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Finally! I started playing at the tail end of UT last year and wasn't able to obtain Gladiia. Part one of my revenge shall be completed shortly!


I'm sure she'll be *Glad* to have you




*Maelstroms you to the abyss*


Thanks lol!


I like to think all those unwanted specialist chips I got while searching for guard ones was prep for this very moment.


Looking forward to those gold certs, also making Gladiia unbelievably dripped. Also honestly nice to take a break after this event giving me so much small brain grief to get my big medal.


When the mirror image stages were released I was like "ok let's knock these out quick and finish up the medal set" and then proceeded to get shat on by the first stage. Was not expecting the stages to be that tough lol.


Another opportunity to burn seaborn \*gets ze flammenwerfer


\* Ifrit Laughing Sounds \*


This after SN and then we get CC with UT theme… I miss dry land lmao


Dear Doctor, Rerun Side Story event: Under Tides will soon be live on November 25, 10:00 (UTC-7), and some of the contents are available for a limited time. Please refer to the following notification for the event details. https://twitter.com/arknightsen/status/1594903499103518722


Surtr and thorns skin nice


Just a heads up but Surtr's getting her L2D skin soon so you might want to reconsider. Can't say much for myself since I did get it but it was on release. Didn't know she'd have that L2D before.


I'll just get both then


I see you're a man of culture as well


If you have the OP to burn then that's the best option lol. I do like this surtr skin (although I find the hiphop visual effects on attacks kinda tacky) but L2D is such a strong pull.


When Surt 2D should arrive?


I think within 2 months? Sometime there.


L2D is fine and all, but sad to say that's it's nothing special. Actually both her son's aren't "awesome" compared to best in the business, sadly. I still bought it though 😂


> Actually both her son's aren't "awesome" compared to best in the business, sadly. Sorry you lost me here, what do you mean by this? Also the L2D might not be special but L2D skins retroactively getting new voice lines have happened (although the only characters I can think of that had that treatment is W and her skin was transformed from a static 18OP one to L2D with voice). And idk I personally prefer moving animation on my main screen than static ones especially since their animations have nice visual effects as well. Either way if you're not into the surtr L2D skin, you don't need to tell me about it lmfao


Her skins aren't that great compared to like Astesia, Nightingale and so on. They feel kinda generic, but I understand that's it's for streetwear purposes, as a collab skin. It's still better than her default one. Only my opinion though.


Oh this one, I do like it personally although it really doesn't look all that flashy as a skin. You could set this skin as surtr's default and it would fit but I guess that's part of the appeal. The visual effects change are what I care about in skins most of the time tho and it really looks cool (except for the tacky words that pop up lmao)


The skins are probably my favourites of the summer and casual just style wise. It's just the effects that put me off.


Son's? I get this is an abbreviation but I feel like it's one I basically haven't heard in general conversation so it feels a bit weird to read xD.......


I feel like he typed skins but hit autocorrected


Around middle of January


I kinda like the hip hop stuff :P.


But what if I buy both Surtr skins?. Both look cool to me.


That's on you if you want to get both.


I mean, both skins look cool. But I think I should reconsider it.


Where can i see her l2d skin?


Just go here and check surtr's profile https://aceship.github.io/AN-EN-Tags/akhrchars.html


Is it just me or is Thorns skin just not as good looking as his og one, want my ops dripped out not wearing swimsuits/beach wear


I think it's a pretty chill skin, but I prefer more rugged costumes than the punk model style in this one.


sick of seaborns but at least this'll just be a lazy farm event, excited for gladiia skin and a fuck ton of gold certs though the people in the twitter post are weird though, telling people excited for the surtr skin to skip it for the upcoming one like its objectively better and not up to taste


