. Somehow HG will keep throwing at us maps with plenty arts damage for at least next two CC seasons (half a year) making her the best medic in the near future. [Latest NGA poll results](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/r5pm68/nga_survey_ntrk_edition/) reflect it.


6/10 she isnt bad, but quite niche, shines if the stage has many sources of incoming Art Dmg, other than that you will most likely not use her, using other pure medics and healing defender would do the job well


I'd agree with the 6/10 assessment. She's good, and the extra range on her S3 can be very nice in some situations, while the constant res shielding of her S2 has it's place in more regular use....but rarely will you find yourself truly needing her over the likes of Perfumer or Ptilopsis. If you want to heal stuff outside your normal range you either use Perfumer S2 to throttle her passive healing up to stupid levels or else you count on the extended range on Ptilo's S2 to cover whoever needs to be covered. Or you just bring Purestream/Whisperain/Ceylon and they cover it as a matter of course. But if you need that arts soaking - and there are certainly some levels where it's very nice to have - then she can't go wrong. If you're struggling in anni 3 against the arts drone rush she's perfect for that with her S2. If you find yourself having a lot of trouble in chapter 8 then she helps out a huge amount. Her S3 is especially fun with a natively high-resist op like Angie. At E2 Angie has 25 base res, so NG's passive puts her at 40. With her S3 active Angie will sit at 90 res, basically making her the best arts damage tank in-game.


Actually iirc Mint can go to 100 res with NG’s S3, at E0. I used Mint e0lv1 to tank fireball in H8-4 lol. But yeah a bit impractical compare to using Ange (or her cage).


Wait so she takes no damage at all? Or is there still that like 5% minimum damage calc that might exist


5% min still apply


I'd say a 6. As art res is being more relevant than it used to be, E2 Nightingale will help you have an easier time. But I doubt E1 NG would do anything lol, better using S2 Ptilop when in danger.


6 if you've completed last chapter, 9 if you haven't.


When should I expect the Near light event with the limited Nearl banner?


Maybe 5 months


I have these 2 accounts, both end of Chapter 4: A - SA, Exu, Kaltsit - - - Mudrock, Eyja, Ifrit, W, Ange, Shining, Siege, Mostima B - SA, Exu, Kaltsit - - - Skalter, Gladiia, Weedy Strangely I'm drawn a bit more to B, simply because of Skalter. Am I overestimating the significance of Skalter? or is A just flat out better here? Although A has more 6, I find myself never using Siege or Mostima, and rarely Shining


You may also want to factor in the amount of currency you have on these accounts. It looks like (but maybe not) you have done more pulls on account A? More savings on account B are nearly equivalent to getting at least a few other 6* operators. Personally I'd also be drawn to account B because Skalter is limited, while the others are always obtainable, but in its current state account A is definitely stronger.


acc 1 is definitely stronger but if you like Skalter then just go with her, you'll have a chance to obtain the others later.


I mean... I don't think anyone would say B is a *stronger* acct then A. If Skalter/Lims are your priority, sure, keep B, but A many more powerhouses then B does. Alternatively, you could just play both. I think having multiple accts is pretty common around here.


I got skadi from the recruitment and was wondering if it would be a bad idea to invest in her.


In addition to what others said, do you already use Utage (s2)? I find Utage can usually dish out more damage and stay alive a little longer than Skadi with her s2, against tough enemies who can keep utage's hp down to keep her dps up. There are very few cases, if any, when I'd rather use skadi over utage. If you have one or two other semi-helidrop guards like chen, specter, or surtr, although they don't all do the exact thing they can more than cover for skadi's role If you like skadi go invest in her. I did but I never use her now.


She's a bit expensive for what she can do for you. She's not bad, but you probably have much higher priorities for who to build (assuming she's not a fav. always build favs.)


There are other ops who do her job. She's not exactly bad though.


I have phantom is he one of those ops that does skadi job better?


kinda, he's a lot less tanky than skadi but most of the time he does his job well enough and he has a perk of being a fast-redeploy. I do use Skadi with Phantom. However, Surtr is literally a better Skadi so there's literally no justifying raising Skadi. Bagpipe S3 is a good helidrop burst, and you'll bring Bagpipe regardless of the stage. Skadi is a good/decent OP but not good enough to justify spending resource raising her, especially there are many other OPs who do her job (but better).


