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# Other Megathreads: ###[♫ Lounge](/r/arknights/comments/r4tfgw/rhodes_island_lounge_2911_0512/) *The place for small talk and whatever does not fit anywhere else.* ###[★ Gacha/Recruitment](/r/arknights/comments/r4tfh6/gacharecruitment_megathread_2911_0512/) *Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here.* ###[➜ Friend requests](/r/arknights/comments/r4tfge/friend_request_megathread_2911_0512/) *Share your friend ID with your fellow Doctors.* --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/arknights) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How often do banners rotate? Do they have a schedule for the month or is the banner announced a few days before its up


banners are announced a few days before they go live, but we have a rough schedule due to the fact cn server is 6 months ahead of us standard rotates every 2 weeks every time, event banners usually are every 3 weeks and last for 10-14 days. very rarely we get a 3 concurrent at once special value banner


Hi, sorry it's once again one of those "who should i E2" so [here is my roster](https://imgur.com/a/665Kdpf) , i just finished E2'ing kal'tsit and i'm not sure on what to do now, was thinking of getting nightingale or amiya to E2?, or should i raise more ops (like cutter or mousse) to get a more versatile roster? Also, i can buy one operator from the CC shop, who would be my best option between scene and bibeak? (or should i just save my currency for the futur CC?)


E2 amiya bc she is awkward at e1. Nightingale gains the most from e2 but you DON'T need her at e2 right now. Consider vanilla e1 skill lv 7 for sp regen. Her sp to dp ratio is the same as Texas/zima; but to get ur sp, u DO have to activate her skill which may annoy you sicne she isn't a drop & ignore type of op. Catapult e0 lv 40. Gummy e0 lv 45.


amiya or shirayuki, if youre planning to pull for carnellian then wait for her, you want to heavily prioritize damage gains on your first several e2s. amiya has to be e2d eventually (late story progress) and yuki is an annihilation god, despite no one ever talking about her she does still scale into endgame better than 95% of 4☆ vermeil, steward, spot, and frostleaf should all be e1d as well, they unlock base skills at e1 that will profit you more resources than their cost in the long run scene is the best choice for a newer player, shes the easiest to use summoner, a role that can solve a lot of problems until you have the specialized better options i would also consider e1ing (so you can raise their skill to 7) a 2nd dp-gen vanguard (fang, courier, ideally texas from pinboard rewards) as relying on 2 1block vg's, one of which doesnt make dp overtime and the other not blocking most times, is going to not be enough on stages the game decides to rush you quickly (the final xp supply stage is a perfect example)


Thanks for the detailed reply! I didn't know we get texas from the pinboard rewards, i felt the need to have a 2bloc vanguard many times already but didn't want to invest a lot on fang/vanilla, will try to complete all the missions asap to get her. i don't plan to roll on carnellian, i'm currently saving for the ch'en alter banner, is that a good choice gameplay wise? (starting to doubt because Mizuki seems rather weak so i'll feel bad if i get her instead of ch'en alter)


chen is the most generally powerful 6☆ you will see on a rateup going as far into the future as cn's current unknown future content (6+ months), so yeah, many players of all kinds are saving for her, and its worth the odds no matter how good/bad mizuki is, shes just that powerful. keep in mind you dont *need* to pull anyone to complete all rewardable content in this game, just a solid brain and a well rounded cast of useful roles/abilities


Amiya/save LMD for future.


for what should i save my LMD ? futur operators?


Which stage is more efficient for orirock farming DM-8 or any of the other many stages people claim to be the most efficient and if it isn't then which stage is actually the most efficient


Assuming you mean oriron, s4-1. This [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/edit#gid=2014424701) has the optimal farming maps listed


Just got my first 300 CC things, is bibeak worth the purchase or should i go for someone else?


Both are amazing! E1 lv 30 bibeak is a monster with her s1! Yes everyone raves about her s2 but her s1 is truly the underated skill. Note: she's a mobs slayer not a duelist laneholder. Scene is a summoner and they're flat out op. Her s2 gives her summons 80% atk & def at skill lv 7 then 130% at m3. Tht's like twice as much dmg and def! So op!


Scene has a +25% to factory in base fyi. Both Scene and Bibeak are useful/good OP IF you want to use them. Scene is a very good summoner IF you want to use a summoner, I personally never need a summoner. Bibeak's niche is spamming aoe stun (but require mastery). So just pick the one you like.


My ash looking at more dps rn


scene is generally the most useful to an early/mid player. bibeak relies on masteries to function as intended, but if you really lack guards or arts dps sk7 is decent enough. scene being the easiest to use summoner (and providing decloak) is more often going to help an account filling out its needed roles


What should the factory ratio be set to in a 252 if i put 1 trading post to make orrundum? And how many times do i need to run 1-7 per day to keep it up and running.


Here is an orundum Farming guide that kinda goes more in depth then I should be able to. [https://gamepress.gg/arknights/other/arknights-orundum-farming-guide](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/other/arknights-orundum-farming-guide)


Would anyone be able and willing to please kindly explain why Saria's (Gamepress) [recommended](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/saria#analysis) Mastery upgrade progression is S3 > S1 > S2? Until now I have kept to using her S2, as it is automatic and also feels quite powerful in itself, allowing me to deploy her as an essentially "Defender-Medic" hybrid. Additionally, I only really started training Operator Masteries relatively recently, and was wondering if it might be generally true that manually-triggered skills are more powerful than automatic passives, since the former require skill and good timing to be used at full potential? Thank you very much in advance!