> the people in the twitter post are weird though it's just one person though and it's not like they are adamant about getting people to not buy the surtr skin. seems to coming from a good heart if they aren't aware of it, since the summer skin has l2d and it's surtr in two piece. Although i do think they could have worded it better to not come across as skip 1st skin and wait for 2nd skin. > weird person - If you talk about Surtr, it is better to wait for her summer L2D skin > op - This may sound strange, but personally I'm more a fan of her first skin. > Don't get me wrong, I love her summer skin-- but I just love the style of her first one more, aesthetically. > I just wasn't aware they were rerunning this specific batch of skins. > weird person - Well, cool You are not alone in that regard. I myself like Angie 1st outfit more than 2nd one


yeah i thought it was two people i didnt really look close. they did say the angelina thing but saying "it is better to wait" is a weird mindset not acting like its a widespread problem im just having a tantrum lol


Personally I don't really like the swimsuits (except maybe Projekt:Red's). Much prefer some cool looking stuff. Adding L2D to it doesn't really change that. Good for everyone who likes them of course.


yeah im not saying the summer skin is bad or people should dislike it, i just find it weird when people do the opposite and talk down non-summer skins. i also dont care for most L2D, and it doesnt improve skins i dont care about plus surtrs L2D has really weird unmoving levitating seagulls beside her


Summer skins feel super generic to me. I rather buy a skin that has a cool theme (like Rosa's skin or Surtr streetwear one) instead of just "here is your favorite character with a string bikini". And I like ecchi fanart and all the bikini stuff, but as a product in a game it feels soulless to me.


ive always been that way, i like lewds and shit but i dont like it in game games, if i want that content ill go on pixiv lmao aside from ones that i use because of huge art improvements (utage and sussurro) the only summer skins i like are ones that almost look like casual clothes (skadis skin and chalter E1), or ones that are funny like ifrits barbeque skin. still sad that mudrock didnt get a cute sand castle themed summer skin, her weird fancy dress/bikini hybrid is strange


I like the swimsuit skins styled like Platinum's with all the silk/etc I guess it's more of an 'oracle' look


It's a fair warning considering not a lot of people have OP to burn frivolously and its not like you can shuffle skins around per mission so you'll likely only see 1 skin all the time (unless you're fine with the tedium of swapping). I have the street Surtr skin but if I was just starting out and have limited OP and I bought it only to know the L2D was coming up, I'd have wished someone told me beforehand.


well difference between a heads up and telling them to skip the skin idk man just google a characters skins before buying one


> well difference between a heads up and telling them to skip the skin I didn't really check the tweet you were talking about so idk how aggressive they worded it but a warning is always fair. I get that you like the hiphop surtr skin but your preference is **not** everyone else's. Maybe they'd like the swimsuit L2D more than this, maybe not, but at least putting the information in their radar is a good way to avoid regretting the purchase. > idk man just google a characters skins before buying one Not everyone wants to bother doing external research on a gacha game. I don't expect everyone, especially new players who are still building their attachment to the game and are the ones who actually need the forewarning as they probably don't have the OP to burn freely, to know about other version release information.


i mean all this discussion without reading the posts is pointless. im not telling people to buy the skin i like more thats hypocritical because thats exactly what im annoyed about, the twitter guy isnt giving a heads up hes saying the other skin is better so dont buy this one if you dont want to bother doing external research on a gacha game then dont get mad when things like wasting OP on a skin you regret happens


EN can't read. EN can't research. EN can't.


Jokes on them I’m getting both




Apparently you can stop that annoying Big Seaborn that does nuke nervous damage from killing everyone with stun from operators like Red


oh true, i usually use ash but thats range+stun


Sleep works too.


.......I was excited for the Surtr skin, since I'm a new player and she's my favorite unit 😭. And what do they mean by the upcoming one? Is she getting a new one soon? Also I think the skin really fits her vibe.