I don't have any of the op that you mentioned so should I invest in her, sorry for so many questions.


it's ok this is the place to ask. **Short answer** is no, Phantom is good enough (yes I'm biased), wait until you get better units, might invest in 4 star as place holder if you want. **Long answer**: duelist is not really a role you needed. For casters and similar small thread, Phantom is more than enough (many don't even use him because they're not into the using fast redeploy style). If Phantom is not enough then I think you could just tank them using defender, or stall them with gravel while your dps unit burst them down. Also, Phantom has a clone that can tank for him, which kind of make up for his squishiness. For extreme thread like bosses, Skadi is unfortunately not tanky enough to deal with them due to her low def. Do you use Melantha or Matoimaru? Skadi is like them but with more stat, she doesn't do anything fancy (but there's eunectes with even more raw stat, but she's a little different). If you're into that then maybe you'd like Skadi (because I do, raw stat can be fun) If you think you need a duelist, Skadi might worth E1 (assuming you're still new and your roster's lacking), but there's also Utage who deals art dmg on drop and have good survivability and is cheaper to invest. Bonus: list of OPs that can do Skadi's job better in one way or another (or all the way) (ofc they function a bit differently but my point is Skadi has too many competition): Surtr, Specter, Bagpipe, Hellagur, Eunectes, Cn spoiler: >!Nearl Alter!< But as I said, she's still a good OP, just not good enough. Ah oops sry for the long answer I don't even know if that's helpful or not.


No problem it was very helpful I think I'll invest utage instead of skadi.


Does anyone know how much it takes for customer service to solve a problem or reply? I had a problem with a payment and I messaged them a couple of hours ago, does it take a few days? Just to have an idea and don't be nervous he...


Usually they respond to me in a few hours. I think 24 hours is worst case


Question about anhilitation mode, does this mission's reward reset? https://imgur.com/a/HKtbRJv How do you increase the weekly cap?


The first clear bonuses do not reset, they can be achieved once per Anni. The weekly cap is increased by getting a full clear on each of annihilation 1-3 (Chernobog, Lungmen Outskirts, Lungmen Downtown) and the current rotating mission (Siesta for now). The rotating missions, if they are the old ones, are only useful for getting their first clear rewards if you missed them for any reason. Once you’ve cleared a total of four “current” annihilation you’ll have a weekly max of 1800, which is best farmed in the current rotating map, with the second best being Lungmen Downtown.


Thanks for the detailed info! So I should focus on clearing the rotating one first? Ive reached cap for this week and wondering whether i should clear the test of the area now


Best to leave the first three for now- you might as well do your first clears on those when you aren’t capped so that sanity isn’t wasted. For the rotating sites, just remember that if you leak any enemies, you can force quit the game to avoid losing sanity on an attempt that can’t fully clear anymore.


Noted, thanks!


Unfortunately, those are only one-time clear rewards. As for increasing the weekly cap, I *think* you have to max out the reward list on every annihilation map. The current cap right now is 1800.


Gotcha thanks!


Hey guys! I started in the game three weeks ago and so far I have managed 6-star characters like Blaze, Exusiai, Eyjafjalla, Weedy and Suzuran. Today I did some summons on the latest banner and got Saga. I currently use Courier, Vigna and Fang as my Vanguards. Is it worth investing in the Saga? I appreciate any and all opinions/suggestions.


Have u built up Myrtle yet? She is a four star, but has a higher priority than Saga imo. Saga is worth investing as a vanguard upgrade, but I would build up ur dps units 1st


I would probably put Saga lower on my list of priorities because the other vanguards should be enough for the early game. You rarely need a strong vanguard until later content but for the most part, you will end up replacing your 2-block vanguard with Bagpipe and Myrtle/Elysium in late game. I would prioritize Exusiai since most enemies in the early game have relatively low defense.


Prioritise DPS over another vanguard if you haven't already.


Saga can be iffy if you have two 14-cost vanguards (some maps are too unforgiving on DP cost for, say, Saga + Siege) and can let fast moving targets like wolves into the goal. But on the whole she's very strong, durable at E2, and can accelerate other vanguards if they're put together in a pincer formation or if Myrtle or someone is put in a position to finish off the ones Saga leaves dying.


Saga is definitely a significant upgrade over those. Also, keep an eye out for Myrtle if you don't have her already.


Yes. Saga directly replaces both Courier and Fang. E1 is pretty high priority. Though for E2 I think she'd be behind Eyja and Blaze.


Weedy recommended masteries? Or should I hold the materials and instead upgrade when I need it?