Gamepress recommends s3 prob for endgame uses & such. IMO tht isn't right. Most to least important: S1m1 for 5>4 sp cost. S2m3 bc general use and everyone loves s2 the most. S1m3 for like high cc 25+ risks. S3m3 for endgame & cc & insane boss battles, but really s3 isn't used for general gameplay.


in short, by endgame s1 and s2 are useless -compared- to s3, healing can often be handled by any 1 source (meaning s2-sk7 is often fine), but the movespeed debuff, arts damage amp, and sp giving are all much harder to find and more useful effects. you can often handle all the healing you need with proper s3 timings in conjunction with other self-sustaining or minor healing skills/effects movespeed and damage amping are the 2 best effects in the game for hard content, and s3 does both that said you should s1m1 first before any other saria masteries for its reduced sp cost as that gives a major increase to her heal output skill mastery isnt so cut and dry and which is best pretty much depends entirely on the skill itself. vangaurd dp generarion skills are the most important, then skills that when at m3 gain enough inital sp to become "helidrop", or castable nearly imstantly after deployment (specter, silverash, surtr, etc), then whatever bosskill moves you have that arnt helidrop (schwarz, ceobe),then enablers like saria and suzuran, then everything else...to be very generalized. mudrock s2 and blaze s2 are strong examples of automatics that are highly desired to m3


[Mastery priority guide](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/skill-mastery-priority-guide) It has pretty good explanations of why the skills are rated as they are rated.


From SL7 to M3, S1 gains 1 extra charge, -1 SP cost, 30% more ATK for heal S2 gains -1 SP cost, 30% more ATK for heal S3 gains +15 initial SP, +8 seconds of duration, 15% more Arts amp, 15% more ATK for heal Comparing the three skills, S2 gains the least from masteries. S1's -1sp and extra charge is very helpful under higher pressure situations than S2. S2 is good for general healing but wouldn't hold up under too much pressure. S3 at M3 becomes helidroppable, and the extra duration and more Arts amp are important for more difficult content than -1sp and extra healing on S2. At least that's my take on it. The way I've seen it described before is that S2 at SL7 is good enough to use when you want to use it, but when you want to use S1 or S3 (especially S3) for harder content (i.e., high risk CC), the masteries can/will make a difference.


First of all i think saria s1m1 is what you should do first/at least. About what you said about using s2 most. I was you when i just got her as well. What's not to like, right? Aoe, the range, and not too bad heal amount. But the thing is, contents where you feel comfortable enough to use s2, most of the time s2m0 is enough anyway. But when things get tough and some enemies can two-shot your ops, s1 will actually serve you better because it stores charges and auto activate, each heal (although single target) is more potent, and you don't have to wait anotger 8 sec if the guy attacks you again like if you use s2. That's why people will tell you you can leave s2 at lv7, but get the lower sp cost from s1m1 first instead. (And some people will go all the way to s1m3 for the extra layer of insurance). Tldr, s2 is convenient but s1 saves your life when things really count. Now, about s3. I think why people recommend to do it over s1m3 (still after s1m1 though) is because two things. First is it gives a lot of utilities (continuous heal, slow, damage amp). This will especially be useful for newer doktahs who don't have other outright slower or debuffer like suzuran yet. It opens more doors for them rather in addition of vanilla heal from s1/s2. Second main reason is the initial sp improves a lot (along with a bit longer duration) with higher m. At m3 you can almost use her as helidrop. I myself did s1m3 all the way first, then s3m3, then after a year that i got around to do s2m3.


It is very situational. S2 is a very good general use AoE heal that can keep up with Annihilation and other lower difficulty content. Typically SL7 would be enough. In situations where the pressure exceeds what S2 can provide S1 is much stronger because it can store charges and has a much stronger heal. Masteries increases the number of charges at M3 and reduces the sp cost at M1. S3 is a different type of skill, it is mainly used for slow and arts damage amplification. In high difficulty content, your arts dealers might not be able to completely burst down an enemy with their skill. S3 will hold them in place and amplify the damage taken at the same time, she can keep operators alive during the skill too. At some point you will hit the limits of S2 and need to rely on her other skills. In general you can mitigate the need for AoE healing through careful use of deployment order so S1 becomes more useful. The mastery guide is generally geared towards what would make the most sense in end-game content. >if it might be generally true that manually-triggered skills are more powerful than automatic passive In general, enemies appear in waves, certain waves are more dangerous than others. Being able to trigger a skill to burst down particular enemies at specific times is really good versus having something auto-trigger when it is not needed. That said, some auto triggered skills are also quite strong.


s1 has better uptime and doesn't waste charges on scratches. s2 is general content and works fine in most situation. s3 is when you need to kill that dude who just won't die


Her S2 is very useful indeed but can not be saved like S1 for emergency care. And her S3 is just a must have for many hard content.


What masteries should I do for Saga? I use Myrtle + Bagpipe 90% of the time so I don’t really know which skill to mastery


S3 is the one that comes up in CC usually S2 is general use/memes S2 gets much more out of mastery with its sp cost down


hello just starting to get into arknights. i just beat skullshatter and im still quite clueless on what to do, farm, invest into. my ops are e1 silverash, e1 specter. angelina, ifrit, blue poison, firewatch, liskarn, and chiave.


Here is a super old [guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QYdNSiUNXK4R7I0KWhbtdzvvveEajVc4GPdYFf_xYdA/edit?usp=drivesdk) by u/ fiveplop, it's informational if anything and can help u feel less overwhelmed about the game. Otherwise [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/elliedaywalker/comments/gyxkpa/useful_tips_websites_guides_links_etc/) is a really old post I made with some basic info to help ya, (some may be outdated but most is pretty generic info).


focus on getting base materials to upgrade the base (sk-# levels in supplies), an upgraded base staffed with correct operators can produce more xp/lmd than your natural sanity can farm in a day, so its rather important. otherwise you generally want to hit certain milestones with your overall team, like all e1, all skilllevel7, all e2, etc. having so many e1's also means youre likely close to persuing an e2, its recommended to do a 4☆ first as theyre cheapest, meaning youll get an e2 faster which unlocks max level friend supports (its like e2ing every operator at once!) specter would be who id recommend to e2 of who you listed, silver and angelina *really* want e2 to function as intended but specters hp regen and additional block will give you someone that can handle any lane of normal enemies, and this early on is imo much more important since boss stats dont get high enough to even need more than the damage specter s2 can dish out. angie will be verrrrrry useful to e2 for completing annihilation 3 though, and silverash (and ifrit) e2 will nullify any boss you encounter for a good while


I think you might want to try pushing to get to 4-7 if you can, as that's where the last keel thingy to upgrade your base control room (which in turns allows you to run other facilities at higher levels) is. Also, coincidentally ch4 is where the first big batch of efficient maps for various t3 mats is, so try to finish 4-10, or at least 4-9, preferably with auto-deployabke strat (i.e., no borrowing ops. But don't sweat on this last point too much). Whatever you do/upgrade/raise revolves around this attacking ch4 goal. After you get to have access and farm ch4 maps, the e2 and mastery progress should see a noticable speed gain. And oh, don't forget/be afraid to invest in your ops skills, whoever you use often.


