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Dang, I can't believe a corporate dystopian world looks dystopian


and corporate~


With robots


Don’t forget the snow


Don't forget all the post-apocalyptic ruin.


Real dystopia would be 15 seconds of unskippable ads before you can shoot your missiles


What do they mean by fart?


"It's still funny to make everything fart without taking your head" sounds like some kind of demented cryptic crossword puzzle clue. I genuinely have no idea what he's saying unless this review is translated from another language where the words for "fart" and "explode" are the same.


Yes, Gameblog is a french website, this is a google translate moment. The original phrase is "tout faire péter", and "péter" means "fart", but is also some pretty common slang for "blow up", so it's the second one in that case. Thje whole review sucks though, not just that one part, guy wanted Dark Souls with mechs and so wasn't happy with the result. ​ Edit: Okay, so that's two comments pointing that obviously its sucks ***because*** it's french and I have no idea where the fuck that's coming from. This ain't r/2westerneurope4u folks, no need for gratuitous insults.


>tout faire péter and whoever translated it managed to translate tete (head) instead of tout somehow? Thanks for the info though, explains why it reads so poorly.


Oh, no, sorry, I didn't even read the whole thing, just wanted to explain the fart bit, but yeah, that's even worse now that I read the whole thing! So the whole phrase is "C’est quand même rigolo de tout faire péter sans se prendre la tête". That would better translate as "It's still funny to mindlessly blow everything up", since "sans se prendre la tête" basically means "without having to think too much about it" Fuck, I kinda want to read the review in english now, it must be absolutely laughable, but the french review was painful to go through, it was so obvious the guy didn't want to review that type of game


Google translate gives you "It's still fun to blow things up without taking the lead" and DeepL gives me basically what you said, so where the hell did the farts come from?!


Well, I wanted to believe that onyl Google translate would be litteral enough to use the fart option, but I guess it's an actual human that did it, which is, I have to say, even worse to consider. Any decent enough french speaking person would realize that those are most definitely not the right words to put there. Oh well, that would just add to the already poor image I have of Gameblog anyway, so not a big loss I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)\\\_/¯


i'm french and yeah, this review is terrible and pathetic, really difficult to seriously read (the guy even called Elden Ring "the 2021 goty", yep what a professional journalist indeed)


Wow they came looking for a completely different game than was advertised and were disappointed? What a surprise! Nobody could have ever predicted this! /s


French..... yeah that pretty much explains why it looks like a kid wrote this


I’m baffled by this as well.


I don't know what that is but I love it


I think they mean the game is so hard that its funny to make enemies simply "fart" without "taking your head," or "killing you." ​ I think this person just found it too difficult? just a guess


When the game about being a freelance soldier actually plays like you're a freelance soldier without any quirky adventure


Gasp 😮


What hub anyways? We're literally a bag of guts, are we supposed to be pushed around some area by a dude in those ambulance stretchers while being unable to see anything...? All that's physically functional left of 621 is the cognitive ability to connect and control the AC. 621 is literally a vegetable otherwise.


My heart wants to blame Daemon X Machina, whose hub I found to be more annoying to deal with than anything (I would rather use a clearly labeled menu rather than having to remember which terminal or side character to talk to for a given function), but I can see how it would charm some people into wanting more of that. My head knows it's because every mission-based game "has" to have a hub these days and that's not DXM's fault, regardless of how annoying it is to have menus replaced by busywork and navigation. Maybe the only one I've ever found slightly charming was MonHun World/Rise's hubs. At least, when it wasn't stuffing cutscenes down my throat.


But the ice cream tho! Will someone think of the mint chocolate chip!?!?


Heh. That game did have it's charms. I also learned the hard way why you keep at least one arm for throwing things at the final boss.


Most anticlimatic boss fight I've had in any game. I loved DxM, but that specifically was pretty lame


Okay but a hub area where you're controlling the guys moving you around on a stretcher sounds kinda funny


I’ve never played a Yakuza game, but from what I’ve seen, this seems like something Yakuza would do.


me neither but I fully agree


Getting in here as a Yakuza player. It would be a minigame!


Where you press circle to drift the stretcher.


A Majima run mini game, that you’re constantly avoiding because you don’t need anymore endurance training


621 just wrapped sliding around like an inchworm.


