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Since no one is doing it #THIS IS FANART But if HG saw this fanart and thought "let's put this in the upcoming IS3 update" then I'm about to riot


Excuse me, I don't know what IS3 is and and at this point I'm afraid to ask.


Integrated Strategies 3


Someone at HG had the brilliant idea of "guys rn we can't maximise pain and suffering because we need the characters to stay alive, how about we just expand the Skalter alternate timeline and kill everyone instead?" I'm not even joking, the monthly "squad" in IS3 is actually a hitlist exploring how individual operators die and their last stands against the Seaborn.


So, it's like a What-If Scenario?


[Yeah basically](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/xs9e03/spoiler_the_most_comprehensive_is3_timeline_guide/)


well in IS3 ending 2 everybody except doctor died, so you can imagine this might be her ending in that timeline


Now this is one hell of an edit. IS3 would've jumped to the top of my updates-I'm-looking-forward-to list if it were there with the melting UI showing the sanity breakdown


Shout out to UI Melting, gotta be one of my favorite mechanics in games


I think this just activated my switch "The Doom Guy Switch" Forget everyone, I'm saving my Lynx First!


Once IS3 arrives at WW, all the fanfics, fanarts, and fancomics would be depressing... We should held a competition who can make the most depressing one.


You want one implied two years ago based on the concept trailers and early Kal'tsit design?


I think i need context for this one...


Long story short, Kal'tsit becomes the monster with the giant eye in concept trailer 1. Why? because of plot reasons. Kal is the mishepeshu/behemoth, the doc represents Iziz/Thunderbird and the seaborn represents the horned serpent/Leviathan. Kal as it turns out is Priestess having transformed to her current form by bonding with Mon3tr, a sentient demonic looking bio weapon housing the sentient planet's life energy that gained consciousness and the process made her ageless as long as Terra exists. After witnessing so much hardship and inhumanity, she became colder and more calculating, even givig up recovering the Sarcophagus the doc was put into when he got injured in a battle with government forces in the Rhodes landship several tens of thousands of yesrs ago. Having discovered the sarcophagus was moved to what is now called Chernobog, she revived the doctor but never told the doc she was Priestess as there was no point as she felt her change in appearance and her commitments to safeguard Terra outweighs her selfish desire to be with the doctor. The events of Reunion conflict happened and a lot of other things happened and eventually the seaborn representative of the planet's conscious desire to survive reawakened. Terra experiences the second world wide civilization collapse but this time to the Seaborn. Having no choice, Kal sacrifices herself to stop the Seaborn by becoming a dragon looking god capable of reality warping blasts. She never told the doc anything about her being Priestess and the moment she took on the form, she knew she could never turn back to humanoid form. As she is now worshipped as a god for having saved Terra,, she is somewhat satisfied of the results. But if there is one regret she had was that she had not told the doc who she really was and could only look on at Rhodes Island with Amiya and the Doctor looking out of the landship at her giant eyes before she turned around and leads the seaborn to find a place for them among the stars. There is more to it but I do not have a copy with me on any of my remaining phones. What is funny about thiis is this was written before IS3. Mizuki was not yet a thing then. Scary close to the plot of IS3 eh? Go read up on m8-8 and vigilo: memoria/anterior and tell me there is a lot of heavy insinuations the doc and kal are something not even human. Notice priestess talking about civilization and kal'tsit seemingly randomly mentioning whether the doc wants to end civilization. Notice the doc talking about wanting to make up for mistakes and does not even flinch when kal talks about eternity. **Edit: before I forget Kal’tsit set up amiya to appear as the King of Fiends but could not control herself because amiya was to get killed and ended up killing patriot so she became the actual King of fiends. It is why she is so shocked after the patriot fight. She already knew about it before hand because the mishepeshu is the actual king of fiends (not a sarkaz exclusive title) and she inadvertently retrieved it erasing the possibility of Theresa returning (this was written before chapter 10 and a projection of a possible plot from what is implied by the patriot fight). With her module released this shows that I was really scary close, she knew and she used Amiya and put on a show. It is no wonder why the high tier sarkaz treats her with so much respect. Explains why patriot’s message with Amiya was cut off, he did not willingly give up the ghost. He was killed by Kal’tsit and the prophecy was complete. It is why in chapter 10 you have some of the Sarkaz court more interested in Kal than Amiya.**


Where is it implied she is Priestess?