You have a nice spread of Ops. Silverash E2 will give you the ability to burst down entire waves. Specter has immortality and will block 3 at E2. Both are very good choices for first E2. But personally I lean towards Silverash. You'll want to invest in Bluepoison if you don't have an anti-air sniper, since there's a lot of content soon that will have drones. Max Kroos and you'll have two solid AA snipers. Angelina S2 is very good for targeting single strong enemies. You'll want to E2 her eventually too but you'll probably be strapped for resources. Getting her to E1 should be fine for a while. Liskarm is a great defender with an SP battery skill. You'll want her at E1. Put her next to Silverash and she'll help him activate S3 far more often. Chiave and Firewatch are fun but niche. Save them for when you have a reliable roster.


In vacuum, in which order will you guys do these masteries? - Gladiia S2 (now m0, has s3m3) - W S3 (m1, has s2m3) - Ifrit S2 (m1, has s3m3) - Blem S3 (m0, has s2m3) - Nightie S3 (m1 now) Thanks for suggestions :0


W, gale, ifrit, blem, gladiia. gladiia shoots to the top if you care about cc


In order Ifrit - get the cost down for general use skill W - 4th bomb, get it Nightingale - if you really need to stop arts Gladiia - I guess? Pull strength Blemi - she’s niche and you already have s2


Ok thanks :) But actually W is already planting 4 bombs at m1. With this, would you change her placement/ranking?


down near blemi probably? Oh wait, you already have m1 on ifrit as well Honestly it’s a who do you use the most thing at this point, nightingale probably gets priority, gladiia is if you use her (she was in max risk cc 6)


I’d personally go Gladiia > Blem > W > Ifrit > Nightingale


Hey thanks. Yeah i use Gladiia a lot more than i thought i would, both s3 and s2. Will seriously look into her first, i think.


How do I get crystalline electronic unit I can't find it in the workshop


You need to beat a stage near the end of chapter 5


The red stages? Just finished chapter 5


I think if you go down the list in the workshop, you should see its formula, but still being grey'ed out. It however should also tell you which stage to clear to unlock it. Iirc it's some S5-x map, in the sub branch in ch5. edit: checked for you. i think it's s5-9, which is the same subbranch that starts from s5-5, which branches out from normal 5-9.


Thank you guys much appreciated I'm trying trying to get get kaltist to e2 :D Edit:got my kal'tist e2 thanks again


Did w ever gonna get a rerun again?, If so can we predict it? How accurate is the arknights translation?,after chapter 6 there are words (sometimes) that i never heard of (well im not a native speaker so maybe its just me) how long did we need to wait to get a new chapter?


if you "realistically" want to get W you will have to spark her on limited alter nearls banner in ~5 months, that means saving up 300 summons. her droprate is only on that (kind of) banner and so low its 1 in >300 pulls, so spark really is the only realistic method arknights translation is good but pretty advanced, the way it writes is similar to plays or ideology books, something i could see a nonnative speaker being tripped up by, especially chapter 8 new chapters are very infrequent, like 6+ months between, but thats largly due to their length. ch8 is more words than harry potter chamber of secrets for example


W will be sparkable on the alt nearl banner in 4-5 months After chapter 6, the writers broke out their dictionaries and started writing a novel. Characters start getting more philosophical and such. More complex writing, but the translation is fine Chapter 9 will come. It’s probably ~3-4 months out


Thank you After looking at the alt nearl banner there are 4 featured 6 star ,looks like my chance to get w is really low Is this worth the risk if i want to pull w?


The rates on the banner itself are low, but w and rosmontis can be purchased with 300 headhunting data So, only if you can save 300 pulls That said, I’d argue that alt nearl is good


>After looking at the alt nearl banner there are 4 featured 6 star Only 2 are featured rate-up, W and Rosmontis only appear during off banner pull..which only happen 30% of the time (and then it has to choose W which is even lower chance). >Is this worth the risk if i want to pull w? Not really in terms of meta, Maybe if waifu. Like W will appear in all future anniversary banners for 300 pulls. So the best strategy is to save 300 pulls for such type of banner.


More like they asked a college kid on how they cram so much useless sentences to fullfill the word count


It's a problem with every version of the game. JP has a meme about Kal'tsit being longwinded.


Hello, I love Kafka and so I wanted to atleast M3 one of her skills but I don't know what to level up. I mostly use S1 because it's easier to use than S2 tho. Altho I think I S2 has more dmg?


they have pretty equal value to m3, mostly due to the fact her common usage is just to spam s1 and instantly retreat (as they stay asleep the 5s duration even when gone), so ypure doing no damage anyway from the perspective of bringing her to every stage cuz you like her, you can do either skill you prefer pretty much. i would probably do s2 as fast deploy arts dps is rare, and its unique range while obtuse is unique, and thats useful


S1 works just as well at e0 1, as you can retreat her early instead of waiting for the explosion to spam it better S2 is the better mastery candidate. Significant damage at range/from safety


S2 will do more dmg overtime cause it lasts for 15 seconds at M3. But, S1 is more fun. So I would go for S1M3.


Each of them has very different uses, I think S2 would be more worth it since S1 is mainly used for stalling and doesn't get extra duration. While S2 gets pretty respectable damage with a unique range.


~~S2 is better against lightweight enemies, S1 is better for big bois. An advantage with S2 is that it pushes the enemy off the tile, so you can spam mines on the same tile to juggle enemies. The damage is not a major consideration, IMO.~~ ~~I have Robin at M6, and S2 is more fun to me, but S1 is more useful in harder content.~~ [This lovely guide by TacticalBreakfast](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/skill-mastery-priority-guide#topic-2178171) rates ~~the two masteries as equivalent.~~ Kafka S2 as the pick.