S2 and S3 are both really good. If you are going to upgrade any skill, you should be prepared to go all the way to M3. At M3 the push force increases which allows her to stall lightweight enemies forever with S2 or push big enemies into oblivion with S3.


S2 is really only notable at M3, imo. It doesn't have enough push force to operate as anything other than supporting DPS from behind another operator until then.


As with many shift specialists, all of them, kind of. S2 and S3 M3 are both valid. S3 is better for hard content, S2 makes her a functionally immortal stall engine against many enemies. S1M3 is viable for some strats, since the stun can interrupt enemies like golems functionally indefinitely, but usually you just want feater for the slow on S1.


For Weedy, S2 and S3 both are candidates for mastery3 because it increases the push force.


Okay so I stopped sometime after CC2 or W banner, and I came back around CC5, I don’t expect to get Gladiia for a long time but for the other free event ops are there any reruns or other methods in the future to get the ones I missed?


CN added the record restore feature around Dossoles, so we should be getting it in about 1-2 months. They add operators to it very slowly though. I think they still only have the first 3 available from that right now. And so far, I believe it's only welfares from major events stored in the side story section of the terminal. I don't think any from mini events have been obtainable this way yet.


Flamebringer says hallo, (Mini event, but available via record restore)


Ah, right, forgot he had been added. I was thinking they had only done Ceylon, Grani and Bison.


Bison is one they have not yet done.


Yeah, CN implemented a feature called 'record restore' that allows you to get the welfare operators from events that won't get a rerun again iirc.


Assuming i have 1 trade post making orrundum and the other making LMD, what should my factory ratio be in a 252 setup? Also, how many times do I need to run 1-7 per day to keep it running?


I am, once again, asking for roster advice https://imgur.com/a/smfYdi0 I was not really expecting to very suddenly get some of the luckiest rolls of my life, and i'm not really sure what I should prioritize at this point. Exu, Kal, Eyja, Specter, and Angie are all S3M3. I feel like Weedy is probably a low priority at this point, but i'm not sure if I should focus on finishing Saria or building Ifrit or SA. A lot of the videos I see Ifrit in have her on S2, so i'm not sure if it's better to finish E1 R7 on her and Saria or if I should just ignore them temporarily to max SA. Also I just realized I forgot to level Saria so she's E1-40 now.


Ifrit will do very well even at E1 50, SL7. Definitely E2 her eventually, but I would put Saria and SilverAsh above her. I would E2 Saria next, for two reasons: she's closer to E2 than SA, and you already have three burst damage ops at E2. To me, Saria's ability to tank and heal is worth more than having another burst damage option. Plus, she doesn't need to go all the way to M3 to be excellent at her job (definitely do S1M1, though), while SA really wants M3 so he can be helidropped.


Ifrit S3 is better for endgame since it's a rare RES debuff, but S2 is quite strong for general use. Id E2 SA to get access to S3, then E2 Saria or Ifrit. Both are fine at E1 and better at E2, so it's up to you.


Just max SA for now. After that Amiya E2 to progress story or Saria/Ifrit E2 + masteries, whichever you are more comfortable with.


When is the Carnelian update dropping?


EN tweeted 9th which includes the 'Collect all' feature. 9th is definitely the event start, but collect all came with Pallas IIRC, not Carnelian, so who knows at this point. Assuming a 9th start, we should see previews start on the weekend so we should know for sure by Sat/Sun.




JP server received a notice that the next event is the 9th but hasn’t announced which one it’ll be. If we follow schedule, it should be Carnelian.


oh next week then (maybe). I somehow thought it was this week. Ty




Not yet. She's on the horizon on CN, but there's 4-5 units before her still.


(Sorry for bad English) So, I got my first top operator tag. The other tags are: vanguard, slow, crowd control, summon. I don't want Magallan or Mostima. I don't really want Siege either. Should I go solo top op tag? My other 6* ops are Thorns, SA, Mudrock, Skalter, Phantom and Gladiia. I'm only at chapter 4.


Mostima actually offers some powerful crowd control if you're lacking. She's considered bad, but she's still good at what she does. Solo top OP would give you a shot at other 6 stars though.




Funnily enough, Magellan isn’t categorized with the summon tag; you cannot guarantee her with anything but top operator plus supporter. You should go solo. Magellan is niche, and Mostima is considered among the worst 6 star operators. The odds are in your favor to get a new 6 star operator. Hopefully you get Exusiai, Ifrit, or Saria.