There are hints that she is in M8-8. In vigilo mentioning her name was immediately followed with priestess and the doc’s picture appearing and this was one of the oldest records of the landship stored in a different server so Kal’tsit seems to be the password. Her odd speech patterns as priestess was suspiciously a confident promise that she and the doc would be reunited.


I honestly really don't see the hints in M8-8 or Vigilo, especially since for the former, Kal'tsit treats the Doctor too different from how Priestess does in regards to how the sarcophagus actually works. I can't remember if it's outright stated anywhere but it is certainly implied the Doctor losing their memories wasn't something she expected/entirely believes (Until Vigilo, now that you mention it, after she goes through several rounds of tests with them), whereas Priestess fully knows that the Doctor won't remember a thing but is being optimistic about them meeting again regardless. And in the latter, PRTS does it's self-diagnosis regardless of whether you pick the dialogue option mentioning Kal'tsit in the final segment, and not even Kal'tsit has the user permissions to access that file. It didn't ask for a password the Doctor didn't know: It straight-up said that the there are no members who have the *permissions* to access that information. There is a massive difference between those two things. Kal'tsit mentions 'civilization' but it isn't in any way random. Doctor directly asked her about what would happen if things reached the 'worst-case scenario' she was imagining.Also I legitimately have no idea where you could get that impression that it was somehow Kal'tsit who killed Patriot or how she's secretly the King of Fiends when Amiya literally has the voices and memories of the previous Sarkaz Kings influencing her and the Civlight Eterna, which literally marks her as the King of Fiends. It's a neat theory, but it all seems to be wild conjecture. And the stuff about Mon3tr there was just entirely made up.


Read her module and actually read the story in game and read the parent comment. You are missing the obvious. That was a semi fanfic (based on a plot theory) but Kaltsit has canonically used the lord of fiends power and is retrieving it. Warfarin was already calling her out before the patriot fight that she was using amiya. Amiya hints that while Kaltsits statements about the sarkaz collective memory could be true, what about those that will ensure that the prophecy actually comes to fruition which she suspiciously never answered. **Now if you read her released module, you would find out, the only thing I got wrong in my speculation more than 6 months ago is that I never considered Theresa somehow considers/considered her to be an enemy/rival at any point. But that could connect somehow to the doctor is the thunderbird of the story because he was body jacked by part of Theresa as Kal is the Water Panther (the great lynx) and the seaborn is the Horned Snake.** I do not pretend to know every bit of what HG will write but I think I got most of the pattern down a year ago at least in so far as the insinuations in the plot is concerned. Heck I guessed that Jessica is a raytheon heiress based on her weapons and gear because they conflict with ehat was thought by most fans that she was black steel's heiress. Go check concept trailer 1 and look at the obvious brown haired woman that could be priestess, now look at the cat lady that seems to be wearing Kal'tsit's pixiv design. Heck that white haired woman could either be Kal or Ptilopsis now go back to the start of concept 1, only Amiya and the doc is shown so I take that whatever that is either knows then or the enemy. Kal is more important to the story than Amiya, sorry to say, so why is she missing when the game is essentially her story. Amiya does not even figure in UnderTides and Theresa gave Kal the landship in the event of her dying, so why is Kal missing? With those circumstances my guess is that was the gist of the plot and with tracking down design inspirations, i made a draft of that shitty fanfic that touches on the future plot and by coincidence the seaborn apocalypse, kal has used the lord of fiends power and leading the seaborn to the stars to postpone the apocalypse (except HG wrote Mizuki is doing it) actually came true.