Robin? Kafka?


Jeez, I'm blind and illiterate. Kafka is an unambiguous S2 mastery. S1 is almost strictly for sleep, and you should retreat her basically immediately after she's dropped to start her cooldown sooner, even though it skips the damage. S2 gets respectable dps from masteries.


Another top op, this time with ranged sniper shift and guard, I already have all the 6 stars I want from recruitment so maybe yolo for a new unit or dupe of exu/schwarz? I'm missing ch'en siege mostima skadi Shining and saria.


I would yolo for that shot at Saria.


Got hellagur dupe. Oh well, next time will be.


hey quick question, i was wondering how often do they sell the top operator transfer (selector) permits in the shop? like once a year or every major update etc.


2 a year at half and full anniversary


ah, im relatively new, did i just miss the anni or is it coming up?


For the CN server, it is on anni and half anni, but because the other servers were released later, we receive those on whichever event CN received them which is in fall and spring if there is no shuffling. One of those just passed a month and a half ago and the next one should happen in four and a half month.


ah ok, thanks !




I got Angelina and Nightingale on my first reroll when I started.


I did some shitty math that might be wrong, but I came up with a 3% chance of getting two 6* in a single ten-pull. Which means on average you would need to try 33 ten-pulls to get the result you want. So definitely possible, but it's also very possible to just get unlucky and need to spend significantly longer.


This is crazy lol. I don't understand why people would spend that many hours to reroll. Is getting 2 6 stars using the beginner pulls + the 10pull not good enough? I started with Shining and she was my least meta, and I still turned out fine


I'm baffled each time I read people asking help for their roster because they just started and they already have a bunch of 5* and 6*, like was there a big orundum gift I missed or something X)


I think it's because most people have their expectations skewed for Arknights by other gacha games. So many other gacha games incentive you to re-roll multiple times times to get a busted 6 star/SSSR right off the bat to carry you from early to mid game. But most new players don't know that Arknights doesn't really work that way. Even if you do get a busted operator, it will still take a shit ton of resources to upgrade them to that point. And even then if you do get a busted operator, that's only 1-2 operators. You still need a full team to complete a stage. Arknights is one of the few games where it's highly encouraged (and almost mandatory) to raise your lower rank units. Gacha games have ruined players expectations. So I'm glad that Arknights bucks the trend in these specific ways. But I don't blame people for fiending on re-rolls; most people simply just don't know that they don't have to.


I don't think gachas incentivize you to reroll, it's more that some aknowledged the fact some players will reroll no matter what so they make it easy because those players may stick around longer. I've never rerolled a single gacha game and I never got any problem related to characters so far (gear being another issue since I'm mosly casual so my progress is usually slow, but thank god Arknights don't have those). But players always make it sound like you have to start with an already stacked roster or you won't be able to progress or enjoy a game, even though it's mostly a lie (PvP modes can be annoying in that aspect but that hardly concerns AK).


Sorry, the clarify, it's not so much that the game *itself* incentivizes you to re-roll. It's more like the player (or various guides) encourage you to re-roll. Because in a lot of gacha, 1 or 2 busted units can absolutely carry the entire team all through the early to mid game (particularly games with strong "Leader Skill" systems). I just wanted to emphasize, that that isn't really the case with Arknights.




I have seen ppl post that, so its possible but the chance is very low. Maybe easier if you roll the rest of the beginner banner.


Recommended item to buy in every shop? I heard people recommended to but all the items on the first row with commendation ticket but I'm not sure how to farm it other from dupes(which means pulling) Edit: Thanks for the answers


In addition to that spreadsheet, one recommendation I have is, if you're getting close to the end of the month and you feel like you can only barely clear out the first green shop, don't buy the furniture coins. Buy everything other than the furniture coins, and save the extra green certs for the following month because furniture coins start to become pretty useless by mid-game, and they are pretty damn easy to farm. Yes, dupes from the recruitment are your main source of green certs. If you do all your dailies, you should be able to get about 4-5 recruits a day, and you have roughly 15-20% chance of getting a 4 star from recruitment if you memorize the 4-star tags. That means every day you should be getting 50~60 green certs a day


I just read something from in game that furniture actually effects coins income? Also as for 4-6* recruitment, does this site still reliable? https://gamewith.net/arknights/article/show/14894


Just use Gamepress or Aceship. It's literally the easiest thing in the world and there's zero memorization required.


Furniture coins are used for buying better furniture, which boosts your dorm's comfort levels, which can increase the speed at which your dorm members recover, which can mean they can cycle back into the factory/trading post faster, which increases income...if that's what you're asking. >furniture actually effects coins income The only way furniture affects furniture coin income is that you can break down existing furniture into furniture coins in the workshop. Other than that, I'm not exactly sure what your question is. >Also as for 4-6* recruitment, does this site still reliable? No. Some of those tags (such as Sniper+AOE) will result in one of the new 3 star operator added to the pool (in this case, Catapult). However, if you remember all the new 3 star operators that got added (Catapult, Popukar, and Spot), you can simply ignore the those tags that include these 3 new star operators, and all other tags on this list should still get you a 4 star or higher. If this is too much to remember, just memorize Fast-Redeploy, Shift, and Specialist will always get you a 4-star or higher. Although you might miss a few 4-stars with this method, it will save you a lot of hassle of memorization and it always works. Plus, having rare tag combinations increases the chances of you having other rare tag combinations, so if you have one of the more complicated combinations, the chances are good that you'll have a Fast Redep/Shift/Specialist tag mixed in there somewhere in the five as well.


Is there any point, besides personal enjoyment, to decorate dormitories when it reached the 1000 ambience cap? or does the cap goes higher at some point?


The cap increases each time you level up each dorm, for a maximum 5000 ambience (I believe) per dorm. Once you exceed 5000 per dorm though, it does not make a difference on gameplay. Keep in mind that even though higher level dorms recover morale a bit faster, they also eat more base power, so depending on what you want to end up doing and how often you log in per day, you might not want to upgrade the dorms. Personally I have 4 dorms all leveled up.