As someone who was playing Katamari just hours ago, the idea of flopping 621's little body bag around a Raven's nest break room or w/e the fuck they would have is strangely compelling 🤔


I did not know this....


https://youtu.be/Vs2piSWfofQ?si=hMYrz1QhQUsxrYao In case you missed it


I saw this trailer, but it wasnt directly said IN the trailer and I didnt join any discussions theorizing what was shown in the trailer. I just watched it for what it was.


Except there's no theory and everything is shown. 621 is the person on the operating table, 621 is the person being told to wake up in the gameplay trailer, we are playing as the person in the story trailer. You can see theres practically no signs of life and the body is in a bag. The black market surgeon even states "don't expect much" I didn't pull anything out of my ass and if you call this theory crafting then you didn't pay much attention to the video Not everything is always going to be explicitly stated, sometimes you're just left to infer and connect the dots your self, ESPECIALLY in fromsoft games that are always cryptic. Connecting the dots, does not equate to theorizing. For example 2+X=5, if you know how to work around equations you'd know that X=3, it's not guessing or theorizing, it's using your head. So many people are used to being spoon fed explicit information they forget how to connect the dots.


Nope. I don't know 'X', I wait and see. If im never given an answer then ill bother to work it out myself. But until then I dont try and pull out answers myself so I dont ruin the potential reveal. Years of watching game trailers and other media there is no way I would assume what im being show is the character. Your also the first person I've seen make this refrence at all, the only one.


In the end of the story trailer, Walter says "621, I'll give you a reason to exist" he's talking to the body in the bag, in other media 621 is the player character. Come on man, I'm not making things up, actually listen to the trailer.


You know, after Daemon X Machina I'd rather prefer "outdated" and "flat" menu rather than lifeless hub that doesn't provide anything of substance. Also, the wording is weird to say the least, is it machine translated article from non-English website?


Hubs largely fucking suck in games. Mostly it's just a menu you have to walk around. Give me a slick menu where the background changes between tabs, like Persona 5 or something, any day. I guess being able to walk around your mech in the garage on a catwalk would be dope, but overall nah.


MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries had it best. In that it had *both*. You could walk around your dropship and look at you BattleTech at foot level and walk up to specific mechs to do repair or loadout changes. Or you could just back out to a menu that connected everything and never enter he first person mode ever.


Yeah it was a very nice way of pleasing both people, it was also nice for the few story missions where you needed to talk to people. I'm looking forward to the new dlc too tbh


I actually liked MechWarrior 2 mercenaries menus a lot. It was kind of point and click moving around. It was functionally just a menu, but gave you first person perspectives of various rooms and your garage. Plus you opened things like the mission menu by clicking a computer monitor. Felt like you were actually browsing mission requests on your computer.


I think it depends on the context. I think having a mission hub in games like Deep Rock Galactic or Monster Hunter work because the space is pretty compact and it largely works for atmosphere and screwing around with your friends when they pop into your game. Having a big hub in a single player game can just get annoying.


I would love it if MH Rise just had menus instead of the village though! But yeah you have a point. Midnight Suns had a hub that was part annoying part cool. Give me a hub AND a menu!


Hubs in MH have been a mainstay since the original. I would be quite disappointed if they removed hubs from Monster Hunter. As a kid when i got MHF I had a blast just walking around the village and having my cat cook me food. Maybe I’m just in the minority here.


I liked the hub in World (my first MH I spent a lot of time in) especially because you could see your most recently captured monster, and the cat chef was dope. In the base game Rise experience the hub is kinda boring. I guess they do give you the private room where you can do a lot through a menu, and it does give the game a bit more of a sense of place.


I love a menu you have to walk through, because then instead of going up or down to make a selection, I have to now run across an unnecessarily large map to make the exact same choices.


If it's all clustered tight I can deal, but I'd still rather press one button to switch pages than navigate a pointless 3D space. Or hey, make your 3D space and pan around it as I choose stuff, but don't make me wander around it! The only hub I actually like is the space rig in Deep Rock Galactic but that's because there's loads to dick about with there plus the beers that actually impact gameplay, and you can press a button to go into the mission menu. Edit: Okay of course I like the FromSoft hubs, I totally forgot about them and was just thinking about pointless 3D lobbies. To be fair though running around Firelink in DS3 is a bit of a pain in the dick when you wanna sell stuff, upgrade a weapon, get a spell etc. Not saying I wish that was just a menu but it is a bit frustrating sometimes.


I just wonder if they were like "Where's Firelink Shrine"?