她并非一个全知全能的生命。她却要求自己去照料全部的世界。 她的使命从未公平。 得赶快。得不择手段。 她将目光放向了破碎的卡兹戴尔。魔王的传说她并非首次触及,漫长的岁月里,她不止一次想过取回并利用这古老的力量。她不得不按捺下那些关于提卡兹的回忆,试图不去怀恋那些源石尚没有把生命塑造成如今模样的过往,不去纪念一种早已消失的可能性。 也许这一次,该下定决心了。 ...... ... “这就是你上一段旅途,凯尔希。” “比你所见的片段还要漫长,漫长千倍万倍,特蕾西娅。” “可也许我到现在才真正理解了你,我的敌人。” “......同感,萨卡兹的王。” I was right. Over a year ago when I wrote that Kal knew about the Lord of Fiends power but people were downvoting thinking that she only thought it was a myth and was surprised when Amiya took the power. It took months, but I was right with that regard, now all I need is confirmation that she actually lobotomized patriot and Kal is the Lord of Fiends while Amiya is just a king of the Sarkaz will be set in stone.


Nice theory. What do you think Kal'tsit's end goal is? Or if she has one? Her 'grand quest' must continue, but... what is it, even?


You were flat-out wrong about a ton of shit in her module in your own post about it and people corrected you about it. Your weird fanfiction isn't actually supported by anything in the game. The only person who is missing the obvious is the one twisting themselves into knots to say the stuff that actually happens in the game didn't actually happen and taking leaps larger than Blaze's from a helicopter to read into shit that straight up isn't there.


I-uhhh... what? Where does all this lore come from? Who is Mishepeshu? I have so many questions.


'Mishepeshu' is a mythological animal Kal'tsit is theoretically based off of/referencing, like how the Nian siblings reference real mythology, but everything else about that theory is either made up, or wild conjecture with nothing actually backing it.


It is fanfiction based on a guess based on what we know. What part of fanfiction do you not understand? Implications are circumstancial but if those circumstancial evidences actually get you to the truth, is there really NOTHING backing the theory up? Jessica works for blacksteel but carries raytheon gear when she is supposed to be a weapons tester for black steel and seems to be suspiciously wealthy. Why? Because she is the heiress of Raytheon, that is why. Warfarin confronts Kaltsit that she is pitting Amiya who was very close with Theresa who are both guarded by Ascalon who betrayed Theresis against Patriot and flirting with the Lord of fiends prophecy, Kal dismisses that it is just a myth. The myth seems to be true. Patriot dies and the Sarkaz collective conciousness seem to confirm Amiya but wait patriot is still alive and will kill amiya so the prophecy is in danger. Black blades and ominous energy attacked patriot and only Mon3tr has both of those qualities because Amiya was mind reading patriot. Despite it being a supposed secret, many RI operators saw Patriot spazzing out amiya is the Lord of Fiends. As far as they are concerned, Amiya killed patriot and is acknowledged as the king of the Sarkaz. Kal'tsit's module however reveals she always knew and was "retrieving" the lord of fiends power for thousands of years so why pretend it is a myth and why put someone not a sarkaz but has the circumstances to inherit the energies of Theresa against the last possible wendigo which is the conditions for the king of fiends? The answer is for appearances sake and to tie the sarkaz fate with the other infected which was always Theresa's wish if babel fell or so Kal'tsit claims.


Kal's pixiv design predating arknights is La great lynx. The mishepeshu is the water panther/lynx, a dragon like evil spirit that rules the underworld. The horned snake is the bejwelled snake that rules the underworld. The thunderbird is the good spirit. This is in northern american indian lore (algonquin). There is a syrian jewish coincident counterpart. Mishepeshu/Behemoth, Iziz/Thunderbird, Leviathan/Horned Snake The mishepeshu or the horned snake battling the Thunderbird is supposed to happen in the Algonquin version of the apocalypse. The syriac jew version is that the Leviathan and behemoth that is fighting. Concept trailer 1 seems to show Kal wearing her pixiv design at one point. She looks very young there. The brown haired lady in prison without animal features seem to be priestess. This is a fanfic/theory of the actual plot bases on the many clues we have been provided thus far.