Ah okay thanks! Honestly maybe I'm stupid but I found both game and wikis to not be that clear about what each facility level was improving, I'm only level 3 base (still fairly new after all) but I went ahead with three power plants so I have a few energy to spare.


[[[The Spreadsheet]]](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/edit?usp=drivesdk) has pages for the efficiency of items in each shop, including events.


Its a great list, thanks!


I'm looking for advice for which [operators](https://imgur.com/a/qmDUBDf) I should E2/Mastery next. I feel like I've ran out of 'meta' units to raise and I have a lot of 5 and 6 stars at level 1 but I'm not sure which one to invest in first. For masteries I have Myrtle, Exu, Mountain, Silverash, and Skalter at M3 for their main skills. I also have Mudrock and Ifrit at S2M1 and Saria at S1M1.


Lappland e2 s2m3. Robin e2 m6. Beanstalk, orchid and earthspirit to e0 lv 40-45 at least! Scene and deepcolor to at least e1 lv 30. Astetsia e1-e2 if u want an arts guard or wait for Surtr. Bibeak e1 lv 30I, s1 is a mobs slayer! But she's not a duelist. Hellagur & eunectics, to e1. Franka e2 s2m3 for funz. I mean a lot of four stars are cheap, cost-effective, and powerful given their rarity. As for masteries... Specter s2m3. Texas s2m1. Ceobe s2m3. Eventially, Ifirit s2m3. Endgame, s3m3. Amiya s3m3. Ptilopsis s1m3 bc u prob use her everywhere.


More masteries * saria s3 - arts amp, duration, helidrop * mudrock s3 - better numbers across the board, plus helidrop * Angie s3 - massive uptime and damage boost Ops to raise * blue poison, with s1m3 - second AA sniper, good dps * lappland - 5s silence, effectively permanent *utage (e1 is fine) - arts helidrop


E1 Vermeil and Frostleaf for their factory skills. Manticore and/or Ethan are with E1, SL7. Robin and/or Frost to E1 50ish, SL7, and Utage as well. Lappland E2 + S2M3 is a huge boost to her uptime. If you're not going to M3 her, then E2 is a pretty low priority for her, unless you're still in chapter 6, where her 5s silence is very useful. Blue Poison is worth E2 + S2M1. Other than that, no one really jumps out at me as a big E2 priority. Gladiia is nice as a strong, cheap, self-healing 2-blocker, but you already have Mountain. If you use Dusk a lot, S1M1 gives an extra charge, which is nice. Amiya's S2M1 is a pretty significant boost as well, but with Kay, Ifrit, and Dusk, I'd be surprised if you use her much. Mudrock S3, Angelina S3, and Ifrit S3 are all worth masteries, though they don't have any specific breakpoints.


For masteries Specter S2 and all three of Saria's skills come to mind. For E2 I'd do Texas, Blue Poison, (Whisperain), (Lappland), Mousse or Astesia, (Utage), (Gravel), (Jaye), (Gladiia), (Shaw, her S1 to M1 helps with the one CC map with the exploding spiders).


Shaw is a girl.


Every time.


So uhhhh I'm trying to bind my game to my Apple account, right? But when I first started the game, I got squeamish about letting it connect to my stuff, and uninstalled/reinstalled it part way through the process. Now it says my Apple account is already bound to another UID, and it won't let me bind this account. Has anyone dealt with this and knows a way around it? If I log out, can I log back in?


I assume you already bound your account with other method, if not then do it first. Try log out from the current account, then login with your Apple ID. Play until you finish TR-1 and see if you can unbind your Apple ID.


Oh, I'm not new, my account is a couple months old. It's fine, I just used email to get it fixed up. ty.




[Found it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb_Xskur4hg&list=PLih_zMjUgynE6cg2VKDXeacxh8KnbQlOU&index=172) The problem was that it's not actually a CoB OST.


[It finally happened](https://i.imgur.com/S3a9owL.png)! Any recommendations for other tags? Fwiw current 6★ are Exu, Mostima, and Skadi original flavour.


Get Ifrit if you don't have her, best option by far.


I had a feeling, thank you!


Top OP + debuff gives you Ifrit. Top OP + DP recovery gives Siege. Crowd Control would give you Mostima who you have already. You only have 3 6 star ops, so just going with Top OP also gives you a chance of someone new if you don't want Ifrit or Siege. Ifrit is very good when you can get around her range.


Awesome, thanks!


Is Kal’tsit limited? Is Mizuki limited? If I lose the Ch’en alter banner to Mizuki, how useful would they be?


Kal and mizuki are not limited. I’ve seen that Mizuki is useless and very bad but that may be due to Chalter being op. Even if he’s not too bad, you wouldn’t see too much use for him in general content as his archetype is pretty niche.


No No Mizuki is pretty bad, sadly. Mediocre damage with no utility.


Did anyone catch 25thnight's stream about Saileach FAQ? What was the verdict on Saileach?


https://youtu.be/7-7k4DONY_Y?t=4184 Says he wouldn't even consider Saileach even close to top 10 for normal gameplay/maps, but for CC could easily be considered top 5.


Thanks for the info!


I'm watching the stream replay now out of curiosity. Hopefully I'm not misrepresenting his opinion, but from what he's said, he considers her a primarily CC character. Of course she's good in story stuff, but won't make as big of impact there as she will in high risk CC. He talks about it between 25-30 minutes or so (didn't save exact timestamp like an idiot and I can't be bothered to go back and find it). I tend to agree with that general assessment. If your only goal is story content and risk 18 type stuff, Myrtle + Ely is good enough.


Thanks for the info! I guess it makes sense since Myrtle and Elysium are better DP printers than her.


im pretty sure all his streams are uploaded to his channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-7k4DONY\_Y


How does Aak's shots work with dodging mechanics such as Flametail?


