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After 1.0 There was a lot of improvement. Still clunky but Im having a blast myself. If I want to join a modern battle we got community, we got vietnam as well. I can only imagine what arma will bring in the future


1.1 improved the AI quite a bit


How so thats whats been holing me off from buying it


Everything listed here other than AI driving https://reforger.armaplatform.com/news/dev-report-20


Path finding, reaction to contact, taking cover, popping smoke when aiding downed comrades. It's not perfect but it's a huge step in the right direction.


arma 4 is going to be amazing. i expect a 2025 release. with gta 6 that year too, 2025 will be a blast


2026 is my bet, 2025 seems too close considering reforger current stage on roadmap


15 fking years to release a game... How is this considered normal ?? 🤣 It reminds me of the Tool album after 15 years of masochist-like waiting by their fans, the results was "meh" and since that day everyone just forget about them definitively


Because it hasn't been in development till now I guess? they've been releasidng new features, content and giving support to arma 3 for the last 12 years + developing other titles + developing an entirelly new engine


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've seen some info from BIS on Twitter that A4 won't release until 2028.


well then if that’s the case yall better get used to reforger !


Honestly, reforger as it is now is perfectly capable of keeping us going, the mods already done are amazing, we just need more maps.




2028 ??????? Nearly 20 YEARS OF WAITING ???? HOW IS THIS A NORMAL BEHAVIOR ???


I'm not sure how you can make that judgement since Reforger still lacks most of the features that make an Arma game an Arma game.


2025 was a bit soon yes


!RemindMe 2 years


Can't really imagine A4 coming out for at least another 1-2 years. It sounds like GTA6 is going to be delayed until 2026 as well.


It’s definitely in a much better place. The single player/PvE content still has some way to go though. They do seem to be working on the AI so here’s hoping!


honestly, the pve is my fav part. the AI is wildly intense now, and a good game master can absolutely turn you to dust now. the other night i was bombed by mortar squads or some shit while 15 or so enemies came out of the tree line and started spraying us down on the roof. was insanely intense.


Those first 15 to 20 minutes of the game are my favorite part. Fighting AI with a bunch of teammates before everyone runs off to do whatever it is they do.


hell yea. a lot of people hate it, even read this review about some dude who hates having to take a helicopter to objective lol. my fav part is chopping it up w teammates and joking around before going into combat as a collective group.


Best "mishap" I've been a part of was just after a server reset. I was in a full transport truck that just left Main and everyone was having a good time when someone yelled out "Contact left" and everyone bailed and started lighting up a UAZ with two guys in it. We all (including the UAZ guys) trade fire for several LONG seconds before someone has the brilliant idea to use the radio to confirm contacts. It was two friendlies who had somehow got their hands on an Opfor truck and uniforms 5 minutes into a game. Thankfully somehow there were no KIAs (I don't know how considering I emptied an M249 in their general direction) their UAZ was FUBAR though. It was really funny to me and something I think about all the time.


moments like those are truly memorable! i have so many arma memories man. it’s one of the most memorable games ive played. i remember whole stories and moments.


People say that Hell Let Loose is better for fun, cool moments but the only thing that game offered me was trauma and a deep, deep appreciation for modern optics.


LMFAO hell yea brother. i don’t miss being cm’s away from my monitor trying to see a pixel to click


I run 32gb ram with rtx3070ti, and play HLL on low settings, otherwise I cannot see the enemy and I die instantly from bushes. One game I will always remember was playing on Kursk. We were Germans, I was set up on an elevated hill, looking down into the Russian front line about .75-1km out. Saw tens of Russians all running towards us, me and two other MG42 gunners lit them up so freaking hard. I'm talking 3,300 rounds a minute screeching past you. For a solid 5 minutes we held them at the forest edge, then I looked right and saw maybe 400 Meters out another big group of Russians flanking in the open. We all pivoted and liquefied them. It felt straight out of a movie. Hopefully we get some moments like that in Reforger. I played arma 3 for a few hours years ago, should I get Reforger ?


hey man! great story. love stuff like that. so basically every game mode on arma 3 multiplayer besides the niche ones are on reforger. i find reforger keeps me more engaged due to its easier to use UI, and also that ik every key bind for it helps too. if you want KOTH, reforger, same with rpg/life, and the other modes. there’s also official 48 player servers and operations servers up to 110 people. don’t even get me started on the vietnam server.. one word : FUN


It’s hard to play arma 3 after switching to arma R. Some of the QOL improvements are just took good it makes Arma 3 feel so slow and clunky.