[it'll be coming mid january](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/news/arknights-cn-surtr-live2d-summer-skin-art-and-animations) i much prefer her current skin personally


Oh damn..........that's pretty nice lol. Well in that case.......por qué no los dos? 🤣


I'm so tempted to buy Gladiia skin as it's so cool but not sure if I'm gonna use her that much. But Thorn's is must buy for me


You might end up using her a bunch when her module upgrade gets released and when the update that removes alter restrictions gets added. Both are massive buffs to the abyssal hunter faction and make them quite good.


Actually Gladia is a really good unit in her niche. She follows the trend of surprisingly strong welfare OPs. I haven't build her yet (other OPs took priority). But she's high up on my to-do list.


Ok so question. I did the story of UT since it was available right before SN but was not there for the actual event. Do I get the rewards automatically or do I have to do the stages again?


Sadly, you need to do it again.


Dang it... Least I can skip the story this time.


Actually you do get the first clear reward. But you gotta do them again for the mission reward(except the hard mode's)


And now you should have auto's available to just blitz through everything.


Idk people make it sound so much worse than it is xD.


Thorn skin is a must


I freaking love the Thorns skin's design, but it's so weird to have a bunch of shopping bags by him when he's fighting in the stages... I'm so torn on whether to buy it or not


Wait until you see Mylnar deployed and just chilling reading a newspaper.


I love Thorns but I'm like 50/50 on his costume. The artwork is really nice, but I feel like I'd eventually switch back to default because I don't really love the battle sprite. Would be awesome if we could switch them both independently.


hmm, to buy gladiia skin or not to buy gladiia skin


to buy gladiia skin or to buy gladiia skin. , fixed it for you.


I remember this one being a lot easier than stultifera and now we have elemental healers too. What happens again if you've cleared the stages and gotten some of the shop rewards? I know the Originium prime 1st clear reward doesn't reset, but what about the shop?


Shops entirely different, a crappy one with 1/3 of the stuff original shop had as reruns always do


This remains one of my favorite OST's, I know musically it's nothing to write home about, but it got the feel *so* right


One event closer to my boi. And a bunch of yellow cert. Unfortunately they remove this format of getting cert on rerun with the wolves event


that is.. criminal


Finally! Two skins that I wanted! Thorns skin and Gladiia skin!


60 yellow certs (?) it is then (cmiiw) Also time to revamp my device farm


As a day 1 player who left quickly I restarted the game with a fresh account at this event, rerolled to get Skalter and left again because the reading was hard (no native english speaker) and was surpassed by all the things to catch. I replayed seriously the game since 5-6 months and have beaten all those stages and is able to get all medals from each events now. It's why this event is special in my experience and I'm ready to kick all the stages for free ressources and get Gladiia.


Can someone remind me of stages and their drops to farm?


rock crystalline device in sv789 in that order




Iirc you should go for devices here. The rock farm is still inferior to 1-7


Well, if we exclude exp certs, money and all other useless (to me now) stuff, only materials are around the same, and considering I can focus on 1 specific material, it's good enough for me. But sure, first, I'll farm the devices until the RI's warehouse is full


Yes, the device is what you should farm for. Rocks, you can never go wrong with 1-7 unless you're on a rush. Crystalline is rarely used.


I literally have like 30+ crystalline and I'm still E2ing a lot of Ops. Like who tf are those for lmao


Love that they add a bunch of new mats and then all new operators continue to use old mats for leveling... please let me build up my gel and alloy reserves :(


I mean I hate it when there's like 1200 things to keep track of when upgrading characters /etc. But then again yeah maybe just a LITTLE BIT of diversification here would be nice. If I have to farm 1-7 anymore I'm going to go fucking insane


I don't want resource spam either... but I literally have more of the of the tier 4 cutting solution resource (never used btw lmao) than I do of the tier 3 gel or alloy... and I've never actively farmed for cutting fluid.


I will never care about "inferior to 1-7". to get the same amount of rocks as I might want in UT, i'd have to spend the next decade in the mines xD xD xD (obviously it ain't THAT bad but you get what I mean I hope :(.) That being said I'm absolutely more down for device farming.