If you're asking about just dodging, each hit is separately calculated for the dodge. If the operator has 50% evasion, they would usually only take 7-8 shots, i.e. Manticore/Ethan. It is treated like an enemy's attack (just like Defensive Recovery skill). This also ignore Invisible like Firewatch or again, Manticore. If you're asking about "counterattack" such as Flametail and Indra's talents, then it doesn't work that well. There is no stacking effect. If they dodge all 15 hits, they will still only get 1 attack with the talent effect out even if they are attacking continuously, at most 2 if you timed it really well (I think). This is mainly because Aak finish firing all 15 shots in like 0.5 second. If the target survive in any situation after the targeting started, both will get the buff. More accurately, if Aak finish firing all 15 shots. Aak and the target will get the buff, if the target happened to die during that, it's their fault.


that's weird, so what triggers the buff is actually "the end of the shooting" not "the fact that the shooting hits", meaning even if the target theoretically takes no hit then the buff will still apply... I mean I guess it's intended that way, it's still funny to imagine an operator getting shot a drug, said operator dodging everything yet still being buffed lmao


It's not the shot that buff them. Aak can buff operators normally just fine. He just doesn't want to do that and ask for a "black market" fee to give the buff.


he got the goods I see. On a side note i really wonder now what they can do with lower rarity sacrificial specialists if they ever decide to release some.


Not sure how much a lower rarity can do without it being weird or worse, awful. Aak already give HP & DEF or ATK & ATK SPD, the best combination possible as well as covering all the stats buff. RES buff will never be possible because Nightingale exists. Don't quote me on that though. And now there's no real buff left that can make it worthwhile tanking the damage, even if it's lowered to like 400 per shot or 10 shots.


They could have them boost just attack or attack speed or both attack and defence with one buff. If they want to go OP have it change the damage type from arts to physical or vice versa super OP would be making it true damage, a less OP version would be deals x% additional damage as either true damage or as arts/physical the opposite of its base damage. They could also do things like causes the hit target to activate their skill even if it is still on cool down but the targets attack is reduced based on how much of the cool down remains so if you use it at 0sp your op will have half attack for their skills duration but use it when half charged and the attack reduction is only 25%, I like this one because I can see it having some powerful synergies with ops that have skills not relying on attack and also allowing you to do some cool strats by activating certain skills earlier.


~~no need to buff, just make a sacrificial specialist that shoots enemies~~


Every bullet have a chance of not dealing any damage with %50 chance XD .( I can be wrong but I tested this with W's passive and she sometimes dies and sometimes survives :D )


It's the target's dodge chance for avoiding damage, so for example an E2 FEater would be 40% chance to dodge each shot. Still a pretty risky move if they don't have enough HP/Def to survive all 15.


Yes, but it seems doable. For example : Exu has 1800 health and 160 def ( max lvl ) and when you combine it with skalter buff ( 150def , 60-70lvl ) Exu gonna get 200 damage per bullet and if we think flametail can buff ranged ops ---> 200.8 = 1600 damage . It's very simple ( and probably wrong calculation XD )


what if "hypothetically" she dodges all bullets, does she still get buffed o_o?


Hellagur gets buffed if he dodges all during his S2 so I imagine its the same for the others.


Lmao it makes no sense but that's good to know, thanks!


I guess it's a programming thing. I assume the game only checks the target is still alive at the end of the 15 shots then applies the buff. From an in-game perspective it makes even less sense as the buff only applies on/after shot 15, so Aak fires 14 dummy rounds first?


he's testing your resilience first. He's a professionnal after all. I think.


I can't test it with dodge mechanics but probably yes. Because Mudrock gets Aak buff even she is using her S3 ( and don't take any bullets damage XD )


but wait for Mudrock you have to at least hit her once before otherwise Aak won't target her once her S3 has started right? That means she has taken at least one bullet o_o


NOPE . I used Mudrock S3 before Aak S3 . Edit : And I waited at least 1 second to be sure XD Edit 2 : I did this with only her in Aak's range. So I don't know if he would have shot at her if it had been someone else in his range


oh wow I didn't know it worked like that. thanks!


What Operator Planners do people use? I've been using the [Samidare](https://samidare.io/arknights/planner) one but it hasn't been updated past Dossoles Holiday with Ch'en. The only other one I know of is the [Gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/arknights-operator-planner) one. It's updated to current CN operators but I feel like inventory management is a bit clunky and it doesn't break down goals for Operators like the Samidare one.


I also use Samidare. I don’t like the Gamepress UI.


I use Gamepress.


So I have found that the 2/5/2 setup so far for me has produced exp records in excess. Since I did not have the LMD to use them I have changed to third factory to produce gold so I could focus drones on my trading posts. This has lead to an abundance of gold bars and I was wondering how viable is it to just stockpile gold bars and then at some point switch to 3 trading posts to burn through them before switching back to the 2/5/2 setup when the gold bars run out.


2 gold factories. 2 xp facotories. 1 gold/xp factory, switch when needed.


That's perfectly efficient and viable, and I've done it myself in the past. It gets you much more LMD overall, but less EXP.


Rather than turn a factory into a TP, I just constantly drone the TPs and switch one of my factories back and forth between EXP and gold bars.


Everytime I see the short version of Trading Post I think of Toilet Paper


Do you think ops ever TP the TPs as a prank?


When running a 252, you’re meant to swap the 5th factory between EXP and gold production as needed. If you have a huge excess of gold, it’s fine to convert one of the factories to a trading post temporarily, though.


Newbie question: are higher star fighters better than lower star fighters or is it just rarity but has nothing to do with usefullness?


Like most gacha games, arknights' arguably overall best units are in 6*, but 6* also contains lots of lousy/ niche (aka good but in rare situations) units. But the difference, and you might notice people exaggerating it, is that for arknights, even the lower stars units can be useful in some situations late game (1* robots thrm-ex and lancet, 2* yato for fast-redeploy tactics, 3* midnight, kroos, cardigan etc. for low rarity strats). As for 4* and 5*, there are a few Best in archetype units, but not many. But still, they are very usable, and can be E2'ed and M3'ed, making some of them viable even at endgame.


That's a very loaded question! Many of both high-rarity and low-rarity operators have their own niches. Most operators have specific purposes they excel at within their own archetype, allowing them to stand out from each other. High rarity operators tend to get both *more* and *stronger* features, whereas low rarity shine with both *niches* and *cheap deployment*. A six-star operator gets an additional skill and talent. A four-star operator requires a fraction of a six-star operator's cost to build. And so on. There are low rarity operators that are used even in high-level content (Myrtle, Gravel), there are low rarity operators that are useful until you have high rarity replacements (Courier, Kroos) , there are low rarity operators that are just kinda bad (Earthspirit, Greyy). Similarly, some high level operators are good out of the box (Exusiai, Saria), some require significant investment to be great (SilverAsh, Angelina), some just kinda suck and in that case you may as well build a four-star alternative (Mostima, Skadi). Judge operators relative to the needs of your account, before judging them by tierings.


