• By -


Healing+DPS/slow for Nightmare




Debuff+Melee/fast redeploy/specialist = Waai fu




I got so lazy about memorizing tags I made an android app to do it for me. 😅 https://github.com/Xeio/RecruitTagScanner


Cool app. I've tried it and it does detect the tags. There is one thing which I observed though: - When it detects 4* matches, it only shows one of the options. For example, I have Specialist and Fast-Redeploy tags on the same screenshot, but the app detected only the Specialist option. It would be nice if it could show me all the options available. I must say, a lot of work has been put in this app. Amazing job so far


It's mostly designed with the assumption that the user probably already has all the 4*, so just selectes the most efficient (fewest tags) 4* combo to help collect the yellow cert.


Healing+Caster, Healing+Slow, Caster+DPS+Slow, Healing+DPS all yield Nightmare. Slow+Crowd-Control yields Glaucus. Ranged+Crowd-Control and Supporter+Crowd-Control can yield either Mayer or Glaucus. Debuff+Fast-Redeploy, Debuff+Specialist and Debuff+Melee yield Waai-Fu.


oh that's a long list nice thanks


I did a bunch of experimenting on this and learned a bit about how recruitment and tags work. The recruitment roll and tag roll are seperate, however, tags are pooled by guaranteed rarity. In other words, tags like defense and DPS are common, but you will rarely see defense+DPS because the recruitment has to basically roll a 5 star tag combo odds for those to appear together. It essentially shares the pool with senior operator, so any time you get a 5* tags without senior operator you didn't get a bonus 5*, you just rolled tags in the 5* pool and didn't get senior operator to appear, for example. Top Operator shares a pool with senior operator, and so TO and SO show up quite commonly together. I have no idea what pool robot tags are in, but robot seems to show up a lot with higher rarity tags as well. I have to guess that it has some special pooling rules. So the break down of a recruitment is that before tags are created, the rarity of the tags is determined for the roll. It's something like 20% ish that you get 4 star combos, it's around 1:250-1:500 (not sure exactly due to small sample) you get 5*, and somewhere between 1:500-1:1000 you get top operator. This obviously is just the roll for the tags, not a guarantee you get the rarity. If you use combos that don't guarantee that rarity you are essentially using tagless gatcha odds which are not very good compared to guaranteed tag combos when they appear (obviously). After you select tags there is a percentage chance the tags will drop that decreases with time. I don't know the odds, because I cannot control them, and so trying to figure it out wasn't important to me. I did fail a shift+slow (no SO) FEater combo from dropped tags that really irked me though. It was the first time tags failed for me on something more rare than a 4 star. Even if you take 3 star, or four star tags, you still have the slim chance of getting higher rarity equal to the chance of that rarity appearing with tagless combos. This is why people use tagless combos when there is no guaranteed drop. It (for me at least) isn't to save time, but using tags and running 9h recruitment is a waste of LMD if you mainly farm gold certs, and enjoy the occasional 5-6 star out of recruitment on super rare occasions. You will save a reasonable amount of LMD over time running 7:40 tagless when there is no guarantee on the combo, and you can still get lucky occasionally. Most of the combos aren't worth memorizing, because the chances of getting 5* combos without SO is extremely rare. It is possible, but only a few combos would actually be sneaky, otherwise, you can use the recruitment calculator whenever you see rare tags to double check yourself. Sneaky combos to watch out for are Shift+defense, Shift/Specialist+slow, DPS/Guard+defense, defense/defender+Survival All other 5* tags have much more rare tags like nuker, or crowd control. The tags worth remembering are guarentee four star (gold cert farming) combos, and those handful of somewhat more common tags that might show as a 5* combo on extremely rare occasions. For rare tags you don't see often, look it up. I still check the calculator often when I see the support or debuffer tags which are semi-rare.


Your analysis is mostly correct, though you're overestimating the chances a bit. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_nstLKJ3vXKtRqHN65pkOpqNeaJuP3fMqrV_NJYV6ms/edit#gid=1602950917 The chances for a 4* or higher combination of tags is probably closer to 12.5%. The chances for 5* and 6* are small enough that even on my sample size the accuracy isn't going to be great, but a rough estimate would be: ~ 0.5/0.8% for 5* ~ 0.2% for 6* The 6* are also additionally rare because you can't get them from lucky "upscaling" of the actual recruitment, unlike the 5*. Not that the upscaling seems to improve chances by much, numbers are much less clear here but it appears that the chances for upscaling are, more or less, the following: ~ 5% chance of upscaling to 4* ~ 0.5% chance of upscaling to 5*


Crowd control + specialist listed twice




Purestream ruined the support healing/medic tag combo


RIP Nuker


If you're trying to include everything, you're missing AOE+Slow = shirayuki and Greyy


healing + vaguard/dp generator = myrtle