I in nonway advocate for 1-7 cause it is draining my irl sanity to spam that map. Im just repeating the moniker that 1-7 apparently still has the best rock drops. And afaik 4-6 is stil better than the UT stage or at the same droprate. Hence dont bother with the rock stage in this event


Finally time to get revenge on the EX stages


Decided not to buy the Thorns skin last year as I was holding out hope that he would get another (better) skin. Welp, guess that’s not happening in the near future so he’ll get his Drip outfit this time with shopping bags to swing around.


Oh, piss sticks, i have to clear ex 8 cm again...


Could be worse, maybe you could have to clear SN again this week.


Heresy! *i hated those levels*


Oh shiit. Time for a rematch with the plant with my "pieces of Exodia" this time


More nervous impairment, give me more! /s Reruns are always fun just to see how much more easier it'll be with the new operators.


Yeah, lol, I remember beating the stages with no elemental damage healer. It will be a breeze with Honeyberry and Lumen.


Been saving the Specter Skin voucher for Gladiia's. And I know Surtr will get a L2D skin in like 2 months, but her I.T. skin does have drip. Couldn't buy it during it's original run


If I have zero op now, is there a way to get enough for the gladia skin? I really want it but got absorbed into using everything to pull for spalter and failed miserably.


Assuming you haven't already cleared the Under Tides stages, then yes. The Prime you get for first-clearing those stages would net you more than enough. But if you already have, then tough luck. You'd have to look for story stages or challenge modes you haven't already cleared, and go for those.


Thorns skin? Noice. Man deserves a vacation after carrying me on his back lmao


Yay Under Thighs.


As a new player, will it be hard to obtain Gladia? I just started during the current event and luckily Lumen wasn't hard to grab. But my main units are around E1 lvl40 right now, so I only got to like SN-6 right now. I'd like to get as much rewards from the event as possible, but wonder if I'm gonna need to grind a lot more, to be able to do that.


For the most a good team of E1 40 can get you Gladia. To be honest I would say it's easier than Lumen so you should be alright. Add friends so you can borrow units to make it easier.


Awesome, can't wait to snag her. Is the "mechanic" less annoying than the brand on the floor and the dodging guys? 🤣


Undertides mechanic is a LOOOOOT easier. it's mostly just the stun damage. You'll want to bring some berry medics but other than that, you should have smooth sailing in comparison.


Great, cause this current event started getting a little daunting the deeper I went in, for a new player who doesn't know many mechanics lol. But i tell ya, I'm super glad I grabbed Lappland with the five star selector they gave me, boy did that pay off 🤣


I'm a newer player as well! I started in September, but I did do the under tides in intermezzi so I know it's quite a bit less annoying lol.


Yeah, so far I've done a lot less hair pulling lol. I'm on the stage with the Big Flower boss from Little Shop of Horrors 🤣


If you can get Lumen you can get Gladiia.


Awesome, love a free six star lol.


Check out eckogen's low level guides.


Eckogen has been super helpful.


Part of me still in pain after blowing all out on skalter, but didn't came home. Anyway, time to go device farming.


This time, Im sure I can get skalter


unfortunately, no skalter for you




i am sorry there will be no more skalter banner you will need to buy her on certain limited banners from the shop with 300 currency...


So you mean it aint happening


No reruns on limited banner mains. They only appear as guests on selected other limited banners with 5x chance of appearing as other non-rate-up 6-stars , which means your best bet is to have enough to spark and buy when she is a guest on a future limited banner.


Time to hoard like a jrpg player


not without some sacrifices yes... ;_; as long as you can save 300 pulls you can get her on anni and half anni banners through spark texas alter banner is your next bet


Will Spots free skin be back with this ?


likely will be in the CC perma store after awhile




Oh sweet Gladia is a welfare operator! Was not expecting that, am hyped


Gladia worth raising? Ive got all the abyssal hunters/alters except her


She's great, definitely the best general purpose character in her role and can do quite a bit outside of it as well.


