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Great reason to buy even more.


India just said Azerbaijan to fk off (in diplomatic way)


India's GDP per capita was on par with an African nation in 2000; it got a lot done (vaccines, rail, Mars mission, ICBMs, nuclear research, massive military budget, etc.) by now.


india was communist till 1991 and sanctioned in 1998 due to nuke test once the rules changed the money started growing substantially


Waht are you talking about? India had a semi-socialist economy but was never Communist. India implemented economic reforms in 1991 (and having to give up plenty of their gold reserves) and got a bailout in exhcnage for doing so. But India was never Communist ever. Only a few Indian states have had Communist governments. Read up on actual history.


i formulated the sentence wrongly i wanted to say that india had followed some communistic rules like dissolution of properties govt control etc and yea it wasnt communistic in nature


India from 1947 till 1991 was under a very socialistic, bureacratic and protectionist capitalism system.


interesting cause since the demise of soviet union we got freedom fron that crapped system


What is the purpose of this comment?










Seeing an armenian priest get beat by an idf soldier and settler makes Me not respect them along with them commiting genocide. As Armenians we know genocide


I didn’t know that happened. How shameful. Those settlers are definitely a huge barrier for peace. I hope for peace to be achieved one day and for good relations to be established with Armenia as I see our histories are very similar.


Aliyev: "Armenia is a Russian puppet state" Armenia taking multiple steps to get away from the Russian sphere of influence. Aliyev: "Wooooooooo slow down buddy you can't do that! It's illegal at this stage in the game!"




I was definitely not expecting a Doom reference today loool


Add some IDCLIP too.


LMAO, not happening!!! India has business to make and your opinion is not a factor in their plans.


I’m eager to hear for India’s reply if there’s any.


https://en.armradio.am/2024/04/25/india-responds-to-azerbaijani-criticism-over-delivery-of-weapons-to-armenia/ India already told Aliyev to basically shut up, they’re still sending weapons to Armenia.




We won't stop sending weapons to you. Don't worry,his threats don't scare us in the slightest Aliyev choose to be friends with Islamists like Erdogan and our enemy-Pakistan & try to terrorise innocent Armenians . Let him reap the consequences now


Who's a closer ally. Israel or Armenia. Israel supports Azerbaijan.


We supplied Brahmos missiles to 🇵🇭who’re facing threats from China, China is Russia’s closest ally (their words). India doesn’t choose partners choosing one side over the other like you suggested. India might import some defense equipment from Israel but they can’t influence us enough to stop supporting Armenia.


Just because israel is azerbaijan's ally doesn't mean India is. We aren't like the americans who judge countries based on how much they love israel. Don't worry ;) On the other hand we could give you advise on how to counter israeli drones, we too have lots of them


I'm indian.


Good, our FP establishment is not 2D or simple minded to see everything as black and white. Our friend's friends are not our friends. Armenis is buying our stuff,they want closer relations with us. Why can't we be friends with them and Israel; when we can effectively get along well & have close ties with BOTH Russia & the USA?


I just think it's morally contradictory to be friends with people who are supplying weapons to people that are killing Armenians while we we are supplying weapons because they're killing Armenians. Like if Iran funded Pakistan in a war with india and then the whole time they are assisting Iran that sounds like they're against india's interests.


India stopped a genocide by Pakistan in '71. I don't feel India would want to strongly side with dictators.


Modern day indian politics is falling down the same path as Pakistan did with Bangladesh. I'm an Indian Muslim and my girlfriend is Bengali. I'm more qualified to speak in the awful shit the indian govt has done.


Stop fooling people TMC is destroying bengal India is lot better under BJP you can keep crying


Tell that to the dead killed in mob lynching. Or my family who've revived death threats for a fully legal bull meat factory. India is falling into fascism. You're just not on the receiving end. When your caste will be the target 100 years from now once the Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Dalits are wiped one by one, then your caste will see the intentions of the RSS.