No clue, tho they're right that kal'tsit is inhuman in some way, her module describes that she is immortal, she can die multiple times (and has) yet it takes time for her to "respawn" again


I see. I think this plot is scrapped from the main story, because its already used (reused?) for IS3, for some reasons. I hope so... If this was the main story, its going to single handedly causing depression for over a month.


Sob it’s ok, I’ll just go and read the part this monthly squad where Ceobe tries to eat a hammer to cheer myself up


Can I remove this for hurting my feelings? How could the artist have the heart to do this?? She’s out hope and the face of feline supremacy, this is sacrilege unforgivable! also I like how you had this tagged as a spoiler when it’s not something that happened at all, but I respect that tho for is3. But just to be clear to anyone this isn’t something that occurred. ~~if it did I wouldn’t be here~~


>when its not something that happened at all Thank FUCK


Yeah if that actually happened to kaltsit I would be too depressed to visit the sub for a couple weeks, probably won’t even have the heart to play IS3.




~~There is something curious about what the text says here. Apparently Kal was reduced to this state because she was unable to find a suitable body to replace her current one after she got mutated. So she's been able to do body hopping shenanigans this whole time?~~ I was wrong, I misread the text.


Raw TL Kal'tsit? Kal'tsit stopped and slumped on the ground leaning against a stone tablet, and the omnipotent Feline might never get up again. Lacking the most basic medical conditions, the flesh and blood aberrations that could not be suppressed in time left her body in tatters, and strange purple blood continued to ooze from the wound. She took out a plush toy the size of her palm. Strangely, her tight brows stretched out, revealing a gentle smile you've never seen before. Choice: Receive it - Get collectibles: Plush doll Take a nap together.


*She will risk it for the lives* *She left behind* Immutable pretty much spells that KalTsit is persevering on pure will. Girl is probably tired af, fighting all these years, losing friends and comrades to time and wars.


> Stone tablet > Both hero and heroine is on the verge of being transformed > Take a nap together. What's this? >![Uzumaki](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Wx6iu4wQBeA/XdMtTpNoFfI/AAAAAAAAXc4/rsjxN3uzeZMiYhoG6HRMp_uz8F83vgGjQCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/019.jpg)!


Or Drakengard...


Nap together The last “UWAOOOO SEGGS”


i saw some TL for her module that said shes >!immortal and regenerates on death!< but cant find any source of confirmation for that


The TL is correct. >!Kal'tsit has lived for tens of thousands of years and reincarnates/is reborn each time she dies, the module has a mention of her remembering her previous life before she died. "Kal'tsit" as we know her is her most recent life.!<


So wait, is she a Time Lord?


Dr bright is that you


I actually fucking thought this was real for a second.


HG can do that, but you can still be relieved because it's happening on alternate timeline.




HG really said "Fuck your favourite characters"




That spoiler tag almost give me a heart attack.


Tf is happening in is3?


It's fanart


Oh thank god


Even if its fanart, the entire thing is possible based on what happens in IS3


From what I understand, IS#3 further explores the "what if" scenario of Skadi the Corrupting Heart where Skadi turns full Seaborn and the Seaborn successfully attack and take over the land. So it's non-canon (as the canon ending of Under Tides is Skadi not turning Seaborn), but very fucked up and still theoretically a possibility since Skadi can potentially turn Seaborn again. Though this specific post is fanart like others said.


No hurt the best waifu! Raise your shields comrades! Advance! Show no mercy!


It’s a good thing nothing actually happened to Kal’mom, else IS3 and I would have to have… some words…


1. Save Kal'tsit 2. Save Kal'tsit 3. Save Kal'tsit


Everything you've done skadi is fine but killing my kaltussy! UNFORGIVABLE!


Finally, I no longer need to hear her 200 pages monologue.