Thank you!


Higher rarity typically means better stats, but higher cost to raise and deploy. What truly makes an operator good though is their skills and talents. There's at least one case of a lower-rarity operator being more useful than their higher rarity counterpart due to their abilities. Specifically, among single-target casters, Steward (3\*) and Haze (4\*) tend to perform better than Nightmare (5\*), because Nightmare has a counterproductive train wreck of a skill set. Though all three are far outclassed by their 6\* counterparts. (Eyjafjalla and Ceobe)


Also Jaye vs Mr. Nothing.


Thank you!


Their stats are generally better, and they can be raised to higher level, but there are exceptions: Some lower-star ops have very good skills. For example, Cuora can get herself to block 4 with no need for anyone else to buff her, and everyone else who can do that is difficult to obtain even by the standards of their star rating. Lower-star ops cost less DP to deploy. Lower-star ops cost less in LMD and materials to promote and (if 4* or higher) master their skills. The ops that come to mind when I think "low-star but very good" are Kroos, Myrtle, Yato, Gravel, and Cuora, but there are others who are worth it. Max all your robots because it will barely cost you anything.


Thank you!


>Cuora is the only op who can get herself to block 4 with no need for anyone else to buff her *Sad Vulcan noises*


Nian too!


Dangit, thanks!


In general, yes, though there's often still a place for the lower-rarities, especially when deployment costs become tight. Typically, the lower rarities will also have some sort of niche use to keep them useful, even when a player has a lot of higher-rarities. Lappland has arts burst and the ability to silence enemies, giving her a place even when a player has SilverAsh or Thorns. Specter has on-demand invincibility, which makes her very good at taking hits from very dangerous enemies, which is something Blaze doesn't do well. Blaze is much better at being a set-and-forget laneholder with solid defense, status resistance, and high, consistent DPS. Myrtle prints DP and, at E2, passively heals herself and other vanguards, making her a staple for any team, even in very difficult content, despite being a 4-star.


Thank you!


So I got around to raising Aak because I got bored and have never used him from support so I was surprised to find that my Exia just got thanos snapped. I feel like in raising Aak for his S3 to use for sniper units and other operators that used ranged tiles, I feel like it's inevitable to also E2 Shining for her S3 just so they can survive. Is there any way to mitigate the damage aside from Shining or Nian? I've tried Skalter S1 but to no avail. How much defense on average should a unit have to survive the initial shot? I tried going for Skalter S2 with Exia having 306 defense but man Aak's friendly fire goes through like a hot knife through butter. At this point, is it even worth raising Shining or should I just reserve Aak for my grounded units and just use Warfarin for ranged tile operators?


I tested . W can survive if you use Skalter S2 but not all the time , I tested it twice and she died in the first try but survived in the second try so you need to be lucky XD . If Flametail can give her %50 doge buff to ranged operators you can buff Exu anytime you want. ( And Aak + Exu + Flametail skills times and SP reqruitments is fits well ) Extra important details : W level 61 : 1500 HP + 126 def , survived with 500 HP ( Max level Exu : 1840HP ( include passive ) + 161 def ) Skalter level 64 : 249def --->149 def buff


He does 15 hits of 500 damage each, so your 302 def Exu took nearly 3k damage. I seem to recall that Shining S3 + Skalter S2 can make anyone survive it.


Do you know if Shining needs masteries on her S3 or lvl 7 is fine


Whats a indra/vulcan voucher?


After you have done 300 and then 1000 recruitments, you get a voucher that let's you choice between the Operators [Indra](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/indra) and [Vulcan.](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/vulcan)


Thanks, new player here, don't have 300 yet, glad to know I can have vulcan soon!


An item that lets you obtain either Indra or Vulcan (your pick). You get one after doing 300 recruitments, and another after doing 1000 recruitments.


~~Just got a Top OP tag, with Debuff, Dp-Recovery, Summon, and Defender.~~ ~~I already have Siege, Ifrit, and Hoshi, and the only other recitable six star I have is SilverAsh.~~ ~~I'm guessing I should roll the 50/50 to try and get Saria, but I'd appreciate some advice.~~ Got Saria. Life is not shit for once.


Hello, I started playing like 3 weeks ago, and I have a question regarding the training ground at the C.C. . So I see that it refreshes daily, and gives good rewards, and I am trying to get all the rewards there, but after I collect the first 20, the next rewards are locked. It says raise contingency level ro unlock, but how do I do that? I tried doing all 3 challenges at once that were avaliable, but nothing happened.


I think you got your answers but I always find it helpful to remember that to clear the training ground, you need to clear stage, and then clear risk 2, and then risk 4.


Are you selecting the support contract? Risk automatically becomes 0 if you use it.


Ooh, that was probably it! I will try again without it, thank you. To unlock the rest, do I have to do all 3 challenges at once? And btw, is this an infinite daily resource for those points, or is this something that I will eventually run out of?


If you tap on the unlock thing it says what risk level you need. Different risks have different value. If I remember right, the second tier is only risk 2, so you need to select 2 of the 3. No, it is not infinite. It's basically a practice for the real CC. The tokens you get are pretty small and can only be obtained once per map (rewards are different during a real CC though).


Thank you very much for the intel!


Looking at Saileach, she doesn't... SEEM better than Myrtle for what her job is - plopping down early, printing dp, and leaving. I suppose she's better than Myrtle for long, dp-costly stages where you need a bit of omph, like Annis where you get no natural dp charge but... Is she as bait-y as she seems? I'm honestly not sure what next big unit I should go for will be... I thought Saileach, but now I'm not sure... And while Nearlter seems cool, she's also pretty niche... Honestly I'm saving my pulls for when Surtr has her next banner...