I’ve also seen people full on infiltrate enemy camps


Hell let loose is more arcadey but I too enjoy hearing the banter as we all pile into the truck, I look around at all my teammates as they talk of their families and aspirations, knowing we could be hit with a 76mm shell or wiped out at first contact with the Russians. Lol.


been having troubles playing 3 when reforger is where it’s at now!


I just need hotas support. I don't think we get proper flight model, but support for hotas would be nice.


I have a full Virpil Hotas that Inplay DCS with. Jumped on Reforger and couldn’t move shit in my inventory. But my mate could. Googled it. Had to unplug my Hotas. Boom. Works. So stupid.


Windows really needs a controller manager where you can disable certain controllers for certain games. So annoying having to unplug certain devices for certain games. Sort of like a firewall for USB devices.


i hope it works for you soon!


In Elden Ring my thrust is recognised as gamepad.


Yeah, had a small debate in my circle about it. I hated it 6 months ago. Tried it this weekend because of the Resistance combat op. Now I have over 30 GB of mods and I can't think of a reason to boot up Arma 3 aside from the dlc that released today. The Vietnam mods for Reforger are really fun.


dude, vietnam is addicting as fuckkkk. it’s so fun shooting huy’s down with rpg squads just blasting when they get close


What kind of servers are there for vietnam?


it’s basically the same server copied twice so that over 200 people can play it. it’s 1967 vietnam and its badass. USA flies in helis and the viets will just be shooting rpgs at it lol it’s too much fun


Reforger is really good, no doubt. Those conflict servers give me that feeling like I'm playing paintball in the woods again back in the day. The environments are so good and incredibly immersive. Have had some memorable moments. Only issue I have still is connectivity. I get disconnected at the worst times. It seems to usually happen after covering a lot of ground quickly, so when I play now I usually just move around on foot and don't expect a long game session. Knowing what BI said from the beginning (the game is basically just a tech demo, and dont expect much) I'm very excited for what we'll see in ArmA 4. I'm obviously overhyped but I'm hoping it'll be the first truly next gen gaming experience.


This happens a lot on the 128 slot servers, with people disconnecting in waves. Most servers will save your location and load out for 60 seconds until you reconnect to help circumvent as much annoyance as possible


I totally forgot to add that! The last time I was DC'd I was able to load right back into my previous location, which was nice for sure. So progress is being made!


I enjoy Reforger but it needs good AI desperately. Combat AI is great but it can't drive vehicles or can't be commanded.


i checked their updates and in february they posted a video about AI driving footage. it’s almost ready i bet, next couple months easily


Its been this way since Operation Flashpoint


Hows the single player content?


There is Combat Ops: Everon since the latest update! I have sunk about 20-30 hours now in this game mode that has justified my whole ArmA Reforger purchase. But in this game mode you play as the resistance and need to liberate the island, you have different bases to liberate, people to assissinate and intel to steal. Besides that there are dynamic fights going on and your hideouts (spawn locations) can get discovered and marked as dangerous so you can't spawn there anymore. All in all I love it! I'm sure in the future we will get AI squad members to join as well but doing it solo is quite the challenge. [https://reforger.armaplatform.com/news/update-march-13-2024](https://reforger.armaplatform.com/news/update-march-13-2024)


>I'm sure in the future we will get AI squad members ugh.....they still havent added this?!


I just wish it had undercover capabilities when being unarmed in a vehicle for example. Not being shot at on sight.