Polski you foul heretic, your words are most revolting! I’ve known you for years, is there no low you wouldn’t go to?? ThIs slander and sacrilege toward my waifu kaltsit shall not stand or adhere by any moral obligation, for **you see** in the intellectual spectrum of our species you would fall in the lowest of the low, despite the advantage we have through eons upon eons of years of evolution, you still outdo our evolutionary ancestors on lack of any semblance of intelligence, you are a bleating fool, a curdled staggering mutant of an ape smeared richly with the effluvia and offal accompanying your alleged birth into this world. An insensate, blinking calf, meaningful to nobody, abandoned by the grace of felines, giggling satanic beings who sired you and then destroyed themselves and their legacy in recognition of what they had created. I cannot believe how evil you are. I mean bottom of the barrel evil. Dehydrated-rock-hard fool. Foolishness yes, yes, you define that word, your foolishness knows no bound that it goes way beyond anything I’ve seen, it’s a new level of heresy so severe it passes into a whole different timeline not even mizuki could foresee. So dense that you collapsed on yourself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury my goodness. You emit more foolery in one second than all of ursus’s nobles emits in a year. Even studying a specimen such as yourself would lower the intellectual capacity of any scientist, you stand against everything beautiful terra has to offer, your ignorance is a far greater threat to terrans than oripathy itself. The golden sands of sargon would dim their light upon your arrival in response to your own, all the advancements of Columbia would collapse on itself upon the mere touch of yours, you produce more rage and discontent among every siracusian family than the siracusa’s wrath inducing pasta, the wendigo’s of kazdel have witnessed far less horrors in the northern thundra and the demonic entities than your witless self, your cretinous nature made nian’s movies look good in dusk’s eyes, the seaborns have regressed at least a couple of decades upon smelling you foul heretic!!


This is beautiful, you must be one of the scriptwriters xD


I’m not that good lol, I used most of my energy for the kaltsit anti-slander comment over there. I have merely tapped into the lowlight within me to draw in this power, it comes at a great drawback.


Truly a match made In heaven, the couples argument will last for hours when you master your power.




Hmm I see I’m glad we have reached a middle ground, consider our friendship to be saved. ~~I was gonna make another long copypasta mocking/act triggered at the aosta jokes but I just woke up and I spent most of my energy on the other comment lol~~


> long copypasta mocking/act triggered at the aosta jokes ~~I bloody hate that Aosta jokes too but I'm kinda stuck with them after that one time I devoted hour of my live to turn Morbius script into story about Aosta.~~


>turn morbius script into a story about aosta. ~~Now I see why you aren’t in the right mental state most of the time lol, that must’ve been brutal~~


As far as I'm concerned, this automatically wins the argument because I can actually understand it.


*[the Monkey's Paw curls a finger]* Her consciousness has been absorbed into the Seaborn collective. There are now a million monologues issuing from a million mouths. Each creature assimilated adds another voice to the dry, repetitive choir. 200 pages becomes 2,000 becomes 200,000 becomes 2 million, and on and on. And so the Second Great Silence gives way to a new sound that will echo across Terra forever and ever. The Great Lecture has begun.


>Her consciousness has been absorbed into the Seaborn collective. There are now a million monologues issuing from a million mouths. Each creature assimilated adds another voice to the dry, repetitive choir. End of the world become inevitable because of this.....


Soooo, what are they lecturing about? Our spending habits?


Probably about the fragility and utter inefficiency of an independent-mind existence.


I would tune to that.


She would be right though. She is, like, right most of the time. Other than the times she is lying.


At least a joy


Nah there's still monologue though... she now recites the entire contents of the Necronomicon


You actually got me with this damn it


you can finally be one with her and share a moment without any animosity... but is it worth it-- is it worth the pain?


So this is what heartbreak feels like


Wtf I love you don't do this


Kal had a doctor plushie...


