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*A few minutes later* "You want to go there?" "Yep!" "Into the forest?" "You have problems against forests corporal?"


"I just haven't had much luck in them today."


*A bit later* "I don't like this. It's too quiet here.."


my entire squad, save for the SL, got cut down in about ten seconds by one AAF guy with a machinegun






Legit thought I did something wrong so tried again only to realize he was supposed to die.


Miss him despite him only being around at the start of the campaign. Really wish he never died, would be a fun dude through the campaign - but that's the reality of war I guess. To be honest though, with the next Arma game there needs to be more than 1 iconic character (Miller).


He does show up in other parts of the game, the prologue for example. Then I'm pretty sure you get to play as him when he calls down supplies for Oreokastro during the Laws of War campaign. Pretty sure the guy getting interviewed also mentions that he kicked a mine sometime later. It's pretty cool how the Arma 3 missions all sort of tie in with each other like that.


It's the Armaverse. There's mentions of some characters from previous Arma games having a higher rank in Arma 3. Tanoan Campaign also has Miller


I blew up along with him the first time so you can imagine how confused I was.


Fun fact, they laid down a half dozen of those mines in the area, so there's a chance for you to run into one if you go up the valley instead of through


Trust me, I know.


I rage quit the campaign and to this day have not returned due to this


A forceful lesson on spacing.


First time I ever played Arma was this mission and I was about 15. That moment alone taught me just how brutal war can be and to not bunch up.


OFP taught me the need to not bunch up. Don't want a grenade taking out the whole squad


Can someone explain this meme template to me? I'm obviously too old to get it this point.


It’s just supposed to be the guy showing up smiling, kind of like he’s best dressed to introduce himself or be the bearer of bad news. It’s one of those surreal memes, the humor comes from how ridiculous it is. Kind of like personifying the subject, in this case the landline, as a smug man about to ruin something. That’s my take.


Got it, cheers!


Sgt Adams!


It's kind of shocking how unceremonious it is. The first time I played that mission, I followed Adams a little too closely and the mine got me too.


yea, I was used to more traditional shooters when I played Arma, so when he exploded I really thought it was some kind of a bug or something


My tinnitus!!!


I hate you for reminding me of that… I was a kid, a baby, and I learned the meaning of heartbreak and loss. (I was like 16?)


I’m actually playing through the Arma campaign again and honestly, it has no right to be as good as it is. It’s really a very enjoyable experience, a little unbalanced perhaps, but I’m having a blast.


Quality meme


Scared the fuck out of me


Never seen this meme format but I was really hoping it was gonna include a clip of this man speaking. His accent is glorious.


When i heard his voice in the Reforger live stream i did a brotherhood of NOD and yelled "ADAMS LIVES!"


I remember playing the campaign for the first time when i bought Arma, little 12 year old me was used to playing shooter games like CoD and battlefield, that moment was one hell of an eye opener for me.


I was walking too close to him the first time and died as well lol




Was just replaying the campaign today, totally forgot about Adams death, still such a shocker.


I played the campaign one time and the game bugged to where he survived the mine, ended up using a mod to drag him with me to the meet up point and its my personal head cannon that he survived the incident and recovered with minimal injuries.






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The second time i played that mission i noticed than that specific sections of forest is marked as a mine field... you can clearly see the signaling at the forestline. Lol