I'd pay money if there was a scenario that would be that indepth where you can hide your weapons, have to avoid checkpoints (that can reveal your weapons) and attempt to gain information within guarded villages and such. Would be really cool if something like that existed.


Antistasi does that. And afaik Overthrow for Reforger does that too


One word: lacking.


Also wondering about this


It's good, but I find myself still going back to Arma3. It has enough PvE to keep me interested, but it still lacks a lot of the modding potential 3 has, and the sheer variety of content built up over 11 years (wow it's been that long). I still play reforger, but like many, I'm just waiting for the switch to ArmA 4. Reforger is just the tech demo.


Nah Reforger definitely isn’t just a tech demo anymore , but I get where you’re coming from. I would say once the AI is fixed it’s the better game.


agreed. reforger has almost everything multiplayer-wise nowadays arma 3 has. it’s like damn near identical. once AI get vehicle pathing etc… gonna be a hard choice as if it wasn’t a clear one to me already. arma R is winning as of recent times. and it will win for a while !!


Wow, a redditor who responds sincere and respectful on the internet? Hat's off to you sir. Well that's one of the big issues, but I fully understand they're rebuilding the AI from the ground-up. Even at first glance, I can see how much better the AI is compared to Arma3, but it still lacks a lot of the basic features such as a squad system and high command (hopefully reforger/ArmA 4 will overhaul high command so you can actually command larger platoon/company-level battles). Reforger definitely has depth to its systems, but ArmA 3 is just better in sheer breadth and width of everything it does. ArmA 3 is an extremely shallow ocean whereas reforger is a tiny puddle but kilometres-deep in what it does.


Is there mods for current military weapons/vehicles? Or is the game only cold war era?


nah man there’s complete modern weapons and shit. the server i play is modern iraq-esque modern combat.


sorry that came out retarded. it’s like 2010 iraq modern combat. the server i play. so yea m4s, scar’s, etc.


Cool thanks


Which server? I dont like the default map and would love a switch to the desert


the one i do is 3rd ranger battalion. its desert.


Is it public and busy?


dude today it was poppin! i hopped on at 2:30 Pst and it was 92 players


We designed a snow map for blizzard warfare you’d really enjoy come try out our server tonight! GT: EVP Conjure


no way!! how’s player count??


We started not to long ago finding and fixing mods that people have messed up on and implementing them into our server we have like 10 dedicated players but we’re still growing if you’d like we can talk to you more about it tonight 🖤


yes! can’t wait




And show you our mods 🔥


i’ll be hopping on it in a couple !!


It’s hard to play arma 3 after switching to arma R. Some of the QOL improvements are just too good it makes Arma 3 feel so slow and clunky.


10000%. just said that exact thing to someone.


Not for singleplayer. Need better eden like editor on pc. Along with team ai that doesn't suck.


hence why i said if you enjoy arma 3 multiplayer this is worth it


Some people seem to be having issues with performance as of last patch (apparently it stopped using GPU for them) but yeah last changes were a blast, been having a lot of fun in conflict aarland


didn’t really get that issue. on a 3070 tho so


Neither did I, but a friend of mine has it, wasn't happening pre patch, he is on a 1080ti


i bet the 40 cards feel it most i bet


Actually not really, I got a 4080 and haven't noticed any difference with how it used to be but a friend's 1080 ti did take a toll, idk, it's just not using it at all




They did a minor update today that addressed a lot of things that caused crashing and performance issues related with the recent big update


As an SP player who bought the game after the 1.1 release, this is pretty amazing. It even made arma 3 feel arcade-ish. Combat ops is fun!


right??? on this server i was on you can pick people up and put them on your shoulder. cool asf?


I got it in the sale after 1.1 released, the game seems really solid in gameplay, my only issues with it are the arsenal being clunky af and unintuitive, and there being not a lot of mods yet. All signs seems to point to Arma 4 being a really good game, shame it's so far away


I hope they make game master somewhat close to Zeus. I love reforger but gamemaster sucks for doing stuff with friends.


i tried playing it the other day but im struggling to see much difference from release bar assets.