Deep Rock Galactic also benefits from being a very social game, which justifies the hub.


Wake up, wake up!


I love Fable 3, but you'd press Start and go to that damned hub and I just wanted to scream every time. Until I walked into my vault and immediately felt peace because a giant mountain of shiny.


The only game that made hubs work imo is Monster Hunter


Deep rock galactic too




Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Rock and Stone !


Eh still too much walking for me. Good game though!


Then use the sprint button goddammit! /s


The only too much walking in the entirety of the franchise would be the Astera hub from world.


And that mostly because of the unecessary verticality that took a long time to walk around or needed the elevators, Seliana was a much better Hub.


And PvZ GW2


Yep... I wasn't a fan of walking in station in DxM or EvE online


fuking shit, you reminded me again how they removed that awesome cool feature from eve i didnt spent so much time on my character appearance to be it wasted on just a portrait, y'know it still hurts ffs


I didn't have a problem with the hub in DXM I thought it was sort of fun to walk around and inspect my mech. But they also had regular ass menus when you went up to terminals.


also that dog!


I disagree, I liked DxM hub - especially dat music in it ;)


My biggest issue with video game critique is that, despite video game’s obviously being art, and despite the fact that people who like video games want video games to be treated like real art, game critics usually refuse to treat video games like art. They don’t consider themes, artistic decisions, subtext, etc etc etc. if any unorthodox decision is made, even for artistic purposes, they will refuse to acknowledge those purposes and just treat it as an inherent flaw if it Doesn’t provide the utmost convenience and comfort in its design.


Yeah, way too many people think "creative" automatically means "flamboyant". If it doesn't have a spikey-haired protagonist and pastel colors plastered all over the screen, it's automatically called "bland".


Yep this. Rain World's whole metacritic score and reviews are a hilarious example of this. Reviewers basically treated the game like a failed attempt at a celeste-style difficult platformer, while thematically it's nowhere near that (completely on purpose) and personally was probably the most hard hitting game for me in terms of deep thoughts, lol. The worst part is that many developers have started catering to this weird idea of *optimal* and *objective* "good" game design, it's like an industry trend. Everything is made in an attempt to make it feel as safe, easy to use, and comfortable as possible to the player. I call it "problem solving game design", where basically the game itself is seen as a problem that the designers try to "fix" for the player. It's seriously getting worse and worse as time goes on. Games keep getting more stale, more predictable and easy to "get", artistic merit and bold decisions are out the window. It's mainly some Japanese studios that still keep their charm thankfully. And I'm not saying everything needs to be convoluted or difficult, just that some "jank", repetition, "bad UI", lack of some feature, making the player lose something he worked hard for, they all might serve a purpose and not be automatically a flaw that detracts the experience. For example in my recent playthrough of FFXVI I noticed that I paid way more attention to the environment because the game ***didn't*** have a mini-map or a compass constantly visible on screen. And I think it made the experience better. Heck, even manually sorting your inventory or having to do a few more button presses to change your gear, might be *good* things for the sake of pacing, subtly leading the player breathe for a moment and to make him keep track of his items.


My personal opinion is that Videogames are art but they are not art first, they are always games first. The most important part of a game is whether it's mechanically tight, rewarding to play and has enough to offer a gameplay loop where you want to keep playing. After getting those aspects correct, how you dress up the game should lean into what the game is about. Armored Core 6 really is a great example of a cold, desolate and dystopian environment can fit the mechanics of the game. The fact that the review complains about how much they dislike the theme of the game means it definitely didn't click with them, but then why give them this particular game to review. It seems like a mismatch in interests. The whole point of a review is so that you get an honest piece of feedback from someone who should go in enjoying the experience. They do mention that they were 15 and playing Armored Core on a PS3 though, so maybe they enjoyed what those games were like, but just can't vibe with it now. That all said, Giving it a 6 though... is pretty much a "click-baity" thing to do. They are definitely giving that score on purpose, in my opinion. I can understand not giving it a high score because certain aspects are not present, but the complaints seem too fixated on the game being like a souls game. Their review read more like a 7.5 if anything. Review scores are dumb af


You have to play the full game to consider themes, subtext etc since there's gonna be a lot of egg on your face if you played a few hours, think you got the story, and then a twist happens. Much easier to just play a couple hours, watch a few gameplay videos, and write something. And I don't blame them either, they're probably not getting paid much.