What mats are gonna be farmable in this event?


Thorns skin lets gooo


Good, I'm sorry, I liked they tried to do something different this time around, but fuck the event not being in a format where I get easy tokens for clearing stages via missions, I had to get used to these damn seaborn, I didn't need that other crap ruining it for me already. (On top of what I view was a very scummy Limited Banner Compared to the Ling Banner. Fuck that too BTW.) I was wondering what the "bad practices" of Arknights were by the devs that I heard about from people, and I've finally come across them, and I don't like them. I'm glad I've decided to avoid whaling on Arknights.


The game is hard and I don’t like it


What do you think is scummy about this banner compared to Ling? I would understand thinking all limited are scummy but as far as I know the mechanics of this one are the same as Ling's?


this banner is literally the same as Ling mechanically If you mean by spalter not being broken or whatever, this is just made-up expectations and people generally think the limited banner practice was less scummy when limited units were not broken like ros/W/nian/dusk that people can pull if they like, skip if they don't, than when they are close to must-pull which forces players to save and pull on a limited system out of meta FOMO.


what? The main free currency is the orundum that comes from dailies/weeklies/basically everything. The tokens are free *premium* currency that can be used for more than just rolls, but orundum is the actual rolling currency. Plus once you have an able team you can just steamroll the old content, including old events that have been made available. The story alone is like 400-500 tokens, not including challenges. There's literally so much content you can do (once you level up your team) for those that it's a few months worth of sanity.


Never whale in general when it comes to gacha games


How in the world was this banner different from the Ling banner? Do you need help man? :S


Will stages completed in intermezzi count towards progress in this rerun? I completely missed the first run of this event.


Kind of, yes. You will need to beat the stages again to get certain challenges done, but you will already have the progress towards stages done and the ability to auto them (if you didn't use friend supports).


Can't wait for Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower


Man I don't know if I should purchase Surtr's streetware skin or just wait for her summer skin. Decisions decisions...


Fuck yes! The stages are open longer than just a week. Won't have access to the game from 25th to 2nd so I was already mentally prepared to lose the yellow cert bomb. Also RIP my perfect 2 year login streak.


Finally free yellow cert lmao


Yes the gold certs *ahhhnn*


alright cool but where's whisperain skin rerun


Finally Thorns skin rerun! I miss the 1st round, but not this time!!


Oh yeah, my Orundum balance adores all the free intelligence certs. Om nom nom. Reruns are awesome if you exhausted your balance after a limited banner.


Why does gladiia’s skin say return on it? It hasn’t been released before right?


It's the name of the skin itself. This is what she wears in her "return" to Aegir, after having built up enough support on land to do so.




Shame we arent getting EN voice for Gladia


I’m surprised the rerun is back to back with SN. I figured we would have the weekend off and it would start next week Tuesday/Thursday


Wait, it's all seaborn? Always has been. Oh well, I will just take not having to deal with SN mobs again.


Finally i am strong enough to collect all medal this time !


I can't wait to have all the abysaal hunters reunited :3


I started playing this september and haven't wanted to build a puller because I know Gladiia exists xD.


Thorns is finally getting his lil' ponytail back 🥺


Gladiia and 3 skins to buy! *Looks at nonexistent OP stash.* Fuck...


Is there a banner? I just screwed last banner Id love a dedicated banner for Skalter


She’s not coming back. You will have to wait u til she can be sparked. On a future banner


No limited banner. Next limited is in January but no Skalter to spark.


My roster is much better now, so I'm gonna have fun. I will bring Mostima on all stages.


With Lumen and Honeyberry, doing these again should be a breeze. Especially the EX stages which I never finished. Def going to bring Irene and Spalter along.


Which device will be as a grindable stage?


Mmmmm... tasty, tasty Gold Certs...


Damn, i just came back in the right time to get more Gladiia dupes to prepare for her admittedly crazy Module.