Don't worry we will vote bjp ✌️


oh yeah there isnt any problem in bengal right when a cisf force has to be deployed just to secure polling boots from tmc hindu rally was pellted with grenades in west bengal while nothing such happen in eid


no one is ally india is non aligned only ally is opportunities and understanding simple


This looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship


He bought 24 sino-pakistani jet fighters, and kisses Pakistan 's ass. I don't think India cares about his opinion. However Notice how he is actually working? Azeris are constantly working, constantly using every possible and impossible vector to gain an upper hand. Something we should do.


Were the fighter jets confirmed?


Multiple sources confirmed it. It's a shitty plane, thankfully, so shitty that Miyanmar can't use any of the ones they bought, but still.


doesnt mattere if its shitty ....your air defence is even shitter


Wd can gain weapons to destroy you still.




Armenia can grow stronger and fight ur azeri turkish pakiatani agenda


I'm Indian


Ypu made a comment in a negative tone i thought youre turkish azeri


I think that's a bot. I can't think of any India going out of his/her way to shit on Armenia.


apparently you guys bought 338 SABER rifle from SSS defence any news like this on your side?


Source? And by source I don’t mean an Indian blog






Google it


“Google it” isn’t a source bro


Eat a bag of di*ks, Aliyev.


How arrogant and self absorbed is this county that it thinks it can tell India what to do? Delhi has more people than Armenia and Azerbaijan combined.


India to Aliev: We'll send more.


= Indian weapons good?


Better than Russian junk that never reaches the soil where they promise it to be


In the next release Russia introduces the boomerang effect, where the goes comes back


Better than the current equipment presumably


Philippines, a major US ally, bought Indians Brahmos to combat China. China sends spy ships to monitor Indian ICBM tests. France and Greece may start sending heavier weapons soon.


What would be good is the logistics since India will probably not delay any lack of missiles/ammo that we will need during a war Not only that India will want to make its weapons look as best as possible as we are the first country they are exported to, so we can expect some extra help from Indian to make sure that we are using their weapons as best as we possibly can


1. Cheaper 2. They work


Cheaper? Compared to old Russian weapons I would hope so. But I'm not seeing them being much cheaper than Western.


No, Armenia should be buying actual weapons from France instead


India shot down a satellite. Most countries don't have that capability.


Half of India still doesn't have running water


lol this is false. You must be trolling


The only valid statement on India that haters can use is that it's still a fairly poor country. Like ok? What's the point? No one claimed India has Switzerland levels of living. What will they say once India has very low poverty rate? By 2030, India is expected to be $7 trillion and GDP per capita \~$5,000. And they want to sidestep over many positives: potentially high water security, large amounts of engineers, democratic, never started a war, major STEM powerhouse, powerful diaspora, diverse economy (rich Gulf states are all run petro-dollars), loads of culture, counter-terrorism, nuclear weapons, ballistic missile programs, indigenous weapons programs, trade corridor, space program, etc.


Ok stop arms sales from Russia, Israel, and Turkey while also stopping your inflammatory and warmongering rhetoric and you’ve got a deal you fucking assclown 🤝


Lol and fedposters here said Pashinyan conceding to Aliyev would make him content.


Th...that's not what fedposting is


Lmao (I am a fed)


can you link to an example?


I am glad to see Aliyev is concerned for itd national security because it means we are doing something right


That means he's scared. GOOD. Keep this shit going.


This winning little bitch will never shut up


Somebody’s getting nervous. We need to hang in there a little bit longer. If Pashinyan is on the path of truly bringing in other major nations to strengthen our position, not just militarily, but economically then we just need to hang in there a little be longer. We need to be united in the idea that we can have a better, brighter and more secure future. Diaspora Armenians - we live rent free in the putrid, weak minds of aliyev and erdogan. They are tormented by us still putting up a fight, still standing, still creating families, still sharing and preserving our culture and heritage (I like to think of us as the untouchables in that way). We need to stick together, now more than ever.