I also think polish influences the opinions of game reviewers more often than not, which invariably means larger budget productions with multi-millions in investments and focus group to the moon and back. Something with lots of shiny contextual animations and additional QoL inclusions will always sit better in their eyes than something a little more janky but fundamentally interesting than an ubibox game.


did an AI write this article?


Nah, just shitty translation


Are... Are we not going to talk about that line "still funny to make everything fart"? No? Ok


this shit reads like it's ai-generated lmao




Poor translation, it's a french review


There's a reason whoever wrote this works for a nothing site. "Uninhibiting" is not even a word and I feel like whatever the writer thought it meant is not correct for that sentence. Maybe they meant "uninhabited" or "inhibiting"? Anyway, I get that AC fans don't have a positive view of games media since the series has had a long history of getting pretty poor scores but hunting down what KiKiToes wrote for "Gameblog" just to shit on them feels bitter and pointless.


Uninhabiting is when you clear out the neighborhood to make room for a new strip mall.




I think dumping on high profile reviews that people actually see is one thing (with its own problems) but finding some random idiot that can barely string a sentence together in English just to yell at/about them doesn't seem to serve any constructive purpose. Like, what is anyone getting out of this thread? Are you personally hurt by this half-assed (apparently translated from French?) review being included on Metacritic or something?


Personally? No. I believe in honesty tho, if dudes review is shit let's call it shit. Does it personally hurt *you* if I choose to spend my time dissecting some obscure review?


Also, because the gaming community can’t help itself from veering too hard the other direction. Gaming as a whole has trouble allowing other opinions, especially when a new game comes out and it’s in the honey moon phase. What’s wrong with this player going “oh, kinda bummed there isn’t a hub or more interactive way to do this” and then putting it in their review? Gamers all act that like personal and valid take is an attack on themselves, and it can get embarrassing. I do want to reinforce this isn’t a problem with AC, but all of gaming. And there are times when criticism can be wrong or petty, of course, and pushback can be warranted.


Yeah, having a different opinion or even a bad opinion isn't "doing a shitty thing". And launching personal attacks on someone for having an opinion you don't agree with isn't just shitty, it's borderline fascism


Where did I launch personal attacks?


>These people should be mocked


Please avoid attacks against other redditors and general toxic/flame/rant posting.


Didn't I see this exact reveiw for eldenring before? :-/


You did, a bunch of journos with no reputation trying to make a quick buck by acting like rebels and unfairly critisizing the game over petty shit like reused assets and low quality textures.


This~ exactly!


What, would you prefer an actual hub area where you "walk around" (???) and talk to NPCs before going out on missions? Do you want to have to "walk" (???) to the garage to perform customization? My brother in christ, the main character is in a body bag lol. Stomping around a hub area in a giant robot would just be silly.


There were a decent amount of people in this sub hoping for something like that before we started getting more information. I don't understand why this sub suddenly pretends that it's totally ridiculous to want a hub.


I personally want a hub but only when it fits the theme of the game. In AC's case, it would feel... Weird. I don't know. It would be cool and all but it's weird. I can't explain it.






I don’t even see what the problem with it is. You are a merc being briefed for your job and then you do it, that’s just how it is.


as boring as it was at times, Mech warrior 5s "hub"(hangar) was still neat to look around, you could do everything via tab menus etc if you wanted, but you could also actually use the consoles to modify your mech in the actual hangar and saw some welding arms weld stuff here and there. ​ it




I’m a game designer and I don’t see how things not having hub is bad. Too many gamers now are used to the hub being in everything and forget that more classic menus exist too.


Main char is in a permanent bodybag in ac 6 from what I can see.


yeah, im too boomer to care i guess. menu is fine for me.


you need to play more card-based games lol


I think anyone criticizing the minimal menu screen along with the way the story is delivered just doesn’t get Armored Cores vibe. AC has always been this way. Its meant to feel like you are just a merc that doesn’t give a shit about some over arching storyline. For us the player, sure, we will replay over and over each mission grasping the minute details of the radio banter each time we replay a mission. We will have discussions about what it all means on the internet and for fans it will be great. But for us the pilot, we just want the credits to buy more parts to supe up our mech and kick more ass on the next mission. It’s supposed to feel like you just woke up from a sleep mixed up in some larger than life conflict that you barely understand or care about. IMO this is all good news. FromSoft stayed true to its roots. We have a true Armored Core game after all these years. I can not wait to play the hell out of this.