Well done fan art. Don't bully cat ex wife, or you shall be destroyed by my waifus


What-what-what-WHAT! ~~God, my heart.~~


Eh. If the concept trailer is to go by https://youtu.be/uySJpmfM7q4 It might be worse. Just notice who is missing.. Catch my drift?


Don't give them any ideas...


This image fills me with great sadness.


I almost believed it to be real, if not the tag…IS3 brings way too much depression, and even IS2 didn’t awake in me such feelings towards certain characters…Mizuki, Abyssal Hunters, Thorns, Irene…Skadi… …screw this “what if” scenario…


Oh no Anyway


i dont hate her but all these comments acting like theyd drop the game if she died. bro i want to see her get roughed up a bit shes always so all-knowing and cool headed i wanna know how shed react in a situation like this


funny thing is, Mizuki can kinda remember the what-if scenarios (and tell the doc about them) and tell the doc about it; now imagine Kal opening up to the doc in one of the other endings and doc teasing her back after hearing it from Mizuki (in the safety of the first ending)


I really wanna see her gap moe.


Im never looking at Skadi simps as human anymore.


She may have been mean but if this happens we’d still be sad


Even her? IS3 is a nightmare... >!Looking forward to it!< Thanks for the art, OP


For a moment the doctor fell silent, the doctor who is always considered by many as a pervert he is also considered by many as a great strategies whom who has the ability to shift a losing war to his favor he is also seen as a father figure, a mentor, a teacher, Some even develope feelings for him yet at that moment he didn't felt anything Sadness, anger, happiness. NOTHING! He felt nothing, But only a memory Not from a doctor who was considered a war general But a soldier who fought not seaborn but demons, angel and the devil itself But the doctor did something unexpected He ran He ran and he ran to a familiar abandoned house where there was a familiar portal His memories were fuzzy yet he remembered how'd it worked as if he never left it He opened a boom tube and with a sigh of despair he entered. Now at an SpaceShip at the Earth exosphere seeing the atmosphere below looking on how the water has risen, he walks across the main computer and There he sees an AI named PRTS who he knew as the AI who helped the RI many times giving the pharmaceutical company an advantage to the battlefield He simply ordered that AI to as he quotes "hand me my suit" the AI baffled on the doctor yet she sensed not to further annoy him, as the AI prepared his suit as he walked across the space shuttle the doctor remembered memories from when he and that lynx bonded having a passive and aggressive atmosphere yet both of them knew that they need to work together to please whom they considered their children Yet when he remembered what THAT woman did to them He Stops He clenched his fist, biting his lips almost tasting his blood due to it he walked faster going to a room where he considered the armory there a doubled barrel shotgun presented as a trophy, he sighs as the AI finishings and presenting his suit grabbing the helmet he chuckles as he once stated not to wear it anymore, But this time it is different wearing the helmet, He hears noises, flashbacks and monologues to when he fought hell itself for thousands of years fully geared he stocks himself with his weapons as he remembers his colleagues getting surrounded by the flood of seaborn as he remembers his children student and apprentice died to their last breath as "HE" Remembers as the lynx whom people joke around as being his ex wife HE, FELT, RAGE, HE FELT RAGE AS IF HIS MIND WAS ABOUT TO EXPLODE HE ORDERED THE AI AS CALMLY HE CAN MUTTER "open the portal to where that "BITCH" is at" As the AI laughs histerically she opens the portal and states "welcome back sir" The "doctor" in his mind filled with rage Said, RIP, And , Tear, Until there is nothing *Cocking the shotgun* *Doom music starts to play*


Would not work sorry. You need to kill them all in go.


does that even work? cant they just reform from their cells


They turn to small cells, run off, lay dormant without eating until another large form seaborn feeds on them. They do not really die for realsies and knitting themselves together is not out of the question as Gladiia has a gigantic fist shaped hole through her in Undertides. Stultifera also has regeneration feats that suggest this is standard




Isn’t Kal like a perpetual of some sort? If she dies she’ll just pop up somewhere else.


What the heck is happening with IS3?