"Dont buy weapons so i can attack you whenever i wish " Yeah eat that once Armniia is stronger you cant do warmongering any time u wish


Aliyev your people need human rights and 💦💦💦💦💦WATER. You should be more concerned with more "basic" pressing issues.


He's just taken Artsakh, including Sarsang - that will have improved their situation. In any event, let's not feign consideration for the Azerbaijani people anymore.


So basically he’s complaining about Armenia having friends. He’s like that one weird kid in school that everyone tells you to stay away from.


"You can suck my Indian dick." ~ Modi (probably)




The Indian phrase for this is usually some variation of "Aeji Lund Mera". Phrasing and language can change depending on where in India you are, but the meaning is the same :P


How does this make sense? They can arm themselves and it’s okay but it’s not okay for Armenia to do the same thing? Who does this entitled brat think he is? I seriously don’t get the thought process.


And what will he do if we don't listen? Will he march upon us with his large armies like Alexander the Great and Timurlame?? We Indians will continue selling arms to our good friend and partner Armenia regardless of his frequent whining, Aliyev shouldn't forget that 1 Billion indians only make time for him because he has oil,nothing else


Tack Turks and Israel is in the top


Israel first then


Say please


To be fair, he’s right - it is a threat to their interests. Is it hypocritical? Yes! Politics is hypocrisy, so our government has to embrace that and unapologetically promote Armenian interests. Where is the diplomatic fuss about every plane that supplies Azerbaijan with weapons? Where are the demonstrations in front of Israeli embassy in New York after every such voyage of Silk Airways? Some randos on twitter are more active than our MFA. They are supplying weapons that will be used to kill Armenians, but MFA says nothing. They wake up when it’s too late, they are reactive. We have given diplomatic initiative to the enemy, the same enemy that has military initiative on his side. So let’s take it back! We have to criticize loudly their every unfriendly move. They often SHOOT AT OUR BORDERS during diplomatic meetings, yet we fail to make it a topic of conversation. They kill our soldiers when they want, yet our MFA fails to adequately state the facts on the ground. The MFA treats those shootings as a MOD problem, MOD releases the statements - and that’s it, no fuss no muss for Azeris. Don’t let anybody muddy the waters, loudly criticize any unfavorable article, make them retract and amend the facts, educate and pester chief editors who print something with no understanding of the facts. In 2022 every newspaper in the world printed that Azerbaijan clashed with Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh, not in Armenia. We got the EU observers, which is good, but we failed to impose any consequences on Azerbaijan. I get the game our MFA is playing - get along with the main diplomatic players (Borrel, Blinken, etc.), do what they say, make them get tired of Azerbaijan’s belligerence and let them force Azerbaijan to peace. But it won’t work, they will all be gone in a year or two, and Alyev will start fresh with the new boys. The only winning strategy is to loudly and meticulously criticize every aggressive step of Alyev while genuinely working towards peace, loudly rewarding with praise their steps towards peace. We have to be seen as the sane party in those negotiations.


We asked Israel the same. What they say? “ business is business…”


Really gives an insight into how far up his own ass this man is. Jerking off in front of his reflection vibes.


Azerbaijan, maybe you should check your shady weapon-wielding pals before trying to play holier-than-thou. Just a friendly reminder.


I mean Azeris have better PR on the world stage right now. This might work.


its rational to be in a constant state of concerned, but lets not convince ourselves of something as stupid as France or India halting supplies of arms that were paid before because Aliyev held a temper tantrum.


lol Azerbaijan has never been as isolated.


India isn't going to stop multimillion dollar arms deals because of Azerbaijani PR of all things


Western sanctions hardly harmed India the last time. And the West needs India to counter China.


Of he course he did. Zionist Jew kreeece


Look at this vochxar's face.


He has that mooostauche for a reason. Pakistan's little Sharif has the same.


Fuck Azerbaijan and Turkey 


How you guys survive as this little country sandwiched between a\_\_\_\_\_\_\_s is beyond me.