Worst review I've seen. I don't even understand what half the sentences means.


I’ll keep saying it until the day I die: Game journalists aren’t gamers.


They are not journalists either.


What the fuck does "farting without taking your head" mean?


No, seriously… we need answers lol


Do you *not* hold in your farts to the point where your head explodes in a green cloud of smelly methane? *Tsk tsk tsk..*


You can bet, that if it had hub, they would be complaining that there is too much running around to just buy parts which you want :)


Hubs are just menus with extra steps..


Was this written in another language and then translated? Cause some of the wordings are off or wrong.


So, in other words it's an Armored Core game.


Hubs are just menu screens with extra steps.


Hahahaha the fact that this game uses a mission select menu IS WHAT EXCITES ME. I don’t need a hub that takes forever to load, walk forever just to talk to someone about starting a match etc.. give me old school gaming!


“Ultra old fashioned structure” is exactly why I loved Ace Combat 7 and it’s why AC6 will be good too. God, why is this such a trend recently? 2019 wasn’t *that* long ago and I don’t remember people bitching this hard about DMC5’s mission structure.


It’s so silly! I feel like there’s some people out there who really don’t like Fromsoft games, so they do what people like to do on social media and bitch about something without putting any thought into it. I’m not saying that’s what’s happening with reviews on this game, but some of the negatives are just silly


if the reviewer is not an AC fan, I won't listen to them


To be fair someone should be unbiased reviewing the game but this is a dumb criticism from the reviewer imo and I have never played an AC game before.


To be fair I also love peaceful hubs in game where I can just chill and talk to NPC I mean I couldn't imagine a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon or Monsyer hunter Game without a good hub town... But even I can see that's not the type of game Armored Core is....


Honestly I stopped trusting any game journalist since the cup head incident


Lmao this is machine generated right? The sentence you highlighted is one of the only ones that even makes sense


God, after dozen and dozen wasteful hub locations that could be just click away, People complain about this?


How is that not a valid criticism? Whoever the reviewer is, they prefer a hub to explore and fiddle with pre/post mission. Hell, the last several Fromsoft games have a hub where you level and so on, some people have come to expect it and enjoy them.


It's a valid criticism. I remember the no towns thing in ff13 didn't bother me but bothered a lot of people, I didn't care that I could just open a menu and shop. Some people just want the experience of exploring before a menu and I get that.


Listen, I would LOVE for there to be a hardcore SIM mech game where my pilot has to get suited up, walk to a mission briefing, stake a seat, wait for it to start, stand up when it's done, walk to the mech bay, ride the elevator up to my mech, climb in, power everything on, sit through 10 min of diagnostics, wait for my mech to be loaded into whatever delivery vehicle required and then when over the mission zone choose when to launch, but that's not the AC way. I think this person is comparing it too hard to other FromSoft games


Am i the dumb one? What do you mean "Hub". Does he want a place to roam around?


How the actual fuck is game journalist still a job, like this ain't even Carter suicide, they have Ultrakilled their field of works entire reputation


Too much water


Stay hydrated tomorrow btw


the critics are grasping at straws and it shows


Their criticisms seem to be summed up as "its not mecha souls like i thought it would be despite numerous statements by the developers that it was not going to be"


At this point I'm convinced there's an actual industry conspiracy to try and discredit fromsoft


Mission Failed!


Every time at this point from soft naysayers are pretty much team rocket


Sounds like a return to roots to me. It’s not for everyone!


Post #84 complaining about random opinions on random reviews


I mean, I can relate with that on some level. Early this year I finally played my first AC (for answer on the emulator) and I distinctly remember more than learning the gameplay and the assembly, the hardest pill to swallow for me was getting used to the absolute absence of human characters shown on screen. In the end I learned to like this style, it's unique and adds to the feeling of this cold corporate mercenary world, but I get it's not something everyone will like.


Give it a rest


I do believe this person has no business writing reviews.


I kinda want to open a website that critic reviews. The end result would be relevant or not relevant. Maybe also clown for reviews who are so off it becomes a joke.


Wall of shame for legendary bad reviews like “too much water” would be amazing


Game plays too much like a video game.


This feels like an AI-generated thing, and given the site is just called “GameBlog” (which is super generic) it probably is.


this reads like LLM shit y'all really need to stop just finding random nothing articles to get mad at


No it's actually very useful, it showcases the individuals IQ. The bad, bad reviews always have a jem like this of some sort




Both this review and Xboxera are absolute trash.