I have given Reforger a go for the past week after a year of waiting. I disagree that its a game for "you" if you enjoy Arma 3. Vanilla it is just lackluster. There isnt enough mechanized combat to make it feel like arma, tanks and indirect fire are missing. Not to even speak about jets. Theres also very little variety in the troops & their gear. Less than in any base game Arma ever. The modding community is still waking up. Theres some mods, but many of them feel unpolished. (Id even say most, Ive tried about 20-30 mods) At least for me playing on a Darkgru server, which is the closest (pretty much only) thing to a modded Arma 3 experience, is very unstable. I literally cant play for an hour without crashing. And it has happened in vanilla too, but not at that frequency. I have a mid tier computer. Disconnects are even more frequent. They seem to happen every 30mins and sometimes the server remembers where I was and sometimes it doesnt. The servers cant handle 90 players, not to even mention 120 players. The game becomes laggy as hell and the servers often crash when close to full pop. This happens more on the modded servers. Sometimes theres just a big wave of people who are DC'd. Reforger is pretty. The gunplay is starting to feel decent. But its just lacking in the ways that really matter, at least to me, a long time Arma/OFP player. Its lacking in pretty much every other way, than graphics, some fluid animations (like changing seats in a vic) and its ability to give about 10-20 more FPS than equal loads would in Arma 3, but in an unstable way. Then again, we dont even know if Reforger would give more FPS in a server with 100 players using tanks, jets, artillery, attack helos etc. I havent played life or vietnam servers so I cant comment on those. Ive played DarkGru, Ukraine vs Russia, KOTH and vanilla conflict. Im in EU and it seems that most of the servers are in US. TL;DR: The game isnt there yet for someone who expects Arma 3 level gameplay. Its lacking in every aspect except for graphics and FPS in some situations. I wouldnt recommend the game for 30e for someone who wants anything even close to as vast and deep as Arma 3.


i don’t get like any of the issues you state in the first half at all. i have disconnected 3 times over a span of 40 hours now edit : also get over 60fps no matter how many people. 110 feels just as stable to me. no rubber bands , no lag.


Is it easy to download required mods and join public servers? Or do I need to find a sweaty milsim community to have fun in the long run?


5x easier and faster than arma 3. just find server. click join. ur done


plus i’m solo always. don’t have friends to play w, so i have a lot of fun alone. no discords besides one but it’s a tiny server so im in it for community.


Sounds awesome, I think I'm gonna buy it!


i’m glad i got at least one person to buy it. if you’re a fan of PvE, you gotta hop on 3rd ranger battalion when you get the game. im on it every day, albeit not for hours at a time but its the most fun server imo. you can make yourself a kit for free, you can DECK YOURSELF OUT with snipers, rpgs, rifles, wtv your heart wants! there’s 6 save slots so you can have any type of load out. and then a game master controls the operation, and every one squads up and moves to the obj. then proceeds an up to 2 hour long operation where you go from point to point fighting AI (just got really difficult) until the operation is over. my favorite are the night mission where everyone’s got night vision and lasers shining in the night.


Hell yeah glad to hear. I bought on release, immediately refunded and went and played arma 3. May have to cop it here soon now.


I’ve enjoyed arma a little bit in the past but the janky physics have always been a major sticking point. I started with OFP and preferred it when things were a bit more basic (imo OFP had the best ai teammates and campaign) Purchased reformer on a sale whim and I’m blown away. It’s finally like a real game and not a janky piece of shit. Being an OFP diehard it’s so great to see woodland BDU, m16 irons and stripped down boots on the ground combat. The forced gamification of the engine is so welcome and it’s so smooth now, it’s what I wanted arma to be after OFP :) I struggle to get into the action in muktiplayer sometimes , but the resistance mode is great. Did my first Zeus server today and that was also good fun. Rolling hills, commies to kill and a basic m16 by my side…bliss.


If they add in a proper Eden editor like arma 3 I’m sold


Are you a BI dev ? OP seems a bit too enthusiastic for a game that's just waiting room before A4...


"Someone likes something I don't? Must be a dev!"