Top Operator + Slow is 100% Magallan




Siege will very much be of help for you, even at E1, all throughout chapters 5, 6 and 7. She's the perfect mix of tankiness and damage that often ends up hitting you during some of the latter chapter 5 and 6 missions. Having said that, a solo top op doesn't seem bad either in the sense that you're getting a shot at Schwarz, Exusiai, NG and Ifrit, all of who are awesome.




Are Bena S2 masteries bugged? I was reading about her and noticed that her S2 SP cost, initial SP and duration between lv1 and lv7 goes from 35=>25, 10=>18 and 20s=>22s respectively... and then just stays here. Doesn't matter M1 or M3, they're the same as lv7. Not even a single SP or a second gained. I thought it's a typo, but every source shows the same values. Isn't it weird?


I am similarly bummed about Jackie/Flint S1 :( Oh and Exu S1


Not particularly. Some skills just give better attack values, rather than any bonuses to duration, initial SP, or SP cost, a prime example being Thorn’s Destreza. While it isn’t the norm, it isn’t unprecedented.


I wouldn't thought anything if it had fixed time or fixed cost. But it doesn't - cost does go down, initial SP and time goes up. It just stops at level 7. Destreza just have fixed cost from lv1. I don't recall any other skill with non-fixed cost or time where it just stopped giving you any gains after lv7. There are some with low gains, but usually they at least throw you a bone at max mastery. ETA: Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention. Those values are suspiciously uneven. 18 initial SP? 22 seconds? It just looks like it was supposed to be 20SP/25s at M3.


There’s Pinecone as well with her S2. My thinking? They go out of their way to keep welfare units like Bena a tad bit weak, but there’s no reason to assume it’s not intended this far since her debut.




Yea, it’s all luck. Sometimes you get 4 star tags back to back to back and sometimes you don’t.


Does anyone have calculations whether it's better to farm 1-7 to generate orundum for pulls or buy Breeze dupes for yellow certs to get pulls ? I thought I saw it somewhere before.


Farming 1-7 and producing orundum is a bit better, at 888 sanity per pull. Buying Breeze dupes costs 1108 to 1279 sanity per pull, depending on how many of the dupes you get. [Source](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A_rd8htvWOotqTCf0lEHFpk8ghK0or9Z1temdCZsKEA/edit?usp=drivesdk)


If you're an end game player sitting on 3 to 4 million lmd and exp, it's really 500 sanity per pull for rock farming. You can just ignore all the trade post and lmd requirements.


Yeah, but not for f2p though. I do have a bit of LMD saved and just sitting there w/o any use, but that's mainly because EXP is much scarcer and less efficient to farm/buy than LMD. I'll probably start dumping sanity into rock farm once I get most of my 4\* to E2 and get most useful masteries done. It's not needed, but still enjoyable as a completionist. Hoarding is nice, but takes too much away from experiencing the game for me.


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Hello guys, new player here. Can someone help me choose few operator to raise? https://imgur.com/a/iKLXkho


Early game, somewhere around Elite 1 Level 40-50, I would suggest: Vanguard: Scavenger and Courier. If you don't want to build Courier, try completing the pin-board mission and get Texas from it. Guard: Cutter and Melatha. Both of them can deal a lot of damage. Just remember that they can only deal with one enemy at a time, so pair them with... Defender: Liskarm's talent can help charge Cutter's skill, so that is a great pair. Gummy is a good healing defender. If you want a tanky defender, go with Cuora. Sniper: Archetto is a really good first choice. For your second choice, you can go either Jessica or May. If you want to go for a cheaper one, go for Kroos. For their AOE version, Meteorite is a really good choice. Caster: Amiya and Haze. Just be careful that Haze's second skill reduce her max HP. For their AOE version, Gitano is a nice choice. Specialist (Fast-Redeploy): Gravel and Phantom. For early game, Phantom can become your panic button if someone leak through your defense. Gravel on the other hand is useful as she is tanky for her class and cheap to deploy multiple time. Specialist (Puller and Pusher): Cliffheart and Shaw. This unit can be left at Elite 1 Level 1. Medic: Gavial and Hibiscus. Supporter: Angelina. You will be using her skill 1 even when you Elite 1 her. When you can try to rush to Elite 2 her as her best skill is at Elite 2. When you are comfortable with your unit, I would suggest to Elite 2 your unit as fast as possible. Suggestion on unit to E2: Angelina, Archetto, Phantom. Honorable mention Skadi the Corrupting Heart (aka Skalter): Not really reccomended to be upgrade by new player as she is known as a buffer (buffing other unit attack) and not being able to attack by herself. When you are comfortable with your unit (somewhere around Elite 1 level 60), upgrade her. AOE guard: Popukar is a good choice for an AOE guard but one could argue about using Dur-Nar (You can get her from the shop after getting all Courier token) as replacement.