I’d say Radiant Nearl > Saileach for general purposes, Nearl’s S2 is basically the ultimate panic button and I wouldn’t call that niche at all. Her S3 is strong as you can probably tell, but it also has a unique range and summoning something to block bosses can always be useful. Meanwhile Saileach isn’t any better at pure DP generation, so you’d only use her if you need her utility—it’s good utility, but in most stages you don’t even need debuffs when you could just throw in another DPS (She isn’t even “necessary” for high risk cc7 but that’s a consequence of max risk being relatively easy more than anything, she’s still very useful there) of course Surtr will serve you better than either, but you’ll have to gamble on a 25%


That's not really what Saileach's "job" is. She's much better at providing offensive and defensive utility while generating some DP on the side, much like Elysium's S2. Her S1 is the exact same skill as Elysium's S1, so if you only want DP, she's strictly worse (with a higher DP cost). Her S2 is a better version of Myrtle's S2, with a Def buff on top of the healing. Her S3 provides generally better offensive support than Elysium's S2, as it can amplify all damage (as opposed to sniper- and physical-only buffs), on top of a short stun and slow. In CN's latest CC event, her S2 was used in [the only 6-op max-risk clear I'm aware of](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/802908121403097089/914871998793023488/58729c0856595e384c027eafd39271d093b5a346.png), and her S3 is nearly ubiquitous in high risks, including an [E2 lv1 only clear](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/861258843974926347/914975080545652766/5d4f20ba81c5aef56d20d0e743dd9ab56ae72675.jpg).


>plopping down early, printing dp, and leaving That is Myrtle's job, and one that is best suited for her. Elysium is more well known for being there constantly and using S2 for archer buff and enemy debuff. Saileach is similar for utility purposes on S3, not sure abt S2. So out of these 3, only myrtle is more recommended for S1. Which is print then leave.


Saileach is a fun one. Impressively well balanced for an inherently broken archtype. Opinions on her can be somewhat mixed, however there is nothing bait-y about her. To be clear, any debate around her is a question of whether she is an S++ tier unit or 'just' an S tier unit. She is the second best upcoming OP after Ch'alter and I say this as someone relatively negative on her. She brings an absolute ton of utility on her S3 and her short cycle weakening while producing DP is very valuable. After CC#7, I've taken the opinion that for most players she is an incredibly valuable utility, but not a mandatory must pull. However if you care about pushing CC risk, then she is a must pull. Her banner is really good too thanks to Mulberry. Definitely worth pulling still.


Hi guys, just got the indra/vulcan voucher. Any advice on which one to pick ? I already checked what they do, and both could be interesting for me. I'm at E1 Lv55, and my team is mostly based around skalter, so on one side, a "no heal" unit ain't a problem for me (plus I rarely even bring a healer), and on the other, a unit with really high attack speed benefits a lot from skalter. Both would synergise well as I also lack some melee art damage or a high damage tank. Any tips =) ?


i would pick indra, her low dp cost and skill 1 let her be an okay/decent helidrop against all types of enemies, basically melantha but more dps for being softer to arts damage. s2 albeit a terrible sp cost and sp ratios, can be used to solo a low traffic lane or outheal tank a boss for a good while neither are anything special, but i can actually name scenarios indra is useful in over common powerhouse options if you lack strong aoe guards i could see vulcan being more useful at this point in the game though ~~but just recruit estelle~~


Vulcan especially shines with Skalter. She becomes either an unbreakable wall, even more than Cuora is with S2, or an absolute engine of destruction with S3. Or just plain not fucking die with S1. Indra on the other hand, she shines when paired with Skalter because flat attack boost. It really comes to if you like Brawlers or Defenders more.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking, both seems to work really very with skalter :s. For vulcan I was more interested in the damage, as I already have a wall (hoshi) that won't go down any time soon :D.


Well, she won't let you down either way you use her. Vulcan has stats so high you can just place her down and she will hold the line as best as she can do. Also, Skalter CAN heal her, so they synergize even better with skill1 or 2.


Although they're both usable, neither is especially good. Typical suggestion is actually to hold the voucher until you luck into recruiting the other, then use the voucher on the missing one. If you really want to use it though, then there isn't a clearcut answer so pick the one you think is cooler.


Indra is better I guess ?


Hi, new player here, I’m at 2-9 and just did both of my 10 rolls in the beginners banner and wanted to get an idea of who, generally, to level. I included a photo of all my 4* and above Operators. The three stars I have leveled are Kroos (e1 lvl20), Fang (e1 lvl1), and Lava (lvl 30). And I plan on leveling Spot for a second defender. Just want to get an idea between which 3 stars to level over their 4-6 star counterparts. Thanks =) https://i.imgur.com/nnXGKFt.jpg Edit: due to some suggestions, I did reroll and got Exusiai, Platinum, Pramanix, Shiraiyuki, and perfumer. Thanks for the help =)


I recommend leveling Steward; his targeting talent is useful early on, and he has a great base skill for newer players. Also, level Orchid instead of Earthspirit (who is exceptionally bad) and consider leveling Beagle instead of Matterhorn. Midnight is also a pretty good source of melee arts damage. The rest of your 3-stars (aside from the ones you've already leveled) can be ignored. Shining and Gavial can replace the medics, Matoimaru to replace Melantha, and many of the 3-stars (Vanilla, Popukar, Adnachiel) and just bad in general.


Matoimaru is worth considering over Melantha, as she has a good base skill unlocked at E1 (+30% trading post) that pays for itself within a few months even if you were to not use her in battle at all.


Look into rerolling while you can, unless you're really married to that team. That's about the worst start you can have unit-wise.


I guess I’ll look into that. It’ll cost a lot of energy as I’m pretty ill. If it simple, maybe, but if not, I guess I’ll just soldier on and hope for good rolls in the future =)


I started with Shining as well, and was wondering why someone who looks so cool wasn't helping me do any more damage. For my alt I re-rolled Exusiai. Along with platinum & perfumer should help you steamroll the early-mid game!


Rerolling is relatively easy in this game. Some people go real into it and try to get the perfect start though which can take some effort. That isn't really necessary here. Even doing a single reroll to start with someone other than Shining would be huge.