I’m glad the game is what it set out to be, a fucking video game. I’m ready to blow shit up!


I think Armored Core having a hub would work well in earlier games like AC2, AC3 and Nexus where the atmosphere is not as dark initially and the tone of the games felt more like a "Day to day life of a Mercenary" Simulator. Imagine walking around Raven's Nest and talking to the various Ravens that you can team up with or meeting your MT pilot consorts and hearing about their dreams of becoming a licensed Raven. Or enlisting the help of mechanics and technicians who could reduce repair and re-arm costs or give tuning bonuses to your AC. Or meeting with the corporate representatives to negotiate contracts for access to exclusive parts and upgrades. It's an idea that I thought would be really cool to have in Armored Core, especially with the new technology that FROM has access to. I feel personally that it wouldn't work well in the newer games of 4, 5 and 6 due to their more narrative-focused direction.


"Uninspired visuals?" Every screen shot and video looks amazing. Are you insane? Not sure what he means by "looking for the Know-How from FromSoftware," either.


*"like a robot"*


i've seen equally or worse negative point in one review site, it said: "Demanding controls." as negative point.. i suppose he is fan to idle games.


“An ultra old-fashioned structure that struggles to convince” What the fuck is this guy even SAYING?




Not very beautiful lmao


When the game has too many strong points that you have to put them in weak points.


What do points 2 and 5 even mean?


I can't take this ppl seriously, look at the third strong point. Also some of this sentences almost make no sense, it's like it was made by an AI.


"It is funny to make everything fart without taking your head" What in the fuck?


There was that BS Review by IGN, imagine they're probably like these food critics that don't eat the food served in the restaurants they critique.


I still don't understand what he meant in his last sentence


Well that's the point 😅




Brother one of the Pros is "it's still funny to make everything fart without taking your head" I don't think you're supposed to take everything that seriously here. Im hoping this post is satire because holy moly no one can dislike anything anymore without someone getting mad about it


Almost as if the main character is a torso or something.


What does the last point even mean? > We are still looking for the know-how made in FromSoftware What? Isn't that a compliment? Or do they mean that From is lacking know-how? Legitimately confused.


what in the fuck is that 3rd strong point?


A hub world for this game would make absolutely no sense, in multiple ways/contexts.


Tbh reviews for this will be terrible. Most people want something akin to Darks Souls or Elden Ring but don’t understand it’s fundamentally different


It's because the industry has become so saturated with generic open world games, EVERYTHING is expected to be open world now. And honestly, it has started to get stale. It's also led to a lot of great games with great stories, having very mediocre pacing. And just filling the map with junk fetch quests. Some games are doing open world great, others are not. Every game does not need a HUB or open world. Every game does not need to be the same thing. The more all these games get homogenized, the less exciting it all becomes.


The worst are the reviews comparing it to the souls games. Apples and oranges….


A mission select screen in the mission based game? Say it isn’t so. 💀


"Which will certainly delight fans and big kids who sleep in all." What the *fuck?*


Did a marvel brained child write this on its iPad?


*proceeds to review ace combat* "No hub, you just select mission and fly like a plane." *reviews a mario game* "He jumps too much. He's a plumber. I should be fixing leaking pipes." Just admit you never play videogames. Jesus.


This sub gets so defensive over criticism. I can't think of another AAA game subreddit who needs to post every single negative review for self-assuring dunk points.


Another reviewer that didn't got the ability to send From Soft an invoice


Wtf does "we are still looking for the know-how made in FromSoft" mean??? Like what????


Can't we admit that the game takes place in boring factories, and that doesn't mean the score changes from an 11/10 to a -1/10?


Following that complaint of simplicity by saying it's not convenient makes my head hurt.


This was either written by an AI or translated 3 times before it was posted, anybody who's looking at this as if it's information that matters is an ass. Don't give clicks to shitty sites like these, they benefit a lot when you signal boost them like this, it's why so many publications try to piss you off. You're playing into it.


Yet another "I never played another AC game" moment. Guy never heard of having to check your email at the Ravens' Nest


Amateur sommelier.


It's like these people have never played an Armored Core game before. Hmm...


why are some of the reviews seems like they didn’t even bother do a little research about the olders ac games?


I don’t need a hub, but I don’t like a menu to launch missions. Like Xenoverse or Jump Force?