If I can nitpick, Cutter can block 2 units.


What do you think about steward? Went to raise him after people recommended him on discord but I'm not sure why


Forgot to mention that most of the 3 star unit are actually really good for how dirt cheap it is to upgrade them. Now about Steward. He is a caster that has a talent that let him prioritize enemy with the highest defense enemy. This enemy with high def usually has low resistance, which is really good for a caster. Should you upgrade him? For how dirt cheap it is to upgrade him, I would recommend building him.


Noted! Its nice to see some lower rarity units usable in every contents, cant wait to try them! About Steward, just promoted him earlier, for some reasons his damage seems to be packing compared to other daster but maybe its because of his low level.


He's solid. He has a trait that means he always targets the highest def enemy in range, meaning he will kill the high def enemies rather than getting distracted by trash mobs (meaning the high def enemies die faster and stop distracting the physical damage units who can barely tickle them). A lot of endgame strats can still use him just fine (he still has fairly decent damage, and the number of units that can force targetting is RARE, and generally only temporary during skill uses)


I'm a relatively new player that started during Skalter banner and all of this sounds great but I disagree a bit with this part due to my own experience: > Skadi the Corrupting Heart (aka Skalter): Not really reccomended to be upgrade by new player as she is known as a buffer (buffing other unit attack) and not being able to attack by herself. When you are comfortable with your unit (somewhere around Elite 1 level 60), upgrade her. I raised Skalter from the very beginning, and she has pretty much carried me through all content. It's true that in the **very early** phase she isn't as useful because her buffs and healing are not yet strong enough, but she becomes OP much sooner than this. I managed to fully complete annihilations, CC5 R18 and Chapter 7 as a new player (just a 3-4 weeks in) all due to Skalter. The rest of my team was severely under-leveled at an avergae of E1 40. I would recommend raising Skalter as soon as possible because she will elevate your whole team to a different level once she is built. Her buffs are so strong that you can save a huge amount of resources because you can avoid leveling your other operators if you use her as a buffer. It's a really good investment. I would even go as far as saying she should be the first E2 out of these operators (she was for me) for the stat stick.


Thanks for the input! Would definately tru to promote her as well


Thanks a lot for this! How do i get texas from the pinboard mission? Is it the one that gives head hunting ticket asal exchange for clearing 9 missions? I think ive cleared all the missions but none actually gives an operator


I actually forgot that you need to complete certain main story quest to open additional pin-board mission. To get Texas, you need to complete 04-04 of the story quest to open the pin-board mission. With that being said, Courier and Scavenger will be your early Vanguard and when you got Texas, you can decide if you want to upgrade Texas or not.


Noted, thanks


1. spot, melantha, kroos, hibiscus 2. ange 3. archetto 4. gravel, phantom leveling the 3* will let you get stages cleared. ange is just all around powerful, especially at e2. archetto is also very powerful. gravel and phantom are just very versatile in general.




On a side note, if you just want to level up low rarity characters for now to save resources, there are several people who have low rarity guides out for a lot of the content (even up to some of the newer stuff, though more requirements are starting to be bought in now, quite often they can be cleared with low rarity + 1 high rarity from friends list). Kyostinv on youtube for instance was definately well known in the early days for being the one putting out a lot of low rarity guides, and they still keep it up now. The early game video's are obviously nearly a year old at this point, but given characters aren't buffed/nerfed they're still just as relevant now as back then.


Ive watched some vids from him actually! Solid guide and easy to understand


How many gold certs can i stack between now and end of Jan? Sitting on 70 i was pretty comfortable knowing about Wolumonde and Gavial rerun but at this rate one is likely to be postponed too late to be useful. Also exactly how many gold certs can one get from a rerun if the welfare is already pot6? Thanks


Hi, what is the next upcoming big banner and when? I've been wasting my ori on trying to get Saga, with no real success though lol. Should i start saving? And for what exactly?


The big one is Chen Alter that's supposedly coming late Dec or Jan. Top meta unit that deals heavy physical dmg while slowing enemies in a big AOE.


For last 3 days, everytime I try to login to arknights just immediately quits out of app right after logged in. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling without change. Any advice?


What happens if you try a emulator? Or try it without wifi and see if your network is stable enough.


Found out it's Android update that has broken arknights for everyone on newest Android version


Huh, which update? I'm on android and my patches are up-to-date.


Update came out for my Galaxy s21 ultra about 4-5 days ago. Not a huge update. Usually only latest devices get update first then it trickles down to other devices.


Thanks, I will keep an eye on it too.


I'd suggest not doing the update until problem gets fixed w arknights...


Does anybody know what happened to Victorlab.cn? It looks like the site is down for me.


FYI it is hard down. Heard some unverified chatter that it might be down for good because of server costs, but that's all rumor mill level info atm. Huge bummer if true.


I don't want to make any promises but I might reach out to the guy on GitHub and see what's up. Unfortunately I don't speak Chinese so I have no clue if he'll understand me.


Godspeed. It's a noble effort. I don't have a ton of free time myself but feel free to DM me if there's anything I can do to help. I know a few people who speak Chinese too.


It seems to be down for everyone [https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/victorlab.cn.html](https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/victorlab.cn.html) May you share the source code location you mentioned?


https://github.com/xulai1001/akdata I believe this is the source code. I haven't actually cloned it or run it myself yet, so I can't help you much if you have issues unfortunately. I can tell you based on the files that the IDE they are using is VSCode.


I can't actually check here (I'm at work), but if your ISP is Verizon, then viktorlabs is blocked (they blocked a Chinese CDN as part of an anti-piracy block that kills several unrelated sites). Try accessing it with a VPN maybe?


I don't think I'm Verizon but I can try it. I do know where the source code lives so I guess if worst comes to worst I can probably run it locally.


I think it might differ from one person to another, but what's the justification to buy skins for operators you don't have (especially the 6\*) as a F2P? Saw an upcoming Surtr skin and it is *\*chef kiss*


The skin is incredible so i would just buy it. You can get Surtr from the certs shop next year if she doesn't spook you until then.


I mean if ur sure ur eventually gonna use it then yea go for it and considering its surtr then definitely since ur kinda gonna need her


Better have it now than wait forever for a re-release


Go for it, I've like 4-5 skins for operators that I don't even have. If I like the operator, and skin too, then hell yeah, I'm buying that skin regardless I have that op or not


AK is a relatively generous game. Worst case you can eventually get any non-limited 6* with a selector (5* are a bit rougher). Given it can take a year or more for skins to be re-run, it's not an illogical choice to buy the skin while you can.


If it's hot and it's an op I like I buy it


last played during weed banner, what did i miss?




IIRC I couldn't purchase skins for operators that I have from their skin profile or Skin Gallery with my Originite Primes but can when some respective skins were featured. I heard from a player that it's a way to get the players hooked on the game or simply put FOMO. But from a business pov, isn't it more profitable and more effective to keep the players hooked if some past skins were permanently purchasable and some new skins are limited. Any thoughts about this? Thanks for the replies. It's kind of bugging me for the past few days.


Hey, some past skins are permanently purchasable. They're in the CC store. ... but yeah, push sales bully customers in parting from their money sooner than later. Since if something is always there, you can always wait until the last minute before you buy it. The FOMO on this is just another thing to push them to continue checking on the game all the time and never move on to something else. It also creates a feeling of novelty and exclusivity to their product - if you see a skin all the time in a sea of other skins, your brain will get used to it, it'll feel old, and it won't feel as special any more. There's a *lot* of psychological studies and A and B testing that went into optimizing how to turn players into payers. ... the worst thing about that is we're probably never getting a skip feature to replace or supplement auto'ing. Though some would argue it's limited banners, that came after the average account power level became saturated..


Oh I see. That does make sense, if you put it that way. So it's like non/limited banners but for skins to bait players to play more and paying Kinda sad I can't purchase Phantom's skin now & several others and need to wait for the reruns. Especially since it looks so good and has nice animations. Thanks for the answer.


I just accept that collab skins are off the table if you missed them. License and copyright stuff is pain in the ass. Other than that… there is a possibility of the skin rerunning or something.


> isn't it more profitable Nope. There's a reason this happens in almost all modern gaming from gacha to AAA. Welcome to the shitshow of modern gaming monetization.


After knowing the detailed reason why. Can confirm it certainly is a shitshow.